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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hey guys, i've seen some stuff about this before but I recently found an opportunity to put it into action and wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting into! I am looking at buying a domain (expired and now only 10 dollars) that has a decent domain authority and has some keywords in it related to my clients practice. I plan on using a 301 redirect to pass "link juice" because this client is looking for a quick bump in rankings. Thoughts? Benefits? Problems with this?

    | RickyShockley

  • It can take some time for a new business website to get picked up by all the search engines and indexed. Let's assume it's going to take a month to build your new full-fledged business website.  Would it be advantageous in the mean time to immediately launch the domain with an introductory website using a template site so you might have just two pages, a home page with logo, title, brief description of pages, a couple images, etc and a contact page. Would this help give the site a "jump start" on being indexed? Or could that do more harm than good by putting up something "quick & dirty" versus the complete website with much more content, that has been SEO optimized?

    | Jazee

  • I have a new client site that is not appearing anywhere in the top 100 for its main keywords. ASSUMING that this is not an issue with optimization or link quality, I am wondering whether it might be the following... The client's company has a parent company whose website has decent authority. This website links to the new (client) website. In addition, the 2 press releases we have done include links to both companies, since one was an outgrowth of the other. This is all 100% natural, so my inclination is that this is not causing the issue. But does anyone have any experience to suggest otherwise? That having website A linking to website B, and 50+ press release websites linking to both, could be causing the algorithm to throttle website Bs ability to rank? Thanks in advance!

    | zakkyg

  • We have a client who before us, had a website that was blacklisted by Google. After we created their new website, we submitted an appeal through Google's Webmaster Tools, and it was approved. One year later, they are still unable to rank for anything on Google. The keyword we are attempting to rank for on their home page is "Day in the Life Legal Videos" which shouldn't be too difficult to rank for after a year. But their website cannot be found. What else can we do to repair this previously blacklisted website after we're already been approved by Google? Here is the website in question:

    | rodneywarner

  • We have an e-commerce client that is launching a new site. In setting up for it they decided that they want to change their navigation on the site and url structure. So everything being even, the new site will have appropriate 301 and it's built on Magento so the product pages are all structured as but the category pages will now be deeper than before. So before it was will now be generic category/product-category/new-subcategory/product-category. Hope that makes sense. I'm not as worried about the 301's or specific products but I'm worried the category pages dropping a folder level will hurt page authority. Any thoughts, am I being overly nervous?

    | BCutrer

  • We are working with a client who has one irrelevant, off-topic post ranking incredibly well and driving a lot of traffic. However, none of the other pages on the site, that are relevant to this client's business, are ranking. Links are good and in-line with competitors for the various terms. Oddly, very few external links reference this off-topic post, most are to the home page. Local profile is also in-line with competitors, including reviews, categorization, geo-targeting, pictures, etc. No spam issues exist and no warnings in Google Search Console. The only thing that seems weird is this off-topic post but that could affect rankings on other pages of the site? Would removing that off-topic post potentially help increase traffic and rankings for the other more relevant pages of the site? Appreciate any and all help or ideas of where to go from here. Thanks!

    | Matthew_Edgar

  • Hi Everyone, My client is switching from a mobile subdomain to a responsive site. All URLs are the same on mobile subdomain vs desktop so we just need a wildcard rule to redirect m. to www. Anyone have this wildcard redirect code for an .htaccess file? Much appreciated! Dan

    | kernmedia

  • We use different headlines and text on our mobile site vs. the desktop. Our desktop headlines and text is highly optimized for SEO purposes, but because of user experience and space limitations the headlines and text on the mobile version isn't great for SEO. I'm wondering, what will google look at and will it make a difference? Thanks!

    | Postable

  • HI I have resource issues and need to prioritise my time, I know both content & backlinks are important for SEO, but where will it be most beneficial to spend my time? We are a generalist site, so this also makes things tougher. I have some core areas to work on, but want to be the most effective in the time I spend on them. Thanks!

