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  • Hi
    My competitors destroy my website with huge spam links! Its more than 400 high spam (80-100% spam score) unique domain, link to us sitewide!!! I disavow on search console. But its not enough! All pages ranks down and we lost everything we had.... 
    What should we do now? If you can, please help me Capture.jpg

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | amirooo.sh123

  • With a site spam score of 1% as indicated by Moz, is it worth the effort or necessary to disavow backlinks in Google? Even at just 1%, could those spammy links still hurt a site's Google search rankings, even in the slightest of ways? As it relates to disavowing backlinks, everything I read about  is only related to sites with high spam scores. But what about sites with low spam scores? I'm interested in best practices for dealing with spammy links, regardless of one's site spam score. Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AndrewOrr10

  • gdpr google analytics

    On December 1 and 2, I implemented a cookie banner on 5 of my Wix sites ( is one example) in order to be in compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and LGPD. Since then my traffic according to Wix Analytics and Google Analytics has plummeted. Anyone else have the same issue? How did you fix it?

    Reporting & Analytics | | Jason_Taylor

  • Hi~ everyone What does Google think about the inconsistency between content and structured data markup? Is this kind of a cheating way ?  Is hurt my SEO?

    Technical SEO | | intern202012

  • Local marketing experts rank the most important factors that influence Google's local search algorithm.  Looking for the updated 2020 Local Ranking Factors Survey. Doesn't it usually come out about this time ??

    Reviews and Ratings | | Staff09

  • We operate in several countries and have this kind of domain structure: For our schemas we've planned to add an Organization schema on our top domain, and let all pages point to it. This introduces a problem and that is that we have a separate Facebook page for every country. Should we put one Facebook page in the "sameAs" array? Or all of our Facebook pages? Or should we skip it altogether? Only one Facebook page:
    "@type": "Organization",
    "@id": "",
    "name": "Org name",
    "url": "",
    "sameAs": [
    ], All Facebook pages:
    "@type": "Organization",
    "@id": "",
    "name": "Org name",
    "url": "",
    "sameAs": [
    ], Bonus question: This reasoning springs from the thought that we only should have one Organization schema? Or can we have a multiple sub organizations?

    Technical SEO | | Telsenome

  • I have been following advice for improving the SEO of my YouTube videos, for instance by having the keyword early in the title and description. Do I then need a plugin like Yoast Video SEO for my website where the videos are embedded to increase the chance of showing the videos for that keyword?

    On-Page Optimization | | AudunBK

  • I wonder if there is anything I can do to increase the chance that Google shows stars that indicate the average score of our reviews from Facebook or Google MyBusiness for the keywords where we rank nr. 1, for instance our brand name?

    Reviews and Ratings | | AudunBK

  • Hey team, I hope you are doing great, I have been working effortlessly to increase the authority of my blog. I have used a number of Moz recommended methods like long-form content, posting frequency, getting references from influencers and great websites. It has all resulted in a good domain authority but no matter what I do,  the page authority of my blog isn't increasing. Can you please have a look and guide: Kind regards...

    Algorithm Updates | | Bsmdi

  • I watched this video over the weekend. If you haven't yet, this is a great documentary every SEO client should watch. watch?v=tFq6Q_muwG0

    Paid Search Marketing | | WebDaytona

  • What's happening to moz, my spam score is just fluctuating from 1% to 66% now to 67% and back to 66% can't you guys help me reduce my spam score back, why giving me this new stress

