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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi Guys, We are contemplating of changing our site URL structure from sentence case to all lowercase. We will use 301 redirect for old to new. Its a 3 year old ecommerce site and currently rank very decent on serps. The agency that does our seo is recommending this change and reckons that all lowecase URLs as preferred over our current URL structure. My worry is we will lose our current ranking but agency advises that rankings will probably go lower or fluctuate for some time and get back to its original position or may even rank better in due course as we are doing a 301 redirect and once the site is crawled Google will know the change. We are approaching Christmas and thenext 2 months are most busiest period of the year, we don't want to risk on traffic. I would really appreciate if the community experts can advise, Is it really that lowercase URLs  are better than our current url structure? By doing 301 will our rankings come back to same in "due course" ? How much of a risk is it to do these changes at this time of the year? Thanking you in advance, Sohail

    | tigersohelll

  • Hello Mozzers, We have restructured our site and have done many 301 redirects to our new url structure. I have seen one of my competitors have done similar but they have kept the old sitemap to assist google I guess with their 301's as well. At present we only have our new site map active but am I missing a trick by not have the old one there as well to assist google with 301's. thanks Pete

    | PeteC12

  • I've noticed a potential problem with a mult-location business (this is an example URL - not the actual name of the business) I sense this is OK: But then I noticed they've added cars to location part of URL in some instances (they have 6 locations in total and have done this with 5 of them): So we have cars in there 3 times (that's the maximum number of times in any URL but it looks a little spammy to me) I am tempted to remove yoga from the location names, or flatten the URL structure completely - your thoughts would be welcome, or perhaps I shouldn't even be worrying?

    | McTaggart

  • I'm a bit stumped with this.  I optimise all my titles etc for Australia - and now the organic liatings are showing something strange.  For example ( we sell health supplements ) Meta title = "My Product , Buy Online Australia" If I type "My Product" -  the title in the organic listings says "My Product - My Company Limited" - and the only place I can see it getting that from is a combination of Meta Data used in Google Tag Manager + the Name on my Google places page.  This is much more obvious for categories.. but it's a pain in the butt. If I type "My Product Australia"  Then the original "My Product , Buy Online Australia" comes up. Any ideas on policy etc? I have taken the "Limited" off the Google business page - so hopefully this will change over time - but I can't find any information on why google would do something like this. If you had shed any light on this - would be much appreciated.

    | s_EOgi_Bear

  • Dear all, We're struggling with the SEO of our platform for 6 months now. I posted some matters before on the MOZ forum and followed up the ideas that i received (tnx again 🙂 But so far there really isn't much result. Recently i found out that my platform is doing excellent in search engine (ranking top 3/4 on my main keyword 'taobao') while my platform's homepage is still ranking dramatically in Google on the same keyword (ranking between position 180-280) Does anybody have some insight for me what could be the reason for this or how/where i can fund it out? Many thanks in advance! Sander

    | benhond

  • So our site is database powered and used to have up to 50K pages in google index 3 years ago. After re-design that number was brought down to about 12K currently. Legacy URLs that are now generating 404 have mostly been redirected to appropriate pages (some 13K 301 redirects currently). Trafficked content accounts for about 2K URLs in the end so my question is should I in context of concentrating link juice to most valuable pages: remove non-important / least trafficked pages from site and just have them show 404 no-index non-important / least trafficked pages from site but still have them visible 1 or 2 above plus remove from index via Webmaster Tools none of the above but rather something else? Thanks for any insights/advice!

