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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi I want to add a view all option to our category pages as recommended by Google and to make it easier for the customer. I'm not sure how long this will take our developer, but is this an action that is worth doing from an SEO point of view? Will it add value? For me it will have value, but in terms of SEO actions should it be one I prioritise? I have issues with our pagination and think this would be the quickest way to solve it - Any help appreciated 🙂

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi, I would like to know the best anchor text practices. I think it's same for On-page and Off-page. As per the internet seo buzz, people suggests differently as below. Which actually work out? Exact match with target page title or partial match Will "Read more" and "learn more" are Okay? How much it must be relevant with URL? Thanks, Satish

    | vtmoz

  • Hello All, My ecommerce site gone in penalty more than 3 years before and within 3 months I got message from google penalty removed. Since then till date my organic ranking is very worst. In this 3 years I improved my site onpage very great. If I compare my site with all other competitors who are ranking in top 10 then my onpage that includes all schema, reviews, sitemap, header tags, meta's etc,  social media, site structure, most imp speed, google page speed insight score, pingdom, w3c errors, alexa rank, global rank, UI, offers, design, content, code to text raito, engagement rate, page views, time on site etc all my sites always good compare to competitors. They also have few backlinks I do have few backlinks only. I am doing very high google adwords and my conversion rate is very very good. But do you think because I am paying since last 3 year high to google because of that google have some setting or strategy that those who perform well in adwords so not to bring up in organic? Is it possible I can talk with google on this? If yes then what will be the medium of conversation? Pls give some valuable inputs I am performing very much in paid so user end site is very very well. Thanks!

    | pragnesh9639

  • I'm hoping to find a real expert to help out with this. TL;DR Our visibility in search has started tanking and I cannot figure out why. The whole story: In fall of 2015 I started working with Convention Nation ( The client is trying to build a resource for convention and tradeshow attendees that would help them identify the events that will help them meet their goals (learning, networking, sales, whatever). They had a content team overseas that spent their time copy/pasting event information into our database. At the time, I identified several opportunities to improve SEO: Create and submit a sitemap Add meaningful metas Fix crawl errors On-page content uniqueification and optimization for most visible events (largest audience likely to search) Regular publishing and social media Over nine months, we did these things and saw search visibility, average rank and CTR all double or better. There was still one problem, and that is created by our specific industry. I'll use a concrete example: MozCon. This event happens once a year and there are enough things that are the same about it every year (namely, the generalized description of the event, attendees and outcomes) that the 2015 page was getting flagged as a duplicate of 2016. The event content for most of our events was pretty thin anyway, and much of it was duplicated from other sources, so we implemented a feature that grouped recurring events. My thinking was that this would reduce the perception of duplicate or obsolete content and links and provide a nice backlink opportunity. I expected a dip after we deployed this grouping feature, that's been consistent with other bulk content changes we've made to the site, but we are not recovering from the dip. In fact, our search visibility and traffic are dropping every week. So, the current state of things is this: Clean crawl reports: No errors reported by Moz or Google Moz domain authority: 20; Spam score 2/17 We're a little thin on incoming links, but steady growth in both social media and backlinks Continuing to add thin/duplicate content for unique events at the rate of 200 pages/mo Adding solid, unique strategic content at the rate of 15 pages/mo I just cannot figure out where we've gone astray. Is there anything other than the thin/copied content that could be causing this? It wasn't hurting us before we grouped the events... What could possibly account for this trend? Help me, Moz Community, you're my only hope! Lindsay

    | LindsayDayton

  • Hi On this page we have javascript on the paginated pages to sort the results, the URL displayed and the URL linked to are different. e.g. The paginated pages link to for example: page2 The list is then sorted by javascript. Then the arrows either side of pagination link to e.g. - this is where the rel/prev details are - done for SEO But when clicking on this arrow, the URL loaded is different again - I did not set this up, but I am concerned that the URL never actually loads, but it's linked to Google can crawl it. Is this a problem? I am looking to implement a view all option. Thank you

