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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi, I'm in the process of rebuilding/designing an existing well ranking niche bespoke software site and have the following question - In the footer, I'm planning on linking to the main landing pages (blue widget software, red widget software etc theres about 7 in total). In these links I want to know if its best to have the word "software" in each link as I'm scared of it looking spamy. We sell custom software, and a lot of the keywords that currently attract traffic (as reported in analytics) end in the word software, for example - blue widget software red widget software In the footer would you end each link with software or not? How much effect would this have on rankings? Thanks in advance.

    | JamesJacobs

  • I generally use wordpress as a CMS and have the H1 tag coded in the header.php include file. This results as it being the same in all page - I normally do something like Keyword - Company name and set the company logo as the background and move the text off screen using text indent (CSS). Is having the same on every page a bad thing? I might be tricky to change so their all unique.

    | JamesJacobs

  • Hi, this is a very basic question but I want to confirm, as I remembered it was consider a good practice to use the absolute version of your links when linking to other pages of your site, not for any issue related to passing authority or PageRank, but because if someone scraps your content then they would take the links as well (as if they didn't remove them). Have the practices for internal linking with absolute or realtive URLs changed in any way? Which is the best way? absolute or relative? is there any harm for using the relative version? Relative:  Absolute: [](<strong><em>[](<strong><em> [Thanks!](<strong><em>

    | andresgmontero

  • This is pretty much an opinion question, I was under the impression that footer links had been devalued almost to the point of uselessness, and if they weren't going to be of any real use to the users of the site why bother. I was speaking to a web developer though whose opinion I do largely trust who remains very pro footer links, and I was wondering what everyone else thought. Am I being too dismissive, or are footer links on the way out?

    | Tompt

  • Greetings, I want to optimize my site, I know that posts to Facebook and Twitter help improve ranks. Does it matter though if my twitter/facebook sites have a different name than the domain I am optimizing? For example, my Facebook site is I assume that doesn't matter as long as the URLs on the site refer to my domain? Thanks! Eric

    | Ericc22

  • If given the choice to add an attractive stock photo to a conversion focused page, do the pros out number the cons in terms of SEO and CRO. Some pros are that you can include the keyword in the image filename and image alt tag. It can also increase user experience by making the page more attractive. Some cons might be that it increases page load time which can have a negative impact on SEO and user expereience. Also the visitor might get distracted away from the lead form button.

    | SparkplugDigital

  • Is it better to repeat a keyword phrase on a page's text that you have already used once, or to use a different variation of the keyword phrase?

    | SparkplugDigital

  • I'm just wondering if there would be some benefit if this was followed since the purpose of it is to add trust to your site.

    | BradBorst

  • Hello, I use a wordpress plug in that allows me to display tot he user any link I want from my domain, so it might be like:, but the actual link is www.someaffiliatelink/w09fjai;owfoienw  <--- and then a bunch of crap after the domain for the affiliate link.  It uses the common technique of an iframe to hide the actual url from the user and show the one that I want them to see.  What I am wondering is, does link juice in this case flow to my site, or to their site?  And also, do you have any comments regarding this type of link cloaking?  Thanks. Thanks

    | BigJohnson

  • Hello, I'm in a professional services industry. My services, and my competitors' services, can be broken down into about 20 categories or so. Most of my competitors have 50–100 pages describing their services, pages all cross-linked with appropriate anchor texts, but pages that have a lot of duplicate (though rewritten) content. That is, each individual page is pretty shallow, but they create the structural appearance of a lot of relevant content. Should I do the same, or should I just stick to the 20 categories with a handful of cross-links as necessary? This will allow me to get more relevant keywords on the page, and will likely be easier for the user, but might make Googlebot think the site isn't as deep, and it might affect my ability to do as many internal anchor text links.

    | maxkennerly

  • I have a number of pages that rank on the 1st page for highly long tail phrases, despite the pages having outbound links to things like 'privacy policy' 'terms of use', make a payment, etc...all pages that can be accessed from the home page. Do you recommend I eliminate these administrative pages from the long tail-targeting pages, to reduce outbound page rank flow? Does anyone create a different breadcrumb navigation or remove one altogether for pages that are highly targeted to improve their rank?

    | ilyaelbert

  • I understand that it is a best practice to write a different meta description for each page. However if you have 50 pages on a topic that are similar, is it okay to just change a couple words. For instance if you have a page about how to get an SEO job in each state, can you use the same meta description 50 times but change just the state name. Or is it much better to vary the meta descriptions significantly. Thanks!

    | SparkplugDigital

  • It's an age old question, "why is my site lower in the ranking than theirs" But in this case, I'm really not sure!... and we perform the SEO on both sites in question. The problem site is We are looking for ranking for phrases such as Used Machine Tools, Grinding Machines, Drilling Machines, Used Lathes etc. We aren't getting it as high as we have already with another customer of ours: We perform the SEO on both these sites, yet we've put far more work into the ESP one, and still not getting very far. There are more linking domains to ESP than BW, in truth the BW site has a higher mozrank, but by only a single point. We did not build the ESP site, whereas we built the BW one. There have been some URL problems with the ESP site, but we have hopefully improved things enough working with their original developer to be on the right track now. Any advice most welcome.

