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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Is this also why people build backlinks to their BBB profiles, Yellowpages Profiles, etc. i.e. why do people build backlinks to other pages that link to them?  Wouldn't it be more beneficial to just build that backlink directly to your target?

    | adriandg

  • Ok, I know it has been asked, answered, and re-asked but I am going to ask for a specific reason. As you know, anyone who is a graphic designer or web developer is also an expert in SEO....Right??? 
    I am dealing with a client who is clinging to a developer but wants us to do the SEO on a myriad of sites. All connect to his main site via links, etc. The main site was just redeveloped by a developer who claims extensive SEO knowledge. The client who referred me to them is getting over twenty times the organic clients they are and is in a JV with the new client. Soooo, I want to show them once and for all they are wrong on the www. versus non-www. When I do a in Google I get a total of 13 url's and 20 url's without the www. Oddly, none are dupes of the other. So, where the www.NewClient/toy-boat/ is there, the other might be non www.  NewClient/toy-boat/sailing-green/ Even the contact page is in the www.NewClient/contact versus the non www of NewClient/Contact-us/ But, both pages seem to resolve to the non www. (A note here is that I originally instructed the designer to do non www to www. because the page authority was on the www.NewClient and he did opposite. With pages that are actually PDF files, if you try to use the www.NewClient/CoolGuy.pdf it comes up 404. When I check our sites, using ours return all www.We-Build-better/ url's. So, any other advice on how to insure these correct or incorrect? Oddly, we have discovered that sometimes in OSE, even with a correct canonical redirect it shows one without authority and the other with....we have contacted support. Come on mozzers, hook a brother up!

    | RobertFisher

  • I have a few domain names with the keywords I'm trying to target for my website. My website currently has been in operations for a couple years, and while not hugely authoritative, has built some value. Now, are these domain names with keywords any use to me? Is there any point to forward them to my site? Do I try to build up a page (or a few of content) and then have a link to my main site? Any insight would be mucho appreciated! Thanks!

    | gregalam

  • Hey there guys, I was recently hired to do SEO for a big forum to move the site to a new domain and to get them back up to their ranks after this move. This all went quite well, except for the fact that we lost about 1/3rd of our traffic. Although I expected some traffic to drop, this is quite a lot and I'm wondering what it is. The big keywords are still pulling the same traffic but I feel that a lot of the small threads on the forums have been de-indexed. Now, with a site with 260,000 threads, do I just take my loss and focus on new keywords? Or is there something I can do to get all these threads re-indexed? Thanks!

    | StefanJDorresteijn

  • Hi all, Speaking to an SEO company at the moment about doing some link building for me but I just can't shake this suspicion that they are a bunch of cowboys. My budget is £1000/month and they are promising 500-1000 high quality links/month. Common sense dictates that  surely that would trigger an unnatural link building pattern and at £1-2 /link doesn't sound like they are going to be quality. Is there any scenario where these figures might  stack up. Personally I think it's bullshit but thought I'd check it out before telling him to piss off. Thanx

    | Mulith

  • How come there's no reference to link velocity in the Search Ranking Factors, 2011 or prior? We know that we have to continue building links for a client even if they're already doing well, not just because of the competition nipping at their heels but because if we stop they slip down anyway, so we know that stopping link building will often times have an adverse effect... meaning link velocity right? So how come there's no mention of it? Just curious 🙂

    | SteveOllington

  • Okay, so have used video to both get my pages to rank and have Google see the Youtube result as another result for the same keywords as our page(s). All good. Now I'm thinking, "Self, am I better off embedding the video on our site with a third party service other than Youtube or continuing to embed the video from Youtube?" Would I be more likely to have our page show up higher and with a little player icon in Google SERPs if I hosted it outside of Youtube? Your thoughts? Thanks!

    | 94501

  • Hi All, There's been some internal debate going back and forth about redirecting the homepage of a site to a directory. There are a few different POVs circulating, one of which is that it's no different than redirecting to a /index page. Basically, the homepage is ranking for the keyword that we want the directory to rank for but I can't seem to justify placing this type of redirect. The content on both pages is different, but for the term both the homepage and the directory make sense to rank. Has anyone ever done anything like this before? Can anyone see any reason to do something like this? I believe this move would dilute the link value we currently have going to the homepage and potentially cause us to lose our #2 slot with the homepage in favor of a lower spot with the directory. I'd love to hear any thoughts on this/learn if anyone has experimented with this tactic. Thanks in advance!

