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  • Question:  Is the " http:// " included in the character count when figuring the length of a URL? (I am asking this as a separate question because the other URL question is shown as answered)

    Getting Started | | BuyMachineryNow

  • Question for you guys: After analyzing some crawl data in Search Console in the sitemap section, I noticed that Google consistently isn't indexing about 3/4 of the client sites I work on that all use the same content management system. I began to wonder if maybe Google (and others) have a hard time crawling certain parts of the sites consistently, as finding a pattern here could lead me to investigate whether there's a CMS problem. To research this, I started using a log file analyzer (Screaming Frog's version) for some of those clients. After loading the files, I noticed that none of the crawl activity logged by the servers is considered verified. I input one month's worth of log files, but when I switch the program to show only verified bots, all data disappears. Is it possible for a site not to have any search engines crawling it for a whole month? Given my experience, that seems unlikely, particularly since we've been submitting crawl requests. I know that doesn't guarantee a crawl, but it seems odd that it's never happening for any search engines across the board. Context that might be helpful: I did check technical settings, and the sites are crawlable. The sites do appear in search but seem to be losing organic search traffic. Thanks for any help you can provide!

    Algorithm Updates | | geodigitalmarketing

  • I'm a little unsure how canonicalisation works with this case. 🙂 We have very regular updates to the application which is available as a download on our site. Obviously, with every update the version number of the file being downloaded changes; and along with it, the URL parameter included when people click the 'Download' button on our site. e.g., etc In the Moz Site Crawl report all of these links are registering as Duplicate Content. There's no content per se on these pages, all they do is trigger a download of the specified file from our servers. Two questions: Are these links actually hurting our ranking/authority/etc? Would adding a canonical tag to the head of solve the crawl issues? Would this catch all of the download.php URLs? i.e. Thanks! Jon
    (not super up on php, btw. So if I'm saying something completely bogus kind  😉 )

    Moz Pro | | jonmc

  • A client of mine has intentionally built two websites with identical content; both companies sell the same product, one via an 80 year old local brand, well known. The other division is a national brand, new, and working to expand. The old and new divisions cannot be marketed as a single company for legal reasons. My life would be simple if the rules for distinguishing between nation's could apply, but I only have city X, and The U.S. I understand there is no penalty for duplicate content per se but I need to say to Google, "if searcher is in city X, serve content X. If not, serve content U.S. Both sites have atrocious DA and from what GA tells me, the National content appears to have never been served in a SERP in 3 years. I've been asked to improve visibility for both sites.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kc_sunshines

  • Hey folks, So, I got two pages. Page A has a lot more content but in a tabular format which uses javascript and a Title Tag which is a synonym for our keyword, but not the actual keyword.  Page B has less content, and the title tag is the exact keyword phrase we want to rank for. Page A has a bigger backlink profile (though not enormous by any extent). Page A ranks in 30th. Page B ranks in 7th. Importance of Title tag? Importance of JS? Both? Discuss! Cheers, Rhys

    Technical SEO | | SwanseaMedicine

  • I have content sitting on a site here - - domain authority 25 page authority 18 - the pages went live three months ago and the website was launched 18 months. We now have the option to use a brand new domain Which is the better option to stick with the as it is a larger multiple topic site that should attract more links or to start a new single topic site which google may view as the better source as it is dedicated to the topic? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kate_team_DM

  • Hi guys, We're planning on starting a Saas based service where we'll be selling different skins. Let's say WordPress themes, though it's not about that. Say we have an url called and we would like to direct all seo juice to the mother landing page /best-wp-themes/ but then have that juice flow towards our additional pages: /best-wp-themes/?id=Mozify
    /best-wp-themes/?id=Fiximoz /best-wp-themes/?id=Mozicom Challenges: 1. our content would be formatted like this:
    a. Same content - features b. Same content - price c. Different content - each theme will have its own set of features / design specs. d. Same content - testimonials. How would be go about not being penalised by SE's for the duplicate content, but still have the /?id=whatever pages be indexed with proper content? 2. How do we go about making sure SEO juice flows to the /?id pages too?Basically it's the same thing with different skins. Thanks for the help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | andy.bigbangthemes

