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  • I’m having a problem … the wrong page is indexing with Google, for search phrases “not on that page”. Explained … On a website I developed, I have four products. For example sake, we’ll say these four products are: Sneakers  (search phrase:  sneakers) Boots  (search phrase:  boots) Sandals  (search phrase:  sandals) High heels  (search phrase:  high heels) Error: What is going “wrong” is … When the search phrase “high heels” is indexed by Google, my “Sneakers” page is being indexed instead (and ranking very well, like #2). The page that SHOULD be indexing, is the “High heels” page (not the sneakers page – this is the wrong search phrase, and it’s not even on that product page – not in URL, not in H1 tags, not in title, not in page text – nowhere, except for in the top navigation link). Clue #1 … this same error is ALSO happening for my other search phrases, in exactly the same manner. i.e. … the search phrase “sandals” is ALSO resulting in my “Sneakers” page being indexed, by Google. Clue #2 … this error is NOT happening with Bing (the proper pages are correctly indexing with the proper search phrases, in Bing). Note 1:  MOZ has given all my product pages an “A” ranking, for optimization. Note 2:  This is a WordPress website. Note 3:  I had recently migrated (3 months ago) most of this new website’s page content (but not the “Sneakers” page – this page is new) from an old, existing website (not mine), which had been indexing OK for these search phrases. Note 4:  301 redirects were used, for all of the OLD website pages, to the new website. I have tried everything I can think of to fix this, over a period of more than 30 days. Nothing has worked. I think the “clues” (it indexes properly in Bing) are useful, but I need help. Thoughts?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MG_Lomb_SEO

  • One of Wordpress sites was hacked (for about 10 hours), and Google picked up 4000+ urls in the index. The site is fixed, but I'm stuck with all those urls in the index. All the urls of of the form: The only bulk removal option I could find was to remove an entire folder, but I can't do that, as it would only leave the homepage and kill off everything else. For some crazy reason, the removal tools doesn't support wildcards, so that obvious solution is right out. So, how do it get rid of 4000 results? And no, waiting around for them to 404 out of the index isn't an option.

    Technical SEO | | MichaelGregory

  • Hello, Are strong tags still beneficial in 2016? A few co-workers feel they look spammy on our site and that they are no longer really used by the search engines. However, we can't find any real significant info for no longer implementing them or saying they're outdated. Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | STP_SEO

  • Ok lets say i am doing local seo in atlanta georgia usa for the keyword "wholesale atlanta ga"  When you search "wholesale atlanta ga" the 1st result is under geo search citations, which has 5 backlinks from 2 referring domains with the highest pa of 26 1. then 1st on organic search with 7 dofollow backlinks with highest pa 43 and from 1 domain 2. I am assuming i just need to get my site submitted to yelp for this backlink, perhaps more citations to outrank. 3. 3rd on serps with 3 dofollow links, highest pa 31, coming from 2 domains So to sum it up, if i wanted to outrank a new website for keyword "wholesale atlanta ga" technically all i would need is 8 dofollows backlinks, pa 44+, 3 referring domains, 2 local citations ? And of course repeat this same process for all of my keywords?, my on-page seo is already optimized

    Reviews and Ratings | | sageb

  • Hi Moz Gurus, I've been trying for over a year now to clean our website from a virus that hit us. This virus created internal links to these spam-  pay day loans, easy loans websites, as well as thousands of external links linking to our domain, and for a while our page redirected to another website. From thousands of links we've managed to get  it down to 300, now to 100 ( changed into 410) URL errors that still appear on google webmaster tools under crawl errors. We had our website on Wordpress, currently we are working manually using FTP access. Looking at Moz Open Site Explorer - 90% of the Anchor text for the Root Domain appear as : easy pay day loans etc. How do I get rid of this? Or what is to do in this case? Does it reflect bad on the SEO that the anchor text is not matching our keywords? Looking forward to your reply. If you wish to look at the website:

    Moz Pro | | monicapopa

  • I just figured out that the MOZ On-Page-Grader can’t render soft hyphen in H1. As an example, if I have an H1 word like “some­time” the On Page Grader don’t find it as a keyword “sometime” in the H1. So my question, is it just a limitation on MOZ or a rule for On Page SEO to avoid soft hyphens in H1? Siggi

