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  • I found a few websites that are displaying images from my site.  Curiously, they have also linked these images to the source image file on my website.  I found these because Moz showed these sites in my list of backlinks.  I assume that means it impacts my Domain Authority.  But does this actually help me in search engines since it's not linking to a page on my site?

    Link Building | | AlexLenhoff

  • We are running a social media campaign for a point of sales system for restaurants and retail stores. We have had quite a bit of traffic to our website from Adwords and SEO. We have thought of the idea of creating a new look-alike audience based off the people who have come to our website already. However, we only really want to only build a Facebook audience consisting of business owners, managers or decision makers of restaurants and retail stores that would be interested in a point of sales system at some point. We know that most of the people who have come to our website (from SEO and Adwords) have been interested, in some degree, in our point of sales system. My reservation though is that if we create a look-alike audience, Facebook will not be able to replicate the type of audience that really fits this profile - that it will create an audience possibly of similar personalties, interests etc to that of those that have visited our site, but not one that consists predominately or entirely of owners, managers or decision makers of restaurants and retail stores. This is the necessary characteristic we are wanting for our audience members. Is it fair to assume that in this situation Facebook won't be effective in its creation of a look-alike audience to fulfil what we are really needing as stated? Or am I underestimating Facebook's abilities? You thoughts here would be greatly appreciated.

    Social Media | | Gavo

  • I now understand that the ignore option found in the MOZ Site Crawl tool will permanently remove the item from ever showing up in our Issues again. We desire to use the issues list as kind of like a To-Do checklist with the ultimate goal to have no issues found and would like to "Temporarily Remove" an issue to see if it is shows back up in future crawls. If we properly fix the issue it shouldn't show back up. However, based on the current Ignore function, if we ignore the issue it will never show back up, even if the issue is still a problem. At the same time, the issue could be a known issue that the end user doesn't want to ever show back up and they desire to never have it show again. In this case it might be nice to maintain the current "Permanently Ignore" option. Use the following imgur to see a mockup of my idea for your review. pzdfW

    Feature Requests | | StickyLife

  • Hi, Here is a rather detailed overview of our problem, any feedback / suggestions is most welcome. We currently have 6 sites targeting the various markets (countries) we operate in all websites are on one wordpress install but are separate sites in a multisite network, content and structure is pretty much the same barring a few regional differences. The UK site has held a pretty strong position in search engines the past few years. Here is where we have the problem. Our strongest page (from an organic point of view) has dropped off the search results completely for, we've picked this up through a drop in search visibility in SEMRush, and confirmed this by looking at our organic landing page traffic in Google Analytics and Search Analytics in Search Console. Here are a few of the assumptions we've made and things we've checked: Checked for any Crawl or technical issues, nothing serious found Bad backlinks, no new spammy backlinks Geotarggetting, this was fine for the UK site, however the US site a .com (not a cctld) was not set to the US (we suspect this to be the issue, but more below) On-site issues, nothing wrong here - the page was edited recently which coincided with the drop in traffic (more below), but these changes did not impact things such as title, h1, url or body content - we replaced some call to action blocks from a custom one to one that was built into the framework (Div) Manual or algorithmic penalties: Nothing reported by search console HTTPs change: We did transition over to http at the start of june. The sites are not too big (around 6K pages) and all redirects were put in place. Here is what we suspect has happened, the https change triggered google to re-crawl and reindex the whole site (we anticipated this), during this process, an edit was made to the key page, and through some technical fault the page title was changed to match the US version of the page, and because geotargetting was not turned on for the US site, Google filtered out the duplicate content page on the UK site, there by dropping it off the index. What further contributes to this theory is that a search of returns the US version of the  page. With country targeting on (ie only return pages from the UK) that UK version of the page is not returned. Also a site: query from DOES return the Uk version of that page, but with the old US title. All these factors leads me to believe that its a duplicate content filter issue due to incorrect geo-targetting - what does surprise me is that the site has much more search equity than the US site, so it was odd that it choose to filter out the UK version of the page. What we have done to counter this is as follows: Turned on Geo targeting for US site Ensured that the title of the UK page says UK and not US Edited both pages to trigger a last modified date and so the 2 pages share less similarities Recreated a site map and resubmitted to Google Re-crawled and requested a re-index of the whole site Fixed a few of the smaller issues If our theory is right and our actions do help, I believe its now a waiting game for Google to re-crawl and reindex. Unfortunately, Search Console is still only showing data from a few days ago, so its hard to tell if there has been any changes in the index. I am happy to wait it out, but you can appreciate that some of snr management are very nervous given the impact of loosing this page and are keen to get a second opinion on the matter. Does the Moz Community have any further ideas or insights on how we can speed up the indexing of the site? Kind regards, Jason