    Link Explorer | | Dahboss

  • تنزيل واتساب الذهبي 2021 واتس اب الذهبي WhatsApp Gold Plus واتساب بلس التحديث الجديد واتس اب الذهبي تحميل الواتس الذهبي 2021 برابط مباشر مجانا من أكثر التطبيقات التي لاقت شهرة عالمية وذلك لأنه يمكن إستخدامه بسهولة وأيضاََ إستخدامه يوفر الكثير من المال على المستخدم وذلك لأنه يعوض إرسال الرسائل النصية التي تكلف الكثير من المال، واتس اب الذهبي هو النسخة المحدثة من الواتس اب العادي والتي يتمتع بالكثير من المميزات التي ترفع من قيمة الواتس اب بشكل عام. يحتوي تطبيق واتس اب الذهبي على جميع مميزات الواتس اب الاصلي اضافة الى الكثير من المميزات المتوفرة من المطور أبو عرب وهذه المميزات تخفي المظهر والقدرة على عدم عرض الصور ومقاطع الفيديو من الاستوديو كما يمكنك مشاهدة جميع الرسائل المحذوفة في أي وقت ، ميزة إخفاء Sahin حسب اللون الأزرق التي تظهر عند قراءة الرسائل ، وعدم إظهار الكتابة ، والعديد من الميزات التي سنكتشفها مع واتساب الذهبي WhatsApp Gold. واتساب الذهبي 2021 دون إعلانات مجاناً WhatsApp Plus Gold 2021 برابط مباشر ، واتساب جولد هو تطبيق مراسلة فوري يمكن من خلاله كتابة الرسائل النصية ومشاركة الصور والفيديوهات والرسائل الصوتية والوسائط. "واتساب الذهبي" تحميل واتساب بلس الذهبي WhatsApp Plus هو نسخة مطورة من برنامج ال WhatsApp الأصلي ، والذي يتضمن العديد من الميزات الإضافية من الإصدار الأصلي. من الآن يمكنك تنزيل WhatsApp Plus الذهبي 2021 على Android باستخدامه مع جميع الميزات الإضافية ، أهم ميزة هي إخفاء مظهر WhatsApp وإخفاء الإشعار الجاري عند الدردشة مع أحد جهات الاتصال في WhatsApp وغيرها الكثير. "تنزيل واتساب الذهبي" تحميل واتساب الذهبي WhatsApp Gold  للأندرويد 2021 هو واحد من أفضل تطبيقات الاتصالات وأشهرها على الإطلاق لأنه تطبيق خفيف على الهاتف المحمول لا يحتاج إلى إنترنت سريع لإرسال الرسائل أثناء التسجيل في هذا البرنامج ، من خلال رقم الهاتف الذي تم التحقق منه على رقم الهاتف الذي أدخلته لضمان حمايتك الشخصية من أي ضرر ينضم إليك في البرنامج بعد أداء وظيفته حيث إن البرنامج يسمح لك بإجراء مكالمة صوتية وإجراء مكالمة فيديو وغيرها الكثير. "واتس اب الذهبي" تطبيق واتساب الذهبي 2021 على كافة ميزات الواتس الاصلي با الاضافة الى الكثير من المميزات المضافة من المطور ابو عرب ومن هذه المميزات خاصية اخفاء الظهور ,امكانية عدم عرض الصور و الفيديو من الاستديو , ايضا بامكانك مشاهدة جميع الرسائل المحذوفة في اي وقت , ميزة اخفاء صحين با اللون الازرق والتي تظهر عند