    | StratosJets

  • Hi, We are working on a site that sells lots of variations of a certain type of product. (Car accessories) So lets say there are 5 products but each product will need a page for each car model so we will potentially have a lot of variations/pages. As there are a lot of car models, these pages will have pretty much the same content, apart from the heading and model details. So the structure will be something like this; Product 1 (landing page) Audi (model selection page)
    ---Audi A1 (Model detail page)
    ---Audi A2 (Model detail page)
    ---Audi A3 (Model detail page) BMW (model selection page)
    ---BMW 1 Series (Model detail page)
    ---BMW 3 Series (Model detail page) Product 2 (landing page) Audi (model selection page)
    ---Audi A1 (Model detail page)
    ---Audi A2 (Model detail page)
    ---Audi A3 (Model detail page) BMW (model selection page)
    etc The structure is like this as we will be targeting each landing page for AdWords campaigns. As all of these pages could look very similar to search engines, will simply setting up each with a canonical be enough? Is there anything else we should do to ensure Google doesn't penalise for duplicate page content? Any thoughts or suggestions most welcome.

    | davidmaxwell

  • Hello Everyone, Can Anyone Suggest best Site map Generator Software??

    | ieplnupur

  • Hi, I have to optimize a domain for Google for 3 languages (.com with subdirectories)(Dutch, German and English) content is only served on, .com/de and .com/en NO CONTENT is served on 
    How do I exclude from getting in Google? Because there is no content on the top level only on subdirectories. Is there a rule we have to add to htaccess? Or Robots.txt by disallow all and next lines allow /nl, allow /de and allow /en? Thanks a lot! Kind regards, Alain Nijholt

    | bmcinternetmarketing

  • Hi everyone - What is the best way to deal with 404s on an old site when you're migrating to a new website? Thanks, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • Is WHOIS data used by Google as a ranking signal? We had a website that had some bad SEO work done a while ago hence took a knock, If I use the same WHOIS data on a new site is that likely to cause an issue? Also I don't like the idea of providing too much information for privacy reasons, so have tended to stick to general email addresses and department names rather than actual personal information.  Is that a bad approach?

    | seoman10

  • So Google is using an tag for my SERP snippet and there is styling in that that uses _and for some reason that _is showing up in the snippet itself.  So "blah, blah blah, _19.99 _blah" is what is being displayed.  How do I prevent this from happening?  I thought styling within the header tags was fine? So what I am trying to do basically: Adventure Bear 16 oz or Adventure Bear 1.1oz Is this allowed or am I making a terrible mistake here? Thanks,
    Chris Birkholm____

    | DRSearchEngOpt

  • Hello! Our Moz report under the root domain displays 696 high priority issues that we cannot control that are all caused by a third party subdomain. We don’t have any control of the SEO on the third party website. Our blog posts link to the third party subdomain from our blog subdomain. Is the third party subdomain affecting our SERP and should we replace the subdomain with its own domain name? Hopefully we can clear this up and end the debate with our internal team and our HubSpot account manager. David

    | wakadaca

  • Hello, Can anyone help me find a solution to Fixing and Creating Magento CMS pages to only use one URL  and not two URLS? I found a previous article that applies to my issue, which is using htaccess to redirect request for pages in magento 301 redirect to slash URL from the non-slash URL.  I dont understand the syntax fully in htaccess , but I used this code below. This code below fixed the CMS page redirection but caused issues on other pages, like all my categories and products with this error: "This webpage has a redirect loop ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" Assuming you're running at domain root.  Change to working directory if needed. RewriteBase / # www check If you're running in a subdirectory, then you'll need to add that in to the redirected url ($1 RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www. [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] Trailing slash check Don't fix direct file links RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(.)/$
    RewriteRule ^(.)$ $1/ [L,R=301] Finally, forward everything to your front-controller (index.php) RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule .* index.php [QSA,L]

