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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • One (in fact a couple) of my sites is built using Wordpress so I could take advantage of things like Related Posts widgets, etc. However, the layout and navigation of the site is set up more like a traditional website rather than a blog and from the beginning I removed the comment box from the template. I am wondering now whether allowing comments would actually be a good idea for SEO, or if I should leave it as it is. The content of the site doesn't really offer opinions (aside from a few product reviews) so to my mind comments dont really fit. Thoughts or opinions readily welcomed...

    | Jingo01

  • This may be a very basic question... In terms of the overall benefit to the SEO of a website, is it better to have, say, 4 pages about different aspects of the same subject (i.e. wooden lintels, steel lintels, concrete lintels and cavity lintels) or to have one page containing all the information? I have a site with roughly 250 pages, which could probably condense down to almost half that. The vast majority of inbound links point to either the homepage or one of the 20-odd most vistited pages. Of those, 2 or 3 pages count for roughly 70% of entrances. So should I concentrate on adding new pages, or improving/expanding the existing pages?

    | Jingo01

  • Hey everybody, I like to use php redirects for affiliate links so they look better.  I keep them all in the same directory.  I read recently that these may hurt SEO. A couple quick questions: Is this the best way to redirect affiliate links? Should I simply block the directory in robots.txt? Any other suggestions from you SEO guyses and galz? Thanks! Jared

    | JaredB

  • Term Extractor gives me "realestate" as a result and I'd like to have "realestate CityName" instead. How ca I tell search engine to "skip" single word keyword and that two word keyword is more important on that page?

    | vdjacic

  • I am getting a lot of duplicate content  and duplicate page title errors from my crawl analysis. I using volusion and it looks like the photo gallery is causing the duplicate content errors. both are sitting at 231, this shows I have done something wrong... Example URL: Duplicate Page Content Duplicate Page Title Would anyone know how to properly disallow this? Would this be as simple as a robots.txt entry or something a little more involved within volusion? Any help is appreicated. Cheers Geoff B. (a.k.a) newbie.

    | GeoffBatterham

  • Hello, Our site used to rank for a specific keyword - "eco products", with a link going to the homepage. However, in the last few weeks, we've noticed that the home page no longer ranks for this keyword, and instead the second result on the page is a link to a catagory page on our blog. I'd be very grateful if anyone had any information about why this might have happened, and what possible steps I could take to remedy the situation. Many thanks, Sophy

    | sophycolbert

  • I know that the url structure is very important for seo preferably using the keyword. But is it okay to have the same url with the product number at the end ?  Each of our products have a name with a product number. Or will this cause to many similar urls? or if the folder is the name of the product that needs to be optimized, can the page just be called the product number? Example: Say you have a 20 different product lines and they are all catagorized in the appropriate folders, and need to be optimized for the actual product name. XXX (folder name ) WWW-PR-123 WWW-PR-1234 WWW-PR-12345 WWW-PR-123456 what would be the best url structure? Can they have the same begining? The product name? something like: or

    | hfranz

  • I am new to seo and seomoz.  Any thoughts on how to get started with the below site:

    | APICDA

  • Hi, I read few opinions over the potential value of implementing Facebook Comments on internal pages and I got that search engines don't crawl the content generated7written by Facebook Comments. So do you confirm that from a SEO prospective this is not valuable at all? Would you suggest to implement this for example within every product page like Yelp has? Imagine all the value of UGC lost and not read by search engine crawler... In which case would you suggest to implement FB Comments and why? Thanks a lot! Cheers, Nino

    | printi

  • Recently got handed off a .org site for a quasi state agency here in Michigan.  Turns out the developer had the site live for the past six months but left the noindex, nofollow tag on everything so the site was invisible to search engines. Obviously we wiped all of those things a couple weeks ago when we got started, added all of our sitemaps to bing/yahoo/google webmaster tools and we've already started getting indexed by yahoo and bing and showing up for branded terms...but NOTHING from Google.  WMT says our pages are all indexed, but we aren't showing up for anything in search and we don't seem to be indexed at all. Granted, if this site was brand new and didn't have any links I could see us taking a little time to get found, but this site has very good .gov and .edu links, plus we've built some other solid links to it since we've launched and Google continues to ignore it.  I haven't seen this before, but could Google still be ignoring us from the months of noindex, nofollowing?  If so, any tips on how to get back in teh Google's good graces here?

