"I am compltely transparent and this blogohblog link isn't supposed to be sitewide and it is currently under investigation.
I don't think i've got any serious TOS violations here to be honest as this is probalby the only or one of the only greyhat links that we have."
I think we're going to have to agree to disagree here.
http://www.blogperfume.com/ - Optimised anchor text in "friends" section, looks very much like a bought link, violates TOS
http://www.psdeluxe.com/ - Looks to be another bought link - violates TOS
http://ilearntechnology.com/ - Random anchor text heavy link at the bottom of the page, clearly out of place, probably bought, violates TOS
http://www.blogherald.com/2008/03/24/easiest-website-builder-ever/ - Low quality blog commenting
http://www.designknock.com/ - Blogroll link (actually separate from the blogroll, making it look even more suspicious). Likely bought, violates TOS
http://www.webstreamingsmania.com/ - Questionable article hub
http://jawbreaker.hardware-one.com/forum/read_msg.php?tid=368&forumid=feedback - Low quality forum signatures, looks to have been done for link diversity
http://news.jrn.msu.edu/onlineenvironments/2012/01/11/kates-experience-and-expectations/ - Edu comment spam
http://clubs.uci.edu/fada/?p=1674 - Edu comment spam
Do I need to go on?
Look, I'm not doing all this to be evil, come across as holier than thou or even to victimise you - but just by going through the first 2 pages of your OSE report I found these links which are either likely violations of the TOS or low quality. If I can see that, there's a decent chance that Google has seen the same.
It's not to be cruel to you, but it's to bring about the magnitude of the potential problem. I know what the warning signals look like because I've worked with a number of sites that, upon auditing their link profile, have had similar links and have been penalised. Whether you're aware of these links or not is not the point, all I wish to do is make you aware of the potential minefield you're in so you can start actioning on it and perhaps ask some serious questions to any SEO agency you might have worked with in the past.