    | iamgreenminded

  • Hi All, I have a pretty extensive question but wanted a starting point if you don't mind. I have a situation where I created 4 sites that I would say are almost identical other than I have loaned my other websites to other agents. My content is rewritten but it's still roughly the same. You will see, when I give the URL's, that they are similar, and almost identical in templates.My question is going to be, Since I have built some authority on all of these sites, is it wise to simply take them down, or just change the templates and take away the content and start over. If so, what do I do with the existing pages?  Or is there a better idea I'm not thinking of? My other question is, this site: Is my main site. It has a higher domain authority and page authority than any of my other local competitors, yet I'm still ranked #13-15 for my main keywords. I will say, many of my other competitors have older domains and I'm sure didn't try to manipulate the serps either.  Thoughts and recommendations? Here are my other similar sites which have almost identical templates and very similar content but not copied and pasted content. 1.  2.  3.  4. My dilemma: I want to make sure that my other agents have a great site that can perform well, as well. If I completely remove these sites, they have no site. I'll say that right now the sites that get the most traffic are the and then is the goo.gl3gpR1X, and lastly so they all get about 3k, 2k, and 1k  and 500 visits a month respectively.  The total visits of all of these is pretty good. I feel like the max would visits would be around 10k per month in my market. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have spent a lot of time and money getting these sites where they are only to be penalized, I'm sure, for duplicate content.

    | Veebs

  • Hi there, I submitted a sitemap for a new 64 page website 6 weeks ago and only a few pages have been indexed. The website shows in Google search but with a large amount of information on the website it should show higher. I have fetched and rendered 30 plus pages on the 9th September and others on the 16th September, today is the 5th October but in Webmaster tools, Google only acknowledge 1 page as indexed. I have checked the robots txt file which shows it is allowed. There are no messages for problems with crawl and no errors showing. The domain is . Can you offer a suggestion as to why we are not being indexed?

    | simplyworld

  • Hello, I am thinking , I will rank my site without SEO . I will add quality content on my site . Will not do any backlinking ! Can anyone suggest me if it is really possible. I know some guys or some websites those are ranked without any SEO attempts. Thanks

    | businessowner

  • Hi I have done a site crawl and there are a lot of 302's on the 'Go to Basket' link when customers go through to pay. Should these be updated to 301's? On just the first part of the link so nothing after the ? /OrderCalculation? Thank you

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi Moz community, I have got a wordpress blog currently in the spanish language. I want to create the same blog content but in english version. (manually translate it to english instead of using translation service such as Google Translate). How should i structure the blog for SEO? How will it work? Any structure markups i should know about? Any examples? Thanks

    | WayneRooney

  • I have just completed a site redesign under a different domain and new wordpress woo commerce platform. The typical protocol is to just submit all the redirects via the .htaccess file on the current site and thereby tell google the new home of all your current pages on the new site so you maintain your link juice. This problem is my current site is hosted with network solutions and they do not allow access to the .htaccess file and there is no way to redirect the pages they say other than a script they can employ to push all pages of the old site to the new home page of the new site. This is of course bad for seo so not a solution. They did mention they could also write a script for the home page to redirect just it to the new home page then place a script of every individual page redirecting each of those. Does this sound like something plausible? Noone at network solutions has really been able to give me a straight answer. That being said i have discussed with a few developers and they mentioned a workaround process to avoid the above: “The only thing I can think of is.. point both domains ( & to the new store, and 301 there? If you kept WooCommerce, Wordpress has plugins to 301 pages. So maybe use A record or CName for the old URL to the new URL/IP, then use htaccess to redirect the old domain to the new domain, then when that comes through to the new store, setup 301's there for pages? Example ... points to ... then when the site sees, htaccess 301's to then wordpress uses 301 plugin for the pages? Not 100% sure if this is the best way... but might work." Can anyone confirm this process will work or suggest anything else to redirect my current site on network solutions to my new site withe new domain and maintain the redirects and seo power. My domain has been around for 10 years so dont just want to flush the link juice down the toilet and want to redirect everything correctly.

    | isle_surf

  • My question is - relatively speaking, how damaging to SEO is it to have BOTH your development/testing site and your live version indexed/crawled by Google and appearing in the SERPs? We just launched about a month ago, and made a change to the robots text on the development site without noticing ... which lead to it being indexed too.So now the ecommerce website is duplicated in Google ... each under different URLs of course (and on diff servers, DNS etc) We'll fix it right away ... and block crawlers to the development site. But again, may general question is what is the general damage to SEO ... if any ... created by this kind of mistake. My feeling is nothing significant

    | estampe123

  • I've recently been asked by a client if I can foresee any issues with reverting back to their original domain name. With the original domain name they had a pretty decent DA for their sector which they have now lost. Although I do appreciate that over time this might come back, the CEO is very keen to switch back to the old domain. They do currently have 301 redirects from the old domain to the new and have implemented rel canonical. As yet they have not notified Google of the change of address using Webmaster Tools. Can anyone forsee any issues with returning back to the old domain name? They have only been using the new domain name for a couple of months which currently has a DA for 1.

