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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • What will you do with a huge news and photo archive in terms of general newspaper online visibility? What i mean is that newspaper website has dozen of unique visual and text content and i need to generate more ideas how to use it to increase traffic. Please share your ideas.

    | Marteen

  • Hi, I am new to SEO and SMO. I want to know how to work on facebook and twitter to get some help in better ranking. Is there any other way to work on SMO. Regards Ray

    | raybiswa

  • Is there any way to quantify how an eCommerce site affects its respective brick and mortar store? I can show the owner of a brick and mortar store how much sales we did last week, month and year. However, I can't show him what it did for his brick and mortar store. What do I do? I want to claim credit for as much gravy as I can! 🙂 Thanks.

    | AWCthreads

  • Hi everybody, I need to rewrite this url using mod rewrite, but I've got stuck. I'd like it to show this one instead: I'm no expert on this stuff, so any help would be great! Thanks

    | neooptic

  • Hi, I have a question regarding my site ( that has, all of a sudden, lost rankings on several keywords; plus, Google Analytics and the plug-in Clicky installed on my site (the site is built on WordPress) claim that my site has no visitors/visits anymore. I would like to provide a little background of what has happened. Three weeks ago I asked my web hosting company to do a 301 redirect from to At the same time I asked a web hosting company to to a redesign of the site. Strangely, the day after the new redesigned site went online Google Analytics and the Clicky plug-in showed that my site, from one day to the other, had no visitors/visits anymore (I had installed Google Analytics and Clicky before the 301 redirect). In addition, I noticed that I had lost positions on many keywords for which I used to rank on the second page. However, the PR of the site has remained intact and Google is indexing it without problems. Plus, I still rank high for a keyword. I tend to believe that because of this, my site was not penalized by mighty Google...but I'd like an SEO expert to tell me what he thinks about it. In particular, please answer this: has my site lost rankings because of the 301 redirect? Has my site been penalized because of the redesign? Is this only a temporary situation? Thank you very much for your help. Sal

    | salvyy

  • Hi everyone We are currently building some non-advertorial based mini sites the link to a main "money site", these mini sites are all run off wordpress or similar and have different designs, however all the WHOIS data remains under one company. So therefore I dont know if really you need different Class C IP's anymore as google et al will just look at the whois records and link the websites up that way? Is this tactic still worth doing? Thanks for any input!

    | SEOwins

  • Hello everybody, I love seomoz and was enjoying all the benefits it has, was reading Q&A and implementing new marketing strategies for my website. I would really appreciate if anyone could explain my situation. The website, to which I devoted last 12 months of my time, was suddenly dropped from it's main keywords to nowhere 2 days ago, it does not look like a "dance" because some of my competitors lost their rankings too. I think its a penalty. The site is almost 2 years old, of the highest quality content. I've been adding content slowly over 24 months, building backlinks slowly, the rankings also were going up slowly. Here are some of the keywords I've been ranking for: car insurance companies - 12, best auto insurance companies - 1, top car insurance companies 1, cheap auto insurance - 16, low cost auto insurance 4,lowest auto insurance - 2, and many more... According to seomoz, I have no major problems with on-site seo, I have low bounce rate, high pages/visit and high time on site. There is only one left - incoming backlinks. Google says that it just can't hurt you, but I think this is the only explanation of my problem. My backlinks consist of everything - from high quality contextual backlinks, to lower quality comment backlinks. I used Press Release services too.. This problem is like a nail in my head, I look forward to hearing your response. Thanks in advance, Vaz

    | VazMamnya

  • Can anyone offer any insight into why since the Google Panda update has been fluctuating on Google so much? One week it's ranked as it used to be, the next it's nowhere to be seen? If you take a look at the screenshot of our traffic, this is the traffic after 75% loss (dropped in two stages) you'll see we get traffic for a week and then nothing. This has been happening for months. Some points that might be involved: Around the same time the SEO guys suggested setting the canonical url to (before there wasn't one so traffic was coming from www. and non-www). A lot of the original urls have been consolidated and rel="canonical" added throughout The "pages" of results all have had a rel="canonical" set to page 1 Could it be that the www is competing with the non-www despite the 301 redirects. We're doing everything we can to help this client (and have reduced their site errors from the millions to low tens-of-thousands) so it's not filling them with confidence when their site just keeps plumetting! What's also irritating/odd is that some of their competitors -who used to be ranked lower and have sites which contradict every rulebook still rank high. Hopefully you can spot something we've missed. Tim I8PNL

    | TimGaunt

  • My site was dropshipping a product and we switched to an affiliate offer. We had three 4 links to different affiliate products. Our site dropped the next day. I have been number 1 for 6 months, has a pr 6 and is 2 years old. It has been 2 weeks and the site hasn't jumped back. Any suggestions on how to handle this?