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Clickmetrics

  • Hello Experts? Header tags for homepage, category, product pages is it required to be have from h1 till h6? If No...then w3c validator will give me  Warning and it will never Pass my site so? Do google say h1, h2, h3..etc should be in sequence only? As per my site design I cannot define h1 always on top it can be after h2 or h3 so? h1 can be only 1 for per page but it is fine h2, h3 etc multiple for same page? At listing page to give all 30 products names as h3 is fine or it is not correct way? For ecommerce site what is the best header tags you suggest? I mean till h3 is fine or h1 also fine? Do header tags helps google in crawling ? or for ranking purpose? or header tags should be best for blog not for ecommerce site? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | Johny12345

  • Hello Experts, For my ecommerce site at product listing page which functionality is best to implement Load more or pagination 1,2,3....and why? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Johny12345

  • Why some of shortened urls like bitly/owly/googl has PA>40? I tried everything to improve PA of my shortened urls like facebook shares, retweets and backlinks to them but still i have PA-1. Checkout this URL: in MOZ OSE and you will many 301 links from shortners 
    I asked many seo experts about this but no one answered this question so today subscribed MOZ pro for the solution. Please give me the answer.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | igains

  • Quick question about the ignore feature found in the MOZ Site Crawl. We've made some changes to pages containing errors found by the MOZ Site Crawl. These changes should have resolved issues but we're not sure about the "Ignore" feature and do not want to use it without first understanding what will happen when using it. Will it clear the item from the current list until the next Site Crawl takes place. If Roger finds the issue again, it will relist the error? Will it clear the item from the list permanently, regardless if it has not been properly corrected?

    Feature Requests | | StickyLife

  • we are planning to create a series of short (<30 sec) videos for landing pages for our clients PPC campaigns. Since our clients all offer the same services (except in different geographical regions of the county) - we were planning to use the SAME script ( approx 85 words) with only the clients business name changed. Our question is :  Would these videos be identified as 'duplicate content' - if we are only planning to use the videos on landing pages and only for PPC?  -in other words  are we in any danger of any kind of consequences from the engines for repeating script text across a series of landing pages featured only at PPC campaigns?

    Technical SEO | | Steve_J

  • Hello I'm cleaning my old posts from my website and I found that lots of posts that I have to delete have a good PA I want to know how to transfer the PA of an old post to a new one. Is it possible to do it with 301 redirect? Is there any way to 100% transfer of link juice? Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | shadowava

  • Hello Expert, Do redesign website will affect seo? At initial level drop in visitor, pageviews? Actually I am redesign my ecommerce site but we are not changing 1) url's 2) we are not changing content 3) we are not changing server 4) we are not changing navigation. We are changing display style at homepage, category page, subcategory page, product page, checkout step. So still it will impact on website visitors & pageviews? 2) How google will react on int 3) How visitor will react? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Johny12345

  • I have encountered a serious problem with google rankings and the sequence of events goes like this for a high volume phrase. I make changes to the page which gets a score of 98 in Moz and equally good scores in other tools. I resubmit the page to Google for searching via crawl in google webmasters. After about 1/2 to 1 day, the page will be ranked between 30 and 50. Within another 1/2 to 1 day, the ranking goes completely away. This page has much higher scores than pages that are ranked.  Other phrases continue to rank OK.

    On-Page Optimization | | tiedyedshop

  • Hello, A few years ago I have "inherited" a website about a particular touristic area in Italy (the Langhe region) called The website is very well positioned, the domain has been registered in '97 and the overall SEO performance is pretty good (it ranks in the top #3 positions for all the main search queries in our niche). We are currently redesigning the whole thing, and one of the idea was to change the domain (and the name) of the website from to (which we already registered). The reasons behind this decision are the following (most important first): Google prefer brands over keywords and "Langhe" is just a keyword LoveLanghe looks more memorable and "marketable" than just All our social presence is branded already as LoveLanghe (they were created years back under this name - I don't know why) We will do our due diligence work (301 everything, domain change in Search Console etc. etc.) but I'm still kind of worried that we will lose some ranking. So my question(s) are: do you think it's a good idea to change the domain when ranking is good and original domain is so old? how much ranking (approximately) are we going to lose? Thanks in advance 🙂 Best

