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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi all, We have two Trustpilot schemas (Local Business) on our web pages ( One on desktop / one on mobile) but we are finding that it is not updating the number of reviews in the search results. When using the tool : , the test results are coming back ok. I have two ideas as to why it may not be working; 1) The duplication of the schema code is causing issues 2) We had to change the html code for all of our 50+ backend pages using a search&replace  WordPress plugin to save a vast amount of time. Maybe this is plugin related? The fact that the google testing tool gives back positive results adds to the confusion. I test both of the theorised issues to see if it  provides a fixes. Can anyone shed some further light on this issue? Is there something obvious I am missing? All responses are greatly appreciated! Thanks, Tom p.s. Example Page:

    | AllClearMarketing

  • Hi, After reading Mr. Shepard's amazing article on the 7 concepts of advanced on-page SEO (, I decided to share my own experience in hopes of helping others. I started doing legal SEO back in 2013. At the time I really didn't know much about SEO. My first client (my brother) had recently left the D.A.'s office to become a criminal defense attorney. I told him to write content for the following areas: domestic violence, sex crimes, and homicide. He finished his first content piece on domestic violence and I was not impressed. It seemed too unique, individualized, and lacked the "generic" feel that many of the currently ranking pages had. Please note that I don't mean "generic" in a negative way. I just mean that his content regarding domestic violence felt too personalized. Granted, his "personalized" approach came from a Deputy D.A. with over 13 years handling domestic violence, sex crimes, and murder cases. I was inclined to re-write his content, but lacking any experience in criminal law I really had no choice but to use it. IMPORTANT:  Please note that I barely knew any SEO at the time (I hadn't even yet discovered MOZ), and my brother knew, and continues to know, absolutely nothing about SEO. He simply wrote the content from the perspective of an attorney who had spent the better part of 13 years handling these types of cases. The result?  Google: "Los Angeles domestic violence lawyer/attorney", "Los Angeles sex crimes lawyer/attorney", and "Los Angeles homicide attorney." They have held those spots consistently since being published. I know that MANY other factors contribute to the success of content, but at the time I published them we had few links and very little "technical SEO." Unfortunately, I started learning "SEO" and applied standard SEO techniques to future content. The result? Never as good as the articles that were written with no SEO in mind. My purpose in writing this is to help anyone about to tackle a new project or revamp an existing site. Before getting too caught up in the keywords, H tags, and all the other stuff I seem to worry too much about, simply ask yourself - "is this great content?" Thanks again to the MOZ team for the great advice they have shared over the years. Honestly, I think I sometimes become overly reliant on SEO b/c it seems easier than taking the time to write a great piece of content. P.s. Any "SEO" stuff you see on the above-mentioned pages was done by me after the pages ranked well. P.p.s. I don't mean to imply that the above-mentioned pages are perfect, because they are not. My point is that content can rank well even without any emphasis on SEO, as long as the person writing it knows about the subject and takes the time to write something that readers find useful.

    | mrodriguez1440

  • Hi - I'm looking at an old website and there are lots of 301s internal to that site - what do I do with these when I move to a new site? Should I list them and adjust them so they redirect to the new site now (instead of from one URL to another URL on the old site) - I'm thinking that if I don't the user will have to travel through one 301 then another to get to the new site, which doesn't seem like a great idea? Your thoughts would be welcome.

    | McTaggart

  • I'm looking at a site with the rel="prev" and "next" HTML attributes in place, to deal with pagination. However, the pages in each paginated category have identical page titles - is this an issue? Rand gives an example of how he'd vary page titles here, to prevent problems, though I'm not entirely sure whether this advice applies to sites with the rel="prev" and "next" HTML attributes in place:  Any advice would be welcome - many thanks, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • We have been having a terrible time in the local search results for 20 + locations. I have Places set up and all, but we decided to create location pages on our sites for each location - brief description and content optimized for our main service. The path would be something like .com/location/example. One option that has came up in question is to create landing pages / "mini websites" that would probably be I believe that the latter option, mini sites for each location, would be a bad idea as those kinds of tactics were once spammy in the past. What are are your thoughts and and resources so I can convince my team on the best practice.

