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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • What is a natural backlink? is it a backlink that someone gave a site for their great content? (this is what my common sense tells me) and this is what someone else's opinion is: No, quality backlinks are the one which are highly relevant, is from a high <acronym title="PageRank">PR</acronym> page. However, a natural backlink is the one which is within the body of the page, which is surrounded by relevant text, you can also call it a contextual link. Except links which are placed on a resource page which have no content in it and links which are placed under blogroll etc. this dosent even make sense to me : )

    | SEODinosaur

  • Hi guys. We're in the process of building a new site, and are using a lot of icon based linking, image linking, etc. There is some basic text linking here and there, but not a whole lot. My concern is, because I'm not using actual anchor text, but just images, that crawlers are going to have a more difficult time determining what pages are about. Do I have a valid concern, or am I just worrying about nothing? If this concern is valid, what is the best way to remedy this concern? Alt img tags?

    | CodyWheeler

  • I need backlinks for my site, and several places inform that directories are a good place. But they charge for the inclusion. Should I pay? This is a blackhat situation where I'm buying for links?

    | Naghirniac

  • We are trying to optimise our SERP snippet in Google to increase CTR, but we have this horrid "Results 1 - 20 of 47" in the description. We feel this gets in the way of the message and so wish to remove it, but how?? Any ideas apart from removing the paging from the page?

    | speedyseo

  • The latest article I'm writing for my site is "Friends With Benefits Rules"... So the first part of my question is, what does SEOMoz advocate as being the ideal # of times to include the entire key phrase in the article? I know nobody but Google knows for certain, but is 4 (including in H1's etc.) generally considered enough, other than in the page title? Second part is, what is the consensus about how important is it to stick to the exact keyword? For the example I gave, is it just as good to include a comma, E.g. "...friends with benefits, rules..." or a hyphen "Friends with Benefits - Rules for..."? One thing I'm unclear about on this topic is stop words and plurals. I've been told before that Google ignores stop words, but results for searches with or without the word "how," for example produce very different results... Same thing with plurals. In any case, all of the above is assuming that the quality of the content would not be affected in either case...

    | corp0803

  • Hi everyone 🙂 I seriously hope you can come up with an idea to a solution for the problem below, cause I am kinda stuck 😕 Situation: A client of mine has a webshop located on a hosted server. The shop is made in a closed CMS, meaning that I have very limited options for changing the code. Limited access to pagehead and can within the CMS only use JavaScript and HTML. The only place I have access to a server-side language is in the root where a Defualt.asp file redirects the visitor to a specific folder where the webshop is located. The webshop have 2 "languages"/store views. One for normal browsers and google-bot and one for mobile browsers and google-mobile-bot.In the default.asp (asp classic). I do a test for user agent and redirect the user to one domain or the mobile, sub-domain. All good right? unfortunately not. Now we arrive at the core of the problem. Since the mobile shop was added on a later date, Google already had most of the pages from the shop in it's index. and apparently uses them as entrance pages to crawl the site with the mobile bot. Hence it never sees the default.asp (or outright ignores it).. and this causes as you might have guessed a huge pile of "Dub-content" Normally you would just place some user-agent detection in the page head and either throw Google a 301 or a rel-canon. But since I only have access to JavaScript and html in the page head, this cannot be done. I'm kinda running out of options quickly, so if anyone has an idea as to how the BEEP! I get Google to index the right domains for the right devices, please feel free to comment. 🙂 Any and all ideas are more then welcome.

    | ReneReinholdt

  • My internet service provider has an option to let Apache compress site information. They give you two options: compress all content or  compress only the MIME type specific. This is good for SEO?

    | Naghirniac

  • My website is in portuguese. If I make a english version and include it at, it will increase my overall page rank?

    | Naghirniac

  • I want to build a forum, and I was wondering, can anyone please help me find an open source platform for building it? I want it to be custom and I want to create my own rules. Also I want this forum to be about all topics, is that going to be an issue?