    | dkash

  • "With Fetch as Googlebot you can see exactly how a page appears to Google" I have verified the site and clicked on Fetch button. But how can i  "see exactly how a page appears to Google" Thanks

    | seoug_2005

  • We have quite a bit of content we are considering subdomaining. There are about 13 topic centers that could deserve their own subdomain, but there are about 2000 original articles that we also want to subdomain. We are considering a) putting the 13 centers (i.e.,, etc) and the 3000 articles (on a variety of topics) on one subdomain b) putting the 13 centers on their own subdomain and the remaining 3000 articles on their own subdomain as well (14 subdomains total) What do you think is the best solution and why?

    | nicole.healthline

  • We have a large new site that is suffering from a sitewide panda like penalty. The site has 200k pages indexed by Google. Lots of category and sub category page content and about 25% of the product pages have unique content hand written (vs the other pages using copied content). So it seems our site is labeled as thin. I'm wondering about using noindex paramaters for the internal site search. We have a canonical tag on search results pointing to (client thought that would help) but I'm wondering if we need to just no index all the product search results. Thoughts?


  • Hello, I would like some clarification about the correct implementation of the rel="alternate" tag and the canonical tag. The example given at recommends implementing the canonical tag on all region specific sub-domains, and have it point to the www version of the website Here's the example given by Google. My question is the following. Would this technique also apply if I have region specific sites site local TLD. In other words, if I have,, – all with the same content in English, but prices and delivery options tailored for US, UK and Canada residents, should I go ahead and implement the canonical tag and alternate tag as follows: I am a bit concerned about canonicalizing an entire local TLD to the .com site.

    | Amiee

  • What is the htaccess code to redirect everything in a directory to a file? Thanks!

    | tylerfraser

  • Hello, I have a question about the correct way to implement the canoncial and alternate tags for a site supporting multiple languages and markets. Here's our setup. We have 3 sites, each serving a specific region, and each available in 3 languages. : serves the US, default language is English : serves Canada, default language is English : serves Mexico, default language is Spanish In addition, each sites can be viewed in English, French or Spanish, by adding a language specific sub-directory prefix ( /fr , /en, /es). The implementation of the alternate tag is fairly straightforward. For the homepage, on, it would be: -MX” href=“”  /> -MX” href=”“ />
    -MX” href=”“ />
    -US” href=”” />
    -US” href=”“ />
    -CA” href=”” />
    -CA” href=”” />
    -CA” href=”” /> My question is about the implementation of the canonical tag. Currently, each domain has its own canonical tag, as follows: rel="canonical" href=""> <link rel="canonical" href="http:"" index.html"=""></link rel="canonical" href="http:> 
    <link rel="canonical" href="http:"" index.html"=""></link rel="canonical" href="http:> I am now wondering is I should set the canonical tag for all my domains to: <link rel="canonical" href="http:"" index.html"=""></link rel="canonical" href="http:> This is what seems to be suggested on this example from the Google help center. What do you think?

    | Amiee

  • After adding Google's +1 script and call to our site (loading asynchronously), we noticed Yslow is giving us a D for not having expire headers for the following scripts: 1. Is their a workaround for this issue, so expire headers are added to to plusone and GA script? Or, are we being to nit-picky about this issue?

    | GKLA

  • What is the code to redirect where abc is a folder  to

    | seoug_2005

  • Hi peoples, I'm looking to expand my company ( from Brisbane to other major Australian cities, and really need to nail the way the site is set up and the SEO strategy before committing a lot of time, effort and money into getting top rankings in different cities around Oz. Most of our SEO clout currently is on our home page, and it is optimised very heavily for Brisbane-specific keywords. My idea for new regions is to follow a similar approach by creating a new 'home' page for each new city (along with a separate pricing and service area page). e.g. etc etc The idea would then be to build links and citations to each of these city-specific home pages to get them ranking for all the top local keywords. Do you think this is the best way to go about this, or could I consolidate my efforts somehow? Key considerations are: Need to develop a natural link profile Nail local SEO Quality usability for customers (arriving on a page for their city rather than having to navigate to their city)