    | BeckyKey

  • I have a responsive site and whilst this works and is liked by google from a user perspective the pages could look better on mobile. I have a wordpress site and use the Divi Builder with elegant themes and have developed a separate page header for mobile that uses a manipulated background image and smaller H1 font size.  When crawling the site two H1s can be detected on the same page - they are exactly the same words and only one will show according to device.  However, I need to know if this will cause me a problem with google and SEO. As the mobile changes are not just font size but also adaptations to some visual elements it is not something I can simply alter in the CSS. Would appreciate some input as to whether this is a problem or not

    | Cells4Life

  • We have a enterprise (well known brand) client who is asking about the Google guidelines on embedding reviews from a 3rd party website(s).  Essentially the client wants a "summary" of reviews on their landing pages. We are well aware that the Google best practices do not permit structured data for curated reviews.  However are there any guidelines saying that a review summary in general is in violation of webmaster best practices? Thanks

    | RosemaryB

  • My company wants to move their blog from to They want to do it by using Blogger API to surface posts on What are SEO considerations for this?

    | georgeanthonyporrata

  • Hello, We have a new store  where an internal category page (our biggest category) is moving up ahead of the home page. What could be the reason for this? It's an exact match .org. Over-optimization? Something else? It happened both when I didn't optimize the home page title tag and when I did for the main keyword, i.e. mainkeyword |, or just Home Page. Both didn't help with this. We have very few backlinks. Thanks

    | BobGW

  • I work for a company who has a few url issues. One url is The other is What is the best way to go about this issue?

    | MasonInteractive

  • We are planning to experiment redirecting our homepage to one of the 2nd tier page. I to We need this page to rank well, but it doesn't have much internal links or external back-links, so we opt for this redirect. Advantage with this page is, it has "keyword" we want to rank for in URL. "page" in Will this help or hurt us in SEO? I think we are missing keyword in our root domain, so interested to highlight this page. Thanks, Satish

    | vtmoz

  • I am planning to completely remove 301 redirects manually by replacing such links with actual live pages/links. So there will be no redirects internally in the website. Will this boost our SEO efforts? Auto redirects will be there for incoming links to non-existing pages. Thanks, Satish

    | vtmoz

  • There are two questions here. I have waited for over 2-3 weeks now and they are still not resolved till now. An old sub-domain is still indexed on Google ( of which all pages have been redirected or 404'd to main domain. There is no webmasters, no authority of this old sub-domain. Hosting of the same might be there. (this has been deleted and does not exist - we own main domain only) How do I de-index and remove them for good? _(Around ~1,000 pages)_I am trying this public tool - any better approaches?Even after removing pages and submission on the tool, 600 pages are still indexed after 2-3 weeks! We deleted a lot of thin content/duplicate pages from the domain ( in Wordpress - All these pages are still in Google's index. They are in Trash folder now. This is causing an increase in 404s in the webmasters etcI have served a 410 header (using wordpress plugin) on all these pages as these should not be directed to anything. However, Google does not always fully understand 410 properly and it still shows up in webmasters as read in this detailed post.All these pages are still indexed.How do I de-index these pages? Any other approach to stop the 404s and remove these pages for good?Any feedback/approach will be highly appreciated.

    | pks333

  • Hi, So last week we where ranking within the top two pages for google for a results page at something like rank 21 - We have been tracking this page and earned a few decent domain authority links here. Today when the new rankings came in it looks like a blog page we wrote a while back has jumped several pages to number 13 in the rankings - ok so not the end of the world BUT our results page seems to have disappeared from the rankings. You can see from the screen shot in the attached link at some point Moz / Google has noted that both the pages are relevent in some capaicty. Has Google decided that because both pages are from the site and both are showing ranking signals for the same traffic that one should go? It also seems weird that this blog one would come from nowhere to rank so highly in the course of a week. Perhaps they have changed their algorithm? This is a bit of a concern for us as it is unclear whats happened - especially after we where so close to getting to page one for a valued search term. SBZRaIq

    | TrueluxGroup

  • Hi We have a team in France who deal with the backend of the site, only problem is it's not always SEO friendly. I have lots of 404's showing in webmaster tools and I know some of them have previously had redirects. If we update a URL on the site, any links pointing to it on the website are updated straight away to point to the most up to date URL - so the user doesn't have to go through a redirect. However, the team would see this as the redirect not being 'used' after about 30 days and remove it from the database - so this URL no longer has any redirects pointing to it. My question is, surely this is bad for SEO? However I'm a little unsure as they aren't actually going through the redirect. But somewhere in cyber space the authority of this page must drop? Any advice is welcome 🙂

