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  • I work for a company in the travel industry and we are currently in the process of building out a 360-degree video landing page to inspire travel to our destination. There is some desire from individuals on my team to use the unicode degree symbol ( ° ) after 360 to ensure clarity. We currently have the ° symbol in the Page Title and H1 tag. Does the use of a unicode character adversely affect SEO? Our concern is that it is very unlikely that people are searching for 360-degree videos using the unicode symbol. We also have it fully written out as well. Just want to make sure we won't get dinged for this. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | smontunnas

  • Hi, One of my clients submitted an image sitemap with 465 images. It was submitted on July 20 2017 to Google Search Console. None of the submitted images have been indexed. I'm wondering why? Here's the image sitemap: We do use a CDN for the images, and the images are hosted on a subdomain of the client's site: ex. Thanks in advance! Cheers,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEOdub

  • This is a blog revamp we are trying to personalize the experience for 2 separate audiences.We are revamping our blog the user starts on the blog that shows all stories (first screen) then can filter to a more specific blog (ESG or News blog).  The filtered version for ESG or the News blog is done through a query string in the URL.  We also swap out the page’s H1s accordingly in this process, will this impact SEO negatively?

    Technical SEO | | lina_digital

  • Hi all, I can see some "No Response" pages which gives a error message "Site cannot be reached" or keeps on loading but don't. I have got this list from Screaming from spider tool. Do we need to fix these or ignore? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Moz api started to show July 13 update results for my website. I checked it 2 days ago and saw all new established links and updated DA PA for July 27 update. But last 2 days both Moz Api and OSE main page show July 13 update results. Is there a maintenance or mismatching error between old and new databases?

    API | | cozmic

  • Hi,
    My website really consists of 2 separate sites. Product site:
    • Website with product pages.
    • These product pages have SEO optimised content. Booking engine & checkout site:
    • When a user clicks 'Book' on one of the product pages on the aforementioned product site they go to a seaparate website which is a booking engine and checkout.
    • These pages are not quality, SEO optimised content, they only perform the function of booking and buying. Q1) Should I set 'noindex follow' via the meta tag on all pages of the  'Booking engine and checkout' site?
    ie. Q2) should i add anything to the book buttons on the product site? I am hoping all this will somehow help concentrate the SEO juice onto the Product Site's pages by declaring the Booking engine and Checkout sites pages to be 'not of any content value'.

    Algorithm Updates | | DGAU

  • Hi all, What makes a website rank better on mobile? Usually page load speed and mobile responsiveness matters and makes a difference to rank w website better on mobile than desktop. our website is surprisingly ranking better on Mobile but not much on desktop. What might influenced here in improvement in mobile ranking and drop in desktop? Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • When I look through all our clients, a few are receiving the majority of their traffic from (other). [ Acquisition > Channels > (Other) ]. The only option in (other) is "website" or "offline", whatever that may be. And even weirder, the avg session duration is 0:00. Any idea what this may be?

    Reporting & Analytics | | W2GITeam

  • I've got a strange issue where if visitor is viewing a website from within the Google Search App, the app doesn't seem to be able to handle online forms. The form relies users on entering data, which is then POSTed to an external booking engine site.  Normally this works fine, except when Google Search App is acting as the browser, the post payload is empty and the URL breaks. We're a bit stumped as to how to move forward.  So far the only lead is that Android users can override having the app behave as a browser - but doesn't seem like iOS users can. Any additional ideas/tips are welcome here - thanks.  🙂

    Web Design | | mirabile

  • To my understanding in many Asian languages city names are transcribed as they sound and this can cause confusion especially in the case of lesser known American city names. So I was planning to put in our international website versions (Chinese, Japanese, Korean etc. ) the English name in brackets after the translated city name in meta title and H1.
    However when I checked Tripadvisor and I noticed that they do not show the English city name anywhere on their Asian language versions. Any thoughts?
    Would you recommend to  put the English city name in brackets after the translated city name or may it rather hurt our ranking and traffic?

    International SEO | | lcourse

  • Hey everyone! I just wanted to start a discussion on Moz's Forecast. If you haven't noticed, it has been over 100 degrees for an entire month now, which I have personally never seen before... Why do you think this might be happening? Any ideas or theories? I'd love to hear them!

