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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hello everyone, it's me again 😉 I've just got a Pro membership on SeoMoz and I am full of questions. A few days ago I found very interesting tool called: Search Engine Pingler And description of it was like this: Your website or your page was published a long time, but you can not find it on google. Because google has not index your site. Tool Search engine pingler will assist for you. It will ping the URL of your Page up more than 80 servers of google and other search engines. Inform to the search engine come to index your site. So my question is that tool really helps to increase the indexation of the link by search engine like Google, if not, please explain what is a real purpose of it. Thank you to future guru who can give a right answer 🙂

    | smokin_ace

  • Hi, Our website generates stock reports. Within those reports, we organize information into particular tabs. The entire report is loaded on one page and javascript is used to hide and show the different tabs. This makes it difficult for us to optimize the information on each particular tab. We're thinking about creating separate pages for each tab, but we're worried about affecting the user experience. We'd like to create separate pages for each tab, put links to them at the bottom of the reports, and still have the reports operate as they do today. Can we do this without getting in trouble with Google for having duplicate content? If not, is there another solution to this problem that we're not seeing? Here's a sample report: In advance, thanks for your help!

    | yosephwest

  • Hey guys, I'm looking to implement a strategy where I put a 20,000 word article on my home-page. It won't be a super-long page, this content will be divided into nested tabs. The content will also be found on individual pages (corresponding to the tabs) on the site, but these will have a canonical tag pointing to the home page, Will I get penalized for this kind of structure? Cheers, JC

    | trx

  • I own a blog that's getting popular,, and I have many good linking domains pointing to it namely, I wondered if anyone had any tips on how I could move this without loosing that tremendous link juice?

    | JoelWolfgang

  • On Wednesday I noticed our domain was no longer ranking for our key word and our product Isolator Fitness,, I have been researching and not finding answers to why it happened and  what to do to fix it. We have about 800 other pages still listed. I am new to all this seo stuff, can anyone guide me in the right direction.
    History about 10 days a go I went google web master tools and noticed that there were a large number of errors due to the fact the robots could not crawl our site. Looked at the site and found that Privacy button on WP was turned to block robots. I turned it on and had google re crawl the site, looked like google was not able to crawl the site for about 3 months, on Monday I did a 301 redirect to on of our other sites for another product we sell, to This site had a good bit of back links would doing all this at one time cause this How do I determine if we did anything wrong Thanks

    | David75

  • I recently launched a site and shortly after performed a URL rewrite (not the greatest idea, i know). The developer 404'd the old pages instead of a permanent 301 redirect. This caused a mess in the index. I have tried to use Google's removal tool to remove these URL's from the index. These pages were being removed but now I am finding them in the index as just URL's to the 404'd page (i.e. no title tag or meta description). Should I wait this out or now go back and 301 redirect the old URL's (that are 404'd now) to the new URL's? I am sure this is the reason for my lack of ranking as the rest of my site is pretty well optimized and I have some quality links.

    | mj775

  • Hello, I have spent a lot of times on the forum trying to make sure how to deal with my client situation. I will tell you my understanding of the strategy to apply and I would appreciate if you could tell me if the strategy will be okay. CONTEXT I am working on a project where our client wants to replace its current web site with a new one. The current web site has at least 100 000 pages. The new web site will replace all the existing pages of the current site. What I have heard for the strategy the client wants to adopt is to 404 each pages and to 301 redirect each page. Every page would be redirect to a page that make sense in the new web site. But after reading other answers and reading the following comment, I am starting to be concerned: '(4) Be careful with a massive number of 301s. I would not 301 100s of pages at once. There's some evidence Google may view this as aggressive PR sculpting and devalue those 301s. In that case, I'd 301 selectively (based on page authority and back-links) and 404 the rest.' I have also read about performance issue ... QUESTION So, if we suppose that we can manage to map each of the old site pages to a page in the new web site,  is a problem to do it? Do you see a performance issue or devaluation potential issue? If  it is a problem, please comment the strategy I might considere to suggest: Identify the pages for which I gain links From that group, identify the pages, that gives me most of my juice 301 redirect them and for the other, create a real great 404 ... Thanks ! Nancy

    | EnigmaSolution

  • Good evening, my question might sound stupid but please forgive me, I am still learning SEO. If I build a new site that will replace an existing site. Is there any point to do a 301 redirect for pages that had no inbound link so, no juice to pass? I kind of think that it would be a better practice to 301 redirect each pages to a page that make sense on the new web site  .... but here is why I think that. Why I say that If I am lucky, many of my old web site pages will be indexed, many of them having no inbound links. So once the new web site online, until all my new web sites pages are indexed, I could imagine Google would send  people to the index pages (the old ones that do not exist anymore)... I am right? So in that case, if I do a 301 redirect only for pages that have inbound links, the user would end up on a 404 page. Could you tell me if it make sense  how I think? Thanks a lot !! Nancy P.S. I would not redirect if it make no sense to the user. I fully understand that we must always keep the user experience in mind in any 404 and 301 redirect decisions. But to simplify the question, just suppose it is ok from a user perspective to map every old site pages to a page in new web site.