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi, I was just optimizing a page and have improved it from Page 2 -> Page 1 ; Position 15->10 for now by basic onpage seo edits. I want to understand how I would take it to next level by getting it to Top 5 or Top 3 results. My keyword and page are as follows (all checked in Google India (.in) ) Page -
    Keyword - ayurvedic treatment for chikungunya What steps can I take to go from 10 - Top 3 or Top 5 results here? I was checking the Rank tracker & moz Grader for this - got all ticks except adding keyword in URL. Would this be recommended of changing the URL after it's ranking so well to just add this keyword in the same?

    | pks333

  • In the past I have seen most clients create new Google Search Profile when they update to a https URL.  However a colleague of mine asked if just updating the change of address option will suffice Would it be best to just update the change of address for the Google Search Console profile to keep the data seamless? Thanks

    | RosemaryB

  • We've been waiting on the latest Penguin rollout so long it would have been appropriate for Google to launch it with a creepy meme titled "I'm baaack." But now that it's here, what changes are you seeing to the websites you monitor or manage? We'd very much enjoy hearing you stories, thoughts and proposed courses of action below in the comments. If you need to get up to speed on Penguin 4.0, Dr. Pete's post, Penguin 4.0: Was it Worth the Wait?, is a great place to start, as is the latest Whiteboard Friday by Rand: Penguin 4.0: How the Real-Time Penguin-in-the-Core-Alg Model Changes SEO. RS

    | ronell-smith

  • We use vanity URLs for offline marketing.  An example vanity URL would be, this URL 301 redirects to a page on the site with tracking parameter ex:  We are running into issues with Google ignoring the 301 redirect and ranking these vanity URLs instead of the actual page on the website.  Any suggestions on how to resolve?

    | digitalhound

  • Hi, How can I increase the page authority of old blog posts? There are many posts that are ranking well (Page 1 lower or Page 2) - but I want to make them rank higher by making the post more usable, better UI, design, content relaunches etc - these all would inherently mean improving Page authority also eventually. What are some concrete steps I can take to improve page authority of blog pages?

    | pks333

  • Hi there, We manage a website which generates an overview and detailpages of listings for several real estate agents. When these listings have been sold, they are removed from the overview and pages. These listings appear as not found in the crawl error overview in Google Search Console. These pages appear as 404's, would changing this to 410's solve this problem? And if not, what fix could take care of this problem?

    | MartijntenCaat

  • I am moving a site with great SEO and tons of pages to a new platform. Page names will all be different because they will not have the .html ending and names will change. It is on a system that does not support .htaccess. So, I don't have a way to do 301 redirects. How can I keep my competitive status? Thank you!!

    | bhsiao

  • We have added very little new website content in the last year. Our domain is Would adding a brand-new blog post once a week help improve our ranking in Google? A few years ago adding new content would've had quickly had a positive effect. Is that still the case? Or should we focus content creation resources in other areas such as social media? Thanks, Alan

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi, yesterday a friend said that 301 redirects does not transfer your page rank or domain autorithy anymore. I could'nt find anything in internet saying it, but I decided to ask you guys, since I think you are very reliable. so, 301 redirects wroks for transfer page rank, and i can create better domains and transfer everything, or this strategy is gone forever now?