    | JamieCottle28

  • 1 of the sites i work on  ( keeps having its home page "de-indexed" by google every few months, I then apply for a review and they put it back up. But i have no idea why this keeps happening and its only the home page I have no idea why and have never experienced this before

    | GMD1

  • Hi.. We have got two SEO and link builders working here in the office, putting in efforts is not a problem. And we have been doing SEO for our websites since a long time and they all rank well. Since, I have signed up for SEOMOZ, which is the one stop with all the heavy duty SEO guys, so we would like to get some suggestions from the experts. Ok here is the question. We have launched a new website this week and we have got a new SEO client, whose website is 6 months old. 1. What should be a proper SEO plan for a new website ?  Got any Plan PDF or Buleprint, which you can send me ? 2. For the client website , he is ranking on 4-7th pages for his 4 keywords. Whats should be the correct way or plan to start doing SEO for them and get them to the first page ? 3. I feel like, doing competitive analysis is lacking with us and we are not good at evaluating that step. Whats the bet way to do competitive analysis ? 4. We are looking to build more and more links to the website . Whats the best way to make links ? Got any SEOMoz Blog post link, which explain this better or any forum thread which has got the tricks for this ?

    | qubesys

  • Good morning all, As part of the analysis of our website, we have realised that we are diluting our keyword strength in a particular area by having multiple zones all targeting the same keyword. We have decided to combine these zones into one, and set up 301 redirects so that the remaining zone gets the benefit of the other zones' link juice. When setting up a 301 redirect from zone "X" to zone "Y" say, do I need to keep all of the content in zone X, or should I remove all content before the redirect is set up? Does zone Y still get the benefit of zone X's link juice if the content is removed? Many thanks Guy

    | Horizon

  • How do I avoid duplicate content on the index.htm page . I need to redirect the spider from the /index.htm file to the main root of and hence avoid duplicate content. Does anyone know of a foolproof way of achieving this without me buggering up the complete site Cheers Freddy

    | Fatfreddy

  • Was talking with a friend about this the other day. Do Brackets and or Braces in a URL string impact SEO? (I know short human readable etc... but for the sake of conversation has anyone relaised any impacts of these particular Characters in a URL?

    | AU-SEO

  • Google Web Master Tool reported me that I have several 404 staus code., First they were 2, after 4..6 and 10, right now. Every time I add a new page. I've got a no CMS managed website. After old website was been deleted, I installed Wordpress, created new page and deleted and blocked (robots.txt) old page. Infact all page not found don't exist!!!  (Pic: Page not found). The strange thing is that no pages link to those 404 pages (All Wordpress Created page are new!!!). Seomoz doesn't  report me any 404 error (Pic 3) I controlled all my pages: No "strange" link in any pages No link reported by Seomoz tool Bu why GWMT reports me that one? How can I risolve that problem?
    I'm going crazy!!! Regards
    Antonio BgelG.png eCaDU.png ZIi2f.jpg

    | Greenman

  • When I find keyword opportunities in Wordtracker, I'll sometimes run them through Adwords Keyword tool only to find that Google says these keywords have 0 search volume. Would you use these keywords even though Google says users aren't searching for them?

    | nicole.healthline

  • In reference to, what is the best way to find all of the parameters that need to be addressed? Thanks!

    | nicole.healthline

  • What's your philosophy on reversing 301 redirects? Does it depend on how long the redirect has been in place? Is it okay to implement a 301 redirect and remove it if the desired results aren't achieved? Also, what about multiple 301 redirects and removing those? I'm working with a site that has several 301 redirects in place and there's no definite knowledge as to when these were placed. I know there's always a danger and the possibility of unintended results when moving these around. I'm just curious as to what others' experience has been with placing and removing these either within a short period of time or over the course of as much as a year. Thanks in advance!

    | JamieCottle28

  • So right now I am looking to develop an infographic for a client and I was wonder from your guys' experience, how much has it cost? I have all the statistics and basic idea of how i want it to look, and its not going to be a super interactive type, more of a standard style graphic. I'm curious about where you went to find your designer and just kind of a ballpark price to work off of so I know what the market is like out there. Any input in anyway would be greatly appreciated!

