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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • It seems that primarily large sites were hit by Panda, but does any one know of / own a small site that was hit by Panda?

    | nicole.healthline

  • This company annzoseo keeps calling to get me to jump on to their SEO package that would guarantee me top rankings on the keywords I currently bid on with Google Adwords.. I really love these kind of calls because it is so much fun to probe and see how they do things.. I did a basic crawl for the site and sure enough they are ranking for specific keywords they mentioned in their phone call. However if you do a deeper search you will find tons of directory links that are like an never ending loop of links from forums and web site testing tools where it places a URL. The call was dropped after I spoke to a tech and asked more questions about the process of getting links, etc. When I reviewed some of their customer testimonials from a normal perspective things look great however when you dig a bit deeper you see the problem for the customers. Example: /case/first-rate-plumbing-.html I took to first company listed .. The keyword they brag about is "emergency plumbing services in colorado springs" however they are not found on the first page anymore yet they claim it on their site at the same notion. The site firstrateplumbing-heating dot com does not even show up now after the recent updates from Google from what I can imagine based on the low quality and number of outbound links. Their sales team is contacting anyone who is advertising in the Google Adwords Program claiming that you are only getting 20% of all the traffic on the web.. However before they make these comments they should at least look at the website they are calling to see other things that company is already doing well with. I was blown away from this call, so I dug deeper and found these types of links for their company. Not only when you search for this company it has poor results however going to the second page I found a great link from Complaints, Reviews - Fraud SEO company it has a few companies complaining about the service... I am shocked, as an SEO myself to see companies out on the web taking companies hard earned cash and giving them noting in return but a possibility they may be flagged one day for spammy techniques that don't work anymore. Ok Ok, I feel like I am writing a novel here but I just wanted to get the word out about these types of slick oil SEO firms that pollute the industry and make the rest of us all look bad. Oh and I forgot they push they are certified by thats cool because All I have to do is pay some money and I am in... NICE I can keep going on with this site as a perfect example and examine more however, I would be curious on what the Group could dig up on this company.. IT would be a FUN little Project to help protect and educate other company owners not to get their company in a pickle with people like this...Sorry If I pissed anyone off.

    | Ben-HPB

  • Hi All, I have an e-commerce website with thousands of unique pages. The site is built with quick access through the navigation bar to the main product categories. All of the product pages have navigation trees in them.
    What happened is that in one of the main categories I have so many pages (products) that it actually gets more links than the home page - it is getting the links both from the menu (in each page in the site) and from the product pages that belong to that category whereas the homepage gets only the one link from the menu. Is that OK or should I add a level in the navigation tree that points to the homepage? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • As I keep studing SEO I reach to the conclusion that the Anchor Text from other site is crucial to get more positive results for our website and for the link-building strategy. My question is - Is it better to have an Anchor Text to my main link our should I ask for a determine targeted keyword? Tks in advance! Pedro M Pereira

    | PedroM

  • Looking for some input on a SEO situation that I'm struggling with. I guess you could say it's a usability vs Google situation. The situation is as follows: On a specific shop (lets say it's selling t-shirts). The products are sorted as follows each t-shit have a master and x number of variants (a color). we have a product listing in this listing all the different colors (variants) are shown. When you click one of the t-shirts (eg: blue) you get redirected to the product master, where some code on the page tells the master that it should change the color selectors to the blue color. This information the page gets from a query string in the URL. Now I could let Google index each URL for each color, and sort it out that way. except for the fact that the text doesn't change at all. Only thing that changes is the product image and that is changed with ajax in such a way that Google, most likely, won't notice that fact. ergo producing "duplicate content" problems. Ok! So I could sort this problem with a "rel canon" but then we are in a situation where the only thing that tells Google that we are talking about a blue t-shirt is the link to the master from the product listing. We end up in a situation where the master is the only one getting indexed, not a problem except for when people come from google directly to the product, I have no way of telling what color the costumer is looking for and hence won't know what image to serve her. Now I could tell my client that they have to write a unique text for each varient but with 100 of thousands of variant combinations this is not realistic ir a real good solution. I kinda need a new idea, any input idea or brain wave would be very welcome. 🙂

    | ReneReinholdt

  • Okay, so looking at my ranking tab for my campaign. It shows the increase in traffic from my keywords, ranks, etc. My goal is to increase traffic, thereby sales. I am trying to plan a link building campaign (aside from the onpage optimization) and get as many keywords within the top 10 as possible: Do I start focusing on a certain number of keywords that are on page 2 (lets say 10) and try to build links to get them within the top 10. Then pick another 10 keywords? Do I pick a variety of keywords from various pages? What is the smartest way of trying to optimize campaign keywords as far as linkbuilding?