    | Macrofireball

  • If my website were to purchase a sponsored article on a site with a powerful domain authority that contained a do-follow link, and the link would be "" ... obviously new-article would have 0 page authority, being new... is that still considered a valuable link and why or why not?

    | cat5com

  • Hi there ! A client want to sell some products on its future website but just a small range (the most part of this website will not be an online shop). The idea is to add a "shop" button in the menu to redirect clients in this shop. I would like your opinion about how should I construct this shop, what do you think is the best for SEO : "" or "" thank you in advance for your answers !

    | EnjinFrance

  • Hi guys, My website exists on a subdomain (i.e. and is being indexed correctly on all search engines except Bing and Duck Duck Go, which list ''. Unfortunately my subdomain isn't configured for www (the domain is out of my control), so searchers are seeing a server error when clicking on my homepage in the SERPs. I have verified the site successfully in Bing Webmaster Tools, but it still shows up incorrectly. Does anyone have any advice on how I could fix this issue? Thank you!

    | cos2030

  • Hey guys, I've started working with this client a while back. Everything is working perfectly, we create great content, earn links and rank on a lot of interesting terms. Except for one term... It's keyword difficulty isn't even that high: 38%. (We rank on some keywords which have 60%). They got everything right: interesting and engaging content, a diversified backlink profile (with many organic good links), good on-page SEO but nothing can move them up. Some websites with a lower DA & MozRank are outranking them although they don't do anything regarding their SEO except buying scrappy links. The only thing I can see is that they transitioned to HTTPs and that plenty of their links directed to the HTTP domain. The 301 was done during the transition so I don't think we lost too much of link juice... Please note that during the Keyword Difficulty full-report, I noticed that all their metrics are similar to the first few results in SERPs and largely outpace the others... Any idea on what might be happening? Thanks for your help :)!

    | PierreLechelle

  • Hi Guys, We currently have a client that offers reviews and preparation classes for their industry (online and offline). One of the main things that I have noticed is how all of their product landing page urls are stuffed with keywords. I have read changing url's will impact up to 25% traffic and to not mess with url's unless it is completely needed. My question is, when url's are stuffed with keywords and make the url length over 200 characters, should I be focusing on a more structured url system?

    | EricLee123

  • We are curious to know what the MOZ community thinks about our level of unique content on the following profile and if the community thinks we are currently at risk / susceptible for a Panda 4.2 Penalty. We have profiles on over 4,000 colleges ( some are more populated with content than others. We've already taken action to noindex several hundred thousand profile URLs ( which currently publish less original content. Curious how other major vertical search websites approach this problem (a la Glassdoor, Yelp, TripAdvisor, etc) As always - the feedback from this community is priceless!!

    | abargmann

  • We have a website with around 5,000 pages and for the past few months we've had our crawl rate set to maximum (we'd just started paying for a top of the range dedicated server at the time, so performance wasn't an issue). Google Webmaster Tools has alerted me this morning that the crawl rate has expired so I'd have to manually set the rate again. In terms of SEO, is having a max rate a good thing? I found this post on Moz, but it's dated from 2008. Any thoughts on this?

    | LiamMcArthur

  • Does CDN impact on SEO or not? There seems conflicting ideas as to whether they impact positively or negatively, I realise that if the page loads quicker this is a good thing for SEO and usability of course. Does Google see CDN as just cheating and a get-around for not doing the work from the ground up and using good hosting etc? Do you have any direct experience? All constructive input much appreciated!

