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  • Hi, I'm using the Moz Bar add-on in Firefox.. but it's suddenly truncated meaning that I can only see half of the toolbar, and I'm unable to use it's features. Screenshot here; Does anyone know how to fix this? I've tried removing and re-adding Moz Bar, and installed a new version fo Firefox. Thanks in advance, Lee.

    Moz Bar | | Webpresence

  • I have yet to find a way to reliably see my "snack pack" standings without going all out and using a VPN. I have moz pro and it looks like I can only track organic and local organic rankings. Anyone have a solution?

    Local Listings | | zact1024

  • I'm creating a content marketing plan and need to project the visitor impact it could have on an exact-keyword domain name.  The plan will produce at least 10 quality, original articles per day.  Are there any common metrics or ways to guess what the visitor impact could be?

    Content Development | | msantore82

  • Hello, I'd like to pull the content of a review from a third-party site and put it on my client's website. My plan is to add review schema to this content but I want to make sure everything I'm doing is white hat before I implement. Can someone please tell me if the following example is okay to do? For example...
    I'd like to pull an entire review from Yelp and put it on my website. I would link out to the review on Yelp and then give credit to Yelp in the publisher section of the schema. If I give credit to the name of the reviewer and where the review is being pulled from (in this case Yelp) on both the actual website as well as in the schema, is this white hat and something I could implement? Also, is "simple review" markup the correct markup to use in this scenario? Thanks in advance for your help!!

    Reviews and Ratings | | Etna

  • Hi Mozzers! I have an interesting online marketing challenge I would love to hear the community's thoughts and advice! My clients (a dental practice consisting of 3 dentists) are taking over (buying) the practice of another dentist across the hall (same address except for suite #), who is retiring (we'll refer to him as "retiree" from here out for simplicity). The retiree's dental practice has close to zero online presence. He has citations across the web (google listing, yelp, healthgrades, etc), but no website. My question is: How would you go about consolidating the web presence for my clients? We want to get the traffic for existing and potentially new patients searching for the retiree. The retiree isn't retiring right away. His presence for the next several months will be vital to my clients' success as he will introduce new patients to my clients and pass the torch, so to speak. Would you create a landing page for the retiree on my clients' website & claim/add my clients' NAPW on all of the citations? That seems to be the best & simplest idea I've come up with so far, but I would LOVE to hear if anyone has any creative thoughts or ideas. THANKS!

    Local Listings | | Derrald

  • I'm just at the beginning of a new analysis involving Google News visibility and ranking factors, and thought I could put the project out to you, dear SEO geniuses, to get your ideas and perspectives. Backgrounder: My company operates over 50 niche, disease-specific daily news sites, covering science, research and advocacy news about specific diseases. Virtually all of them are in Google News. They range in age from 3 years old to 3 months old. Varying degrees of page rank / authority Content on the site is completely niche to specific diseases, and we have a lot of sites for rare and orphan diseases. Most of the content is news, but we also have info/resources pages, blogs, and some short-form posts made for use in social media. The Project: I want to do an analysis of keywords in our news headlines and see how certain keywords correlate with articles that do well -- both in terms of search traffic and overall with users. Going to use our Multiple Sclerosis News Today website. Most of our search traffic comes from Google News. What I hope to gain: I'm curious to see if certain sets of keywords that relate to the disease, to therapies, etc. drive the most traffic. I want to compare these keyword lists to how well we rank in organic search for the same keywords (via news articles or info pages) to see if there is a connection. I want to also create a working keyword list of the best-performing keywords in the news as a way of cross-pollinating content production on our blogs, info pages, social content, etc. I want to increase my knowledge base of ranking factors specific for Google News. The last point is really something I wish I knew more about. I feel like there aren't many knowledge resources out there about Google News. Is it safe to assume that the same on-site and off-site SEO best practices that govern organic search engine visibility are at play in Google News, or are there independent factors as well? I'd love to get your thoughts. Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | Michael_Nace

  • One of the sites I manage was migrated to secure 2 months ago. XML sitemaps have been updated, canonical tags all have https:, and a redirect rule was applied. Despite all this, I'm still seeing non-secure URLs in Google's index. The weird thing is, when I click those links, they go to the secure version. Has anyone else seen weird things with Google not properly indexing secure versions of URLs?

