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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi, I am just wondering what the best practice is for marketing a business in two separate countries? I have a new client that wants me to create their website targeted at the UK market which for me is normal but they also want to target Australia (Probably couldn't get any further away) My initial thoughts are that the business would need two separate websites. The first one in the uk and the second website hosted on servers in Australia with different content. Is this correct? or does anyone have any advice which may simplify getting this thing off the ground. Thanks in advance.

    | AdeLewis

  • A client of ours made a mistake that has dropped their Google rankings. They posted a holiday greeting on our homepage for several weeks, and now the search engines are not picking the page up at all. Any thoughts or suggestions on how to repair this?

    | Event36030

  • I'm looking for confirmation here.  Do any search engine crawlers accept cookies?  I thought that the answer was always no, but we're looking in our weblogs and seeing some odd behavior.

    | SharieBags

  • Hello! I'm launching a premium service on my site that will deliver two fairly distinct user experiences, but with nearly identical page content across the two. I'm thinking of placing the "upgraded" version on a subdomain, e.g., Simple enough. I've run into two obstacles, however: -I don't want the premium site crawled separately, so I'd like to use canonical tags to pull all premium.* back to their www.* parents. --How different can page content be before canonical tags backfire? --Is there any other danger in using canonicals across subdomains like this? -Less importantly: with Google Analytics, if I track against the subdomain my visits will split naturally, and it should generate a second cookie for a new registrant who crosses subdomains. I could also use a visitor-level custom var. Good idea? Bad idea? Thanks! -m

    | grumbles

  • Hello, I have been looking into Google places alternatives. Any suggestions? On a related note. I am based in the UK and looking to add a UK business to Bing Local but having read this thread ( - -) I don't think it's possible. Anyone had any luck or experience? Cheers dj

    | JohnW-UK

  • Around November 23rd/25th - SERPs on Bing largely disappeared for my website.  I did a site relaunch with new optimized content and proper redirects on November 12th. How can I tell if my site has been blocked by Bing? How long does a sitemap take to be indexed by Bing? Is this is a normal practice for sites that seem to have massive amounts of new content on Bing? Funny thing is things have only gotten better on Google which I know is unrelated but it's funny how Bing makes things so easy yet so difficult! Would appreciate any thoughts, help, etc. on my Bing disappearing act. domain:

    | LMDNYC

  • We are building a from-scratch directory site and trying to determine the best way to structure our pages. Each general listing page has four sections of specific information. What is a better strategy for SEO: Using tabs (e.g. JQuery + CSS) and putting all content on one page (and will all of the content still be indexible using JQuery?) OR creating unique pages for each section. JQuery: Unique Pages: If I go with option one, I can risk not being crawlable by google if they can't read through the scripting. However, I feel like the individual pages will not rank if there's a small amount of content for each section. Is it better to keep all the content on one page and focus on building links to that? Or better to build out the section pages and worry about adding quality content to them so that long term there is more specificity for long tail search and better quality search experience on Google? We are also set up to have "../listing-type/listing-name" but are considering removing 'listing type and just having "../listing-name/". Do you think this more advantageous for boosting rankings? I know that was like five questions. I've been doing a lot of research and these are the things that I'm still scratching my head about. Some general direction would be really great! Thank You!

    | knowyourbank

  • We built a new store on another ccTLD and linked to it from some of our other domains in a few locations. I am noticing that with the Google operator command "links:" we are seeing nothing linking to our site anywhere. Some things to clarify: These are not no-follow links These pages linking to our new domain are indexed The pages being linked to on our new domain are indexed This is not a flash site or heavy in JavaScript The links existed the day the site was launched so when the new pages were crawled they existed. "Site:" command in Google shows me that my new site is indexed. What could potentially be causing this?  I am trying to get these newer ccTLD's to begin ranking and I understand that I need to get links going to these pages since they are fairly new (2.5 months) so I can outrank the .com in the SE's in those locales.  (Like

    | DRSearchEngOpt

  • Hey, I have just started working on a site which is a video based city guide, with promotional videos for restaurants, bars, activities,etc. The first thing that I have noticed is that every video on the site has two possible urls:- I know that I can write a .htaccess line to redirect one to the other:- redirect 301 /venue.php?url=rosemarino but this would involve creating a .htaccess line for every video on the site and new videos that get added may get missed. Does anyone know a way of creating a rule to rewrite these urls? Any help would be most gratefully received. Thanks. Ade.