    | inhouseseo

  • If I have category pages for my site; is it better to use or just Also, I'm creating a new section of the site; a resource center. Should the URLs of the pages in the resource center be or just What are the reasons for the better choice?

    | Visually

  • Why would you put an H1 tag on a product name? I came across this in another forum and thought I'd float it here.

    | AWCthreads

  • Hi all. Happen to do a bit of testing with some of our microformat and microdata markup when I noticed our linked Google+ Publisher markup has stopped working. It definitely was working, and nothings changed, but now we are flagging errors, and I've noticed some of our competitors also have the same problem. publisher linked Google+ page =
    Error: This page does not include verified publisher markup. Learn more. If I actually add a duplicate rel="publisher" then I get the following results: Extracted Author/Publisher for this page publisherlinked Google+ page =
    Error: This page does not include verified publisher markup. Learn more. publisherlinked Google+ page = The second line doesn't seem to flag an error? I know this is still all pretty new, so is anyone else having problems or odd results, or is Google having some problems? All our other rich snippets such as reviews etc are working fine, just seems to be the publisher bit. cheers Steve

    | sjr4x4

  • Suppose I have a long url on an established site and created a shorter version of it so it is easier for people to enter directly and click. I 301 the short version to the long. I don't think there is much concern for people linking to the long version pages, but will there be a tendency for people to link to the short url instead of the long for the domain links? Will I not benefit as much from links to the short vs the long? Thanks.

    | AWCthreads

  • Hi Guys, Hope your all OK. Were having major problems with our homepage ranking for our main keyword - we were originally 4 but over the Christmas period our SEO company reported a fault with one of there servers that they were using for links, because of this fault these links were de-indexed from the search engine and in turn we have plummeted to 10th... At the time we had a landing page with an exact match keyword in it, e.g: we were told to 301 this to our main page in Google but when we have looked today its now showing this page instead of our homepage. We also have another domain that we are using for a forum at the moment, now this domain name is an exact match doming e.g The question is do we gamble and 301 our whole site to and see if we can get this ranking better? Thanks, Scott

    | ScottBaxter

  • We are performing a major replatform for an ecommerce client who has many top listings on page 1 in Google SERPs for very competitive terms.  We are implementing a 301 redirect for all existing URLs that they have now to the appropriate new URLs, but the client is concerned with how deploying a new site with 100% new URLs and site structure will impact their Page Rank.  From our experience, the 301 redirects should cover it but wanted to see if there is a way to predictively forecast page rank effects as a result of re-platforming.

    | Bucktown

  • Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I am not a programmer and my client's programmer is asking me how to set this up. Normally I do it in my cPanel, but they can't and need to write it in the .htaccess file. The client's new website was posted at and of course their programmer put robots="index,follow" and so the site is completely indexed. They are launching it tomorrow at I need a wildcard redirect that takes and 301 redirects it to if that makes sense. Basically redirects every URL to so we don't have duplicate indexation issues. Can anyone tell me the code to do this that needs to go in the .htaccess file? I would just do it through cPanel but that's not an option, so any help is appreciated.

    | DanDeceuster

  • We have a fairly large site which does a cookie-based 302 redirect to the the specific city page if someone types in the Home page URL. Though if the cookie is not available (first time user) it goes to the Homepage and asks user to select the city as our services are city specific. Everything is working fine with this setup. Though our tech team now wants to display the contents of city page on homepage URL itself if the cookie is available without 302 redirecting to new URL. Though no-cookie available scenario remains unchanged. Technically, I think this change should work fine without any ranking issues as still the first time users see the actual homepage as does Googlebot. Please confirm possible issues in rankings with this change from your experiences as based upon city present in the cookie homepage will display different content.

    | Webmaster_SEO

  • Hey, I have interesting questions regardin 301 redirect (At least I think it's Interesting:) ) So i have this websites that compares different lenders, url below 🙂 If you go to the homepage then the first thing you see is different loan amounts in 50-99 euro range. Also you can check out different loan amounts like 100-149€, 150-199€, 200-249€ and so on. For now i have used 301 redirect and Noindex and Nofollow for all the different "loan amounts" urls. Examples below etc Is it a good idea to use 301 on all such pages to point to the homepage?