    Moz Pro | | TaylorRHawkins

  • I seem to have duplicate pages like the examples below: This is happening on 3 pages and I'm not sure why or how to fix it. The first ( is what I want and is what I have all my canonicals set too, but that doesn't seem to be doing anything. I've also setup 301 redirects for each page with "/" to be redirected to the page without it. Doing this didn't seem to fix anything as when I use the ( URL it doesn't redirect to ( like it's supposed to. This issue has been going on for some time, so any help would be much appreciated. I'm using Squarespace as the design/hosting site.

    Technical SEO | | granitemountain

  • Hey guys, We're seeing Moz report "duplicate" content on pages like: and Why exactly is this, and is there something that we should do about this? Obviously some of the same posts will intersect on pages like category, tag, author pages. Thanks

    Content Development | | andy.bigbangthemes

  • Hey Everyone, So our site was hacked which created a large amount of irrelevant URLs on our domain; resulting in thousands of 404 errors and pages coming up for searches unrelated to our brand. The question is now that the issues have been resolved (and site re-submitted) would it be quicker (and more ideal) to redirect important 404 errors that see traffic, have links…etc. although not relevant or just let everything 404 out? We’re not as concerned with offering a relevant user experience because these are not in our demographic but want to avoid these pages convoluting our analytics as well as issues that might arise from Google thinking these topics do apply. Any help or insight would be very appreciated. Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns or we could provide further details that might help. Looking forward to hearing from all of you! Thanks in advance. Best,

    Reporting & Analytics | | Ben-R

  • While doing some backlink research of similar ranking sites I noticed that a few of them had links from a directory called Infignos, it has a moz DA of 37 and a low spam score of 3, so it doesn't look like complete junk.  But the posts on it look terrible, like people are just putting keywords with a small description to get rankings. Should I bother posting something similar to be competitive or just move on?  Any advice or feedback on this is much appreciated, I know some of these things are not quality sites but I was wondering the best way to filter that out. Thanks in advance.

    Competitive Research | | iwantclarity

  • Hi all, I own a webshop and believe my Google Analytics is not showing true data. At the moment when a user pays for their basket, they are redirected to an external secure payment page from my PSP, then after they have paid they are redirected back to my website. How is this visitor being counted?  As the PSP-URL is a different site I assume this would be treated as an exit? Can I setup FILTERS to INCLUDE this URL so GA doesn't think its an external page or is there a better way? Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | darrenbooy

  • Hi guys, Rankings for almost half of our targeted keywords have gone down this week vs. last week. I have checked a couple of rank trackers and all are reporting some serious movement in Google's algorithms during this period. Does anyone have any further information on this that can help me restore our rankings? I haven't read anything in regards to any 'major' pending updates. Many thanks in advance, Jack

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jack_Jahan

  • HI, we have a relatively new website, and we know that there are a couple of external links to this site. But in Moz and in KWfinder, it says that there are no backlinks. We do not use robot.txt or noindex, and we have no clue how to make crawlers find the external links so that our DA will be enhanced. Anyone a solution? Marielle

    Link Building | | symagic

  • Dear all, while I understand that quality backlinks with high DA, UR, same-language and relevancy would be best, would backlinks with high DA, UR but less relevancy and using languages other than the one used in my website be something good? Or would they do more harm than anything else and still be outcompeted by backlinks with lower DA, UR but same language and/or more relevancy? Thank you Frank

    Link Building | | Frank_Smith

  • Hi, we are (were) ranking top 5 with by focussing the homepage for a certain keyword. We're trying to change to focus from the homepage to /gietvloeren with more content / information. How to go about this? how to tell Google that /gietvloeren is more relevant / important then than the homepage? Or any experiences how long it will take for Google to see that the page has more information than the homepage? It's a test and any experiences you can share would be great. Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | Heers

  • I just had a client say they were advised by a friend to use 'a bunch of unlisted (hidden) pages'. Isn't this seriously black hat?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | muzzmoz

  • Hi Guys, I want to get search volumes for "carpet cleaning" for certain areas in Sydney, Australia. I'm using this process: Choose to ‘Search for new keyword and ad group ideas’. Enter the main keywords regarding your product / service Remove any default country targeting Specify your chosen location (s) by targeting specific cities / regions Click to ‘Get ideas’ The problem is none of the areas, even popular ones (like north sydney, surry hills, newtown, manly) are appearing and Google keyword tool, no matches. Is there any other tools or sources of data i can use to get accurate search volumes for these areas? Any recommendations would be very much appreciated. Cheers

