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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • hi there, the SEOMOZ crawl has detected two "broken links" : how can I fix the problem? I know that these two links are related to the user's subscription (hypothetical) to my website updates. Thanks in advanced.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi guys, I have a it possible to posicionate two keywords in one only page? If yes, how would it be the process so that Google take note of that action/s. How many criteria/keywords are recommended to positionate in one site? Thanks all

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hello, After 4 years of incorrect blog creation and 4000 blog posts I have seen the light. I have implemented a new theme, SEO friendly, based on a yoast website report and have been creating timeless blogs with correct structure. However, I have 5400 broken links and images based on the Broken Link Checker. Additionally, of our 2500 blog posts which are on app reviews, only 500 are optimized so I have been painstakingly been going through each to optimize, while balancing new content output. The trouble is Google is seeing massive changes and we are tumbling in search. Any suggestions on how to approach this as it is my understanding that the broken links/images are doing considerable damage to our website overall. the website is thank you Mike

    | crazymikesapps

  • I have a site that has suffered several phases of restructuring. Apparently its owners were unsure as to which direction to take when it came to structuring their content and URL schema and subjected the site to several rounds of poorly thought through implementations (i.e.,,"silo"/page-title, etc.), all within a 8 month period. I posted the originating question here on this Q&A Forum. I want to thank EGOL and Cody for taking a stab at it. What would be a good strategy to help a site like the one I describe above begin ranking again?

    | UplinkSpyder

  • Recently I heard Google virtually dropping the description tag for seo scoring? and it takes the data off the page, however one of my clients description is just pulling a url rather than any content from the page. is there some way thats ethical to suggest a description to google?

    | Shuffled

  • I have gone over this so many times and I just can't seem to get it straight and hope someone can help me out with a couple of questions: Right now, on my dynamically created pages created by filters (located on the category pages) I am using rel""canonical" to point them to their respective category page. Should I also use the robots meta tag as well? Similarly, each product I have on my site has a review form on it and thus is getting indexed by Google.  I have placed the same canonical tag on them as well pointing them to the page with the review form on it. In the past I used robots.txt to block google from the review pages but this didn't really do much.  Should I be using the robots meta tag on these pages as well? If I used the robots meta tag should I noindex,nofollow? Thanks in advance, Jake