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Enrico_Cassinelli

  • Hey there, I am Doing SEO For one of my client For mortgage Company. As i have Checked in Other mortgage sites, they used to have Same Content/Details, In all Websites, & my client site have also Some of them, So my Question is as per Google  If there Duplicate Content, it will be Got penalize, But as i see Ranking & traffic For competitor site, They have Duplication, then also Rank For 1st page,. what is Reason behind? so i also Implement/Execute our site With that same content?? or i'll Got penalize?? Thnx in advance

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | iepl2001

  • For business to business email, should we avoid sending on Mondays and Fridays? The nature of the service is commercial real estate brokerage for office space in New York City. We are mailing to corporate decision makers in various industries (technology, finance, law). Should we avoid mailing during certain times of day? Or is there a best time of day to send the email. Thanks, 

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Kingalan1

  • Ive had a bit of a dilemma whether to go for a full ecommerce site or having a seperate shop section.  My main goal is to push our installation services so Ive decided to go with the latter option.  The main categories will be focused solely on Installation services and then Ill have a seperate category which will take the customer to where well have our products for them to buy and fit themselves.  The only issue I see is that Im going to have two pages competing against each other.  Theyll both have different content but one will be focusing on us installing a particular product and the other will focus on the customer buying it to fit themselves.  Will it make things more difficult to rank or wont it make a difference?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | paulfoz1609

  • We have been looking at moving our ecommerce store from Magento to Shopify Plus. However, as we rank quite well at present we are interested in hearing experience others may have had making this change and also any advice that you may have... Also, any general comments on Shopify appreciated..

    Web Design | | seanmccauley

  • Hey, Folks!! So It's Been More than a Month.And Moz is not crawling my website have seen Moz Last update I thought they will crawl my site but No results Disappointing. My Sites Domain Authority and Page Authority is still 1. But In other Seo Tools, they are Perfectly Crawling My Website. What Would Be the reason? Can anyone Please Explain.

    Moz Bar | | seothatworks01

  • Hello, Google Analytics has a lot of keywords which are tagged as "Not Provided" So how can i uncover what these are? Otherwise how do i know which organic keywords are doing well or not?

    Reporting & Analytics | | Riz_Khan

  • We have proper markup schema installed in webpage (validated using data structure tool by google) but moz tool bar says " not found on this page." What should be the problem ?

    Moz Bar | | NortonSupportSEO

  • I cant afford moz pro at this time and would like a refund. I forget to cancel my subscription, and Im a struggling student  who is interested in this software  but cant handle this payment plan can you please give me a refund

    Product Support | | Marketing2.

  • Just wondering is anyone had any thoughts on whats the easiest for SEO purposes.  My main focus is to get people to buy our installation services.  We could either a)  Have a full ecommerce website and on every product we can advertise the fact that we install the products.  As well as creatign additinal CMS pages OR b) Create a content driven site promoting our installation services and then having a separate tab at the top which can be very prominent called Shop or Buy online.  The customer can then visit that page for DIY products. Would either option be a better option for SEO purposes/usability for the customer?

    Technical SEO | | paulfoz1609

  • Hi, Our site is a football (soccer) statistics sites. We gather information on upcoming games and post results of past games. At the moment we have over 50,000 pages of results each having in-game data displayed. The main problem I have is none of these match data pages has any text.Mostly tables of stats. Could anyone suggest a way of creating unique content for these pages? If I created some generic a paragraphic of text that changed based on stats and figures would this be seen as duplicate content?