    | SEODinosaur

  • We launched our website just three weeks ago, and one of our primary keyword phrases is "e-business consultants". Here's what I don't get. Our home page is the page most optimized around this search phrase. Using SEOmoz On-Page Optimization tool, the home page scores an "A". And yet it doesn't rank in the top 50 on Google Canada, although two other INTERNAL pages - & / - rank 5 & 6 on Google Canada, even though they only score a grade "C" for on-page optimization for this keyword phrase. I've always understood that the home page is the most powerful page. Why are these others outranking it? I checked the crawl and Google Webmaster, and there is no obvious problem on the home page. Is this because the site is so new? It goes against all previous experience I've had in similar situation. Any guidance/ insight would be highly appreciated!!

    | axelk

  • If I use a Domain Name with a Numeric Digit, would it in any way harm the SEO and Google Ranking of my page? This Question is only from point of view of SEO

    | KaranBatra

  • Dear SeoMozzers, I have a question related to one of the sites I have recently changed the URL, going from to I did 301 redirects, as I was recommended to do. In the past month I have noticed an incredible drop in Google's rankings for many keywords and checking the crawling errors appearing in the SEO Crawling Report I have witnessed mayhem with Canonical/301 redirect types of errors. Now, things seem a little better. I have noticed a reduction in the number of 301 and Canonical type or errors (by the way, I still do not get the Canonical issue :-)). My little questions are the following: Will I ever go back to the positions I used to occupy before I redesigned the site's URL structure? I have now noticed that the SeoMoz Crawling report show "404 Staus" errors and one "505 Status" error. Can somebody please tell me how to fix the 404 Status Errors? Can I fix them by myself, or maybe I can ask the guys at the web hosting company, since I am really bad at taking care of technical issues? Thank you for the time you took to clarify my doubts. Ad maiora, Sal

    | salvyy

  • Looking to load a one page product view instead of 10 pages of pagination. Does google read ajax and see all 10 pages as 1 page.

    | Archers

  • Say i have a website for a small business...but that business is expanding into neighboring areas.  I still want to have it SEO optimized for keywords in the neighboring towns but I do not want to have to redo the whole website.  Is there a way to do this without having google penalyze me for having duplicate content? I mean i know i can create a landing page www.mysite/newtown but whos to say the reader wont click the logo and go to the home page and gets navigated to and get confused because its not the same info or its talking about the original town the business started.  I hope this makes sense...thanks for the help! I see that craigslist uses the so im wondering if this is the answer??

    | dcstover1

  • Hey all, I'm looking to implement Schema tagging for a local business and am unsure of whether to use "Physician" or "Person" for a handful of doctors. Though "Physician" seems like it should be the obvious answer, states that it should refer to "A doctor's office" instead of a physician. The properties used in "Physician" seem to apply to a physician's practice, and not an actual physician. Properties are sourced from the "Thing", "Place", "Organization", and "LocalBusiness" schemas, so I'm wondering if "Person" might be a more appropriate implementation since it allows for more detail (affiliations, awards, colleagues, jobTitle, memberOf), but I wanna make sure I get this right. Also, I'm wondering if the "Physician" schema allows for properties pulled from the "Person" schema, which I think would solve everything. For reference: Thanks, everyone! Let me know how off-base my strategy is, and how I might be able to tidy it up.

    | mudbugmedia

  • Hi, I work for a site that focuses on providing health information through videos. We would like to add French subtitles (because we're in Canada) so I'm looking into software that would allow us to add them to our videos. I have no experience with this sort of thing, so I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on the best type of software to use? Thanks! E

    | erinhealthchoices

  • Hello all. Could someone have a look at my page here here and tell me why I have a canonical problem.

    | AshJez

  • I know that branded searches are a large component of whether sites were hit by Panda or not, and I wonder if moving forward, I should always include the name of my site (domain) in the name of the product. For example, if I have a product with a unique name such as 'history maps' should I change the name to include my brand name, i.e '[domain] history maps'? Or, if users search for the  unique product name, is that sufficient?

    | nicole.healthline

  • We are looking for best practices for multi-language seo. We are interested in any books, message boards or blogs that you can recommend. Thanks.