    | jake372

  • First off, let me apologize if this question is posted elsewhere, worded differently.  I've looked around quite a bit and have been unable to find the answer. Basically, we are a small web design firm just getting our feet with with SEO.  Most of our clients, especially initially, will be quite small, local, service businesses. For example:  and electrician, a pet sitter, a retail printing and map store, a surgeon etc.  Almost all of their sites will follow a basic "business card on the web" format... Home Page - About Us - Testimonials - Rates - FAQ - Contact Us - Etc So, from what I've read about on-page optimization, making sure my keywords are in the title, header, body, and meta description is one of the easiest and quickest things we can do for our clients.  This is a straightforward concept for me when applied to the homepage.  For example, take the local pet sitting business.  Her keywords are: Pet sitting, Dog walking, and the city we live in, Anytown USA.  So, I've used those keywords in all the appropriate places on the home page: title: Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Service in Anytown USA header: Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Service in Anytown USA first sentence of body:  We are a professional Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Service in Anytown USA meta description:  We are a professional Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Service in Anytown USA. At Business Name your furry friends become a part of our family. So, my question is: Do I also optimize the "about us" page? I've changed the title of all the pages to follow this format: Dog Walking and Pet Sitting in Anytown USA - Home Dog Walking and Pet Sitting in Anytown USA - About Us Dog Walking and Pet Sitting in Anytown USA - Rates Dog Walking and Pet Sitting in Anytown USA - FAQ Dog Walking and Pet Sitting in Anytown USA - Etc Easy enough so far.  Also pretty easy for the meta description, and the body.  However, how would I add keywords to the header without making it look ridiculous?  We use wordpress with the genesis framework, and child themes from studiopress.  The header is always prominently visible at the top of the page.  Most people would expect to see the header be the same as the link they clicked on the nav bar:  for example, on the "about us" page, people expect the header to be: "about us"  Not: "dog walking and pet sitting in Anytown USA - About Us" Do I just not worry about the headers on the other pages?  For that matter, I'd really like people to "land" on the home page, not any of the other pages, so should I not optimize them at all?  Does optimizing the rest of the pages help the home page to show up higher in the SERPS?  If I do end up optimizing the rest of the pages, should I use slightly different spellings of the keywords: like Dog walker instead of dog walking?  Or pet sitter instead of pet sitting? I've repeatedly seen people talk about not using the same keywords on more than one page... but for most of these businesses there are really fairly few keywords.  There just isn't that many different ways that someone is going to search for an electrician, or a plumber, or a pet sitter.  By the second or third page that I optimize on one site, I imagine I'll start running out of different variations of the keywords. I recognize that a lot of what we'll do that will be most helpful to local clients has nothing to do with on page optimization (setting up google places, google+, yahoo + bing local, etc).  I'd just like to make sure that I'm doing the on page stuff as perfectly as possible. Thanks for your time and responses! -Matt p.s. while I'm at it, let me ask another question about domain names as well.  Right now the pet sitting client mentioned above is using: After operating her business for the last year she realized she is much more interested in dog walking than pet sitting.  We are in the processes of redesigning the site, and when finished, are considering moving it to: My assumption is that as long as we use permanent redirects from the old site to the new one, we shouldn't lose much SEO value.  Is this thinking correct? On a related note though: another article I read mentioned that using a brand name in the domain may actually be more useful than the keyword rich domains above.  However, www._businessname._com happens to already be taken by a pet sitting business at the other end of the country.  We could however use: Which one do you think would work better?  The keyword/location domain, or the businessname/location domain?  Thanks!

    | Webformix

  • Hi All, We have had a new site delivered by our developers (hurrah...the old one was to terrible for words) but we seem to be having a lot of issues with the new Magento platform. What they have done is used the community version and tried to customize it. I came on to this project about a month into the build and although Magento does seem to do a lot things well there do seem to be some problems. From an SEO prespective we have seen some increase on some search terms and a drop of in others. I would be interested in hearing from other Magento users about their experiences with this platform and any ideas on how to crank up the activity. Our site is at . There are few odd bits including the side navigation which seems to be very clunky and not overly customizable in this version. Any useful criticism would also be well received. Look forward to hearing Nic

    | nicc1976

  • I've been reading the benefits of each practice, but not found anyone mentioning whether it's really necessary to do both? Personally I try to stay clear of .htaccess rewrites unless it's absolutely necessary, since because I've read they can slow down a website.

    | HOPdigital

  • The dilemma here of course is that the stores will be very similar in content, with the domains only being different in that the store targeting the US will be a .com domain and the Canadian store is a .ca domain.

    | absoauto

  • Hi all, I have used the plugin wpml in order to have one site in different languages (Spanish and English). The problem is that this plugin doesn't work  with all in one SEO plugin so that the spanish home and the english home have the same title. Google has positionated in the first position the english one in How can I revert the situation if I fix the problem with other plugin? Thanks.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi, I have a website and part of it is the admin page/s that my customers can log in and modify their pages( change pictures, change text, etc...) When i run SEO tools to check my site i get errors or warnings about these pages ( duplicate content, meta description missing, etc...) 1. Is this affects my SEO rank? 2. can i mark them as pages that don't need to be ranked or checked by Google? 3. Is Rel no follow is part of the solution? Thank you i.

    | iivgi

  • The report on our campaign shows that up to 2 pages are being crawled now from 4. However, our site has more pages than this. We recently inserted code to allow crawlers. what can we do to resolve this? please assist.v

    | seoworx123

  • On a page that lists products (thumbnail text repeating the same word when you sell variations of the same thing) and also has copy at the bottom, are the product names crawlable? Is it better to avoid repeating the keyword in the copy? Can you get penalised for it?