    | chablau

  • We have a site of about 100.000 pages that is getting several million of visitors per year via organic search. We plan to add about 50.000 new pages gradually in the next couple of months and would like to add affiliate links to the new pages. All these 50.000 new pages will have unique quality data that a team has been researching for a while. I would like to add in the area under the fold or towards the end of the pages in an unobstrusive way affiliate links to about 5 different affiliate programs with affiliate links customized to page content and of real value to visitors. Since affiliate links are one of the factors that may trigger panda I am a bit nervous whether we should add the affiliate links and if there is any way of implementing the affiliate links in a way that they may be less likely to trigger panda. E.g. would you consider hiding affiliate links from google by linking to intermediate URL (which I would mark as noindex nofolllow) on our domain which then redirects to the final affiliate landing page (but google may notice via chrome or android data) ? Any other idea?

    | lcourse

  • I want to find the complete internal redirects on website. Just internally linked. How to find such?

    | vtmoz

  • Is it possible to App Index within a knowledge graph? I would like to app index my app within the knowledge graph instead of it going to the website but is that possible?

    | mattdinbrooklyn

  • I'm a bit of a newbie to the game and I've learnt a lot over the past couple of days with a Moz subscription. I'm starting to put together a strategy to improve our SEO performance and get our site ranking higher for some specific terms. We have a low domain authority at 25. The page I am concerned about is one of our main product categories, link here. About a year and half a go we changed our domain name and did a 301 redirect on all our category, products and content pages. Would this have affected anything? These redirects are still in place. I also notice OSE shows now inbound links. I'm almost certain there are a few around though. Most recently we've been investing in unique descriptions for all products in this category at around 60 words per product, this excludes the product features in a tabular format. I appreciate this isn't many words. I have also read a lot about faceted navigation and this category suffers from a very flat product structure were facet navigation is used heavily by the user to find a product that matches their requirements. Does anybody have any ideas about this?

    | joe-ainswoth

  • I have a Magento website. I am going to add a Wordpress blog under /blog. If I setup each with its own webmaster tools to submit a sitemap does it hurt anything?

    | Tylerj

  • The scenario is this, we have a website eg: where the content is in two language folders (en-us and en-gb). We have created a new brand with website for the USA market. Of course, this domain will take a while to rank because it is completely fresh. My question is how best to deactivate the en-us content on the old site to: a) prevent it showing up on Google US
    b) pass the US traffic to the new website to boost its rankings I was thinking of removing the en-us pages from and using a 410 error page containing a link to
    Would it be better to replace the content on en-us instead (with a link)? I'm not keen to use a straight 301 redirect as sometimes we get traffic from other countries to the en-us content. Thanks in advance Mozzers 🙂

    | esseljay

  • Will 301 redirect will have immediate impact once the website or that redirected link got indexed? We have recently redirected few links in the process of link reclamation and ranking dropped few days later. Every link we claimed is related to our topic (matched in content and URL) and they have good DA. Even though why it has happened? What are the general rank dropping factors in the process of link reclamation? Thanks, Satish

    | vtmoz

  • One of my client's websites was recently hacked and I've been dealing with the after effects of it. The website is now clean of malware and I already appealed to Google about the malware issue. The current issue I have is dealing with the 20, 000+ crawl errors which are garbage links that were created from the hacking. How does one go about dealing with all the 301 redirects I need to create for all the 404 crawl errors? I'm already noticing an increased load time on the website due to having a rather large .htaccess file with a couple thousand 301 redirects done already which I fear will result in my client's website performance and SEO performance taking a hit as well.

    | FPK

  • Hi all. I work for an e-commerce site called TOAD Diaries and we've been building some landing pages recently.  Our most generic page was for '2017 Diaries'.  Take a look here. Initial results are encouraging as this page is ranking top page for a lot of 'long tail' search queries, e.g) '2017 diaries a4', '2017 diaries a5', '2017 diaries week to view' etc. Interesting it doesn't even rank top 50 for the 'head term'... '2017 diaries'.  **And our home page outranks it for this search term.  **Yet it seems clear that this page is considered relevant and quality by Google it ranks just fine for the long tails. Question:  Does this mean Google 'chosen' our home page over the 2017-page landing page?  And that's why the 2017-page effectively doesn't rank for it's 'head term'?  (I can't see this as many times a website will rank multiple times such as amazon) But any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Also, what would you do in this scenario?  Work on home-page to try to push it up for that term and not worry about the landing page? Any suggestions or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Hope that makes sense.  Do shout if not. Thanks in advance. Isaac.

