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  • We have a new client and they don't have meta descriptions yet. However, Google has assigned descriptions for them now appearing on the SERPs. The problem is that Google added a phone number that's totally not the client's and goes to a different unrelated business. Our plan is to update the meta to reflect the correct information, however, we're just perplexed as to how Google came up with the incorrect phone number. Where does it get its information from? The page currently has all the correct phone number, hours, and content. I've read that Google sometimes also doesn't recognise our meta descriptions if it thinks they could serve up a better one. My next question is, what if Google insists on showing the incorrect phone number. Is there a way we can fix this? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | nhhernandez

  • Hello, I'm trying to make sure I give a potential client the correct advice. This person is an attorney whose current site ranks well. The site deals solely with his traffic ticket defense practice. He's considering building a new site to highlight his personal injury practice but is unsure whether to build an altogether new site or redesign his current site in such a way that it includes his personal injury practice along side his traffic ticket defense practice. Obviously he doesn't want to lose his current rankings, but my concern is that he'll actually dilute his rankings somewhat with the multiple sites. Both practices have pretty different sets of keywords they would need to rank for, with pretty different difficulty levels. Any advice? Thanks.

    Web Design | | lawfather

  • I currently have a page that ranks pretty well for X City and is optimized for X City. However, I now want to change the strategy and set up the Home page for State and build X, Y and Z City pages under it. But I want to make sure that when I set the X City page, I somehow transfer the rankings from the home page to this page. I was wondering what the best way would be? One idea was to put a canonical tag on the home page to point to X City page until it at least gets on the first page or so. Then remove the canonical tag and start separate efforts for Home Page for State and X City page for the city. Please suggest if any other ideas.

    Local SEO | | Local128

  • Hi Mozers, my question is, if there is a web based email that goes to subscribers, then if they click on a link it lands on a Wordpress page with very similar content, will Google penalize us for duplicate content? If so is the best workaround to make the email no index no follow? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | CalamityJane77

  • Hi all, I recently updated some markup on my site about a week ago.  However, when using the structured data testing tool and inserting the URL of the page that was updated with the schema, I see that the schema being recognized does not reflect the updated markup. However, when I use the structured data testing tool again and insert the code I used for the schema, I see no errors and all info was implemented properly. Any idea why my updates (which seem to be correct based on my code) are not reflecting when testing the URL of my site via structured data testing tool?  Is there some delay for this data to update? Any insight would be much appreciated.  Thanks all in advance! Best,

    Technical SEO | | hdeg

  • What is this that I am seeing in the Google SERPs? It's a bank of 3 separate articles from one site, but they are grouped together like an organic listing. Checkout the link to see what I'm talking about

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MJTrevens

  • Hi everyone, We have a new content marketing site that allows anyone to publish checklists. Each checklist is being indexed by Google, but Google is not storing a cached version of any of our checklists. Here's an example: Missing Cache: Why is this happening? How do we fix it? Is this hurting the SEO of our website.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Checkli

  • Hi guys, due to some changes to our category pages our paginated urls will change so they will look like this: ...category/bagger/2?q=Bagger&startDate=26.06.2017&endDate=27.06.2017 You see they include a query parameter as well as a start and end date which will change daily. All URLs with pagination are on noindex/follow. I am worrying that the products which are linked from the category pages will not get crawled well when the URLs on which they are linked from change on a daily basis. Do you have some experience with this? Are there other things we need to worry about with these pagination URLs? cheers

    Technical SEO | | JKMarketing

  • Hey guys, I'm auditing a website at the moment and Moz is showing a few spammy links linking to it. The problem is these domains are all 301 redirecting to the domain I'm auditing. Let's say I'm auditing Site A. Site B is been flagged in Moz OSE with 12 spam flags. When I try to open Site B in a browser, it redirects back to Site A. What's the best thing to do, here? Disavowing domains redirecting to the site is surely a bad idea? Cheers.

    Link Building | | BrianYork-AIM

  • Hello All, For my ecommerce site approx more than 30k products I have. In Google Analytic approx daily for few products approx 10-15 products bounce rate show 300%, 200%, 150%, 140%, 125% how? and what is the solution? Product page daily change. Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | Johny12345

  • I've read that PBN's have been targetted by Google and a recent update may have been brought out targeting these.  I was going to search for an expired domain with good backlink profile in a similar sort of niche to me.  I was going to buy that domain and build a mini website.  I would have registered with a paid shared host of £2-3 per month and have it as a site of its own.  Then when ranked on Google so i know its not blacklisted I'd link one link back to my money site.  I cant see how Google would be able to penalise this.  Im presuming a PBN is a large network of these that are used to link to multiple sites rather than doing what I was planning. Is it a good idea to use the tactic I was going to use or am I asking for trouble?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | paulfoz1609

  • I've read somewhere that "Request a Quote" can sometimes put people off a little bit and that Ill be better having "Get Price".  Were an installation service company.  I cna have a PRicing page were the customer can fill some information and be provided with a price on the website.  Would this be a better option than having a request a quote page? Has anyone had any positive or negative experience with this strategy?

