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  • I've been researching this topic endlessly and thought I had arrived at a solution but Screaming Frog indicates my solution was not successful. Problem: I used tags to filter my collections pages. The result, I discovered, was the creation of dozens and dozens, maybe hundreds, of additional collection URLs for each possible permutation of tag filters. I would like to make the collection page URL, with no tag filters, the canonical. Proposed Solution:  I found the following code described somewhere as the solution: {% if template contains 'collection' and current_tags %} {% else %} {% endif %} However, I crawled my site with Screaming Frog and found that the canonical link element is still listed as the URL with the tags included.  The crawler does recognizes the "noindex" instruction.  Any ideas on what the best move is here?

    Technical SEO | | vgusvg

  • Hey guys. I love the new update of GA. Looks so clean. So, of course, I was excited to see how my landing pages were doing. I went to behavior, all content, all pages. And I noticed it's only showing me 19 pages out of the 93 I have indexed. And none of the top ones at all! Can't find them anywhere in GA! Anyone seen this before? Thank you so much

    Reporting & Analytics | | Meier

  • Hey Mozzers, Here are some title tag facts as i see them After 50-60 characters Google shortens your title. You want your most compelling info in the title to be readable and not truncated, so it should be written clearly before the character limit. Most important keywords should be used used as close to the start of the title as possible. My question is: Does Google still index the words after 50-60 chars? Many SEO graders make such a big deal about length and i am wondering if they are wrong. Thanks, Nails

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | matt.nails

  • I am working on optimizing the content on my site and am currently reviewing my h1s and seeing how they can be improved. What is the exact purpose of the h1 and how should it differ from the meta title?We sell clothing apparel on my site. So for example- my meta title for women's printed tops category is- Printed tops for women I Patterned Shirts & Tunics I Company Name. How should my h1 differ from this? Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | whiteonlySEO

  • Hi I have a site that only has 5k pages but Moz has crawled 50K pages on the site when I initiated the site crawl. I don't exactly know why Moz is reporting me back so many pages but I was wondering why this is and if any of you out in the Moz community know anything about this. Thanks

    Moz Bar | | drewstorys

  • Hi Mozers, I have a very important pitch coming up which needs to tackle a questions about international SEO. My client currently has a .com website, but we are debating internally about creating a website too so that we can localise content for the UK versus American English on our .com site. Currently, our clients proposition is global, so we made the decision to create a .com website but using American English spelling as a large chunk of English speakers in the world use American English over British English. However, we want to grow the business within the UK, and therefore want to use British English language. Hence creating a website. Now, my question is this.... the new website will be identical content as the .com website, except for a few spelling changes and the way we phrase certain sentences. How would we be able to run both a site and .com site without being penelized from Google for plagarism? Would it involve href lang tags? Server hosting location? Any ideas from you guys out there?

    Local SEO | | Virginia-Girtz

  • Hi We have a third party review provider, but were also looking at increasing our Google reviews. However after more research, should Google reviews only be used on local listings? For organisations which don't have a physical location to buy from - is the solution to use organisation schema, which incorporates 'reviews on other sites' with the hope Google may show your Feefo review count? When checking similar companies - all seem to have the organisation knowledge card and not the local Google My Business listing. Is it worth pursuing extra reviews on Google My Business or not? Thanks!

    Reviews and Ratings | | BeckyKey

  • I had to delete a page of my site, now when I search for it I see it's showing a 404. How to I get that page to stop showing on Google? Thank you in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | Coppell

  • Hi all - We want to create a membership program so that they can get more great stuff from us and offers, deals, etc. but only if they qualify to be a member via a purchase for example. The question is we want to move only some of our content (c.30%) behind the membership curtain - will be a mix of SEO value content. There are few questions/ concerns I am hoping you the SEO community can help me with: How can i ensure Google continues to index it without getting penalized. If i tell google bot to index but not allow Google and other sites to see the membership content will that create a penalty? Is that considered a form of cloaking? How can i prevent having to reveal 3 pages a day under Google's First Click Free set-up. I suppose i want my cake and eat it and i suspect the answer is well  i cant. Any help or insights that can help me make this decision better is gratefully accepted.