    | EnigmaSolution

  • I am trying to 301 redirect my old site to the new site (under the same domain. Most of the 404 urls are 301 redirects from 404 pages but they are still able to redirect. I need help understanding why I cannot redirect half of my list. <colgroup><col width="636"> <col width="342"> <col width="64"></colgroup>
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    | gastronomia.html

    | Melia

  • Hello everybody! I want to know if has any impact on ranking? Thanks!

    | seomasterbrasil

  • Hello Forum, We've re-launched our website with a new, SEO-friendly URL structure. We have also set up 301 redirects from our old URLs to the new ones. Now, is there any benefit to asking those external websites that link to us to update their links with our new URLs? What is the SEO best practice? Thanks for your insight.

    | pano

  • Title says it all really... if a site has a normal H1 and a bunch of: class="h1">...... tags as well, does this count as more than one H1 tag even though it's not really an H1 tag??

    | SteveOllington

  • Hello Forum, I am working with an eCommerce website (not huge, a site with ~300 products and a blog that is updated every few days) that occasionally adds new products and may make a few large edits per week, if that. Our CMS can automatically generate and submit our sitemap. Over what time interval is should we do this for? Daily, weekly, monthly, etc? Thanks!

    | pano

  • I've been working as a copywriter for about a year and a half now and I feel like the more advanced SEO topics (rel= tags, .htaccess files, etc) are a bit over my head. Is there a website where I can read up on all of these things? I have a basic understanding of them but I couldn't talk about them for very long, and I want to become more well rounded as a search marketer. Thanks!!

    | nxmassa

  • Here is my issue, my domain is and I’m trying to rank the site for the keyword “example”. All of my content is under “” and building content off of “” is not an option. So I’m thinking about moving the content to “” and 301ing the old pages . Of the two paths below, which will have a greater impact on my rankings for the term “example”? Current:
    Proposed: Thoughts?

    | samp582

  • We have a larger site with 100k+ pages, we need to create a mobile site which gets indexed in the mobile engines but I am afraid that google bot will consider these pages duplicates of the normal site pages. I know I can block it on the robots.txt but I still need it to be indexed for mobile search engines and I think google has a mobile crawler as well. Feel free to give me any other tips that I should follow while trying to optimize the mobile version. Any help would be appreciated 🙂

    | pulseseo

  • I have a client who franchises an ice cream shop.  It started in Utah and there are several stores there.  They are ranking well for local searches based in Utah.  Now they have opened a store in Federal Way, WA.  How can I get the new location to rank for local keywords on the same website?

    | fivestarfranchising

  • Seo Moz have kindly brought to my attention some canonicalization issues with my site. Firstly I've adjust to 301 redirect to via htaccess. But the crawl has shown for every page in my site the problem below: It's just that last / that's causing the problem. But I can't seem to see anyone having the same issue before. BTW im using wordpress if that makes a difference. Can anyone elaborate on the issue? How would i adjust my htaccess file to redirect a request with a / on the end of it? Thanks in advance!

    | AdenBrands

  • After 301-ing a domain to a new domain, how should we tread the changing of the backlinks to the old domain? We might be able to have a certain amount changed rather quickly. Should we consider the new domain as a "new" domain, and in this sense, not have them changed quickly, (afraid to trip any filter) Or wil Google see the new domain (after indexing) with the authority of the old domain, so , if the backlinks are direct or coming through a 301 will make no difference? Hope my question is clear and excuses for my english 😛 Thanks for reading and hoping for input,

    | elgoog

  • We are in the process of relaunching one of our website's that will use a totally need folder structure. Previously we used Now we are changing to make the URL shorter, more precise - since we are using a new CMS, to be My question is currently we've in the region of 10,000 pages indexed in Google.  So we are going to have to create 301 permanent redirects from the old URLs to the new URLs. From your previous experience, is this the correct way of approaching the task.