    | duncan274

  • Hi All, For clients wishing to sell online / generate leads nationally, yet still want to have a local online presence to attract town / county-wide customers, I've often placed Town / County locations within both the Title Tag (or just County if space is limited) and Meta Description, plus within the Hx headings, Alt-text and within the footer of every page. My question is, does adding the location of the client within these fields really infringe their attempts to rank nationally, as some nationally ranked pages have no mention of location while others have their location (Town, County or Both) shown within them? Any help, insight or feedback greatly appreciated 🙂 Happy New Year Tony

    | Tony-Dimmock

  • Hi there, How are you guys doing? I have a quick question. The last prowling report we received said we have three pages with "duplicate titles". Those three pages are: /wp-login.php wp-login.php?action=lostpassword /wp-login.php?action=register I'm a little confused because those pages don't even have a title. Do you think it's a big deal? Also do you have any idea of why the prowling report says those pages have duplicate titles? Apparently, wp-login.php is part of the Wordpress core. It's a built-in page that
    handles login and registration. Not something we can edit. Thanks a lot and have a nice day!

    | Ericc22

  • Hi there. My personal site has higher Domain Authority and Moz rank and more linking domains than the top ranking site for my name "Adam Lewis" My landing page /adam-lewis has an A Grade. Yet I am still on page 2 behind what appear to be weaker domains. The on-site report says I am not making appropriate use of Rel Cononical. This is a bit techy for me. Can anyone explain how this might or might not be affecting my ranking for "adam lewis"? Thanks guys! Adam

    | adamlewis10

  • I have a client that wants to rank for a keyword phrase that has many permutations.. ex. "Alaska Hill Country Resort", "Hill Country Resort Alaska", "Hill Country Alaska Resort" But I'm wondering if I should target these all on the same page or not. I'm assuming all of these permutations are actually valid searches because I did my keyword research for 'exact match' keywords and got results like this.. (let me know if I'm missing something here, or if this sounds right) [Alaska Hill Country Resort] - 230 Local Searches [Hill Country Resort Alaska] - 140 Local Searches [Hill Country Alaska Resort] - 30 Local Searches The phrase we're targeting is their main keyword phrase, so I've chosen their home-page as the page to rank for this phrase. My thought is to optimize for the most popular phrase (ex. "Alaska Hill Country Resort"), and sprinkle in the other phrases throughout the copy. Next I would run a link-building campaign targeting the main phrase first.. then the next phrase, and so on, so that my anchor text is more heavily focused on the more popular terms, but I would also make sure to include the less popular terms. Do you think this is the best way to go about this? Do I really need to make individual pages for each of the permutations, or is it okay to target them all on one page since they are essentially the same keyword?

    | ATMOSMarketing56

  • Hi I'm running into some top level domain conflicts in Google's webmaster tools. I hope you can help me out. Thanks in advance. Website has sub folders for each language. There's no content at the root The root 301 redirects to English at In Google Webmaster Tools the root site is added because the web developer can't find a Joomla plugin to put the sitemap and robots file in each sub folder. It's all mixed in the root. So only 1 sitemap and robots exists for all the sub folder languages in the root of the site. As a results Google shows the root site in search results where it should show the appropriate sub folder (in this case Dutch). I see these conflicts occur everywhere. Soon Chinese, Romanian and other languages will be added. I'm afraid this problem will only get worse. What can I do to make sure Google treats every sub folder as a distinctive site and doesn't treat the root as a site?

    | Jacobe

  • I have a question about the order of parameters in an URL versus duplicate content issues. The URLs would be identical if the parameter order was the same. E.g. versus How smart is Google at consolidating these, and do these consolidated pages incur any penalty (is their combined “weight” equal to their individual selves)? Does Google really see these two pages as DISTINCT, or does it recognize that they are the same because they have the exact same parameters? Is this worth fixing in or does it have a trivial impact? If we have to fix it and can't change our CMS, should we set a preferred, canonical order for these URLs or 301 redirect from one version to the other? Thanks a million!

    | anthematic

  • Hi fellow mozzers! In an effort to ensure we're exploring every avenue when launching our new website, I was hoping to find some useful broken links / resources that we could incorporate into our link building. We have used the standard tools for this (W3C, Xenu etc), but they all seem to have the same issue in that they reveal all the missing links on a site (although some don't actually tell you the page they are on), but you still have to sort them to see if the links/ resource is related to your theme. When you're on a niche site, this obviously isn't an issue, but on a site like Mashable (to use the example given in a recent SEOmoz blog) it could result in wading through hundreds of links to find one relevant one right at the end. Is there a tool that allows you to specify what theme links you are looking for from a site, or better yet one that allows you to check multiple sites for multiple missing themed links in one go? Or is the best way to export the list and just search the document for certain keywords?

