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  • Hi fellow Mozers: I have a question about strategy. I have a client who is a major real estate developer in our region. They build and sell condominiums and also built and manage several major rental apartments. All rental properties have their own websites and there is also a corporate website, which has been around for many years and has decent domain authority (+/- 40). The original intent of the corporate website was to communicate central brand positioning points, attract investors and offer individual profiles of all major properties. My client is interested in developing an organic search strategy which will reach consumers looking to rent apartments. Typical search strings would include the family whose core string would be 'apartments in Baltimore.' (Currently, the client runs PPC for each one of their properties. This is expensive and highly competitive.) In doing research, we've found that there are two local competitors who are able to break on to Page 1 and appear beside the National 'apartment search guides' who dominate the Page 1 SERPS (like The two local competitors have websites of either the same or lower authority than our client's; one has a better link profile, the other is comparable. Here's our problem: our local competitors only build and manage apartments. So, then, the home pages and all the content of their sites ONLY talk about apartment rental related information. Our client's apartment business is actually larger in scope than either local competitor but is only one of their major real estate verticals. So my question is this: if we want to build out a bunch of content which will rank competitively with our local competition, are we better off creating a new area of the corporate site, creating targeted content and resources appropriate for apartment seekers OR would we be better off creating an entirely new site, just devoted to the same? I'm wondering if a new section will ever rank well against competitors whose root domains actually feature content which is only rental related? Likewise, I'm wondering whether we'd be giving up too much, in terms of authority, by creating an entirely new site? I've also only found examples in the industry where an entirely new site was created, so it makes me question the strategy of building out a rental-specific section of a site which also contains information about their condo business. For instance, the Related Companies are a huge builder in the East; they have a corporate site and a site called https// . Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Daaveey

  • I have keywords that were added without a label that I would now like to associate with an existing label. I don't want to lose my tracking data by deleting them and re-adding. Is there a way to easily label them with an existing label?

    Moz Bar | | AppliedMarketingScience

  • I have a client based in the UK and one of their distributors based in the UAE have copied the content for their own website, will this affect my clients rankings because of duplicate content?

    Content Development | | CreativeCow

  • Hi everyone, i´m trying use Moz Local for Spain, i´m not sure if i´m doing it correctly, or if Moz works well. Is it availaible for Madrid (Spain)? Thanks

    Moz Local | | Agenciaseomadrid

  • We migrated 4 days ago to https and followed best practices..
    In search console now still 80% of our sitemaps appear as "pending" and among those sitemaps that were processed only less than 1% of submitted pages appear as indexed? Is this normal ?
    How long does it take for google to index pages from sitemap? 
    Before https migration nearly all our pages were indexed and I see in the crawler stats that google has crawled a number of pages each day after migration that corresponds to number of submitted pages in sitemap. Sitemap and crawler stats show no errors.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lcourse

  • Hello I ran into a error while using Moz Pro Tools Crawl Site feature. Stating that my wordpress website could not be crawled. When contacting moz they sent me this screenshot stating the reason for this error is because of the odd ip address highlighted in yellow. Only time I've seen this particular ip-address is during local development. If anyone has any advice on how to fix this or what may have caused this issue. I feel this maybe effecting the site's overall search visibility. ednqnL7

    Moz Pro | | willakawillow22

  • Hi, Do you know if there is a tool that check all the scripts that are running on the page, and can diagnose scripts that can harm our seo? Thanks Roy

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kadut

  • Hey guys, Do you know how to change my Google business account to be a non local business? I want my Google Knowledge Graph to be clean and neat like this. Does it mean that this company doesn't claim the business? Will removing the address from the Google My Business solve it (which I don't know whether we can take down the address)? Thanks

    Local Listings | | attic

  • Hi, Do I need to remove pages that don't get any traffic from the index? Thanks Roy

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kadut

  • I keep getting a "Redirect Chain" issue with my contact us page and not sure how to resolve it.  I checked my redirect plugin and contact us page is not on there.  Not sure where to go on this does anyone have an idea? | 301 Moved Permanently |   | 5 |
    | |   | 5 |
    | Cloud Services Dallas | CTG Tech | Contact Us |

    Link Explorer | | CTGManagedIT

  • I am trying to arrive at an agreeable format for consistency across the ecosystem for our multiple locations. Is there a character limit for the location name?

