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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi, I've already browsed through various of the Q&As on the "too many On-Page links" issue, but I would really need some advice concerning a WP Site with a dropdown navigation. As outlined in the on-page report, every site has about 180 outgoing links, which pretty much is the number of site featured in the navigation. Even though the 100 link limit is somewhat outdated I'm still worried about the distribution of linkjuice from the starting page and how Google perceives the importance of the various pages. Would it make sense to adapt the structure of the navigation, so that the starting page only links to the 5 category pages and the category pages only link to the detail pages they contain? The site has good rankings for several pages and I assume that Google can tell that the large number of links is caused by the navigation. But with every page having appr. 180 links it may be difficult for Google to tell, which of those pages are the most important regarding internal link structure... Looking foward to your opinion and insights! Cheers, Chris

    | adwordize

  • What are the other seo's opinions on linking the same keyword you are targeting lets take an example like Trampolines. So we have a Online shop selling trampolines would you feel it a good or bad thing to link the keyword trampolines from the homepage to the homepage almost creating a loop. Some SEO's say yes some say no ?

    | onlinemediadirect

  • We have a client in the mortgage industry that has recently been licensed in multiple states, but they only have one office (for which their Google places page is claimed).  We have seen much success for the region their office is located in, but we want to expand our presence both for general terms and different region specific terms.  How can we help them rank in the various states that they are newly associate with?

    | Hakkasan

  • Do you guys find that visitors find pop up livechat software annoying, or do you find that it leads to significantly more conversions? What I mean by pop up is software that appears without the user clicking the 'chat now' button.

    | ilyaelbert

  • I am creating a new site which has a directory component.  Based on what I have ready I am inclined to keep the site architecture as flat as possible.  However, the natural layout that I have come up with in my head has the directory listings 5 or 6 pages deep in the site structure. I saw in another post that someone in a similar situation was suggesting that going deep like this is fine so long as there are many internal links to the deeper pages to indicate that they are important. Should I make a conscious effort to make the site architecture as flat as possible? Are there any specific guides/resources that address this particular issue that I should be aware of? Thanks!

    | fastestmanalive

  • I am reviewing a website that has different activities, and there are many ways to sort them. The issue is that the website is essentially displaying the same information, but in different sorts. Take a look at this search page: You are looking for fishing trips here, but you can sort it by city, region, and category. I have decided to "no index" some of these sorts, but I am afraid they might be picking up some long tail traffic on the city and region sorts. For example, "newport beach fishing trips", something like that. Any suggestions on how to deal with removing all of these duplicate sorts, while still maintaining the traffic that may be received by sorting with some long tail terms?

    | CindyAlbright

  • When looking to improve a sites ranking . I am working on a site that has script errors and needs fixing have you had any experience ?

    | onlinemediadirect

  • I'm working on a Chinese website: If I use Term Extractor, I only see words in English. How does it work? is Chinese (utf8) not supported and it only finds the non-Chinese characters? or are the chinese words extracted automatically translated? or do I use Term Extractor badly (I'm a newbie)

    | Travel-Stone

  • I'd like to optimize my blog better for search.  The first reccomendation I got from my SEOMoz Pro Campaign Crawl was that I needed to reduce the number of links per page on my site. I have lots of links from navigational items in the sidebar that people do click on. I'd really like to keep some or all of the tags and categories I list. Comments are another issue.  Most of our posts get about 10 comments.  However, our best posts get 50-100 comments.  Those comments create a lot of links. I was planning on attempting to reduce the number of links using javascript but I guess Google understands javascript now.  I may still do this b/c our pages are huge and some progressive rendering would likely help the user experience. Can you use javascript (ajax or otherwise) to limit the number of links on your page in a way that helps your SEO efforts?  Any specific suggestions for reducing links that come from comments and navigational items? How much will reducing the number of links on a given page help with SEO?  Any simple way to estimate or quantify this without diving in? Thanks in advance!

    | TaitLarson

  • The image will explain it all...  Each category page starts on the subject of the first sub-category page.  This happens twice (well actually 3 times since this section of the site is called showroom and it starts on the tab mowers). Is this a terrible approach?  If so, how could a site like this be better navigation-ally organized. cat-subcat.png

    | drewschmaltz

  • Hi Mozzers. Please see the constructed screen grab from Open site explorer. Do I have canonical Errors with this client? Thanks! jX7X6.jpg

    | Giggy

  • For one of our campaigns, we have 164 errors for Duplicate Page Content. We have a website where much of the same content lives in two different places on their website. The information needs to be accessible from both areas. What is the best way to tackle this problem? Is there anything that can be done so these pages are not competing against one another? If the only solution is to edit the content on one of the pages, how much of the content has to be different? Is there a certain percentage to go by? Here is an example of what I am referring to: 1.) 2.)