    | TauriU

  • I am working on eCommerce website Vista Stores. My website's traffic is going down due to certain reason. I have done R & D and have assumption with auto generated content which I have added on few product pages. You can find out attachment to know more about current situation of traffic. 6789134845_d1a1578960_b.jpg

    | CommercePundit

  • Hi there. I'm currently optimizing ecommece websites for my company. The problem is, we have a duplication module whereby we duplicate sites accordingly to other countries. The on page analysis shows about 2,000 of duplicated content. How do i resolve this issue? I was planning to instruct the writers to write different content across different countries. Any suggestion on this? thanks

    | k3zuya

  • On our contact page, we offer a link to view Google Maps for directions. I'm wondering should we be linking to our Google Places page instead, or just stick with the Google Map link? Thanks!

    | GravitateMCC

  • Hello, This question is for the WordPress experts out there. I've always wondered if it is better for SEO to focus on a particular keyword by writing a page or a post dedicated to it. For example, if I want to rank high for the keyword "Seattle rocks", do you think I'd be better off writing a page titled "Seattle rocks" or a post titled "Seattle rocks". The ideal for me would be to create a category with the URL that includes that keyword for my WordPress blog, but I do not know if I can do a good job in terms of SEO optimizing the keyword. For instance, if we consider the keyword in the example above, I'd create a category which will have the following URL: Do you think I can still focus on that keyword having such URL? As you know, WordPress would allow me to write some text in the description tag, which will be visible on the site. I guess that I could use the description box to create some optimized content using the keyword "Seattle rocks" and then launch a link building campaign using the anchor text "Seattle rocks" directing to the URL: Do you think that I can optimize the keyword by creating a category? Thank you for reading such long question. I tried to be as clear as possible. Sal

    | salvyy

  • Hi I have a blog - - and it keeps getting what are pretty obviously spam comments with links to unconnected websites of various quality. The blog is quite new and not ranking highly in SERPs for anything in particular yet. So my question is, is it better to let some of these comments through so google can see activity on the site? Or do spammy comments with links make the site look like a link farm? Any advice on what my policy should be - purely from a Google serps perspective - would be great.

    | usedcarexpert

  • Hi If my website is on an IP address that has a bad reputation with AOL for email, would Google use that as a factor in where they place us in SERPs? If so, what should I do? Matt

    | usedcarexpert

  • My question will take a bit of explaining, so here goes: I have 3 blogs on the same server: 1.  personal finance blog; 2.  credit card blog; 3.  prepaid credit card blog. The personal finance blog is my flagship site started in 2007, which feeds my family and pays the mortgage.  By contrast, the other two sites (started in 2008 and 2010) I would gladly kill if the result would help my personal finance blog. In the fall of 2010 (before Panda) the prepaid card blog was penalized by Google.  This has been confirmed by Google in response to a reconsideration request.  Of course, they don't say why.  I've tried a number of things and resubmitted the site, but with no luck. Both the personal finance blog and credit card blog were hit by Panda 2 (April 11, 2011) and have not recovered. While the personal finance site covers many topics (e.g., investing, credit, debt, money management), its income comes largely from credit cards.  We review individual credit cards and have pages that list cards by category (e.g., balance transfer, cash back, travel). The credit card blog does the same thing, but of course covers credit cards in more depth.  There is a similar overlap between the prepaid card blog on the one hand, and the credit card blog and personal finance blog on the other.  However, all content is unique. I do not currently link between the sites, although until a few months ago I had blogroll links between the sites and a few (less than 10) content links. If you've made it this far (and I hope you have), here are my questions: 1.  Could the existence of the credit card and prepaid credit card sites be hurting my personal finance blog's rankings in Google, whether via Panda or otherwise? 2.  If there is a reasonable chance that the answer to question 1 is yes, what would you suggest I do? Of course, I could just take down the sites, but I wonder if there are other options. One thought I had was to deindex the two card sites (I assume I can do this by disallowing googlebot via robots.txt) and give it time.  Would Google treat this as if the sites did not exist?  Both sites get a fair amount of traffic from bing and yahoo, so this option appeals to me.  Of course, for all I know the existence of the two card sites are hurting my personal finance blog's rankings in bing and yahoo, too. I thought about selling the sites, but if they are hurting my personal finance site, I grow concerned about how google distinguishes between a site being sold and a webmaster just trying to make the sites look like they are owned by different people.  In this regard, I've never tried to hide the common ownership of the sites and have no intention of doing that now. If I kill the sites, should I redirect them to my personal finance site?  For the penalized prepaid card site, this seems both risky and unhelpful.  But perhaps redirecting the credit card site is an option. Given that the personal finance site is my livelihood, I greatly appreciate your thoughts on my dilemma.