    | KJ-Rodgers

  • Hi Mozzers, This question has been asked a few times over the years, but opinion seems to have changed drastically and i wanted to get an updated opinion from sources i trust. On my category pages I have content above products. The content can push the product too far down, and if placed below is never viewed. To battle this I wanted to implement a "Read More" button so i could keep a couple hundred words there and expand it to the rest of the content if the user wanted. If not the products would remain near the top of the screen for better conversion. I have implemented this on this page to test if it affects my keyword rankings before i go site wide. But also wanted an opinion if this practice is ok. The example page with it implemented can be found here. The content im hiding isn't huge here but on other pages could be more. Is there a set ratio of text i should aim to keep / hide? Any pitfalls i should watch out for? I know google crawls the hidden content as its in the source code but should i be wary of a penalty is too much is hidden?

    | ATP

  • Many SEOs I know simply upload the new sitemap once the new site is launched - some keep the old site's URLs on the new sitemap (for a while) to facilitate the migration - others upload both the old and the new website together, to support the migration. Which is the best way to proceed? Thanks, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • Hi there! I'm the SEO manager for 5 Star Loans. I have 2 city pages running. We are running our business in 2 locations: Berkeley, CA & San Jose, CA. For those offices we've created 2 google listings with separate gmail accounts. Berkeley ( ranks well in Berkeley in Gmaps and it shows on first page in organic results. However the second city page San Jose ( doesn't show in the Gmaps local pack results and also doesn't rank well in organic results. Both of them have authentic backlinks and reviews. It has been a year already and it's high time we knew the problem 🙂 any comment would be helpful. thanks a lot

    | moonalev

  • Hello MOZ Community!!! I would like your expert opinions on a scenario, please! My client is an ecommerce company, and currently has one of its category pages outranking its homepage for a few key phrases. The homepage, however, has a better conversion rate. So, the client is asking that we make the homepage the category URL, so The existing homepage URL - - would 301 REDIRECT to the category page - which would render the current version of the homepage. Therefore, there would be nothing, ZERO content, on the MAIN URL: Has anyone ever done this before? What are the pros and the cons of this practice? Here is my same client, for reference:

    | accpar

  • I have a client who had their WordPress site hacked. At that point there was no message from Google in webmaster tools and the search results for their pages still looked normal. They paid sitelock to fix the site.  This was all about a month ago. Logging into Webmaster Tools now there are still no messages from Google nor anything on the manual actions page. Their organic traffic is essentially gone. Looking at the submitted sitemap only 3 of their 121 submitted pages are indexed. Before this all of them where in the index. Looking at the index status report I can see that the number of indexed pages dropped completely off the map. We are sure that the site is free of malware. This client has done no fishy SEO practices. What can be done?

    | connectiveWeb

  • My question is about whether to optimize a category page or not, but it’s a rather odd situation. Here’s a bit of background to start. When we relaunched our site, about six months ago, we had primary, secondary, and tertiary categories created. A user could reach all three levels by clicking through the site. Then we decided instead of linking to the tertiary categories, that we’d turn them into filters which can be applied at the secondary level. Thus, there is not actually a direct link to the 3rd level categories on the site. An important side note, I did check and confirm they are still included in the sitemap file. My initial thoughts were to forget any further optimization of those 3rd level categories, but as it turns out we still have rankings for some of them. Now the question… Because some of these pages are ranking and are found in the sitemap, should I include them in my SEO plan to build up and optimize, or because they are no longer linked to directly on the site will they eventually fizzle out (and I shouldn’t do anything further). This is such a unique situation that I am really looking for some insight from the community. Thanks!

    | M_D_Golden_Peak

  • We have a client who has had the following domain setup for some time: 301 -> Now, they would like to go back to the original, and will have the following setup: 301 -> Obviously, I'm concerned about redirect loops cached in the browser. I plan to have the 301's from changed over to 302's for two weeks ahead of the change, so that hopefully when the change happens, browsers and search engines are more ready to respond. I also plan to establish rel=canonical on the pages after the switch. Is there anything else you'd recommend to help with the changeover? Should we plan for an intermediary period were both domains are serving the content, so that the redirects can be purged, before being re-established the other direction? Thanks in advance.

    | Bit-Wizards

  • Hi we have a e-commerce site on Magento. A lot of the current current meta descriptions are over 120 characters, which is approximately what Google cuts off for mobile search. We want to create mobile meta descriptions but where would we add them to the CMS and how do we tell Google to use the mobile meta description when the site is responsive. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated! Thanks, Chris

    | jayoliverwright

  • Hi When we're talking about SEO does the search engine only look at the whole site in general or do they look at the individual page when we're talking about SERP? So if you have a keyword "my search term" Does the search engine look at the site first or the page with the term on then rank you or is it the page then the site.