    | NetvantageMarketing

  • site: On the bottom of this homepage there is an seo content area, basically right under where it says "orange county nissan" welcomes you. The internal links in this area are very long and I'm wondering why they would do this - is there any benefit to making anchor text longer? The longer the anchor text, the less each part of that anchor text passes link juice. For example, for a page about their reviews, the anchor text of the link is "See what Cerritos Nissan customers have to say about their experience at this great Orange County Nissan Dealership.". If I would have done this the anchor text would be "Cerritos Nissan Reviews" or just plain "reviews" as the anchor text. Why would they be using such long keywords as anchor text?

    | qlkasdjfw

  • On this site the keyphrase "filme online gratis" its auto-cannibalizating?

    | Alexsmenaru

  • Hi, this is a simple question, many ccTLD look like this: .es 1.What is the difference from one another regarding SEO? 2.Does the has any advantage? Like targeting the "world" and "Spain" 3.Is there one better than other? 4.Will a or any other domain like that be able to rank globally? or just in Spain? Thanks!

    | andresgmontero

  • I am getting a lot of "302 (Temporary Redirects) = True" on many of my product URL's.  What does it mean?  Is it a bad thing to get these redirects?  And how to fix them? Thanks.

    | SEOish

  • I understand the need for fixing 404's but I have yet to have a serious walkthrough of how to set up a 301.  From all the talk on the forums and such I'm pretty sure this is easy but I've just never done it before and I could really use a walk through. Thanks

    | BenRWoodard

  • I'm getting a report of duplicate title and content on: Of course, they're the same pages but does this need to be corrected somehow. Thanks!

    | dbaxa-261338

  • What are some things to consider or things to evaluate when deciding whether you should focus resources on creating new pages (to cover more related topics) versus improving existing pages (adding more useful information, etc.)?

    | SparkplugDigital

  • For some of our keywords, we rank on page one in google, but the page is an individual product and not the catelgory page? Any idea why this is happening? Thanks for your Help!

    | MRabidoux

  • I know that duplicated content is a touchy subject but I work with multiple franchise groups and each franchisee wants their own site, however, almost all of the sites use the same content.  I want to make sure that Google sees each one of these sites as unique sites and does not penalize them for the following issues. All sites are hosted on the same server therefor the same IP address All sites use generally the same content across their product pages (which are very very important pages) *templated content approved by corporate Almost all sites have the same design (A few of the groups we work with have multiple design options) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Again Aaron

    | Shipyard_Agency

  • Hi, My website is appearing on page 1 of Google for a specific keyword, however when clicking on the search result, the page is out of date. As a short term solution, I have 301 redirected the url to a more up to date page on my website and beginning to optimise the on page content of this new page Is there any recommendations on what to do with the old page that appears on page 1 Google - as the page title, meta description and url displayed is out of date? Any help, best practise would be great...

    | simonsw

  • But if it is like Pete said, I don't understand why e.g. SEO Moz has a Canonical Tag on this Page Which leads to the exact same page!? What is the benefit of doing so? Regards

    | Here4You

  • I recently noticed that our canonical url's were not set up correctly. The incorrect setup predates me but it could have been in place for close to a year, maybe a bit more. Each of the url's had a "sortby" parameter on all of them. I had our platform provider make the fix and now everything is as it should be. I do see issues caused by this in Google Webmaster, for instance in the HTML suggestions it's telling me that pages have duplicate title tags when in fact this is the same page but with a variety of url parameters at the end of the url. To me this just highlights that there is a problem and we are being negatively impacted by the previous implementation. My question is has anyone been in this situation? Is there any way to flush this out or push Google to relook at this?  Or is this a sit and be patient situation. I'm also slightly curious if Google will at some point look and see that the canonical urls were changed and then throw up a red flag even though they are finally the way they should be. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks,

    | dgmiles

  • Hi, Our web site is designed using a template, which means the header and footer is consistent across all pages. Only the body content is unique on each page. Is the google bot able to see that the header and footer content is defined by the common template? Will this have any impact in terms of duplicate content? For example, we have a two line text in the footer that summarize the services we provide. Because the same text is in the footer of all pages, i am concerned about creating duplicate content. Finally, does it make sense to include keywords in header and footer of the template? Will it have any positive or negative SEO impact?

