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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Should be focussing on consistent anchor text (for internal links) across my site to focus on specific keywords, or would it be more beneficial to variations of keywords? Just food for thought 🙂

    | underscorelive

  • Hi there, I am planning to use UMBRACO to manage my existing website, so my question to Seomozzers out there is what should I be aware of, how safe is it to have UMBRACO in terms of SEO. By using this software, would it be possible to get a positive or negative impact on my keyword rankings? Thanks!

    | matti_wilson

  • Some time ago I have created a category which I have deleted later. Now seomoz is showing me that its not found, obviously...what would be the best practice to redirect this category to a page? I know that with 301, but how, can I do it when I deleted that category:-(

    | VillasDiani

  • For example we have 5 different briefcases styles on our site with 5 different colors each. Is it better to have them all target the same keyword term: ie. Men's Leather Briefcase Bag - Examiner No. 5 Black Leather | Ghurka Men's Leather Briefcase Bag - Examiner No. 5 Brown Leather | Ghurka Men's Leather Briefcase Bag - Examiner No. 5 Tan Leather | Ghurka Men's Leather Briefcase Bag - Examiner No. 5 Black Twill | Ghurka Men's Leather Briefcase Bag - Examiner No. 5 Navy Twill | Ghurka etc. OR Men's Leather Briefcase Bag - Examiner Leather Bag for Men | Ghurka Leather Men's Briefcase Bag - Examiner Leather Bag for Men | Ghurka Leather Handmade Briefcase - Examiner Leather Bag for Men | Ghurka Men's Designer Business Bag - Examiner Leather Bag for Men | Ghurka Leather Men's Laptop Bag - Examiner Leather Bag for Men | Ghurka Advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Taylor

    | Ghurka

  • I've been wondering this for quite awhile so I figured I should just ask. Suppose my website has 5 categories and the url structure looks like: do I also want to create a landing page for the above categories at the same URL depth as the homepage of the site? OR what about: Which  is a better way to do this? Also, if your site began as fairly small and your 5 categories were your only other pages other than index, about, and contact pages (meaning you really had no reason to create separate directories), then as time passes, you decide to add 3 subcategory pages that would fit into a page: would you add a folder with he same name as the html page, and then rename the html file as index.html and place it into the new folder?


  • I want the same as everyone else the best position in Google. My campaign is set up as sub-domain. I am trying to get an understanding of what make the improvements to the following. What are the most important metrics and if I can work to improve them what makes those improvements.  Currently I have a good position in Google for my most productive phrase but feel I need to make improvements to ensure I keep that position.  I am adding regular unique content and looking for relavant quality links but it does not seem to be making much difference to the metrics below. Domain Authority 16 Domain MozRank 2.83 Domain MozTrust 0.86 External Followed Links 16 Total External Links 55 Total Links 668 Followed Linking Root Domains 8 Total Linking Root Domains 9 Linking C-Blocks 3 Subdomain MozRank 2.95 Subdomain MozTrust 1.73 External Followed Links 15 Total External Links 54 Total Links 667 Followed Linking Root Domains 8 Total Linking Root Domains 9 Which are the important metrics and can I improve my site to increase my Moz position therfore improving Google results

    | PhilSmith23

  • I am trying to improve my page grades, however the system seems not not grab the latest updated fixed page, Please help. My Page is :

    | dennislanglais

  • Hello. I am working on a site that was built with underscores in the urls, but only in the page names, not in the subdirectories. All the subdirectories have one-word names. So a typical url is "" We would like to change the name of one of the subdirectories to a name that would be very useful for SEO, but this new name is a hyphenated word, let's call it "new-sub." If we changed "sub2" to "new-sub" then our url would have a mix of underscores and hyphens: But if I used "new_sub" instead, google would read the words as connected with an underscore, instead of reading the subdirectory as a hyphenated word, which would be less useful for SEO. It seems like it might be a problem to have a hyphen in a subdirectory and underscores in the page names. But I want the SEO value of the hyphenated word. Any recommendations? Thank you!

    | nyc-seo

  • We have a website that has been up for the past 4 years without a site map. Google is indexing it. Do we need a site map? Do you recommend we create one and submit it to goggle and bing? The site is Thank you.

    | IsaacH

  • I understood that Google was implementing a major Panda refresh this past weekend. Did it happen? Anyone notice any impacts? What changed?

    | lbohen

  • When I set the campaigns up I used the sub domains now I question should I have used the root domain.  Which is best sub or root.