    | BeckyKey

  • Hello This questions plays on what Joe Hall talked about during this years' MozCon: Rethinking Information Architecture for SEO and Content Marketing. My Case:
    So.. we're working out guidelines and templates for a costumer (sporting goods store) on how to publish content (articles, videos, guides) on their category pages, product pages, and other pages. At this moment I have 2 choices:
    1. Use a url-structure/information architecture where all the content is placed in one subfolder, for example Although it's placed here, there's gonna be extensive internal linking from /content to the related category pages, so the content about bikes (even if it's placed under will be just as visible on the pages related to bikes. 2. Place the content about bikes on a subdirectory under the bike category, **for example ** The UX/interface for these two scenarios will be identical, but the directories/folder-hierarchy/url structure will be different. According to Joe Hall, the latter scenario will build up more topical authority and relevance towards the category/topic, and should be the overall most ideal setup. Any thoughts on which of the two solutions is the most ideal? PS: There is one critical caveat her: my costumer uses many url-slugs subdirectories for their categories, for example, which means the content in the first scenario will be 4 steps away from the home page. Is this gonna be a problem? Looking forward to your thoughts 🙂 Sigurd, INEVO

    | Inevo

  • So Moz, Rank Ranger and data from Search Console all show this domain to be position #1 on Google for a certain search term. However, we can't see the same in manual search (desktop, mobile, incognito, &pws=0, different IPs, phone a friend and so on) and Analytics is showing no organic traffic. We can't even find the website in the top 10 pages. ANY IDEAS? Thanks in advance.

    | Harry_TheClickHub

  • I'm trying to rank a brand new client site but getting nowhere for our main keyword/s - this after 6 months. We have built lots of good links and literally tried everything to fix this. What's a good way for me to test the keywords on a different page / domain to be certain the problem isn't with the vertical/keyword? I'd love to have some advice on this vs. how to fix the problem, which I've asked about here before. I'm assuming buying and trying to rank a new domain is a bad idea since sandboxing etc. could make it very difficult. Perhaps sending some links to a Tumblr page that's optimized for the main keyword or something similar? Would love to hear some suggestions - thanks a lot.

    | zakkyg

  • I've seen a variety of services on the fringe of the SEO world that send a flow of (fake) traffic to your website via Google, to drive up your SERP CTR and site engagement. Seems gray hat, but I'm curious as to whether it actually works. The latest data I've seen from trustworthy sources (example and example 2) seems mixed on whether CTR has a direct impact on search rankings. Google claims it doesn't. I think it's possible it directly impacts rankings, or its possible Google is using some other metric to reward high engagement pages and CTR correlates with that. Any insight on whether CTR manipulation services actually work?

    | AdamThompson

  • Hi, for our site, Google stopped showing the rich snippets yesterday. We got the following warning in Webmastertools "Data with spam structures may be removed from the search results" As we have not changed anything for months, I do not know what the reason could be. Here a sample url from our site Does anybody have experience with this and can give me a tip what to change? Thanks in advance. Dieter Lang Here the full message. Google has found some of your pages markup with structures that violate our quality guidelines for structured data. To provide users with high quality search results, we show detailed search results only for content with markup that meet our quality guidelines. This manual action was against imposed. You should correct the markup and make a request for reconsideration. Having noted that the guidelines for the markup on the pages in question are complied with, we will remove this manual action. You can resolve this problem as follows: | 1 | Update your markup so that it no longer violates our guidelines for structured data Correct Incorrect markup or remove the markup that is not the content of your page properly. | See guidelines |
    | 2 | Ask a reconsideration request Once you have corrected your website, you can submit a reconsideration request, so this manual action is canceled. Be specific so that we can understand what changes you have made to your site. | Reconsideration request | Need more help? | • | For more information on manual actions against data with spam structures can be found in our Help Center. |
    | • | Refer to the section Guidelines for structured data about the problem. |
    | • | Ask in our forum questions if you need more help. Make reference to the message type [WNC-632 900]. |