قراءة رسائل , عدم اظهار جاري الكتابة, والكثير. "تحميل واتساب الذهبي" واتساب الذهبي هذه النسخه من واتس اب ابو عرب تتميز بعدة ميزات واضافات غير موجوده في نسخه اخرى ولهذا لديه شعبيه قويه لدى كثير من المستخدمين, تم تطوير هذا الواتس الذهبي WhatsApp Gold من قبل المطور المشهور** ابو عرب** الذي اشتهر في بداية عام 2015 واستمر الى عامنا هذا 2021, وقد زاد عدد مستخدمين واتس اب الذهبي بسبب اعجابهم بهذا الواتس اب وايضاً لوجود عدة ميزات كثيره فيه مثل اخفاء الظهور وتجميده وتغير الثيمات وزيادة حجم الحاله الى اكثر من ساعة والكثير من الاضافات سوف نتكلم عنها في هذا الموضوع. طريقة تنزيل واتساب الذهبي سهله جداً وبسيطه ولا تحتاج الى دفع مقابل لتنزيله فهو يعتبر مجاني, فقط كل كل ماعليك هو النزول الى اخر المقاله ثم الضغط على زرتحميل واتس اب بلس الذهبي وسوف يتم توجيهك الى صفحة تحميل واتساب الذهبي الاصفر من موقع ميديا فاير ويعتبر هذا الموقع اسهل موقع للتحميل ثم الضغط على كلمة تحميل او Download بالانجليزي وسوف يتم تحميله مباشرتا وسوف يتم حفظ الملف بصيغة telecharger whatsapp gold apk في وحدة التخزين الداخليه لهاتفك. "تحديث واتساب الذهبي" بعض مستخدمي الوتس الذهبي الحديث يستخدمون واتساب الذهبي في الاندرويد او اجهزة سامسونج وعندما يقومون بشراء جهاز ايفون لا يستطيعون تثبيت نفس النسخه او الاصدار الذي يكون بصيغة apk على هاتف الايفون IPhone والسبب هو ان برمجة الايفون تختلف عن برمجة الاندرويد ومع تطور اصدارات شركة ابل apple وتحديث الخوارزميات والحماية من الهكر والاختراق والتجسس يصعب جداً على مطوري واتس اب تعديل وتطوير نسخة حدبثه بنفس ميزات واتساب جولد فكل من قام بالتطوير فشل لصعوبة التعديل عليه بسبب تقييد الشركه لأجهزتها وبذلك سوف تكون الاجابه على السؤال هو ان واتس اب بلس الذهبي "لا يعمل على الايفون ولا تقم بالبحث كثيرا عن whatsapp الذهبي كي لا تتعب نفسك لأن الآيفون مقيد." تنزيل واتساب الذهبي 2021 أبو عرب من ميديا فاير برابط مباشر:- تنزيل واتساب الأحمر 2021 أبو عرب من ميديا فاير برابط مباشر:- تنزيل واتساب الأزرق 2021 أبو عرب من ميديا فاير برابط مباشر:- تنزيل واتساب جولد الأحمر برو 2021 أبو عرب من ميديا فاير برابط مباشر:- ملاحظة مهمة:- أنصحكم بشدة أن تشتركوا في قناة المطور الرسمية أبو عرب على التيليجرام لتلقي التحديثات أول بأول من هنا:- كلمات مفتاحية عن تطبيق واتساب الذهبي 2021 1- تنزيل واتساب الذهبي 2- تحميل واتساب الذهبي 3- تحديث واتساب الذهبي 4- تنزيل واتساب الذهبي 2020 5- تنزيل واتساب الذهبي 2021 للأندرويد