    Content Development | | paulfoz1609

  • Can I use a shortened version of our company name for local search or does it need to match the name registered at companies house exactly?

    Local Listings | | paulfoz1609

  • Ive checked with the Moz Local and put my company name in.  theres two listings showing up Ones verified but is in a slightly wrong format - it says Street Name, Unit Number, Town, Post Code The other ones not verified but correct - its unit number, street name town, post code Will I need to edit the verified one to make it the correct format like it is on companies house and with Royal Mail?  Or can I use the none verified version?

    Local Listings | | paulfoz1609

  • Hi, So our homepage is not even at top 5 pages interlinked most. I could see a ranking drop even when other pages overtaken homepage in internal linking. Homepage is the highest priority page we are expected to rank for our primary keyword. So, not linking homepage internally high but giving importance to other pages confuses Google and outrank homepage in rankings? Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • Hi Guys, Noticed this recently, for the keyword "granny flat prices" on Google Australia. See screenshot: Any ideas why Google is showing a 257 character description like this? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CarolynSC

  • A new clients site is blocked by a lot of Firewalls. And I can't work out why, the content is family friendly they sell nursery equipment. I've run it through the Google checker and there is no malicious software found on the site. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to get this site unblocked? The url is

    Technical SEO | | Marketing_Optimist

  • I've just taken on a new client and on first look at their Google Analytics they are getting a bounce rate between 7% and 0%. Frankly I'm amazed if this is correct as between 1 April 2017 and 21 June 2017 they've driven 6403 session to the site from a range of referrers as well as AdWords (which has a 0% bounce rate), so traffic is pretty good. I've never seen such a low bounce rate which is making me suspicious, what can I do to check it's all recording properly? Any other ideas or have I found a near perfect site in terms of bounce? The url is

    Reporting & Analytics | | Marketing_Optimist

  • We have went back and forth on this and wanted to get some outside input.  I work for an online listing website that has classified ads on it.  These ads are generated by companies on our site advertising weekend events around the country. We have about 10,000 companies that use our service to generate their online ads. This means that we have thousands of pages being created each week. The ads have lots of content: pictures, sale descriptions, and company information. After the ads have expired, and the sale is no longer happening, we are currently placing the in the heads of each page. The content is not relative anymore since the ad has ended. The only value the content offers a searcher is the images (there are millions on expired ads) and the descriptions of the items for sale.  We currently are the leader in our industry and control most of the top spots on Google for our keywords. We have been worried about cluttering up the search results with pages of ads that are expired.  In our Moz account right now we currently have over 28k crawler warnings alerting us to the  being in the page heads of the expired ads. Seeing those warnings have made us nervous and second guessing what we are doing. Does anybody have any thoughts on this? Should we continue with placing the  in the heads of the expired ads, or should we be allowing search engines to index the old pages.  I have seen websites with discontinued products keeping the products around so that individuals can look up past information. This is the closest thing have seen to our situation. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated! -Matt

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mellison

  • I know that best practice is to keep your domain short, but is there an actual suggested character ballpark when coming up with one? Any thoughts are appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | AliMac26

  • I'm trying to get the star ratings to appear next to our client's website in google search results.  Here is the url: I believe I have it setup correctly but am unsure why the stars don't appear: structure data test here I pulled the rating value and count from Facebook.  Not sure if it has to be Google reviews or if FB will work as well.  Anybody have any thoughts here?

    Reviews and Ratings | | a_toohill

  • Hi MOZ'ers, I'm wondering what the impact of different TLD backlinks is for same language pages. For example: we're on a website that has a German national TLD .de. We're earning backlinks and they are coming from .de as well as .ch (Switzerland) or .at (Austria) pages. What would be more desirable, and how big would you consider the difference? Looking forward to hearing your responses 🙂 Justen

    Link Building | | Justen_H

  • Hi Moz-ers, Currently doing an audit of our website. I have two questions on links. How can I see the current state of my internal links? Also, how can I improve our internal links on the website? what is a good framework to follow what should I avoid Thanks, looking forward to learning more on Moz! 