    | Storesco

  • I believe Vimeo has the advantages of being able to embed your video on your website without advertising and the ability to brand the player with your company name. Can't do that with YouTube. However obviously Google give a bit more weight to YouTube videos in search results. But I'm talking about ranking the website, not the video. If the objective is to provide the biggest boost to the website's ranking (not the individual video), is it best to embed the YouTube video or can you post the video on both YouTube, Vimeo, and Wistia and embed the Vimeo or Wistia video? My gut feeling is that Google would see the direct linkage between the video on YouTube and the website it's embedded on and potentially that would have (albeit probably small) more benefit in the website's ranking than embedding the Vimeo or Wistia video? HOWEVER, re the SEO claims on this Wistia page true? Would the best strategy be to use Wistia for embedding and then also post the videos on a YouTube channel for maximum exposure? From Wistia: _Vimeo, like YouTube, is a powerful domain for SEO, but when you host your videos on these platforms, you are not doing your website's SEO a favor. When you upload your video to Vimeo or YouTube, the search engines are indexing the original url, not your website's. In contrast, when you embed a Wistia video on your website, your website gains all of the SEO benefits. Vimeo videos are ranked to drive traffic to Vimeo to keep users on their platform. Wistia videos drive traffic to your website—not ours._

    | Jazee

  • I am optimizing Title Tags for a WP site. I am getting ready to add keywords to the Yoast SEO. I noticed the long company name is currently the Title Tag - I choose 2-3 keyword phases per page- what do I do with the long business name?  In my own site I can post up 70 characters of keywords in the Title box and my company name appears after a pipe in the browser with my the keywords ahead of it? As Follow on my Site: Title, Tilte, Title - Company Name. Thank you! Joe

    | Joseph.Lusso

  • This is a sort of follow-on question from a previous one I asked, where I was being advised to do this. I've inherited a poor client link profile from a previous provider, with tons of partial match links for "IT support" on a lot of low quality directories. It has been at least a year now since they were built, and I'm concerned that the abundance of them will make it harder to rank for any "IT support" keywords due to over-optimization. This is frustrating since "IT support London" is the main keyword for the home page. On the previous thread, I was advised to disavow these old links and move on, though I have heard from many in the SEO community (and read) that using the disavow tool unless absolutely necessary (i.e. In the case of a penalty) is a mistake, since it is effectively notifying Google that you have been "misbehaving" and you should stay away from sending these types of signals altogether. Can anyone with experience in this matter please advise on this? Thank you in advance.

    | zakkyg

  • I'm curious how Google evaluates pagespeed for SPAs. Initial payloads are inherently large (resulting in 5+ second load times), but subsequent requests are lightning fast, as these requests are handled by JS fetching data from the backend. Does Google evaluate pages on a URL-by-URL basis, looking at the initial payload (and "slow"-ish load time) for each? Or do they load the initial JS+HTML and then continue to crawl from there? Another way of putting it: is Googlebot essentially "refreshing" for each page and therefore associating each URL with a higher load time? Or will pages that are crawled after the initial payload benefit from the speedier load time? Any insight (or speculation) would be much appreciated.

    | mothner

  • I need to do about 6000 redirects for a Magento site. The pages no longer exist. I have tried the URL rewrite module but it isn't working for me and I don't want to do 6000 redirects in the htaccess files. Any suggestions?

    | Tylerj

  • Our home page is ranking for a group of search terms even though we have dedicated landings pages for them that have higher on-page scores. The home page is optimised for a base search term, i.e. "Product", and the landing pages for variations, so "Product Variation A", "Product Variation B" and so on. The home page has a slight higher PA than the intended landing pages. We are tempted to de-optimise the home page, however, the fear is that we simply lose our positions entirely. Anyone tried this before? THANKS

    | Harry_TheClickHub

  • Hi guys, i have a question about sitemaps. We are doing an international site, e.x. for landing page and for brazil, for italy, etc... i don't if we should do an unique sitemap for all countries or separate sitemaps by country, e.x.: unique sitemap: - including all sitemaps - sitemap for brazil market only. Thank you