    Local Website Optimization | | WhatsApp_Gold_APK
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hi, webmasters, As a part of Christmas, we have enabled some pop-up advertisement on our homepage. However, we are doing SEO for our services, and if there any SEO experts here, please share your view on my question. Reference of the website which im saying is   However, if this affects SEO, tell me an alternate solution for this concern for promoting our Xmas offer for our cars removal services.

    Local SEO | | AnuManish

  • Hey all! I work for a large healthcare company. We're in the planning stages of redesigning our website, and the question came up of whether we needed to continue with the patient-focused blog at all when we could simply incorporate the blog articles into the service lines they best fit with (i.e. an article about feeding babies solid good would go under the pediatrics section of the website instead of the pediatrics section of the blog).Anybody have an opinion/insight on whether the articles would get better rankings being dispersed to the services sections of the website instead of concentrated on a blog? Or would good internal linking make the whole question moot?Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | MartyIHC

  • Hi, I have heard from many sources about the semantic and grammatical evaluation of google, this raised a question: when I put a keyword in my text should I put it with or without the prepositions? For example "doctor in Miami" or "doctor miami".

    Technical SEO | | droliverulson
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hello, I have a dental eCommerce and I think to make products names in the category page as H2 is that good practice for SEO? and how is the situation as they are clickable elements drive to the product page? here an example:

    Technical SEO | | Anass11

  • Hello Mozzers, I am new at Moz and certainly hope you can help me!
    I used to consider myself very knowledgeable in SEO since I had hundreds or maybe thousands of keywords very well ranked on Google Guatemala ( for more than a decade. That was until a year ago: November 8th, 2019... On that date, all of my rankings plummeted, never to return. At first I thought it was just a hickup from the Google Algorithm, but as days turned into weeks I became very worried, so I started doing a bunch of things: Reworked the pages (except home page) to make them responsive (I used to have two versions of each page, one for desktop and one for mobile). Removed the ads from the pages to make them faster, thinking it could be due to the speed (even if my competitors sites were slower!) Fixed thousands of 404s Disavowed thousands of bad domains and spammy URLs  (I never bought a single link but there were thousands of links from forums, theglobe network, etc) Removed more than 12,000 members from my own forum who had never posted anything: about 4000 of them just had created a profile to include a link to different extenral sites. Fixed a few other technical aspects... Nothing helped. In fact, my rankings have kept going down. My content is good and unique, my site has good DA but still I get outranked and buried by several sites which don't have as much information as I have. There are NO manual actions against my site according to Search Console. As I mentioned before, I have never bought any backlinks, so all of my links should be natural (although there were thousands of links to my forum from spammy sites which I disavowed). So, I am frustrated as I really don't know what the problem is. I am giving you 3 examples of Keywords and URLs of pages that were number one for years, and now are not even on first page, so that you can see them and tell me your thoughts about what may be happening: KEYWORD: VOLCANES DE GUATEMALA
    URL: Note: was #1, now is on 5th page. Removed all the ads to see if it would help. KEYWORD: MINISTERIOS DE GUATEMALA URL: Note: was #1, now is on 2nd page. Removed all the ads to see if it would help. KEYWORD: LEYENDAS DE GUATEMALA URL: Note: Was #1, now is on 3rd page. It's stuffed with ads, as it doesn't seem to matter wheter my pages have ads or not, and since I lost my rankings on thousands of pages at least I can probably generate a little more income like that. Thank you so much for the help you can provide!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | svsanchez75

  • As at last week, my spam score was 1% but today I checked and it was 67% how come? I haven't built any backlinks for months now,  so I don't understand why it increased...some one please it could reduce back to 1% or even 0% spam score....

    Link Explorer | | Dahboss

  • I was searching for a keyword in google and I had moz extension installed. The keyword I searched was "lesco bill online" and after searching MOZ extension shows DA and PA for each result in SERP.  now I cheeked a site In SERP it was show its DA as 7 but when I open it up and look in explorer it showed DA as 4. Now is the because few backlinks removed from site and MOZ extension haven't picked them up yet ? what could be the reason behind this ?  Just wanted to clear my doubt

    Link Explorer | | AliCrunchi

  • What is the quickest and easiest way to run an SEO audit on a Wordpress site that at least shows all the mechanical problems?

    Getting Started | | integratedproperty

  • Hi, Quick easy question here I hope! An international site has hreflang and canonical tags in page head sections and also hreflang in the sitemap so I can see one version needs removing. The head section versions are relative URLs and need updating so think we will keep the sitemap hreflangs instead. If the sitemap implementation is going to be used (sitemap auto-updates when changes are made to pages so seems easier to do this way) am I right in thinking No canonical tags are needed at all (and can safely  be removed from head section too?).  Pretty sure links included in sitemap are assumed to be canonicals, or any issues with this approach?  Will be using x-default for the default language version of homepage too.