    | AdeLewis

  • We had a ecommerce website that used to function as the website for every other locale we had around the world.  For example the French version was or a German version in English would be  Recently we moved all of our larger international locales to their corresponding ccTLD so no we have and happened about two months ago)  The problem with this is that we are getting hardly any organic traffic and sales on these new TLD's.  I am thinking this is because they are new but I am not positive.  If you compare the traffic we used to see on the old domain versus the traffic we see on the new domain it is a lot less. I am currently going through to make sure that all of the old pages are not up and the next thing I want to know is for the old pages would it be better to use a 301 re-direct or a rel=canonical to the new ccTLD to avoid duplicate content and those old pages from out ranking our new pages? Also what are some other causes for our traffic being down so much?  It just seems that there is a much bigger problem but I don't know what it could be.

    | DRSearchEngOpt

  • Our ecommerce sites are on CMS platforms. When we generate articles we get the following: in the url. There is no page name (keyword) in the url as opposed to product and category pages which generate them. Does the absence of keywords in the url significantly impact the page rank of an article? If it does, I'm going to submit a feature request. If not, I'm going to leave it alone. Thanks.

    | AWCthreads

  • Google says these types of references are generated algorithmically and that users should include a table of contents & descriptive anchor link text. Is there anything else we should take into consideration? Also, does anyone know how this works with pagination? Due to the design of our site, we can't make one really long article, but would need to divide it up into several 'pages'--even though it would all live on one URL (we'd use the # for pagination). Thank you in advance for your feedback.

    | nicole.healthline

  • I have been here for one month today and have been reworking many pages to improve my On-Page results for my site I have seen some really nice improvement in my organic, search and non paid keywords.  (up 38%, 21% and 29% this week) But last week all of a sudden my domain authority dropped from 10 to 9.   Not tragic but still odd since I have been getting some decent results from my optimazations.   My competitors have domain authority in the 20's so it's something I am sure I need to work on. I have added links out to relevant sites and added lots of content but my domain authority falls?   Is this common when a site makes lots of changes?

    | Banknotes

  • A client's site ranks very well for extremely competitive terms.  The google rankings have been stable for over a year.  There has been an organizational shake up, and the 'registrant' and administrative/billing/technical contact info needs to be updated, including the physical address.  I have been hesitant to modify the information for risk of a negative impact on the rankings. Will changes to the registrant/contacts/address info at the registrar have a negative impact on current organic rankings? Thanks,

    | seagreen

  • I have city centric website.  For sake of simplicity, say I only have 2 cities -- City A and City B. Depending on a user's IP address, they will either get City A or City B.  Users can change their location through javascript on pages.  But there is no cross-linking between cities.  By this, I mean that unless you can read or execute javascript, there is no way for you to get from city A to City B. My concern is this:  googlebot comes to my site, and we serve them up City A.  How does City B get discovered if Googlebot doesn't read javascript? We have an xml sitemap plus plenty of backlinks to City B.  Is this sufficient? Should I provide a static link to City B (and vice versa) on the homepage for crawling purposes?

    | ChatterBlock

  • Hi, I am running SEO for a medium-sized B-to-B website. We sell cloud-based software to other businesses/organizations. Our site currently consists of static product-related pages that already have been highly optimized (correct tags, rich content etc) and a blog that we updated regularly. For 2012, I've been tasked with coming up with ideas to significantly increase SEO. Assuming no budget constrains, what are some other general content ideas / other strategies to increase SEO for a B-to-B website? Some of my current ideas include: starting a keyword-targeted YouTube video series and acquiring more links. What are other tactics that could work for a b-to-b site? Thanks!