    On-Page Optimization | | jtatsubana

  • Hey all, I am working on SEO for a massive sports website. The information provided will be limited but I will give you as much context as possible. I just started digging into it and have found several on-page SEO issues of which I will fix when I get to the meat of it but this seems like something else could be going on. I have attached an image below. It doesn't seem like it's a GWT bug as reported at one point either as it's been gradually dropping over the past year. Also, there is about a 20% drop in traffic in Google Analytics over this time as well. This website has hundreds of thousands of pages of player profiles, sports team information and more all marked up with JSON-LD. Some of the on-page stuff that needs to be fixed are the h1 and h2, title tags and meta description. Also, some of the descriptions are pulled from wikipedia and linked to a "view more" area. Anchor text has "sign up" language as well. Not looking for a magic bullet but to be pointed in the right direction. Where should I start checking off to ensure I cover my bases besides the on page stuff above? There aren't any serious errors and I don't see any manual penalties. There are 4,300 404's but I have seen plenty of sites with that many 404's all of which still got traffic. It doesn't look like a sitemap was submitted to GWT and when I try submitting sitemap.xml, I get a 504 error (network unreachable). Thanks for reading. I am just getting started on this project but would like to spend as much time sharpening the axe before getting to work. lJWk8Rh

    Technical SEO | | ArashG

  • A few years ago, some SEOs encouraged the mentioning of local points of interest in the copy of a page to improve localized rankings for the city in question.   The argument was that a page mentioning "Wrigley Field" (in a natural-seeming manner) would be more likely to be ranked for "Chicago" searches.   A similar argument promoted the use of maps (assuming they have a meaningful purpose) because of the neighborhoods, streets, etc mentioned on the map.  Was this ever actually a benefit, and if so is it still?

    Keyword Research | | Mjesse

  • I recently used the trial free 1 month subscription for Moz Pro as it was suggested in a continued education course I was doing. My email was hacked and I had no access to it for which I had no access to Moz and while getting my email sorted, I got this message that they have charged me and it has come off my account for next month. They also took the money off my account which is extremely difficult for me as I am a student and cannot afford an expense as such. This is creating havoc for me. Currently Moz Pro a service charged in US$ is too expensive for me in India as a student. Any advice on how to get this amount reversed. Today is the day the invoice was sent and immediately afterwards they charged me the amount.

    Product Support | | Adilene

  • Hi Moz Community, We're an eCommerce site so we have a lot of pagination issues but we were able to fix them using the rel=next and rel=prev tags. However, our pages have an option to view 60 items or 180 items at a time. This is now causing duplicate content problems when for example page 2 of the 180 item view is the same as page 4 of the 60 item view. (URL examples below) Wondering if we should just add a canonical tag going to the the main view all page to every page in the paginated series to get ride of this issue. Thoughts, ideas or suggestions are welcome. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | znotes

  • I have a project to work on product and landing pages for a website with 5000+ SKU's. I am looking to hire a content writer to do this but I want a strategy in place to develop these pages. I have googled a bit and they mostly talk about the body of the page.  I am looking for best practices for the entire page, Title, H1, Meta and body. Any good tutorials for this type of project anyone can recommend? Anyone with experience doing this type of project? Thanks, Mark

    Keyword Research | | mcg1103

  • Hi all I am looking for some really good clear examples of sites that have excellent JSON LD markup.  Not just the basics but packed to the teeth with markup for every element.  I am particularly interested in e-commerce applications as I am re skinning our e-commerce platform written from scratch in house. It is far from perfect, not mobile friendly and well a bit backward but links into everything we have in a seamless way all the way to our manufacturing plant.  Take a look have a little laugh and then take pity 🙂 Thanks Pete

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Eff-Commerce

  • Good day, To make a long story into a short one - have you ever had any experience or encounter where you've needed GA to capture the HTTP referrer of your traffic before a 301 redirect script triggers (and thus strips the original source of traffic)? I am working with a multitude of sites where the TLD redirects to a language directory, and because many of the referring sites and sources of traffic come into the TLD and then hit a 301, the referring source is then lost and most of this then shows as Direct traffic to the language directory (the effective 'home page').in GA. Would sincerely appreciate any inputs you might have about how to effectively capture these sources as a workaround. I'm probably in need of a smart analytical fix, a clever tagging method or some development amendment that is unfamiliar to me. For the sake of this discussion, building the TLD up to an existing page is not a viable or feasible fix in this instance. Thank you!

    Local Website Optimization | | Saatchi_HU

  • Hello, I'm currently tracking contact form submissions any time a user clicks 'Submit' on a pop-up form. Once the form is submitted, the URL of the page remains the same (there is no /thank-you page or such like), hence needing to fire the Event based on a click. Problem is, even if the form is not actually submitted and a user just clicks the Submit button without filling in the fields, the Event will still fire. I know there is a way to ensure the Event ONLY fires when the form is actually submitted for real, but I don't know how to implement that in GTM. Any help most appreciated 🙂 Cheers, Gill.