    | MarloSchneider

  • This website is done in CMS. Will having lightbox pop up with content be SEO friendly? If you go to the web page and click on the images at the bottom of the page. There are lightbox that will display information. Will these lightbox content information be crawl by Google? Will it be consider as content for the url Thanks, John

    | VizionSEO99

  • Search on "santa cruz custom cabinets." In my SERPs, I'm seeing exact match rank #2. This is a 1-page site provided by Yellow Book as part of an ad it sold to this cabinet shop. The site has no other pages, no inbound links, etc. So much for Google saying it's going to turn down the meter on exact match domains because that's all I see this website, if you want to call it that, has going for it. what do you see? Why is it ranked so high? Why is it above the site below it for example? And why doesn't Google lower the boom on Yellow Book for these doorway pages? Thought you'd all find this interesting. Any comments?

    | KatMouse

  • Hi, I need some help w/ link blding and would like to outsource some of it. Can you recommend any reputable company thats affordable? Thanks

    | PaulDylan

  • Hi, We have a client who recently acquired a bunch of domains in all kinds of niches, each domain has a WordPress site on it, with content and backlinks. Clients wants to "merge" all these domains into categories in his "main website", moving content and "moving" backlinks as well. The syntax we came up with is the following: (sample domains of course) will be updated with .htaccess 301 redirect:
     Redirect 301 /fastpotatomixer.htm 1.) I'm not sure about the domain's root though. Where would I redirect, to Won't that be a problem that the new one is a "larger" category that has other posts as well, not only potatomixers? 2.) If this gets into the .htaccess (with several other lines for the other content as well of course), won't the first line "override" all the other ones? Redirect 301 /
    Redirect 301 /fastpotatomixer.htm
    Redirect 301 /easypotatomixer.htm etc. Thanks!

    | MandLoys

  • I've got a UK domain that I need to redirect to a US domain. Should I point it to the root domain or a landing page off the root and what it the benefit to doing one over the other?

    | JCorp

  • Hi, Having used the Open Site Explorer (page specific metrics) tool I've realized I'm lacking in the Social Signals area...I have only 1 tweet and ZERO for everything else (Facebook shares, Likes, Google +1 etc). So I have 2 quesitons: How can I get more social signals (is there a service I can use to do it)? How long will the new social signals take to appear in the Open Site Explorer information? I've just paid someone on to share my website link on his Facebook account, to tweet it, and also to use PingFM... Any other ideas would be GREAT - I can see this is a real weakness for my websites... Thanks, James

    | James1

  • I have read such a great blog posts on Multiple XML Sitemaps on following websites before a week. SEOmoz Distilled Google Webmaster Central Blog Search Engine Land SEO Inc I have created multiple XML sitemaps for my eCommerce website with following structure and submitted to Google webmaster tools. But, I am not satisfy with my second XML sitemap because it contain more than 7K+ product page URLs and looks like very slow crawling by Google! I want to separate my XML sitemap with following structure. With Root Level Category OR::: End Level Category . . . . . . . etc.... So, Which is best structure for Multiple XML Sitemap?

    | CommercePundit

  • As the garden season begins to wane I notice yet again how my ranking for some garden specific terms - eg ' garden tealight holders' start to rise again.Since I am doing nothing much I can only assume that my competitors have moved their focus to more winter based merchandise. Does anyone have a good understanding of how some websites are able to acheive high rankings during peak season only? I am assuming they are buying advertising (with the follow) for say 3 months before the season peak and manipulating internal linking to direct link juice from one section of the website to the other. Is this strategy risky. Has Google ever made mention of this issue?

    | GardenBeet

  • Does anyone know if there are any theories or evidence that a mobile optimized website (CSS) has better chances of ranking on Mobile platforms - assuming links and other factors being equal? In other words, is Google able to identify that a website has been optimized for mobiles and gives them preference/weight to rank over other websites that are not mobile optimized?

    | Syed1

  • I am looking for a lot of free "do follow" technology directories to submit to.  Does anyone know of a good directory or a list of some sort of technology directories or something similar?  Actually, I guess any directory that has a technology category would be helpful.