    | NeilTompkins

  • We are going to be relaunching our website with a new URL structure.  My question is, how is it best to deal with the migration process in terms of old URLS appearing whilst we launch the new ones. How best should we launch the new structure, considering we've in the region of 10,000 pages currently indexed in Google.

    | NeilTompkins

  • I have a website that lists various events.  There is one particular event at a local swimming pool that occurs every few months -- for example, once in December 2011 and again in March 2012.  It will probably happen again sometime in the future too.  Each event has its own 'event' page, which includes a description of the event and other details. In the example above the only thing that changes is the date of the event, which is in an H2 tag.  I'm getting this as an error in SEO Moz Pro as duplicate content. I could combine these pages, since the vast majority of the content is duplicate, but this will be a lot of work.  Any suggestions on a strategy for handling this problem?

    | ChatterBlock

  • Many of the big guns like 1800 Flowers, and others all have their sister sites in tabs at the top. Example: with their 3 other properties. Since all properties link to one another on every page, it's really a wash, right? No real gain as engines know they are connected and it's the same link multiple times. No real problem either as it's natural for the user experience to have reciprocal links here between the brands. Any additional thoughts here?

    | SEOPA

  • A competitor of my client has been ranking consistently in the top 2 spots in the organic listings on Google for years. They have the advantage of keywords in the URL but no matter what we do we just can't bump them out of the top position. Recently we discovered that they have 7 or so .org sites set up claiming to be run by volunteers and their opinions are un-biased that "highly recommend" products from the main site's company. Is this against Google's policies? I've submitted a spam report to Google but of course haven't heard anything back from them. Our AdWords rep told us that the policy team doesn't respond directly to claims because of privacy reasons? Anyone know any other way to report things like this to Google? We got dropped from the rankings for 3 months due to malicious code (spammy links) injected into all the pages on our site but these people sit steadily at the top. I don't get it.

    | pidot

  • what does that mean and how is that information valuable?  thank you

    | thirsty3

  • We have a high volume e-commerce website with over 15K items, an average of 150K visits per day and 12.6 pages per visit. We are launching a new website this spring which is currently on a beta sub domain and we are looking for the best strategy that preserves our current search rankings while throttling traffic (possibly 25% per week) to measure results. The new site will be soft launched as we plan to slowly migrate traffic to it via a load balancer. This way we can monitor performance of the new site while still having the old site as a backup. Only when we are fully comfortable with the new site will we submit the 301 redirects and migrate everyone over to the new site. We will have a month or so of running both sites. Except for the homepage the URL structure for the new site is different than the old site. What is our best strategy so we don’t lose ranking on the old site and start earning ranking on the new site, while avoiding duplicate content and cloaking issues? Here is what we got back from a Google post which may highlight our concerns better: Thank You, sincerely, Stephan Woo Cude SEO Specialist

    | STPseo

  • I got to thinking earlier... I know obviously footer links are always going to be the bottom of the barrel but does the rest of block level analysis still mean as much... I mean, everybody went nuts with getting in-content links only so there's a billion and one badly written spammy blogs with useless content on just for the sake of getting in-content links instead of blogroll/sidebar links. I just wonder if maybe due to that, things might have levelled out a bit for link location and we hadn't noticed... or at least there's not been much discussion over it lately. Thoughts anyone?

    | SteveOllington

  • So there are a few different routes to take when you're SEOing your site. My quest is to determine which is the best way to approach this. Let's use a real life example of a product. It's project management software, online collaboration software, employee scheduling tool, business process streamlining tool, client management tool and task/to do manager. It works for virtually any industry. I've created my keyword document and it's HUGE. I've created my wireframe with related keyphrases in buckets. Each one of the example keyphrases listed above have slight variations then a whole list of long tails. I have a few options as I see it: Create site sections within the main site that focus on each (This can make the site look slightly sloppy and categories would have to be masked so it doesn't appear spammy) Create a page in the blog relevant to each keyphrase and link all subsequent blog posts within that keyphrase family directly to that blog post (This seems like my best option) and have cta's or conversion mechanisms on this page Link all keyphrases to the home page (Seems like a terrible idea) Not sure if I answered my own question here, but I'd love to hear what everyone else thinks. What are your thoughts?