    | cmaseattle

  • I have encounter the "base href" on one of my sites.  The tag is on every page and always points to the home URL.

    | jmansd

  • Sorry if I've posted in the wrong section; in a nutshell my page title for 2x key terms (that I've noticed) is not showing in the Serps for my listing. Instead, the keyphrase I'm searching for shows up, and in one case my site name is appended. Can anyone tell me why this is? If I take a stab in the dark, i'd plum for Gg not thinking my page title is up to scratch for the particular search term.... but that's just a punt. Any help, greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    | newstd100

  • I’m helping a client optimize a word press blog, and I’m not that familiar with Wordpress.  The site is At first I was treating it like a normal website, where the categories would be optimized like pages on a website.  However, I now realize that categories don’t have any content on them, so I can’t really optimize anything other than the names. Are the following things the best way to handle on-page optimization for a blog? Optimizing the homepage & domain: Find ways to incorporate the most important keywords into the elements on the main frame of the site: Navigation menu, Widgets, Category names, Alt Images. Optimizing the categories: For the posts within the categories (i.e., photos), work to make sure the category keywords are worked into the post titles (but not too much to seem spammy) Optimizing specific posts. Work keywords into the text and images. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    | EricVallee34

  • Does google take the number of links in breadcrumb as a indicator to the depth of the page in the site structure? That will mean that a page with 5 links in the breadcrumb is a page very far away from the index, therefore a less important page.


  • We are an online furniture store with about 1300 products on the site, and we mostly use the catalogue descriptions for the product. Recently I have been reading about One Way Furniture: They are a big american online furniture which seemed to have lost about a 3rd of there traffic due to being punished in the panda update.  Now it seems they are blaming the fact they use they use catalogue descriptions for the product (like us), and now they are going to rewrite all their product descriptions. We are a small company and rewriting 1300 products (meaningfully) is no small task.  Looking at our own traffic we have taken a small slump since feb after about 18 months of general increased month on month traffic ( bar seasonal dips and boost), but we didn't have a "fall of the cliff" like One Way Furniture.  But have been expanding into other areas (and there for new keywords), so we had expected to be increasing our traffic. So the question is, how important is unique content for all our products? is it worth all the time and money to fix all the pages?  Our plan is to make sure our category pages (and there for landing pages) have unique content, would that be enough on its own, or are the product pages damaging the site over all?

    | eunaneunan

  • Hi I'm building a new next big thing website from scratch (for a translation agency) and I encountered an issue with the URL structure. I need to chose the URL for important targeted keyword pages and I have a conflict between two tools I'm using. Please read below the situation: domain: target keyword: french translation services which URL you think is better from a SEO point of view (and possibly for users): OR I'm asking this because one WordPress plugin (Wordpress SEO by Yoast) says the URL structure is not optimised while another tool (Market Samurai) says the URL is optimised.

    | flo2

  • Hello, I have an ecommerce store where we offer many similar products, and  the main difference could be the color or memory storage. Due to this reason my main problem appears to be be duplicate page title and content.  What is the best way to correct this issue? I cant make them different neither. I always include this particular difference in title or description. I guess it is not enough? any way to fix it? thanks!

    | tolyadem1

  • What I can do to avoid the duplicate content on the index and in the categorys, I cant block my categorys, cause are pages with big autorithy, so what i can do ?

    | nafera2

  • Hey everyone SEOMOZ is telling us that there are to many onpage links on the following page: Should we stop it from being indexed via Robots.txt? best regards and thanks in advance... Simon

    | Rapturecamps

  • Hello. Are the breadcrumb links valued more over other links ? (google searches for them specificaly to display them in the results)


  • Hi there, At the moment I am building an e-commerce website selling a bunch of iphone accessories. I have been aware that great quality content is one of the most important factors for a site to stand out in the list of search results especially when it comes to google's latest panda update. I was wondering what is considered to be great quality content for e-commerce websites? It would be great if you could share some ideas about how to build/create fantastic content for e commerce websites. Many thanks!

    | PHDAustralia68

  • Hey, I have a website about "coffee machines". Since a few months I added a vBulletin forum with vbSEO installed. The keywords Google found before I added the forum where highly related to the topic of my website (e.g. "coffee", "machine" etc), which I checked through the webmaster tools. However, I recently checked again and noticed that Google finds mostly keywords like "post", "forum", "thread", "share" etc. with high significance. Those "keywords" only appear on the forum. Now I'm a bit worried since Google states "These should reflect the subject matter of your site." Any advice how to solve that issue? Thanks!

