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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • I'm concerned with the cloaking issue. Has anyone successfully implemented user agent detection to provide the Search engines with "clean" URLs?

    | MyaRiemer

  • I have a client, a plumber, who bought another plumbing company (and that company's domain) at one point. This other company was very old and has a lot of name recognition so they created a dedicated page to this other company within their main website, and redirected the other company's old domain to that page. This has worked fine, in that this page on the main site is now #1 when you search for the other old company's name. But for some reason the old domain comes up #2 (despite the fact that it's redirecting). Now, I could understand if the redirect had only been set up recently, but I'm reasonably sure this happened about a year ago. Could it be due to the fact that there are many sites out there still linking to that old domain? Thanks in advance!

    | VTDesignWorks

  • I built an ecommerce site for a client of mine just over 9 months ago now. To begin with the serps were great, everything was listed in the results but for some reason a few weeks in all the results vanished from google and now we're lucky to find anything. I've been as far as page 200 and havent found any results. Its been like this for a solid 8 months so i can only presume that the site has been penalised in some form. Searching for unique phrases from the site doesnt even return results. The website in question is =
    keywords we're aiming for = coloured contact lenses, fashion contact lenses
    Target = Google UK Now im not really an seo guy but regardless of this my client has hired me to see whats going on and correct it. I've been scratching my head thinking all sorts of things but none of which im certain about so i'm looking for someone to point me in the right direction before i do anything drastic. So to begin with here are some of my suspicions which i personally think are affecting ranking and possible penalisation. #1 - Too many links on the page
    #2 - Possibly over optimised
    #3 - Lack of content on the product and category pages
    #4 - Lack of backlinks and links in general coming from other sites My main concern is the lack of links from other sites and the odd link coming from low quality sites. I've also just found out that my client has been using an automatic link submitter which i've always thought of as a big no no. Some of the sites these links have been submitted to have nothing to do with the keyword we are targetting and are sort of spammy sites containing all sorts of links. Im wondering if these poor quality links could have caused the site to be penalised, google may be seeing it as a spammy site due to this. Whats your opinions on the above, are my suspicions correct and can this be recovered ? My planned course of action is to be as follows: #1 - Re write the content currently on the site so that it is better written and include more keywords, especially long tails since i think these will help bring the serps up.
    #2 - Write detailed category and product descriptions as well as making sure every page has some well written content with links and keywords.
    #3 - Keep the above pages to one main subject / keyword so that google doesnt get confused.
    #4 - Get some links on popular and relevant sites, the only problem here is the lack of fashion contact lens sites. Does anyone have any advice on how to find these or where i should be getting links placed. Are directories worth while ?
    #5 - Get more involved in the social side ie facebook, twitter I will be building on the above over time, aswell as running google ads moderately for our chosen keywords. Is there anything i have missed, anything i shouldnt be doing. Please advise. Thanks.

    | gfxpixeldesigns

  • Hi all I am doing some research this week on the effects of siloing a Magento site. We have about 1,654 pages with approx 1,400 products. We want to silo the website in order to address the internal linking issues and to also focus the customer journey in a more organised way. I need to report all of the possible angles and effects that this will have on the site, prior to implementing it. Does anyone have info on best practice for siloing? I'd appreciate any help... Thanks Nick

    | Total_Displays

  • Hi, Look for idea for a website owner selling training courses on painting , he wants to be ranked locally first but also national on google Serp (only one physical address available). His domain name is rather a branded one (no kw in it), and the website is recent (1 year) . An audit will be focused on competitor rankings to find niche KW. I 'd advise  : - For local : optimized Google  address listing  + local business directories + optumized page with local emphasis ( ..) For national : to make unique relevant content pages with keywords geographically targeted (according audit), for instance for a specific town, to include terms related to this particular local market etc.. 1/ What 's else could i suggest to start a national ranking ? 2/ Have you heard of a tool to make distant queries on Google ? I mean , i leave in Madrid (spain) and want to see google serp as if i was in Barcelona ? (seems difficult as google uses Ip). Tks in advance for your advices...

