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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hello, I am entering sitewide navigation that will go to primary seo pages. This is really for usability, not for link juice. I'm wondering if I should still link to these very important pages in my index page's content. Or if I should consider those navigation links strong enough. If I did link in the content, then I would have more than one link to the same page on my home page. Thanks Tyler

    | tylerfraser

  • I've reviewed the various presentation and blog posts from SMX advanced regarding local SEO and I didn't see any mention of and microformats.  Has any research or case studies been presented supporting that implementation of microformats will improve local results? Here is one example where I've implemented the basics in the address info of the footer. Any tips on how to further optimize with markup?

    | DotCar

  • My client's website has a box of text on each page that is spammy and horrible to read and stuffed with keywords. The text boxes are there only for search engines as they mean nothing to humans. I say remove them as it must be doing more harm than good. However, my client is scared to remove them as the text has been there on each page for ten years and he is worried about a drop in visitor numbers if they are removed. Is he right to be worried?

    | mascotmike

  • I'm writing up keywords for new pages on a website. There are a number of variations on the way we can say what we're looking for, and I don't want to post the specific keywords but I'll give an example using fruits. Let's say I want to optimize for Granny Smith apples, McIntosh apples, Jonathan apples, etc. Could my title be Apples - Granny Smith, McIntosh, Jonathan and my page will come up when someone searchs "Granny Smith apples" or "McIntosh apples" etc. or do the words have to be repeated in order. Obviously I will also be repeating these in the description and on the page I'm optimizing. Thanks!

    | crlana

  • Hi SEOMoz, I relaunched a site back in February of this year ( with about 1 million URL's. Right now I'm seeing that Google is not going past 110k indexed URL's (based on sitemaps). Do you have any tips on what I can do to make the site more likeable by Google and get more indexed  URL's? All the the part  pages can be browsed to by going to: I've tried to make the content as unique as possible by adding random testimonials and random "related part numbers" see here: Do I need to wait more time and be more patient with Google? It just seems like I'm only getting a few thousand URL's per day at the most. Would it help me  if I implemented a breadcrumb on all part pages? Thanks, -Carlos

    | caneja

  • IS: better than category and product are dynamic values that change with the diff. categ. and products displayed while catalog is constant.

    | no6thgear

  • What is the best SEO practice for deleting pages?  We have a section in our website with Employee bios, and when the employee leaves we need to remove their page. How should we do this?

    | Trupanion

  • Older reads state the domain forwarding or masking will create duplicate content but Google has evolved quite a bit and I'm wondering if that is still the case? Not suggesting that a 301 is not the proper way to redirect something but my question is: Does Google still see masked domains as duplicate content? Is there any viable use for domain masking other than for affiliates?

    | TracyWeb

  • This has been discussed on the forums in some regard. My situation. Example 1 Long Keyword URL: Example 2 Short Keyword URL: In both examples I want to improve rankings for the "keyword" phrase. My current URL is example 1. And I've landed a page one ranking in Google (7) with that URL. In attempts to improve rankings further (top 5), I was toying with the idea of going simpler with all my URLs in favor of the example 2 model. Might this method help or hurt my current rankings? In recent articles I've read it seems that going with the simpler more human approach to my SEO efforts. Any thought would be appreciated. Cheers,

    | creativedepartment

  • I have a duplicate content issue. If the page has already been indexed will a no follow no index tag resolve the issue or do I also need a rel canonical statement?

    | McKeeMarketing

  • We have 3 offices, at the moment we have the address of each office in the footer using the format. We are also creating individual pages for each location, the address on these pages will also be in the format. Is having locations in both the footer and on individual location pages the best way to go?

    | cottamg

  • I have 2 WordPress SEO Plugins,  Yoast and All-in-One SEO.  I have tried like heck to make them work together, but every time I crawl my site here, I get multiple error messages. My question is, how can I tweak the title settings to avoid having multiple meta desctiptions, titles etc.

    | TheSportsDaddy

  • On my "On Page" analysis report it show me a couple pages that have D ratings... one key phrase is "my destination lodging" and it is matching it up with a url like It says I'm ranking 37th for this term.... Is it just suggesting that I optimize this url because it is already ranking for that term? So should I create a different page with a different url to better match this phrase? Thanks for any ideas.