    | thekiller99

  • I have odd scenario I don't know if anyone can help? I've done some serious speed optimisation on a website, amongst other things CDN and caching.  However when I do a Search Console Fetch As Google It is still showing 1.7 seconds download time even though the cached content seems to be delivered in less than 200 ms. The site is using SSL which obviously creams off a bit of speed, but I still don't understand the huge discrepancy. Could it be that Google somehow is forcing the server to deliver fresh content despite settings to deliver cache? Thanks in advance

    | seoman10

  • We had an enterprise client ask to remove mobile URLs from their sitemaps.  For their website both desktop & mobile URLs are combined into one sitemap.  Their website has a mobile template (not a responsive website) and is configured properly via Google's "separate URL" guidelines.  Our client is referencing a statement made from John Mueller that having both mobile & desktop sitemaps can be problematic for indexing.  Here is the article 
    We would be happy to remove the mobile URLs from their sitemap.  However this will unfortunately take several billing hours for our development team to implement and QA.   This will end up costing our client a great deal of money when the task is completed. Is it worth it to remove the mobile URLs from their main website to be in adherence to John Mueller's advice?  We don't believe these extra mobile URLs are harming their search indexing.   However we can't find any sources to explain otherwise. Any advice would be appreciated. Thx.

    | RosemaryB

  • Hi Moz Community! I'm working as a digital marketing consultant for an organization that uses us for their online registration - we do not manage their web page. The issue that I am hoping you might have some ideas on is that their SERPS still aren’t making much of a recovery since they revamped their site in mid August.  I ran a MOZ campaign for them and despite that they (eventually) got all their 301s in place, they submitted an updated sitemap to Google, aren’t hitting any crawl errors, and have a working robots.txt over two-thirds of their site pages don’t seem to be indexing.  MOZ is giving most of them a Page Authority of 1, and when I login to their GWT, it’s showing me that only 3 pages have been indexed of the 315 URLs submitted. I know Google doesn’t make any guarantees in index update timelines, but 2+ weeks seems like a long time 😞 Their website is  The site has a DA of 43 but most of the pages on the main nav are still at 1. They gave me permission to share in this forum because we're really trying to figure out a recovery strategy. Any thoughts or ideas as to what might be causing this? Is there anything else that you think I should check or that might be causing an issue? Is it possible that Google is just taking this long to index their page? Note: this page is built with Drupal. THANK YOU!

    | camarin_w

  • I have run a site called for the last few years. All it does is dish out a new inspiring video everyday. Recently we decided to implement an SEO strategy around the creation of quote pages. We have created 200,000 different quote pages (e.g. As well as this, we've created 15,000 author pages (e.g. We initially did a small batch to see if we could rank for different terms such as the start of a particular quote or "person's name quotes" and fortunately we ranked pretty well - on the first page for a lot of quotes, and authors. What we then did was release all of these new pages over the next week or two - so 215,000 pages. They've all indexed fine and we've received no errors on Webmaster Tools. We've not done any blackhat stuff and our domain is pretty solid having been featured by Techcrunch, BBC and others. On MOZ our individual pages are getting an "A" grade for SEO. We did this activity around 10 weeks ago. However, almost all of these pages are not ranking anywhere in Google. We accept that they may not rank on page 1 but they're not even ranking in the top 20 pages despite our small batch ranking really well. Some brand new pages, weirdly, are ranking (e.g. ranks on page 2 and ranks page 1). We've seen no real rise in search impressions within Webmaster tools - so it is as though there's a penalty on our site, but not on all of our site - and not on just the new pages. I just wondered if anyone had any idea what could be causing the issue? Is it simply that we have released too much content too quickly? And if so, would you recommend de-indexing everything and almost starting again by just doing very small batches over a long period of time. Really appreciate any advice you may be able to offer. thanks,

    | SteveW1987

  • I have a client who is in real estate and one of his competition used the same Name and Domain and added the word Toronto in front. The competition is putting similar content on the website. The competition also hijacked the Google listing since they both work in the same building. Is this going to affect the ranking our website? What negative effect will it put on our website?