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wozniak65

  • Hi,I would like to double check something. We have set up our site to be international with multiple language. However we have at the moment only 1 language live. SO when you go to, you will be redirected to URL should I add at the general campaign settings. I have now added, but it shows that I don't have any incoming links or domain authority. Should I change the link to That is also the link that Google shows in the search results. Regards Jack

    Product Support | |

  • I am installing SSL to my website. Will it hurt my ranking in Google as the url will change and backlinks of the website are without ssl url.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Esnipper
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hello Guys, Can you please share in details screen resolution I have to define for my responsive site for desktop, tablet & mobile. Your inputs are very valuable to me. Thanks! Micey

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | micey

  • Hello Mozzers! MOZ keeps kindly telling me the URLs are too long. However, this is largely due to the structure of E-commerce site, which has to include 'brand' 'range' and 'products' keyword. For example - MOZ recommends no more than 75 characters. This means we have 25-30 characters for both the brand name and product name. Questions:
    If it is an issue, how to fix it on my site?
    If it's not an issue, how can we turn off this alert from MOZ?
    Anyone know how big an issue URLs are as a ranking factor? I thought pretty low.

    Moz Pro | | tigersohelll

  • We're in the initial stages of planning a domain transition / rebrand. We're considering 301'ing our low and high(er) quality content split to two different domains. One for the low quality, one for our high. Best practices normally tell you to not split your content between between multiple domains. However, what if the majority of pages on your site are thin/outdated, and attract low volume/long tail? Does it make sense to bring that low quality/volume content over the new domain, when you know you'll never have the resources (nor would it make sense to) mass improve the quality of these pages? I'm concerned the quality of these pages are affecting our overall domain authority. Some background on our site/business: Current site has 15,000+ pages. 98% of our site is a product directory of professional/enterprise business management software. While a small handful of our product pages have quality original long form content (maybe 50-100), most of the product pages are a combination of: thin, outdated, overly sales-y content provided directly from product developers, and/or catch only very low-volume/long tail organic traffic. 95% of our pages attract fewer than 20 visits/mo, 90% of our pages attract fewer than 10 visits/mo. We have a small business of about 10 employees. Most of which don't maintain our site. It's unrealistic for us to genuinely improve the quality of that many pages. Nor does it make sense to improve most of these pages, as they'll attract only very low volume keywords. Individually these low quality pages don't bring in many customers, but on aggregate they do. 70% of our organic conversions come from pages with less than 20 visits/mo. A few questions: Is this content negatively affecting our domain authority in any way? While I don't believe we've been hit with a penalty, Google knows that on average our pages aren't very helpful to many users, and I'm concerned that affects our ability to rank with pages that matter. None of the content was mass produced in any form of scraping efforts or anything nefarious like that. Would there be any negative/positive affect to offloading these low quality/volume pages to a different domain during the rebrand?

    Branding | | dsbud

  • How to solve the Price range warning. i'm using Yoast Local plugin, i've tried many things like dollar sign, and put price range $1000 - $2000 with no luck. Thanks in advanced

    Local SEO | | batot_mahmoud

  • If there is a local business that thrives on ranking nationally for people searching for their services in that location, do you target the business's actual service areas or target nationally? For instance, a hotel in Denver, Colorado.  Would the areaserved markup be: "areaServed":[{"@type":"State","name":"Colorado"},{"@type":"City","name":"Denver"}] Or "areaserved":"USA" The "geographic area where a service or offered item is provided" would be denver, colorado. But we would be looking to target all people nationally looking to travel to denver, colorado. Or would it be best to target it all, like: "areaServed":[{"@type":"State","name":"Colorado"},{"@type":"City","name":"Denver"},"USA"]

    Local Website Optimization | | SEOdub

  • We're planning a domain name (rebrand) transition, and considering our options. We rely heavily on paid traffic. To reduce risk, we’re considering moving AdWords and Bing Ads over campaign-by-campaign to the new domain first, while organic traffic continues to direct to the old domain. Each of our ad groups has a custom, noindex’d landing page. In order to serve paid traffic, we’d at minimum need a front page, and likely a privacy policy page in addition. Here’s a rough outline of what I think a transition like this might look like: Launch new domain with a simple front page, and privacy policy. Move over ppc landing pages on the new domain (noindex'd, robots.txt) Create new ads in existing ad groups directing to the new domain. Monitor ad groups for some time period to verify sustainability. Once we're satisfied with ppc performance, and planned the rest of the organic page migrations, 301 redirect everything to the new domain. Is there any problems or things we should be concerned about with this approach? I'd think it should be fine, but I've been bitten enough from large-scale redirects in the past, that I know I should be nervous.