    | mlc


    | REMOVE56

  • Hello fellow Mozzers. I am just having a brief look at a potential clients website before speaking to them tomorrow and whilst looking at the source I noticed that they don't appear to have a clear definition for their Doctype. All the have at the top of each page is I have to admit that Doctypes aren't my strong point but I know that they are normally slightly more descriptive than this. Can this have any effect on rankings? or is this just an issue for W3C validation? Thanks 🙂

    | AdeLewis

  • Hi there, We have a website which has been up and running for the past 5 years now and we have now decided because we have a big market in Ireland .ie we want to have a .ie website, the question is, is it ok just to replicate the for the .ie website? Are there duplication issues? Kind Regards,

    | Paul78

  • I need my memory refreshed here! Say, I've got a blog and some of the posts have links to recommended external sites and content. Should these be nofollowed? They're not paid links or anything like that, simply things relevant to the post.

    | PeterAlexLeigh

  • Hi Forum, Our site has an errant product review module that is resulting in about 9-10 404 errors per day on Google Webmaster Tools. We've found that by changing our product page URLs to only include 2 dashes, the module stops causing 404 errors for that page. Does changing our URL from "" to "" hurt our SEO for a search for "girls pink yoga capri"? If so, by how much (assuming everthing else on the page is optimized properly) Thanks for your input.

    | pano

  • Hi there, I've redesigned a website for a client, but we are also changing domains and I'm trying to figure out the best way to set up the redirects from their old domain to the new one. 95% of their search engine traffic originally came through brand related keywords that landed on their homepage, and most of the remaining 15% landed on 3 other pages. The new site has pages to replace these 3 main SEO pages, and I'm about to set 301 redirects from their old domain, but I can't figure out the quickest/best way to do it. Is it possible to set up a specific redirect for the 4 main pages (Home + plus the 3 others) then a "catch all" type of thing for the rest of the pages, that redirect either to the homepage, or some sort of "Check out our new Site" landing page. How do you do this, or is there a better way to set it up? Thanks!

    | timscullin

  • I have a good amount of content on our main domain ( ) let's say for discussion it's and as you can see, much of it is in subdirectories. Traditionally this was the approach. Now I have some other content on subdomains but it's primarily directories and databases. Now I see that Google is giving subdomains their own SER as if they are a separate site and competitors are locking in the top few results merely by having their content on subdomains. Now I have an opportunity of doing two things: 1. Current content: moving all the content of the past few years on their own subdomain (forum, blog), and I'll be moving forum software anyways. Not sure about our own guide, which has been up there for a while. 2. New content: putting up some new blogs/magazines such as "Doctor's Handbook." Let's say that is a common phrase. I can choose between the following: (a) (b) (c) I've got a bit of a quandary here, not sure of the best course of action and am curious to hear from many of you who have handled situations like this before.

    | attorney

  • While SEOing, websites I am submitting PRs in sites like,, etc. Is that the right way or should I submit these PRs in Australian PR sites only (

    | KS__

  • We have been contacting some webmasters for building links, but a lot of them will only do banner ads on there site. Is having a keyword rich alt tag on the banner ad and a do follow link to our site just as good? Would like to hear your thoughts and l experiences in trying to leverage these banner ads to help in seo ranking. Thank you in advance for your input!

    | anchorwave

  • Hi just had my weekly report on my website to show me how i am ranking in the search engines and i am puzzled, i have not changed my page except from one paragraph and the page has gone from a grade a to a grade f. can anyone explain how this works out

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Is there any value to buying a domain for its PR or age? Or is it no better than a brand new unregistered domain name? On the flip side, is there any potential danger of buying domains with PR and age?

    | peigenesis

  • I'm curious to know what other mozzers think about silo's... Can we first all agree that a flat site architecture is the best practice? Relevant pages should be grouped together. Shorter, broader and (usually) therefore higher volume keywords should be towards the top of each category. Navigation should flow from general to specific. Agreed? As Google say's on page 10 of their SEO Starter Guide, "you should think about how visitors will go from a general page (your root page) to a page containing more specific content ." OK, we all agree so far, right? Great! Enter my question: Bruce Clay (among others) seem to recommend siloing as a best practice. While Richard Baxter (and many others @ SEOmoz), seem to view silos as a problem. Me? I've practiced (relevant) internal cross linking, and have intentionally avoided siloing in almost all cases. What about you? Is there a time and place to use silos? If so, when and where? If not, how do we rectify the seemingly huge differences of opinions between expert folks such as Baxter and Clay?

    | DonnieCooper

  • Hi, My website has 0 page rank.  How can I increase this? What are the different factors to increase page rank?  My site is Thanks in advance...

