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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • We currently have our error page set up as a 202 page that is unreachable by the search engines as it is currently in our robots.txt file. Should the current error page be a 404 error page and reachable by the search engines? Is there more value or is it a better practice to use 404 over a 202? We noticed in our Google Webmaster account we have a number of broken links pointing the site, but the 404 error page was not accessible. If you have any insight that would be great, if you have any questions please let me know. Thanks, VPSEO

    | VPSEO

  • There is a technique that makes a category results page never change its links: Instead of the classic: Basically: The URL today will have one apartment, and tomorrow will have another, on the same link. The category page never changes links, it always has the same 10 links, that look the same as the category url and are numbered from 1 to 10.

    | elwebmaster

  • Hi Forum, This is a two-part question. The first is: "what may be the cause of some rank declines?" and the second is "how do I bring them back up when the indexed page is the homepage?" Over the last week I noticed some declines in several of my top keywords, many of which point to the site's homepage. The site itself is an eCommerce site, which had less visits last week than normal (holidays it seems, since the data jibes with key dates). Can a decline in traffic cause ranking declines? Any other ideas of where to look? Secondly, for those keywords that link to the homepage, how do we bring these back up since a homepage can't be optimized for every single keyword? We sell yoga products and can't have a homepage that is optimized for keywords like "yoga mat," "yoga blocks," "yoga pilates clothing," and several others, as these are our category pages' keywords. Any thoughts? Thanks!

    | pano

  • What guidelines are you using to determine the correct number of ad units? Also is it number of units per page or the size of the ads (visually)? Any additional guidance or links you can point me to regarding ads in a post-Panda world would be helpful.

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hi, I was continuously acquiring quality back-links and my site was moving up in Google SERPS for 3 main keywords. Within a few weeks  i was on Page 2 and 3  for these three keywords, but after reaching there I got stuck on these pages and positions despite no change in link building strategy / pattern. I have even increased the number and quality of links that I acquire per day, but I am still stuck at exact same positions. The website is10 months old and related to a software niche. I update this website once a week. For one keyword I am stuck at position 1 of page two (you can well imagine the frustration..!!). My question is that what do I need to do to get out of this "SERP lock"?

    | RightDirection

  • I am working on online retail stores. Initially, Google have indexed 10K+ pages of my website. I have checked number of indexed page before one week and pages were 8K+. Today, number of indexed pages are 7680. I can't understand why should it happen and How can fix it? I want to index maximum pages of my website.

    | CommercePundit

  • There are several studies that show CTR based on position. When a client asks for traffic estimates do you multiply CTR by estimated search volume? Why or why not?

    | nicole.healthline

  • When linking internally on an ecommerce site between pages and from a sitemap, is partial or exact match on the anchor text a significant factor? If it matters to Google, which is a better practice to use? I found plenty of info on external links, but precious little on internal links (which suggests it doesn't matter enough to worry about).

    | AWCthreads

  • I have an E commerce site that I want to boost search rank for.  I had taken some else's advice and created a wp blog on a different url then created content around the products we offer and linked back to the main site using the specific keyword in anchor text. I just joined seomoz earlier this month.   It seems like the main consensus here as far to install the blog in the  and I just did that.  So now when I create content for that blog should I just link back to the specific categories and or products then? Should I be aware of duplicate content issues? So if the product is widgets and I am talking about widgets in the blog, or blog title, could they be competing or helping the main URL?

    | Yevgeny

  • Hi, Is it possible for an individual to go against the big boys in a industry sector? Lets say flowers in the UK, all the massive flower companies go for 2 keywords: 'flowers delivered' (30,000 ems) and 'flowers by post' (30,000 ems) Would it be possible to start a new site and within 6 months (July) be up in the top 5? Scrap any exact match domains as there gone, I'm talking about creating a brand such as picking a term and going for it. Is this possible?

    | activitysuper

  • I understand that multiple links fro a site dilute link juice. I also understand that external links to a specific page with relevant anchortext helps ranking. I wonder if there is an ideal ratioof tgese two items

    | Apluswhs

  • Does anyone have experience on soft hyphenation and its effects on rankings? We are planning to use  ­ in our company blog to improve the layout. Currently, every word above 4 syllable will be soft hyphenated.
    This seems to render okay in all browsers, but it might be a problem with IE9... In HTML 5, the "­" soft hyphenation seems to be replaced with the <wbr> Tag ( and i don't find anything else about soft-hyphenation in the specs. Any experiences or opinions about this? Do you think it affects rankings if there are a lot of soft hyphens in the text? Does it still make sense to use ­ or would you switch to <wbr> already?