    | rowleysit-259892

  • In the tile of my post, shoudl I used my blog's name in it at the end or emit the blog name. EX: title of post with keywords | name of blog OR EX: title of post with keywords The site's name is 3 words long, so I'm worrying that those extra words are diluting the keywords in the post's name that I'm trying to target.

    | gregalam

  • I put one site ( and register some keywords, but the keywords don't appear in the results On-Page like the other campaigns. How can I solve that?

    | Ex2

  • Hi, We are working with a site that we can refer to as: It has a subsection of our clients services at The client has now decided that this subsection is in fact the most important thing they should be trying to rank for. A large amount of the content that is already existing under /topic2 /topic3 etc would fit naturally under etc The root domain is currently not ranking for the keyword they wish to target. I am planning on moving a lot of this content to the subfolder to try and boost that silo and get things going for that keyword. As long as we 301 the old URL's to their corresponding new position are there any issues any of you see with doing this? I am worried there may be some traps for young players I have not considered. Thanks in advance for any responses.

    | MrPaulB

  • Did you delete my first question? where is it? I cant find it on My Questions.... And if it is deleted i NEED to know why, i am currently on trial for PRO MEMBERSHIP, and getting my question deleted without any news is definitely not a good idea.... If i did something wrong, i need to know what is it.... (i dont understand , how on this green earth asking a question would be wrong though) Please responds, PS : My Last question was posted on "On-Page / Site Optimization" It asked 3 questions, all related to Search Engine Visibility, and the primary question is about "If i used php script to detect google bot / yahoo bot / bing bot, and then redirect them to page that have EXACTLY same content, but a much more SEO Friendly one, will this effect my seo standing" The website in question is In which case that website is full flash BUT it can be opened through any phone (I have built a php that detected IF you are coming from any mobile devices, it will redirect you to the right HTML version of that page) arghhhh i have asked the question, and have not got any responds for 6~7 days, and it got deleted??!

    | M4G1C14N

  • Hello, Please let me know what are the exact right steps in order to get rid of the duplicate content issues related with: same as  without creating an infinite loop. Do you have a step by step guide posted within seomoz including 301 redirect for non www to www for all urls and index.whatever to main domain name without going into a infinite loop ? btw how to you spot the loop ? is it obvious like never ending refresh of the home page ? thanks a lot !

    | eyepaq

  • I have just recently spoken to an SEO consultant who is pushing the opinion that more internal links would be better for me. They are particularly focused oin aligning a large number of content articles that I have developed over the years, and getting more keyword focus, and more links (inpage within site) onto these pages.  I have to agree on a certain level that maybe this large base of unique content is unedr utilised. What is the general opinon, more internal links are better?

    | Jurnii

  • Our site fell from grace last July and landed on page five of the Google search results for our primary keyword. For 6 months I tried a number of strategies with no results, including reconfiguring our site based on the SOEmoz on-page grading tool. More recently, after receiving your advice in a Q&A, I took down all of my paid links and submitted a reconsideration request to Google. Interestingly, 3 days later we popped up 20 spots. This left us on the top of page three. Better than page 5, but still not prime time! A few days ago (two weeks after our reconsideration request was submitted) I got a message back in my Webmaster Tools, that they had completed a review of our site - but oddly enough they provided no info on the outcome, positive or negative. And there has been no additional movement in the rankings since I received the message. Was the original 20 point jump the result of the reconsideration request, or just a coincidence? Or, is it possible that they did a review and the results will only occur later during some organic re-indexing process? What do you think?

    | JimSkychief

  • Say I have a 5 page website with 300 words and 4 images on each page. No or little dynamic content. No blog. Is it still possible to get good SEO results in a site like this? what would be the best strategy? what challenges would I need to over come? or is it just too much of an up hill battle?

    | iSenseWebSolutions

  • A large News Media Group has a Tv Channel, print newspaper, radio channel (for music primarly) and an online website that includes the newspaper content and other original content in different media. My question is, is it better to have independant websites for these different mediums or have all the content on one big website. Currently the newspaper and blog are online as one whereas the radio channel has its own website and the television has its own. So should we maintain sister sites and cross link to each other or have one big happy family under one house? Best, Rishad.

    | RishadShaikh59

  • Do you see their usage in usability and / or regarding SEO? What about the position? Normally they are embeded in the top area ... what if I have a really long page and I embed them at the bottom of the page. Isn't that positive for the user - he doesn't have to scroll up again. But what about the SEO purpose if they are at the botton in the nirvana? Are breadcrumbs navigational links and have less value because of that?

    | petrakraft

  • I have recently optimised a set of images for a client of ours: I'm looking through all the PA of these newly optimised images, and have varying PA {from SEOmoz toolbar} I understand that internal linking will pass link juice, and obviously external links will add to the overall PA. I have several pages with a PA of 36: { Fairly deep pages} Yet they have no external or internal links going to them. My question is "How can a page gain any authority when it has no visible links pointing at it?" Obviously there must be a link pointing at it {internally} as Google wouldn't have crawled the page right? Also lets say all the keywords are of equal competitiveness would the keywords with highest PA rank higher than those on O PA pages. Many Thanks

    | Yozzer

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