    | MyNet

  • Don't get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE SEOmoz, but their "Link Directory" ( is a bit deceiving. I was looking for a list of DIRECTORIES that Moz recommends, not a bunch of places where you can pay for advertising. On top of that, it also lists dmoz as one of the spots to get links from, but have you ever actually ever been able to get a link from dmoz? I know I haven't, and we've been trying to get a link for years. Anyone else disappointed in this list? Does anyone have a good list of directories? -Andy P.S. I love you SEOmoz! Don't hate me for this critique!

    | alhallinan

  • I reckon I've bagged one of the most interesting SEO projects of the year. My new client is selling vibrators. The site is not even in development yet but they want to make it fun and friendly and take away the stigma and "seediness" of the product. Anyway, the owenr has presented a list of "places" within this site which are places where the products are going to be showcased. These are along the lines of, Royal Rabbits Palace, Clitoral Courtyard, Dungeon Dildos, Magical G-arden etc. (there is a bit shreky/fariy tale thing going on) Clearly, these places add a lot to the look and feel of the site but as URL's and Titles, they are clearly not optimal in an SEO sense. What is for the best...making sure we shift the owner back into SEO best practice or hope that having these weird and wonderful names for the pages is going to add enough to the user experience to make it worthwhile to let through. FYI, did you know you can get vibrators that you can plug an ipod into. Man, I've seen some weird things researching this client!

    | FDC

  • I have been working on a few clients websites and have recently had rankings plummet. Most of the links i get are coming from wordpress platform(blog posts), in the past it worked very well, has anyone else had a problem with just using wordpress platform i.e most of the links are coming from blogs......and had rankings drop?

    | foreignhaus

  • Hi, I need to change all my site pages URL as a result of moving the site into another CMS platform that has its own URL structure: Currently the site is highly ranked for all relevant KWs I am targeting. All pages have backlinks Content and meta data should remain exactly the same. The domain should stay the same The plan is as follow: Set up the new site using a temporary domain name Copy over all content and meta data Set up all redirects (301) Update the domain name and point the live domain to the new one Watch closely for 404 errors and add any missing redirects Questions: Any comments on the plan? Is there a way (the above plan or any other) to make sure ranking will not be hurt What entries should I add to the sitemap.xml: new pages only or new pages and the pages from the old site? Thanks, Guy.

    | jid

  • When optimizing a forum topic page for SEO, would it be better to have a higher number of posts per page than seperating the topic up into multiple pages? For example, out of the box a forum may display 15 posts per topic page - would there be any SEO benifit in changing that number to say 30 posts per page?  I.e. more content per page and decreasing unnecessary "page 2, page 3, page 4"... etc. Your thoughts and comments are most appreciated.

    | Peter264

  • I cannot figure out why open site explorer doesn't see that when you go to it redirects to This is a wordpress installation that uses a cannonical url The HTACCESS file also has a 301 redirect as follows: RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301] But, open site explorer still shows these sites separately without alerting that there is a 301 redirect.

    | RobertFisher

  • I have a lot of clients who have somehow botched up their Google Places listing, and now are not showing up in local search results. In one particular case, they were using 2 different Gmail accounts and submitted their listing twice by accident. It appears Google has banned them from local search results. How does one undo steps like this and start fresh? Thanks!

    | ocsearch

  • All, I read within the SEOmoz blog that search engines consider 100 links on a page to be plenty, and we should try (where possible) to keep within the 100 limit. My question is; when a rel="nofollow" attribute is given to a link, does that link still count towards your maximum 100? Many thanks Guy

    | Horizon

  • Our supplier of a hosted CMS is hosting a few hundred website on his server. For every domainname pointing to a website we need to use the same IP-adres in the DNS A-record. They are now asking us to delete de A-record for all the websites and add a CNAME record. So they can send the traffic via a company like Versign in case of a DDOS attack. A lot of the websites rank well. Will there be a SEO problem when we start using the CNAME's instead of the A-records? Thanks, Olaf

    | Olaf

  • I have a directory site with 1000s of entries. Will there be benefit to be gained from playing with various entries priorities in the sitemap?  I was thinking I might give more priority to entries that have upgraded their directory entry. Thanks.