    | LawrenceNeal

  • I've been a Pro Member for nearly a year and I am bound and determined to finally clean up all the crawl errors on our site We have 180 errors for Duplicate Page Titles and Duplicate Content.  I fixed many of the pages that were product pages with duplicate content.  Those product descriptions were edited and now have unique content. However, there remain plenty of the errors that are puzzling.  Many of the errors reference the same pages, for example, the Home Page, Login Page and the Search page (our catalog pages).
    In the case of the Catalog Page errors, these type pages would have the same title every time "Search" and the results differ according to category. If this is  rel=canonical issue, how do I fix it on a search result page?  I want each of the different category type pages to be indexed.  One of them is no more important than the other. So how would I incorporate the rel=canonical? In the case of the Home Page errors, I'm really confused.  I don't know where to  start to fix these.  They are the result of a 404 error that leads to the home page.  Is the content of the 404 page the culprit since it contains a link to the home page? Here are examples of the Home Page type of crawl errors. Thanks , Alan

    | AlanWills

  • I have some pages are written in foreign language, is it possible to just add the language tag on this single page to enable it to target specific audience? eg, if I have a page written in German, how do I add the language tag to help it get a better rank in Thank you Mozzers

    | JonnyGreenwood

  • I sell a product that comes in 9 different sizes, two materials, and two different shapes.  People often search for this product by size, material and shape as follows: #9 material1 square widget #5 material2 circle widget The dilemma I'm facing is should I create 1 page for each of these products resulting in 36 different pages, or should I create one page that the users can select size shape and material? I'm thinking that from a usability stance, the 36 different pages are easier to navigate and determine price on, but I'm afraid that going the route that is easier for the customer to use in this case could hurt me duplicate content wise.  I'm all about making a good user experience, but don't want to hurt myself because the content on all 9 sizes is basically the same. Are images of the product enough to be considered non-duplicate content?  I also list out the dimensions of each product, but beyond that there isn't much to delineate the content. My plan is to create one page with all the content that relates to all of the products as a top level page with links to the individual products broken down, but just wanted to get some feedback from you guys before making the effort.

    | kadesmith

  • Mozers, I am of the believe and as a  person who puts the utmost emphasis on the index page of any website I am trying to rank, especially with a new domain ... insuring content is relevant, structured, optimized and we have some link juice flowing in. I find once we get the index page ranked, Google's little bots then start to index and rank accordingly the rest of the website ... and we start producing results. We also develop websites (dare I say its where we expertise in) and unexpectantly the client has asked us to carry out SEO work additionally to their web development. Problem lies here, their index page, has absolutely no written content at all, just one large image with a logo (Fashion Website) ...Which I identify as a huge issue as per my explanation is paragraphs one or two. I am sure withe the many more qualified SEO experts and gurus within the SEOmoz community, you have also come across this issue So a few questions, if you don't mind adding advice. 1 - Am I putting too much emphasize on content within the index page, in terms of indexing and actually ranking ...yes I appreciate that terms within the website will be ranked against other pages other than the index page, but will it harm us for having no content at all within the index page 2 - If so, and yes is the answer to above, how do we handle it, we have spoke with the client and he is pretty adamant that he want the index page as is, he has been through out the whole website building process. As suggested, any advice would be really appreciated, its a difficult market to rank within a it is, and i can only see this index page making the task a lot more difficult Cheers John

    | Johnny4B

  • Days ago I added rel=canonical tags on my site. For the post pages, I add canonical tag on both post page ( and comment page (, all the canonical tags are pointing to post page, but in fact there are only comments on the comment page. For product pages, I add the canonical tags on both product info page, download page, and order page, all of them are pointing to the info page, while in fact they are displaying different content. I no-indexed the comment page, download page, and order page for a long time. After I added the canonical tags, the traffics dropped (not hugely but slowly and steadily). Are my actions harming my site? Is this a normal flux after adding codes to the entire site, or it's the bad outcome for wrong SEO actions? PS: I can't change the site structure, so it's not possible to combine post and comment pages into one, so do the product pages. Thank you guys