    | Bergerlaw

  • Hello, I have to understand if this site can be optimize since the entire website is in flash wich is not good for optimizacion. What do you guys suggest? Recommendations? Is it possible only with link-building? Tks for the help!

    | PedroM

  • I am building a site which sells a product in 50 states and in each state we will have independt partners. From an SEO perspective, what are the tradeoffs in using a single domain vs. having each state a subdomain? Each state also has varying regulatory issues that are specific to that state.

    | uwaim2012

  • I have a quality site with good PR and we have very few outbound links. We are always looking for good content since it is a blog, and I get frequent requests from "guest bloggers"–some of which actually provide really high quality & unique content. But, of course, to get their content I have to give them at least 1 link. I have always been taught that external links really hurt your site and that basically 1 outbound link cancels out 1 inbound link because they balance each other out. Is this true? I always wondered why we must get penalized for linking out to good sites? It makes me get very "stingy" with my outbound links, whereas if my site would not be effected, I would want to be more generous. Any suggestions & info would greatly help! Thank you, Afshin

    | applesofgold

  • Do "nofollow" links provide any SEO value, particularly for Google? I have heard that they still can, since Google doesn't necessarily follow all of the tags. Is this true? Is there any value in obtaining nofollow links? Can they also hurt in any way? Thank you! 
    Afshin Apples of Gold

    | applesofgold

  • Hello all, I was wondering if anyone can help me. Currently I'm trying to set up a HTML sitemap for our website and am having trouble with the 500+ pages of content under each category. How do you segment your HTML sitemap in a case like this, keeping in mind the less than 100 links per page rule? For example, allows our users to search salaries under company, job title, and location. You can imagine how many thousands of pages we need to represent. Any help will be greatly appreciated! Cheers! Reyna

    | CareerBliss

  • Hello all ! I've decided to delete many pages from my website wich had poor content. I've made a php 301 redirect from all these old pages to a unique page (not the home page, a deep page). My problem is that this modification has been made a week ago and my position in the SERPs have crashed down... What can I do ? I believe that I'll get up again when Google will see that these pages don't exist anymore but it could take a long time 😞 (these page are in the Google cache with a date older than my modification's date) I've read somewhere that I should put a link to the destination page (where old pages are 301 redirected) but I don't understand how it could help... Can someone help me ? Tell me what I've done wrong... These pages were very poor and I've deleted them in order to boost the global quality of my site... It should help me in the SERPs, not penalize me...

    | B-CITY

  • Hi We're relaunching a site with a Drupal 7 CMS. Our web agency has hidden content on it and they say it's for Accessibility (I don't see the use myself, though). Since they ask for more cash in order to remove it, the management is unsure. So I wanted to check if anyone knows whether this could hurt us in search engines. There is a field in the HTML where you can skip to the main content: Skip to main content The corresponding CSS comes here: .element-invisible{position:absolute !important;clip:rect(1px 1px 1px 1px);clip:rect(1px,1px,1px,1px);} #skip-link a,#skip-link a:visited{position:absolute;display:block;left:0;top:-500px;width:1px;height:1px;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;background-color:#666;color:#fff;} The crucial point is that they're hiding the text "skip to main content", using clip:rect(1px 1px 1px 1px), which shrinks the text to one pixel. So IMO this is hiding content. How bad is it? PS: Hope the source code is sufficient. Ask me if you need more. Thx!

    | zeepartner

  • I want to fix duplicate content issues over my eCommerce website. I have read very valuable blog post on SEOmoz regarding duplicate content in post panda world and applied all strategy to my website. I want to give one example to know more about it. Non WWW version: redirect to home page. For HTTPS pages: I have created Robots.txt file for all HTTPS pages as follow. And, set Rel=canonical to HTTP page as follow. Narrow by search: My website have narrow by search and contain pages with same Meta info as follow. I have restricted all dynamic pages by Robots.txt which are generated by narrow by search. And, I have set Rel=Canonical to base URL on each dynamic pages. Order by pages: I have restrict all pages with robots.txt and set Rel=Canonical to base URL. For pagination pages: I have restrict all pages with robots.txt and set Rel=Next & Rel=Prev to all paginated pages. I have also set Rel=Canonical to base URL. I have done & apply all SEO suggestions to my website but, Google is crawling and indexing 21K+ pages. My website have only 9K product pages. Google search result: Since last 7 days, my website have affected with 75% down of impression & CTR. I want to recover it and perform better as previous one. I have explained my question in long manner because, want to recover my traffic as soon as possible.