  • I have an existing ecommerce site, on a Yahoo platform. I have recently started a different site on the Magento platform with substantially/almost entirely the same products and categories. For various reasons, I won't be ready to do a 301 redirect to the new domain for about another 8 months. I have 4 questions: Is it a good idea to use canonical tags in the meantime? Is there a way to know if the is cannibalization between the sites? They rank for different keywords. Will I lose all traffic and rankings for the Yahoo site if I go the canonical route? If I remove the canonical tags at a later point, will the ranking and traffic of the Yahoo site come back? Thanks in advance for your advice.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kevin_Hatanian

  • I do a lot of public speaking and normally upload my slides somewhere so people can access later. With most sites I can upload to Slideshare or similar, then embed into my own site.  I do it for audience convenience, but it would be swell to get an SEO bump.

    Link Building | | julie-getonthemap

  • I am about to launch an infographic campaign for a client. The infographic turned out fantastic, and I believe it's going to be very popular with dog bloggers. Is there anything I need to worry about?  I expect a lot of backlinks from embeds. Once it launches, I'll share it here so you can see how fabulous it turned out. 😉

    Image & Video Optimization | | julie-getonthemap

  • Hello Fellow Moz Friends I have recently went from http to https for the website. Do I keep my canonicals at http or make all https? Will this affect ranking signals? Anything I should be looking out for? Thank you.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Carwrapsolutions

  • hey hi guys, i have lost all my organic traffic and in need of urgent help. Plz i need all your SEO expertise. My website is: (before judging me, let me tell you that i have been in adult industry for almost 7 years now and hence this blog was a way to pass my knowledge to everyone who is looking for it) Recently i saw that moving to HTTPS will benefit my site. I did not knew much about technical details of moving to https. My hosting was on siteground, and they have a button which you can press and your website will then be served through https. So i did that. Nothing else was done. this was done on 13th or 14th of june For the next few weeks here is my analytics (image attached) : As you can see the traffic fluctuated and finally i lost everything on 29th june. When i researched more, i found out that you need to follow many steps in order to move to HTTPS. So i followed this guide and completed all the steps: (also checked many other guides and tried to complete all the steps mentioned) Everyone said that the rankings will recover in one week, but now it has been more than 17 days and still the rankings have not improved. My articles are indexed as i can see it using but none of them are ranking for the keywords that i was ranking earlier. i have submitted the sitemap in google webmaster and around 166 (out of 218) pages are indexed. Here are few more images to help my case: plz plz help me what i can do to get my website traffic back. i have spent a lot of time and effort in building this site, cant see it die a slow death like this one. 8Wa8c [http ahref](http ahref) D42xw sAd9E

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | akki91

  • Main Page:
    Duplicate Page: 1. My page was getting indexed properly in 2015 as:
    2. Redesigning done in Aug 2016, a new URL pattern surfaced for my pages with parameter "products-handler"
    3. One of my product landing pages had got 301-permanent redirected on the "products-handler" page
    4. This redirection was appearing until Nov 2016.
    5. I took over the website in 2017, the main page was getting indexed and deindexed on and off.
    6. This June it suddenly started showing an index of this page ""
    7. These "products-handler.php" pages were creating sitewide internal duplicacy, hence I blocked them in robots.
    8. Then my page (Main Page: got totally off the Google index Q1) What could be the possible reasons for the creation of these pages?
    Q2) How can 301 get placed from main to duplicate URL?
    Q3) When I have submitted my main URL multiple times in Search Console, why it doesn't get indexed?
    Q4) How can I make Google understand that these URLs are not my preferred URLs?
    Q5) How can I permanently remove these (products-handler.php) URLs? All the suggestions and discussions are welcome! Thanks in advance! 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ishrat-Khan