    International SEO | | MMcCalden

  • At  the webpage which is a food&wine tours and activities booking platform, primary content - services thumbnails containing information about the destination, title and prices of the particular services, can be found at several sub-pages/urls. For example, service Its thumbnail/card through which the service is available, can be found on multiple pages (Categories, Destinations, All services, Most recent services...) Is this considered a duplicated content? Since all of the thumbnails for services on the platform, are to be found on multiple pages. If it is, which would be the best way to avoid that content being perceived by Google bots as such? Thank you very much!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ZD2020

  • I’m currently working on SEO for an international website with subdirectories set up for each international version. The site is has never had any SEO previously and is having a lot of indexing and visibility issues. Also geotargeting seems very off in search results. I’ve diagnosed various issues and want to check my assumptions and solutions below make sense... The root domain uses a 302 redirect to display content from the /en-GB page. (302 redirects seem to be a default language fallback setting configured in the CMS) and they’re used for most key pages. I’m concerned these redirects are contributing to a lot of the issues with incorrect indexing. The en-GB is the default language version of the site. So far, the en-GB has been set as the canonical version too. Both the root domain and this subdirectory URL display the same content. (en-US is also a near duplicate page). All other international homepages appear only on their subfolder URL. Various SEO tools have been showing redirect loops (caused by language changing  parameter versions of URLs being crawled that don’t have redirects on them) and issues with hreflang and canonicals.  I believe the hreflang tags and canonicals have been ignored due to relative URLs being used for each, as search results don’t always contain the desired versions of the URLs (in terms of regional version and preferred canonical versions). My questions are: Could these 302 redirects be conflicting with hreflang tags? If so, I’m thinking they should be removed (if not made 301s). GSC doesn’t like the fact these are on key pages, as redirected pages are listed in the sitemap. Will changing hreflang tags and canonical tags to absolute URLs possibly be enough to fix these issues from what you can tell? (Or will redirects need to go too?) Is the en-GB correctly set as the canonical when the root domain is also accessible, indexed and using this page’s content within the CMS too? (I feel like the root domain should be the canonical version, but not sure that works together with other language version subfolders or with a redirect in place from root to subfolder). As an extra point to the last question, GSC has recently chosen the root domain as the canonical (despite en-GB being set as user preference) and is now choosing to deindex some international versions of the homepage as a result. Hoping that getting the hreflang tags fixed and possibly redirects removed should correct this ASAP. But perhaps this also confirms en-GB should be the canonical and marked X-default too. I hope that all makes sense and sorry it’s a small collection of related questions. Really appreciate any replies.

    International SEO | | MMcCalden

  • My client has an international website with a subdirectory structure for each country and language version - eg. /en-US. At present, there is a single property set up for the domain in Google Search Console but there are currently various geotargeting issues I’m trying to correct with hreflang tags. My question is, is it still recommended practise and helpful  to add each international subdirectory to Google Search Console as an individual property to help with correct language and region tagging? I know there used to be properly sets for this but haven’t found any up to date guidance on whether setting up all the different versions as their own properties might help with targeting. Many thanks in advance!

    International SEO | | MMcCalden

  • Hi, we are a UK based company and we have a lot of links from .com websites. Does the fact that they are .com or affect the quality of the links for a UK website?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Caffeine_Marketing

  • Dear MOZ team Good day! I was trying your website and i already used the free trial for a one day or tow only, but required a credit card and sure i signed up with mine. now i received an invoice by 149$! and i didn't subscribe, kindly refund the amount to my card looking forward to hear from you guys thank you, Asmaa.

    Product Support | | Ibrahim_AlQurashi

  • I Have A website Related to Agras T16 Drone Today DA of my website decreased what could be the reason Please help me what about issue?

    Getting Started | | JerryAlexo

  • Hello, I just can't seem to understand why OnDemand Crawl fails  on further attempts only 4 pages out of 68 I am using WordPress, Divi Theme and on LiteSpeed server. Robots.txt allows rogerbot just can seem to find the issue

    Moz Bar | | ChrisSanClaire

  • Hey I Have A website Related to Drone Today DA of my website decreased what could be the reason Please help me what about issue?

