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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hello.
    When I try to use 'On Page Grader' on specific site, I get an error message. "
    Page Optimization Error
    There was a problem loading this page. Please make sure the page is loading properly and that our user-agent, rogerbot, is not blocked from accessing this page.
    example : Site's robots.txt settings are good. and I think there's no blocking factor. But On Page Grader cannot crawl the sites.
    But campaign crawler is working well on the site. only On Page Grader is not working.. What should I change my server's setting or site's setting for crawling site on my site?
    I'm using wordpress on cloudways / Digitalocean(singapore) server. Thank you.

    | livedigm

  • _I checked my site in other SEO apps and they are showing a higher DA for my site. However, in MOZ is very low. Can you please explain it to me? _what caused the difference?

    | K_Monestel

  • Hi, When i run a scan for inbound links for the domain  One of the inbound links does not have the website on its page. I viewed the source code and couldnt't find anything. But links to that "inbound" link. Just to summarize everything. This link is an inbound link but does not have anywhere in the site. But when i go to it goes to . I am not sure how is an inbound link?

    | eldan88
  • This question is deleted!


  • how to work on spam score.

    | bifrostgustposting

  • Hi everyone,  Moz Community, I asking a question here so kind of excited to be part of the community. I hired an SEO firm about three months ago.  They have arranged high ranking DA guest posts for my website Bagcottage as well as many other small low DA links.  None of these links have any kind of a spam score. However, for the past two months, they have been helping, our website's DA has actually dropped by one point each month. Is this cause for concern?  Any thoughts on how I can trace the drop? On a side-note, out of the 700+ keywords that didn't were ranking in the top 50, about 200 of them now are gone compared to last month.  I don't know if this is related or not, but something looks awry. By Fazle Wadood Safi

    | saficottage

  • I have checked many website which in my office. Have a confusion Does increase in DA increase Moz Trust score? I have a website which is new one and Moz Trust score as of now is 1 only.  Well, most of the projects I'm handling in our office having 2,3,4 in the range.  How this MT value is calculated and does it got any relation with the change in Domain Authoiry or the page authority of a website?

    | nazfazy

  • I'm having a huge number of direct traffic on my website. But, I'm not able to know that from where traffic is approaching, like which source or website. 
    I want to know the source of traffic generating on my website? _Can anyone help on how to track this traffic? _ Can you recommend any Tool or some other way to know the source of traffic? Due to direct traffic, the stats of my website are here:

    | RoseAlvina

  • I checked my MOZ account last week to find that my site's Mobile Search Visibility has dropped pretty significantly 4 weeks after an algorithm update.  It has ticked back up some but after weeks and weeks of steady position, it fell. I thought the latest update had affected the visibility but I'm not sure that is the case. One of our competitors ironically jumped UP in Mobile Visibility about as equally as my site has fallen.  I've attached a screenshot of the MSV graph. My site is plotted in BLUE and our competition is plotted in PURPLE. Does anyone have a  explanation or potential reason? 6hsAuD.jpg

    | SteveZero12

  • I have a domain name allready registered and dot com. Someone despite knowing I had this name has registered (with the s) is that going to mess up my seo. I'm UK and will be targeting as my keyword Scottish Wedding Photographer and they are Canada? Thanks in advance

    | hemeravisuals13

  • Hello, I'm trying to make an SEO backlinks report on my website When using the Link Explorer, I see only a few backlinks while I have much more backlinks on this website. Anyone has an idea about how to fix this issue. How can I check and correct this? My website is

    | signsny

  • We're setting up 25 campaigns for clients and many of the keywords in each are identical. Rather than creating a keyword with a specific location for each client (pool builder san francisco), would it be more effective to use only "pool builder" as the keyword and then set the location for the San Francisco area? I'm concerned that we are going to run out of our keyword allotment since many of our clients have multiple locations.

    | getsmartgroup

  • Hi community, I'm a long-time MOZer and SEO director for a San Francisco-based digital marketing company providing complete end-to-end online growth solutions...and I'M HIRING! If you've got at least 3 years SEO experience and know MOZ inside and out, please reach out to me.

    | upgrowsf

  • Hi all. We have a site and it's difficult to get Moz to recognize the text on the site (even though Google seems to recognize it most of the time).  The pages are recognized...just not the text. **In case you want to play around: **

    | Marlow2

  • Hi, I'm running a website for tourism & travel called Visit Guide or دليل السفر  and i have many backlinks from many websites ( DoFollow & NoFollow ) They are older than 10 days and Moz has not discovered them yet nor found them? How to push Moz Pro to find my backlinks? or how to SpeedIndex my backlinks in other words?