    Reporting & Analytics | | Adrian-phipps

  • Hello! Let's use the following example: I have a blog (let's call it Blog A) and I find another blog in the same niche (this will be Blog B) that has higher DA and PA than mine. Will Google penalize me if the Blog B puts a link to my blog in their sidebar? Remember, the Blog A and Blog B are from the same niche. I ask this because Google says that links on sidebars appears in every page and in some pages the link may be useless. But if both blogs are from the same niche, there won't be pages where the links will be from different themes and with less relevance. So, is my thought correct: we can use sidebar links without caring about penalization ONLY if the blogs are from the same niche? Thanks in advance!

    Link Building | | btqkelvin

  • Hi there, I redesigned a clients website that was very old fashioned and was not responsive. I implemented 301 redirects, kept the content pretty similar, website linking structure very similar - the only things i changed was making the website responsive, improved title tags, added a bit more information, improved the footer and h1 tags etc.. however although clicks are fairly similar search impressions have dropped about 60% on average over the past week. The old site had some keywords linking to pages with no new content so i removed those as seemed like black hat seo tricks and also there was a huge list of "locations we deliver to" on the homepage followed by around 500 citys/towns I removed this. Could this be the cause for the drop? as i assumed those would do more harm than good? Fairly new with SEO as you can probably tell. Looking for advice on what may be the cause and what steps I should take now. Thanks for reading! duGeW

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | binkez32

  • Hi all, Usually we link homepage from all pages. That's definitely a boost for homepage to rank well. Do we need to interlink homepage to the highest? Including links from subdomains or sub directories. Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • Hello, I have a wordpress blog that have more than 10 years old, when I created the blog the permalink had the date included. Example: Do you guys think is it worth the risk of changing my url escructure to remove the date ? Ofcourse I would do the 301 redirects and such... What I want to know if this will have any significant SEO advantage considering Google evolved so much ?
    Thank you very much for reading my question 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Glinski

  • I make a living off my site, so everytime I have to make a critical decision on SEO, I have a lot of fear that I could make things worse and lose everything. I can find solutions here and google, but there always a lot of different opinions, so I was thinking in hiring someone to pick his brain and do what he/she thinks its best in my case. What do you guys think about this ? Do you have someone to recommend ? That you see his work with good results ? I have a wordpress blog (micro businnes), so my budget is not big.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Glinski

  • Why is the AMP tool saying there's missing or invalid structured data on when the structured data tool shows no errors? In addition, I'm not able to see a preview of the rich card in the AMP tool like I can for other recipes like If you check in the AMP tool, we get this message: "Page has valid structured data. This page is eligible for extended AMP features." Google has instructions on how to get rich cards for recipes (, but i'm not sure if we're violating anything other than image aspect ratio. Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | dianedragan

  • Hi MOZ community! Could you please help me with the issue? I have implemented Organization Schema on the website. But according to the structure I can not markup data once. So now I have 2 Items for a Organization schema on a page. The questions are: 1. Does Google consider both of them? 2. Is that OK to have a few Items for one type of schema on the page? Thank you

    Technical SEO | | juicefromtheraw1

  • I'm having issues on my site with mobile and desktop speeds.  Both are under 35, which is very poor.  This is due mostly from photo's being too large.  My question is, in order to make the site look right the height of the pixel is 750 in all pics, in order to evenly line up.  How do you speed up the pages without changing how things will look on the photos being lined up correctly?  This is a Shopify site.

    Image & Video Optimization | | ThreeDrops

  • I am working with a client in the dental space that has an existing (11 year old) website for his practice. His domain is tied to his last name, which he would like to get away from because he plans to sell the practice in the next couple years. Backstory: Prior to taking him on, he was working with an SEO agency out of India that were built him quite an ugly backlink profile. Once we discovered it, we immediately notified him about the risk of a penalty if left alone. He was riding high in Google SERP's so of course, it was of no concern to him. Needless to say about a year ago he was inducted into Google's "manual penalty club" for suspicious links. His site vanished in Google and all! Hooray! But no, not really... We met with him to discuss the options, suggesting we clean up his backlink profile, then submit for reconsideration. Based on the time we told him it could take to make progress and be back up and running, he wasn't very excited about that approach. He said he wanted us to rebuild a new site, with a new domain and start fresh. In addition, he wanted keep his original site live since it is tied to his already thriving practice. To sum it all up, his goal is to keep what he has live since his customers are accustom to using his existing (penalized) website. While building a new brand/website that he can use to build a cleaner backlink profile and rank in Google as well as to sell off down the line without having his name tied to the practice. Question: Being that he has an existing site with the company NAP info throughout and the new site will also have the same NAP (just a different domain/brand), is there a "best way" to approach this? The content on the new site would be completely unique. I understand this approach is iffy but in his situation it makes sense to some extent. Any feedback or ideas on how to best handle having two sites running for the same dental practice? If any part of my question is confusing or you need further details to help make a suggestion, please fire away and I will be happy to give as much detail as possible. Thanks Mozzers!