    | JonnyGreenwood

  • Hi there, regarding Seo is the same to set an URL with the keyword containing de stopwords or without stopwords? The Yast SEO plugin told me that I didn't set the title relating to the keyword (I set it without "stop words" in the ttile) when I set the relevant keyword with stop words. What's convinient? Does the bot notice that there are stop words and processes the title with the keyword without them? Thanks!

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi all, I have an issue driving me crazy thant I think it could be impacting in the SERPs. My site has a spanish version "www.tarifakitesurfcamp" and an english version "". These two "pages" in the CMS ("inicio" and "home") have the same title and the same description tag (in spanish) as the plugin ALL in one SEO only allows me to write one unique title and description for the home page via GENERAL OPTIONS (there's an option for "home title" and for "home description").. If a try to assign a title and a description individually for each page  it doesn't work (I can't see the titles and description in the source code" of those pages. On the other hand, there's another page that is which I can't locate in the CMS within pages section. This page has the same tittle and description as well. Could anyone give me a solution? Thanks.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi I've added to index images in our sitemap although they are showing as being submitted Google hasn't indexed a single one. This has been the case for about 3 months. Is there any reason why Google would not index them? Thanks

    | tidybooks

  • Hi Guys I have site-wide redirected all http// to www and all the category pages lost their page ranks (except home page).  I would like to know if this is normal and is it one of the possible causes in losing keyword ranking?

    | ilovebodykits

  • Hi all, after making an analysis of my website the tool has found two pages that I don't know what refers to: /?page id=2058 (only one page of this kind) /?attachment id= (only one page of this kind) does anyone know what kind of pages they could be? Do the have relevancy regading SEO? The plattform is Wordpress. Thanks!

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi there! I don't want to "make relevan"t 3 of the pages my website has. Should I give them a title and a description even if I dont't want them to   be shown in the SERPs? Is there any penalty from google if I don't do so? I guess no but just to confirm. Thanks!

    | juanmiguelcr

  • The Seomoz crawler found 404error of pages dont even exist. Ho can that be possible?? Pages like: URL:

    | yoxo

  • I'm currently doing some benchmarking for a big realtor site here in México, while looking at the biggest players in the US I noticed most if not all are using the Keywords meta tag in their detail listings. I've been really open to my client about not using this tag at all given the current common knowledge but when sites like:,, and the like, are using them I'm second guessing their utility. Does anyone have any insights on this? Should or should not we use meta-keywords? On a side note, there is some interesting microdata going on, in those sites.

    | makote

  • Hello, my site deals with pictures you can download and print for free. Because people search for it I have several page with similar content. For example: picture of dog free printing image of dog free printing painting of dog free printing picture of cat free printing image of cat free printing painting of cat free printing Just as an example. Now after tracking my ranks I found out that google changes those sites in the rankings. For example for the kw picture of dog free printing the site for picture of dog free printing is in the rankings but on another day it is image of dog free printing and on another painting of dog free printing. So those Google is switching the pages for one kw some times and it seems each time it does that I'm loosing rankings. I'm thinking it is because image of dog free printing and painting of dog free printing isn't as well optimized as the page that should appear: picture of dog free printing. With the more general kw of free printing it is even more complicated. I get some traffic through free printing (just an example) and all 6 example pages are being shown in the google search results from one day to another and again it looses some rank each time. What can I do to stop this?