    | FareCompare

  • Hi, I own an e-commerce marketplace where the products are sold by 3rd party sellers and purchased by end users. My problem is that whenever a new product is added the search engine crawls the website and it ranks the new page on 4th page. when I start optimizing it to gain better rankings in search engines the product goes out of stock and the rankings drop to below 100. To counter that I started showing other related products on the "Out of Stock" pages but even then the rankings are dropping. Can someone help me with this problem?

    | RuchiPardal

  • Dearest SEOmozzers, I am creating WordPress blogs and I would like to know from a WordPress expert how to better optimize the homepage of a site. In particular, I'd like to know how to create an SEO-friendly homepage that I want to optimize for certain keywords. Do you think that it is better to show on the homepage the posts that I write, which change constantly, or a static, well-optimized text that will include the keywords I want to rank for? I have been naively using the changing posts, but after an analysis of the competitors I have noticed that most of them use a static text and show only the most recent post at the bottom of the page. I'd really appreciate it if you could let me know the best practice to adopt to optimize the site. Thank you. Sal

    | salvyy

  • Regarding the anchor-text api, there is no definition for *imr on the wiki: Text API ie. returns "[{"apuimr":5.422834471373288e-12},{"apuimr":4.785130890652429e-13},{"apuimr":2.922901387480201e-09}]" What is *imr?

    | sycorr

  • I recently updated all the Meta titles, descriptions and keywords on my website because in the past most were duplicate and/or written in the incorrect language. According to Webmaster Tools they have indexed our site post update, but we still have the same number of HTML issues.  When I click to investigate the issues further it is clear they are reflecting the old Meta not the new stuff we just added. Should this fix itself the next time Google crawls my site or is there something else I should be doing about the issue? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • My site was ranked very well in the UK & US for multiple keywords but we changed hosting from the US to Spain and since then the rankings in the US & UK have dropped between 5 to 35 positions on all keywords and are showing no signs of returning 3 weeks later. What can be causing this? The site was down for about 3 to 5 hours a few days before we transferred hosting (this is why we changed hosting due to the previous hosting being down too often). It does seem as though the new location of the hosting server seems to be affecting rankings but I need confirmation on this or any other ideas why the rankings may have dropped. Thanks in advance

    | authoritysitebuilder

  • My website has about 5000 pages submitted in the sitemap but only 900 being indexed.  When I checked Google Webmaster Tools about a week ago 4500 pages were being indexed. Any suggestions about what happened or how to fix it? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • Hi All A question regarding multiple sites in the same niche... If I have say 10 sites all targetting the same niche yet all on different C-class IPs with different hosts, registrars, whois data and ages can I use the same template, or will Google discern a pattern? Basically I have developed a WordPress template which I want to use on the sites albeit with different logos / brand colours. NB/ All of the 10 sites will have unique, original content and they will NOT be interlinked

    | danielparry

  • The site ranks on page 4-5 with other page like privacy, about us, term pages. I encounter this problem allot in the last weeks; this usually occurs after the page sits 1-2 months on page 1 for the terms. I'm thinking of to much use the same anchor as a primary issue. The sites in questions are 1-5 pages microniche sites. Any suggestions is appreciated. Thank You

    | m3fan

  • I'm trying to figure out what to do with our sitemap situation. We have a magento install for our shopping cart
    and a wordpress install on In Magento we get the XML sitemap manually by going to Catalog => Google Sitemap => Add Sitemap In wordpress we use Google XML sitemaps plugin. My questions are: Do I need both of these sitemaps? Or can I use one or the other? If I use both, do I make one sitemap1.xml and the other sitemap2.xml and drop them in the root? How do I make sure google knows I have 2 sitemaps? Anything else I should know? Thank You

    | chrishansen

  • Does having a file type on the end of a url affect rankings (example VS

    | JHSpecialty

  • Google has done a crawl of my site and is flagging up duplicate titles on my wordpress site. This appears to be due to the face that some posts are tagged in more than one category. I have just gone to make sure that each post just has one category and add redirects and I've noticed that all the duplicate title issues google has notified me about appear to redirect anyway. For example: and have duplicate titles apparantly but the 1st url redirects to the 2nd one. I use the redirection plug in but have no redirection set up for that url so I'm a bit confused. And if they're redirecting anyway then why is google flagging up duplicate titles? Any help would be much appreciated.