    | seoman10

  • Hello there, Based on Moz's rank tracker our keywords ranking have been dropping in ranking. Does anyone know what might be the cause? We have been building quality "white hat" links which are very relevant to our niche Thanks, Robert

    | roberthseo

  • I'm working on restructuring my site. We have main topic areas, and any given visitor will ONLY be interested in 1 of those topics. So to consolidate the information into a simpler format, I want to take all the various pieces of content and wrap them under a given topic. [There is a question in here, I promise.] So I want to create, /topic/subtopic-2, etc. [Yes, I will apply all necessary redirects for any new URL restructuring.] Now here's the question: If I want to rank for "Peanut Butter Sandwiches with Jelly" and "Peanut Butter Sandwiches with Jam," will I be able to structure the URLs as /peanut-butter/sandwiches-with-jelly/, or should I go /peanut-butter/peanut-butter-sandwiches-with-jelly? And please note, /peanut-butter/ will likely redirect to /peanut-butter/subtopic-1/ since it won't make sense to have /peanut-butter/ on its own. [PB&J is just an example.] What's the best way to go about this? Any recommendations? I really appreciate your help.

    | jheath

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a query regarding canonical tags on my eCommerce site.. Basically on my category pages whereby I have more than 1 page, I currently use next/prev rel and also have a canonical tag pointing to the View all version of that page. This is believe is correct.(see example - However, from looking at the view source on my other pages,  I have noticed I have canonical tags on all my category pages which are only a single page and these canonicaltag are pointing to a different url. I enclose an example . Please advise Category page - This is where the canonical tag points to  - Another example Category Page - This is where the canonical tag for that page points to Should I either make sure that categories that are only 1 page , don't have a canonical tag at all ? or do I have a canonical tag on say every page on my website for safety pointing to the main url for that page. The later, I imagine would be a belt and braces approach but I don't want to screw up anything if it's not advised? Please help/ Kind regards Pete

    | PeteC12

  • We are looking for a complete list of all white hat SEO "to do's" that an SEO firm should do in order to help increase Google/Bing/Yahoo organic rankings. We would like to use this list to be sure that the SEO company/individual we choose uses all these white hat items as part of an overall SEO strategy to increase organic rankings. Can anyone please point me in the right direction as to where we can obtain this complete list? If this is not the best approach, please let me know what is, as I am not an SEO person. Thank you kindly in advance


  • Our new website has been live for around 3 months and the URL structure has completely changed. We weren't able to dynamically create 301 redirects for over 5,000 of our products because of how different the URL's were so we've been redirecting them as and when. 3 months on and we're still getting hundreds of 404 errors daily in our Webmaster Tools account. I've checked the server logs and it looks like Bing Bot still seems to want to crawl our old /product/ URL's. Also, if I perform a "" on Google or Bing - lots of results are still returned, indicating the both still haven't dropped them from their index. Should I ignore the 404 errors and continue to wait for them to drop off or should I just block /product/ in my robots.txt? After 3 months I'd have thought they'd have naturally dropped off by now! I'm half-debating this: User-agent: *
    Disallow: /some-directory-for-all/* User-agent: Bingbot
    User-agent: MSNBot
    Disallow: /product/ Sitemap:

    | LiamMcArthur

  • I have a website which is ranking well on some good keywords ie generic and long tail. It is also ranking for some really competitive keywords. and now getting constant traffic. I want to increase organic traffic to my website. What are the best possible ways to do this? How to research more keywords and how to identify that they will really work? Please help, I am confused.

    | rishi.ast

  • I am seeing a pretty precipitous drop in search volume traffic (see link). My keyword rankings don't seem to have suffered too much over this period. In fact, my #1 keyword have actually increased slightly in this timeframe. Two questions... Is there some way to assess overall search volume across my tracked keywords (to see if this is just a case of overall searches dropping)? Is there a recommended plan of attack for investigating drops like this - beyond overall search volume, what other data might be important in identifying the cause of this. In short, I'm looking for some logic/structure for how I investigate this, using Moz tools and reports. Thanks. Mark omE1VPc

    | MarkWill

  • Hello Technical question: I have category pages in my site - and product pages in my site. Category Pages I Have listed Grouped products on them ( i.e. a product that could have multiple offers for each size ) I Have the relevant markup for them ( one for each product ) . Product Pages The Product pages have grouped products as well - but the individual simple products are note marked up. The Product pages have Aggregate reviews on them. My question is this: Should I use the grouped product sku to identify the grouped product on the category page and the product page?  Technically they aren't Stock Keeping Units ( SKU's ) - but they could be used to link the 2 together to avoid duplicates. Ideas?