    | Cocoonfxmedia

  • I'm posting this on behalf of someone I know looking to hire an SEO guru. Sounds like a great opportunity for a freelancer looking for guaranteed monthly work. The details can be found at: [link deleted]

    | 2wheelpartssupply

  • My biggest competitor who's number 1 in main keywords in google has almost only links from 'linkfarms' and blog comments. How is he ranked that high? Would it be a good idea to add a bit the best of these in my mix, while i work on the real good quality content?

    | ValleyofTea

  • Hi Everyone, I'm seeing a bunch of URLs that look something like this [] showing as duplicate content in my Moz crawls. I think these are just blank pages for the most part. Is there anything to be concerned with here? Is there a way to clean this up? Thanks! Ricky

    | RickyShockley

  • Hey everyone! I'm fairly new to SEO but I have a large number of sites I'm needing to SEO. I'm a tad confused as to how many keyword phrases I should use throughout my site. For example, my site is I want to rank highlight for the phrase 'uluru tours' throughout the site, as many of my pages list uluru tours and people searching for this phrase are my type of customers. As you can see I've tried to do some basic on page SEO for that phrase by including it in page title, headings etc. But the entire site doesn't seem to rank very well. Would you guys suggest trying to target 'uluru tours' phrase throughout the entire site of just focus a couple of pages on this term? Any advice is greatly appreciated guys! Cheers

    | Mysites

  • We have a third party subdomain that is not hosted on our server ( gallery). It periodically has slow load times. The question is; does anybody know if the SERPs, or more specifically Google, would see that subdomain as our site? I want to gather insight into whether or not this might affect our results. Thank you!

    | leslieevarts

  • Is it possible to find out where traffic is coming from on someone else website?

    | Hall.Michael

  • Perhaps more of a discussion here than a definite answer, but we are looking at making periodic changes to the priority and recency of our sitemap pages, but would have to repopulate that information each time our plugin updates for our WordPress site. Is this something that is even worth doing or are these updates not impactful enough to merit adding it to our process? Thanks all!

    | ReunionMarketing

  • Hi All, Hope everyone had a nice weekend.  I just stumbled upon one of our competitors who for some reason is all of a sudden defining meta keywords for their product pages. I find this extremely strange since its a definite no-no to define these? They are one of the largest (Chase, Barclays equivalent) in Australia with a large digital team.  Do they know something we don't? Hope someone can help. Cheers, Dave

    | CFCU

  • Recently I purchased a site of 50+ DA ( that had been offline/404 for 9-12 months from the previous owner.  The purchase included the domain and the content previously hosted on the domain.  The backlink profile is 100% contextual and pristine. Upon purchasing the domain, I did the following: Rehosted the old site and content that had been down for 9-12 months on Allowed a week or two for indexation on Hosted the old content on my and then performed 100+ contextual 301 redirects from the to using direct and wild card htaccess rules Issued a Press Release declaring the acquisition of for Performed a site "Change of Name" in Google from to Performed a site "Site Move" in Bing/Yahoo from to It's been close to a month and while organic traffic is growing gradually, it's not what I would expect from a domain with 700+ referring contextual domains.  My current concern is around original attribution of content on shifting to scraper sites during the year or so that it was offline. For Example: has full attribution prior to going offline Scraper sites scan site and repost content elsewhere (effort unsuccessful at time because google know original attribution) goes offline Scraper sites continue hosting content Google loses consumer facing cache from (and potentially loses original attribution of content) Google reassigns original attribution to a scraper site is hosted again and Google no longer remembers it's original attribution and thinks content is stolen Google then silently punished and (which it is redirected to) QUESTIONS Does this sequence have any merit? Does Google keep track of original attribution after the content ceases to exist in Google's search cache? Are there any tools or ways to tell if you're being punished for content being posted else on the web even if you originally had attribution? Unrelated:  Are there any other steps that are recommend for a Change of site as described above.