    | Trigun

  • Hello and Welcome Moz Friends! Thank you for taking the time to review this post. The nature of my problem is that I have optimized the site for the keyword Mobility Scooters however my quest for page 1 has turned into trying to get any page on my website to show up for that keyword. I checked every page with the SEOMoz optimization checker and they all received A's. I there something I perhaps overlooked, or should I continue to wait and pray Google rewards me? As I said, thank you for your help Champions! Justin Smith

    | FrontlineMobility

  • I'm just looking at a website with <h2class="hidden">Main Navigation and <h2class="hidden">Footer inserted on each page, and am wondering about the SEO implications. 

    | McTaggart

  • Does anyone know for sure if search engine bots still crawl links on a page whose canonical tags are set to a different page? So in short, would it be similar to a no-index follow? Thanks! -Margarita

    | MargaritaS

  • Hello Seomoz community, Simple question , i am looking forward to move a word press website from sub domain to to increase my indexed link on the root domain indexed by search engine.The blog i want to move already have high PR ( 6 ) i , of course want to avoid broken link , already indexed in search engine. What would be the best way to process to prepare this move accordingly on a SEO perspective ??? Many thanks in advance. Yan Desjardins

    | SherWeb

  • Hi, I've never seen a website rank on page 1 in position 2, 3 and 4 for one query, completely separate results as well. I thought they limited the amount of results from a website on each page?

    | activitysuper

  • Over the weekend, we updated our store to a new server.  Before the switch, we had a robots.txt file on the new server that disallowed its contents from being indexed (we didn't want duplicate pages from both old and new servers). When we finally made the switch, we somehow forgot to remove that robots.txt file, so the new pages weren't indexed.  We quickly put our good robots.txt in place, and we submitted a request for a re-crawl of the site. The problem is that many of our search rankings have changed.  We were ranking #2 for some keywords, and now we're not showing up at all.  Is there anything we can do?  Google Webmaster Tools says that the next crawl could take up to weeks!  Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

    | 9Studios

  • Hi, I hope that someone with good htaccess knowledge can help. I am planning on moving my site to a new domain. I understand that I should make 301 redirects using htaccess for every URL. This is a big site so it will be impossible to not forget some of the thousands existing URLs. Now to the question: How do I make all the URLs that is not specified in htaccess to redirect to my new root? Thanks!

    | mrlolalot

  • We have an official hotel website under our brand called It is a resort in Hawaii. However, Trip Advisor comes before our official website but it doesnt do this for the other websites. Could anyone tell me why this is happening? It is ranking higher for royal lahaina resort

    | TSpike1

  • I just read a discussion that was originally posted by Steve Ollington on May 22, 2011 where he states that many people are asking the wrong types of questions on this forum.  He said that he wonders if he will see a shift from people asking questions on "how to rank" to questions dealing with "how to work out the best KPIs" (Key Performance Indicators - yes I had to google it). I was once told we learn more by asking questions about a topic than by just listening.  I've also been told that sometimes the right question to ask is, "What questions should I be asking?"  So here is my question, what types of questions should I be asking to be better at SEO?  Perhaps these are some of them: Is it possible to be good at SEO when it is not a full-time job? It is very tempting to look for easy answers when you only have limited time. What are considered KPI's?  Are they different for every industry? How do you know what is junk information vs what is truly good SEO advice?  Is it just simply trial and error?  It seems to me that if people find truly good SEO information, they aren't going to be sharing it so easily.  It's the whole, "You get what you pay for". Maybe some of you can tell me more of the questions I should be asking.

    | kadesmith

  • Is it possible to block all but one URL with robots.txt? for example, if we block the /subfolder/ directory we want all URLs except for the exact match url to be blocked.

    | nicole.healthline

  • Yesterday a blog post appeared on SEOMOZ titled 'A Tale Of Two Studies' - It suggested some of the ranking factors Google and Bing take into account when ranking. A few of them I want to talk about: Social Signals, Age of Domain and H1 HTML Tag So I thought age of domain and H1 both had some weight in Google? I guess not! And social signals, now I know it gives some weight but its right up there in the list for both SE's, so should getting likes, tweets, plus1's now be part of my everyday link building? Bing-Google-CTR-Infographic-e1321978731479.png

    | activitysuper

  • Our title tags are dynamically generated, and some have over 140 characters. Does having a large quantity of URLS with an excessive number of characters hurt you in any way?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hello folks, I wanted to implement hcard to my client website, so i wanted to know the procedure to go about. Thanks in Advance!!