    | mindflash

  • Do you use a network of sites you own for links to your clients in your seo efforts? I see so many seo companies doing this from such junk sites with all their clients in the blog roll, it seems totally crazy. It seems this stuff works do any of you do this if so how do you keep it white hat?

    | DavidKonigsberg

  • I am planning on moving my website to a wordpress that is hosted by godaddy. I am wondering where the SEO juice that my website has already gained would go. Would it go to godaddy when I make the move instead?

    | SierraPCB

  • I've recently taken over a site from another agency, which has hundreds of linking root domains. These domains are of very low quality and, in my opinion, are being ignored by Google. Is it best to 'clean up' some of these links, or leave them and start building quality links? I just don't want to waste time cleaning link profiles if there's no need.

    | A_Q

  • IRS Problems, Tax Problems <cite></cite> We are a Local Houston CPA Firm in Harris County Texas, dedicated to helping taxpayers resolve their tax problems. We mean, “actually resolve their IRS ... Checking the source code doesn't reveal any reason I can see why they would do that. It happens most often,  if not all the time, and only Google results So if anyone would check the source code of my main page and can see why and what needs to be done, I can fix it. Thanks

    | joemas99

  • Just seen the image algo changes that have apparently been put into place in the last 3 months My spam tester image site didnt seem to feel anything. Did anyone feel image search change (for better or worse?) And on what dates? Cheers Stephen

    | firstconversion

  • Our website is We are a non-profit working to bring transparency to online censorship in China. By helping us resolve this problem you are helping us in the cause of internet freedom. If you search for "great firewall" or "great firewall of china", would you be interested in finding a database of what websites and searches are blocked by this Great Firewall of China? We have been running a non-profit project with this objective for almost a year and in so doing have created the biggest and most updated database of online censorship in China. Yet, to this date, you cannot find it in Google by searching for any relevant keywords. A similar website,, is listed as #3 when searching for "great firewall". Our website provides a more accurate testing tool, as well as historic data. Regardless of whether our service is better, we believe we should at least be included in the top 10. We have been testing out an Adwords campaign to see whether our website is of interest to users using these keywords. For example, users searching for "great firewall of china" end up browsing on average 2.62 pages and spending 03:18 minutes on the website. This suggests to us that our website is of interest to users searching for these keywords. Do you have any idea what the problem could be that is grave enough to not even include us in the top 100 for these keywords? We have recently posted this same question on the Google Webmaster Central but did not get a satisfactory answer:


  • I have a website about "Download of games" and im planning open one about "games online" i know that "games online" its super hard to get good ranks, soo im thinking and do a 301 from my website of "download games" to my new website, do you think that is a good strategy ?

    | nafera2

  • Is it a safe bet to publish 3 PAID press releases (on on the same website on the same day, each having about 10 links to different pages of the same website? I mean... will search engines spot something fishy is going out there?

    | KS__

  • Hi, I have a classifieds website and would like to optimize it. The issues/questions I have: A Classifieds site has, say, 500 cities. Is it better to create separate subdomains for each city ( or subdirectory ( Now in each city, there will be say 50 categories. Now these 50 categories are common across all the cities. Hence, the layout and content will be the same with difference of latest ads from each city and name of the city and the urls pointing to each category in the relevant city. The site architecture of a classifieds site is highly prone to have major content which is not really a duplicate content. What is the best way to deal with this situation? I have been hit by Panda in April 2011 with traffic going down 50%. However, the traffic since then has been around same level. How to best handle the duplicate content penalty in case with site like a classifieds site. Cheers!

    | ketan9

  • Hey Mozers, I discovered this morning that the home page for my website is rendering fine in Chrome and Firefox, but very poorly in IE. My analytics show that over 50% of my visitors are using IE. As a result of the problem, IE has a bounce rate 32% higher than other browsers. I'm not a web developer and I'm fairly new to SEO, so I'm guessing that it's going to take me at least a couple days to get it fixed. In the meantime, I was considering doing a 301 redirect from the home page to the largest category page in hopes of keeping some of the IE users from bouncing while I get the home page sorted out. Would there be any long term negative effects from this once I get the page sorted out and take the 301 off it? Are there any other solutions that would be better? Thanks for the help!