    | cmdsonline

  • Our main site (blog with 700 high quality articles) ranks pretty well and we recently launced a rapidly growing forum (55.000 posts in the first 11 weeks) on a subdomain. What would be a good strategy for ranking the forum quickly

    | xpd

  • Hey all. I've got two domain names. is my main address. The preferred domain. My Google WMT account has 4 sites listed that I am a verified owner on. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) I recent changed the address in WMT for to have the preferred domain I did this on Nov 23. It is currently saying their is a request and I can withdrawl. Now I'm needing to set the preferred for to be but it will not let me because of the pending The problem is I'm getting a ton of errors under my diagnostics. I'm not getting any under but I am thinking it is still effecting my page rank. I have the 301's for all set up as a 301 wildcard to They all redirect to the preferred domain I wan ( Suggestions?

    | Route112Media

  • We have a PPC landing page template that I've used to aggregate blog post collections thematically. The hope was that they would start ranking. After 5 months, it has yet to happen.Thought it was a good idea at the time because these pages have a nice prominent call-to-action area. It now occurs to me that the pages are probably under-performing because they are not incorporated into the main site navigation. Do you think that if I move these under their appropriate categories in the main site I'll see some lift? (Of course, I will add 301 redirects as well.) Thanks

    | csmithal

  • I have a customer that has asked me to find out the best way to move forwards with foreign languages. He sells Jukeboxes in the UK and has found recently that a large number of his customers are coming from abroad due to the financial climate. So he wants to appear on the first page of google in Russia, Arabic countries, French speaking countries and China. Whats the best route ? Add pages to his current site or look at purchasing domains for each country. Then submitting them to each google. So etc. Thanks

    | onlinemediadirect

  • Howdy all, The short of it is that I currently run a very niche business directory/review website and am in the process of expanding the system to support running multiple sites out of the same database/codebase. In a normal setup I'd just run all the sites off of the same server with all of them sharing a single IP address, but thanks to the wonders of the cloud, it would be fairly simple for me to run each site on it's own server at a cost of about $60/mo/site giving each site a unique IP on a unique c-block (in many cases a unique a-block even.) The ultimate goal here is to leverage the authority I've built up for the one site I currently run to help grow the next site I launch, and repeat the process. The question is: Is the SEO-value that the sites can pass to each other worth the extra cost and management overhead? I've gotten conflicting answers on this topic from multiple people I consider pretty smart so I'd love to know what other people say.

    | qurve

  • Hey there, I need to improve the  Domain trust of my website. I've seen the blogitems of Rand but I still have questions. If I want to increase the Domain Trust..I "simpely" have to get links from websites with a high Domain Trust.  This will eventually  improve my Domain trust. But what are the effects if I do this by reciprocal linking. Does this eliminates the trust that comes from the other website.

    | PlusPort

  • I am working towards optimizing the site search box of an ecommerce website and I wish to track the keywords which users are searching but which are yielding no results. Please see the image for the same. I wish to assimilate data on the same which would then allow me to add products which users are searching but which the site doesn't have. However my problem is that I don't know how you could obtain this data in analytics because these results manifest itself in the form of searchresults.php. I know that analyzing search refinements and percentage of exits in Google Analytics is an option but I want a more compact and simpler solution to the problem where I could see exactly all the data in one place. Does anyone have suggestions on how this can be done? Thanks in advance, Y35Mj.png

    | pulseseo

  • We are located in Canada but sell our products world wide. We are ranking ok on but are not in the top 50 on Is it due to my ip address? Is there any tips that you can give me to help up my rating for Any info you can provide me with will be amazing. Thanks,

    | drewzal

  • Any idea why companies like Skechers would be doing this: ? I suppose it makes sense, but I've never seen it done before. If this works, why on earth would we be using absolute URLs still?

    | stevewiideman

  • Just curious what other ecommerce SEO's are doing to battle fresh content. We've been having our clients work on internal blogs, adding articles one click away from landing pages, and implement product reviews when possible but I don't know that it's enough. Our bigger customers have landing pages (usually category pages) with very competitive keywords. So my main issue is what to do with fresh content on category pages.. I've toyed with the idea of having the landing page content re written every now and then. We used to use a blog parser to bring snippits of comments from the blog into landing pages but I believe that to be a problem with duplicate content. News snippits from other sites don't seem beneficial either. Anyone have any other ideas?