    Link Building | | Yetoverynicebundhai

  • Hi all, Within my organization we maintain a bunch of websites, say, and It was recently suggested that we merge all three into a single one, say The marketing community within my organization strongly argued against this, mainly due to risks related to brand awareness, rank and traffic loss for each of these websites. But we resigned to the idea that we must do it, so we started considering the next proper steps. Now, my understanding is that setting up redirects is crucial in order to cushion the fall and mitigate the losses. However, some people are suggesting url masking. To me personally, url masking doesn't sound like a white hat practice, maybe it's borderline grey, but the bottom line is I need some advice on this topic. Could someone kindly address the following: 1. How is url masking different from url redirect? 2. Is url masking different from url cloaking? 3. Would google penalize us for implementing url masking? 4. Would that have any impact on our PPC campaigns? 5. Are there any documented cases of successful and google-sanctioned websites that are actively using url masking? 6. Are there any pitfalls to using this strategy? Thank you

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | SimonaCretu

  • Hello, I am running a website, which is a kind of e-commerce website. We are providing doctors appointments and online consultations in Pakistan. I am checking my page's SEO using moz tool, it shows me too many links on the page. My question is how many links should we have on a single page?. As on my website every single doctor has a link to his profile, I am using paginations plus i have added internal links to other pages which is related to same specialist doctors. looking for the answer to this question

    Link Building | | MuhammadNoman-Imam

  • i have seen some 301 redirects on my site  billsonline, can anyone please explain the difference between backlinks and 301 redirects,  i have read some articles where the writer was stating  that  301 are not good for website.

    Technical SEO | | aliho

  • Hey DA of my website decreased last night what could be the reason?

    Reporting & Analytics | | mozmoz9

  • Hello, I'm new member here, hoping to get some help

    On-Page Optimization | | Mel_macallan

  • I have a question regarding 301 permanent redirection. I currently have three websites, each hosted by different platform/CMS: one by Wix, another by WordPress, and a custom built CMS. I want to have all my three websites to be under the the custom build CMS's URL. What I am most concerned about is that I would like to have the home page of my Wix website to become my custom build CMS's new home page and the original content currently under my custom build CMS would be updated under new sub directories (in which I have access to the custom build CMS's source code). I have never done a 301 redirect before and I would like to know if there is any additional thing I need to do to my current custom build CMS besides assigning all my current content under my custom build CMS to new directories before executing 301 redirects?

    Technical SEO | | sihanedutech

  • my website  {  } has alot keywords are ranking and getting some organic traffic also, but moz did not picked any keyword so i track it.
    What is this issue and how what can i do, for this? Need Your Suggestion! Cheers

    Link Explorer | | rafaelzambrano

  • My website has a very low-speed score on google page speed and I followed all the steps given to me still my website speed doesn't increase

    Local Website Optimization | | Briefwatch

  • Hey everyone! So Moz crawled my site and I passed it over to my dev team who's curious about what they should prioritize. Curious what everyone's thoughts are. Here are the issue types: Duplicate Content - Missing Title - Duplicate Title Tag - Redirect Chain - Title too long - Description too short - Missing Description - Missing h1 - Thin Content - URL Too Long - Has meta noindex Would love any assistance! Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | inksoft_mm

  • Hi Everyone. I have a few pages being flagged with "Title Too Long". However, these are page 2, page 3, page 4, etc of category pages. They obviously have "| Page x of x" at the end of the title. Can these be ignored or is there a more SEO friendly way of handling this issue? Thanks. Michael

    Technical SEO | | nomad_blogger

  • my links are not looking in moz and showing in ahref.