  • I started my graphic design business ( after the dot com industry collapsed in 2001 and there were virtually no jobs to be found, I focused mainly on logo design and ultimately figured out a way to drive quite a lot of traffic to my site by the means of creating directories for printers in every major city in the US. It worked exceedingly well for many years but eventually I had a lot of copycats use this technique and ultimately it pissed off quite a few designers around the country and I was reported one to many times to Google and was forced to make some changes. So I dropped the directories and redesigned my site and stuffed as many place names in the site as I could so I wouldn’t lose all my traffic, it worked for a while but ultimately my site has drifted further down in the serps and with the advent of Google Local my traffic pretty much disappeared. Furthermore with the surge in crowdsourcing businesses like 99designs the value people placed on my logo design services dropped to a point where there just wasn’t much reason to go after a national market anyway. I’m not proud of how I built my business but I don’t make any excuses for it, I had a mortgage and a family to feed so I did what I needed to do. I’m now at the point where I’ve decided my best option is to move away from logo design and redefine my business as more of a visual identity/graphic design company and go after the local market. I live in the Seattle area, Bellevue to be specific and the economy is such that I know there is a ton of local opportunity that I'm missing out on and I want to focus my marketing efforts here. My question is what is the best way for me to do this? I focused mainly on logo design for nearly 20 years and my keywords are built around logo design for which I still hit fairly well on but I need to expand my offerings and want to redirect my efforts at turning up on local searches for other terms like graphic design, web design, print design, etc. I don’t necessarily want to instantly drop all of the landing pages I created for logo design because that is still where the majority of my business comes from but I’m fairly certain that these landing pages have me Pigeonholed as just a logo designer. Do I need to delete everything and start completely from scratch or is there a less extreme approach to making this kind of transition? And once I do make these changes what might be the time frame for turning up better locally? I’m in the process of redesigning the site, updating my portfolio and writing all new content and could really use the advice of this community. Thank you!

    Local SEO | | Imageco

  • I can't figure this out. For a number of search terms that I compete for, there are competitors that rank below me, but their pages are featured in a rich snippet.  I wanted to see what kind of structured data these sites are providing, thinking maybe there's something I can learn.  But when I run these URLs through Google's Structured Data Testing Tool, it tells me these pages contain no structured data! So how is it that Google think's my page is more relevant (I rank higher) and I have structured data, but Google chooses to feature a different page?  Does anyone have ideas on how I can snag these rich snippets for myself?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AlexLenhoff

  • Hi everyone! I have a few questions - we are running an SEO content audit on our entire website and I am wondering the best FREE way to extract a list of all indexed pages. Would I need to use a mix of Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools, AND our XML sitemap or could I just use Webmaster Tools to pull the full list? Just want to make sure I am not missing anything. As well, once the data is pulled and organized (helpful to know the best way to pull detailed info about the pages as well!) I am wondering if it would be a best practice to sort by high trafficked pages in order to rank them for prioritization (ie: pages with most visits will be edited and optimized first). Lastly, I am wondering what constitutes a 'removable' page. For example, when it is appropriate to fully remove a page from our website? I understand that it is best, if you need to remove a page, to redirect the person to another similar page OR the homepage. Is this the best practice? Thank you for the help! If you say it is best to organize by trafficked pages first in order to optimize them - I am wondering if it would be an easier process to use MOZ tools like Keyword Explorer, Page Optimization, and Page Authority to rank pages and find ways to optimize them for best top relevant keywords. Let me know if this option makes MORE sense than going through the entire data extraction process.

    Technical SEO | | PowerhouseMarketing

  • Hi Guys, I am setting up my first Google Merchant account. As it's only a couple of products to start, I am doing this manually rather than a xml feed, and got to shipping. If it is free shipping for UK mainland but different for scottish isles, scottish highlands and Northern Ireland, how do I reflect this? What values do i use to suggest free shipping for UK Mainland and give different values for the others? Regards Neil

    Paid Search Marketing | | nezona

  • I have a simple question.  How many characters can a URL be before Moz flags it as too long?