    | s_EOgi_Bear

  • I've got a new client with a great site, great off-page optimization and some scars and a hangover from a bad developer relationship. I'd be so grateful for your thoughts on this situation: Some time in the not-too-distant-past, the website is established and new content is posted. We'll call this Alpha. In April 2015, the client migrates to WordPress, implementing 301 redirects on every content page because of the capitalization issues of the old CMS. That means Alpha URLs are redirecting to Betas. Problem is, the new Beta WordPress URLs are the the permalink structure: /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/ and update by default when the page content is updated meaning that any updates to existing content cause another 301. It's my belief that for evergreen content, dates in the URL do nothing to help you and might even hurt from a user-experience standpoint, if not a search engine one. So, naturally, I'd like to move to the simple/%postname%/ structure, which would be Gamma. So, here's how I think we should fix it. Step 1: Update the sitemap and navigation and make the desired URL (Gamma) structure the default and the canonical. Step 2: Change the Alpha -> Beta redirects to Alpha -> Gamma Step 3: Add Beta -> Gamma redirects Anyone done this in the past? Anyone have any problems with it?

    | LindsayDayton

  • Hi all, I'm trying to get a homepage to rank for a certain term, but the page keeps showing up in the SERPS with the "Brand Name: Keyword" when I have written it as "Keyword - Brand Name" in the  <title>tag. I can't even see "Brand Name" Keyword" in the code of the page so I don't know where Google is pulling this from? </p> <p>I have <meta name="robots" content="noodp,noydir"/> on the page.</p> <p>I'm running Yoast and have removed the Brand from the Site Name and the Page Title for the homepage is "Keyword - Brand Name" in WordPress. I've changed the meta description so I can see the page has been crawled and re-indexed as the new meta description is showing in the SERPs</p> <p>Any idea, where Google is pulling this Page Title from and how I can get it changed to read the actual <title> tag? Or is there something I need to change in WordPress?</p> <p>Thank you!</p></title>

    | Marketing_Today

  • We recently migrated our shop to a new platform.  We are using Wordpress for our main website, but we wanted a separate installation of Wordpress for our shop, so we left the main blog where it was, but moved the shop to a /shop/ sub directory with it's on WP installation.  So now we have 2 installations of Wordpress.  However, since we've done this, none of the pages on the new shop are ranking for anything.  Their page rank is 0, and Moz page authority is 1 for every page on the new site.  I've set up the proper 301 redirects, and they're redirecting fine, but none of the page value is coming over. It's been about a week now, and despite re-crawls by google, I'm not seeing any change. Also, one of the original (now re-directed) product pages still has a Page Authority of 13 according to Open Site Explorer.  I know it's not high, but it had us ranking in the top 5 for a very important keyword, and now that value is being wasted. For example, one of our product pages that was ranking well was
    That page is now redirected to I've done 301's plenty of times and I've never seen this issue, so i'm wondering if it could have something to do with having multiple installations of Wordpress.  I can't see any obvious issues with it... i have the Yoast SEO plugin configured properly on both installations, and all of the pages ARE being indexed by google.  Not sure what is going on.  Anyone have any experience with this, or have any ideas? Thanks!!

    | inkyj

  • Hey everyone! After adding a ssl certificate to my site it seems that every page on my site has duplicated it's self. I think that is because it has combined the and I would really hate to add a rel canonical to every page to solve this issue. I am sure there is another way but I am not sure how to do it. Has anyone else ran into this problem and if so how did you solve it? Thanks and any and all ideas are very appreciated.