    Technical SEO | | LoganRay

  • Hello! I wanted to give you all a heads up about some changes we will be making to the MozBar very soon. We will be making an update to the MozBar that will require you to log in with either a free Community account or with your Moz subscription to access link metrics. Don’t worry! We will never charge you for link metrics in the MozBar. Why are we making this change?
    The MozBar has historically made use of a free endpoint in our Mozscape API. Unfortunately, over time, we have been experiencing increasing levels of abuse on this endpoint. For a long time, we were able to manage this mis-use but recently we have reached a tipping point whereby this malicious traffic is starting to degrade other legitimate API traffic and cause performance issues within our products. By asking you to log in to the MozBar with either a free Community account or a Moz subscription, we can ensure only authenticated users are able to use the MozBar. Also, if you don’t need link metrics, you can still use the MozBar. Logged out users will still be able to access on-page information. A note to Firefox users
    With this change, we will temporarily disable the Firefox version of the MozBar. You may have noticed that the Firefox and Chrome versions of the MozBar are not the same. This is due to Mozilla’s review process, and us being unable to get new versions approved despite multiple attempts. Good news on the horizon! Firefox will start accepting Chrome-based extensions with the release of Firefox v48, which means soon there will be one version of the MozBar. When v48 is released, we will re-enable the MozBar in Firefox. In the meantime you can use the free Google Chrome version. Thank you for your understanding while we make these changes in the MozBar! Please feel free to let us know what you think, or ask questions, in the comments below. Thanks!

    Moz News | | Roxana_Nelson

  • A client's home page, which has always done very well, has just dropped out of Google's index overnight!
    Webmaster tools does not show any problem. The page doesn't even show up if we Google the company name. The Robot.txt contains: Default Flywheel robots file User-agent: * Disallow: /calendar/action:posterboard/
    Disallow: /events/action~posterboard/ The only unusual thing I'm aware of is some A/B testing of the page done with 'Optimizely' - it redirects visitors to a test page, but it's not a 'real' redirect in that redirect checker tools still see the page as a 200. Also, other pages that are being tested this way are not having the same problem. Other recent activity over the last few weeks/months includes linking to the page from some of our blog posts using the page topic as anchor text. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Caro-O

  • Hi All, So we have employees who can own their own domains for business, however, one employee has a domain that links back to our main site, but when it does, the URL and Page title of our main site, still say his own domain. IE: links to except the url and itle still say What are the implications of this? Thank you

    Technical SEO | | PeteEllard

  • Hi I'm trying to crawl this website ( with Screaming Frog but because of some technical issue with their site (i can't find what is causing it) i'm able to crawl only the first page of each category (ex. and then it will go to crawl each page of their archive (hundreds of thousands of pages) but it won't crawl the links inside these pages. Thanks a lot!

    Technical SEO | | gjergjshala

  • Hi everyone. It was hard to find some actual evidence that some of the atributes to be declared in a sitemap have some real impact.
    Particularly, im interested in these two: <changefreq></changefreq> and**image:title</image:title>** I've used them in a few cases just to check their effect and couldnt see any.
    Do you have any experience with these? Or any other atribute that might be helpful, in order to create a more accurate and effective sitemap? Also, this could be a great topic to create a new Moz Blog post, the one about sitemap is 8years old.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Gaston Riera

  • Hi, we put an image sitemap in the searchconsole/webmastertools it contains only the indexed products and all images on the pages. We also claimed the CDN in the searchconsole It has been 2 weeks now, Google indexes the pages, but not the images. What can we do? Thanks in advance. Dieter Lang

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Storesco

  • Hey Mozzers! We are currently running a Google Shopping Ad campaign and one of the suggestions we had gotten from Google was to add product markups. I hired a developer to add the product markup to the product page templates (Magento, if it matters) and I just need help to double check his work before I approve and pay the final invoice. I've attached a screenshot of the page source with the item markups. I've also dropped the page source into Structured Data Testing Tool to see if there were any warnings. No warnings or errors. So it seems as if everything looks good, but I just wonder if it's a similar approach to SEO where the product markups could be better optimized. Thanks for the expert eyes on this! ruKjc

    On-Page Optimization | | localwork

  • Is there any reason to have /en on your website if your website is only in English? Or is it worth having in case you are preparing to translate into other languages? And is there any advantage to being: over Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | CosiCrawley

  • Does anyone know if it is possible/recommended/not recommended to use href lang in image or video XML sitemaps? This had not crossed my mind until recently, but a client asked me this question and I couldn't find any information on this topic.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ChrisKing