    | PhilSmith23

  • Hi, Does semantically related words to the target term on a page help with rankings/relevance? If your after the term 'PC Screen' and you use the term 'PC Monitor' will go make the connection and also reward you because of the relevance? Anyone do this and have you seen any positives? I've just started to try this out lately and have been combining it with to give me an indication of where the content piece is heading and how aggressive the content leans towards certain words (makes things a little more interesting then calculating densities).

    | Bondara

  • Target terms: Flower Pots, Plastic Flower Pots (in order of importance) Title tags: 1. Flower Pots - Plastic Flower Pots for Gardening with Free Delivery
    2. Flower Pots - Plastic Flower Pots with Free Delivery
    3. Flower Pots - Plastic Flower Pots from [Brand] Which one would you choose and why? If you want to produce another type please do but explain why you think yours is better than the above. Thanks

    | Bondara

  • Dear MozSquad, Can anyone check our site and let me know if there's anything super apparent that would cause Bing to treat us like a bum on the street? I recently made some structural changes which really helped with Google, but Bing didn't even budge. It's a lot harder to keep up with all the SEO initiatives I have in mind with it being a small start-up where I'm responsible for planning the entire Internet Marketing campaign, giving constant input on UX and site design, etc on top of 900 other things, so I figured it'd be a good time to use The Moz to help a brother out. Ideas? Domain: (yeah, I know it's a little long =P)

    | zDucketz

  • It is commonly stated that three exact keyword mentions on a page is best practice for SEO. Recently, however, I have noticed a few articles that have hinted against it. matt @highonseo briefly mentioned the subject here: Also, one our clients competitors is ranking above them with only one exact mention of the keyword in the page title with no exact mentions in page copy. I know other factors can make a difference, but this is does raise questions of our on-site strategy. I haven’t found any literature that specifically recommends using one exact match of a keyword, so any opinion would be very useful! Thanks

    | PeteW

  • Something in which is an essential part of any site but I cant for the life of me remember if there is a set / recommended limit to the size if should be or is restricted to.

    | SamPenno

  • My crawl report is flagging an issue with too many links to one of my pages, this page is my sitemap.html. However, I have coded the page so that if required is specified it generates an .xml version of the page and if not then the html version is displayed. What is the best way to stop the crawl finding the html version whilst maintaining it on the site for clients navigation?

    | SamPenno

  • Hi Gurus, Thank you for reading this question My site is developed in Classic ASP How can i make sure the homepage is not duplicated for Regards Sri

    | partyrama

  • Hi All,
    Can any one please help in the factors that effects Alexa ranking.
    My website Alexa rank got increased at all of sudden. It was 600000 last month it got increased to 1000000 by today and i cant even find the rank in own country which was 22000 before. Please help me in this, my organic traffic and over all traffic is constant only, how ever my website got effected. Please suggest me on this

    | PrasanthMohanachandran

  • Hi Quite new to SeoMoz so some learning curve but we have one issue on a  site perhaps someone can advise on? We have many duplicate page titles / content, we think this was due to a corrupt sitemap.xml file, all of the URL's look like this with an odd page at the end So that XML map was removed well over a week ago, the new sitemap is an apsx generated one to get all pages correctly show as Goolge and Bing have that. SeoMoz re did our site and the errors went up a bit!! Not sure how that process works, anyone any suggestions? Cheers Shaun

    | ShaunSizen

  • Hi I have been deleting product links from my website but never redirect them. On my google webmaster, it shows there is total 23000 products are not found. Should I redirect them all back to the home page? For the pages with soft 404 response.. should I also redirect those original URL back to home page ? Thanks

    | ilovebodykits

  • Hi, I have a question about the On-Page Analysis report. I am tracking two different keywords for our campaign: "Private Dining" and "Private Dining Sacramento". We are ranked 8th for Private Dining Sacramento but we have an On-Page analysis rating of F. While on the other hand we are not ranked in the top 50 for Private Dining but have an A on-page report. When looking at the on-page report it makes sense that we have an F for Private Dining Sacramento as we don't use that keyword anywhere on the page. We only use Private Dining. However, we are still ranked for Private Dining Sacramento and not for Private Dining. Should we update our keywords/text to use the Private Dining Sacramento keyword instead of the Private Dining? If we add Sacramento will we also get credit for Private Dining because it will still be part of all H,P and A tags we use? Sampe Report | Keyword | Grade | Google US |
    | URL | Current | Change | Rank | Change |
    |   | Private Dining /private-dining | A | No-change-icon | no data |
    |   | Private Dining Sacramento /private-dining | F | No-change-icon | 8 | No-change-icon |

    | Three29

  • Hi Friends, I am seeing lot of duplicate (about 10%) from the crawl report of SEOMOZ. The report says, "Duplicate Page Content" But the urls it listed have different title, different url and also different content. I am not sure how to fix this issue.. My site has both Indian cinema news and photo gallery. The problme mainly coming in photo gallery posts. for example: this is the main url of a post.  . But in this post, each image is a link to its enlarged images (default wordpress). The problem is coming with each individual image with in this post. examples of SEOMOZ report 3 individual urls as duplicate content...from the same above post.: Some body please advise me.. Appreciate your help.