    | KaranX

  • Hi Moz Guru's Our website was hacked a few months ago, since then we have taken various measures, last one being redesigning the website all together and removing it from a WordPress platform. So far all is going well, except that the 404 not found errors keeps coming up in Google Webmaster tools. The URLs are spam pages that were created by the virus. And these spam pages have been indexed by Google, and now we are struggling to get rid of them. Is there any way we can deal with these 404 spam pages links? Is marking all of them as fixed in the webmaster tools - search console- crawl errors helpful in any way? Can this have a negative impact on the SEO ? Looking forward to your answers. Many thanks.

    | monicapopa

  • While browsing through my Moz campaign, I noticed that my site is pulling up unlimited numbers of product pages even though no products appear on them. i.e. I have no ideal how to resolve this issue. I can't possible 301 an unlimited number of pages, and I can see this being a big SEO problem. Any thoughts?

    | moon-boots

  • Hi Folks, With Google rolling out changes to AMP & webmasters being encouraged to implement AMP.
    Has anyone had any experiences implementing AMP for Magento Ecommerce. I understand that AMP is primary for articles & blog posts, but assuming AMP could be implemented on Product Pages, they would load faster & offer a better user experience & a step in the right direction What do you guys think? Many Thanks,

    | Patrick_556

  • Hi Moz! After a different question on here, I tried fetching as Google to see the difference between bot & user - to see if Google finds the written content on my page The 2 versions are quite different - with Googlebot not even rendering product listings or content, just seems to be the info in the top navigation - guessing this is a massive issue? Help Becky

    | BeckyKey

  • My website ranks well for several keyphrases (in the form of a questions) in positions 1-3. However, my site will not show up for featured snippets even when I force the options with [ question?]. Other sites show up in the answer box, but never mine. A side note is that the website has shown up for related queries before, but just not featured snippets. What is my site missing that disallows these snippets?

    | kevinseoames

  • Hey all, So after reading about the benefits of pruning old content I decided to give it a try on our blog. After reviewing  thousands of posts I found around 2500 that were simply not getting any traffic, or if they were there was 100% bounce & exit. Many of these posts also had content with relevance that had long ago expired. After deleted these old posts, I am now seeing the posts being reported as 404's in Google Search Console. But most of them are the old url with "trashed" appended to the url. My question is: are these 404's normal? Do I now have to go through and set up 301's for all of these? Is it enough to simply add the lot to my robots.txt file? Are these 404's going to hurt my blog? Thanks, Roman

    | Dynata_panel_marketing

  • Got a good one for you all this time... For our site, Google Search Console is reporting 436,758 "Page Not Found" errors within the Crawl Error report. This is an increase of 350,000 errors in just 22 days (on Sept 21 we had 87,000 errors which was essentially consistently at that number for the previous 4 months or more). Then on August 22nd the errors jumped to 140,000, then climbed steadily from the 26th until the 31st reaching 326,000 errors, and then climbed again slowly from Sept 2nd until today's 436K. Unfortunately I can only see the top 1,000 erroneous URLs in the console, of which they seem to be custom Google tracking URLs my team uses to track our pages. A few questions: 1. Is there anyway to see the full list of 400K URLs Google is reporting they cannot find?
    2. Should we be concerned at all about these? 
    3. Any other advice? thanks in advance! C

    | usnseomoz

  • Interested to know if anyone has used or using Fatjoe content/blogger outreach. Seems fairly expensive, but reasonable quality. Reviews or comments welcome. Thanks Richard

    | seoman10

  • I'm trying to rank a new client for various key phrases that contain "it support." The problem is that about 100 of their 180 total referring domains have links that include "it support" (usually as partial match, or if exact then for uninteresting terms with low traffic), mostly on quite low quality directories. So, no penalty, and not much exact match I'm worried about, but I'm concerned that there's too high a percentage overall of partial match or simpy "it support"-based links for me to continue building keyword-optimized links to try and rank for the much harder terms we need to rank for... Despite the large number of low quality directories, a disavowal does not seem like a good idea since there is no penalty, but how does one avoid being handicapped by such bad links that came before one's time?