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Eric_S

  • Hi, We are implementing alt tag's for our website. We are wondering if it is handy to implement alt tag's for thumbinal pictures? Kind regards, Jeroen

    Image & Video Optimization | | chalet

  • Have seen a fairly substantial drop in Google search console, I'm still looking into it comparing things, but does anyone know if there's been a Google updates within the past few days?  Or has anyone else noticed anything? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoman10

  • Hi Guys Got a warning on a crawl today "Your page is redirecting to a page that is redirecting to a page that is redirecting to a page... and so on." In GWMT it is set to www. and also back-end in my server. I also have an SSL deployed and in my htaccess the rule is added to ensure all pages got to SSL. Any of you guys have advice regarding the best route to go or should I "IGNORE" this warning as all other aspects are clocking 95%+? Thanks in advance Daren

    Technical SEO | | Daren-WebSupportLab

  • Hello I am doing a SEO auditing for a website which only has a few pages. I have no cPanel credentials, no FTP no Wordpress admin account, just watching it from the outside. The site works, the Moz crawler didn't report any problem, I can reach every  page from the menu. The problem is that - except for the few actual pages - no matter what you type after the domain name, you always reach the home page and don't get any 404 error. I.E. Http:// (there is no such a page, but i don't get 404 error, the home is displayed and the  url in the browser remains Http://, so it's not a 301 redirect). Http:// (same) Could this be an important SEO issue (i.e. resulting in infinite amount of duplicate content pages )? Do you think I should require the owner to prevent this from happening? Should I look into the .htaccess file to fix it ? Thank you Mozers!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DoMiSoL

  • Hello Moz Team, I would like to implement AMP for my single blog post not on whole blog. Is it possible? if Yes then How? Note - I am already using GTM for my website but I would like to use for my blog post only and my blog is like - me clarify Blog Post means - Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Johny12345

  • Hey community, We noticed, that our meta's are cutted after much lesser characters then it used to. Mainly after 130-135. Did i miss something? Should we basically consider to write meta's constantly with lesser then 130 characters instead of the advised 160 characters? Cheers, Boris

    On-Page Optimization | | posthumus

  • Hello All, Which are the latest icons' dimensions for IOS, Andorid and windows home screens? Can you please guide me and way form implementing it? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Johny12345

  • Hi Experts, I am implementing J-son Schema via tagmanager. For my blog category page i have many blog post listed so now I have to use blog posting at category page via tag manager so can anyone guide me how to implement? Hope you are getting my question. Like my blog site  - a) b) blog category - d) Blog Post - my-favourite-dress. My query is at this page - many blog post listed. So I have to implement for all post "@type": "BlogPosting" via tagmanager so how to do that? Without tag manager I know how to implement via loop but via tag manger dont know? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Johny12345

  • In Australia, I hear it over and over again that Wix is literally the worst site builder you can use due to it's poor site build for SEO. Has anyone here got some tangible reasons for why this is? As I am constantly getting asked this by clients who are using Wix and want me to help with their SEO.

    On-Page Optimization | | UndergrndMarketing

  • Hi My client has 2 websites that after moving them to SSL the number of links to your site in the search console increased in 10s of thousands. What can be the reasons?

    Technical SEO | | digital1974

  • Hi all, Quick question.  I'm trying to update my sitemap via Google Search Console using a sitemap.xml file that I've created with ScreamingFrog.  However, when trying to submit it, it seems that Google only allows sitemaps that are located at a path within your domain (i.e. as opposed to being able to directly upload a sitemap.xml file.Is there any way that I can easily upload my sitemap.xml file?  Or is there any easy way that I can upload the file to a path on my domain so I can upload via the URL?Any insight would be much appreciated!Best,Sung

    Technical SEO | | hdeg

  • Hi folks, I'm moving a digital magazine of mine, which has a great deal of authority (DA53!) to a new domain, which is much more brandable. I'm curious if Moz ever passes the actual DA/PA numbers to the new domain. Does the tool pick this up, eventually? I know once the domain is switched, DA will show a "1" -- as the domain is brand new, technically. This is NOT a question about authority/link juice being passed, but rather the numbers being displayed by Open Site Explorer. Some authors do look at Moz DA as an indicator of a sites "power" before applying for authorship, so I'm trying to find a way to move to a more brandable domain, while keeping the OSE stats in place. If it's not possible, I'll have to live with it 🙂 Any input? Thanks everyone!

    Link Explorer | | avilawebfirm

  • Moz crawler is crawling all pages like this: Last month it crawled 80,000 pages on a site with less than 100 pages. Is there a way to select only certain pages to be crawled? Right  now it is still crawling this site, since Monday morning and it's Tuesday mid-day.  Every Monday it is causing time-outs from high band width on our server. Just getting ready to delete this client from the account unless there is a solution someone can give us. Thanks.