    | themegroup

  • I have been asked for advice on how to optimise a news website whose keywords, almost by definition, change every day according to the articles being written. How would you, for example, do SEO for the Great content and subsequent links I'm sure take care of themselves. Just onsite then? If so.... what?

    | seomasters

  • I run a forum that currently has 351 links on its home page (and p.1, 2 etc.) due to all the tags that appear under feed items. Is it a viable solution to get this number down to simply  nofollow all of these tag links? How else can I get this number of links down recorded by Google down, or is it not something I should be especially worried about?

    | staingurus

  • Hi, have you guys an opinion on this point, mentioned by Matt Cutts in 2010 : Matt made a point to mention that users are more likely to click on the first link in an article as opposed to a link at the bottom of the article. He said put your most important links at the top of the article. I believe it was Matt hinting to SEOs about this. I've asked this in private and Michael Cottam told me he read a study a year ago that indicated that the link juice passed to other pages diminished the further down the page you go. But he can't find it anymore ! Do you remember this study and have the link ? What is your opinion on Matt's point ?

    | baptisteplace

  • For example, from to In my situation, the main purpose of the 301 redirect is to replace the page with a new internal page that has a better optimized URL. This will be executed across multiple pages (about 20). None of these pages hold any search rankings but do carry a decent amount of page authority.

    | Visually

  • Anyone managed to scrape the date from a google serp? I can get title, link etc. but the date just eludes me...please help! Here's an example of the kind of code google is returning: Latest UK News Headlines - <cite></cite>
     You +1'd this publicly. Undo
        13 Jan 2011 – Get the latest News and Headlines from the Daily Mirror newspaper. Read breaking bulletins, front page reports, daily articles and celebrity ...

    | JaspalX

  • I just got a contract for a site. After I analyzed their website, I noticed that they have over 700 pages indexed. However, their internal linking structure sucks. It's basically all 700 pages in one directory. What do you recommend? I redirect all the internal structures to their new locations, or would it be better to redirect all those internal pages to their main domain name, and build a completely new seo-friendly structure? Redirecting their current pages to each individual page is gonna take a lotta time, and I don't think they're gonna pay for it. :l

    | skgppa

  • Hello, sorry, I'm French and my English is not necessarily correct. I have a problem indexing in Google. Only the home page is referenced: I am looking for several days but I do not understand why. I looked at: The robots.txt file is ok The sitemap, although it is in ASP, is valid with Google No spam, no hidden text I made a request for reconsideration via Google Webmaster Tools and it has no penalties We do not have noindex So I'm stuck and I'd like your opinion. thank you very much A.

    | android_lyon

  • Hi, We're building 4 e-commerce stores at the moment which are all very similar. They all sell sofas but to different markets. Product content will be different on each site so the content won't be duplicated but the overall theme of the sites will be the same, all on the same server, being launched at the same time. Should I be concerned that Google may not index all of them? Thanks, Andy

    | AndyMediaLounge

  • Ah, Hello Mozzers, it's been a while since I was here. Wanted to run something by you... I'm looking to incorporate some fading text using Javascript onto a site homepage using the method described here; so, my question is; does anyone think that Google might see this text as a possible dark hat SEO anchor text manipulation (similar to hidden links)? The text will contain various links (4 or 5) that will cycle through one another, fading in and out, but to a bot the text may appear initially invisible, like so; style="display: none;"><a href="">Link Here</a> All links will be internal. My gut instinct is that I'm just being stupid here, but I wanted to stay on the side of caution with this one! Thanks for your time 🙂

    | PeterAlexLeigh

  • Hey there - I've been reading about rich snippets and was thinking of hiring a programmer to implement this. In my industry I would be the only one thus far on front page with a highly competitive keywords and would be displaying 5 stars based on our testimonials etc, would that be acceptable? These testimonials are not on my homepage so if I implemented would it be a misuse of these tags? My site is mortgage / financial company and I don’t see much in available tags yet except for “location” and “reviews” I could implement. I'm just trying to figure this out and I greatly appreciate any feedback! 😄

    | CliffAuerswald

  • Our client ecommerce site load from 3 different servers using load balancing. : IP: 222.222.222 IP: 111.111.111 For testing purpose 111.111.111 also point to Now google crawling site If we block using robots.txt it will block google bot also , since is really I know its confusing but I been trying to figure out. Ofcourse I can ask my dev to remove make a seperate code and block it using .htaccess