    | zakkyg

  • Hi, We have stackable filters on some of our pages (ie: ?filter1=a&filter2=b&etc.). Those stacked filters pages are "noindex, follow". They were created in order to facilitate the indexation of the item listed in them. After analysing the logs we know that the search engines do not crawl those stacked filter pages. Does blocking those pages (by loading their link in AJAX for example) would help our crawl rate or not? In order words does removing links that are already not crawled help the crawl rate of the rest of our pages? My assumption here is that SE see those links but discard them because those pages are too deep in our architecture and by removing them we would help SE focus on the rest of our page. We don't want to waste our efforts removing those links if there will be no impact. Thanks

    | Digitics

  • Hi Everyone, We are currently caught between a rock and a hard place with Magento and are wondering if anyone else had similar problems and could share their advice. Our Core_URL_Rewrite now containt 1.3 million records for an account that has 12000 products on 4 different store views. This has ballooned past the point that we are no longer able to reindex our URL Management. The option that is being suggested to us is to truncate the table and start over, though this will essentially kill our SEO for those pages.(Which as there are duplicates, I can only imagine how much they are going to be penalized by it) Would anyone have any advice other than truncating and starting over? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    | csworkwear

  • We own two root domains in the .edu space. According to Open Site Explorer, one has a domain authority of 76, while the other has a DA of 94. We operate a collection of degree microsites as subdomains of the lower-ranking root domain, e.g. All other things being equal, would these sites benefit if we migrated them to The question seems to hinge on whether subdomains inherit any of the root domain's authority, and the answers I have seen to that question are "sometimes" and "maybe". Lastly, as an alternative, would we realize greater SEO improvements by moving the degrees to a directory structure under domain94, i.e. Thank you for your help!

    | UWPCE

  • Hello Moz fellows, I have another question about content quality and Panda related penalization. I was wondering this: If I have an entire section of my site that has been penalized due to thin content, can adding "noindex,follow" to all pages belonging to that section help de-penalizing the rest of the site in the short term, while we work to improve those penalized pages, which is going to take a long time? Can that be considered a "short term solution" to improve the overall site scoring on Google index while we work to improve those penalized pages, and, once ready, we remove the "noindex" tag? I am eager to know your thoughts on this possible strategy. Thank you in advance to everyone!

    | fablau

  • My site is My Domain Authority has not moved from 17 in a long time. i have done everything to optimize the different pages. I have 90%+ ratings for the various pages, yet I am still not even close to the first page for many of the keywords I am looking to rank for. Do you have any tips or ideas? Should I try to rewrite my content and add more information? I am just at a loss for where I should go to get the right traffic to my site. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    | bigskyinc

  • One of our clients is considering migrating their domain name _and _changing protocol (http to https), as well as changing hosting providers, at the same time. Is it fine to make the changes at the same time, or would you recommend 'phasing' the migration?

    | ThreeShips

  • Are we redoing a large portion of our site (not ecommerce). We have a large number of pages (about 2000 indexed pages, out of about 3000) that have been forgetten about until recently, are very outdated, don't drive any traffic (according to Google Analytics) But they are ranking very well for the targeting keyword (#3 organic for most). What should I do with those pages? Could you give any guidance on whether we should or what affect it might have one the rest of the website if we delete those pages or simply 301 redirecting all those pages to the home page?

    | aphoontrakul

  • Hi I need some help identifying whether we need to rethink the way we paginated product pages, On this page when clicking page 1,2, etc - we have javascript to sort the results, the URL displayed and the URL linked to are different. e.g. The URL for these paginated pages is for example: page2 Then the arrows either side of pagination, link to the paginated landing page e.g. - this is where the rel/prev details are - done for Google However - when clicking on this arrow, the URL loaded is different again - & doesn't take you I did not set this up, but I am concerned that the URL never actually loads, but it's linked to Google can crawl it. Is this a problem? I am looking to implement a view all option. Thank you

    | BeckyKey

  • I have 2 Domains with the same name vps nine and vpsn ine with same content. How to solve that problem? Do I need to change the content from my main website. My Hosting is having different plans, but with the same features. So many pages were having the same content, and it is not possible to change the content, what is the solution for that? Please let me know how to solve that issue?