  • I had a thought recently, and perhaps it is a pretty bad thought, but i don't see the flaw in it, or how google would really detect it, so please correct me where I am wrong here. Say we ran some sort of marketing campeign and through that campeign we created about 100 extra pages on our domain.   A lot of these pages are heavily shared on facebook, twitter, google+ etc.  These pages also have several backlinks here and there. Now this campaign is over and so these pages no longer seem relevant to us. If we were to add 301 redirects to all these pages, to three different (and unrelated) internal pages (our primary targets) would this pass all the accumulated link juice on to those three target internal pages? Or would this behaviour get penalized by google?

    | adriandg

  • Quick question on the HT.Access / Redirects... II have a site and I am running througth SEO moz for backlinks and noticed a large descrepancy on the links on the root vs the redirect. There are more links on the root and less on the redirect.  Does this affect SEO for Google or does Google follow the redirects and give credit accordingly. Thanks for your help!!! Matt

    | joeups

  • Hello guys, Im planning to do some big changes on my ecommerce, On my ecommerce i normally ship services so tons of relative products but it will change from each brand. For example i would like to say the same thing on each product landing page but just changing the keyword for the proper product lading page , but my fear is that this will look like duplicate content. How can i deal with information on each landing page on a ecommerce that have more than 1k on services.   I dont want to write this differently on each 1k  on pages for products since they are doing the same thing but in different brands. I hope you can help me on this. Note: Is there any source of doing this type of Seo for automate page service generator?

    | aldovacano

  • Daniweb is the poster child for sites that have recovered from Panda. I know one strategy she mentioned was de-indexing all of her tagged content, fo rexample: Why do you think more Panda affected sites specifying 'googlebot' rather than 'robots' to capture traffic from Bing & Yahoo?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hey, I have a couple of questions regarding e-commerce category pages and filtering options: I would like to implement the rel=canonical to the view all page as suggested on this article on googlewebmastercentral. If you go on one of my category pages you will see that both the "next page link" and the "view all" links are nofollowed. Is that a mistake? How does nofoolow combines with canonical view all? Is it a good thing to nofollow the "sorty by" pages or should I also use Noindex for them?

    | Ypsilon

  • Our site was listed on the first page for the phrase Active SEO on We suddenly find ourselves on page 4 overnight and we're not sure what's going on. We have not undertaken an Black hat techniques however the site is fairly new. Anyone have any ideas as to what is going on?

    | MassivePrime

  • Hi,
    The situation is I have an old e-commerce site with good Pagreank (13 yrs old) and a new 3 month old site. Currently with duplicate content because it's e-commerce site. The old site has two languages on each product page, the new site only English. Traffic to old site is half English, half the traffic is the other language.
    Question is should I canonicalise to the new 3 month old domain that's only got English content at the moment? Soon it will also have both languages, but proper multi-lingual. The old site is meant to be for wholesalers, the new site for end-users. So the new site should get all the SE traffic it can get, I amnot worried about the old site not getting much because it has established userbase. If I canonicalise now, will I lose all the non English traffic to the old site? And is it a good idea to canonicalise to such a young domain? (on same IP C Block) What would you do?

    | Greywolf

  • Hi there, how are you guys doing? We wrote an ebook to promote our new website and I was investigating the idea of putting it on Lulu. Did anyone ever use Lulu? If so, do you have any feedback please? I got a free ISBN number on Lulu and it looks like I may be able to distribute it on Amazaon. Also, I'm giving out the ebook for free. Thanks guys! I hope you're having a great day

    | Ericc22

  • We have a long list of URL parameters in our Google Webmasters account. Currently, the majority are set to 'let googlebot decide.' How important is it to specify exactly what googlebot should do? Would you leave these to 'let googlebot decide' or would you specify how googlebot should treat each parameter?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hi, I'd like to increase website's speed with Amazon CloudFront CDN. I created some CNAMEs and i've something like this: (my website) But i've a lot duplicate content now ! One per subdomain and one per content (gif, css, html, and so one). Have you any feedback in order to not have SEO penalty ? Does Google detects CDN ? Can I help him to understand my CDNs ? Thanks, Best regards, Maxime

    | Max84

  • Question here, but first the lead in. As you all know, 301 redirects don't pass on 100% of link juice. I've set up my site using htaccess to redirect all non-ww to www and redirect all URLs to have a trailing slash. FYI, the preferred domain is selected in WMT and canonical URLs appear in the head section of all pages. So now what happens when sites that link to mine don't include either the www or the trailing slash, which is actually quite common? Of course, asking the site own to correct the link is ideal, but that's not always possible. So if thousands of links on external sites are linking to instead of, won't lots of link juice get lost in redirection? I can't think of anything more I can do to the URLs to reduce duplicate content and juice dilution. Thoughts? Kevin

    | kwoolf

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