  • Our client participated in link exchange activity between 2008-2009. The service they used was Its an obvious link farm scheme and their drop in traffic/rankings correlates to panda release early this year. The site does have tons of unique content, their are no technical SEO issues. They DO have great inbound links from some very authoritative sites (ie: They do not rank even for unique strings taken directly from their content. Rankings for some very n long tail terms are virtually non existant. So the question were trying to figure out is, did the domain get hit with a penalty bc of past link farm participation, if so how can we correct? -- killing the account with link2me has already been done Could the domain NOT be penalized, and since all those external links were penalized did our site lose authority?

    | vectormedia

  • How do they effect SEO?

    | greenleafy

  • Hi, I'm a somewhat regionally based voip provider for businesses. So I'm not interested in getting the #1 ranking for voip, but I'd like to get the top for my region. So in this case asheville voip and related searches. However, I know that alot of users in Asheville are not typing in Asheville voip when they google. They're just typing in voip or free voip, or cisco voip. Here's my Google Insight Search: So what I was thinking about doing was in addition to my main site. Building several smaller 'educational based sites' about the benefits of VOIP. Based on google insights something like And use it to capture leads and link to my main site. So my question is this: Is this a good strategy? If people in Asheville are just typing in voip phone, will automatically have a better chance at a higher ranking? Thanksd David

    | StraightRazorDesigns

  • Are reverse proxies that much better than 301 redirects? Should I invest the time in doing this? I found out about reverse proxies here:

    | brianmcc

  • Hi guys, I've checked my email this morning and I've got a number of 404 errors over the weekend where Google has tried to crawl some of my existing pages but not found the full URL. Instead of hitting '' it's hit ''. This is definitely Googlebot/2.1; ( but I can't find where it would have found only the partial URL. It certainly wasn't on the domain it's crawling and I can't find any links from external sites pointing to us with the incorrect URL. GoogleBot is doing the same thing across a single domain but in different sub-folders. Having checked Webmaster Tools there aren't any hard 404s and the soft ones aren't related and haven't occured since August. I'm really confused as to how this is happening.. Thanks!

    | panini

  • Would it be beneficial to NOINDEX category listing pages except for the first page.  For example on this site: Has lots of pages such as Page 2, Page 3, Page 4... etc: Would there be any SEO benefit of NOINDEX on these pages?  Of course, FOLLOW is default, so links would still be followed and juice applied. Your thoughts and suggestions are much appreciated.

    | Peter264

  • Hi, We recently enabled a 301 on our domain from our old website to our new website. On the advice of fellow mozzer's we copied the old site exactly to the new domain, then did the 301 so that the sites are identical. Question is, should we be doing the 301 as a whole domain redirect, i.e. is now >, or individually setting each page, i.e. is now etc for each page in our site? Remembering that both old and new sites (for now) are identical copies. Also we set the 301 about 5 days ago and have verified its working but haven't seen a single change in rank either from the old site or new - is this because Google hasn't likely re-indexed yet? Thanks, Anthony

    | Grenadi

  • ok, I have been optimizing a sit for a while and decided to drop the flash site build an HTML site instead for obvious reasons.  But, as I was building the new site, BANG! a big jump in Google rank? How can this be, I thought out loud.  Must be all my anchor text kicking in...So, I am left with this question...Or did google pick up on my new site as I was building it.  I build it on a new DNS, then revert back to the main DNS... Drop the HTML site and continue my link getting with the main site? Or chalk it up under something else and roll with new site. I hope that was not to confusing


  • Example Business Name - UberPuter UberPuter targets the keywords "Computer Repairs" right from their home page. UberPuter has the option to place links on 150 of their customers pages that are happy with the service. Would it be best to place two anchor text links one with the brand name and one with the keyword anchor text in "computer repairs" pointing both at the home page or should UberPuter only place one link back to the home page for the Keyword Anchor text? To the best of my knowledge G only counts the first link on a page as a "Vote" so my thought is to only include the single link with the keyword anchor text. Thanks,

    | SEOKeith

  • I have optimized my home page for the keyword "computer repairs" would I be better of targeting my links at this page or an additional page (which already exists) called /repairs it's possible to rename & 301 this page to /computer-repairs The only advantage I can see from targeting /computer-repairs is that the keywords are in the target URL.