    | SeeSharp1

  • hi there! to what extent is important "the keyword density" factor in the website optimization? I've read in the net that it's no more relevant but I'm not sure. In case has an impact in the SERPs, is there a % considered as appropiate or "reference" in the SEO world? Thanks.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi all, as part of the optimization process i've used the same keyword in two different pages of my site (the "home" page and another page") 'cause I had only four criteria (keywords) selected for my business model and six pages so I had to redistributed it in diferent pages. This keyowrd especifically is suited for two pages of the website. The thing is that it could result in keyword canibalization as two pages are competing for the same keyword and may Google penalize the site. ¿How could I solve the problem? I can use only these four criteria according the the business model of the company. In case the pages are indexed and something has been changed  how must i proceed? Thanks.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • My keyword ranking many times vary significantly from google to bing.  i feel comfortable with my google rankings but many competitors that i am ranking higher than in google are much higher than my site in bing.  Any tips?

    | GaryQ

  • We are in the process of correcting our site in hopes that Google will rank us higher in the SERP. We have many pages that have multiple H1 tags or no H1 tag at all. How important is the H1 tag? Will it help us increase our ranking on Google? Thanks

    | WebRiverGroup

  • Hi, the SEOMOZ crawl diagnostics shows that this page: is blocked (noindex, nofollow) Is there any problem with that?

    | juanmiguelcr

  • hi there! Is it possible not to be in the first 20 or 30 positions in the SERPs after executing onpage SEO actions (keyword optimization,  metatags, ....) even for keywords for which there's not "too much" competition? Is there a way of visualize the pages indexed by the google bot? (the pages especifically, not the number)  in order to discard indexing problems? Thank you!

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi there! Once you have made the first SEO onpage efforts....When am I supossed to have the imact in the SERPs? Is there an average "timeframe" for that? I know that is important the linkbulding stratety (among other factors). Thanks in advanced.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • What would be the best way to avoid a Duplicate Page Content for these type of pages. Our website generates user friendly urls, for each page..  
    So it is the same exact page, just both versions of the url work.. Example: I don't think adding code to the page will work because its the same page for the incorrect and correct versions of the page. I don't think i can use the URL parameter setting because the version with /about-africa/ is the correct (correct as it it follows the site navigation) I was thinking of using the htaccess to redirect to the correct version.. Will that work ? and does it follow best Practices ?  any other suggestions that would work better ?

    | 365ToursSafaris

  • So my overall bounce rate is around 70% and the average time on page is around 2 minutes. Obviously, this is no bueno, but I feel like I've been staring at my own website so long that I have trouble viewing it from a fresh perspective. Are there any tools to I can use to diagnose the usability of my site? Would the SEOMoz community mind taking a look a my site from a fresh perspective and giving me some pointers on how to improve those metrics? Thanks! homepage: Most viewed pages:

    | CleanEdisonInc

  • Hi I have a client whose site content has been scraped and used in numerous other sites. This is detrimental to ranking. One term we wish to rank for is nowhere. My question is this: what's the quickest way to resolve a duplicate content issue when other sites have stolen your content? I understand that maybe I should firstly contact these site owners and 'appeal to their better nature'. This will take time and they may not even comply. I've also considered rewriting our content. Again this takes time. Has anybody experienced this issue before? If so how did you come to a solution? Thanks in advance.

    | sicseo

  • Hi there !-) I´m helping a friend who has a e-commerce about nail polish in Brazil. I´m a little in doubt about the urls and folder structure. Two questions: 1. There are 10 products per category and 50 categories. Should I put them all in the root folder or creat 2 major categories ( 25 sub-categories each one)? 2. Whats the better product page url ( the store has around 500) OR Whats the best recomandation?

    | SeoMartin1

  • Is there any benefits or disadvantages to embedding product videos directly on the site vs. having them pop out in a separate window?

    | ClaytonKendall

  • I have several warnings for duplicate page title.... I thought that I had good structure, but I guess I am doing something wrong. On my website (, I am getting duplicate page errors for pages like this:
    and I thought that this sort of structure was a good idea since the end page is different. Should each page be set up right after the original domain name? I'm new at this....