    | zeepartner

  • Per definition, a 404 is displayed for different url (any not existing url ...). As I try to clean my website following SEOmoz pro advices, SEOmoz notify me of duplicate content on urls leading to a 404 🙂 This is I guess not that important, but just curious: should we add a cononical tag to the template returning the 404, with a canonical url such as ?

    | nuxeo

  • my website was created using php and cartweaver  2.0 about five years ago by a web developer.  I was really happy with the results of the design was inspired to get into web development and have been studying ever since.  My biggest problem at this time is that I am not knowledgable with php and the cartweaver product but am learning as I read more.  The issue is that seomoz tools are reporting tons of duplicate content and duplicate title pages etc.  This is likely from the dynamic urls and same pages with secondary results etc.  I just made a new sitemap with auditmypc I think it was called in an attempt to get rid of all the duplicate page titles but is that going to solve anything or do I need to find another way to configure the site?  There are many pages with the same content competing for page rank and it is a bit frustrating to say the least.  If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated even pointing me in the right direction. Thank you, Jesse

    | WSOT

  • I've tried using Xenu, but this is a bit time consuming because it only tells you if the link sin't found & doesn't tell you which pages link to the 404'd page. Webmaster tools seems a bit dated & unreliable. Several of the links it lists as broken aren't. Does anyone have any other suggestions for compiling a list of broken links on a large site>

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hi All, I'm looking for some advice on URL structure. Our domain name includes 1/2 of many keyword strategies that we're considering. For example our domain is like, Keyword strategies that we're looking at targeting would include things like, "dive shop", "dive equipment" etc etc Are we competitive to have a structure like this? Or will this structure yield stronger results? Your thoughts are appreciated. Thanks! Malcolm

    | MAGNUMCreative

  • We own and operate more than two dozen educational related sites.  The business team is attempting to standardize some parts of our site hierarchy so that our sitemap.php, about.php, privacy.php and contact.php are all at the root directory.  Our sitemap.php is generated by our sitemap.xml files, which are generated from our URLlist.txt files. I need to provide some feedback on this initiative. I'm worried about adding more stand-alone pages to our root directory and as part of a separate optimization in the future I was planning to suggest we group the "privacy", "about" and "contact" pages in a separate folder. We generally try to put our most important pages/directories for SEO in the root as our homepages pass a lot of link juice and have high authority. We do not invest SEO time into optimizing these pages as they're not pages we're trying to rank for, and I've already been looking into even no-following all links to them from our footer, sitemap, etc. I know that adding these "corporate" pages to a site are usually a standard part of the design process but is there any SEO benefit to having them at the root?  And along the same lines, is there any SEO harm to having unimportant pages at the root? What do you guys think out there in Moz land?

    | Eric_edvisors

  • I'm creating the URL structure for an ecommerce site and was wondering if it's better to structure my URLs according to the most popular way people word their key phrases or by what makes most sense from a navigation perspective. Let's say I'm selling clothing (I'm not, just an example). I want the site to be open enough so a user can navigate by Person Type (Men's, Women's, Children's), Clothing Type (Shoes, Shirts, Hats), and Brands (Nike, Reebok, adidas). My gut and past experience say to structure the URLs from the least specific to the most specific: But I know "men's Nike shoes" is searched for more than "men's shoes Nike", which would render this URL: I know would be best, but the folders setup is what I have to work with. So which is best for SEO? URLs that play to the structure of the most searched for key phrases? Or URLs that follow the information architecture/navigation of a site? Nate

    | rball1

  • I'm working on an html sitemap for our ecommerce site and want to limit the links on each page to less than 100. I've created an article for the initial page, but what is the proper way to go to the next page? Do I create another article page (and so on and so on) until I have the sitemap completed? If so, how do I link from one page to the next? Would my on page text read: "sitemap continued" with anchor text on the link "sitemap page 2.."? It seems like all the sitemaps I've seen just fill one page with links and very little regard for "link saturation" and continuous pages. Thanks!

    | AWCthreads

  • We have changed our company and want to 301 old domain from new domain in order to transfer the benefits of backlinks (DA: 50, 115 Linking Root Domains).  I have the ability to modify around 50% of the backlinks.  So my question is: Instead of redirecting all the links, should I update the 50% to link to the new domain instead of relying on redirects?  Would this possibly trip an algorithmic filter and devalue these links?  Or should I just do a 301 and not worry about modifying the links?