    Moz Bar | | Siggi13

  • Hi All, An SEO and Google guidelines question. We've recently purchased several local businesses that have websites. Legally, we've put a disclaimer saying we've purchased those businesses, the question is whether we should link from those sites to our main site. Will this bring a manual action from Google? It's legitimate that we'd like the visitors from those websites come to our main site because those business no longer named the way they were. So, is it OK to link from these sites to ours? Will this violate Google's guidelines regarding backlinking? Should we even link and if so add the rel:nofollow tag? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | OrendaLtd

  • Hi All, I hope someone can assist, We have 2 brands that sell the exact same products.  We have a main and an off brand. We just redeveloped the main brands site and now have to do the off brand (was owned by another company and we acquired them, we then changed their products to match ours). Am I able to pretty much clone the site and just change the branding and rel canonical each page to its original on the main brand?  Granted I will lose rankings but will it be something that will affect anything else? I want to do this so it saves us time in updating products on both sites (and avoids errors in incorrect pricing). Would appreciate some guidance with this one 🙂 Cheers Dave

    Local SEO | | CFCU

  • Hi team, Our new e-commerce website has launched and I've noticed both http and https protocols are being indexed. Our old website was http with only the necessary pages running https (cart, checkout etc). No https pages were indexed and you couldn't access a https page if you manually typed it into the browser. We outrank our competition by a mile, so I'm treading carefully here and don't want to undo the progress we made on the old site, so I have a few questions: 1. How exactly do we remove one protocol from the index? We are running on Drupal. We tried a hard redirect from https to http and excluded the relevant pages (cart, login etc from the redirect), but found that you could still access https pages if you we're in the cart (https) and then pressed back on the browser button for example. At that point you could browse the entire site on https. 2. Is the safer option to emulate what we had in place on the old website e.g http with only the necessary pages being https, rather than making the switch to sitewide https? I've been struggling with this one, so any help would be much appreciated. Jake S

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jacobsheehan

  • Hey, There are few websites such as which regularly copy and paste articles from one of our sites onto theirs - along with all the links back to our site. The sites don't have a high spam score - but I cant imagine these sites serve any purpose (ie genuine readership) other than trying to boost their traffic. At the moment we haven't done anything about these, as they are backlinks after all - but could these sites have a negative impact and should we be asking them to remove? We have even had our content copied and pasted by AGDA (Australian Graphic Design Association) - which is OK as the site has great authority so the links are good, however it's still strange that a large reputable organization would just copy and paste articles without notifying us. Curious to here other experience / opinions on the matter. Cheers!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | wearehappymedia

  • My site was hacked some time ago. I've since then redesigned it and obviously removed all the injection spam. Now I see in search console that I'm getting hundreds of url errors (from the spam links that no longer work). How do I remove them from the search console. The only option I see is "mark as fixed", but obviously they are not "fixed", rather removed. I've already uploaded a new sitemap and fetched the site, as well as submitted a reconsideration request that has been approved.

    Algorithm Updates | | rubennunez

  • Our number of followers on Twitter has suddenly dropped (yet not dropped) in a really weird way. Twitter Analytics shows follower counts in two places: Monthly increases in followers, and then also in the Audience Insights tab, where you can see three months of follower counts mapped in a chart. Month-to-month, the total number of followers continues to rise. What’s inconsistent, however, is the total number of aggregate followers shown in the cart. Twitter just dropped our to total count of followers by about 600. But it’s not like we just suddenly lost 600 followers last month (in fact we gained far more than that), but rather that Twitter seems to have adjusted the aggregate numbers across the board retroactively for all months. So while month-to-month continues to show gains, overall, we still went down. The only way we would have even noticed this, by the way, is because we have a record of the OLD total follower count that Twitter had previously displayed as recently as last month. So confusing. We’re trying to figure out what happened, and the only thing that seems to make sense is that Twitter may have done a huge spam account purge, and instead of making it look like we suddenly lost a lot of followers, they just updated the aggregate total # of followers across all time……? [For the record, we do not buy followers, but we don’t always do the best job at blocking spam followers when the do follow us either.] Any advice would be appreciated, thanks. 🙂