  • I'm new to this forum and this is my first question. So if I'm not supposed to ask this type of question, please forgive me. I'm trying my best to get!roofing/bbb1e to rank on the first page in Google for "roofing contractors" in the following SW Florida cities: "Naples, Bonita Springs, and Fort Myers." Our company has a physical address in Fort Myers only so I understand it's going to be harder to get it to rank for Naples and Bonita Springs. But I can't even get this page to rank well for "roofing contractors in Fort Myers." The page authority is 25 and our domain authority is 27. Our home page authority is 39. Our primary category in Google is building restoration & preservation. But we have divisions in our company: Roofing Concrete Ornamental metals I would love it if our roofing page could rank higher than the third page, which is where it currently sits. I worked really hard to get each of our roofing-material manufacturers to link directly to our roofing page, not the home page. My hope is that you can help me because I'm really discouraged. Thanks in advance.

    Local Website Optimization | | Jason_Taylor

  • Hi I have recently launched a new site and I was hoping for destination sitelinks to appear under my site as they do for my competitors' sites. I have submitted a sitemap but is there anything else I can do to expedite this process or guarantee the sitelinks appearing? Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | CosiCrawley

  • Hello, I am in the travel industry and I am currently building the same website (different domain names), one for the US and one for the UK (same website design). They will both features the same content (itinerary, activities) on the page with 2 exception, the 1 st one is that I will use different hotels for my uk clientele and for my US clientele and on the UK page I will use the word "holiday" in the UK and the word "vacation" in the US. Can the fact that I do the same "itineraries" and use the same text on 95 % of the page hurt my ranking in one country or another ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • We are experiencing issues with two client locations for Hillcrest. Hillcrest Home Care and Hillcrest Hospice Care. The Hospice Care location is displaying as Home Care, and one of the duplicate Home Cares is saying it is paused. This might be due to the fact that Google flagged Hospice Care as a duplicate of Home Care, because they are at the same address but have different suite numbers. Please help ASAP. Thanks.

    Product Support | | LM360_Digital

  • Hi guys. Just found out "awesome" update from facebook - no way to invite people who liked page post. Anyone else seeing this? Anymore info?

    Social Media | | DmitriiK

  • Hi Guys, I know this question has been asked a lot, but I wanted to double check this since I just read a comment of Gianluca Fiorelli ( about this topic which made me doubt my research. The case: A Dutch website (.nl) wants a .be version because of conversion reasons. They want to duplicate the Dutch website since they speak Dutch in large parts of both countries. They are willing to implement the following changes: -       Href lang tags -       Possible a Local Phone number -       Possible a Local translation of the menu -       Language meta tag (for Bing) Optional they are willing to take the following steps: -       Crosslinking every page though a language flag or similar navigation in the header. -       Invest in gaining local .be backlinks -       Change the server location for both websites so the match there country (Isn't neccessery in my opinion since the ccTLD should make this irrelevant). The content on the website will at least be 95% duplicated. They would like to score with there .be in Belgium and with there .nl in The Netherlands. Are these steps enough to make sure .be gets shown for the quarry’s from Belgium and the .nl for the search quarry’s from the Netherlands? Or would this cause a duplicated content issue resulting in filtering out version? If that’s the case we should use the canonical tag and we can’t rank the .be version of the website. Note: this company is looking for a quick conversion rate win. They won’t invest in rewriting every page and/or blog. The less effort they have to put in this the better (I know it's cursing when talking about SEO). Gaining local backlinks would bring a lot of costs with it for example. I would love to hear from you guys. Best regards, Bob van Biezen

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Bob_van_Biezen

  • Hi I'm looking to try improving our positions on Bing - does anyone have any tools that monitor rankings for Bing? Or provide keyword research? Or is it a case of optimise for Google and Bing should follow?