    | SEOKeith

  • I'm working on a site that has pages for many wedding vendors. There are essentially 3 variations of the page for each vendor with only slightly different content, so they're showing up as "duplicate content" in my SEOmoz Campaign. Here's an example of the 3 variations: Because of this, we placed a rel="canoncial" tag in the second 2 pages to try to fix the problem. However, the coding does not seem to validate in the w3 html validator. I can't say I understand html well enough to understand the error the validator is pointing out. We also added a the following to the second 2 types of pages <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> Am I employing this tag correctly in this case? Here is a snippet of the code below. <html> <head> <title>Reviews on Astonishing Event, Inc from Somerset MAtitle> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[/includes/style.css](view-source:"> <link href="[](view-source:" rel="canonical" /> <meta name="robots" content="noindex">
    <meta name="keywords" content="Astonishing Event, Inc, Somerset Massachusetts, Massachusetts Wedding Wedding Planners Directory, Massachusetts weddings, wedding Massachusetts ">
    <meta name="description" content="Get information and read reviews on Astonishing Event, Inc from Somerset MA. Astonishing Event, Inc appears in the directory of Somerset MA wedding Wedding Planners on"> <script src="[](view-source:" type="text/javascript">script> <script type="text/javascript"> _uacct = "UA-173959-2"; urchinTracker(); script> head>

    | jeffreytrull1

  • When building Anchor text links what affect if any does rel="external" have on inlinks placed to your site. Thanks, Kjay

    | SEOKeith

  • I am trying redirect my old site to my new site, both on the same domain. For one reason or another, I am having a hard time redirecting the some of the old urls to the new site. Please let me know how I can fix this issue. Below are the following old urls that are not allowing me to redirect: <colgroup><col width="636"></colgroup>
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    | Melia

  • Our page title is 64 characters, but it is still be truncated by Google even though it is less than the allotted 66 characters. Our Title: Women & Mens Sunglasses as low as $10 to $20 - Truncated to: Women & Mens Sunglasses as low as $10 to $20 - SunglassDeals ... To see, search "" on Any answers or help would be appreciated. Thanks. James

    | tuckjames

  • I am doing some pro-bono work with a local shelter for female victims of domestic abuse. I am trying to help visitors to the site cover their tracks by employing a document.title change when the page loads using JavaScript. This shelter receives a lot of traffic from Google. I worry that the Google bots will see this javascript change and somehow penalize this site or modify the title in the SERPs. Has anyone had any experience with this kind of javascript maneuver? All help would be greatly appreciated!

    | jkonowitch

  • I see traffic coming to my sites from mobile devices and I wanted to make sure they get the best experience on my sites but I don't want to create another version of the site on the same domain as this will cause a serious INNER duplicate content issue. Anyone know a good WP plugin that solves this issue with out creating inner duplicate content?

    | dan555

  • Hello, Someone approached a client of mine to sell a exact match domain name for a very competitive and high converting keyword. Would this be of any use and what are the best tactics to employ if it is purchased? I was of the opinion that the 'power' of exact match domain names are dying fast but would be interested to hear what people with experience in this think and what they have done with them (i.e. set-up a website on that domain or re-directed it)? Thanks, Rikki

    | RikkiD22

  • I am working on online retail store which is highly dedicated to Patio Umbrellas. My website is on 2nd page of Google web search for Patio Umbrellas keyword. I have one another internal page with Patio Umbrellas text link. I assume that, Google have confusion to give rank for my keyword during Patio Umbrellas keyword. I want to set NOFOLLOW attribute or NOINDEX FOLLOW meta for this page. Will it help me to rank high for Patio Umbrellas keyword. My ultimate goal is to reduce confusion for Patio Umbrellas keyword.

    | CommercePundit

  • We have a portal wich is only in spain and we started to internazionalized it to Argentina, Mexico and Colombia. Before we had a .com domain with content only for spain and now that domain is going to be global. so.. .com contains all the content and you can filter for country .es contains spanish content contanis argenitian content Every thing is ok but the problem is that there is a content (online courses) that is in every country. What we thougt to do is: -online contect url canonical to .com domain -Geo content url canonical to .es, domain (depending on the geo) Filters besidese .com and .es can give similar resoults we do not use canonical url or we will follow the rule above (if there is geo in .com filter then canonical to geo domain and if the filter is (online courses) then canonical to .com domain) What do you think about that? Thank you in advance.

    | ofuente

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