    | Choice

  • I have been working on a website for a little more than 2 weeks. I have seen improvements for several of my keywords in both Google and Bing SERPs (first page in Bing and working on it in Google) but have seen no improvements with Yahoo (No keywords are appearing in the top 50 results.) Am I missing something with Yahoo? I have performed onpage optimization so that titles, meta descriptions, bolded text, header tags, alt tags, anchor text, etc is all there. I have also built offpage links using blogs, other people's websites, a few directories (submitted but not displayed), social media, etc. I have never experienced this kind of issue before. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    | Jeffrey2132

  • Hello my question is presently we holding one .com for our website and i see in analytics some time people typing .es version of our site too.. which is not registered yet. is it ok to buy that .es extension and do a redirect to our .com version ? thanks

    | idreams

  • Hello, I am a small website designer in Mexico.. as you know it is hard to rank in these keywords My main competitors appear with (diseño web = web design) on Almost 80% of the anchor text from my links are (diseño web Mexico =web design Mexico) If I search (diseño web Mexico =web design) on I appear on first page. If I search (diseño web = web design) on I appear on page 3. My questions: Is this because my anchor text is diseño web Mexico? should i change it to (diseño web = web design)? Or is it because (diseño web = web design) is a harder key word to rank? this is my website Regards

    | Pixelar

  • Hey Guys, Something is seriously going on with the SEO on my website and it's become business critical. We were ranked first on Google for phrases like 'Advertising agency Cambridge' and all of a sudden we have been dropped, not even ranking. To me this screams a penalisation but I can't understand why. I have never paid for links or done anything out of the ordinary that would get such a negative impact. Is there a way to check if a site has actually been penalised and find the reason? What would be the best course of action to appeal? Has anyone experienced something like this and have a timeframe for resolution? Thanks, Gareth

    | digitalclubb

  • I have implemented Rel=Prev & Rel=Next tag on my website. I would like to give example URL to know more about it. Right now, I have blocked paginated pages by Robots.txt by following query. Disallow: /*?p= I have removed disallow syntax from Robots.txt for paginated pages. But, I have confusion with duplicate page title. If you will check all 3 pages so you will find out duplicate page title across all pages. I know that, duplicate page title is harmful for SEO. Will Google crawl + index all paginated pages? If yes so which page will get maximum benefits in organic ranking? Is there any specific way which may help me to solve this issue?

    | CommercePundit

  • Hi Guys Can someone please help! How do you find high relevant PR sites that can be easiliy located using the SEO MOZ tools? How can I best use the SEO MOZ tools to locate good websites that will help me with linking building? Are the SEO MOZ tools any good?? Please can you help guys..?? Thanks Gareth

    | GAZ09

  • Hi everyone ! My question is regarding web fonts. We are currently working on a new design for our website and we're thinking about using web fonts instead of images containing the fonts we'd like to have. I'd like to know if web fonts can affect SEO as they need to be downloaded on the visitor's computers and consequently can slow down the load time of our web pages. If anyone has used web fonts in the past, do you have some specific tips to share ? Thank you in advance for your answers! Jeremie

    | Maxxum

  • I was interested in setting up rich snippets for all our hotels. I having a difficult time finding an example for a hotel without reviews. If you could add reviews, is there a way of showing your ratings on google places? I would like to add a picture, price, reviews, etc. for Anyway, you can help me out with forming a rich snippet for this hotel?

    | Melia

  • We have aged domains that have had unique ips for some time. Batch 1 average 2 years old and are in 1st to 5th place in their rankings. Batch 2 are 8 months old and not ranking at all. Will there be any issues associated with moving them all to a reseller account with a single ip address? In addition batch 1 that has good rankings with unique ips is there ever a possibility they will change our ips without notice or for any reason at all that will change and or fluctuate our rankings?

    | shandaman

  • I want to make viewable the xml sitemap I created with the xml tool. However I am not sure that if I throw in html code to make it look nice if it will interfere with the site map. Should I just use the xml with google and submit it there then have a separate stiemap.html that is viewable on my site? Or will two sitemaps complicate things?

    | ENSO

  • I want to define rel=nofollow attribute for Vista Patio Umbrellas. I have designed narrow by search section on home page. I want to define rel=nofollow attribute for all text links which are available in left navigation. So, what is best solution for that?

    | CommercePundit

  • Studies show that using the targeted keyword in the alt tag helps to rank better for a keyword. But what if the keyword doesn't exactly describe the image, would you still use it in the alt tag? For example, say you have an image of the brain, but the article is about cognitive behavioral therapy -- an accurate description would say 'human brain' but an SEO alt tag may say 'cognitive behavioral therapy'--which would you use?