    | VisitDotGuide

  • We are having some issues flag up through our MOZ software on multiple pages on website such as missing content, missing metatags, missing title, duplicate content, Missing/Invalid H1 but having checked and spoken to our website developer all the content is there. 1 page as an example is It says the below items are missing or invalid but you cna see they are all there in the below - are they not being picked up and read for any reason? Title: Description: H1: Canonical tag: Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    | RachelMiller

  • In the Organic Traffic Data Report I receive always the same message: "It appears there's a problem with our connection to your Google Analytics account. Please go to your Settings page to update your connection." In the settings I've choosen the correct Google Analytics Account with the correct profile. Thanks for any hints. Is it because using www. in the GA Profil but * without www in the campaigns settings?

    | FlorianMuff76

  • Still getting charged or what do I do?

    | wricaldes

  • Hi guys, I've been handed a client who needs some seo work. I've tweaked one of their pages to focus on a chosen keywords about 4 months back but still the site is not even visible using the new Domain Analysis tool from moz and it still won't rank at all for the keywords. Am I missing something here? Is there something blocking the SERP from listing the website? I've ran a site: search on Google and it returns 283 results on the website. It's puzzling me as there clearly is something stopping it from being ranked. The domain name in question is: Thanks in advance.

    | Easigrass

  • I guess the question is in the subject. We have a client that wishes to buy a domain and use it to replace the primary URL on their website. Although the domain is currently not in use, it was back in 2002 until about 2010. We're concerned that this could cause issues if we change the name over and the domain itself has had penalties in the past

    | AbsoluteDesign

  • Hi guys Do you guys have any advice and experience into how to find very popular blog topics? The purpose is to be able to rank them organically in Google. If you could share your methodology I would be really thankful as well if possible. Cheers John

    | igniterman75

  • Hi, I came across multiple websites where blog articles are split into multiple pages and once you reach the end of the page, you need to click 'Next' or '2/3' to continue reading. Is this a good practice? I understand you keep clicking through multiple pages instead of reading an article only on one page, but you also split the strength of the targeted keyword between multiple pages. Can anyone advise? Thanks Katarina

    | Katarina-Borovska

  • I want to know which keywords I should be targeting to get the traffic from rival companies. I work for a travel company. Is there a way I can do this on Moz? Thanks so much!

    | nicolewretham

  • Our website,, hasnt improved ranking for keyword " international trade finance companies." we average around the 10th page of Google SERPs.  Our DA, PA, and links are higher thank the top 10 competitors.  What are we doing wrong or what can I do to increase rank?

    | solution.advisor

  • Hi Moz community, Our website is nearing the end of a big redesign to be mobile-responsive. We decided to delay any major changes to text content so that if we do suffer a rankings drop upon launch, we'll have some ability to isolate the cause. In the meantime I'm analyzing our current SEO strengths and weaknesses. There is a huge discrepancy between our rankings and our inbound link profile. Specifically, we do great on most of our targeted keywords and in fact had a decent surge in recent months. But Link Profiler turned up hundreds of pages of inbound links from spammy domains, many of which don't even display a webpage when I click there. (shown in uploaded image) "Don't fix it if it's not broken" is conflicting with my natural repulsion to these sorts of referrals. Assuming we don't suffer a rankings drop from the redesign, how much of a priority should this be? There are too many and most are too spammy to contact the webmasters, so we'll need to do it through a Disavow. I couldn't even open the one at the top of the list because our business web proxy identified it as adult content. It seems like a common conception is that if Google hasn't penalized us for it yet, they will eventually. Are we talking about the algorithm just stumbling upon these links and hurting us or would this be something we would find in Manual Actions? (or both?) How long after the launch should we wait before attacking these bad links? Is there a certain spam score that you'd say is a threshold for "Yes, definitely get rid of it"? And when we do, should we Disavow domains one domain at a time to monitor any potential drops or all at once? (this seems kind of obvious but if the spam score and domain authority alone is enough of a signal that it won't hurt us, we'd rather get it done asap) How important is this compared to creating fresh new content on all the product pages? Each one will have new images as well as product reviews, but the product descriptions will be the same ones we've had up for years.  I have new content written but it's delayed pending any fallout from the redesign. Thanks for any help with this! d1SB2JP.jpg

    | jcorbo

  • Just got MOZ pro and need someone to look things over and give me a list of things to do first. When everyone claims to be an expert online. Any suggestions on who to hire or use?