    | Joshlaska

  • Hi folks I have some pages that used to rank pretty well..but I believe it is affected due to the content similarities. Here is one the sub category pages the main category page These 2 links have very similar contents. The content are dynamic generated by template and I don't think I am able to change content for each individual pages since there are over 2000-3000 of them or more. Should I use canonical tag on the Duraflex.html page to give the main category page all the link juices and credits? There are about 20 other pages like this under this main category. Is it right to canonical all of them? Please let me know if anyone has any suggestion.. thanks

    | ilovebodykits

  • I have run in to a situation on an e-commerce store where products from a certain manufacturer require a fairly large chunk of corporate information to be posted underneath the product description: I.E. Trademark information, etc. This information happens to be close to half the size of the product description information. Am I at risk of getting hit negatively for this portion of text duplicated across multiple products? I was considering putting a link to a separate informational page with this information but am not sure if it even matters? What are your recommendations brilliant SEO'erz?

    | wishmedia

  • I have used the Adobe bridge program for a number of photo galleries on a remodeling site and it is showing a large amount of duplicate titles, etc.  Is there an easy fix to this? anyone?

    | DaveBrown333

  • Trying to figure out the best way to construct localized  urls for the dental website. For example, If I have the URL:  
    and If I want to make it local to the city I would use: But what happens is that I have other options off the menu like: But if I am trying to rank for richardson tx teeth whitening, I would have to do But that's pretty long and ugly and I don't think I need richardson-tx in their twice. If I am trying to rank for richardson tx cosmetic dentistry and richardson tx teeth whitening, what would be the best structure for the url's?

    | Czubmeister

  • Hi mozzers, I am wondering if sliding text SEO friendly such as this webpage: If it isn't is there a way to make it SEO Friendly? Thank you!

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • I have encountered problems regarding rel canonical. When I ran  On-Page Report Card it says **Error: ** Appropriate Use of Rel Canonical Canonical URL: "" Explanation: If the canonical tag is pointing to a different URL, engines will not count this page as the reference resource and thus, it won't have an opportunity to rank. Make sure you're targeting the right page (if this isn't it, you can reset the target above) and then change the canonical tag to reference that URL. Recommendation We check to make sure that IF you use canonical URL tags, it points to the right page. If the canonical tag points to a different URL, engines will not count this page as the reference resource and thus, it won't have an opportunity to rank. If you've not made this page the rel=canonical target, change the reference to this URL. NOTE: For pages not employing canonical URL tags, this factor does not apply." I just don't know how to fix this. I am using Wordpress SEO by Yoast but I haven't change any settings regarding rel canonical. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks

    | projectassistant

  • I added new code to rewrite the page titles <title><?php wp_title(''); ?></title> But I can't find the normal title tags in the Header PHP file in editor so I now have duplicate titles tags in the source code This is the code - can't see what else would be titles?  This is the website ... <title><?php wp_title(''); ?></title> eFavIcon(); ?> eCSS(); ?> enabled('Theme')) { ?>,700,400italic,700italic" />

    | lauratagdigital

  • It turns out we own a few exact match domains that are relevant to our business. Is it worth doing anything other than just redirecting? (We have owned these sites for a long time, over 15 years.) The keywords are moderate to low in traffic and moderate to high in competitiveness. (Right now they 301 to our main site.) I know exact match is not as valuable as it used to be and that there are mixed opinions about microsites...

    | Linda-Vassily

  • We have a website promoting Pakistani lawyers online. The website also has an articles section where we post articles reviewing different legal cases and laws. All of our articles are written by actual lawyers are high quality and unique. Website itself doesn't have large page/site authority but its not a baby website either. I can't figure out why our articles don't rank on Google. Here are few of the articles: I don't know whether its simply because there are not enough links pointing to our website or if there is a problem in the website itself that i can't find. Thanks for the help

    | Heydarian

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