    | matthewbyers

  • OK, last question of the week.  I promise.    I'm doing something right.   I distribute for manufacturers.  For some of my less known manufactuers I am #3 or #2 rank.  For my main product the manufacturer is #1,2 with some numerical code as the discription. The manufacture will sell direct.  To get the customers attention I need to PPC, and luckily it's inexpensive. Is there any way to control what the content is of the listing?.   I would like to state in my #3 rank " 10-10-PP, In stock, same day shipping, best pricing." Does Google choose what to display and if so is there some where on my site I can influece this?  For you experts, perhaps this is the joke of the week.? Please do not have a heart attack when laughing.

    | Wales

  • Note:  I bold major content for your quick skim for your convenience.  Does this help you decide if its a fit for your response? My site has been devastated by the Panda or unknown reasons so I need to think outside the box. I distribute industrial products with average brand recognition.  I only have about 5 competitors selling this same brand.    My  other brand competitors are billion dollar companies that  pay a lot for PPC and have sites with 10 times the product offering. Since my brand recognition is not as important as the function.I'm thinking about changing the part numbers to reflect function.   This will affect about 1/5of the parts ( about 500 out of 3,000 parts)  .   My concern is will ranking be hurt or helped by changing these parts with these strong keywords in front of the part for such a high % of the site.  The strong keywords cost $10 for a chance at a $200 sale with repeat business. Example: Current part is: 10-10  Black Plastic;  which is a Big Red Truck with my brand part # as 10-10 and comes in different colors of plastic. .    Keyword is Big Red Truck.   I would like to put my manufactures brand in the description.    My same brand competitors sell 10,000 parts and my logic is that if I have the brand in 1/5 of my parts ranking would be improved because of the % of brand per the site versus my same brand competitors.. So I would change the part # to : **Brand  10-10-Black Plastic  Big Red Truck ** In conversation I would state the part as: Brand: 18 characters, Part #: 8, Material:12, Keyword: 27 If the keyword should be first I could change to: K,B P,M.   Which is recommended?

    | Wales

  • I hope I'm not investing too much of the communities time but I diving into saving my site from the Panda or other unknown damage and have issues. My two biggest selling  parts are in a configuration  like 10-10-55-P. They are low searched, maybe 50 people per month worldwide but this sale is crucial to us. The manufacture ( which sells direct but more difficult to deal with, I think you still need to give them your birthday and sex to place an online order) has #1 and 2 rank,  I have 3,4. I have 3000 parts and focused. . The other 5 large competitive distributors have 100,000 to 1,000,000 parts and have more resources.   Sometimes when I test 101055 or 10-10 55( which sometimes is used) I can drop to 7 or 8 and the competitive distributor beats out the manufacturer.  I suspect because they get 1000 times more traffic. Today I still am 3,4 for 101055p, but is there an organic strategy to address dashes and is capitalization import and should it be addressed to insure #3 organic rank?..

    | Wales

  • Hi there, We have just migrated to a new website with a new design etc and I have noticed that we now have this code on our website: From my understanding this is telling search engines to come back to your website in 10 days time to crawl the website? I'm sure I have read on serveral occasions that you should not does this and let search engines crawl your site when it see's fit to do so? Hope someone can help me out on this Kind Regards,

    | Paul78

  • My client site has a ABC quick find selector on the homepage of the site and throughout the site and as a result is is showing an error of to many links on the SEO moz error crawls reports. I wanted some advice on improving this and perhaps looking for an alternative also looking at the current setup and asking is this wrong.

    | onlinemediadirect

  • Is there manual intervention required for a site that has been flagged for duplicate content to get back to its original rankings, once the duplicated content has been removed? Background: Our site recently experienced a significant drop in traffic around the time that a chunk of content from other sites (ie. duplicate) went live.  While it was not an exact replica of the pages on other sites, there was quite a bit of overlap.  That content has since been removed, but our traffic hasn't improved.  What else can we do to improve our ranking?