    | PillarMarketing

  • Hi, on the Competitive Comparison section of the "link analysis" page the top 5 sites are linking to pages on my site that no longer exist. I'm wondering if it is worthwhile to recreate these pages that no longer exist or if I should just use a 301 redirect to some page on my site that has related info. Thanks for your suggestions.

    | PillarMarketing

  • When using keywords in url's for internal pages, isn't it a good idea to use dashes or underscores in the url between the keywords?

    | BradBorst

  • I have a two-part question: 1.  I know that bold and italicized font can help keywords rank better.  I have a block of regular text on my site that is really more for SEO than anything else.  If I reduce the font size, will it have an impact on the importance of the text? 2.  If you reduce the size of font enclosed in header tags, such as, reducing h1 text to 8 px font, does that have an impact on the importance of the text within that h1 tag?

    | BradBorst

  • Hi All, I've assembled a collection of 5 closely related articles each about 700 words for publishing by linking to them from on one of my pages and would appreciate some advice on the role out of these articles. Backround: My site is a listings based site and a majority of the content is published on my competitors sites too. This is because advertisers are aiming to spread there adverts wide with the hope of generating more responses. The page I'm targeting ranks 11th but I would like to link it to some new articles and guides to beef it up a bit. My main focus is to rank better for the page that links to these articles and as a result I write up an introduction to the article/guide which serves as my unique content. Question: Is it better to drip feed the new articles onto the site or would it be best to get as much unique content on as quickly as possible to increase the ratio of unique content vs. external duplicate content on the page that links to these articles**?** Thank you in advance.

    | Mulith

  • Hi, I am trying to improve our rankings for pages with photos/images.  For the title is it benificial to include keywords that are almost identical in nature? For example: "Brad Pitt Photos and Images" In Google trends photos and images are both commonly used words so including both seems like it would help.  When I search for each one separately in Google (Brad Pitt Photos vs Brad Pitt Images) different sites are returned (except for the ones that include both image and photos keywords).  I had read that Google knows that Images and Photos mean the same thing, but the search results do vary.  I know stuffing all related combinations isn't good, but selective phrases seem to make a difference. Just want to verify if this makes sense. Thanks

    | NicB1

  • Sorry for the lame title, i couldn't think of a better one. I want to know if google treats this: the same as it would treat: if not, could you tell me the differences?

    | adriandg

  • I just recently learned that changing your page title earns you a google penalty.  Unfortunately i learned this after playing around with my page titles a bit to get the most optimal page titles.  Does anybody know how long this google penalty lasts? is it forever? or just temporary?

    | adriandg

  • I'm working with a lawyer client who has a table-based, outdated site. Her nav links consist of a jumble of topics and static pages in one long sidebar list on the home page. I'm moving her site to Wordpress and I've recommended that she organize the site based on categories that roughly match the topics/keywords she wants to rank highest for in Google. The site will be much better organized and coded and the URLs for the new launch will be much stronger for SEO by being targeted and coded properly. So the site should rank better after, right? Right??? I know that when Google crawls the new architecture, it's not going to find the expected long sidebar list of internal nav links. It'll find better, more keyword targeted internal nav links. But will that keep the site from getting dropped off page 1? I'm speaking w/ the client tomorrow and if she's going to drop or get bounced around, I feel like I should prepare her and let her know roughly what might happen. I'm thinking based on my current understanding that I should tell her to expect to be bounced around for a few weeks, but in the end she should rank higher than before. What would you do/say?

    | bvrob

  • Would it be beneficial to use url that is a match for my keyword to help with seo, then have my currently url forward to that one so I don't have to change any marketing materials? I was one of the feedback that I got when doing the on page keyword optimization tool on seo moz. Thanks J

    | fertilityhealth

  • Does adding a Google Sitemap to webmaster tools REALLY help SEO? If so, are there any resources for help creating one? Here is my site: Thanks,

    | PMC-312087

  • Possibly seems a strange question, but let me clarify... I have a new site in mind and all the domain names I was considering for it have been taken (I want a .com or a .net if at all possible). However, I can get the domain with a z at the end rather than an s Example: is taken, but is available. Am I completely wrong in thinking that it will still match well for anyone searching Keyword Guide, and should match fairly well (even though it is a partial match) for people searching Keyword Guides. As the keyword is the most relevant bit of the domain, and as the first word on the domain is given the most weight, will having Z instead of S at the end make any difference at all? Personally, I don't really like the Z option, but if it would have no (or little) impact on my SEO efforts, I could live with it.

