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  • Hi, I started to investigate googlebot crawl log of our website, and it appears that there is no 1:1 correlation between a crawled URL with escaped_fragment and without it.
    My expectation is that each time that google crawls a URL, a minute or so after, it suppose to crawl the same URL using an escaped_fragment For example:
    Googlebot crawl log for https://my_web_site/some_slug Results:
    Googlebot crawled this URL 17 times in July: Googlebot crawled this URL additional 3 crawls using the escaped_fragment: Do you have any idea if this behavior is normal? Thanks, Yohay sOQjyPU.jpg sA141O0.jpg

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | yohayg

  • Whilst doing a SERP analysis for a particular phrase, i noticed that the same page is ranking twice in the top 10. I've known of the same domain ranking twice with different pages which makes sense but to see the exact same URL ranking twice is a new one for me. Has anyone seen this before too and know of reasons why this would happen?

    Competitive Research | | jamiemonteathaegon

  • Hi Guys, Besides OSE & screaming frog - are there any tools which can check internal links to a page? I know ahrefs, majestic cannot. Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wozniak65

  • Hi Guys, Is there any benefit (purely for SEO - link building) to getting more than one link from a domain if you already have 1? From my understanding, even if you had 100 links from a domain, that really counts as 1 for link authority. So from this, i don't see much point in getting more then 1 link. Is this a right assumption? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wozniak65

  • My company has decided to go with Brightcove as a video platform so we can better monetize all of the video content we create and better customize the experience as well. We have a pretty decent YouTube presence, and I won't let them stop using that because it would totally alienate us from part of our audience. So I was hoping someone could help me with the following: Are we able to keep videos hosted on YouTube as well as Brightcove without any risk of duplicate content? If we use the Brightcove player to embed videos in our on-site content, are we hindering potential organic search visibility? On the embeds, it's looking like it's using an iframe in our content ( - We're using a Brightcove WP plugin for the embed, but I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on a better way to implement/if this is even an issue at all. Are there any other general best practices/insights anyone has working with this platform? I found this article on their site, but I was wondering if there was anything else I should consider. Thank you in advance for any insights/answers!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | davidkaralisjr

  • I am trying to recreate Moz's Whiteboard Friday but their article on how to do it is from 2012 so the camera they used at the time of the article is no longer sold. Here is the link to the article I am referencing: Any other tips on the best lighting equipment, microphones, etc. for shooting videos is also appreciated!

    Moz Pro | | Fiyyazp

  • Ok, can I just say I love that Moz exists! I am still very new to this whole website stuff. I've had a site for about 2 years that I have re-designed several times. It has been published this entire time as I made changes but I am now ready to create amazing content for my niche. Trouble is my target audience is in a very focused niche and my site is really only about 1 topic - life insurance for military families. I'm a military spouse who happens to be an experience life insurance agent offering plans to active duty service members, their spouses as well as veterans and retirees. So really I have 3 niches within a niche. I'm REALLY struggling on how to set up my site architecture. My site is basically fresh so it's a good time to get it hammered down as best as possible with my limited knowledge. Might I also add this is a very competitive space. My competitors are big, established brands who offer life insurance along with unaffiliated, informational sites like or the va benefits site. The people in my niche rarely actually search for life insurance because they think they are all set by the military. When they do search it's very short which is common as this niche lives in a world of acronyms. I'm going to have to get real creative to see if there are any long tail keywords I can use as supporting posts but I think my best route is to attempt to rank for the short one to three keyword phrases this niche looks for while searching. Given my expertise on the subject I am able to write long 1000-5000 content on the matter that will also point out some considerations my competitors dont really cover. My challenge is I cant see how this can be broken into sub topics without having thin supporting content. It's my understanding that I should create these in order to inner link and have a shot at ranking. In thinking about my topic I feel like the supporting posts can only be so long. Furthermore, my three niches within my small overall niche search for short but different keywords. Seems I am struggling to put it all into words. Let me stop here with a question - is it bad to have one category in a website? If not I feel like this would solve my dilemma in making a good site map and content plan. it is possible to split my main topic into 3 categories. I heard somewhere you shouldn't inner link posts from different categories. Problem is if I dont it's not ideal for the user experience as the topics really arent that different. Example a military member might be researching his/her own life insurance and be curious about his spouses coverage. In order to satisfy this user's experience and increase the time on my site I should link to where they can find more dept on their spouses coverage which would be in a different category. Is this still acceptable since it's really not a different subject?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • Hi everyone, I have a main page for my blepharoplasty surgical product that I want to rank.  It's a pretty in-depth summary for patients to read all about the treatment and look at before and after pictures and there's calls to action in there.  It works great and is getting lots of conversions.  But I also have a 'complete guide' PDF which is for patients who are really interested in discovering all the technicalities of their eye-lift procedure including medical research, clinical stuff and risks. Now my main page is at position 4 and the complete guide is right below it in 5. So I tried to consolidate by adding the complete guide as a download on the main page. I've looked into rel canonical but don't think it's appropriate here as they are not technically 'duplicates' because they serve different purposes. Then I thought of adding a meta noindex but was not sure whether this was the right thing to do either. My report doesn't get any clicks from the serps, people visit it from the main page. I saw in Wordpress that there's options for the link, one says 'link to media file', 'custom URL' and 'attachment'.  I've got the custom URL selected at the moment.  There's also a box for 'link rel' which i figure is where I'd put the noindex.  If that's the right thing to do, what should go in that box? Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | Smileworks_Liverpool