    | Audio-Bible

  • Hey experts, I hope you are doing great, kindly have a look at this page, my keyword for this page is "Sports Streaming Sites". The text has a length of 5344 words and I'm using my keyword in this post as follow: 1. Text Body: 12 times(including headers)
    2. Alt tags: 10 times (20+ Images)
    3. Title: 1 Time
    4. Description: 1 Time
    5. Permalink: 1 Time This is a total of 25 times in 5344 words, but when I check this page with moz on-page grader, it shows that I'm using this keyword 40 times and its stuffed, can anybody please explain it to me, I'm so confused and it'll be so nice of you. Here is the on-page grader report page:

    | louisaclark1

  • Good morning, Yesterday, Moz gave me an error that is wasn't able to find our robots.txt file. However, this is a new occurrence, we've used Moz and its crawling ability many times prior; not sure why the error is happening now. I validated that the redirects and our robots page are operational and nothing is disallowing Roger in our robots.txt. Any advice or guidance would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time. -Danny

    | Danny_Gallagher

  • So I have more than 1.4K Meta Data Issues that states that there is "Missing Description" together with "Missing or invalid H1" and I have spent so many hours trying to figure this out, still no luck.. The problem seems to be to add a description in a specific tag, for example: The platform I use (Squarespace) doesn't allow me to add a description to e specific tag. Any ideas on how I can fix this problems? 5TBfuDj

    | DaniellaSerquen

  • Hi all, There is something difficult to trace that is causing duplicate content that is related to categories and tags i.e. Associated Pages example 2 Associated Pages example 3 Above two pages display same content (maybe due to similar posts feature) My question here is: Is this caused by Drupal website misconfiguration (or one of its modules) since website uses similar posts feature or it's something else. Duplicate content for issue has been solved by redirects. Should something similar be done in case of tags / categories? Any discussion / suggestions on that matter are greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    | Optimal_Strategies

  • Hi MOZ community! Need some help with some strange activity on the link profile of a website I manage... I have noticed since the 4th of August a mass of links pointing to one of our domains. It looks like some kind of attack from I am seeing 100s of different subdomains from this website in the Discovered and Lost area, with DA 1. They are linking to us from very low quality pages with no CSS, that includes just random text. Anybody seeing anything similar or from the same website?  Our links report example: Also, what is the correct process to deal with such instances? We have used Google's disavow in the past, but I have read that Google are quite proactive at recognizing spammy links, and webmasters don't really need to use that tool. Much appreciated! y7pAopJ

    | dqmedia

  • Hello Moz community! I work for a nonprofit where users are able to create their own fundraising pages on the website for supporters to directly donate. Some of them are rarely used, others get updated frequently by the host. There are likely a ton of these on our site. Moz crawl says we have ~54K pages, and when I do a "site:[url]" search on Google, 90% of the first 100 results are fundraising pages. These are not controlled by our staff members, but I'm wondering if meta noindexing these pages could have a big effect on our SEO rankings. Has anyone tried anything similar or know if this strategy could have legs for our site? My only concern is whether users wouldn't be able to find their fundraising page in our Google CSE implemented on the website. Any insight you fine folks could provide would be greatly appreciated!

    | Adam_Paris

  • i have this site which i have selected for canonical , but google is still selecting  my old website , i have removed everything from old site only one page with new site link, and also put 301 redirect , but still when i click on request for indexing on google search console same error appears regarding duplicate canonical tag . what should i do? remove the canonical tag from old site which i don't want google to index, or what will be the best possible solution.

    | MudassirSultn

  • When clicking on an adwords ad the page the landing page has a page authority of 26.   When clicking on organic search to the same exact landing page  the  page authority is 37.   Why is this.   Does  moz or, more importantly Google  see these  as the same or separate pages? Thanks Tom

    | ffctas

  • Hello, I'm going to try and be as specific as possible concerning this weird issue, but I'd rather not say specific info about the site unless you think it's pertinent. So to summarize, we have a website that's owned by a company that is a division of another company. For reference, we'll say that: is owned by COMPANY1 which is owned by AGENCY1 This morning, we got about 7,000 new errors in MOZ only (these errors are not in Search Console) for URLs with the company name or the agency name at the end of the url. So, let's say one post is: This morning we have an error in MOZ for URLs x 7000+ articles we have created. Every single post ever created is now an error in MOZ because of these two URL additions that seem to come out of nowhere. These URLs are not in our Sitemaps, they are not in Google... They simply don't exist and yet MOZ created an an error with them. Unless they exist and I don't see them. Obviously there's a link to each company and agency site on the site in the about us section, but that's it.