    Getting Started | | BuyMachineryNow

  • My website is a collection of educational games for children.  We are currently in the process of doing all the onsite page optimization for the individual game pages (they currently have no title tags, meta descriptions, H1, etc.) We created several different games to teach each particular skill.  For example, there are 4 different games children can play to learn vowels.  While offering several different games is good for the user, I am concerned as to how best to target a keyword for each particular game page without creating keyword cannibalization. Being new to SEO, I am not sure how targeting on each page different variations of  related terms would affect SEO.  For example, if one page were to target the term "vowel games", and another the term "learning the vowels" are these keywords similar enough to cause keyword cannibalization?  If yes, would a proper solution be to use a canonical tag and designate one game as the "primary" game page for vowels? Ideally, I realize that the best SEO solution would be to have a landing page created just for "vowel games."  Yet we created our landing pages based upon school level (preschool, kindergarten, first grade, etc) thinking of the user experience where a child only has to navigate to a single page to find all of the games for their age range. I greatly appreciate any help in better understanding the best way to avoid any potential problems with cannibalization.

    Keyword Research | | bza100

  • Hi all, I'm based in the UK and i'm looking to submit to a several directories under the central index umbrella, for example to these directories: I've filled my profile out and have submitted to one of the above directories, however when I sign in to one of the other directories it asks me to re-fill out all my details. Is there not a way i can submit to several of these directories by signing in without confirming my telephone number for each one ? Many Thanks in advance Paco

    Link Building | | paco8723

  • A client of mine noticed that some of their customers that leave GMB listing reviews have special symbols in their profile avatars (please look at the attachment).   Is this a sign of a influencer? Has anybody else noticed this? r6mhX

    Reviews and Ratings | | BigChad2

  • Hello. I would ike to know if there is a calendar to check for domain autority index to be released. Im getting new backlinks and I would like to see the effects. Thanks for your time. Regards.

    Moz Pro | |

  • Hi Moz Community! Our team is having an internal (and external) debate regarding the extent and implications of duplicate content for a hospitality client that I would love to get some feedback on. I unfortunately cannot divulge the brand/URL, but will give as much info as possible. The brand in question manages dozens of properties in the US and worldwide and has recently rolled up all of the domains under a singular domain. So whereas the properties used to have their own domains (,, etc...), they are now housed in sub-folders (, and so forth). The concern we have is that they launched the new brand site with all of the property sites/content rolled up under the new domain, however all of the individual property sites and their pages are still live as well. All of the canonicals on both as well as (,, etc...) are self-referencing (so the canonicals for and all of its sub-ages do not point to the still live and all of its sub-pages, for example). On the brand side, they believe this is the best path forward as grows and gains some authority, with the later intent on eventually redirecting the individual property domains - but we are unclear of that timeline (though we do think its more months as opposed to days/weeks) So our questions for the community here are: What is the perceived impact in this state of limbo to the individual property sites (ideally they house the original content and have the history, but could Google still give preference to the URLs and/or could both of them suffer in rank/search experience from the duplicate content an non-uniform presentation?) Could be "dinged" so-to-speak due to launching with this much duplicate content? (And if so, could that affect how quickly normalization occurs after the property sites are finally redirected?) Anything else we should consider/Any other feedback from the community? Thank you all for your time and support!

    Technical SEO | | imiJoe

  • I don't know why, but since a week ago I'm not receiving moz point for my activity on moz forum. Example
    Today I posted 3 answer in the Question section but in my moz profile does not show the 3 moz point that normally I receive for that. I week ago suddenly I received 20 moz point, why I dont have any idea, maybe someone mark one of my asnwer as good answer. So my point is where I cant found the exact tracking record of my activity

    Getting Started | | Roman-Delcarmen

  • Hello I have a blog post from 2015 that is ranking very well on Google but I have a terrible bounce rate of more than 98% for this landing page. This post is bringing 4 more visits than the rest of my website pages so I need to make people stay in the site. I don't want to lose my rankings so my question is: Is it better to modify this post or to write a new post and delete the old one? Thank you

