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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Seems that SEOMoz reports are considering my paginated pages as duplicate Meta Tags. For example, I have a product catalog with 5 paginated pages. Obviously the content on each page is unique and the URL ends in =4, =5 for the page number, but the Title and Description are the same for all the pages. Any suggestions on how to handle this? The pages other than page 1 are not indexed, so it should not be a big deal. But wondering if I should programatically ad the page number to the additional pages to show a difference?

    | paddlej

  • Hello Everyone! I own a dog supplies eCom site on the x-cart platform. I recently upgraded to 4.4 version about 3 weeks ago and am noticing 3 different home page URL's getting indexed and ranked: /
    /home.php?cat= I dont know why this is happening and I dont claim to be an expert SEO but know this cant be good! I am seeing high rankings on certain terms for all 3 URL's. Has anyone seen this before and can anyone give me any feedback on this and how it may be effecting my sites ranking in the future? Thanks in advance!

    | k9byron

  • After a little research I did in the Source Code of the root domain page of and , I found that the first one contains no at all and that the other contains like 10 . I though that the was something relatively important on a web page for on page optimisation. Did I missed something? What's you opinion on the subject? Thanks for your help!

    | Louis-Philippe_Dea

  • If the most important content for humans on my page is images (e.g., a picture gallery), but there is very little text high up on the page, how impactful will a text description at the bottom of the page be? I've seen a few other sites put content paragraphs at the bottom of their pages. LIke so: Is this something I would do well to emulate?

    | Ehren

  • "No man is an island", so say brother John Donne. But, my fellow SEO-ers, is the same true of keywords? That is... deep breath... If I am ranking as number one for a short-tail keyword, like for example: "fruit salad", does that have any sway on the rankings for other longer tail keywords, like for example, "tropical fruit salad london" or "cheap fruit salad", or is every keyword that we would track in our campaigns completely independent with rankings dependant on work done on that sole keyword? Thanks for your advice in advance.

    | RobertHill

  • Hello Mozzers. My questions is below and I would like to thank everyone in advance for any feedback 😉 I own a dog supplies site ( When I launched the site several years back I hired a guy for SEO and he optimized my home page for specific categories search terms such as "dog training collars", "dog shock collars:, ect instead of general search terms such as "dog supplies", "dog accessories", ect. I would like to start moving these home page title element terms (starting with "dog shock collars") over to the dog training collars category but have high rankings for this term on the home page. Current Home Page Title Element:
    dog training collars, dog shock collars, electric dog collar, dog supplies (recently added) Current Dog Training Collars Category Title Element:
    dog training collars I was hoping to add "dog shock collars" to the dog training collars category page until I achieved higher ranking then delete if from the home page. ..or swap it out with "dog accessories". I am currently ranked #5 in Google for "dog shock collars" on the home page & dog training collars category page ...and I am a little concerned about changing these title elements. My question is; If I add 'dog shock collars" to the dog training collars category page title as well, how will it effect my ranking on both pages having this duplicate term in both page titles? Thank You,

    | k9byron

  • I run a website selling used books. Our e-commerce conversion rate is on average around 1.40%. Over the last four days this has dropped to just 0.25%! Any ideas why? We haven't made any changes, apart from uploading a new pricing strategy - obviously you'd look at this first but the price of our whole inventory has gone DOWN by £5000 and our average product price has decreased from £3.43 to £3.09! Everything else has stayed almost exactly the same, hits have decreased slightly, so has referral traffic.

    | Benj25

  • Hi All, Seeking yet more advice. SEOMOZ tools have told me I have duplicate content on one of my sites and I am keen to clean this up.  I am not to familiar with the following so thought I would ask. The duplicate content is shown on : Obviously I only see index.html when I check the code so what is the best method of resolving the duplicate content, Canonical or 301? Can you give me an example 🙂 Thanks all

    | wedmonds

  • So if I have my main site, blog and article directory section, can I use keyword in all three places, but obviously different, unique content? And if so, can I link them to make it even more powerful?