    | SamCUK

  • Hey There, We're planning to target multiple keywords in a single page.. they keywords are definitely related and to an extent could be considered as synonyms.. We have a few questions as to how to optimize the page for on page and off page. On Page Do we mention all the targeted keywords on the page? At a maximum we could mention the keywords once..of course want to give out relevant and quality content and do not want to focus on keyword density How do we optimize the URL structure? For ex... We have keywords aa, ab and ac, where a is the base keyword Is it a good option to to have a URL structure like How do we go about mentioning the targeted keywords in meta description.. We've read the articles at SEOMoz.. but would want opinions What about HI, H2 and H3 Tags? how do we go about optimizing these Off Page While using off page we will of course vary our anchor text with the multiple keywords... this will make it look natural. Will we manage to rank for the multiple keywords (if we vary anchor text) that we're targeting if our backlinking method are strong? Thank you all for your inputs and responses...

    | elagaan

  • Hi Guys, I have a site that ranks quite well in a very competitive vertical and the company is now planning to do a site relaunch. SEO is very important to them and all of the sites within in the top 10 have the primary keyword in the urls example search: key1 key2 key1key2/ Our site is the only one that is positioned within the top 10 without the keyword in the url and homepage only listing so the top 10 result looks like search: key1 key2 key1key2/ Currently we do not have a separate landing page for the target keyword hence why link building is focused on the homepage. As part of the consultation, I recommended we create a landing page for our primary keyword so we get  **  **and shift the on-page keyword balance towards this page. the hope is, we get search: key1 key2 key1key2/ Would Google simply replace my current domain only list  for the most relevant url  for a term? Does anyone have any experience with this? Or would  i need to build links into the new url for the change to take place. what i'm hoping for and expecting, is for somthing like this to happen

    | VividLime

  • I have a website that was likely hit by Panda or some other algorithm change. The hit finally occurred in September of 2011. In December my developer set the following meta tag on all pages that do not have unique content: name="robots" content="NOINDEX" /> It's been 2 months now and I feel I've been patient, but Google is still showing 10,000+ pages when I do a search for site: I am looking for a quicker solution. Adding this many pages to the robots.txt does not seem like a sound option. The pages have been removed from the sitemap (for about a month now). I am trying to determine the best of the following options or find better options. 301 all the pages I want out of the index to a single URL based on the page type (location and product). The 301 worries me a bit because I'd have about 10,000 or so pages all 301ing to one or two URLs. However, I'd get some link juice to that page, right? Issue a HTTP 404 code on all the pages I want out of the index. The 404 code seems like the safest bet, but I am wondering if that will have a negative impact on my site with Google seeing 10,000+ 404 errors all of the sudden. Issue a HTTP 410 code on all pages I want out of the index. I've never used the 410 code and while most of those pages are never coming back, eventually I will bring a small percentage back online as I add fresh new content. This one scares me the most, but am interested if anyone has ever used a 410 code. Please advise and thanks for reading.

    | NormanNewsome

  • I'm doing some work on and would like some tips to avoid keyword stuffing for the term "flight simulator" on this page. Currently, there are about 42 occurrences of the term "flight simulator" on this page - which is above the SEOmoz 15 term recommended limit. However, looking at the page - they have used the term fairly and it doesn't appear that "inappropriate". Could you guys have a look and let me know your thoughts?  What can be done?  Where can the repetitions be removed from without hurting internal SEO? Also, from an SEO standpoint how could we improve the site menu?  For example, if  the word "downloads" were removed from the Downloads-->FSX Downloads, FS2004 Downloads, X-Plane Downloads menu (for example just FSX, FS2004, X-Plane) to remove repetition of the phrase - would engines understand that those are "Downloads" because of it being under the "Downloads" drop down list? Your thoughts, suggestions and ideas are greatly appreciated.