    | flow_seo

  • I have a client with a well aged, high DA site. They rank well for their wedding photography business in several cities. They are launching a new service which is related to photography (photobooths and flipbooks) which they built and developed content on a new domain. The existing domain has 0 links with a DA of 1. The site is brand new.. Is there any drawback to moving the existing content on the new domain to a sub directory of the high authority domain? EX: The look, feel, and design of the new site / service is much different than the high DA site. My thoughts are that this will give them an automatic step up, especially since they will be marketing this in several major cities. Also, since the design will be different, if it is good to move to the subdir, should we put the new company name in the subdir folder or something keyword friendly like as opposed to Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    | itrogers

  • I've got a conundrum I would appreciate your thoughts on. I have a main container page listing a group of products, linking out to individual product pages. The problem I have is the all the product pages target exactly the same keywords as the main product page listing all the products. Initially all my product pages were ranking much higher then the container page, as there was little individual text on the container page, and it was being hit with a duplicate content penality I believe. To get round this, on the container page, I have incorporated a chunk of text from each product listed on the page. However, that now means "most" of the content on an individual product page is also now on the container page - therefore I am worried that i will get a duplicate content penality on the product pages, as the same content (or most of it) is on the container page. Effectively I want to consolidate the link juice of the product pages back to the container page, but i am not sure how best to do this. Would it be wise to rel=canonical all the product pages back to the container page? Rel=nofollow all the links to the product pages? - or possibly some other method? Thanks

    | James77

  • Excuse my sitemap ignorance here. I've got a site and it's got a blog in a sub-folder. The blog gets updated frequently, the main site does not. Is it best to; a) Have 2 sitemaps.. one in the root and one in the /blog folder. b) Have 1 sitemap that is regularly updated The reason being, I know there's various plugins that create blog sitemaps on the fly, so that would be much easier than updating the main sitemap every time a change was made. If the answer is 2 sitemaps; Would you stop the root sitemap from detailing the contents of the blog folder or just update it every so often with the contents of the blog folder?

    | PeterAlexLeigh

  • Hi All, Have 3 seperate questions all relating to global/international SEO from a domain strategy point of view so will try to make them all short and 'to the point'. The current URL is The site's content strategy and all marketing activity has always been for the UK. We're now launching in US with also long term plans to launch in other countries. Each country will have their own webmaster/conternt strategy/marketing team. 1st question Which is better and why? verses The US team are leaning towards (and rightly so) the folder approach as it will help the US section of the site benefit from existing domain authority, link profile and off-page SEO work already carried out to a route domain level. This will also not be regarded as a new site as it's On the flip side however the sub domain option although has no short term SEO benefits; will have a more sustainable SEO campaign for each country as they can be treated as individual sites/SEO campaigns. This also reduces some risk elements involved as each geo-specific team will only be concerned about their own sub-domain and not have route domain level control. I'm also aware that sub-domains will be treated as individual sites and therefore certain updates (such as Panda) will treat each sub-domain individually. So a possible negative impact on would not necessarily have an impact on unless content strategy was the same. 2nd question Assuming we decide to go for (folder option). The site's current geo target market is currently set to UK on Google Webmaster Tools to route domain level. If was set to UK and was set to US on GWT, would there be a conflict? We want to ensure that the route domain level settings does NOT override any settings on folder level within the same domain.  Based on an answer from a top contributer of Google Webmaster Central, setting to US would not be in conflict with settings within route domain level but I would love to hear/read from somebody that had actually gone through the process. 3rd question We're considering implementing geo DNS so a US visitor accessing will be redirected to (or based on their location from their IP address. Reason being is we're trying to avoid a splash page with a choice of countries (UK or US) on route level (homepage) which is very commonly used by most sites with multiple geo specific target markets. We would be assuming that somebody from North America would be looking for the US site and therefore redirecting the visitor automatically to The SEO implications are however that a 302 redirect will be used and therefore redirects used based on the visitors location will not pass link value from the homepage towards landing pages. The homepage currently has very strong link juice and the site's general navigational structure is pretty good allowing the link juice to flow through from the homepage.

    | MoRaja

  • I am running an e-commerce business where I sell fashion jewelry. We usually have 500 products to offer and some of them we have only one in stock. What happens is that many of our back links are pointed directly to a specific product, and when a product is sold out and no longer is in stock the URL becomes inactive, and we lose the link juice. What is the best practice or tool to 301-redirect many URLs at the same time without going and changing one URL at a time? Do you have any other suggestions on how to manage an out of stock product but still maintain the link juice from the back link? Thanks!