  • Hi all, I'm in the process of setting up a new website. I have found various old websites covering a similar topic and I'm interested in purchasing two of these websites for their content as it is very good, despite those sites struggling to make ends meet. One of these websites is still live, the other one hasn't been live for 2 years. Let's say I bought these websites for their content, then used that content on my new domain and made sure the two websites where this content came from were offline, would I run a risk of getting penalised? Does Google hold onto content from a website even if it is now offline?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Bee159

  • So I'm getting this errorOur crawler was not able to access the robots.txt file on your site. This often occurs because of a server error from the robots.txt. Although this may have been caused by a temporary outage, we recommend making sure your robots.txt file is accessible and that your network and server are working correctly. Typically errors like this should be investigated and fixed by the site webmaster., Moz is saying I have 0 Crawler issues. Have I hit an edge case? What can I do to rectify this situation? I'm looking at my robots.txt file here: however, I don't see anything that woudl specifically get in the way.I'm trying to build a helpful resource from this domain, and getting zero organic traffic, and I have a sinking suspicion this might be the main culprit.I appreciate your help!Thanks! 🙂

    Moz Bar | | will_l

  • Hi Mozzers, I just check a site in OSE and while the inbound domains are up the total links have dropped and therefore DA and PA. How can I find which links have gone. I'm assuming a domain passing 1000's of links has either gone down or broken the link - can I use the ISE tool to fine which links have been recently broken? I know there is just discovered for new links. If not can you recommend a tool please. Thanks

    Link Explorer | | Bush_JSM

  • Hi all, We have 3 different editions of our product we are selling with 20 features. 1st edition & 2nd edition comes with 15 features in which 10 are common in each edition. 3rd edition comes with all 20 features. Now what's the best way to interlink and show the navigational menu to highlight 3 editions and features as well? Much appreciated if some one refer me a website with such structure. Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • Hi I was wondering if anyone knows what these are called? See attached screenshot. Basically, it looks like Google is pulling the primary category and then sub categories from the site and adding them to the SERP listing. Are there any benefits to this besides possibly higher CTR? Cheers. wn3ybMMOQFW98fNQkxtJkA.png

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wozniak65

  • I changed different things on a particular page (mainly reduced the exaggerated keyword density --> spammy). I made it recrawl by Google (Search Console). The new version has now already been integrated in the SERP's.Question: Are my latest changes (actual crawled page in the SERP's is now 2 days old) already reflected in the actual position in the SERP's or should I wait for some time (how long?) to evaluate the effect of my changes? Can I rely on the actual position or not?

    On-Page Optimization | | Cesare.Marchetti

  • Hi i get 1 good backlink from he have Domain Authority 34 /100 and Page Authority 44 /100 in the footer and the site is vb and with this backlink i get on ahrefs  Backlinks19.5K its that normal or good or bad for google ? 7MNbwBW

    Link Building | | imgamer

  • Hi, We're having an issue with a client not wanting the H1 tag to display on their site and using an image of their logo instead. We made the H1 tag white (did not deliberately hide with CSS) and i just read an article where this is considered black hat SEO. The only reason we want to hide it is because it looks redundant appearing there along with the brand name logo. Does anyone have any suggestions? Would putting the brand logo image inside of an H1 tag be ok? Thanks for the help

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | AliMac26

  • Hey guys, Until recently, my site has been serving traffic over both http and https depending on the user request. Because I only want to serve traffic over https, I've begun redirecting http traffic to https. Reviewing my SEO performance in Moz, I see that for some search terms, an http page shows up on the SERP, and for other search terms, an https page shows. (There aren't really any duplicate pages, just the same pages being served on either http or https.) My question is about canonical tags in this context. Suppose I canonicalize the https version of a page which is already ranked on the SERP as http. Will the link juice from the SERP-ranked http version of that page immediately flow to the now-canonical https version? Will the https version of the page immediately replace the http version on the SERP, with the same ranking? Thank you for your time!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JGRLLC