    Local Listings | | lina_digital

  • I have a client who does patio furniture repair and restoration. When performing keyword research in Moz for terms like "patio furniture repair" I see that only 11-50 people in the entire US are searching for this term according to the Moz data. However, running an Adwords campaign currently and our top keyword is the phrase match for "patio furniture repair" which has generated over 100 clicks in just a couple of months in ONE county. Is there a better way to research more accurate results on search volume estimates? This makes organic SEO and keyword targeting hard! Thanks, Ricky

    Moz Bar | | RickyShockley

  • I currently use a program to create our sitemap (xml). It doesn't offer creating an mage sitemaps. Can someone suggest a program that would create an image sitemap? Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | Kdruckenbrod

  • Hi, If my website uses CDN does thousands of 301 redirect can harm the website performance? Thanks Roy

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kadut

  • Hi, If we migrate the URLs from HTTP to HTTPS, Do I need to request again an inclusion in Google News? Thanks Roy

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kadut

  • Hi I have a client that have a news website, he asked me if he can define one area of his website to be a regular news that google can show on google news search results (no subscription) and the other part of the website is news that only subscribers can read? Thanks Roy

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kadut

  • Hi, Can I know which keywords lost their top rankings on google a year ago if the client didn't checked the keyword rankings in his website? Thanks Roy

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kadut

  • Hello All, What does actually Mobile First Index means? Is it that on my desktop in when I will search my keyword then site will come on top whose Mobile performance is good as per google? and then what is Mobile Second Index? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | micey123

  • Hi everyone! I am pretty new to SEO so all the help would be great. Does every webpage on our website need a focus keyword for example like the about us page. We have webpages for every location in the UK - Would it be helpful if the location webpages had a focus keyword also? Just to note that I am using Yoast on Wordpress. Many thanks,

    Keyword Research | | SMCCoachHire

  • Hello All, I want to do banner conversion tracking for my ecommerce site. That is at my homepage I display 4 banners with special offers on 4 different products. Now that 4 products are already falls in relevant categories. I did event tracking for banners from where I can know how many clicks I am getting from each banner but My Query is how to know conversion of all 4 banner products because once I create goal that is funnel like 1) home page 2) product page 3) checkout step 4) Thank you page. But problem comes here is if anyone purchase these product from categories that also comes in goal so how to differentiate conversion of products from homepage and category pages? Is there any implementation via enhance ecommerce? Hope you understand my query? If any confusion do let me know. Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | micey123

  • I am considering a restructure of my site, and was hoping for some input on SEO implications which I am having some issues getting clarity in. (I will be using sample domains/urls because of language reasons, not an english site), Thinking about moving a site (all content) from -> This is to have a site fully devoted to this theme, and more easily monitor and improve SEO performance on this content alone. Today all stats on external links, DA etc is related to the root domain, and not just this sub-department. Plus it would be a better brand-experience of the content and site. Other info/issues: -The domain (used as example) is currently redirected to So I would have to reverse that redirect, and would also redirect all articles to the new site. The current domain has a high DA (67), but the new domain has a much lower DA  (24). Question: Would the domain improve it's DA when not redirected and the sub-folder on the high-DA domain is redirected here instead? Would it severly hurt SEO traffic to make this change, and if so is there a strategy to make the move with as little loss in traffic as possible? How much value is in having a stand-alone domain, which also is one of the most important keywords for this theme? My doubt comes mostly from moving from a domain with high DA to a domain with much lower DA, and I am not sure about how removing the redirect would change that, or if placing a new redirect from the subfolder on the current site would help improve it. Would some DA flow over with a 301 redirect? Thanks for any advice or hints to other documentation that might be of interest for this scenario 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Magne_Vidnes

  • Hi all, I have gone through some posts and comments where it's been mentioned that header tags will be considered as any other content on page. Is that really true? Writing up more relevant header tags as per the page topics doesn't have any impact? I would like to know the updated importance of header tags in today's SEO. Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • I work in a small web & design agency who started offering SEO  2 yrs ago as it made sense due to them building websites. There have been 2 previous people to me and I now work there 3 days a week and they also have a junior who knew nothing before she started working for us. She mainly works for me. My question is, how many clients do you think would be reasonable to work on? We currently have around 55 and I have been working there for nearly 5 months now and haven't even got to half of the sites to do some work on. I've told them the client list is way too big and we should only have around 15 clients max. However they don't want to lose the money from the already paying clients so won't get rid of any and keep adding new ones Their systems were a mess and had no reporting or useful software so I had to investiagte and deploy that, along with project management software.  Their analytics is also a mess and have employed a contractor to help sort that out too. It's like they were offering SEO services but had no idea or structure to what they did. Meta descriptions were cherry picked which ones to be done, so say 50/60 on a site not filled in. So it's not like I have 45 or so well maintained accounts. They're all a mess. Then the latest 10 new ones are all new sites so All need a lot of work. I'm starting to feel incredibly overwhelmed and oppressed by it all and wanted to see what other SEO professionals thought about it. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Local Website Optimization | | hanamck