    | ikomorin

  • After having our site up for over a year and gaining PR 3 and more than a dozen page 1 rankings on Google for most of our competitive terms, we have realised we have to transfer to .com from our current URL for legal reasons. What would the best way be to carry out such a move in an SEO perspective?

    | qtasad

  • I am expecting answers/views from social SEO experts. Should i encourage people to "like" my main page of my website OR FB profile page of website? Which one works better and why?

    | ShoutOut

  • We manage a lot of sites that are around pharmaceuticals and lawsuits. I was checking a couple of the sites around the keyword: Actos Lawsuit using the keyword difficulty with serp analysis. Our sites have done very little Adwords except for first month about a year ago and we have always ranked well and the client is very happy with the results. Tonight I notice a site that is They are ranked fourth on Google. Our url which is is ranked 9th?? Frankly there are several sites ranked ahead and when you look at the parameters all the way across some we are killing. But Wiki, everyone is killing  and it is still fourth. I ran it in OSE and the metrics came back better, but there is at best 3 to 4 real links out of 30 domains. This is a commercial site with a contact form in right sidebar and my guess is they are selling leads to lawyers. So they are about as Wiki as Hooters. That said, we see all the talk about quality links and I am seeing a lot of sites with few quality links and lots of junk links. Should we still believe it matters? Or, is it that it matters when the sites are huge (JC Penny), etc. but not if the site is under some critical number of poor links? Looking forward to a moz Fest on this.

    | RobertFisher

  • I know reciprocal linking isn't ideal, but does it actually hurt your site? Is there any penalty for having a high number of reciprocal links?

    | nicole.healthline

  • I'm looking for some clarity... Looking at using Shopify for an existing online store that we have to migrate. Setting up the store with shopify means we will be using a subdomain such as instead of The following are points to consider when responding The client currently has an online store, however it's a proprietary shopping store and CMS that has since gone defunct and they need to migrate to an alternative in order to survive online against new CMS systems that allow the site and its content to be better optimized. There is a lot of existing SEO done on the current site that we don't want to loose PR on. There is roughly 2000 products Client has a fixed budget, dealing with checkout issues, custom work and various other "bugs" seems to be easier controlled with Shopify...thus budget can be used more on content/strategy and migration We want to run the main site in Wordpress and are wanting to use Shopify since it supports a gateway, has great features and seems like it would allow us to get more bang for the buck and can focus more on the main site and content strategy and drive traffic to the subdomain store if needed Or main concern is the effort of migrating 2000+ products to shopify and the traffic and PR it gives the current site will have a negative effect on the main domain itself. Should we really be considering this path? The domain is One main benefit to the subdomain is the ability to clearly segment products from the service portion of the site in the analytics and focus 2 clear strategies and track it in a very defined manner. We're really on the fence with this...any thoughts are welcome.

    | MAGNUMCreative

  • Hi All, Recently moved a friend to a new WP back-end website as they were on Flash which is pretty, but not necessarily the best for SEO. My question is that once Google finally indexed the site, I noticed in Google Webmaster tools that it found the most significant keyword to be: automatically On the following top pages: | tag/snow-boarding-photography/ |
    | tag/style-photography/ |
    | tag/underwater-photography/ |
    | tag/vacation-photography/ |
    | tag/wedding-photography-beaver-creek/ |
    | tag/wedding-photography-copper-mountain/ |
    | tag/wedding-photography-denver/ |
    | tag/wedding-photography/ |
    | underwater-photography-scuba-diving-cozumel-mexico/ |
    | wedding-photography/ | The goofy thing is I can find anywhere that "automatically" is used - perhaps it is coming from a plug-in or magically keyword beans that Google found? Any guidance is appreciated.

    | BoulderJoe

  • I experienced negative impact on crawling after upload robots.txt file on HTTPS pages. You can find out both URLs as follow. Robots.txt File for HTTP: Robots.txt File for HTTPS: I have disallowed all crawlers for HTTPS pages with following syntax. User-agent: *
    Disallow: / Does it matter for that? If I have done any thing wrong so give me more idea to fix this issue.

    | CommercePundit

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