    Branding | | dsbud

  • Hi I'm currently going over old category pages for an ecommerce website, and I'm trying to work out the best way of handling old pages. I will be setting up 301s for the majority of pages, as these are 100% dead and gone. I'm struggling a bit with certain pages though, whereby the category is empty but there is always the possibility that our buyers will purchase these products again in the future (or they might not, there's no way to tell). I know that this isn't what a 302 is for, but I'm wondering which would be better in this case: to create a 302 redirect or to do a full 301 and if the products are repurchased at a later date to create a whole new url. Hope that makes sense. Thanks, Kate

    Technical SEO | | Lisaangel

  • Hi, i'm trying to report on the ranks of my local landing page URLs within my website. What is the best way of seeing this data from certain locations around the UK? For example - I have a landing page that is targeting London. How can I see how that ranks in the SERPs from various locations within the Greater London area? Can this be done accurately on MOZ or SEMrush? I would like to see how other people track their local pages for ranking locally. Thanks

    Local Website Optimization | | SeoSheikh

  • Hi, I have a large artificial grass website with many franchise location landing pages. At the moment i have most of the landing page URLs like this My TLD does not contain the keyword "artificial grass" so should I follow the location with the keywords /city-artificial-grass/ or is Google pretty savvy these days and will it know that I am an artificial grass company? I'm after the best recommendations for this if possible. Thanks

    Local Website Optimization | | Easigrass

  • Hi all, I've optimised an existing GMB listing that has been in place for over a year. The client is a yacht/boat broker and marine repair outfit based in Mallorca. When I search for terms that they 'should' be ranking for on Google and on a Maps search, they are nowhere to be found, yet their listing does show when you type in their company name. I've read lots of Local SEO guides and followed their advice but I'm not sure what I'm meant to do next?

    Local Listings | | Bee159

  • Hi there Mozzers! As a newbie, I have a question that what could happen if I write my robots.txt file like this... User-agent: * Allow: / Disallow: /abc-1/ Disallow: /bcd/ Disallow: /agd1/ User-agent: * Disallow: / Hope to hear from you...

    Technical SEO | | DenorL

  • I have a client who wants us to use StatCounter rather than Google Analytics to measure the traffic to their website. I realize that GA needs cookies to work that misses 15%+ visitors. StatCounter showed that my client's website had 150% more traffic than GA showed. Looking for an opinion.  thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | jgodwin

  • Dear all, I'd like to know if you think it'd be worth it to compete with a relatively big competitor (160k backlinks from 2.4k domains, citation flow 47, trust flow 43, class C IPs 1.2k) whose niche is however something I have sufficient knowledge of (how-tos and technology) starting from scratch. I am particularly interested because such domain exploits a niche language I have good fluency of (and in which there surely is somewhat less competition, particularly about how-tos and technology, compared to English). Until now I have managed a very small niche domain in my spare time (genre-specific music), which however being so specific, couldn't but have a modest amount of visitors even if ranking high on Google. On the other hand, it's been years I have been closely watching that domain I'd like to compete with (it has around 8k how-tos with good SEO but average or below average outdated content taken from various unquoted sorces, something I'd easily create myself in a few months worth of work, or even sooner with the help of a few collaborators, that domain itself is run by just a couple of people) and consistently ranks its how-tos and comparison on top positions in its niche, yielding most of its revenue in header bidding. Never seriously thought about competing in its niche until I heard about their last year's turnover, had the usual thought ("If I just did it myself! What was I thinking to?") and met a good coder I am grateful to and which I feel could be the right person to take care of the website's backbone. The template they use is nothing overly complicated, it just has the main optimizations one would use to decrease load time and not trigger Google with too many banners. The main doubts I have is if such a domain, having larger economic resources than me, could eventually sink mine (with techniques like giving me plenty of spammy backlinks or something like that) once it finds out I am competing and getting closer than they'd like, or since their texts are already quite good SEO'd, their strongest assurance could be that I'd have to sacrifice too many keywords in order to create my content without having my reworkings seem close enough to theirs to allow a lawsuit against me? Thank you Frank