    Social Media | | mirabile

  • Hi amazing Moz community 🙂 Couldn't find this question anywhere, and knew this was the place to ask! We are helping a client redirect an M Dot website to a Responsive Design website. We want to retain our mobile rankings for keywords. Three questions - We should use 301 redirects from the M Dot website to the new website correct? (not 302s?) How long does it take for Google to understand that we have launched a responsive website? Can we remove the 301 redirects after a few days (if the M Dot website interferes/breaks the new Responsive website)? We have verified an account on Google Search Console for the M Dot website, along with a mobile sitemap that has been submitted and verified. What should we do with this M Dot GSC account? Just delete it? Or keep it and upload the NEW XML Sitemap with the new WWW links (because the website is responsive). THANK YOU!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | accpar

  • Scenario: So imagine if LinkedIn turned off their main navigation/header if you landed on your personal profile via a search engine or via an external link. But if you were on LinkedIn when you found it, the navigation remains the same.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mysitesrock

  • We have a blog internally at and also created an external blog at Is it okay to post the same blog posts to both sites or should I have different content for each blog?

    Link Building | | geoff8151

  • Hi everyone I have been looking at removing ads from our videos - I have managed to disable the interest based ones but can't remove the location based ads.Our videos don't have copywritten material either.How can I get these ads removed? Any help would be much appreciated :)Becky

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hi there all, I have a longtime client who got the big sales pitch from Yodle and ended up with a bunch of "marketing magic" items for $1649 a month including but probably not limited to: 1) An SEO package, 2) An Adversite with a keyword stuffed URL (looks like a crappy landing page but it has 3 or 4 pages), 3) a Google Adwords package and 4) a bunch of citation listing management. We already have a website (currently in the midst of a total overhaul) that has ranked pretty well on Google for our industry and we've been working hard on citation clean up/management all along.  We also already have a Google Adwords account that is actually starting to pay off. Essentially, they sold him on things we didn't need with a bunch of talk about algorithyms and how they are winning so many awards and how they could get his phone ringing with 50-60 leads a month, etc. Blah, blah, blah. They were very loud about their "close relationship" with Google which is what I assume got him the most interested. Anyway, we got on the phone with them yesterday because I was really concerned about them wanting access to our Google My Business account and hearing that they would be changing the telephone # to their tracking # and the website address would be changed to the new one they made. I hear that kind of thing and I just think nightmare scenario with NAP stuff which is already a bit of a nightmare due to some other reasons (another story altogether). When I started questioning the support guy (who didn't really want to answer any questions directly), they backed off the GMB and citation talk and said that we would be able to customize the packages and they could get rid of that component and concentrate on Adwords and the lead generating "Adversite." So that's where we are right now. The support guy went on to tell me that Google allows 10 websites as long as you only have one GMB/+ listing but that is antithetical to anything I've ever known. I haven’t given them manager access to GMB or any citation stuff (and won't) and the Adwords campaign they're working on is apparently on they own dashboard as they have yet to ask me about access to our AW account. I guess the main thing I'm looking for is any guidance on how bad this is going to be for our Google rankings, etc. with the Adversite they created for us using a whole new web address for our company and a whole new telephone. Not to mention this Adwords campaign they're running that will be going to the new telephone and new website as well. It just seems like we're competing against ourselves in this scenario and splitting traffic and/or authority and kind of a recipe for a big setback. Any advice or suggestions here on how worried we need to be and if we should try to cancel before anything else happens (the site is already live and they also said the Adwords they’re doing is now live as well). Thank you so much in advance for any comments!

    Local Website Optimization | | Pixelwik

  • I was wondering, What if I went with international sub-directory route (not ccTLD), for example: (fr being france)...But the question is, what's the best practice for MOBILE? Again, ccTLD is not an option (currently, sites are in ccTLD but we are now transitioning to sub folders)Now, the next question is WHY is it best practices for it to be or or ? Please cite source. Thanks!

    International SEO | | ggpaul562

  • Hi, This is a minor thing, but I just wanted to ask/let the Moz folks know. I just noticed the "My Q&A" link in the profile header (see attached screenshot). When you click the link "My Q&A", it links to the Questions in the Q&A Forum instead of the My Q&A page. Is there a specific reason for this? JPbhTwB.png

    Feature Requests | | Mark.

  • I am a Moz Pro subscriber and I really love the new Keyword Explorer tool. One question I have that I couldn't find a clear answer was regarding the number of monthly keyword queries. Do they reset each month? I hope they do.