    | PetSite

  • Dear All, I work for a southamerican ecommerce, I would like to know if you can help me out with the following. This site is full of 404, more than 45K, so we are doing 301 to corresponding pages. The development team is asking me if we could stop doing the 301 in some time...In order to do this search engines should index only the url we are redirecting to, and not the one that is redirecting to the new one. Currently they are redirecting in the HTML no by htaccess, so this means they have one page for each URL that needs to be redirected, and this is not efficient. Bests, Pablo

    | pablo_carrara

  • I just submitted my disavow file to Google after several months of work. A few months ago a saw a partial match unnatural link penalty in the www. version of my site's Search Console account. The penalty has since expired. Should I also upload the file to the non www. side of the Search Console account? No penalty ever appeared there.

    | pajamalady

  • I'm trying to find information on how google treats dynamically generated content within a webpage?  (not dynamic urls) For example I have a list of our top 10 products with short product descriptions and links on our homepage to flow some of the pagerank to those individual product pages. My developer wants to make these top products dynamic to where they switch around daily. Won't this negatively affect my seo and ability to rank for those keywords if they keep switching around or would this help since the content would be updated so frequently?

    | ntsupply

  • Hi - I've been looking at review websites like tripadvisor - I looked at Tripadvisor's hotel reviews and the reviews may extend for several pages, yet they don't change title tags and so on, on each of the multiple pages? Surely it would be a good idea, from an SEO perspective, to change title tags (and perhaps other tags) for each of the multiple pages - even if the change was slight - e.g. "The White Swan Hotel - Reviews p 1" - "The White Swan Hotel - Reviews p 2" and so on? Am I missing something?

    | McTaggart

  • Hi there. I am using Yoast Wordpress Plugin. I just wonder if any test have been done around the effects of Index vs Noindex for Tag Pages? ( like when tagging a word relevant to an article ) Thanks 🙂 Martin

    | s_EOgi_Bear

  • I'm changing the url of some old pages to see if I can't get a little more organic out of them. After changing the url, and maybe title/desc tags as well, I plan to have Google fetch them. How does Google know that the old url is 301'd to the new url and the new url is not just a page of duplicate content? Thanks... Darcy

    | 94501

  • Hello, We are attempting to have the following page removed from Google search results: view-source: A noindex tag was added but we aren't sure if it was done correctly.  I'm wondering if there are any experts here that might be able to confirm that this was added correctly and will result in the removal of the page from search results. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

    | jasonMPLS

  • We haven't made any sort of changes to the website recently and we had a 10% drop in indexed pages. I know there is rumors of a bug, has this happened to anyone else?

    | EcommerceSite

  • I created a website 4 days ago and fetch it with google but still my website does not index on google as the keywords I use is with low competition but still my website does not appear on any keywords?

    | ramansaab

  • I have a real estate company: with approximately 400 agents. When an agent gets hired we allow them to pick a URL which we then register and manage. For example: We then take this agent domain and 301 redirect it to a subdomain of our main site. For example 301’s to We have each page on the agent subdomain canonicled back to the corresponding page on
    For example: canonicles to What happened is that google indexed many URLS on the subdomains, and it seemed like Google ignored the canonical in many cases. Although these URLS were being crawled and indexed by google, I never noticed any of them rank in the results. My theory is that Google crawled the subdomain first, indexed the page, and then later Google crawled the main URL. At that point in time, the two pages actually looked quite different from one another so Google did not recognize/honor the canonical. For example: gets crawled on day 1 gets crawled 5 days later The content (recently listed properties for sale) on these category pages changes every day. If Google crawled the pages (both the subdomain and the main domain) on the same day, the content on the subdomain and the main domain would look identical. If the urls are crawled on different days, the content will not match. We had some major issues (duplicate content and site speed) on our site that needed immediate attention. We knew we had an issue with the agent subdomains and decided to block the crawling of the subdomains in the robot.txt file until we got the main site “fixed”. We have seen a small decrease in organic traffic from google to our main site since blocking the crawling of the subdomains. Whereas with Bing our traffic has dropped almost 80%. After a couple months, we have now got our main site mostly “fixed” and I want to figure out how to handle the subdomains in order to regain the lost organic traffic. My theory is that these subdomains have a some link juice that is basically being wasted with the implementation of the robots.txt file on the subdomains. Here is my question
    If we put a ROBOTS rel=NOINDEX on all pages of the subdomains and leave the canonical (to the corresponding page of the company site) in place on each of those pages, will link juice flow to the canonical version? Basically I want the link juice from the subdomains to pass to our main site but do not want the pages to be competing for a spot in the search results with our main site. Another thought I had was to place the NOIndex tag only on the category pages (the ones that seem to change every day) and leave it off the product (property detail pages, pages that rarely ever change). Thank you in advance for any insight.