    | Alexa.Hill

  • Hello, I am hoping that someone is able to help with a problem that is destroying both my business and my health. We are an ecommerce site who have been trading since 2004 and who have always had strong rankings in Google. Unfortunately, over the past couple of months, these have significantly decreased (I would estimate around 40% drop in organic traffic). We have not had a manual penalty and still have decent rankings for a lot of competitive keywords, so we think it is more likely to be an algorithmic penalty.The most likely culprit is due to a huge scale negative SEO attack that has been going on for around 18 months. Last September, we suffered a major drop in rankings as a result of the 302 hijack scheme, but after submitting a disavow file (of around 500 domains) on 12th November, we recovered on 26th November (although we now don't know whether this was due to disavow file or the Phantom III update on 19th November).After suffering another major drop at the end of June, we submitted a disavow file of 1100 domains (this the scale of the problem!). This tempoarily halted the slide, however it is getting worse again. I have attached a file from Majestic which shows the increase in the backlinks (however we are not building these).We are at a loss and desperately need help. We have contacting all the sites to try and get links removed but they are happening faster than we can contact them. We have also done a full technical audit and added around 50,000 words of unique, handwritten content, as well as continuing to work through all technical fixes and improvements.At the moment, the only thing we can think of doing is submitting a weekly disavow for all the new spammy domains that come up. The questions I have are: Is there anything we can do to stop the attack? Is this increase in backlinks likely to be the culprit for the drops (both the big drops and the subsequent weekly 10% drop)? If so, would weekly disavows solve the problem? Is this likely to take months (years?) to recover from or can it be done quicker? Can you give me any ray of light to help me sleep at night? 😞 Really appreciate any and all help. I wouldn't wish ths on anyone.Thanks,Simon

    | simonukss

  • Hi, We are merging two sites, differentiated by the type of customer (consumer or corporate). Currently we have: When on the new site, the type of customer can be switched by clicking 'Corporate' or 'Customer' which adds ?user=Business or ?user=Private to the url which then redirects so the URL is the same but certain features have changed. We block ?user=Business and ?user=Private in URLs in robots.txt to prevent duplicating pages. Should we redirect like: -> Or: -> (this will then redirect but the parameter is blocked by robots.) I'm concerned redirecting to a URL that is blocked from indexing is an obvious error. Any ideas are welcome. Thanks!

    | seoeuroflorist

  • Hi all, We have a number of 404 https status listed in Search Console even treated, not decrease. What happened: We launched a website with the urls We launched these urls sitemap. Google has indexed. ... For some reason, the urls were changed four days later by some developer in my equipe. So I asked the redirection of URLs "old" already indexed to the new (of: / url-abc to / url-xyz) all correspondingly. I submit the sitemap with new urls. We fixed the internal links. And than marked as fixed in the Search Console. But it does not work! Has anyone had a similar experience? Thanks for any advice!

    | mobic

  • Hello everyone, I have a basic question for which I couldn't find a definitive answer for. Let's say I have my main website with URL: And I have a related affiliates website with URL: Which includes completely different content from the main website. Also, both domains have two different IP addresses. Are those considered two completely separate domains by Google? Can bad links pointing to affect in any way? Thanks in advance for any answer to my inquiry!

    | fablau

  • I did not get satisfactory answer on my previous question here - Please help me.

    | Alexa.Hill

  • Hi Moz Fans, We are looking at our blog and improving the content as much as we can for SEO purposes, but we have hit a bit of a blank in terms of lazy loading implications and issues with crawl depths. We introduced lazy loading onto the blog home page to increase site speed initially and it works well with infinite scroll, but we were wondering whether this would cause any issues regarding SEO. A lot of the resources online seem to be conflicting and some are very outdated, so some clarification on what is best in terms of lazy loading and crawl depths for blogs, would be fantastic! I hope someone can help and give us some up to date insights - If you need anymore information, I'll reply ASAP

    | Victoria_

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