  • Hi, Our Kilobytes downloaded per day in search console droped drastically, Do you know why? Thanks Roy

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kadut

  • Hi mozzers, I have a meeting tomorrow with the dev team to discuss about dynamic keyword insertion implementation on a new site. This site currently holds 40 geo specific microsites with several service pages each carrying unique content. These pages(about 400 pages) are seen by VP of marketing as hard to maintain and inconvenient when wanting to change content across these pages. The VP is looking to automate content as much as possible without hurting our local SEO efforts. The dev team will be asking me if dynamic keyword insertion could a viable strategy for these 40 locations without harming local SEO. Currently we have a robust local SEO strategy in place and wouldn't want to change it unless dynamic keyword insertion is a viable option and won't hurt all the seo efforts that are in place?  If this is not a viable solution, any recommendations on any other solutions we could use to satisfy the VP? If you have used DKI for your local SEO efforts, please share your thoughts and results that you have seen. Any real case scenario data/knowledge would be really helpful. Thank you!

    Local SEO | | Ideas-Money-Art

  • I recently paid to have my site changed to https but at last minute did not publish it as I got nervous about it! I asked several experienced SEO people and they suggested that as my business is very small, I have a very small budget and it is 100% reliant on search engine hits, that I might take a 10 - 30% hit on ranking and it would take a long time to regain where I was. And that is the best case scenario if we do everything correctly. Apparently even with being very careful, it is easy to make errors which could have some unfortunate consequences. Any opinions?? Is it worth it?

    Web Design | | Llanero

  • Hey, can somebody explain to me how can I solve this redirect chain issue? I tried redirecting /contact-us directly to **/contact/ **but this causes a chain of redirects of infinite dimensions. I don't know how to find the old redirect and delete it. Is there such an option? Thank you! byA7l

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Popos

  • Hello, Can anyone suggest the best tool for a visual HTML sitemap? I want to show what a website looks like architecturally before and be able to drag pages around visually to show an enhanced site architecture. I have looked at a few tools online but would like to try before I buy and also get recommendations. Any ideas?

    On-Page Optimization | | AL123al

  • Almost all of their links come from mainly the same few sites, and some of their links have a really high spam score.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | tlorenzi

  • This is not something I have ever seen before. The site is still indexed if I search for it directly, but not in top 100 rankings for keywords even though sub-pages are ranking for the given keyword. Changes I have made recently include site transfer to wordpress, force redirect http to https removal of www by redirect and adding new property instance in Google Search Console. I have checked htaccess file and sitemap and all seem fine. ideas? Site:

    Technical SEO | | HappyApple84

  • Hey Mozzers, I have a local SEO question for you. I am working with a medical professional to SEO their site. I know that when creating city pages, you want to try and make each page as strong as you can, showcasing testimonials from people who live in those towns, for instance. Since my client is in the medical profession, i was going to include a list of parks from that town and say something about how, "we want to encourage good health, etc." However, i began to wonder whether i should just create one, large resource for the surrounding towns having to do with parks, dog parks, and athletic activities and link to it in the top nav. thoughts? Nails

    Local Website Optimization | | matt.nails

  • Hey guys, Sorry for posting this again but the last thread got a bit too wayword. I'll sum it up better here. We're producing a WordPress theme every 3-6 months. Each is differently niched (eg: ecommerce, restaurant, magazine, etc...) Which option is better for our products going forward (even the ones we've yet to method will get future projects more "trust juice" from google): A: create a subfolder for each theme eg: & **This is currently what we're doing.**B: have them all under eg: & Thanks for the help!

    On-Page Optimization | | andy.bigbangthemes

  • So I have always thought of Google establishing an Entity (by entity I mean by looking at the markup on a website. Recently watched a video that discussed creating an entity by using external websites.  I have a feeling that you do not have to go off of the main website to have an entity created. Is there anything valid in this concept/video?  ( The concept focuses on creating branded pages on properties owned by Google and various other well known websites. My main concern is whether this is something I should do for our website or if just doing the little bit of social marketing we are doing is fine.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | marghutch