    | nicole.healthline

  • I work on an education website. We offer programs that are offered up to 6 times per year. At the moment, we have a webpage for each instance of the program, but that's causing duplicate content issues. We're reworking the pages so the majority of the content will be on one page, but we'll still have to keep the application details as separate pages. 90% of the time, application details are going to be nearly identical, so I'm worried that these pages will still be seen as duplicate content. My question is, should we deindex these pages? We don't particularly want people landing on our application page without seeing the other details of the program anyway. But, is there problem with deindexing such a large chunk of your site that I'm not thinking of? Thanks, everyone!

    | UWPCE

  • Dear SeoMoz fans, I'm really glad to be a part of the community. Just have a quick question. I run a marketplace similar to eBay where users sell the products. I would like some suggestions on how to effectively proceed with SEO for an ecommerce marketplace of this type. Should I be proceed developing product review or product comparison landing pages and build links towards them as often suggested or should  I consider alternative marketing methods? Looking forward to your replies.

    | buzzmartseo

  • Hi, My SEOMOZ crawl diagnostic warn me about duplicate content. However, to me the content is not duplicated. For instance it would give me something like: (URLs/Internal Links/External Links/Page Authority/Linking Root Domains) /1/1/31/2 0/0/1/0 0/0/1/0 0/0/1/0 Why is this seen as duplicate content when it is only URL with campaign tracking codes to the same content? Do I need to clean this?Thanks for answer

    | nuxeo

  • I ran my site through the SEOMoz On-Page Optimization tool and one of the problems noted was "Keyword Self-Cannibalization" in this case, it was stating I was using the keyword "Board Games" too much. Site in question: The problem being is that every product link contains the word "Board Game" - Which makes sense, but I guess it may look spammy to the SEO world. Would it be best to remove the "board game" part from each internal link and only leave it in the URL structure?

    | REMOVE56

  • Hey guys, I normally work in WordPress and just use a 301 redirect plugin. I bought a site and rather than maintain two similar ones have decided to redirect one to the other. I am having trouble with the .htaccess file. Here is an example. These are two redirects: redirect 301 /category/models/next/2
    redirect 301 /category/models I want both of these URLs to redirect to the same URL of the new site. However, the /category/models is the only one working. It redirects to the new page just fine. The /category/models/next/2 is redirecting to nearly the same URL on the new site, only it is adding /next/2 to the end and that is bringing up a 404. Why is it adding /next/2 to the new URL? How can I fix this? There are several doing this. Help appreciated!

    | DanDeceuster

  • Hi, All! I have a little time on my hands that's not taken up by client work or our own marketing.  What would you say is a skill worth learning during that time? My background is not techie, so while I've picked up a teeny bit of knowledge about code, etc. on the way, I still don't really know how to code, use APIs, etc. So I was thinking something along those lines, but anyone have specific suggestions? And resources for whatever you suggest? Thanks! Aviva

    | debi_zyx

  • Hey guys, loving SEOMoz so far and will definitely continue my subscription after the free trial. I have a question however, which I am really confused about. When researching my primary keyword, I have found that the second ranked site beats the top site in every single aspect, apart from domain age, which is almost 6 years for the top one and 6 months for the second. When I say every single aspect, I mean everything. More authority for the page and domain, more links, more anchor text links, more authoritive links, more social signals, more relevant links, better domain (although second ranked site is a .net), better MozRank, better MozTrust etc.... I have noticed though, that in the UK SERPs, those sites are switched, so #2 is actually #1. Could it be that the US SERPs just haven't updated yet, or am I missing something completely different.

    | darrenspeed

  • Hi I have a couple of ecommerce websites which have both a UK and USA store. At the moment I have both the UK and the USA domains sending me traffic from UK and USA search engines which means that a number of users are clicking a Google page for the store not in their location, ie UK people are clicking on a .com listing and ending up on the USA website. What is the best way to automatically redirect people to the correct store for their region? If I use an IP based auto redirect system would Google see some of the pages are doorway pages? Thanks

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • We run a busy aviation website, with lots of members who post external links within our forum.  Currently, we implement NOFOLLOW tags on all external links or links to external sites not in our domain portfolio. Would we benefit from removing the NOFOLLOW attribute?  Would we benefit from keeping it? Your thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    | Peter264

  • Hello... I have an ecomm clients who's competing against Amazon in the SERPs.  Amazon does a great job of leveraging micro-data. Here's the rub... Amazon is ranking for product level pages and my client is ranking for category level pages. How can my client leverage micro-data to 'compete'?