    Technical SEO | | seoandromedical

  • We have a page on our site which enders happily on all browsers as far as I am aware and is reasonably well optimised. So when google sent me a link to a new test tool I just had to check it out. Well the result was shocking...... The page that renders in the results is a default missing product page and not the  page that the link renders on a web page.  I played a little  and simply used the I=3436 attribute and the page appeared no problem  I then reversed the attributes so that they were i=3436&m=353 and the page again resolved totally as expected.  This indicates to me that Google have an issue with aspx attributes. Now I know what to do but is this same issue an issue in spidering and indexing pages.  If is is wow that is a big smack in the face.  Does it also harm search results in other engines. Keen for comments here

    Web Design | | Eff-Commerce

  • I have a website with .com domain but I need to generate traffic from UK? I have already set my GEO Targeting location as UK in Google Webmasters & set country location as UK in Google Analytics as well but still, i get traffic only from India. I have also set Geo-targeting code at the backend of the website. But nothing seems works. Can anyone help me how can is do this? I am unable to understand what else can be done.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoninj

  • Hello Expert, In search console in Crawl Stats Pages Crawl per day going day by day i.e. from 4 lac pages per day now it is reduce upto 2 lac in last 15 days. So where is the issue? Where I am going wrong or it is issue from google end? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Johny12345

  • Hello Mozzers! I've received an error message saying the site can't be crawled because Moz is unable to access the robots.txt. I've spoken to the webmaster and he can't understand why the robot.txt can't be accessed in Moz. and Google isn't flagging anything up to us. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thanks

    Getting Started | | tigersohelll

  • I'm not talking about conjectures or guesses -- but SEO studies that is actually backed up by hardcore data. Which SEO firm produces excellent data-driven studies you always trust?

    Algorithm Updates | | Brand_Psychic

  • On our campaign, I have three local competitors which I like to keep an eye on.  Two have been around for years but the other is pretty new.  According to Moz, he has a Domain Authority of 1, has no backlinks and ranks lower on every keyword I keep track of. How then is he getting ahead of us for certain search terms?  Can Moz not give any more information?

    Competitive Research | | robandsarahgillespie

  • Hi all, Generally more number of internal links will be pointed to homepage. But I see some modern suggestions that too many internal links to homepage are not good. I'm just wondering if most number of internal links pointing to homepage may hurt? Also we have sub domains, can we point a link from every page of sub domain or sub directory to homepage? Usually the answer here is about users. Of course, the content is about same product across all pages. Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • Hi all, We can see the "internal links" in Google webmaster tools where the links pointing to each page will be listed. But this data is not up to date and I also would like to know how competitors are internal linking and which pages of them have most internal links pointing to? So please let me know if there is some tool for this. Thanks

    Other SEO Tools | | vtmoz

  • Hi all, One of our competitors have recently redesigned their website with new content. Now I can see much less keywords in the content. And page title also changed away from keywords. Still this is ranking at good position. How? Previously they used to have much landing pages with related keywords which some of them are missing now. Still I wonder why this website is ranking high? Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • I can't find good answers to this question so I'm asking here. Thanks for any help you can give. Most people, 4 out of 5, search for our product using two separate words, while the trademarked name of the product is one word. Think: CleanCar(tm) vs Clean Car. However our product is a leader in the industry so it would be like searching for perhaps "Play Station" vs "Playstation" if people were looking for a gaming console in general. Google separates them in the search volumes so I am assuming it does not see Clean Car in the same way it sees CleanCar. I (obviously) want to rank as highly as possible in both while keeping brand integrity in mind. Should I SEO for just the CleanCar or both? Perhaps using CleanCar in the title and Clean Car in the description? Does Google distinguish? Thanks! bnew

    Algorithm Updates | | mcampanaro

  • We're doing a site audit and found "internal" links to a page in search console that appear to be from a subdomain of our site based on our MX record.  We use Google Mail internally.  The links ultimately redirect to our correct preferred subdomain "www", but I am concerned as to why this is happening and if it can have any negative SEO implications. Example of one of the links: Links I did a site operator search, on google and it returns several results.

    Technical SEO | | SS.Digital

  • Hi, I would like to know how to edit a title tag? Where go to edit it?