    Local Website Optimization | | Bryan_Loconto

  • I've been thinking about this as I go through my daily link building activities for clients. Do we really know as much as we hope/think we do about how Google values inbound links, which links actually matter, and how much these link signals play into rankings? For example, does Google REALLY value the fact that a business is paying to sponsor a local sports team, or to join a local chamber? For local businesses, link building is rather difficult because they don't necessarily have the resources or ability to implement ongoing Content Marketing initiatives to earn links naturally. How can we be sure that the things we recommend actually make a difference? I had my family real estate business featured in almost a dozen articles as expert sources, with links from authoritative sites like and others. Does Google distinguish between a profile link on a site like vs. being featured as an expert source on home page news? Just second guessing a lot of this today. Anyone can to share thoughts and insights?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RickyShockley

  • A week ago, I took a canonical off of a page that was pointing to the homepage for a very big, generic search term for my brand as we felt that it could have been harming our rankings (as it wasn't a true canonical page). A week in and our rankings for the term have dropped 7 positions out of page 1 and the page we want to rank instead is nowhere to be seen. Do I hang fire? As such a big search term, it's affecting traffic, but I don't want to make any rash decisions. Here's a bit more info: For arguments sake, let's call the search term we're going after 'Boots', with the URL where the canonical was placed of /boots. The canonical went to the root domain as we sell, well... boots. At the time, the homepage was ranking for Boots on page 1 and we wanted to change this so that the Boots page ranked for that term... all logical right? We did the following: Took off mentions of Boots from meta on the homepage and made sure it was optimised for on the boots page. Took the canonical off of /boots. Used GSC to fetch & ask Google to recrawl "/boots". Resubmitted the sitemap. Do I hang fire on running back to the safety of ranking for boots on the homepage? Do I risk keyword cannibalisation by adding the search terms back to the homepage?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kelly_Edwards

  • I manage an e-commerce website which asks a new user for his/her city by throwing up a pop-up. Please check yourself by visiting Will this pop-up have any effect on the seo?

    Technical SEO | | Furseo

  • Hi, 
    What's the best way to avoid different language sub-domains competing with each other in SERPs (en.domainname, dk.domainname etc.) when using the same branded keywords across each domain? The site uses a mix of branded and non-branded keywords, but the branded ones come up A LOT, across many different pages and across all the language subdomains so I'm worried about keyword cannibalization and over-optimization. Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks,

    International SEO | | hollie.r.m

  • We have the popular brands that we sell listed on our homepage. We currently have them in just plain text at the moment but we want to know if it would be best to: Leave them in plain text Link each to the most relevant page on our website Link each out to the actual brands website Link some to internal page, others out to brands website, some blank Not have a list of brands We do have a webpage that lists all of our brands but there are hundreds we carry so we narrowed down the 40 most popular known brands that people will be looking for on the homepage. Thanks for your help!