    Content Development | | Frank_Smith

  • INITIAL SITUATION: We offer a branded product/service in different cities. We have different contact pages for every city (—> basically just a form and a map, i.e. 100% SHALLOW). GOAL:
    We would like to rank for the branded keyword only (—> more generic search intent) but as well as for branded keyword + cities (—> more transactional search intent) combinations. REMARK: It would make little sense in my opinion to develop the individual contact pages (for every city) to „full“ pages with real content as there isn’t really specific content for the differenct cities to add. OPTIONS:
    1) HOME page: target for the branded keyword CONTACT pages (one for each city): target for the branded keyword + city name HOME page: target for the branded keyword + all the city names CONTACT pages (one for each city): : NO keyword targeting at all HOME page: target for the branded keyword + different city names CONTACT pages (one for each city): target for the branded keyword + city name Add CANONICAL tag to main page ???!!!??? What is best practise? What would you recommend? Is there another solution? I really would like to know your opinion. Thanks a lot for your hints in advance.

    Local Website Optimization | | Cesare.Marchetti

  • Hi, I know that this question was asked couple times over past but want to see if anyone have fresh update on it. So i was wondering how long it takes for Google to count newly built links , we been building links for the past month and as mentioned in previous posts its usually a month for links to take affect, but after a month i cant see any movements (only slowly loosing traffic everyday since Fred update)

    Link Building | | AbbeyMayne

  • Hi all, I'm looking to learn more about technical SEO. My background was digital marketing/PR where I learned the importance of links, of anchor text, of page speed, of improving UX signals, of SSL, utilising things like Google My Business etc. However, I find I am chasing my tail when it comes to things like understanding JS/CSS/log file analysis etc. I've tried reading so many articles on the subjects and I just find it so damn confusing. AnugalarJS/BackboneJS. Fetching & rendering, URL parameters...etc. I know from my own experiments that JS pages struggle to rank and I've created two very similar pages, one without JS, one with JS (which had far more links) and the non-JS page ranked far higher. So, I suppose I'm asking for some help with how to begin learning this stuff. I find the articles on Moz, Search Engine Land etc to be a bit confusing...maybe I'm not technically minded enough! Cheers, Rhys

    Technical SEO | | SwanseaMedicine

  • Hi Guys, One of our clients is building individual sites for each store they have, which in total would be 70 different websites on one server (they used the word instance). I was wondering if there could be negative issues with this for SEO purposes? Cheers, Mike

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wozniak65

  • As I've been exploring Moz more, I've been looking into search visibility and what it actually represents. While searching for answers on Moz, I've seen several posts that all seem to think the search volume for keywords matters at all for the search visibility metric, and I'm wondering why anyone thinks that, when everything from Moz seems to indicate otherwise. describes the calculation as taking the CTR for each keyword, based on rank, summing those, and dividing by the number of keywords. This describes a simple, and completely unweighted by search volume, average. This means that if you are tracking 10 keywords, and rank #1 on 5 that have a search volume of 0-10, and are unranked on 5 that have a search volume of 70,801-118,000, that would generate exactly the same search visibility score as if you rank #1 on the 5 high volume, and are unranked on the 5 low volume. The above all makes search visibility look like a much less valuable metric than if it were appropriately weighted by volume, as well as potentially very misleading, since the % relates solely to the number of keywords in your analyzed segment, rather than to the % of search volume that you're obtaining (unless a) all of your keywords are the same rank, or b) all of your keywords have the same volume). Am I missing something, or is everyone just giving Moz way too much credit when it comes to the value of the search visibility metric?

    Moz Pro | | JoelSharp

  • Hi there. I'm using deep linking with unique URL's that redirect to our website homepage or app (depending on whether the user accesses the link from an iphone or computer) as a way to track attribution and purchases. I'm wondering whether using links that redirect negatively affects our SEO? Is the homepage still building SEO rank despite the redirects? I appreciate your time & thanks for your help.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | L_M_SEO

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