    Moz Bar | | joemaclean

  • Hello! I have two telephone numbers listed on a website - one is the "actual" business number and is utilizing proper schema, while the other is a call tracking number featured more prominently on the site (both in the header and above the "actual" business number in the footer). The code looks like this: New Patients: 999-555-5555 Current Patients: 555-555-5555 Does Google prioritize the "actual" business number because it has the proper schema on it? Or would the call tracking number still be counted and affect NAP consistency for Local SEO? Thanks!

    Local Listings | | nowmedia1

  • I'm not quite sure what I'm seeing here. It's a site that uses Angular JS (version 1) and the crawl is showing infinite 302 redirects, but the redirects are all to the same URL? Here's an example: Has anyone seen this before? What causes it and how do I counsel the client on how to fix it?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | KatherineWatierOng

  • Hello, working on a squarespace website and I can't see any gallery images being indexed, only blog images. Searching for the problem in Google seems to imply that Squarespace images in galleries can't be indexed due to the use of a CDN. Is that the case? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | AL123al

  • Hi all, My recent site crawl shows 27 4xx issues on this website All of them are for 'posts' on this wordpress website. Here is an example of the issue: The blog page seems to be creating links ending in void(null) which are defaulting to 404 pages. I cannot see the links on the site so cannot see how to remove them.  Can anyone provide any insight into how to correct his issue? Many thanks in advance.

    Web Design | | skehoe

  • Hi there, I have an issue with some subdomain rankings, my client sell all over the world and has divide countries with subdomain like this : for France, for Belgium, for Canada,..... The issue is that pages are all in french and some keywords on are referenced with so it count "not in top 50" on moz report. The code looks correct to me (for example belgiums's pages : "fr-BE">"). Anybody have an idea where to look at to resolve this ? Many thx in advance.

    International SEO | | EnjinFrance

  • I am working with a company that has a bi-monthly print magazine that has several years' worth of back issues. We're working on building a digital platform, and the majority of articles from the print mag - tips, how-tos, reviews, recipes, interviews, etc - will be published online. Much of the content is not date-sensitive except for the occasional news article. Some content is semi-date-sensitive, such as articles focusing on seasonality (e.g. winter activities vs. summer activities). My concern is whether, once we prepare to go live, we should ensure that ALL historical content is published at once, and if so, whether back-dates should be applied to each content piece (even if dating isn't relevant), or whether we should have a strategy in place in terms of creating a publishing schedule and releasing content over time - albeit content that is older but isn't necessarily time-sensitive (e.g. a drink recipe). Going forward, all newly-created content will be published around the print issue release. Are there pitfalls I should avoid in terms of pushing out so much back content at once?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | andrewkissel

  • So, we now know that Google are changing the Title and Meta Desc length limits to 70 and 200 respectively. Does this mean we all need to jump to immediate attention and modify all our current pages OR, do we wait?

    On-Page Optimization | | dynamyt100

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a question: which top 5 questions to ask for a first meeting with a "future" customer to avoid bad surprises? Thank you for your help. Regards,

    Industry News | | JonathanLeplang

  • Hi Is there any issues with the campaign section? I keep getting a 404 error page. Thanks Andy

    Product Support | | Andy-Halliday

  • Buying Guide and Product Category page competing for the same keyword ? Got a “nuts and bold website” selling basic stuff.  Imagine selling simple nuts, bolts and washers (the little ring that goes in between) in different metals.  Imagine a website with a very wide and deep line of these simple products. For long tail keywords we rank well (Example: 0.25 inch bolts). For the keyword:  “Nuts bolts” our main category page use to rank well  low 1<sup>st</sup> page to second page up against the big guys (Amazon, Walmart, Target, Costco, some drug store who may have a mix pack of nuts and bolts, but still Google don’t see the difference and list 2 pages each for these guys). But then in mid-February there were an update and suddenly our “Buying guide for nuts and bolts” rank higher and started to compete with our own product category page. That was never our intention. These two pages now compete for the ranking on page 4<sup>th</sup>. Clearly there were more words on the buying guide page but no changes had been made to it for well months or years. To make up for it some more words were added to the category page, but of cause there is only so many way you can fraise words about “nuts and bolts” without sounding a bit duplicate/re-writing. So what do I do now ??  Clearly the product category page is the one we like to rank highest with the guide a close 2nd. Most customer don’t need the buying guide but it is good to have and great support as we got lot of good comments from customer who read it. Made a link to the buying guide from the category page and wise verses. The category page got an embedded video. Moz list the page authority for the category page to 16 and 1 for the buying guide but clearly G see it differently. Already tried to change the Meta Tag Title and Description a little but it is hard to do if the word “Nuts Bolts” is to appear in the description or people don’t know what to expect. Could just insert a “do not index” for the buying guide but not a good long term solution. Unfortunately I am out of imagination at this point. Any good suggestions ?? Thanks, Kim Any good suggestions ???