  • I am familiar with how to do regular keyword research, finding opportunity based on competition, search volume, etc. For local search, do I go to all the trouble of finding hidden gems or just pick higher volume terms that have local intent. For instance: A search for "physical therapy" is a high volume term that Google thinks has local intent. If i pick a low volume national term, that has 11-50 avg searches per month, I have lower chances...and even less chance that someone is searching locally. What say ye? Nails

    Local Website Optimization | | matt.nails

  • We just migrated to https and created 2 days ago a new property in search console for the https domain. Webmaster Tools account for the https domain now shows for every page in our sitemap the warning: "Sitemap contains urls which are blocked by robots.txt."Also in the dashboard of the search console it shows a red triangle with warning that our root domain would be blocked by robots.txt. 1) When I test the URLs in search console robots.txt test tool all looks fine.2) When I fetch as google and render the page it renders and indexes without problem (would not if it was really blocked in robots.txt)3) We temporarily completely emptied the robots.txt, submitted it in search console and uploaded sitemap again and same warnings even though no robots.txt was online4) We run screaming frog crawl on whole website and it indicates that there is no page blocked by robots.txt5) We carefully revised the whole robots.txt and it does not contain any row that blocks relevant content on our site or our root domain. (same robots.txt was online for last decade in http version without problem)6) In big webmaster tools I could upload the sitemap and so far no error reported.7) we resubmitted sitemaps and same issue8) I see our root domain already with https in google SERPThe site is https://www.languagecourse.netSince the site has significant traffic,  if google would really interpret for any reason that our site is blocked by robots we will be in serious trouble.
    This is really scary, so even if it is just a bug in search console and does not affect crawling of the site, it would be great if someone from google could have a look into the reason for this since for a site owner this really can increase cortisol to unhealthy levels.Anybody ever experienced the same problem?Anybody has an idea where we could report/post this issue?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lcourse

  • I am writing a series of linked-back articles for a highly-ranked web publisher, but wonder if I'd be better off sharing the articles across different sites.  My goal is to grow our domain authority and SEO rankings.

    Link Building | | Lysarden

  • Hey guys, We've got an app - a drag & drop email builder -  and we are looking to improve our seo efforts. That being said - we're not sure how to treat pages of the app that wouldn't tell google nothing at all basically (loads of duplicate content, lorem ipsum, etc). They're pages that are used by the clients to build their own templates ex: builder pages they are extremely useful for our clients, but GGL wouldn't prolly make too much sense out of them. That being said - rather randomly, before we nofollow noindexed them, some of them started ranking (probably given to the really great analytics data we have on them. Loads of clients, loads of time spent on page, etc). Can we harness them in a better way, or just nofollownoindex them? I don't really see how they can be "canonicalised" since they don't really provide any quality content for Google. Much like MOZ's keyword explorer tool for ex. Mucho quality for us - but not a google fan favorite content-wise. Thanks for your help 🙂

    On-Page Optimization | | andy.bigbangthemes

  • Hi Guys We make custom portfolios and boxes and every time we have a Moz site crawl, Rogerbot always returns a number of Duplicate Content Issues relating to different products. As per the image below (which I hope is visible?!) Rogerbot has flagged duplicate content onto one product that relates to 5 other different products. For instance there is duplicate content for an A4 Leather Portfolio and an A3 Leather Portfolio and an 11"x17" Leather Portfolio. I can't redirect or canonicalise to just the A4 Portfolio as they are all individually different products. The information on each page although similar, is relevant to each of the products, so rewriting a different blurb on each product page, will not be user friendly for our customers. I could ignore the duplicate content issues, but then that isn't good practise (and also makes for a very unsatisfactory looking Dashboard!) Any ideas?? Nick wzQLgBl

    Link Explorer | | nick_HandCo

  • Our company is looking to update the content on our existing web pages and I am curious what the best way to roll out these changes are in order to maintain good SEO rankings for certain pages. The infrastructure of the site will not be modified except for maybe adding a couple new pages, but existing domains will stay the same. If the domains are staying the same does it really matter if I just updated 1 page every week or so, versus updating them all at once? Just looking for some insight into how freshening up the content on the back end pages could potentially hurt SEO rankings initially. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Bankable

  • Hi Guys! My question isn't too dissimilar to one asked a couple of years ago, regarding Google and image indexing, but having put my web address into a Google image search, I get a return of 15 images, so something isn't right. 5 months ago I submitted our 'new' site to Google webmaster. We have just moved it onto a Shopify platform. They (Shopify) are good at providing places to add titles and Alt tags and likewise we fill them in (so that box ticked!) However I have noticed over the last couple of months that despite 161 images being submitted, only 51 have been indexed. Furthermore and as I said earlier, when you put our site, site: into Google images, it only returns a total of 15 images. Any suggestions and help would be wonderful! Cheers Nick