    On-Page Optimization | | petsofoz

  • Hi, I'm working with a Shopify site that has about 10x more URLs in Google's index than it really ought to. This equals thousands of urls bloating the index. Shopify makes it super easy to make endless new collections of products, where none of the new collections has any new content... just a new mix of products. Over time, this makes for a ton of duplicate content. My response, aside from making other new/unique content, is to select some choice collections with KW/topic opportunities in organic and add unique content to those pages. At the same time, noindexing the other 90% of excess collections pages. The thing is there's evidently no method that I could find of just uploading a list of urls to Shopify to tag noindex. And, it's too time consuming to do this one url at a time, so I wrote a little script to add a noindex tag (not nofollow) to pages that share various identical title tags, since many of them do. This saves some time, but I have to be careful to not inadvertently noindex a page I want to keep. Here are my questions: Is this what you would do? To me it seems a little crazy that I have to do this by title tag, although faster than one at a time. Would you follow it up with a deindex request (one url at a time) with Google or just let Google figure it out over time? Are there any potential negative side effects from noindexing 90% of what Google is already aware of? Any additional ideas? Thanks! Best... Mike

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | 94501

  • I watched the Whiteboard Friday Video about this, but didn't hear it deal with directories exclusively. Should an online only store use online directories- and if so, how? Would there be a NAP involved?

    Local Listings | | Edward_Sturm

  • Hello Everyone, So we have a site ( but one of our competitors has a very similar brand name and domain ( They’re similar enough that could be confused by users and search engines and target the same topics. When you do a manual brand search they would come up and both have about the same Domain Authority. Assuming we can’t have them take their site down do any of you have any thoughts on how we could potentially measure potential impact they might be having or ideas on how best to approach this? Our thought was to track what they are and are not doing so we could do it at a higher level or fill in what’s missing. We would also emphasize differences with an emphasis on local optimization (they’re in a different area). We would love to be able to have some concrete data on whether they’re having an impact so thought we would find out if any of you have any experience or insight? Any help would be very much appreciated. Please let us know if there’s any further details we could provide that might help. Looking forward to hearing from all of you! Thanks in advance. Best,

    Branding | | Ben-R

  • Hi Community! We have been having an ongoing internal discussion on user behavior data as a ranking signal. We found this Moz article discussing the topic and it leaves us asking questions such as: What onsite user behavior metrics are being used (if any)? How exactly is Google collecting this information - Chrome? Google Analytics (which they have already claimed GA is not used for ranking purposes)? With privacy policies in place, how exactly is Google able to utilize this information? The article discusses Google patents for collecting this information (The Monitoring Engine), Chrome's MetricsService which is "a system in charge of the acquisition and transmission of user log data", as well as the Reasonable Surfer model. Some highlights from the article include: "Google has designed and patented a system in charge of collecting and processing of user behaviour data. They call it "the monitoring engine" "Google's client behavior data processor can retrieve client-side behavior data associated with a web page. This client-side behavior data can then be used to help formulate a ranking score for the article." The monitoring engine can: Distinguish whether the user is actually viewing an article, such as a web page, or whether the web page has merely been left active on the client device while the user is away from the client. Monitor a plurality of articles associated with one or more applications and create client-side behavior data associated with each article individually. Determine client-side behavior data for multiple user articles and ensure that the client-side behavior data associated with an article can be identified with that particular article. Transmit the client-side behavior data, together with identifying information that associates the data with a particular article to which it relates, to the data store for storage in a manner that preserves associations between the article and the client behaviors. MetricsService: "Chrome's MetricsService is a system in charge of the acquisition and transmission of user log data. Transmitted histograms contain very detailed records of user activities, including opened/closed tabs, fetched URLs, maximized windows, et cetera." “Reasonable surfer” is the random surfer's successor. The PageRank dampening factor reflects the original assumption that after each followed link, our imaginary surfer is less likely to click on another random link, resulting in an eventual abandonment of the surfing path. Most search engines today work with a more refined model encompassing a wider variety of influencing factors. In addition to perceived importance from on-page signals, a search engine may judge link popularity by observing common user choices. A link on which users click more within a page can carry more weight than the one with less clicks. Google in particular mentions user click behaviour monitoring in the context of balancing out traditional, more manipulative signals (e.g. links). I do not expect a concrete answer here, I know there is a lot of uncertainty on the topic but I am very interested to hear your thoughts. Thank you!