    | CJolicoeur

  • I’m trying to determine if some of our paid keywords should really be organic keywords and also trying to avoid cannibalization of keywords. How do I do this?

    | SallieJ

  • As per Moz, the spam score of my website is 41%. As it was an old domain we bought, we disavowed the two linking domains that we thought might be the reason for the high spam score. But after having done so for more than a month, the spam score of 41% still persists. Can anyone suggest me what can we do to sort this out?

    | Reema24

  • I'm a newby.  I have about 70 keywords and I want to create a list of all of the websites ranking in the top say 10 positions.  This is to create a list of competitors in my client's space.  How do I do this?  I poked around but can only see single-keyword search capability to get the full serp listing (top 50).  thanks.

    | empiricalSEO

  • I got the following error about our domain name in Link Explorer.  "You entered the URL which redirects to Click here to analyze instead." Can you give me an advice about this problem?

    | ligia.tatucu

  • Hello, Can someone explain me the difference between those 2 ? Because to me they are very similar. Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • We have recently moved from Wordpress to BigCommerce and have noticed a decline in our Search Visibility score on MOZ. Following the recommendations of IT consultants, we were under the impression that moving to BigCommerce would significantly improve our Search Visibility. We were wondering if there is anyone out there who is currently using or have used BigCommerce and had similar issues? Any personal reviews/recommendations would be much appreciated! 🙂 Thanks!

    | lisakay

  • I recently began using another third-party tool that requires a list of keywords and the URLs I want those keywords to rank on (for example, "vegetarian recipes" on Is this a better strategy than using the Moz ranking tool to see which pages on my domain my target keywords are already ranking for? I can see how the former might mean we miss opportunities but the latter doesn't necessarily show how my priority pages are doing for specific keywords.

    | RikkiAyers

  • A few months ago i bought a 5 year old domain and when i went to check in Moz pro the spam score, it shows its at 23%. DA is 1 everything else is 0. The spam score shows 23% but there are no links at all for this website (see image) I don't understand, there are no links at all going to this website. I checked google search console, analytics and tried looking for any links linking to this domain and there is none. Even Moz isn't showing any links in the picture i provided above. Is this a glitch? Can i reset my spam score on this domain? Does that mean i wasted my money on this domain and now i can't rank with it? Is there something im missing here. I also checked is there are any warnings or manual actions and it clearly says "No issues detected". A few months earlier i bought a brand new domain very close to the 5 year old domain (new domain has a z instead of an s) and the spam score on that is 0 and DA is 1. Given that the 5 year old domain has a 23% spam score, does that mean i should use the other new domain instead and redirect the 5 year old domain to the new website?

    | Nor123

  • Hello, I have a page with a forum and at this moment the moz report says that have 15.1k of issues like url too long, meta noindex, title too long etc. But this page have a load time realy sloooow with 11 seconds. I know i need fix all that errors (i'm working on this) but... What is more important for SEO? The page load or that type of error like duplicate titles etc. Thank you!

    | DanielExposito

  • Hey everybody, I am seeing some confusing results. I am seeing that in the back of our Search Console we are showing around 4,500 sites indexed. If I use the "site" operator in google, only 2820 show up... any thoughts as to why that happens?

    | HashtagHustler

  • Hi, Does anybody have an idea about this please? I am a newbie, so I am must be doing something wrong. The website: Thanks

    | ethan3000

  • I moved my site to https a few months back using cloudflare and all went well site is now running on https fine I have recently also signed up to MozPro and it says I have a redirect chain on I am not sure where to start looking to fix this? Site is running on Wordpress Also not sure how big of an issue it is as site is working ok? Bit confused as i used this and it reports no issues?

    | Rogerperk

  • It is redirecting all https to http and I am unable to change it, resulting in a lot of duplicate content.  Has anyone else experienced this? If so, did you find a solution? Or does anyone have any suggestions?

    | KurtzGro

  • Hi all, I'm having a huge (and very frustrating) issue-- I have 437 pages with 5xx errors and have no idea how to go about fixing them. All of them are links to pdf's, and when I click on the link on the Site Crawl page, it opens just fine. I've been trying to find the answer to how to fix this issue for weeks with no luck at all. I tried linking the pdf's to their parent page, tried renaming the links to be more concise and crawler friendly, and I've searched all types of articles involving pdf's and 5xx errors, all with no luck. Does anyone have any idea why these pages are getting this error and how I can fix them? Huge thanks in advance! Daniela S.

    | laurelleafep

  • Hi, how much time it will take MOZ crawler to take entire site? In 24 hours it crawled only 500 pages isn't it too slow? My website has almost 50k pages.

    | macpalace

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