    | CommercePundit

  • I have found that google removes the google serach listing of a category from my site (ecommerce) when products within the category have the same key words. I sell golf shirts and have a category called "Mens Golf Shirts" Within the category I have added many products but when the too many of the products say mens golf shirt my link on google gets removed. Before i had products named: FUNKTION Mens Short Sleeve Golf Shirt Red / Black but now I have had to change it to: FUNKTION Red / Black I can understand that they may see this a keyword stuffing but how do I get around this to ensure that each product can rank on google for mens golf shirt

    | funktiongolf

  • How important is HON code for a health site? I am working on a client's site (health-related) that was hit by Panda and am wondering if anyone knows of any studies or has any personal experience with Panda & HON code?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Within my website we maintain a nationwide directory of auto repair shops.  When we add or significantly update / modify a particular listing, would it help improve the individual search engine rankings, Google PageRank, and / or Page Authority of the new auto shop page if we linked these pages to an area on the home page for "Our Newest Featured Shops" or "Latest Member Additions" or something of the nature? Each new shop profile would then be linked directly from the homepage for a period of time.  I assume that it might be crawled and added to the indexes quicker, but would there be other benefits?  If so, would those benefits only be temporary if eventually the new shop no longer linked to the homepage?  Would keeping all featured shops in rotational display on the homepage make any difference? Any input is appreciated.  Thanks. Kelly Vaught

    | kelly_vaught

  • Hi, I'm working on our sites structure and SEO at present and wondering when the benefit I may get from a well written URL, i.e ourDomain / keyword or keyphrase .html would be preferable to the downturn in traffic i may witness by 301 redirecting an existing, not as well structured, but indexed URL. We have a number of odd looking URL's i.e ourDomain / ourDomain_keyword_92.html alongside some others that will have a keyword followed by 20 underscores in a long line... My concern is although i would like to have a keyword or key phrase sitting on its own in a well targeted URL string I don't want to mess to much with pages that are driving say  2% or 3% of our traffic just because my OCD has kicked in.... Some further advice on strategies i could utilise would be great. My current thinking is that if a page is performing well then i should leave the URL alone. Then if I'm not 100% happy with the keyword or phrase it is targeting I could build another page to handle the new keyword / phrase with the aim of that moving up the rankings and eventually taking over from where the other page left off. Any advice is much appreciated, Guy

    | guycampbell

  • Hello all, We are going to restyle and change CMS so all the urls will change. We are also updating content, adding much more content to the old pages trying to be more user and SEO friendly. My doubt is about doing 301 redirects from old to new pages when the content has changed a lot. Does it will mantain the ranking of the page or will crawlers thought that is a total diferent page. For example: one page new page will change from the old one the url, title, headers, meta description, content text and images. Should i maintain old content and do the CMS change with the 301 redirects and later change the content, that means a lot of work, or do it all at once? Thanks in advance Tomas

    | tomas.guemes

  • Hi folks, We are having trouble in indexing, We have certain pages which are not coming in results when I am using the site operator in Google. for e.g. : They are not showing any link results in Google webmaster tools too. But the pages which only linked through them are displaying in results when I am using site operator. for e.g: We are redirecting some of the search which are close or exact match to the respective pages for e.g:  --> We are fluctuating on rankings too in google serps form top ppositions to no where, for and most of the times when google shows  instead of Can you please put a light on this issues.

    | semshah143

  • Hi, We have a site that sells music and we have been researching SEO and things we can do to help SERPs. We have started on link building and have added links to the footer of our page We have friendly urls, meta tag description added to all products. My question is, Yes we can work on getting keywords to rank better in google, one of ours being buy cds. But when it comes to individual products these keywords and results are useless if people are searching for a CD by artist or title which most do as they know what they are  looking for. How do i get better results for all these unique products ? One or more of our competitors constantly show up in first few results for nearly any CD search by artist or title, yet we cant seem to get anywhere near this type of result ? Thanks Chris

    | PressPlayMusic

  • I am currently having analytics issues where the non-secured (http) front end of my site is not properly communicating to the backend (https) of my site. When a user jumps between the the secured and non-secured, it will display as a bounce in GA and I get duplicate visits. GA has a work around for this but it is messy and not working. So my question is, has anyone had good/bad experiences moving a non-secured site over to the secured side? Thanks!