    Technical SEO | | nick_HandCo

  • Hi Mozzers, We use a google approved 3rd party review company to collect reviews for our branches and now also for our products( this is about to be implemented). We currently use one of their widgets on our site (its javascript) to show the reviews. I don't think google can read this and  I don't think we currently, therefore, get any direct seo benefit from it. My questions are as follows : I obviously want to get any SEO benefit from any review text which customers leave but as the data itself is housed on the review site with a widget on my site pointing to it,should I use an API feed as opposed to a widget. If google can read the review text on my page - then surely i should some benefit from it even though, it could technically be classed as duplicate content what are peoples thoughts ? . thanks Pete

    Reviews and Ratings | | PeterCol12

  • Moz are reporting the robots.txt file is blocking them from crawling one of our websites. But as far as we can see this file is exactly the same as the robots.txt files on other websites that Moz is crawling without problems. We have never come up against this before, even with this site. Our stats show Rogerbot attempting to crawl our site, but it receives a 404 error. Can anyone enlighten us to the problem please? -Christina

    Moz Pro | | ChristinaRadisic

  • Hi everyone, One of our websites was changed to non-www to www. The non-www pages were then redirected to avoid duplicate issue. Moz and Screaming Frog flagged a number of these redirected pages as missing canonical tags. Is the canonical tag still required for pages already redirecting? Or is it detecting another possible duplicate page that we haven't redirected yet? Also, the rankings for this website isn't improving despite having us optimising these pages as best as we could. I'm wondering if this canonical tag issue may be affecting it. Thank you.

    Technical SEO | | nhhernandez

  • Hello Guys, Can you please share in details screen resolution I have to define for my responsive site for desktop, tablet & mobile. Your inputs are very valuable to me. Thanks! Micey

    Technical SEO | | micey123

  • Hey guys, We're faced with a problem that we want to solve. We're working on the designs for a few pages for a drag & drop email builder we're currently working on, and we will be having the same pricing table on several pages (much like Moz does). We're worried that Google will take this as duplicate content and not be very fond of it. Any ideas about how we could integrate the same flow without potentially harming ranking efforts? And NO, re-writing the content for each table is not an option. It would do nothing but confuse the heck out of our clients. 😄 Thanks everybody!

    On-Page Optimization | | andy.bigbangthemes

  • Hi All, I use Squarespace and while running my site ( through programs am seeing that my blog posts are being seen as one page with multiple H1 tags. I read through the SS help desk and found back in 2015 someone wrote that it's not a bit deal b/c of HTML5 and that the search engines will read each blog post as a sub-page. I'm not so sure about that and wondering what the experts think? If that is screwy then I'm considering possibly making each blog post it's own page rather than using their blog posting format.

    On-Page Optimization | | rajam

  • I have had good luck getting a reputable ezine in my field to publish my articles, and they always link back to my site. Would I do better SEO-wise to spread my articles among several different ezines?

    Link Building | | Lysarden

  • Hi we have a site in the mens fashion space who have long product urls which look like this: The site is on Magento. Are there any serious SEO negatives of having such a long product url and including irrelevant information in the url like product/view/id/13700/s/ & /category/120/ in the URL. Or are the benefits of changing them to more URL friendly product urls like: Minimal? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wozniak65

  • Hi there, First of all, thank you in advance to whoever steps in to help me with this issue! So, I have a new site (launched December 2016) in the investing space and have been able to get page 1 rankings on some of my pages. One of my best ranking pages is for the phrase "what is xiv". The Keyword Explorer has this phrase at a 21 difficulty. My page for this keyword is The post reached the first page almost immediately after being published, though I know I shouldn't expect this for other keywords of similar difficulty. Here is my problem: I just wrote a comprehensive guide (8,000+ words) on a different keyword phrase: "vertical spreads." The Keyword Explorer has this phrase at a 25 difficulty. My page for this topic: However, the page is nowhere to be found in organic Google rankings (not in top 50), and the page has been live for a few weeks now. I've done my best at optimizing the post, but something leads me to believe there are some issues that are beyond my SEO knowledge. For example, maybe the post is too long, and Google can't figure out what the page is about. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time! -Chris

    Technical SEO | | cbutler22293

  • Hello, I would like to make a bunch of duplicate pages of my site's Home Page, that way affiliates of mine can have a page of their own with links specialized to themselves littered throughout the page. What's the best practice going about this without jeopardizing domain authority from tons of duplicate content signals firing off?

    Affiliate Marketing | | Benavest

  • Hi, We're a discussion about how to structure a clients ecommerce site product page URLs where 12345 represent the product SKU/number: It's a toss up between the second and the third URL, but the SEO company is saying the third is best because of the placement with the /p/ and creating a silo for "products" that help search engines recognize it is a product. Does anyone have thoughts on this? Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | AliMac26

  • Hello Team, Can anyone suggest 2017 organic strategy? onpage and offpage both? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | micey123

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