    | petersen

  • Hello, I currently run a Wordpress site that has a large guides section. I've reached the point where a lot of the larget guides need to be split into smaller posts which then link to each other. As we all know, long guides are not always user friendly. I've taken this oppurtunity to revamp the guides section and I am considering using Media Wiki to turn the Wordpress posts in to a full Wiki Knowledge Base. However this raises some questions for me.. 1. Will doing this impact my sites SEO? 2. Does Media Wiki use internal nofollow links? 3. Are there dangers of duplicate content? 4. Do you have any experience using Media Wiki, and what are your thoughts? I'd appreciate your views on this problem. Thanks Joe

    | Fubra

  • Hello, I have certain pages on my site which are login only. Am wondering if a user reaches that page, should I send him to a 301 redirect to a new login page? or some other form of redirection? Any suggestions on how to best tackle this situation? Update If I redirect to a login.php page, then what kind of redirection should I use? Thank you for your time, Anant

    | anantgarg

  • The and _formatting tags format the text in the WYSIWYG editor but not in the browser (I've tried in Firefox and Internet Explorer.  It doesn't help if I add non depreciate Html _and Is this a theme Issue?  Is there a way to fix it?  Does anyone know why and are added instead of and ?__

    | catherine-279388

  • Hey all, Just wondering if it is ok to match the alt tag to product titles. Imagine an e-commerce site that lists a whole lot of products on any one page for any one category. Each product listing has a thumbnail image beside it. The easiest way to implement this dynamically is to use the product title for the alt tag. Anyone had any experience with this? Is it overkill / spam of keywords - given that the product title is repeated. Our current situation is that our alt tags are simply blank or say 'photo' which is no good, and we have hundreds of thousands of pages. Cheers, Croozie

    | sichristie

  • I have a WordPress site with loads of pages on a url like this However, Google has indexed and as a result only indexing 2 pages.  How do I fix this? Many thanks Dan

    | Pokodot

  • Go easy on my guys and gals.  I'm brand new to the world of SEO and I'm a Realtor by trade, so this is all new to me, but exciting and fascinating at the same time.  You might ask why I don't hire a company to do the SEO for me for my website at: since I'm one of those Realtors who makes a ton of money every year.  Unfortunately, that's not the case and some day when I've built my business to a point that I can relax and breathe easy, I will hire that company.  Besides, by then, I'll be an SEO expert and be able to ride herd on them if they're not doing a good job! My question is: Should I create a campaign on for each page on my website that I want to optimize or are the campaigns supposed to be for individual websites only? Thanks for your help!

    | Assist-2-Sell

  • Our site automatically creates shorter urls for the products. There is a rel canonical tag in place, but webmaster tools shows these urls have duplicate title tags. Here is an example: Should the longer url be redirected to the shorter one?

    | thappe

  • I optimized this site witch is in romanian for this keyphrase "filme online gratis" , i stuck on page 2, i cant get to the first page! I was, but i fall again to the second page...

    | Alexsmenaru

  • What are your thoughts about navigation links in the footer? For example: - good, bad, or indifferent for SEO?

    | kasi

  • I have a site that shows duplicate page content for: www.autoserviceexpertsonline   and   www.autoserviceexpertsonline/index.html When looking at the files using the cms (intuit) file manager, I only see the /index.html version. I added the Caononical tag referencing/pointing to both the domain name only and then changed to .../index.html No matter how I code this, the seomoz On-Site SEO Grader still has a problem with it. Is this a bug with the Grading program or am I doing something wrong? Please help as I think this is causing me problems with Google and I'd like to get this right for future sites I will be working on. Thanks, Bill

    | Marvo

  • Someone told me that having a URL that ends in .net (instead of .com) will hurt my site's SEO. Is that true?

    | matt-14567

  • What are the pros and cons of these two types of URLs and what type of weight does this hold. It doesn't seem to be a big issue in regards to ranking. Any qualified clarity would help.

    | Romancing

  • I found a domain that I'd really like to buy.  It's currently active but has just a single image on it (that links to an affiliate product).  I'd like to see if the owner would like to sell it to me.  But, when I emailed the address that's listed with the whois info it bounced back. Any ideas on how else I can buy this domain?

    | MarieHaynes

  • Our site (a niche financial publication: requires some more room in the sidebar. We're considering removing the categories (we call them topics) sidebar block, or cutting down the number of items displayed within it. My concern is that we'd be removing a direct link to landing pages for important keyword terms from our most powerful page (the index). Sure, we have the terms listed in the footer, but I am worried that the position change will lower the value of the links. Our users don't really use these links for navigational purposes, which is why it comes up as a potential removed item. Am I wrong to worry about this? Would we be crippling our category pages by doing this?