    | ksnath

  • Hi, Say you have an article, does a link in the content itself hold more weight then including it in say the byline? I have read so many times a link higher up the page, contextual has much more benefit than a link way below the fold separated from the main content within a byline. Thoughts?

    | Bondara

  • Hi, I have read a few times, on here and other places that when a website applies a no follow tag to a link the PR is not retained but instead disappears (evaporates) thus neither website benefiting. Is that true? If so what is the actual benefit of no following a link?

    | Bondara

  • I've heard that having duplicate meta descriptions is bad for SEO and can even be the cause of penalties. However, a duplicate meta description would make sense for different categories on many sites. So I'm wondering what the best solution is for a case like this? One of my sites has around 150 topics, and each topic page is exactly the same, aside from including only things that are related to that specific topic. So why would I want to create 150 different meta descriptions? Not only is it time consuming, and nearly impossible to create 150 unique descriptions for the same type of content, but it also serves no purpose for visitors coming from the search engines. A logical approach would be to use the same meta description and just switch out the topics in the description... but then all of those descriptions would be 95% the same - and I imagine Google might see that as spam. So... suggestions?

    | JABacchetta

  • As many of you might now, Locu is a company that allows restaurant owners to manage and post their menus on multiple websites. Their service is pretty slick, but is does raise the issue of whether their menus are crawlable or not. You can see an example here: The menus are embedded into the website using a simple script: Using Google Fetch, it doesn't look like there's any content to crawl, but Locu claims that the content IS crawlable. I would love to get some other opinions on this question. Thanks!

    | onurkiyak

  • I recently seen a site that has delibrately no followed the links to there social sites.  The company's Google Plus, Facebook and twitter icons all no followed?  I would have thought you would want google to know about these profiles? Whats everyone elses take on this?? shivun

    | seohive-222720

  • In an eCommerce store, when is it appropriate to add quality category pages content and when is it more appropriate to add content to the actual product pages instead?

    | BobGW

  • So, I am kind of a newbie with all of this stuff, so please bear with me! If you have a chance to look into the domain it's I have checked the internal followed and 301 links. It seems like it is pulling in all of our navigation a funky way. all of those link have no data for the title and the anchor text is Home, Contact Us, Forgot Password?, ETC. Is this correct? I have tried to look into the way other websites are doing it and it seems wrong. I tried to talk to my developer, but he is not so sure. Do we simply need to make more copy on our site that has internal links within the copy with anchor text that is for keywords that I would like to be ranking for? Like Managed DNS? and then that page goes to the managed DNS page? Or what? Sorry if i am not being totally clear. Any help and advice is 110% welcomed!!! Natalie

    | vwnatalie

  • Despite having a A in the on-page report card. The keyword I am trying to optimize my site for is not ranking at all in Google. What could cause this ?

    | Pzabarko

  • What is the preferred image replacement technique currently for CSS? I have been using the one that someone here at SeoMoz recommended a year or two ago, which was: Text to be hidden { #id { overflow:hidden; width:200px; //width of the image background-image: url(...); } #id span { display:block; width:1000px; height:1000px; }

    | TomBristol

  • I think I many have some duplicate content issues as have been adding unque content above posts in categories using the all category SEO. How can I add static content to the posts on the home page though? Any help appreciated!

    | SamCUK

  • Hi, I have a question about good keyword practice. I have a page: It lists all injuries ("skader" in danish) and suspensions ("karantaener" in danish) for the english premier league in football/soccer. On the page one can choose to show only injuries OR suspensions, which have their own URLs: My question is - what is best. To optimize the first URL (the more general one) to fit both of the following keywords:
    "skader premier league" and "karantaener premier league" OR should i focus on optimizing the two latter URLs, the more specfiic to target the two keywords. Regards, Rasmus

    | rasmusbang

  • My web developer is telling me that it is best practice for SEO to place your keyword in your URL twice. For Example: I'm sure that this is not true, could you please help?