    Link Explorer | | Muhammadalmurr1

  • Hi all! Okay, so we've got a site, let's say - we sell training courses worldwide with a particular focus in just 8 countries.
    Historically, we've never targeted users in different countries effectively, we've just got the that floats about ranking in different countries, but our content is dynamic (obviously a big SEO no-no - we pick up the IP of the user and show the content relevant for that country without the URL's changing)
    This obviously presents an SEO flaw in that we can effectively target people in our key countries effectively. So, we're introducing the targeting as subfolders (/uk/, /ie/ etc) my questions are: 1. Would this be the correct implementation of hreflang AND canonical tags for the URL: 2. The second thing I was wondering is the 'international targeting' in search console. We haven't (because of our current set up) set a target country for (because of the lack of regional targeting and dynamic catch all) - would we be better leaving that untargeted and only specifying the regional targets for the new subfolder URLs ( /uk/ etc) or should we set the .com as the USA as default? We'd be a bit weary of doing this because most of our traffic comes from the UK and South Africa, so I'm assuming it would be best to leave this alone unless someone else has a different opinion? I know Googlebot almost always crawls .coms from US, which is why we were thinking of leaving the .com as the 'catch all' and specifying the US version. 3. Finally, we do have a lot pages which don't really change at all (like the about us page) would we give these any special directives to avoid duplicate content (as the content on these won't be changing at all?) or do we just keep the structure as shown above? I.E would the about us page (even though not changing) still be (with the canonical): URL: (x-default) ? Thanks in advance!

    International SEO | | JamieM1611

  • Hi All, Did good chunk of research here prior to posting on sitelinks. Tried the Webmaster Console to remove the links Tried removing via sitemap, WP SEO plugin removal Now removed unnecessary pages, and redirected to homepage. Re petitioned for removal via Webmaster Google Console area. Whats been the recent conservative realistic estimate of when sitelinks will be removed/refreshed? Also any tricks to expedite recrawl or re build of sitelinks. The site has very low traffic SMB that uses site purely for portfolio and no ranking/traffic purposes. so maybe the priority is very low for this site. Back in the day sitelinks were a lot easier to manage or so it seems. Thoughts?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vmialik

  • Hello, I am facing indexing issues on one of my which is about budget bushcraft knife , Four months have been passed I built my site and published almost 7 article so far. But i am worried no any single keyword ranked on google till yet as i checked through MOZ site explorer. Can anyone guide me what should I need to do now. Thanks

    Link Explorer | | james11223

  • Is it okay to embed YouTube videos of channel which we don't own? For example, I have written a blog on enabling event search in Google Analytics and Google Webmasters YouTube channel has a video based on those steps. I am looking to add that video in my blog.

    Branding | | Ravi_Rana

  • We're kind of in crisis mode, as our ad revenue is about to take a huge hit. Hoping someone can help me figure out what to do next. Site: Here's what I did (below) that I think broke things somehow. I'm clearly not an SEO expert but thought I was making things better. And things did improve over the last week or so but then fell apart 2 days ago. 1. Most posts did not have a Yoast focus keyword. I added keyword phrases and used Yoast suggestions to optimize for that and for readability. 2. In some cases I changed post titles to better reflect the keyword phrase. 3. In some cases I changed the slug per Yoast's suggestion and did a 301 redirect from the old slug to the new one. 4. I used Grammarly to fix all spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. 5. Some Yoast-suggested changes that were made: Image alt tags, subheading structures, adding keyword to subheadings, first paragraph, and meta description, changed sentence length for those over 20 words to clean up the text, added transition words where applicable, reworded passive voice sentences, added internal links when needed, eliminated consecutive sentences (first word), improved Flesch reading ease when necessary. 6. I also added or changed Amazon affiliate links where needed and swapped out images when necessary. Results:
    I started this project about 3 weeks ago. On 11/29 we had one of our highest traffic days, with 1017 hits coming from Google. On 11/30, 257 hits came from Google, and on 12/1, 3 (three!!) hits came from Google. At this point, 82 of 89 posts have a double green "Good" score in Yoast; 6 are "OK" and 1 does not have a focus keyword designated. Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide. -John

    Technical SEO | | Jbyron

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