    Search Behavior | | Joe_Stoffel

  • I manage a site and this past month have noticed some pretty significant drops in rankings for some of our main keywords. I'm trying to understand why and what I can do to correct it. We did do some 301 redirects a little over a month ago so I've been wondering if that has anything to do with it as Google indexes the new URLs. One thing I did notice in Moz is that it is showing that Google is indexing the new URLs but associating them with the wrong keywords in the wrong location. The company services three locations and each location has a service page on the site. But Moz is showing that in Atlanta, the indexed URL is the Nashville one, etc. Is there any way to affect that? Another thing to note is that organic search traffic is actually up so it doesn't appear to be affecting them which I find a bit strange. Just looking for any insight as to things I should be looking into to explain the sudden drops. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | maghanlinchpinsales

  • My client is looking to improve their SEO, and to date I've written meta data and made some initial recommendations. Thing is, on some of their pages, the body copy appears at the bottom of the page, past links and big, splashy images. My question is, will search engines even see that copy to crawl it for keywords? Thanks!

    Web Design | | MarcieHill

  • Hi. all, is content website. our search traffic always shows a dip on weekend (friday to sunday), anyone has idea why it is like this?  and is there a solution to this? or this is a just normal? Thank you.

    Reporting & Analytics | | melvinwu

  • hello, guys, at the moment we have 3 websites, basically, the websites have the same content and appearance. we got UK website, New Zealand web site and USA website for the different business purpose. I have some questions about multisite for SEO, with similar content, will it harm website ranking? if it is bad, what should we do to deal with multisite? thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kelvinbongcn85

  • Hi Our site has a lot of similar/lower quality product pages which aren't a high priority - so these probably won't get looked at in detail to improve performance as we have over 200,000 products . Some of them do generate a small amount of revenue, but an article I read suggested no-indexing pages which are of little value to improve site performance & overall structure. I wanted to find out if anyone had done this and what results they saw? Will this actually improve rankings of our focus areas? It makes me a bit nervous to just block pages so any advice is appreciated 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hi all, We have many pages which are help guides to our features. These pages do not have anymore outgoing links (internal / external). We haven't linked as these are already 4th level pages and specific about particular topic. So these are technically dead end pages. Do these pages really hurt us? We need to link to some other pages? Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • Hi There, We've got two crawl issues for pages that don't exist (and never existed). The links are strange and judging by the code in them, appear to be coming from our own CMS. How can we see which pages the links are on in Moz? Cheers Ben

    Getting Started | | cmscss

  • In Australia, some businesses are Pty Ltd (Proprietary Limited) hence, their business name ends with xxx Pty Ltd. How accurate do we have to be when building citations or updating citations that Pty Ltd is included in the business name? We've got clients who have left out Pty Ltd in their previously built citations and we're wondering if it's worth the time to actually update them to include Pty Ltd. Also, does changing a business name affect its rankings? This is more than just "Pty Ltd", it's changing from XYZ to ABC. We've previously had to change a client's address on their GMB and this had a negative effect on the client's rankings. Will changing the business name have an adverse effect? Thank you in advance for your advices!

    Local Listings | | Gavo

  • Hi, I've just noticed a few back links in Google Search Console, I was excited. But when I saw the backlinks, 2 other websites that had completely copied my content and then gave a backlink to my website. Is this bad for SEO and would google penalise my website for this?

    Link Building | | thinkLukeSEO

  • On June 8th we ran a Moz Crawl on our site. We found 144 pages that were flagged with duplicate content.
    Again on June 13th we ran another moz crawl on our site and found 137 pages that were flagged with duplicate content. Then one final scan on June 22nd with 161 pages of duplicate content. After comparing the 3 different scans I see that, without making any changes, pages that were not flagged as duplicate content are now being flagged as duplicate content. While at the same time, pages that were originally flagged as duplicate content are now no longer showing up with duplicate content. I could understand if we made some changes to these pages but no changes were made. For example: On the 8th this page was flagged as duplicate content -
    On the 13th and 22nd it was not flagged as duplicate content but no changes were made to that page. For reference it was flagged as duplicate content with the following page: This page was also Not changed or altered between between these dates. In addition, when Moz scans our site through our campaign every Friday the results do not match what we see when we do a manual scan. Moz's weekly scan only reveals 14 pages with duplicate content as opposed to the numbers you see above. Why such inconsistencies in the Moz Scans?

    Moz Bar | | StickyLife

  • We launched our website less than a year ago. We had another domain name and business name. I created 301s from the old domain to the new domain, that are still in place now. We are in the process of restructuring our current site which would result in pages getting a new title and URL to match. Essentially it would look something like this:
    -- --> --> I recently checked the analytics and it looks like we are still getting traffic redirected from the old domain. What is the best way to handle these redirects? Should I redirect a redirect?