    | 2comarketing

  • One of our copywriters has just written a blog to be posted on our own company blog to be reviewed by myself, however I had noticed that the blog post has some duplication issues with one of our own product pages, about 60% duplication, is it still worth posting? Will search engines still index the blog post? Kind Regards,

    | Paul78

  • I've seen flavors of this question asked but did not see the exact response I was looking for. If I have a site at: And I am creating a mobile version at:  (let's say a responsive design is not feasible at this time) And all the content on is duplicative of the content on What's the best way to handle that from an SEO perspective?  Should I put a canonical tag on every mobile page pointing back to the www page?  I assume that is better than a 'no index' tag on all pages of the mobile site?

    | hbrown108

  • I am working on a new client that hasn't implemented any SEO previously.  The site has terrible url nomenclature and I am wondering if it is worth it to try and change it.  Will I lose rankings?  What is the best url naming structure? Here's the website  (I am only working on the North America site.) Thanks!

    | AlightAnalytics

  • The question is in reference to SEOmoz post - 1. What is the size of a retargeting pixel and who places it on the site ? Is it the retargeting company ? Can we place it ourselves ?  Does a code have to be added to the site ? 2. In the post mentioned above, the author talks about "burn pixel" "If a person in your audience converts then a "burn pixel" will fire" What do you mean by burn pixel ? How do we come to know that a burn pixel has fired ?

    | seoug_2005

  • Hi there, We have just launched our website in Ireland .ie and was wondering would the .ie website be favoured by Google over a competitor with a or .com domain? Kind Regards

    | Paul78

  • I recently purchased a highly ranked domain. The link profile is very good and I don't want to lose to many links however I want to transfer my site to that domain. What is the best way of doing this without losing the current rank on search engines? Also how much does the transfer of registrar information impact my SEO?

    | ydop

  • hello Mozzers - a bit shout out to all of you. Question - I have a 3  keyword,  and the domain is available - the only thing is it has a hyphen example: Is it worth getting this domain? There is a fair amount of traffic to this domain. Thank you all - we love you, Best, Vijay

    | vijayvasu

  • Site: I have a fairly successful (400k visits/month, 1.2m PV/month) site which features a directory of kids songs. is my archnemesis. Slight edge in PVs with better ranking on many long-tail KWs (song names mainly). What are the top 3 things I should do to knock out my competitor? I feel I've nailed the on-page stuff - I have checked all the major items and produced superior content. The big thing that shouts out to me is that my competitor just has many more backlinks, especially from unique domains and that's lifting up everything. Thoughts? Can't wait to hear your ideas!

    | kmander

  • Since joining SEOMOZ four weeks ago I've been busy tweaking our site, a magento eCommerce store, and have successfully removed a significant portion of the errors. Now I need to remove/hide duplicate pages from the search engines and I'm wondering what is the best way to attack this? Can I solve this in one central location, or do I need to do something in the Google & Bing webmaster tools? Here is a list of duplicate content Thanks in advance, Steve

    | SteveMaguire

  • The question says it all really. Google analytics shows me that my top 2 pages are my domain address and index.php, which are exactly the same. Is it best to leave it like this or redirect index.php to my domain address?

    | CompleteOffice

  • This is my website: It was related to health niche. I am good with the serp for the last couple of hours. I am in top for the keywords: cure for piles, hemorrhoids treatment, natural hemorrhoid treatment. My main keyword is hemorrhoids treatment. And has recently added this page, This page has some dupe content, as content writer was busy i have copied the content from other sources. Does this have any effect? I have not added this page onto homepage as i dont like google to index it until my copywriter writes the content. Dont know what happened, in the last few hours i lost my serp to no where. Can anyone tell me what happened to my site. Did i done anything wrong? In the last week i have added a link to my ebooks related site. Does this affected my serps? Or did the Google recent change Has any effect on my site? Awaiting for your replies...

    | Dex32434432

  • Hi, I know that this is a 'How long is a piece of string?' type question but at what point should the ranking value of site A pass over to site B following a domain 301 redirect? I have shifted a domain over to a new URL, same hosting server, same IP address. I haven't made any URL changes or any content changes other than to change the site logo to match the new domain name. Domain B is basically an exact clone of domain A. I have redirected Domain A to domain B using the following line at the top of the .htaccess file:- Redirect 301 / I have submitted a sitemap for the new domain via google webmaster tools. It looks like the original domain as been completely indexed by google following the redirect as all rankings have been dropped from the results and there are no results for a search. Surely the rankings should have switched over at this point? Any help would be much appreciated.

    | AdeLewis

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