    | isaac663

  • Hi All, Our hosting provider have their IP address range in Melbourne but offers servers in Sydney or Melbourne..  If we were to take a server in Sydney and an IP address from their Melbourne range (only IP range offered) will the new localisation updates to the Penguin/Possum Algorithms serve less up to our clients in Sydney thinking we are located in Melbourne? Sorry if im confusing.. I know I am 🙂

    | CFCU

  • One of my clients came to me today asking to mirror their current website and host it on a different domain (i.e and Their reasoning is that there is no actual way to confirm via form entries from their website which visitors are submitting the form from an organic perspective and which ones are submitting the form through an Adwords ad campaign referral they are running (which I have nothing to do with). I know Google Analytics will show you visits to pages on a site and then you can find out which source (organic vs. cpc) they came from, but it won't confirm the source on the actual form entry. So my client feels the only way to find out this information would be to mirror the website so that the separate analytics would validate  their Ad spend. Does anyone know of any tools that I could use for something like this? I do NOT want to mirror the website as I am fearful of duplicate content and the YEARS of organic SEO work I have put into this website going to waste. The other element I should mention is the client only wants to have this "mirorred" site up for 2 months. Any thoughts, suggestions and arguments for a mirorred website are welcomed! Thanks!

    | MainstreamMktg

  • Hey folks Looking to get some input from what other people are seeing with Penguin 4.0 and historically penalised sites. We have three sites we are looking at currently - all had historically brutal penguin penalties. All have done extensive clean up and are respectable businesses and have seen some manor of recovery or improvement. However, we are seeing issues at a homepage level with these three sites in that the homepage currently does not rank for the main terms but an inner page does in it's place (but not as well as we would expect given everything else). This applies to a single keyword on all three of these sites - add a modifier to that keyword and they rank top of first page (often 1st place). Example of modifiers being 'installer', 'uk', 'supplier' etc. That main keyword though only ranks top of 3rd page in this instance and it is an inner page and not the homepage which is the best fit for the targeted term. Question Is anyone else seeing this? Sites that have gone from no visibility in top 50 for a previously abused term that are now seeing some visibility page 2 / page 3 for the big terms and top of page 1 visibility for those terms + modifiers. Thoughts This seems a bit odd to me and hard to understand in light of the Penguin 4.0 announcement if there is no demotion and only devaluation of bad links then why would a single page still be seemingly so heavily effected how can an algorithm that focuses on devaluation of bad links still be granular as this seems to be a penalty of sorts that effects a specific page for a specific keyword (the one most abused historically in terms of link building). two of these are big companies, biggest in their industry in the real world with lots of high visibility clients like TV shows, IKEA etc. Lots of natural highly authoritative links, good content etc - we are digging in further but certainly looks like they have their house largely in order. Note We have one other client that I believe is seeing something similar on an internal page and that page was the main link target for spammy links of old that are now removed. However, it appears Google has a memory regarding even these removed links. I mention this primarily as I don't believe this is homepage specific but rather that is the case as the homepage was the main link target historically. Summary These sites are seeing movement - huge movement. Not exactly what we would expect though given the extensive clean up and talk around how this release of the algorithm works. Be interested to see what you are seeing out there folks and if anyone has seen anything similar. Cheers

    | Marcus_Miller

  • Hey Everyone, its Muhammad Umair Ghufran I have one question about Link Building ? As my Knowledge Google Love the Quality content but Link building rank some low quality website Right ? So, what is the future of link building ; please explain indeep with complete reference for better understanding Thanks Regards: Muhammad Umair Ghufran

    | muhammadumairghufran

  • Hi All, This is a layman question but would like to get a concrete answer for. I would like to know how to answer the questions like "Why our competitor is ranking for keyword ABC but not us"? What metrics or data can I showcase that gives logical answer. Please help in this regard. Thanks!