  • I want a list of some good dofollow bookmarking sites and directories so that i can put my site there. Thanks

    | raybiswa

  • Are there companies out there that accept payment on the results they get for organic search listings? I have a site that I want to be number 1 for two terms on Google UK and .com and I while I dont think it will take much effort I would like to find a decent SEO company or person that can do this and be paid for the result. What do people think?

    | clayts

  • Hi, If you perform a Google search like, how are the pages displayed sorted/ranked? Thanks!

    | anthematic

  • Couple weeks ago I changed a url on my site from using underscores to using hyphens I setup a 301 redirect and added appropriate canonical to the new page. My site is crawled daily and I've done this on several other pages with good results but this page is just not being indexed right… I see my page #8 with some random title Is there some "interim index" that Google has? It's just bazaar to me, any thoughts? Thanks! - Cliff

    | CliffAuerswald

  • I am interested to do the SEO work for an affiliate site. Is it same as others or something particular has to be done for affiliate sites.

    | raybiswa

  • By 'index rules' I mean the stipulations that constitute whether or not a given page will be indexed. If you can see them - how?

    | Visually

  • I have a list of keywords I'm trying to target and they are essentially different variations of each other: Example: blue yankees baseball hat yankees blue baseball hat yankees baseball hat in blue Should I be targeting all these on the same page, or should I be making a new page for each one? Thanks Mozzers!

    | ATMOSMarketing56

  • I'm looking into ways to optimize a daily deals website. Any best practices or tips out there other than promoting on social sites?

    | BostonWright

  • Currently we employ this tag on pages we want to keep out of the index but want link juice to flow through them: <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX"> Is the tag above the same as: <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX,FOLLOW"> Or should we be specifying the "FOLLOW" in our tag?

    | Peter264

  • I have a site which consist of about 500 pages. It's the biggest of it's tiny niche, and I'm making a livin' out of it (it gets me clients). So this is important to me. I have access to tons and tons of non-copyrighted relevant texts. This text is not on the www, and thus would be unique to google. All though the text is relevant, it's not really useful for my visitors. How to use this text and get the most of my time spent? 1. Making thousands of articles on my website, with internal linking to the "selling" keyword pages? 2. Use text to make a lot of link wheels - eventually linking to my main site? Thanx a bunch! 😃 And if you have other suggestions I'd love to hear'em out 😃

    | eirikte

  • I want to track video downloads in GA. 1. Is the following code correct ? [play]( 2\. Will it show no. of persons who clicked on the  "play" link or  how many times video was downloaded ?

    | seoug_2005

  • When you look at the keyword analysis, you see the following ranking criteria: - | Page Authority | Page Linking Root Domains | Domain Authority | Root Domain Linking Root Domains | How do you rank the importance of each of these factors from 1-4? For example, PA, PLRD, RDLRD, DA Please explain. How many of these factors do you normally need to get within top 5?

    | inhouseseo

  • Hello Everyone, I have a question regarding site structure and I would like to mastermind it with everyone. So I am optimizing a website for a Ford Dealership in Boston, MA. The way the site architecture is set up is as follows: Home >>>> New Inventory >>> Inventory Page (with search refinement choices) After you refine your search (lets say we choose a Ford F150 in white) it shows a page with images, price information and specs. (Nothing the bots or users can sink their teeth into) My thoughts are to create category pages for each Ford model with awesome written content and THEN link to the inventory pages. So it would look like this: Home >>> New Inventory >>> Ford 150 Awesome Category Page>>>>Ford F150 Inventory Page I would work hard at getting these category pages to rank for the vehicle for our GEO targeted locations. Here is my questions: Would you be annoyed to first land on a category page with lots of written text, reviews images and videos first and then link off to the inventory page. Or would you prefer to go right from the new inventory page to the actual inventory page and start looking for vehicles? Thanks you so much, Bill

    | wparlaman

  • We have a very dynamic site, with a large number of pages. We use a sitemap index file, that points to several smaller sitemap files. The question is: Would there be any issue if we include the same URL in multiple sitemap files? Scenario: URL1 appears on sitemap1. 2 weeks later, the page at URL1 changes and we'd like to update it on a sitemap. Would it be acceptable to add URL1 as an entry in sitemap2?  Would there be any issues with the same URL appearing multiple times? Thanks.

    | msquare

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