    Technical SEO | | KimX

  • I have a situation and would love some options. We have a site where we sell a product and lets cal it dog collars.  The home page will not rank for its main term. Renetly the site was redesigned and the Url structure was re-optimized so that it was not so complex. However, we have 500 products and a dozen categories which all include dog collars as keyword. The products are all dog collar singular or collars plural in the url. So lets say ".com/red-dog-collar" and ".com/blue-dog-collar" then ".com/large-dog-collar" and the categoreies like "classic-dog-collars" and etc. So its very hard to not put the word dog collar into every single product because thats what it is. Whats hapening is that the menu is linking to each of these categories and the home page is linking to a dozen or more products which all include the word dog collar or dog collars in the URL. The actual text/content is a good ration. But the source code as stated above shows the main term 150 times. Not exact, but phrase match for those adwords gurus out there. Thus the page does not rank for its terms and instead google is choosing another internal pages which is relevant. Atleast i think thats why the page does not rank for its term, which it once ranked very high against some major competitors. How on earth do i fix this without removing products and tags and all these links from the home page? Or should i not worry about this and find another reason why this page is not ranking for the term it should be ranking for. The backlink profile is not over optmized by the way. Either is internal anchor text links. Thank you

    On-Page Optimization | | waqid

  • I'm working on an event-related site where every blog post starts with an introductory header about the event and then a Call To Action at the end which gives info about the Registration Deadline. I'm wondering if there is something we can and should do to avoid duplicative content penalties. Should these go in a widget or is there some way to No Index, No Follow a section of text? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Spiral_Marketing

  • I have a client who maintains a directory of surgeons across the United States (approx. 2,000 members at present), and wishes to use IP detection to dynamically filter their surgeon directory to a sub-set that is relevant to the geography of the visitor. At the same time, however, we want the pages in the surgeon directory to rank nationally for terms like "[insert specialty] surgeons". Any tips/best practices for implementing an IP detection solution without shooting yourself in the foot from an SEO perspective? Is it even possible? Thanks! Jeremy

    Local Website Optimization | | Jeremy_Lopatin

  • Hi, I wanted to know what your thoughts were on **Parked Domains **and Local SEO. I came across a company that has a lot of parked domains that were created for different countries. i.e.,, etc. The content they load are from the main domain I went to a country specific Google search, for instance and Searched for the company name and showed up, not the parked domains that existed for each "country" No analytics exist as the tracking code is on so I can't see if any specific traffic goes to, or other domains. From my understand, parked domains lead to unnecessary duplicate content. So why have them? Simply setup a redirect to from the parked domain. But are there benefits for Local SEO? Search engines like google will still see the domain as a separate entity if no redirect is in place. If so, I realise content has to be unique..but it raises a question... Why have parked domains at all apart from stopping your competitors or users typing other variance of your URL? What do you guys think?

    Moz Pro | | Diamond.Dog

  • I've moved jobs and that meant changing emails and handing over my Moz account to the company. Afterall, it was the company that paid for the Moz account. I was wondering if I could transfer my points/profile to a new one? Or is it a case of starting from scratch again?