    | Avin123

  • Hi all, we run a furniture store and our results in almost always use the page's content as the description in the search results, even though we have a correctly implemented meta description tag. The rival's pages that rank above and below us almost always show the ranking page's meta description in Google's results page. Our developer seems to think it's because we added the meta description tags long after the pages were first indexed by Google and he seems to think Google has "fixed" on the page content and is happy with that over our meta description ...but I've never heard of that before. Thank you.

    | Bee159

  • Let's say you are building a new company that is involved in two lines of business.  Let's for example say one line of business is handling logistics for large conventions where the customer(s) are large corporation and the other line is for wedding planning.  Let's say that for certain reasons the owner wants to operate under one brand name, say "PROEVENT"  So they will market themselves as PROEVENT Convention Logistics and PROEVENT Wedding Planners. From an SEO perspective, if you have one side of the business doing B-to-B corporate business and the other doing B-to-C do you create two different websites on different domains ( and with unique design and content, or, do you just use in order to build better domain authority and on your marketing you use that takes you to the convention section of the website and takes you to the weddings section?

    | Jazee

  • Other than Google and Bing, which search engines should we submit our sitemap to?

    | NicheSocial

  • Why is it that some site rank with zero efforts? I have been working on some seo for a while on my main site and i have been getting more info competition analysis with sem and moz. Looking at the states from this website which tends to popup often in the searches on page 1-2 before my site. This site is not keyword optimized, meaning they arent even trying to rank.
    There is no content, articles etc.,
    6 backlinks (nothing powerful just 2 directory links and 2 from developer)
    Site really isnt even designed to get traffic as its a trade only ecommerce website
    I doubt they are hiding anything as far as backlinks etc. as it will get them too many visitors they dont want
    The city i am searching isnt even on the page (it is a city within a city so maybe google still relates it)
    PA 24 DA 15 Now my site:
    Optimized reasearched keywords
    175 backlinks
    All my main pages have content with images, alt tags, internal linking
    full of content, blogs, videos, products (probably 4000, could a site being too big be an issue?)
    Site gets regular updates
    I probably have 200 citations
    All the social media which gets done often
    PA 32 DA 20 They do get a good bit of traffic but that is probably the only thing i would see but it would be direct traffic mostly i believe as it would be people going to order regularly since it is a print reseller. They may have some age on me 15 vs 8 years. Could it be some kind of penalty i am not sure about lingering? According to what i know to check everyything looks ok, no shady links accoding to sem. I am working more and more on all the pages but this competittion site really doesnt have crap going on probably 8 pages and 1 page does all the ordering. What the hell does google want from me exactly!

    | CooperStrzelecki

  • Hello, I manage, with a dedicated team, the development of a big news portal, with thousands of unique articles. To expand our audiences, we syndicate content to a number of partner websites. They can publish some of our articles, as long as (1) they put a rel=canonical in their duplicated article, pointing to our original article OR (2) they put a meta robots 'noindex, follow' in their duplicated article + a dofollow link to our original article. A new prospect, to partner with with us, wants to follow a different path: republish the articles with a meta robots 'noindex, nofollow' in each duplicated article + a dofollow link to our original article. This is because he doesn't want to pass pagerank/link authority to our website (as it is not explicitly included in the contract). In terms of visibility we'd have some advantages with this partnership (even without link authority to our site) so I would accept. My question is: considering that the partner website is much authoritative than ours, could this approach damage in some way the ranking of our articles? I know that the duplicated articles published on the partner website wouldn't be indexed (because of the meta robots noindex, nofollow). But Google crawler could still reach them. And, since they have no rel=canonical and the link to our original article wouldn't be followed, I don't know if this may cause confusion about the original source of the articles. In your opinion, is this approach safe from an SEO point of view? Do we have to take some measures to protect our content? Hope I explained myself well, any help would be very appreciated, Thank you,