    | Peter264

  • I have a site that has been affected by Panda, and I think I have finally found the problem. When I created this site in the year 2006, I bought content without checking it. Recently, when I went through the site I found out that this content had many duplicates around the web. Not 100% exact, but close to. The first thing I did is ask my best writer to rewrite these topics, as they are a must on my site. This is a very experienced writer, and she will make the categories and subpages outstanding. Second thing I did was putting a NOINDEX, FOLLOW robots meta in place for the pages I determined being bad. They haven't been de-indexed yet. Another thing I recently did is separate other languages and move these over to other domains (with 301's redirecting the old locations to the new.) This means that the site now has a /en/ directory in the URL which is no longer used. With this in mind I was thinking to relocate the NEW content, and 301 the old (to preserve the juice for a while.) For example: 301 to The benefits of doing this are: decreasing the amounts of directories in the URL getting rid of pages that are possibly causing trouble getting fresh pages added to the site Now, the advice I am looking for is basically this: Do you agree with the above? Or don't you agree? If you don't, please be so kind to include a reason with your answer. If you do, and have any additional information, or would like to discuss, please go ahead 🙂 Thanks, Giorgio PS: Is it proven that Panda is now a running update? Or is it still periodically executed?

    | VisualSense

  • It looks like google has done a pretty deep crawl of my site and is now showing around 40 duplicate content issues for posts that I have tagged in two seperate categories for example: I use the all in one SEO pack and have checked the no index for categories, archive, and tag archive boxes so google shouldn't even crawl this content should it? . I guess the obvious answer is to only put each post in one category but I shouldn't have to should I? Some posts are relevant in more than once category.

    | SamCUK

  • I realize the importance of keyword research and finding keywords where there IS demand and not TONS of competition and optimizing your title and descriptions etc AND content on the different pages for those same specific keywords.......... But.... What do you suggest I do to BEST optimize a site for a law firm that handles family law (divorce), bankruptcy AND criminal. It's one firm with 3 attorneys who specialize in different areas. I know SEO is challenging and ever changing and I read and study and have made significant, noticeable, improvements for some sites but I have to admit this is over my head. Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you in advance and have a GREAT weekend! Matthew

    | Mrupp44

  • Hey guys, is there a way to do these things? Paste a list of URLs into a Google Docs spreadsheet and get the main metrics for each domain (like domain authority and page authority) pulled into the spreadsheet using OSE's API? I know it can be done, but has someone done it already? And if you have, would you please share the link? Do a Google search and see the DA and PA for all the domains below each result. SEOQuake does a good job with this but they don't show SEOmoz's metrics. Is there a better way to check for keyword difficulty than pasting 5 keywords at a time in the SEOmoz tool? Is there an API for this? What about a Google spreadsheet? Thank you so much! Zeke

    | elcrazyhorse

  • We have several old pages on our site that we want to get rid of, but we don't want to 404 them since they have decent traffic numbers. Would it be fine to set up a 301 re-direct from all of these pages to our home page? I know the best option is to find an equivalent page to re-direct to, but there isn't a great equivalent.

    | nicole.healthline

  • I am doing a test and would like to ask you're opinion about it in a SEO stand point : I would like to structure a website that has 3 menu links to 3 keyword rich domains names that would be structure in a Silo architecture each one related to it's own topic and not duplicating the content. Like a Cross-Domain siloing approach. Do you think it would work ? How should I build this in order to ultimately build ranking for the main site ? Do you know if I could get this approach working in a global way : Each Second level domain working for itself and propelling the main domain ? Any article, advises, Graphic, documentation, comment is welcomed !

    | Catalyste

  • Okay people, so far i've actually tried a lot of things and analised a lot of data provided by SEOMoz and i already made a lot of changes. Still one of my competitors stands on the number 1 position in Google. Their page ranks F for the keyword and my page ranks A. I can only come to the conclusion that there is another part that plays his part here. So i basicly found this informatie: Page Grade: My site: Grade A Competitor: Grade F Page Authority (PA): My site: 49/100 Competitor: 62/100 Domain Authority (DA): My Site: 39/100 Competitor: 55/100 Total Links: My Site: 1188 Competitor: 8250 FB Shares: My Site: 15 Competitor: 14 FB Likes: My Site: 2 Competitor: 1 Tweets: My Site:6 Competitor: 7 Google+: My Site: 3 Competitor: 0 I already made some adjustments to my facebook fan page so it can recieve more likes then before. I think the main issue is located in the PA en DA factors. What do you guys think and what could i do to quickly increase my PA en DA factor (PA is the most important one i think). hope to hear from you soon