    SERP Trends | | BeckyKey

  • Hi everyone: we all know the term 'Bounce Rate'. I'd like to think i have a good idea of what BR is....but some things are not really clear to me. Time to call in the experts. Question #1: What EXACTLY will stop Google from considering the visit as a bounce? As discussed not too long ago in this topic
    Ruben wrote: "..what it basically means is that someone clicks on your SERP, and then clicks back to google? But, it doesn't matter if they spent 10 minutes on your page or 10 seconds" Jessica Conflitti wrote a reply in which she basically said that it might be a good idea to have visitors click to a different page OR a PDF-file. That's where my confusion has been for some time now: Clicking on a PDF-document, an image in the page that opens with Fancybox, a link to a different domain? Or can it only be a different URL on the same domain? The way i would expect it to be:
    Pages contain the GA-tracking code. So am i right by thinking that Google needs to have the same GA-tracking code to be loaded twice? Because only at that point will they have two datapoints. And only then will they be able to tell that the visitor hasn't left. By clicking a PDF-document - as described by Jessica - you wouldn't load the GA-code twice. So I would expect that clicking a PDF does not make a difference for the BR. Don't get me wrong: i like the article but it is this detail that throws me off. IF Google can read or capture these clicks, what other elements can be used to reduce bounce rate? Clicking on a YouTube-video embedded in the page? I'm asking this because i want to get this right. Question #2: how much weight does BR have on Time on Page, Engagement, etc? We know Google is taking a lot of things into consideration when calculating the value of a URL or domain. So how much should we care for BR if we know the Time on Page is good and a large percentage of people are frequently returning? How about your experiences or knowledge on that? Really looking forward to your replies and help on clearing this topic for me. And perhaps some other readers as well! Bas

    Reporting & Analytics | | BasKierkels

  • Trying to upload multiple keywords at a time with their different Tags. But here i can upload the keyword one by one also i am not able to associate tags with the keyword.

    Moz Bar | | _nitman

  • Hello, Learning about informational keywords. Is Nikola Tesla (300K-1M) a good informational keyword considering I'd only be (at the highest) on the 2nd page? There's no ads and I'm competing against big players, but the 2nd page has opportunities for ranking. I've been studying this guy a long time. Don't know if it's will bring ad revenue. What about chemtrails (118k-300k)

    Moz Pro | | BobGW

  • Hello, I am used to estimating how much money is possible to make out of ranking for Ecommerce terms. Higher price products have a lower conversion rate  (cheap items are opposite) so you can look at the keyword size in keyword explorer and estimate pretty well (roughly). My question is, how many times bigger does an ad based (informational) keyword need to be to get similar profit? This is just an estimate. For example, does a term need to be 5? 10? times bigger on average (volume) as an informational keyword to make the same amount of profit (roughly of course)? I realize there are many factors here but you must have some way you think of it? Can you give me some general guidelines?

    Moz Pro | | BobGW

  • Hi, im wondering if links that is not exact anchor links gives any boost for rankings? Example if lets say somebody links to my site with anchor: domainname or url link.

    Link Building | | Rob_I

  • Hey Guys We all know that relevancy largely trumps DA nowadays. What I am wondering is if there is a DA 'level' at which relevancy doesn't really matter - you probably still want a backlink from that site... For example, sites with DA of 100 we probably want backlinks from. So where do you draw the line? What I mean is for a high DA 'non relevant' site, what DA is 'acceptable' where you start to disregard relevancy? I'm thinking something like 70 and above would like some other thoughts... Obviously you would still be building relevant links too, developing content to do so and all that good stuff.  I am just wondering what DA I should focus on for building non-relevant links ALONGSIDE relevant links 🙂 Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GTAMP

  • So, I'm getting ready to start a campaign to get some backlinks.  Pretty sure this is a silly NOOB question, but what is better: To get backlinks directed to my home page To get backlinks directed to she specific product/topic being discussed in the backlink. Thanks in advance for any help.  My GUESS on the whole topic is that linking to a specific product page from a backlink with anchor text is best practice.   It will boost the Page Authority of that page while boosting the overall Domain Authority . . . a win win.

    Technical SEO | | damon1212

  • Hello everyone, When someone visits my websites article like , it give to 404 page error. But when someone , it shows the article. The word "lol" can be changed to anything. I would like that to be redirected to the main article. Example: Someone visits, they should be redirected to Is it possible to do so? If yes, please tell me how. Note: I'm using WordPress Thank you

    On-Page Optimization | | hakhan201

  • I need someone who can handle website/WordPress issues as they come up.For example, my site has gone down 4 times tonight, and my host can't figure it out. They also keep recommending that I optimize my site, but I don't know how. I need a go-to web person for this sort of thing. Any recommendations?

    On-Page Optimization | | cbrant777

  • I had 2 websites. I decided not to maintain one of them and set it to 301 to my main website. However, i see people getting 404 errors when they land on my main website but with a page name from the old site. How can I set things so that anyone who tries to go to the old site goes to my homepage of my main site? sends them to = 404  - I want them to go directly to homepage on siteA.