    Product Support | | Diamond.Dog

  • Hello, I heard RSS Feed helps in ranking. However, I am not sure if I should enable RSS Feed or not. Whenever I publish an article on my site , I see that many other websites have leeched my Feed and get's the same article I written published with a nofollow backlink to my website article. The worst part is that my article doesn't appear in Google search, but the website which copied my article gets ranked in Google. Although the article gets index on google (checked by using Although some articles show up after 24 hours by ranking higher from the sites which copied my article. Any idea what should I do? Thank you

    On-Page Optimization | | hakhan201

  • Thought I'd ask this question to confirm what I already think. I'm curious that if we're publishing something in two language and both are verified by the publishing center if the group would recommend publishing two separate Google News Sitemaps (one in each language) or publishing one in each language.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mattdinbrooklyn

  • Hey there! I have a business listing set up in Moz Local. The system seems to have accurately found the business on most networks, but on Yellow Pages, it has a completely different business listed (my business is a Pilates studio and it has a soccer club listed). What are the steps I can take to fix this? I can claim my listing on Yellow Pages, but after I do that, how does Moz Local associate the two? Thanks, --eric

    Moz Local | | EricOliver

  • Good morning, This is my first post.  I found many Q&As here that mostly answer my question, but just to be sure we do this right I'm hoping the community can take a peak at my thinking below: Problem: We are relevant rank #1 for "custom poker chips" for example. We have this development website on a subdomain (  On Saturday our live '' main domain was replaced by '' in the SERP. Expected Cause: We did not add NOFOLLOW to the header tag. We also did not DISALLOW the subdomain in the robots.txt. We could have also put the '' subdomain behind a password wall. Solution: Add NOFOLLOW header, update robots.txt on subdomain and disallow crawl/index. Question: If we remove the subdomain from Google using WMT, will this drop us completely from the SERP? In other words, we would ideally like our root domain to replace  the subdomain to get us back to where we were before Saturday.  If the removal tool in WMT just removes the link completely, then is the only solution to wait until the site is recrawled and reindexed and hope the root domain ranks in place of the subdomain again? Thank you for your time, Chase

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | chiplab

  • Hi everyone, This might be quite a long post so please bear with me. I am currently rebuilding my website.  My previous website was built by a web designer and was very basic.  5 page html site consisting of home, services, gallery, testimonials, contact pages.  None of them were great - thin content, not optimised as well as could be - no h1's etc. To be fair I knew nothing about websites and didn't bother much with the site.  As a new business I used it simply as a place for people to visit for more information after receiving a leaflet and never bothered much about driving traffic to the site. A few years down the line and I have realised I need the website to be working for me as opposed to alongside me.  I am building it myself via wordpress as web designer didn't want to work in wordpress.  I have done my keyword research and I'm working on pages as we speak. Previously my homepage - around 80% of visitors landed here for my main keyword (driveway cleaning glasgow) as it was number 6 in the organic listing.  With my services page appearing directly underneath in 7 for the same keyword. I have starting building a new page for that keyword which contains (driveway-cleaning-glasgow) in the url. I have 301'd my previous services page to this url. Now for my questions...
    My 2nd keyword based on volume is driveway cleaning.  How do I optimise for this or will the (driveway-cleaning-glasgow) page rank for this also as the words are contained within this page? I plan on having the same structure for the remaining services - pressure-washing-glasgow, monoblock-cleaning-glasgow etc, etc.   As I am building new pages for each service with location built in, where does this leave my homepage?  Should I be targeting keywords for this page?  It is still my strongest page and apart from the (driveway-cleaning-glasgow) page which will get some help from the 301 these are all new pages so I would expect perhaps initially to lose some traffic.  But as I am not ranking well for anything other than the main 2 keywords mentioned above it can only be beneficial long term when google recognises the specific pages for each service.  And when I start using Adwords I will have a specific landing page for each service. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

    Local SEO | | sfrediktru8

  • Good Morning, I am just looking for a little bit of advice, I ran a crawl report on our website I have resolved most of the issues myself, however I have two questions;- Screenshot image Highlighted blue, we have two homepages and both are set with a Rel-Canonical Target of Will this cause me any SEO issues and or other potential issue? If this may cause an issue how would I go about resolving? Highlighted yellow, Our contact and referral-form are showing as duplicate title and meta description. Both of these pages have separate title and meta desc which it does seem to be detecting. If I search the page in google it returns the correct title and meta desc. The only common denominator behind these pages is that both have php pages behind them for the contact form. Do you think that the moz crawl may be detecting the php page over the html? Could this be cause any issues when search engines crawl the site? Kind Regards Jonathan Mack VlFEiZ2

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JMack986

  • I submitted the .xml sitemap in Google Webmaster Tools and only 200 out of 2100 pages were indexed.
    Why is that and what can I do ?

    Content Development | | Madlena

  • Which type of sitemap is better for search engines the .XML or the HTML?

    Content Development | | Madlena

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