    | Fabio80

  • Hello Moz community. I'm keen to find out your experiences on the following: Have you ever experienced a migration whereby a large % of keywords are stuck in position #11 - post migration? The keywords do not move up or down (whilst competitors jump from 13 to 9 and vice versa) over a three month period. Please see the % difference in the attached e-mail. (sample 1,000 keyword terms) Question: Has anyone ever experienced this type of phenomenon before? If so - what was the root cause of this and did this happen post migration? What solution did you use to rectify this? Have you ever seen a cross-indexing issue between two domains (each domain serves a different purpose) post migration, which impacts the performance of the main brand domain? I will explain a little further - say you have (brand site) and (customer service site) and the day the brand website is migrated (same domain - just different file structure), points to the same server that is on (with a different file structure) and starts to inherit the legacy file structure. For example, the following is implemented on migration day: I will explain a little further - say you have (brand site) and (customer service site) and the day the brand website is migrated (same domain - just different file structure), points to the same server that is on (with a different file structure) and starts to inherit the legacy file structure. For example, the following is implemented on migration day: For example, the following is implemented on migration day: => 301s to But now points to the same server where the customer service content is now hosted. So although the following is rendered: So although the following is rendered correctly: We also have the following indexed in - competing for the same keyword terms and the main brand website has dropped in rankings: [legacy content from main brand website] Even when legacy content is 301 redirected from to, the authority isn't passed across and we now have (as per Q1) a lot lower in Google than pre-migration. Question: Have you ever experienced a cross-indexing issue like above whereby Google potentially isn't passing authority across from legacy to the new setup? I'm very keen to hear your experiences on these two subjects and whether you have had similar problems on  some of your domains. E0hbb

    | SMVSEO

  • Hey there, can any one please tell me the Best plugin i can choose For joomla?? I am going use sh404ref  & 2nd one i am thinking is EFSEO. If besides This do u know any Good One, Please Help to choose Best Thanx in advance.

    | poojaverify06

  • I automatically think yes... but nofollow links will be safer - that would be my choice as I always err on the side of caution... If I reached out to the entire network with quality content, as I would through a PR campaign, I am wondering whether the pre-existing business relationship would mean the link wouldn't be seen as truly independent by Google. Your thoughts would be welcome, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • What is the best keyword ranking tool you have used? I have used various tools by which I am expected to identify and input the keyword I want to track... However, recently I was introduced to Searchmetrics, which I think automatically pulls in the keywords a website ranks for, without the need for manual input from the SEO (I haven't used this tool yet, so apologies if I am incorrect!). Do any other rank trackers work like this? Thanks, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • I have just been contacted by a company whose website has lost nearly all of its traffic. The web developers appeared to know nothing about the SEO aspects, when it came to migrating the website (this website change took place first week of August) - the traffic has gone from 7,000 sessions to 200 sessions a month. I can work through the usual SEO migration steps to help recover performance, yet normally I get employed on this kind of project as soon as the traffic loss is noticed... this time the traffic loss kicked in nearly 2 months ago - what are the implications of such a time lag re: SEO recovery?

    | McTaggart

  • I recently bought an old competitors expired domain that was ranking around the page 2 or 3 on Google for most keywords that I target. Curious as to best strategy for utilizing this domain: 1. set up some content with back links to my own domain
    2. Set up redirects to set up all of the competitors old domain URLs to corresponding sections on my website
    3. Something else?

    | IsaCleanse

  • We are about to migrate an ecommerce site to a whole different platform and we are facing a pagination dilemma. The new platform has a view all page for each category where all the individual pages point with a rel canonical to the view all page. What would be best to to as for the redirect. should we do the 301 redirect to the view all page ? Considering that the view all page takes quite a time to load, wouldn’t it be good to drop the view all an implement the rel-next, rel-prev and point the 301 redirect to the first page. If we do the view all page, wouldn't be a problem if all the natural backlinks that we'll get will not be for the page view all page, but for the page1, page2 etc?

    | lvt

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