    | LovingatYourBest

  • I understand how to do products, what I am more curious about is the organization schema. Is it worth it to set it up as an ecommerce business? I would have to set it up on the About Us page for the site, does it matter to Google that it is not located on the homepage?

    | EcommerceSite

  • Hello everyone, I was wondering if you could help me with understanding the following story: A website has been moved from its HTTP version to a HTTPS version. The SEO manager has advised developers that they needed to do 301 redirects. However, in the end, 302 redirects have been put in place instead. Now, 301s should be put in place ASAP. The million dollar question is: has the website lost all of its link juice already given the nature of the redirects? Also, does it depend on whether Google has indexed the new 302 pages or does it depend on something else? Many thanks!

    | MarketingGH

  • I have an ecommerce site that was switched to https a year ago almost to the day. Our category pages are about half of what they were. The redirects were put in properly, and everything in webmaster tools looks good. Anything out there I may not have thought of? Want to add that the drop is only in Google, Bing stayed just fine.

    | EcommerceSite

  • In terms of E-commerce title tags. We are a manufacturer of our own clothing products. We are new to the SEO landscape so if this question is an obvious answer, then i apologize for wasting any one times in advance. We Manufacture our own clothing. Each item has a name. The names are American womens names such as amanda or lori or jenniffer etc. When we create the title tag for them should we include the name of the item itself at the beginning or end.  For example should it be Item Name - Keyword - Keyword - Brand Name(aka manufacturer) or Keyword - Keyword - Item Name - Brand Name (aka manufacturer) The reason we ask this is because we think it would be a waste to rank for actual American names such as Jennifer and Jessica. All that we have read on Moz suggests that it seems to be better to have pertinent keywords in the beginning of the title as opposed to the end. In terms of our brand name we already rank number 1 for every combination of our brand. So we would like to start picking up traffic for the different product types we sell and there respective synonyms. Not sure if i am making any sense. Sorry in advance, and any help is very very much appreciated.

    | Imagination

  • Good morning,Theory states that duplicated content reduces certain keywords’ position in Google. It also says that a web who copy content will be penalized. Furthermore, we have spam report tools and the scraper report to inform against these bad practices.In my case: the website, both, sells content to other sites and write and prepare its own content which is not in sale. However, other sites copy these last ones, publish them and Google do not penalize their position in results (not in organic results neither in Google news), even though they are reported using Google tools for that purpose.Could someone explain this to me? Is there a way to make Google realize/detect these bad practices?Thanks

    | seoseoseos

  • Hi Mozzers, The background: I have this very corporate .com domain which is used worldwide. Next to that, we have another .com domain which is specifically created for the US visitors. Within the organic rankings, we notice that our corporate domain is ranking much better in the US. Many visitors are arriving on this domain. As it is a corporate domain being used worldwide, they get lost. My questions: I know there are ways to redirect by location. Would it be smart to automatically redirect US visitors for the corporate domain to the commercial US-specific domain? Is it possible to only redirect US visitors and leave the website as it is for visitors from other countries. Won't this harm the corporate website (organically) worldwide? If this would be a good idea, any recommended plugins or concrete procedures? Thank you so much for helping me out!

    | WeAreDigital_BE

  • Hi We regularly have products which are no longer sold and discontinued. As we have such a large site, webmaster tools regularly picks up new 404's. These 404 pages aren't linked to from anywhere on the site any longer, however WMT will still report them as errors. Does this affect site authority? Thank you

    | BeckyKey

  • Our website (blahblah).org has 32 other domains pointing to it all from the same I.P address. These domains including the one in question, were all purchased by the website owner, who has inadvertently created duplicate content and on most of these domains. Some of these referring domains have 301's, some don't - but it appears they have all been de-indexed by Google. I'm somewhat out of my depth here (most of what I've said above has come from an agency who said we should address this before being slapped by Google). However I need to explain to my line manage the actual issues in more detail and the repercussions - any anyone please offer advice please? I'm happy to use the agency, or another - but would like some second opinions if possible?

    | LJHopkins

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