    | Jingo01

  • I have a friend whose client is giving away something for free if you leave a Google Review for his site.  I recall that being not well liked by Google and could potentially end up in a Penalty.  The site is ranking really poorly in Google but well in Yahoo/Bing so I am wondering if that is what happened. What are you opinions?

    | netviper

  • A few pages on one of my sites have underscores linking keywords rather than hyphens (keywords_and_keyword rather than keyword-and-keyword). Possibly from a time before I knew hyphens were preferred... One of the pages ranks well, and drives a good amount of traffic. The others do not do so well, but are still within the top 10 landing pages for the site. Is it worth me changing the underscores to hyphens (setting up 301 redirects first of course) or doesn't it make that much difference?

    | Jingo01

  • For many years our top keywords hve ranked in top 5. Usually top 3 for a few in particular. The last few months those particular keywords have dropped to 25 +.  Our other rankings are doing pretty decent and are remaiing the same.  We are members of about 6 forums since they relate to our website and sometime we have contests on them. I do know that the forums are based on those particular keywords and are linking to our website, as well as other forum members linking to us.  Each forum has roughly 300 links to our website.  It does not seem as if our competitors are affected by this, as they are members of the forums as well. What could be causing this for these certain keywords? If those forums were affected by Google's new algorythm would this have an affect on our website?

    | hfranz

  • Our website seems to be well optimized. However I need to find more quality backlinks. I am having a hard time with this. Do backlinks have to related to the company? The reason I ask is because I can receive some links, but they do not relate to our company.  BUT sometimes we have customers come to our facility and we book them a local hotel room and send them to near by restaurants.  Is it ok to have local restaurants and local hotels links on our website and have them link to ours, on a page for customer visits. OR any other tips on receiving quality backlinks?

    | hfranz

  • Hello, Should absolute or relative urls to be used for the internal links? I heard mixed opinions on that: One source claims that web crawlers prefer absolute urls as they are more understandable Other source points that there is no difference for web crawlers what urls are used and relative urls are shorter which reduces the size of a page. Which option is recommended? Many thanks Darius

    | LinenMe

  • On our weekly SEOmoz crawls, we get thousands of warnings about overly dynamic URLs as a result of our product sorting options at the top of our category pages.  It seems like the ability to sort products by price, name, etc., is nice for the customer.  For SEO is this really a problem or can we ignore these warnings?

    | teatable

  • I carry a line of products that come in 4 sizes and 15 colors.  Is it better to have separate products for each combination (Red Large, Blue Small, etc), or a product for each size with attributes for the color, or something else? Also, should I put the brand name in each product name, or only put it in the category that contains that brand?  Thanks.

    | teatable

  • Hi, I am using a CMS that generates dynamic urls that according to the SeoMoz tool will be indexed as duplicate pages. The pages in questions are forms, blog-posts etc. that are not crucial to achieve ranking for. I do worry though about the consequences of having 20 (non-duplicate)pages with static urls and about 100 pages that are duplicates with dynamic urls. What consequences will this have for the speed that the robots crawl the site and could there be negative effects on ranking for the entire domain?

    | vibelingo

  • In other words, do those items fall under the category "SEO".

    | noeltock

  • Hello All, I've read quite a bit on here and the Matt Cutts blog about non-www vs www. I''ve also read a few recent posts on here but still left a little confused. First, my site is PR 4. We don't have many links, but the ones we do have (including internal) point to the You can also get to our site by typing and it will not switch to the www. version. Both versions have the PR4, I just want to make sure I'm not losing any PR or juice between the different versions. My question, would you advise 301 redirect to the www version? if so, I have Godaddy as our host, is it as simple as going into the hosting control and doing the redirect there?

    | someoneguy

  • Hi, I have placed meta descriptions in a CMS for a client and afterwards checked with the SeoMoz tool "Page elements" that these are embedded correctly. However when checking the SERP for certain pages Google has "composed" the listing from other content than the meta description. What may be the reason, and how to avoid this?

    | vibelingo

  • Is it OK to repeat the Meta Title as the H1 - word for word?

    | GardenBeet

  • How to get Google images traffic? Take a look at and sugest what we can improve. Thanks in advance.

    | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • I will  be quick and to the point.  I am clearly a novice. I received a notice on my seomoz  account that I had 12 pages with a Rel Canonical issue.  It seems serious.  Can this be a quick fix?  Any thoughts?  Below is the site address. Thanks in advance for any input on this!      Dave

    | APICDA

  • Currently we have 300+ products. We do not have a CMS or Ecommerce site at the time being for certain reasons. Currently our site is set up with content on almost every single page. The main catagory page, explains everything on the main page, then our products page has a lot of text too. But right now, it seems as if our main pages are only ranking. In the near future I will be using a cms and purchasing a template. I noticed most Ecommerce style websites have just the product with the name and price, then when they click on the product it brings you to that page with a brief product description and some photos. My question is, does each page need content? Or can just the product page itself have content? For example, say we have a link to SHOES. Then the shoes page displays dress, casual and athletic. Then the athletic page brings you to a page with, running, tennis, cross training shoes, and so forth. Is it best to write content on this main catagory page? If so, how much? Or should we focus on putting content on the actual page of the individual product? Along with pictures and specifications? I know Content is Key and we are doing pretty well at that, however, I am starting to wondering if we have to much content or too similar content. What is the best structure to try and recieve GREAT organic rankings?

    | hfranz

  • Just as topic states! Any recommendations? Cheers everyone, n-joy beautiful weather.

    | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • I am creating a website in canada to target a specific region in my city and was wondering if i should USE a .com, .ca, .org or a .info extension? i can purchaes all, but which should be used? I noticed some other websites have .org or .info instead of .com.....what is the preferred extension for Google?

    | Souk

  • The simple question, should I delete my footer or keep it. Visit I dont wont to give my personal opinion yet, just because I dont want to influence any answers. Delete it! - Explain why? Keep it! - Explain why? Good Luck!

    | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • Hello everyone, I am sure most of you guys know how to do this.  I am finding that when my posts are listed in google, my blog title is added to my post title. 2 questions. 1. Is this hurting my rankings because the blog title is diluting my keywords making it look like I have a huge title? (the on page optimizer is dinging me for this. 2. I use a self hosted wordpress blog with the all in one seo plugin.  Does anyone know how to remove the blog title from being appended to the post title? I thought I could do that in all in one seo by checking the rewrite title box and just having it say %post_title% but that didn't fix it.  Also it was doing it before I checked that box as well. Any other ideas to try?  Thanks

    | FastLearner

  • Hi all, just wondering if anyone has thoughts on what I can do to encourage SERP listings that include website categories, eg . I'm assuming search engines only display type of listings when the search query closely matches the domain name? Thank heaps!

    | TheWebSearchMarketingCompany

  • My nofollow link is showing as a 302. Is this OK? Not looking to pass any juice along but don't want to be penalized either. Thanks Buhrly

    | Buhrly

  • I know it used to be 100 urls per page, but recently Matt cutts has said that they can count a lot more now. I was wonder what you guys thought was how many was to many per page?

    | Gordian

  • Let's say I have If I have "widgets for sale in tuscon arizona' be the anchor text on an internal link on which goes to - does the value of the anchor text (widgets for sale in tuscon arizona) get passed internally? External links pass the value of the anchor text but do internal links?

    | qlkasdjfw

  • Hello Everyone- Quick question about meta keywords. Most SEO's agree that meta keywords are no longer used as a ranking factor in Google. My question is, if a client comes to me and they already have a bunch of meta keywords on their site what would the smart strategy be? 1. Remove all the meta keyword data from the clients site 2. Scale the meta keywords back by only leaving the top keywords in the code? 3. Do nothing Thanks for all your time! Regards, Bill Parlaman

    | wparlaman

  • As Matt Cutts explained, tag clouds are OK if you're not engaged in keyword stuffing ( - i.e. if you're not putting in 500 tags. I'm currently creating tags for an online-bookseller; just like Amazon this e-commerce-site has potentially a couple of million books. Tag clouds will be added to each book detail page in order to enrich each of these pages with relevant keywords both for search engines and users (get a quick overview over the main topics of the book; navigate the site and find other books associated with each tag). Each of these book-specific tag clouds will hold up to 50 tags max, typically rather in the range of up to 10-20. From an SEO perspective, my question is twofold: 1. Does the site benefit from these tag clouds by improving the internal linking structure? 2. Does the site benefit from creating lots of additional tag-specific-pages (up to 200k different tags) or can these pages become a problem, as they don't contain a lot of rich content as such but rather lists of books associated with each tag? Thanks in advance!

    | semantopic

  • I am redesigning my homepage completely. What criteria should I use to decide which pages to link to from the homepage?

    | mascotmike

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