    | JarnoNijzing

  • Hi We are in the process of getting our .com (English) website translated to Chinese.  My question is, what are the pitfulls if the site is hosted on the SAME server as the English version. So the server would host both .com and versions Thoughts ?? Thanks Neil

    | NeilTompkins

  • I am working on site for around six months now. 
    I have done social bookmarking submission, directory submission, blog comments, forum submissions etc. Is there anything else i can do to make the rank go higher. nothing is working correctly.

    | ray2810

  • This is causing some hand-wrangling and I need some help. Let's say we were developing rich video content for our products and our agency is hosting the content on a new external server. There are already plans to link to these videos from product detail pages, category pages, and landing pages on our main website: Would it be better to create a new subdomain or to use a subfolder with a reverse proxy technique for this video content? It's not truly a microsite and will not have a gallery page to navigate the various videos. For example, would it be better to use this: ...or this (executed with a reverse proxy😞 Of course, regardless of whether this new content will live on a subdomain or within a subfolder, we plan on creating a video Sitemap using guidance from Justin Hammack in this terrific post.

    | Ryan-Ricketts

  • Hi, I have an e-commerce website that sells unique items (one of a kind). We have hundreds of items and the items are rapidly sold. Up till now I kept the sold items under our "sold items" section but it started to get back at me as we have more "sold" than non sold and we are having duplication problems (the items are quite similar besides to sizes etc.). What should we do? Should we redirect 100 pages each week? Will Google be upset with that? (for driving it crazy) Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Hi, I was looking at BlueNile (biggest diamonds online dealer in the world) since I was wondering how they dealt with similar products and with sold products. Each diamond that is sold is unique. Once it is sold it is unavailable for sale. Also, all diamonds are VERY similar so they should also find a way to handle duplication in content. Look at the following 2 pages: The pages are practically identical and in the "view source" I noticed that they add a canonical tag to themselves... Any thoughts on that? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Hello, I am working on a research project where I need to put together a SEO client activity flow chart. For example: Week 1: Hold client SEO kickoff meeting Review client site for crawl and accessibility errors. Check Google Analytics and webmaster tools Do keyword research Map keywords to content pages Fix on-page optimization Order content Month 2: ... Thanks in advance for your help!

    | wparlaman

  • I have a site where I feature several car images and the details/press releases about those cars. So normal layout would be an article page consisting of the following: Article Text Image gallery list laid out for user to browse. Now, when a user clicks on the image, the link opens up in another page with the image as a main content and then other image belonging to same article are shown below to browse. Each of such pages with images from same article are linked to one another with 'rel'=prev/next and has a 'rel' canonical to the page with article text. Am I doing this right to prevent thin content and duplication issue? Each of the images are for same car and are related to one another. The site under question is DieselStation. Also, if you can provide a general feedback on the site's layout and architecture in terms of SEO, that would be great.

    | ketan9

  • My client wants to move from a dedicated server with unique dedicated IP address to a cloud server.  We have great rankings for competitive terms.  I believe their motivation is to cut costs.  What is the risk to the rankings in switching from dedicated to cloud? I don't believe unique static ips are available on a cloud platform. I told him I would strongly advise against it, don't risk it, but would appreciate others' feedback and experiences to take into consideration. Thanks, Greg

    | seagreen

  • Today, I was searching for product page SEO on Google for better optimization of product pages and category level pages. I want to introduce about my website structure. Root category: Sub category: End level category: Product page: I'm doing link building for sub category & end level category page. But, I'm not able to do inbound marketing for product level URLs due to resource problem. But, I have checked that... There are many competitors who are rank well with long trail keyword... I'm selling same product but not ranking well... What is reason behind it? I don't know... Just look at Olefin Red Patio Umbrella search result. I want to rank in top 3 with this kind of long trail keywords... I have made study of following video and article. I have done all things which were described by them... But, I'm still waiting for good ranking...

    | CommercePundit

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