    | azguy

  • Just a quickie, Does anybody know of any strong German SEO agencies? Many Thanks Sean

    | Yozzer

  • We finished the re-design of our website a few months ago.  We have hired a few freelance SEO guys that were horrible. We then decided to pull the SEO work in-house. I got nominated to do the SEO work. I started with what I thought was pretty good on-site SEO. At that time, with no experience, I was pretty proud of myself. I managed to get a bunch of our pages at top SERPs for long-tail keywords. Good enough for then. Now when I go look at the pages, I'm embarrassed to admit that it's my work. Please be kind.  🙂 Since then I have been trying to learn as much as possible about SEO. I'm certainly far ahead of where I was a few months ago. For the past few weeks I've been trying to focus my efforts on creating original keyword rich original content. Our competitors all have tried this, but their content is hardly readable by humans. Anyhow, we finished our fist article, it got indexed by G almost immediately and started to push our keyword SERPs up within just a few days. Now for my question.  I have a much better understanding of on-page SEO and realize that I could make many improvements to ALL of our other pages. However, these pages are already doing fairly well with the SERPS and are moving up a few ranks a week. I'm very tempted to throw caution to the wind and completely redo all of our on-page SEO for our entire site. Is this a good strategy?
    Should I expect our SERPs to drop a little, a lot, or not at all? I look forward to your response. DMac

    | dmac

  • I understand that it is possible to create a 301 redirect for to (as well as subdirectories.)  How is this accomplished?  My hosting company says that setting this up in htaccess will  cause "Apache to geti into an infinite loop and the page won’t load."  I have read on the forum that this is possible.  Any help would be greatly appreaciated. THanks. Perri

    | PerriCline

  • Hi All (this is my first Q, so I hope it is a reasonable one!). Ive just started looking into Micro Formats and, so far my understanding of them is a little bit limited. So.... 1. Is there SEO benefit in using these? 
    2. What is an appropriate use for them? Our website has a reasonable business directory on it (which is there for SEO purposes ultimately) - so am I correct in thinking that it would be prudent to use Micro Formats for all their contact details etc? I guess Im just not 100% sure on how and when to use them.. and what the real benefit is. But, I would love to know.. 🙂 Thanks heaps!

    | blitzna10

  • We have two (and soon to be more) international websites, all in English. The sites in question are and Obviously content is similar as we're providing a similar service but from different locations and different prices. What is best practice here? Should we completely re-write the content (this is the newer site) so it isn't penalized for scraping? Any hints/tips would be appreciated.

    | mdrussell

  • So if we have a main category page on our site (mines an ecommerce site), do we go for more than that main keyword phrase for that category of products, or is it better to just keep it by itself, and not utilize the 65-70 characters available?

    | azguy

  • In your opinion, what are the signals Google uses to judge the quality of an article or post? Here are some of my ideas: Reactions: Comment history Sharing (Twitter / FB / Social Bookmarks...etc) Citations / Mentions / Pingbacks Word count Content (Topical and qualitative analytsis, uniqueness) Domain (Qualitative analysis of domain article is published on) Use of images and media Use of references Timeliness (News, current affairs) Presence of date of publishing Spam filters: Anchor text usage Number, type and relation of outgoing links Content (Topical, semantic, qualitative analysis including keyword usage) Author data: Presence of author name Connection / link to author profile (hyperlink, rel tag, meta) Reputation of author (prior content, domains published and reactions) Looking forward to your contributions.

    | Dan-Petrovic

  • Hi, spiders crawl some dynamic urls in my website (example: + as different pages, resulting duplicate content of course. What is syntax for disallow these kind of urls in robots.txt? Thanks so much

    | anakyn

  • Hi there! The home page of my site can be seen under and or (depending on your language). I understand that this is duplicated content because they show the same content under different URLs. To solve this we've done (depending on your language) a 301 redirect from to or Is this correct? Thanks!

    | Xopie

  • I am looking at updating my WP Permalink structure and wanted to know if I should continue to include the category after my domain as in or maybe and Any help is appreciated.