    Web Design | | MAVENTRI

  • Hi Guys, We have a Business to Business Software Website. We are Global business but mainly operate in Ireland, UK and USA. I would like your input on best practice for domain set-up for best SEO results in local markets. Currently we have: (no market specified) and now we are creating: (Ireland) (united kingdom) (united states) My question is mainly based on the website - should we create for the US market OR just use for the US the market? If the decision is should we build links to the directory or the main .com website. To summarize there is two questions: 1. Advise on domain set-up 2. Which site to build links to if is the decision. Thank you in advance, Glen.

    Local Website Optimization | | DigitalCRO

  • There are a few business blogs that I'm currently updating - include more details, information, case studies, statistics etc. The blog was originally published in September of 2016. Once I make the changes, do I keep the same original date or do I change the date to the day that i've uploaded the new information? Example:
    Original Published date: September 2016
    Updated Blog: June 2017. What date should the blog display? Thank you.

    Content Development | | Kdruckenbrod

  • I have a UK-based client, with a global product,  who wants his website optimised for the same keywords in Google US and Google UK. Should I treat this as two separate jobs in any way or does it make no difference? I'm particularly wondering about link building and onsite optimisation

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | markwes

  • the business filing with the Secretary of State is a name of an individual (e.g. Matthew Smith, M.D.). This is on reflected on Localeze and such. However, the business is operating under a name "Healthy Body and Minds Clinic", which is the Facebook, Google My Business, and website name and info. So, how is it best to get consistency in NAP with the two different business names being used? (Ideally, no change in State registration or filing for a DBA). Thanks much! One idea I have seen is to include both and separate them by a colon. As in "Healthy Body and Minds Clinic : Matthew Smith, M.D." I appreciate any suggestions or tips to help.  Thanks.

    Reviews and Ratings | | Marky_Mark

  • Hi All, Looking for some views/opinions on this one, my question is "What would you expect an SEO agency to have delivered for a single client over a 6 month period with a budget of £12k?" I appreciate that its fairly open ended and very subjective not knowing the site/circumstances but is there a general consensus or minimum you'd expect to have seen delivered for example x number of backlinks, x number pieces of content created, technical improvements made etc etc. Any steer, views or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Jon

    SEO Learn Center | | Jon-S

  • Why is google still looking at my old indexed pages and not my new index. ? Why are they crawling my old website links when none of them are available? How do I overcome these problems?

    Web Design | | optimalspaces

  • Hi everyone, I know that variations if this question have been asked on this forum and have been answered by Google also. Google's response seems to be clear that "Websites that provide content for different regions and in different languages sometimes create content that is the same or similar but available on different URLs. This is generally not a problem as long as the content is for different users in different countries." This was our approach when launching a new website recently to coincide with us opening a new office in Auckland. Our original site is still our site. We went with a new domain name over a sub directory or sub domain for the reasons in the same Google article. After launching the NZ site in February and steadily growing some rankings, we've noticed in the last week or so a drastic drop in our keyword rankings (and traffic) for no apparent reason. There are no apparent issues in Search Console or with the Moz Site Crawl, so I'm wondering what's going on? I know rankings can fluctuate widely, especially when you're not on page 1 (which we're not) but the sudden and drastic drop did concern me. Currently, our AUS site's content is basically being replicated on the NZ site (e.g. blog posts, about us, company history, etc.). I just wanted to bounce it off you all to see whether you think it could be the "duplicate content" on the NZ site, or could it be something else? I'd really appreciate your input! Cheers, Nathan

    Technical SEO | | reichey

  • Hi Guys, Have a site which ends ?v=6cc98ba2045f for all its URLs. Example: Just wondering does Google ignore what is after the ?. Also any ideas what that is? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CarolynSC

  • Hello, our client wants to place an iPad in their foyer where they invite customers to review via Google / Facebook.  My concern is that having too many reviews from the same IP (and esp the business' IP) will look suspicious to Google (be it now, or in the future when the algorithm changes). Do you think Google collect the IP's of reviews? Any thoughts?

    Social Media | | E2E

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