  • Hello Everyone, So our site has used ‘http’ for the domain since the start. Everything has been set up for this structure and Google is only indexing these pages. Just recently a second version was created on ‘httpS’. We know having both up is the worst case scenario but now that both are up is it worth just switching over or would the original domain authority warrant just keeping it on ‘http’ and redirecting the ‘httpS’ version? Assuming speed and other elements wouldn’t be an issue and it's done correctly. Our thought was if we could do this quickly it would be easier to just redirect the ‘httpS’ version but was not sure if the Pros of ‘httpS’ would be worth the resources. Any help or insight would be appreciated. Please let us know if there are any further details we could provide that might help. Looking forward to hearing from all of you! Thank you in advance for the help. Best,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ben-R

  • If I work for a company that has more than one website within the same industry and we have separate websites within that industry.  An example would be: & The only difference from this example is that we are a B2B Company. My question is: is it bad to acquire links from the same external websites for multiple websites that we own and want to rank for? If I establish a relationship with Forbes or some other website and I can get links to several of our sites, will it ever be bad to link to all of our websites from this one website.  I am asking not just for high domain authority website like Forbes, but also for websites that may have a DA in the 30's 40's and 50's as well. Thank you

    Link Building | | fersu

  • Hi, Do you know if there is a tool that I can check backlinks for thousands of URLs Thanks Roy

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kadut

  • Hi Moz community, I am curious to know this. Let's say there is a brand value for a company. It has it's own popularity that it's been mentioned across the internet and social media directly with brand name without their service or industry keyword. Now if the company started promoting themselves like keyword along with their brand name, will it help them to rank for that keyword. For example, Moz is already famous, now they want to rank for "SEO" and related keywords, so they started calling themselves on internet "Moz SEO"; will this fetch them in ranking for keyword SEO? My ultimate question is, using primary keyword along with brand name will work out in ranking for that primary keyword or not? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • We have products in the that go into mulitiple categories on our e-commerce site. But of course, each product is only canonicalized to one category. My question is: what should the breadcrumbs look like when users access a product from a non-canonicalized/primary category ?Should we apply canonicalized links in breadcrumbs or entry folders? For example: Let´s say we have product called "glacier hiking in the alps". It is in two categories; 1) glacier hiking 2) mountain tours. And is canonicalized to the glacier hiking category. If a user accesses it from the mountain tours category, should the url/breadcrumbs look like this: (because that is the canonicalized version) Or should it look like like this: (because that is where the user came from) Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | guidetoiceland

  • Hi Guys, I have a question about localization versions of my websites. Currently for other languages we use folders like /de/, /es/ and we have implemented hreflang. But it will be in any help if I add all those localization versions in Search Console as separate properties and specify there which language is it for? Can this help more that just leave it as it is? Thanks, Florin

    International SEO | | VeeamSoftware

  • Hi, What is the best comments system / plugin for websites that not harm seo Thanks Roy

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kadut

  • I'm dealing with an eCommerce website which has a category, subcategory, products. Moz is showing all of these and the individual products as missing a canonical. The site is very thin on content at the moment, but all the pages are clearly different, and I don't see why they need a canonical unless this is some rule that eCommerce sites have to follow. Should I ignore Moz's missing canonical report? My understanding is if the product appears in multiple categories, then a canonical should be put in place to the product. Any advice would be appreciated. Christina

    Moz Pro | | ChristinaRadisic

  • Hi all, Let's say there is a website with 100 pages ad 95 pages are not ranking for any keywords; but the other 5 pages including homepage are ranking for some keywords. In this scenario, the 95% non-ranking pages does impact the other 5% pages rankings? Or every page holds their credibility in ranking irrespective of other pages in website? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi all, So the default and ultimate suggestion about how to rank a page high is to get favoured by users, so by the Google. But if write content in favour of users, it may miss out the keywords or will not have much keyword density and variety of keywords to get in to Google's eyes. Then we may appear around 3rd page; then how do we get into top slots? I can see some top results without even a single mention of the keyword they are ranking for. How that would be possible? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • I had a website that was getting decent traffic. Around 2k visits a day. Owing to some issues, the domain was suspended my the domain provider and they won't be releasing it anytime soon. Now, I'm in talks with my domain provider and it might take some good time to get back the domain live (weeks if not months). So, I have decided to migrate all my content to a new domain. Also, Google has stopped displaying my earlier domain (the suspended domain) in the search results now and I have removed the property from webmaster tools/search console. And since my earlier domain is suspended, redirection is not possible. So, I had a couple query in regards to this: I'm in the process of moving the content from the older suspended domain to the newer domain. What should I do that Google does not penalise my new site on the grounds of duplicate content, etc. What other things I should do while I'm in the process of this migration.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Evaway