    | netminds

  • With Google's updates we know they want to clean out duplicate content. i have been seeing the same crap spit out even word for word on different sites. Anyway how do you experienced SEO people test for dups on your own site as well as other sites. The only thing i can come up with is paying copyscape 5 cts a test. There has to be other ways. Advise/

    | joemas99

  • Is the keyword "filme online gratis" self-cannibalization on this site in the seomoz tool "On-Page Keyword Optimization" it shows that it is a self-cannibalization keyword ... i made some changes (big changes) and its still remaining the same

    | Alexsmenaru

  • What is the best SEO page/link structure for a blog with, say 100 posts that grows at a rate of 4 per month? Each post is 500+ words with charts/graphics; they're not simple one paragraph postings. Rather than use a CMS I have a hand crafted HTML/CSS blog (for tighter integration with the parent site, some dynamic data effects, and in general to have total control). I have a sidebar with headlines from all prior posts, and my blog home page is a 1 line summary of each article. I feel that after 100 articles the sidebar and home page have too many links on them. What is the optimal way to split them up? They are all covering the same niche topic that my site is about. I thought of making the side bar and home page only have the most recent 25 postings, and then create an archive directory for older posts. But categorizing by time doesn't really help someone looking for a specific topic. I could tag each entry with 2-3 keywords and then make the sidebar a sorted list of tags. Clicking on a tag would then show an intermediate index of all articles that have that tag, and then you could click on an article title to read the whole article. Or is there some other strategy that is optimal for SEO and the indexing robots? Is it bad to have a blog that is too heirarchical (where articles are 3 levels down from the root domain) or too flat (if there are 100s of entries)? Thanks for any thoughts or pointers.

    | scanlin

  • How harmful can be a keyword cannibalization? And what is the solution to this problem?

    | Alexsmenaru

  • HI, We've got a German e-commerce site on an .at domain and would like to have a copy on a .de domain as we expect higher conversions for German users there. The idea now would be to make use of the cross-domain canonical tag, create a "duplicate" on the .de domain and add a canonical tag on all sites and refer to the original content on the .at domain. That would mean the .de won't rank, but German users could see the .de domain, Austrian users the .at domain in the address bar and everybody could feel "at home"  ... that's the theory. What do you guys think? Valid strategy?

    | gmellak

  • When looking at the Duplicate Page Title report, the Other URLs column has various numbers that presumably indicate the number of pages that share the same title. When I click on one of these numbers, say a URL that shows 4 in that column, the next page reports "No sample duplicate URLs to report". Why isn't it showing me the other 3 URLs with the same page title?

    | jkenyon

  • Hi Guys, i want to know what you think about solution which i have to switch content in tab on my page. Here:  i have some important content in tabs, which are switching via javascript. So when you click there on O produkte next to Ceny  it will show you product description. My problem is that in source code when page is loaded i have this: Product description.. And after user click on O produkte javascript remove that display:none and show content. But Google will see only display:none as i think. Can i get penalty from Google? Will it index this text? Thanks for your suggestions how to resolve this.

    | xman87

  • I'm tracking two of my sites and, both sites were done in wordpress however by different web designers.  the Minnesota short sale site has gotten high rankings for several key terms without doing any link building or really any other off site optimization.  I'm getting ready to have another site built and I'm wondering if there is something simple in the basic architecture of the site that is superior with the minnesota short sale site vs the site.  If you could take quick glance and point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.  Thanks

    | jjwelu

  • It's best practice to choose a domain that has keyword in it. But if someone has just launched a website and the domain name does not have keyword, is it better to purchase a new domain name that has a keyword in the name and redirect existing domain to the new domain? Will that help SEO? (This just launched website does not have any traffic or links yet.)

    | Amjath

  • Hi guys, I am planning of setting up a blog within a client's website, due to limitations to their server environment, I can only setup the blog in a subdomain, I have read in some articles saying subdomains don't pass value as well as subfolders. My questions are: Is it true that subdomains can't pass SEO value? For example, if I set up a blog (say, will that improve long tail searches for my website ( What are some recommendations for subdomains so that it passes more value back to the root domain (for example, internal linking from subdomain back to root domain) Thanks guys.

    | NextDigital51

  • I have about 50 internal pages on my site that I want to add a "Do it yourself tutorial" to in an effort to build the quality of the pages.  Is this going to de-value the content if I put it on all 50 pages?  It's difficult to write similar content 50 different ways.