    | insideARM

  • We used to rank fairly highly on Google for our preferred search term, but once we introduced a blog (or rather the blog excerps) onto our home page we dropped from page 1 to page 3 for our preferred search term. We have made the assumption this may be down to diluting of keywords and therefor the key phrase or message to the Search Engines was not as clear as it was before. Is this generally accepted as being the case ? If so - should each and every blog post excerpt start with the key seo search phrase to maintain the integrity of that search phrase ? or perhaps even better still is it best to have the blog on a dedicated page only with no excerpts on the home page ? We are using Wordpress and also using multiple categories within the blog - is it perhaps best to just have all blog postings on the one page and use TAGS more often? Thanksing you in advance.

    | kiswebsltd

  • Hi Everyone, I work regularly on this site which is a cubecart based site and upto a few months ago the home page used to rank on poster frames we were on page 1 of google now we are on page 2 but it has dropped the home page and favours a category page. I have been looking at this to try and figure out why and I have today realised I had some external links on the home page pointing to the .com which the site used to run from but has been setup as a 301 redirect so I have changed these to internal links. I have used the on page tool and get an A but its been showing an A for a long time. Is there any other reason why we have lost out on this keyword term? Thank you in advance Tracy

    | dashesndots

  • Hey everyone We have a read more button always at the end of the 4th paragraph. We used it so we always have the Photos section within the area of view... Does this harm our SEO? Thanks in advance...

    | Rapturecamps

  • Hi, I've a website with about 1000 articles.Each article has one ore more keywords / tags. So I display these keywords at the article page and put a link to the intern search engine. (Like a tag cloud) The search engine lists als articles with the same keyword and creates a result page. This result page is indexed by Google. The search result contains the title of the article, a short description (150-300 chars.) and a link to the article. So, Google believes, that there are about 5.000 pages instead of 1.000 because auf the link to the search result pages. The old rule was for me: More pages in Google = better. But is this still true nowadays? Would be a "noindex, follow" better on these search result pages? (Is there a way to tell Google that this is a search result page?) Best wishes, Georg.

    | GeorgFranz

  • Lords, on a site i have optimization job, a specific keyword, for over 5 months, ranging from 7 to +100 position. One day the keyword is there, beautiful on the first page, and another day disappear. I do not understand why this happens, someone has something happened? I can not stabilize it, and is one of the most important for this client. I live in tension, in the morning the first thing I do is search to see whether the keyword is. Obviously it did in the first 2 months, then relaxed as she always comes back : ) Anyone have any idea what might be happening?

    | j0a0vargas

  • what kind of URL should we use? or which URL you would prefer?

    | alibeef

  • I noticed that the google search results on ipad and iphone have completely different than the searches done by computers. I have sites that rank well on desktops, are usually read in ipad and iphone but would not dream of appearing in their searches. Someone has already done some study on this subject? Know what the parameters and differences in rank in mobiles?

    | j0a0vargas

  • Is an "overflow" (scrollbar) seo and Google friendly?  I only ask because it hides part of the visible text.

    | BradBorst

  • We used to have a good page rank of Google, but now our page rank dropped to zero. A few months ago we did a redirect from our www.???.com to non-www.???.com, because non-www.???.com is now our main website. We also have a number of other domains which we redirect to our main website non-www.???.com Do you think these redirects are causing the problem, and if so what can we do to fix it? Thanks!

    | poupette

  • I’m trying to optimize the category links in the wordpress blog  I’m in the process of installing the Yeost SEO plugin and am going to revise the Category Title Tags, Meta Descriptions and slugs.  I’m also in the process of using Tags so that I can get the posts that appear in a category to be specific to that category (currently the publisher is listing posts in multiple categories: See “Business Management Category”). But other than that, is there anything else I can do to optimize each category?

    | EricVallee34

  • Hi All, I am working on a website which has a blog at On the homepage they are currently looping the latest 5 blog posts in a 'Latest News' tab. Is this therefore classed as dupe content, and would this be penalized by Google? Should I recommend they use the excerpts instead of full articles and simply loop the excerpts on the homepage? The website is built on WordPress. Thanks, Woody

    | seowoody

  • We are redeveloping our website, and have the option to amend URLs (with 301 redirects from old URL to new), so my question is: Would '' achieve superior rankings than '' for the search term 'golf clubs' if all other factors were the same? Should the URL reflect the intended search term wherever possible?

    | swgolf123

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