  • Hi everyone Just out of curiosity, what would happen if in my disavow report I have this line :**/** instead of as recommended by google. I was just wondering if adding a / at the end of a domain would automatically render the line invalid and ignored by Google's disavow backlinks tool. Many thanks for your thoughts

    Technical SEO | | LabeliumUSA

  • Hi guys, If you make changes to a page e.g. add more content or something is it good practice to get google to fetch that page again in search console? My assumption is this way, Google can review the updated page quicker, resulting in faster changes in the SERPs for that page. Thoughts? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wozniak65

  • My site has this page (URL) that actually exists on my site but somehow I can see the following versions in SERPs (these URLs are not physically available on my site): I even started getting traffic from these URLs that are in Google's index. So, only the first one actually existins on my site:**/rankings-of-rankings-of-**rankings-of-nike-running-shoes**rankings-of-**rankings-of-nike-running-shoes Questions are:
    a. I'm not sure how the latter two - 2) and 3) - got in Google's index.
    b. what do I do with them. My idea is to 301 redirect them to the actual page that exists Do I need to also somehow remove the faulty URLs - 2) and 3) - from Google's index or 301 redirecting is enough?

    Technical SEO | | webdesyaug17

  • Hey guys, I have a somewhat silly question that I probably know the answer to - but would still like to hear your POV's. We're a WP theme making company but we also build other stuff. Context: 1. All demos for themes currently go under The demo is lorem ipsum so is marked noindex nofollow. That being said we get rocking analytics data usually (not sure if it's still valuable for G after the noindex). 2. Currently we need landing pages for themes and we're running them under dofollow and indexed ofc. My question is...Would we be better off to include all landing pages under a category/tax and then go for the optimized-landing-page-title.php page? Does it make any difference either or? Right now we're not REALLY running them on subdomains (though the structure seems like it), they're just folders. We're thinking that more seo juice would flow through the different pages if we have them all under the same category, rather than basically starting from scratch each time under a new folder. Right? Thanks!!!

    On-Page Optimization | | andy.bigbangthemes

  • Hi Guys, Im new to Moz and very keen to do SEO right without upsetting Mr. Google too much. Are local business directories worth the effort? Its a laborious job, but happy to do it, if its effective and won't be considered spammy by Google? Thanks

    Local Website Optimization | | Fetseun

  • I use my website for providing an international service, I made my URL structure website destinations is a category and Africa is a sub-category I made an article for every continent and inserted all the continent's country manually, the page url structure is and the continent category URL is I'm thinking about removing the continent article and strip the category Word from URL, So i will use the subcategories directly on the same link what's your advice about removing the continent article and using the sub categories instead? is it a good idea to use the child category as a reference for the internal links? what do you think about keeping both of them (child category and the Article)? in case you suggest to use the child category , Is removing Category word may hurt my SEO?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | batot_mahmoud

  • A real estate agent client has had a website for years, which he optimized to position himself as a national real estate expert (to get more TV and media exposure). Now he wants to be found for a more local real estate term, such as Westchester ny real estate. Should he add a page to his site that's focused on Westchester real estate, or would Google view that as spammy? Should he update older blog posts with relevant, useful content about Westchester? Any best practices and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    On-Page Optimization | | JimMartinSF

  • Hey everyone, I need some help defining a post whether it is low quality or not. I got a post and it's a roundup post having 5 lists of fonts for free download. I actually linked to the sites from where anyone can download the font. The post is driving 300 visits a day but the bounce rate is too high around 90% and the time spent on the post is about 20 seconds on average (I checked it under GA Behaviour > Site Content > Landing pages). Also, I checked the traffic of those sites which I'm pointing in the roundup post and in their referral traffic my website is contributing. Does this mean that people clicking on the post from SERPs then quickly visiting the site to download the font as there are only 6 fonts featured in the post to download (due to six font they are not spending time)? Should I need to improve it or the page is answering query fast? Any thoughts are welcome.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Bunnypundir

  • Hi guys Unfortunately I have to optimize the angular website, but I don't know how google see my website. Seo quacke (seo extension) doesn't get data from this website: and sitemap generation tools just crawl 1 page of this website. why? How find that google really crawl and index angular website?

    Reporting & Analytics | | denakalami

  • I am seeing information regarding a possible Google algorithm that may have taken place on June 25th...and seeing total number of pages indexed in GSC increase (cool!)...BUT, then on July 16, I'm seeing a consistent drop (BIG DROP) of pages indexed - not only on our site, but several. Does anyone have any insight into this or experiencing the same issue?

    Algorithm Updates | | kwilgus

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