    | BradBorst

  • Most of the time, when we claim a Google Place Page, they give 2 choices to verify ownership:  1) phone verification and 2) postcard verification.  But right now (and for several weeks), for our listing, they are only giving the phone verification choice, which unfortunately won't work with our automated phone system.  How can we get our Place Page listing verified through a postcard sent to our address, when Google isn't presenting that as an option?

    | DenisL

  • I've recently been spending some time going through all the content on our website,, adding internal anchor text links to product copy with the link following back to the product's generic catagory. I've been focusing on the search term 'hen party accessories', but have also been using 'hen do accessories' and 'hen night accessories'. I know that internal linking has value when it comes to SEO and rankings, but was keen to find roughly at what point usage of a certain search term for anchor links is seen as spam by the engines. Is there a certain formula to follow when it comes to internal anchor text links? You can see some examples at: Many thanks Oli

    | RobertHill

  • I know this isn't something that I would use site-wide but I'm wondering if it helps or hurts me to use my company name (also my domain name) in pages below the homepage. As an example, let's say I'm Home Depot.  In the category pages off the homepage should I use Page names and urls like Home and Garden Supplies or Home and Garden Supplies at Home Depot?  Or does it hurt me to reuse my company/domain name on multiple pages?

    | kdieruf

  • To maximize SEO, would it be better to use a hyphen between two words in the name of a website? For instance, or Would it be OK to use Many thanks in advance, Ricardo

    | RicardoMello

  • Is there a rule of thumb from an SEO perspective on page length (there are obviously UX considerations)?   Do Google and Bing ignore content beyond a certain length like with Page Titles? Thanks.

    | Mont

  • If I type in my meta description for my homepage in google search or any of my keywords only my inner pages are returned in the results. I have a PR3 on the homepage so I don't think google is blocking my site and all my inner pages seem to show up.

    | Michael.Constable

  • On my site my homepage acts as sort of a landing page that is geared towards getting the customer sign up (almost like a PPC landing page aside from a few navigation options...about, blog, contact and the legal docs in the footer).  My blog is geared towards other businesses in the industry and the like minded tech people. My problem: 
    From a user perspective I don't feel that blog snippets would add anything useful to the homepage.  However, I feel like I fresh content would help my SEO endeavors.  Suggestions? Note:
    Should be mentioned that all my social stuff is deeply integrated into my /blog so importing tweets, for example, is out of the question.

    | JasonJackson

  • One of the sites I'm working on seems to have dropped a few spots in rankings. It has numerous home page tiles, but they are not really advertising; just links to different sections on the site. Does anyone think that might be a factor in the rankings drop?

    | J.Marie

  • Hi, We are running a website in Spain to teach touch typing to children ( Our main keyword is mecanografia (touch typing in Spanish) which is official written with an accent on the i. Our SEOMOZ on page optimization report was initially an F because we set the keyword mecanografia without an accent and on the page we use the grammatically correct version with an accent on the i. Once we added the keyword with accent to SEOMOZ our rapport was upgraded to an A. Our question is: how does Google treat accents. Is it necessary to optimize for words with and without accent or does one version suffice. Users search about 50% of the time without using the accent. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    | Mecanografia

  • Our site has numerous filters and on each results page, we have the rel canonical tag. So, I'm not sure if we should concern ourselves or not about the crawl stats reporting that we have a bunch of pages that have more than two parameters. If so, do you have any suggestions? This url is an example:,10 Thanks!

    | thappe

  • As more pages are added to a site, what are some good strategies and tactics for ensuring that those pages are optimized based on keywords.

    | RiseInteractive78

  • I site I'm watching currently has a MozRank of -1. How is this possible and what does it mean? Thanks!

    | ScratchMM

  • A colleague of mine was saying that he has been able to get top ranking for a high traffic term by using variations of that head term on multiple pages that are associated with the main page. For example,he would optimize a landing page for the high traffic word "Construction." He would then build pages under this landing page that are optimized for variations of this word: "Construction facts," "Industrial Construction Companies," "Construction Resource Allocator" etc. His theory is that the subpages add credibility with spiders that the root page is the best for that root page. This doesn't seem like it would work, but I'm curious as to what other people think.

    | EricVallee34

  • What are the benefits of optimizing a page for one keyword phrase versus a group of similar keywords, like this one that Rand posted on another blog entry Ted Baker Ted Baker London Ted Baker Clothing Ted Baker Mens Ted Baker Mens Clothing Ted Baker Mens Collection

    | EricVallee34

  • As the rejection rate may influence the SERPS?

    | nafera2

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