    | jamesti

  • When coding the title tags of a website, is it important to note the hierarchy of the website so the search engine can find that page? So, for example, the title tag would be, for a subcategory: Webpage Subcategory>Category>Website name Does this help the search engine rankings at all? Or can the search engines figure out the hierarchy by reading a sitemap or the HTML readable navigation? Then you could focus on the descriptive keywords of the subcategory page for the title tag. Also, should you always include the site name in the title tag?

    | ConnellyPartners

  • For Yahoo stores.  The template built by 1choice4yourstore has Name which Yahoo tells me is the H1tag.   There is also an option of Headline. Name works as the title for the page without headline.  If you enter anything in Headline it overrides Name and becomes the visible title for the page. So if Name is: 11 and Headline is: 22, the viewer sees 22 as the visible title. Do the spiders see Name and Headline differently?  Is there a clear advantage to duplicating and having both Name and Headline identical?

    | Wales

  • Hi, I am pretty new to SEO. I know I have made so many mistakes and I am trying to learn now here on SEOmoz. At this moment, I am trying to find the answer to a situation that puzzles me. Since English is not my native language, I will do my best to be clear. I hope that a seasoned SEO expert out there can help me with this. I have a website ( that in the very beginning I optimized for the URL I was even able to list this URL into the DMOZ directory. The problem is that after a while the web hosting company I use - I don't know why yet - decided to make my site available as This means that if a person types in, she gets redirected to (the traditional URL without the "www"). Since when I started the site I was even more clueless than I am now about SEO, I thought that that would not make any difference. Even the guy at the web hosting company told me that that would be ok in terms of SEO. I thought that that was the case and closed an eye. The fact is that now I am using several tools to measure the strength of my site in the eyes of the search engines and noticed that seems stronger. Using a the tool I cannot mention, I compared the two URL and found out this: The total number of unique domains with backlinks pointing to a specific page is: 137 for the site WITHOUT the "www" and 2,210 for the site WITH the "www" The total number of links pointing to a specific URL is: 864 for the site WITHOUT the "www"; and 61,871 for the site WITH the "www" The number of domain backlinks is: 66,928 for the site WITHOUT the "www"; and 61,892 for the site WITH the "www" Moreover, as I have said, is listed in DMOZ while the site without the "www" is not. My questions are the following: Is the site WITH the "www" in the URL stronger than the site WITHOUT the "www"? If so, can the guys at the web hosting company fix the issue and make sure that a person can go straight to without being redirected to the site without the "www"? Finally, if the issue gets fixed, will the site with the "www" be indexed normally by the search engines? I have noticed that pages in the site with the "www" do not get indexed. Is it bad in the eyes of the search engines to go back to What would you do? I would really appreciate the opinion of an expert on this issue. Thank you for reading such incredibly long question. All the best, Mark

    | salvyy

  • Hello, Our site nlpca(dot)com dropped in rank for a few terms, including the main term "NLP". Could you look at our site and tell us what might be the cause? Thank you so much, Bob

    | BobGW

  • Hello, I'm making an important infographic for nlpca(dot)com on "What is NLP?" The content is going to come from this page, the creator of which is a close friend of ours: I've attached an outline of the content. My concern is that this is not a collection of statistics, but it is a very complex definition. So it's not a true infographic, but "What is NLP" is the most searched for content in our industry (and the link above is the strongest ranking page for that term). I'm wanting help in getting direction on how to create a stellar graphic out of this, so we can get stellar targeted content and gain a group of backlinks from the project. Any suggestions, large or small, are very welcome, and feel free to reference other infographics which can be good models. Thank you so much. for-seomoz-1-4-12.gif

    | BobGW

  • I have a robots.txt file on my server, which I did not develop, it was done by the web designer at the company before me. Then there is a word press plugin that generates a robots.txt file. How Do I unblock all the wordpress pages from googlebot?