    | CoGri

  • Hi, Google webmasters tools is reporting that I have 254 blog pages with duplicate metta titles. Sample below; /blog/2012/06/
    /blog/category/uncategorized/ Can anyone advise what is the best way to address this issue as wordpress seems to assign the site title and tag line set in general settings as the meta title for all blog posts and pages. Thanks

    | UnderMe

  • I'm getting to the bottom of why my site dropped rankings on the 9th March. I noticed that in google there is a cached version of my site on 9th March at 8.37am which is when my rankings dissapeared. Presumably this is when google last crawled my site? I guess this means that google found something on the home page or on the site that it didn't like? I wonder if anyone can take a look and let me know if there's anything obvious. Could it be a duplicate content penalty as I have lots of categories pulling content from the same posts?

    | SamCUK

  • Does google index an interal page differently depending on whether you are using a FULL url (including domain) or just a relative link?  Also, is it possible that using a full URL ( causes the browser to "ping" the server differently than just having the href linked to using relative links (/page.html) Could this cause server or firewall perfomance issues?

    | WebRiverGroup

  • What is the point of optimizing (on-page SEO) a parallel mobile website if the mobile search results are taken from the general (desktop) index?

    | echo1

  • Hi, I have a site which uses Event Manager Pro within Wordpress to create Events (as custom post types on my blog. I use it to advertise cookery classes. In a given month I might run one type of class 4 times. The event page I have made for each class is the same and I duplicate it 4 times and just change the dates to promote it. The problem is with over 10 different classes, which are then duplicated up to 4 times each per month. I get loads of duplicate content errors. How can I fix this without redirecting people away from the correct page for the date they are interested in? Is it best just to use a no follow for ALL events and rely on the other parts of my site for SEO? Thanks, T23

    | tekton23

  • Should State names be abbreviated and/or fully spelled out in title tags, meta descriptions and body content? Does Google know that VT = Vermont?

    | lbohen

  • Hi there, I have a website with splash page - . It's trully cool looking, the owner of our company wants the home page to be this way. But is it ok from SEO viewpoint? Can it rank well for keywords. All my SEO strategy were not using splash pages and I am not sure what should I change so it work with splash page also. I myself won't choose splash page but my boss trully liked it.

    | HrishikeshKarov

  • We've all been here before if you do local. What type of content should go on a local service page when dealing with multiple service locations? You could: Describe Services List Local News Articles List staff in that location (although I would prefer in the staff page for that city) Testimonials from that location or service But what happens when you are describing something that needs no explanation. Or a medical procedure that requires no localization and altering the wording can actually cause legal problems if misstated. Matt Cuts recommends a few sentences to a paragraph to describe a service, but my experience hasn't found this to hold up locally. Any ideas or suggestions about how this could be remedied?

    | allenrocks

  • I know that there are penalties if you have a navigation item in your categories that links to another site (root domain) that yields the same design as the original link. Is there any negative SEO implications with having a subdomain with the same design as the root domain i.e. vs. And the navigation functionality within will have links to both as well as directories? Thanks in advance.


  • Hi - I'm working on a proposal for a client who runs  3 different career websites.  He uses "host headers" to direct the website visitor to the correct website.  For example, if the visitor comes from Washington he goes to one url.  If he is in Kansas, he goes to another URL. Does anyone have any experience doing SEO with this type of system?  What do I need to know?  What are hurdles I'll encounter? Thanks, -Hunter

    | HunterW

  • Does anyone know of a list/resource of abbreviations recognised by Google? For example does Google recognise w/ as with? Andy

    | AndyMacLean

  • Is there any risk of forwarding 404 links directly to homepage. I already have 404 page but now google showing you have lots of 404 links and some of them i can't control to fix this issue. Is there any problem if i do so for SEO ?

    | chandubaba

  • Recently, there has been some new industry names that have emerged for the type of software we provide and we want to make sure that we rank for those terms (of course!). The 3 names combined are too long for a title tag and would look odd to incl all 3 in the homepage. Any suggestions (or examples) of how this could done without looking spammy? I also don't really know where to put this within our website. e.g. enterprise portal, enterprise information portal (EIP) or corporate portal Any suggestions would be most welcome

    | alexpeps

  • Hello. Should I use a dash or a vertical line in title tags? Thank you!

    | nyc-seo

  • I've recently discovered large blocks of content on a competitors site that has been copy and pasted from a client's site. From what I know, this will only hurt the competitor and not my client since my guy was the original. Is this true? Is there any risk to my client? Should we take action? Dino

    | Dino64

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