    Reporting & Analytics | | Cannetastic

  • Hello,  Do these meta tags have any current usage? <meta name="author" content="Author Name"><meta name="publisher" content="Publisher Name"> I have also seen this usage linking to a companies Google+ Page:Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | srbello

  • Hi Mozzers, this may be more of a web development/analytics question than SEO, but hopefully someone has the experience to help me out. My company is currently conducting an Adwords campaign targeting B2B clients for products and services across Canada. Ideally each customer is registered as a client in our system when they make purchases, but this limits our customer base to those willing to create an account with us and wastes our Adwords budget. Now we are moving towards a "walk-up" e-commerce platform which would allow non-members to make purchases without setting up an account first. However, pricing for our products and services differs based on province (different taxes, transportation costs, etc.) and the system currently requires a user to login in using their postal code (zip code) to help the platform generate products, services and pricing specific to their area. This has caused an enormous bounce rate and I am looking for a way to generate said product/service/pricing lists based on some form of automated system which identifies their location and reacts accordingly. In other words, I want our system to recognize where a user is searching from and provide them with the relevant information without them having to input any data (in this case, their postal code). I had thought that using a Google Geolocator API might do the trick, but I'm unsure as to whether it is useful for what I have in mind. Has anyone had this experience before and if so, what solutions did you come up with? Looking forward to any insights and suggestions! Rob

    Paid Search Marketing | | RobCairns

  • Ive got a current domain and after a bit of a rebrand Im considering 301 rediecting the current site to a newly purchased domain.  Id redirect each age to idential pages.  Am I likely to see any issues.  I know this is the recomended way from Google but just wondering how smoothly it works and whether Im likely to see any ranking drops or other problems?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | paulfoz1609

  • my boss is insisting that I duplicate a site that is ranking well and then roll it out across the UK on new domain names beginning with targeted city names in the domain name. I will then be going through each duplicate site changing the location keywords to the target city location Along with images etc. what effect will this have? Do you have any advice on the best way to tackle this? thanks

    Local Listings | | platinumhouse

  • Hi Moz Community! We're doing an audit of our e-commerce site at the moment and have noticed a lot of 404 errors coming from out of stock/discontinued product pages that we've kept 200 in the past. We kept these and added links on them for categories or products that are similar to the discontinued items but many other links of the page like images, blog posts, and even breadcrumbs have broken or are no longer valid causing lots of additional 404s. If the product has been discontinued for a long time and gets no traffic and has no link equity would you recommend adding a noindex robots tag on these pages so we're not wasting time fixing all the broken links on these? Any thoughts?Thanks

    Technical SEO | | znotes

  • A client of mine asked about the new Google Posts feature that can be used via GMB.  The question is can you use Google posts to give updates to visitors about emergency closures?

    Local Listings | | BigChad2

  • Hey Community! My agency has been working with more companies that are Incorporated lately who are requiring SEO assistance. A few of our customers have their business listed to include the Business Name, Inc. in the Google/Facebook listing and some of them don't. What would you guys recommend we go with when dealing with an incorporated business? One of the businesses we're working with is Blossom Childcare and Learning Center, Inc. Thanks

    Local Listings | | Advancify

  • Currently, I use an embeddable Yelp review widget on my site. The widget I use has been helpful, but is no longer actively maintained and I'd prefer to show Google reviews instead. Does anyone have a recommendation for a widget to embed Google reviews?

    Reviews and Ratings | | Dions

  • Is it compulsory to have sitemap.xml at this path - My sitename is Now is it compulsory to have sitemap.xml at this path - only? a) If i take cnd services where path can be like and then this sitemap i can submit in robot file so it is fine? b) What will happen here in webmaster tool as in webmaster tool when we submit sitemap by default it gives us domain name like and we have to just add /sitemap.xml

    Technical SEO | | Johny12345

  • I'm getting an error message when Moz tries to crawl my site, however when I check in Google Search Console, they return no errors. Our site is hosted on HubSpot. Is Moz still having trouble crawling HubSpot sites that have enabled their SSL? I read an article that this should have been corrected in early 2017, but I'm getting an error.

    Moz Pro | | jennygriffin

  • I'm a beginner with Google Analytics, what is a good place to start? Would love to know some simple ways to set up Google Analytics to keep SEO in check. What are some of your suggestions? How would you go about using GA to do this? and what are the alternatives? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | Eric_S

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