    Technical SEO | | bhsiao

  • I am doing some house cleaning on the site and made some minor updates to product titles and a rule was written in and it auto updated the URL to what the product title was with a redirect put in place from the old URL. If this a bad thing and should i leave the URL alone and just update the product title? Then for the ones i did change the Product title and the URL was updated is this a bad thing and should i have just left the URL alone? These are all high ranking popular products so dont want to mess with any rankings going into busy season?

    Technical SEO | | isle_surf

  • I have a client who is in the eLearning space. They want to issue a Press Release using an online service  I typically use PRweb and have had some success with this but haven't used it for people in the eLearning vertical  Anyone have any thoughts / recommendations for Press Release services specifically for the eLearning space?

    SEO Learn Center | | RoyMcClean

  • My client Dr. Harris ranks #1 in SERPs and Local results for many terms, including "hair transplant surgeon Denver" However, when I did a voice search w Siri ""find me a hair transplant surgeon in Denver" Siri said she could find no results. A similar search for a clinic returned 2 competitors, but not my client. How do I ensure we are served up in voice queries? This surgeon deserves it, he invented most of the technology in use in the world today.

    Local SEO | | CalamityJane77

  • I've got a decent understanding of Adwords however want to now take it to another level. Is there a course anyone can recommend that enables me to understand Adwords thoroughly to an expert level? I would classify myself as an intermediate at this point with a good foundational understanding, but far short of comprehensive. I'm looking for a video course and allow me to understanding everything to a deep level and how to execute strategies that can be effective.

    Paid Search Marketing | | Gavo

  • Hi Moz and Moz fans, We are looking to add a client portal to the website. Basically, I haven't found too much on this with regard to SEO. The idea would be that certain parts of the website would be hidden under a pay wall and for subscribers, they would be able to see all content. I am wondering if anyone has any experience with that and what SEO considerations to take into account. One thing we are particularly concerned about is how Google will index the portions of the website behind the pay wall, if at all. Obviously, we would rather that they don't index it, so that people can't find a way to get to the info without paying. I would imagine it would have to do with the type of coding, however, I am not a coding guru, so I am not 100% on that. Anyway, anyone that has any experience in this kind of thing and can comment on this at all, any comment is welcome. Also, any documentation that could be helpful would be welcome too. Thanks

    Web Design | | Brian_Dowd

  • If it is e-commerce site and a product listing page there is always a conflict how to show the content? As per my understanding we can show content in two different ways. 1. To show little content and use **Read more. (**In this case there is a direct message to the google: Here is the content visible and rest content is hidden but available for visitors to read more 2. Can use** Scroll bar**. So here is the message to Google and visitors that my full content is available here. So just scroll down to read further. So I  want to know that which method of showing content is best and it's impact of SEO where there is UI constraint or both the method is ok without any SEO impact. Please share your suggestions. DCdRJpH

    Technical SEO | | kathiravan

  • Hi, I know this topic has been covered in the past but I haven't been able to find the answers to this specific thing. So let's say on a website, all the product pages contain partial duplicate content - i.e. this could be delivery options or returning policy etc. Would this be classed as duplicate content? Or is this something that you would not get concerned about if it's let's say 5-10% of the content on the page? Or if you think this is something you'd take into consideration, how would you fix it? Thank you!

    On-Page Optimization | | MH-UK

  • Hi I need to redirect many urls in a website and I was wondering if instead of doing it one by one there is a way to get it the other way round.... Redirect all pages but a few. I get a feeling this is not possible, but prefer asking just in case. Thanks for any feedback

    Technical SEO | | turismodevino1

  • For quite some time the Open Site Exporer has been labeling one of my sites has having "no contact info", the site has the phone number all over the website as well as the full business address in the footer.  It's been like this for some time.  Does the OSE make mistakes or am I missing something?  The contact information is fully indexable, I ran a spider simulator and it was able to pick up the phone & address.

    Link Explorer | | OliverNeely

  • Hi, Ran  a report for report, and it showing 34780 external links. What does this mean Thanks Jeff

    Moz Bar | | jefffox

  • Hi all, Can I use only HTML sitemap or I should use both versions?
    How much I would lose in case when I would lose only HTML sitemap, without XML sitemap? Thank you.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Tormar

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