    | EasyStreet

  • Do you guys know any tool or software which provides follow things for my ecommerce site? Real Time/ next day data for ipad traffic Real Time/ next day data for ipad urls visited Read time/ next day data for ipad Page rendering load time for all the urls separately Real Time/ next day data for ipad network load time for all the urls separately Real Time/ next day data for ipad dom processing time for the all the urls separately Real Time/ next day data for ipad request queuing load time for all the urls separtely Real Time/ next day data for ipad web application load time for all the urls separtely Real Time/ next day data for ipad total load time for each url Real Time/ Next day data for ipad timestamp i.e Time of each url being accessed by the visitor Real Time/ next day data for ipad visitor city Real Time/ next day data for ipad visitor country code Real Time/ next day data for ipad visitor duration on that page Real Time/ next day data for ipad visitor user agent name foreg chrome, IE, safari, firefox etc Real time/ next day data for ipad visitor user agent OS foreg. ipad only Real time/ next day data for ipad user agent version foreg. ipad 8.0, ipad 6.0, ipad air, ipad ratina, ipad mini etc Real time/ next day data for ipad visitor for each url session trace in water fall like backend time, dom processing, page load, waiting on ajax, interactions of visitors etc Real time/ next day data for ipad visitor for each url with total request for each page. Real time/ next day data for ipad visitors for each url with javascript error on the page and javascript url plus stake track of that error. Real time/ next day data for ipad visitors for each url with ajax error on the page and ajax url plus stake track of the error Real time/ next day data for ipad visitors for each and every url where each and every request time taken in waterfall layout. Real time/ next day data for ipad visitors funnel visiualization tracking Real time/ next day data for ipad visitors transcations tracking. Please note that all above data also require day wise, country wise, previous days and month, model wise sorting, pagination feature, etc. waiting for your reply Regards, Mit

    | mit

  • Hi I work for children's furniture business called Tidy Books. We are based in the UK. We have UK site We also have a US site which is registered in the US. We have fully dedicated and translated French, German and Italian site  (,,  . These all fall under our UK registered address. What I would like, is to have a French, German and Italian  business address for these website. We just need an address only. This would mainly be used to for Google business listing and other business listings sites to help rank are sites correctly in their country domains. T Do you know of or recommend any companies that can do this? Is there any implications I need to be aware of, such as tax? Thanks

    | tidybooks

  • Hey Mozers, I was looking through my Google Web Masters Tool under HTML Improvements.  It looks like I have 2,200 pages missing Meta Titles and I was about to lose it thinking HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN! I came to realize that the pages were "Ajax Pages".  This is specifically a checkprice pop up and I dont want this page crawled by google.  It looks like to google I have over 2k pages missing Meta Titles and they are all "check price pop ups".  How would you suggest I block this.  I thought about going the easy route and removing the subfolder and putting it in the Robots.txt document and I'm scared of that because we use AJax for a bunch of calls.  I'm also scared of putting in the head   <metaname="robots" =="" noindex,nofollow"="">because it requires hard coding</metaname="robots"> I Know i'm not the first to come across this issue, Any Ideas??

    | rpaiva

  • Hi everybody, I am now auditing this website
    this website has some issues with canonicals and other things. But right now I have found something that I would like to know your opinion. When I was checking parts of the content in google to find duplicate content issues I found this: I google I searched: "Chaleco de streck decorado con botones" and found First result: "Hombre trovador" is the one I was checking -> Correct
    The following results are category pages where the product is listed in. I was wondering if this could cause any problem related with duplicated content. Should I no index category pages or should I keep it?
    The first result in google was the product page. And category pages I think are good for link juice transfer and to capture some searchs from Google. Any advice? Thank you

    | teconsite

  • Have just been looking at a review site and they're using the canonical tag very strangely, to me. For example, they may have several pages of reviews of the same item - they use the canonical tag on page 2/3/4 to point back at page 1 - and yet there is no duplication between the pages. Any idea why they might be doing this?