    Moz Bar | | adirondack

  • hi i'm very new in seo want to have links to my how i can get links to my website?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | marketing66

  • We are currently handling search for a global brand which has presence in many countries worldwide. To help Google understand that there is an alternate version of the website available in another language, we have used “hreflang” tags. Also, there is a mother website ( which is given the attribution of “x-default” in the “hreflang” tag. For Malaysia as a geolocation, the mother website is ranking instead of the local website ( for majority of the products. The code used for “hreflang” tag execution, on a product page, being: These “hreflang” tags are also present in the XML sitemap of the website, mentioning them below: <loc></loc> <lastmod>2017-06-20</lastmod> Is this implementation of “hreflang” tags fine? As this implementation is true across all geo-locations, but the mother website is out-ranking me only in the Malaysia market. If the implementation is correct, what could be other reasons for the same ranking issue, as all other SEO elements have been thoroughly verified and they seem fine.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Starcom_Search

  • Hi, in page recommondation I get a "Acoid Multiple Page Tile Elements" Fix. Make sure your page has only one <title>tag. </span><em>"Web pages are meant to have a single title, and for both accessibility and search engine optimization reasons, we strongly recommend following this practice"</em></p> <p>Well I'm trying....I am not able to find where og why I have multiple titles in this page?</p> <p>This is a norwegian page, but maybe someone can look through it?</p> <p></p></title>

    On-Page Optimization | | Marked_Proplan

  • If you run an online business, just how important is citation building? Our client does not want to disclose her physical home address from where she operates and the campaign does not consist of any local keywords. Should we then focus on link building and growing the site's DA instead? As well as getting onpage elements optimised. Many thanks in advance for your input!

    Local SEO | | Gavo

  • I've linked to some screenshots so that it what I'm talking about makes more sense. Sometimes, when I perform a search, I see an article with the correct article title listed as the page title in the SERPs. Other times, I see the wrong page title – it's a generic somethin' or other done by my client's web design company with a bunch of keywords thrown in. The latter (not the correct article title) also appears at the top of the browser tab for every article on my client's site. I know this is bad, but what can be done about it? This would never happen if my client used Wordpress or some easily modifiable CMS, but they're using a proprietary one maintained by the group that designed the website. open?id=0BxB_dYL1ylGgVVF1dHlwdXp2dFU open?id=0BxB_dYL1ylGgdWJjdlJoRlRIR00

    Technical SEO | | Greenery

  • We are experiencing unknown server issues (we think) which are causing Soft 404/500 errors at unpredictable times on 2 websites. When we check on the pages, they’re fine but still show errors in Moz/Search Console. What are some measures we can take to protect from this or figure out what is causing this? Example URL for Soft 404 Error: Example URL for 500 Error: Example URL for Soft 404 Error: Example URL for 500 Error:

    Technical SEO | | StaffingRobot

  • The site in question was hacked years ago. All the security scans come up clean but the seo crawlers like semrush and ahrefs still show it as an indexed page. I can even click through on it and it takes me to the homepage with no 301. Where is the page and how to deindex it? domain/com/?spam There are multiple instances of this.

    Technical SEO | | Miamirealestatetrendsguy

  • I was wondering how old the 404 data from Google Search Console actually is? Does anyone know over what kind of timespan their site 404s data is compiled over? How long do the 404s tend to take to disappear from the Google Search Console, once they are fixed?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | McTaggart

  • I have put the time in to review all our business listings and updated it individually. Are there more advantages in using Moz Local besides the convenience? For those that use it, what else have you found to be beneficial? Would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks,

    Moz Local | | Eric_S

  • A client which is part of a group of businesses all within one industry but have different purposes has come to us aith a "brilliant idea" that they all have a blog on their website that links to every business within their group.  We are pretty sure that this will be seen as "black hat" by Google, but just wanted to see what you all thought?  Thanks!

    Link Building | | RedAntSolutions

  • We use the MozBar tool to easily check what links are follow or no-follow. However, when we entered in this URL: and we clicked on "edit" > "follow" within the MozBar tool in Google Chrome, if you scroll down to "Featured image courtesy of ", you'll noticed that the link doesn't show whether it's a follow or not. Can someone clarify if MozBar sees links with no indication of follow/no follow as a follow? We look at the URL itself and it doesn't have any indication of no follow. Would love to get someone's feedback on this.

    Moz Local | | seo--team-jlck

  • My website has several pages with a lot of text that becomes pretty boring. I'm looking at shortening down the amount of copy on each page but then within the updated, shortened copy, integrating more target keywords naturally. Will shortening down the current copy have a negative effect on my SEO performance?

    On-Page Optimization | | Liquid2015

  • Hi all, We have help pages as sub-directory which have been linked from our website pages (3 clicks depth). But these pages are not well optimised with minor issues like header tags, image alts, etc...Moreover some of these pages are dead-end pages. Will these things hurt us? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

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