    | 19prince

  • I have run into a situation where a website has 2 pages for different variations of a keyword.  I personally like to use 1 page and make it powerful for a variety of variations of that keyword.  Unfortunately for the site I’m working on, using only one page is not an option.  Here is an example:  They have a page for “Alex Miley Cameras” and then they have a page for “Alex Miley Cell Phones”.  On the first one they want to rank for Alex Miley & Alex Miley Cameras.  For the 2<sup>nd</sup> they want to rank for “Alex Miley Cell Phones”.  My concern is will Google be indecisive on which page to rank for the keyword “Alex Miley” since they both contain this word.  Also, will it affect any of the other words and spread the juice making each page weaker.   I would appreciate advice on how to rank these pages each separately for their keywords and not have to worry about any confusion from Google.  I can’t change the structure of the site.  I only have access to the Meta info and page content.  Thank you for your help

    | SEOPresident

  • What is the best way to submit all of your product pages, millions, to Google for serps?  XML, RSS, Google Product Search, etc. These are products that are updated on a daily basis, and change often.

    | Copstead

  • We have some pages targeting the different countries but with the Near to Similar content/products, just distinguished with the country name etc. one of the page was assigned to me for optimizing. two or three Similar pages are ranked with in top 50 for the main keyword. I updated some on page content to make it more distinguish from others. After some link building, I found that this page still not showing in Google result, even I found the following message on the google. "In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 698 already displayed.
    If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included." I clicked to repeat omitted result and found that my targeted url on 450th place in google (before link building this was not) My questions are Is google consider this page low quality or duplicate content? Is there any role of internal linking to give importance a page on other (when they are near to similar)? Like these pages can hurt the whole site rankings? How to handle this issue?

    | alexgray

  • hello Mozzers. question - does it make a big difference between having a .co vs a .com . I am tryign to get a URL, with the actual keywords in the URL . for example I see that the .com is taken but the .co is available, is it a good idea to buy it? also what about hyphens in urls - do they hurt or help if you actually have the keywords in the url. thanks much - you rock, V

    | vijayvasu

  • Hi, We are translating our articles into French (they are already in English) and are considering Cantonese & Mandarin. How does Google see this? Say I post an article on Diabetes Symptoms in English, Cantonese and French. Same article, different languages. Does Google look at this as three separate articles, ranking you uniquely, or does it count as one article? Thanks, Erin

    | erinhealthchoices

  • Hey guys, I am managing the site: If you search the keyword "PUA Forums", it will be in the top 10 results, however the title of the forum will be "PUA Forums" rather than using the code in the title tag, and no description will display at all (despite there being one in the code). Any page other than the home-page that ranks shows the correct title and description. We're completely baffled! Here are some interesting bits and pieces: It shows up fine on Bing If I go into GWT and Fetch as Google Bot, it shows up as "Unreachable" when I try to pull the home-page. We previously found that it was pulling 'index.htm' before 'index.php' - and this was pulling a blank page. I've fixed this in the .htaccess however to make it redirect, however this hasn't solved the problem. I've disallowed it from pulling the description .etc from the Open Directory with the use of meta tags - didn't change anything. It's vBulletin and is running vBSEO Any suggestions at all guys? I'll be forever in anyones debt who can solve this, it's proving to be near impossible to fix. Here is the .htaccess file, it may be a part of the issue: RewriteEngine On DirectoryIndex index.php index.html Redirect /index.html RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^
    RewriteRule (.*)$1 [L,R=301] RewriteRule ^((urllist|sitemap_).*.(xml|txt)(.gz)?)$ vbseo_sitemap/vbseo_getsitemap.php?sitemap=$1 [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(admincp/|modcp/|cron|vbseo_sitemap/)
    RewriteRule ^((archive/)?(..php(/.)?)?)$ vbseo.php [L,QSA] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !^(admincp|modcp|clientscript|cpstyles|images)/
    RewriteRule ^(.+)$ vbseo.php [L,QSA]
    RewriteRule ^forum/(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

    | trx

  • I recently purchased a blog within my product category - it has many first page rankings for difficult keywords within my niche. I am wondering if it makes more sense for for me to continue to operate this blog and build links to my site and blog (blog is in wordpress) or to export the XML feed and upload the content to my blog (new site also in wordpress), at which point I would do a 301 at the Top-Level domain. Any thoughts, ideas, or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    | NickEubanks

  • What happens if you go back and change old 301 re-directs? So instead of it re-directing  from A to B then C, we write a new redirect for A to C. What does Google see this as next time it crawls the site?

    | anchorwave

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