    | McTaggart

  • Howdy all, this has been bugging me for a while and I wanted to know the communities ideas on this. We have a .com website which has a little domain authority and is growing steadily. We are a UK business (but have a US office which we will be adapting too soon) We are ranking better within than we do on probably down to our TLD. Is it a wise idea to 301 our .com to for en-gb enquiries only? Is there any evidence that this will help improve our position? will all the link juice passed from 301s go to our only if we are still applying the use of .com in the US? Many thanks and hope this isn't too complicated! Best wishes,

    | TVFurniture

  • I need to redirection every page of my website to a new url of another site I've made. I intend to add:"Redirect 301 /oldpage.html"I will use the 301 per page to redirect every page of my site, but I'm confused that if I add:"Redirect 301 /" it will redirect all of my pages to the homepage and ignore the URLs i have separately mentioned for redirection.Please guide me.

    | NABSID

  • Hi Our website Domain Authority isn't as high and was wondering why it's not increasing.  Compared to 1 or 2 competitors we're not scoring as high as them.  Are rankings are good for all chosen keywords. Just trying to get a better handle where our site is falling short on.

    | Cocoonfxmedia

  • Due to CMS constraints, there may be some nodes in our site tree that are inaccessible and will automatically redirect to their parent folder. Here's an example:, /folder2 redirects to /folder1. This would only be for the single URL itself, not the subpages (i.e. /folder1/folder2/content and anything below that would be accessible). Is there any real risk in this approach from a technical SEO perspective? I'm thinking this is likely a non-issue but I'm hoping someone with more experience can confirm. Another potential option is to have /folder2 accessible (it would be 100% identical to /folder1, long story) and use a canonical tag to point back to /folder1. I'm still waiting to hear if this is possible. Thanks in advance!

    | digitalcrc

  • Hello Everyone,. For My Site I am Getting Error Code 605: Page Banned by robots.txt, X-Robots-Tag HTTP Header, or Meta Robots Tag, Also google Webmaster Also not able to fetch my site, is my site Any expert Can Help please, Thanx

    | falguniinnovative

  • I have came across sites that links to same page from a textual part using their topmost keywords. What is the benefit of linking same page using anchor as keywords to the same page? Does it give SEO benefits?

    | welcomecure

  • Hi Guys, We are working on a website - changing the upper case URLs to lower case. The developer looked at a 301 solution but is having issues with this. Instead, they have come back with the following piece of code <rule name="lowercaserule1" stopprocessing="true"></rule name="lowercaserule1" stopprocessing="true"> <match url="[a-z]" ignorecase="false" ></match url="[a-z]" ignorecase="false" > <action type="redirect" url="{tolower:{url}}" ></action type="redirect" url="{tolower:{url}}" > My question is whether this rule will potentially harm SEO rankings? If someone could help - that would be much appreciated. Thanks, Duncan

    | CayenneRed89

  • Hey does anyone know of any tools which can test your meta descriptions against competitors meta descriptions for specific keyword terms. I know one tool called SERP Turkey which uses mechanical turk, i was wondering if there is any others on the market? Even a tool which can automatically score your meta description against others on the SERP results page. E..g optimised, keyword, call to action, etc. Cheers, Chris

    | jayoliverwright

  • I'm setting up pages for my client's website and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this. Which of the following would be best (let's say the keywords being used are "sell xgadget" "sell xgadget v1" "sell xgadget v2" "sell xgadget v3" etc.). Domain name: Potential URL structures: 1.
    3. Which would be the best URL structure? Which has the least risk of being too keyword spammy for an EMD? Any references for this?

    | Zing-Marketing

  • A website I am thinking of buying has 301 redirected all pages on his site to one page that explains the site is closing down. If I tell him to change the 301 to 302s will I be able to recover the old pages on the site and keep the authority, rankings and link power of the old pages and not the "Closing page"? Is all i have to do is undo the 301 redirects and everything will go back to how the site was before the 301s were in place? Or will I lose all the link power on individual pages because they already transferred to the "Closing page"? Thanks!

    | atomiconline

  • Hi Moz Fans, First of all, I need to say thanks to all of answer to previous post. And today i also have the another question that similar to that post. Because our website using as our CMS for blog post then easier to redirect by point to new site, According to setting site URL ? However in our each blog articles also have anchor text as internal link that link to another blog post, Which mean those link will be automatic redirect to new URL. So once Google bot re-crawl our website when we tell the Google by webmaster tools and the redirection we using 301. What will be happen when Google Bot crawl those link again We need to changes those link as well Keep same with redirection. Nothing happen


  • If we are marking up schema for a company that does services nationally, but has one physical location, should we use LocalBusiness for the organization type? It's an advertising company that is based in North Carolina, but services companies nationally. Thanks as always friends!

    | ReunionMarketing

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