    | ENSO

  • Hi Using seomoz i am getting told that a 302 temporary redirect is occurring on some of my pages for instance. Then redirects here is this splitting my page authority because of the temporary redirect? I just want to make sure i have fully understood what's happening before i go to the company who designed and developed our site as i am convinced this is hurting my rankings. Thanks

    | Nickhoyle1

  • Well it made me laugh and then cry a little after anyway. I have a keyword which is ranking page 1 position 7, I created a really nice article with content relevant to the keyword maybe around 600 words. I spent maybe half hour researching blogs on myblogguest looking for one that was based in the same country, had really good mozbar stats, even checked out how quickly other posts got indexed. I put 2 anchor text links in the article and managed to get the blogger to post the article. Next day checked the rankings and the post on the blog is now position 7, and has knocked me to position 8. I'm tempted to ask the blogger to change the title tag not to include my targeted keyword. Anyone got an advice on this?

    | activitysuper

  • I need to know if anyone has tips on creating a good robots.txt. I have read a lot of info, but I am just not clear on what I should allow and not allow on wordpress.  For example there are pages and posts, then attachments, wp-admin, wp-content and so on. Does anyone have a good robots.txt guideline?

    | ENSO

  • Here is how I did the configuration of the redirects: I don’t understand why the destination page is different from the one is configured in the apache server.  Any ideas? For example: is being already being 301 redirected to a 404 page ( that does not exist on the Apache server. As you can see, the url was incorrectly written. Another occurrence from the spreadsheet is, which is also being 301 redirected to a 404 page ( This is causing a hard 404 page. Here is my .httpaccess file: <virtualhost""></virtualhost> ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /home/www/solgroup/americas/ ServerName ServerAlias Redirect permanent /spanish/services/ Redirect permanent /entertainment/ Redirect permanent /press/ Redirect permanent /spanish/ Redirect permanent /es/restaurantes/ Redirect permanent /spanish/entertainment/ Redirect permanent /spanish/services/ Redirect permanent /es/spa/ Redirect permanent /spanish/accommodations/ Redirect permanent /spanish/spa/ Redirect permanent /spanish/royal/ Redirect permanent /spanish/dining/ Redirect permanent /spanish/flintstones/ Redirect permanent /es/galeria/ Redirect permanent /spanish/gallery/ Redirect permanent /es/reuniones-eventos/ Redirect permanent /lowest-rate.php Redirect permanent /es/los-picapiedra/ Redirect permanent /gallery/beach.html Redirect permanent /gallery/dining.html Redirect permanent /gallery/pools.html Redirect permanent /spanish/sitemap.html Redirect permanent /es/galeria/playa.html Redirect permanent /es/galeria/restaurantes.html Redirect permanent /es/galeria/piscinas.html Redirect permanent /es/prensa/ Redirect permanent /spanish/gallery/beach.html Redirect permanent /spanish/gallery/pools.html Redirect permanent /spanish/gallery/dining.html Redirect permanent /spanish/press/ Redirect permanent /en/groups.html Redirect permanent /terms-condition.php Redirect permanent /es/all_inclusive.html Redirect permanent /es/terms-condition.php Redirect permanent /es/prensa/family-facilities-amenities.html Redirect permanent /es/outside-us-telephone-listing.php Redirect permanent /spanish/press/melia-international-brand-overhaul.html Redirect permanent /es/prensa/melia-international-brand-overhaul.html Redirect permanent /press/family-facilities-amenities.html Redirect permanent /press/melia-international-brand-overhaul.html Redirect permanent /es/prensa/melia-caribe-tropical-announces-fall-promotion.html Redirect permanent /spanish/press/melia-caribe-tropical-announces-fall-promotion.html Redirect permanent /press/melia-caribe-tropical-announces-fall-promotion.html

    | Melia

  • Hi One of our client websites has had a sudden drop in rankings, and also in page rank. We have obviously been off for 2 weeks, so havent been blogging daily etc as we normally would have. Would this cause such a drop? Some keywords have lost from position 2/3 to page 7 over night, and we havent change the strategy! Thanks,