    Feature Requests | | Smita_Avanindra

  • I have a client (law firm) who has been dominant locally for years.  A few months ago he stopped showing locally when you search in his city, but when you search from other cities, he's still dominant.  Here are a couple facts: 1.  None of the competition is in his building. 2.  He does rank dominant locally if you select "top rated" in Google maps.* *Interestingly enough, his competitors on regular searches have great ratings too so its a bit weird that he shows up in front of them but only when you select top rated. Have you seen this?  Any suggestions?

    Reviews and Ratings | | mgordon

  • Hello Experts, For my Ecommerce site previously I was showing products at category pages i.e. first all subcategories name after that list all products of all subcateogries. That also approx per category 500 products via load more feature. My query is now I am planning to show products only at Product Listing Page and not on Category pages so what will be SEO impact and how google will treat this? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Johny12345

  • So this is what im doing, 301 redirect to my site/allen-webdesign points to main domain Allen is the city i have a page called local-webdesign with all the cities. Will this improve my ranking or should i stop?

    Technical SEO | | jsdfw

  • I've been researching and can't find a clear cut answer. Imagine you have a product category page e.g. domain/jeans You've a lot of options as to how to filter the results domain/jeans?=ladies,skinny,pink,10 or domain/jeans/ladies-skinny-pink-10 or domain/jeans/ladies/skinny?=pink,10 And in this how do you handle titles, breadcrumbs etc. Is the a way you prefer to handle filters and why do you do it that way? I'm trying to make my mind up as some very big names handle this differently e.g. VS✓&[facet_filter][meta.tertiary_category][Skinny]=on&[facet_filter][variants.meta.size][Size+10]=on&[facet_filter][meta.master_colour][Midwash]=on&[facet_filter][min_current_price][gte]=6.0&[facet_filter][min_current_price][lte]=18.0&per=36&sort=

    Technical SEO | | RodneyRiley

  • Hey Mozzers, Please Help! My new client has a blogger who is writing a multi-part series for them and releasing one part each week. Each part is about 500 words. I know that longer, in depth content generally provides better user signals like "dwell time" and even social shares....but i have to balance this with the fact that the client wants to publish one new post a week for SEO and to give users a reason to come back to the website. Should i just wait a while and combine the posts, using a 301 to redirect all the small posts to the big one? Thanks in advance, Nails

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | matt.nails

  • I don't need subscription anymore and i'm already quite my subscription now i want to refund my money. How to return my money?

    Product Support | | beeresearcher

  • Hi there, I have Client Who dont want to show his content to publicly, So team decided to use toggle, So Google can also See Content, But i want bu sure. Does Google will really cache that Content?? Does it down my website Ranking?? Please any one can Help, I need urgent basis Thnx in advance Falguni

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | iepl2001

  • Hi i want to rank for the keyword "white sandals" on Google Australia. Currently, the top 5 ranking pages are not optimised and specific to white sandals. See screenshot: To rank for this keyword, would you create a page dedicated to white sandals even though it looks like it doesn't matter and you could rank the broader sandals page (not colour specific). Any recommendations? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | crazy4seo78

  • I have been working in a project. Create a framework for multi pages that I have So here is the case
    Most of them are single page product / one page design wich means that I dont have many pages to optimize. All this sites/ pages follow the rules of a landing page optimization because my main goals is convert as many users as I can. At this point I need to optimize the SEO, the basic stuff such as header, descriptions, tittles ect. But most of my traffic is generated by affiliates, which is good beacuse I dont have to worrie to generate traffic but if the affiliate network banned my product, then I lose all my traffic. Put all my eggs in the same basket is not a good idea. Im not an seo guru so that is the reason Im asking whic strategies and tactics can give me results. All kind of ideas are welcome

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Roman-Delcarmen

  • Q1. I have two domains I am interested and the are available, however, they are "premium" at $1,000!  According to GoDaddy, another domain site, just said available through action. 
    Any recommendations? If I have to pay, is there an auction site or broker you would recommend or another approach to try to get it at a lower price? Q2. The hyphenated domains are available and affordable. However some of the information I gathered on MOZ mentions Google flags it as spam.  I believe that article was dated 2014.  Is that still a risk or has Google through AI or something else determine spam another way now?

    Algorithm Updates | | brandon_solutions

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