    | SEOwins

  • I recently purchased a domain and the corresponding website.  For as far as I could tell, in the 12 months prior to my purchase, the site was well optimized within Google and had over 40 search terms on page 1 of Google in a really competitive space (lending-related). When I made the purchase, the domain was transferred from seller's GoDaddy account and into my GoDaddy account and I placed privacy protection on the domain.  We did not move the hosting of the site--I took over his hosting account.  And I did not make any significant changes to the website. About 1 week later, the site was totally removed from Google's index and I received notice in Google Webmaster Tools that the site may violate Google's quality guidelines. I filed reconsideration request telling Google that I was the new owner and that if there were any violations, they were caused by old owner.  One week later, I got note back from Google saying they had received my reconsideration request and if they think issues are cured, then they will reindex the site.  That was over a week ago and so seemingly they are not putting it back. My question is this:  Does Google somehow automatically know when domains change hands and does this cause them to manually review sites?   The site in question was aggressively optimized but I don't understand what would have caused Google to take action on the site when they did.  In other words, if they were going to take action, why wouldn't they have done it in the prior 12 months or does the domain transfer put the site into some queue that makes them review it? BTW, the site in question has a SEOMoz domain authority grade of 85 and still is showing up as PR 5 Thanks very much for your time and consideration

    | whodatyat

  • Hi, Just a few small things I have noticed which has made a difference in ranking, thought I would share, small things but every little helps. Looks like more content on a page the better the ranking, in a test I have done this is what I found: page with 0 content - Google page 11 page with 250 content - Google page 5 page with 500 content - Google page 2 page with 1000 content - Google page 1, position 3 Looks like Google might count the words on a page (like you can do in Microsoft word) and then apply a score against it. Tweets and likes (78) showed a jump from page 1, position 8, to page 1, position 1 (this was the only form of link building and no changes made apart from adding the share plugin). Kind of makes me think if your starting a new site or page then add 750 - 1000 words of good content (tutorial or whatever) with a social sharing tool and let this run will give you a better chance of ranking when you start to introduce products and services.

    | activitysuper

  • Our site was affected by panda but now we have recovered almost. But some strange things are going with our site for example Traffic for some pages has been dropped(over 100 position) overnight and recover. (graph is attached for a page). We have dropped(over 100 position) on all keywords for a page except a single keyword (staying on first or 2n position). Our home page is not ranking in top 100 position for title keywords. Is our website under any type of filter or penalized by Google?. What is your opinion about our internal link structure and content? URL and graph for this page is attached for sample data. looking for your opinion and suggestions. Thanks IXT0m.png

    | alexgray

  • Hey, An audit of a client's site revealed that due to their shopping cart, all their product pages were being duplicated. and The easiest solution was to just block all /shop/ pages in Google Webmaster Tools (redirects were not an easy option). This was about 3 months ago, and in months 1 and 2 we undertook some great marketing (soft social book marking, updating the page content, flickr profiles with product images, product manuals onto slideshare etc). Rankings went up and so did traffic. In month 3, the changes in robots.txt finally hit and rankings decreased quite steadily over the last 3 weeks. Im so tempted to take off the robots restriction on the duplicate content.... I know I shouldnt but, it was working so well without it? Ideas, suggestions?

    | LukeyJamo

  • Wanting to use search operators such as "KEYWORD inurl:blog" to identify potential link targets, then download target url, domain and keyword into an excel file. Then use SEOTools to evaluate the urls from the list. I see the link aquisition assistant in the Moz lab, but the listed operators are limited. Appreciate any suggestions on doing this at scale, thanks!

    | Qualbe-Marketing-Group

  • Hello Forum, We have just finished completely redoing a website and it seems that for several keywords either the plural or singular version is no longer being displayed in Google search results. For example, we sell yoga products, one of which is a bolster. In the SEO section of Google Analytics, the keyword "bolsters" has held a steady rank while "bolster" lost lots of rank and now no longer shows. Both keywords pointed to the same page and hold nearly equal rank, which has both keywords for "bolster" and "yoga bolster" Any idea what may be going on?

    | pano

  • When I type in Google a keyword like : boot camp I get results that show Bootcamp (one word) traffic in the tens of thousands. I see many words combined. Does this mean that tens of thousands of people every month are misspelling that keyword? How should I interpret this in terms of anchor texting? I would hate to deliberately misspell it on my website just to get traffic. For those interested, my website is: (currently revaming my website)

    | StreetwiseReports

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