    | maximphotostudio

  • Would it be considered cloaking if I only show schema.or tagged content to searchengine bots and not to regular visitors. Mind you, no other change on the page, design or content. So instead of Googlebot would be served: 41 Main Street Regular visitors: 41 Main Street

    | Sebes

  • Should I let Google index tags? Positive? Negative Right now Google index every page, including tags... looks like I am risking to get duplicate content errors? If thats true should I just block /tag in robots.txt Also is it better to have as many pages indexed by google or it's should be as lees as possible and specific to the content as much as possible. Cheers

    | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • Question about landing pages: There are landing pages created just for classified advertising. They are stand alone pages. And, are not linked to website (although one can
    get there via the url) The purpose of these pages is to generate leads. They are keyword rich in title, head and content Content varies, only by 30% Should those pages be optimized like websites? They have a nofollow tag, is that enough? Thank you for taking the time to answer. Peggy

    | BlueBird33

  • Does anyone know of any research done to show what improves CTR for title tags & descriptions in search results? I know general best practices, but am looking for any available studies

    | nicole.healthline

  • On the search engine results page I am finding that information has been added before my meta description - this is only a recent flaw and I've no idea how it can be caused. It is happening in the same format as you see dates sometimes before meta descriptions. This is what is actually being shown on the search engine results page.  I am getting this text - Product 1 - 15 of 18 – then my meta description after that. The words 'Product 1 - 15 of 18' is in the heading at the top of the page but it is in no way interacting with the meta description.  It looks like Google is confusing the words 'Product 1 - 15 of 18' with a date possibly. Any suggestions.

    | serp360

  • I'm rewriting approximately 10,000 product descriptions, but for feasability it's useful to sometimes reuse some of the phrases that are there (and on other websites as they come straight from the manufacturer -eg. key features), how unique does the content have to be - are we talking 100%, 75%, 50% for it to be effective in google? Same question goes for the product title! Many thanks.

    | ewanr

  • We are redesigning the site to launch soon. We are a manufacturer. Our most valuable keyword currently ranks around 8th on Google in a competitive market and responds with a link to our product selection page as the landing URL. This link / URL is currently listed on every site page in a right column menu with the keyword as the anchor text. My concern is that I have redesigned this product selection page, and would like to change its file name to include the keyword as well as use the same keyword anchor text. And to complicate the matter, for political reasons my boss has asked me to consider keeping the old product page available to alleviate board concern (not rational, but may be required). Since the old page shows similar information to the new selection page, if I keep it,  I am considering calling it a "Visual Selector" as opposed to the "Product Selector" menu name for the new page. I will list both in a list under the keyword product name on the home page menu and then drop the old selector page link on all other pages to lower visitor confusion. So the alternative choices to proceed are as follows: 1. Keep old and new product selection pages a. Show both on all page menus (Keeps the old page visible to Google, duplicating the current presentation for current keyword landing page) b. Only show old product page on home page menu to alleviate the Board concerns (Keeps the old page visible to Google, but with one link) 2. Get rid of the old product page and redirect URL to new one (our primary keyword would be ranked on its own merit and the current Google ranked page would redirect to the new one) Number 2 is the logical method for users, but I am nervous about dropping and/or redirecting the current landing page which ranks my best keyword at 8th in a competitive market. Your recommendations or comments? What do you predict Google will do in these three scenarios? Hope you can follow this maze... Thanks! George

    | rhawk

  • Can u suggest me good one page optimization tool for wordpress based websites?

    | dineshameh

  • Hi, All! We're working with a client on setting up a support blog for their site (not hosted on-site because it's a related topic, not directly about their business).  We're thinking about a few domain possibilities, but for some of the ones we'd like the .com is already taken.  .info (as well as others) are available, and the client is interested in using a different TLD, but I'm shying away from it because of the concern that: a) people will look at it more suspiciously (  must be spam) - but maybe that's just because I'm an SEO b) does Google have anything against exact match domains with endings like .info, .net, etc.?  (I know there's never any guarantee that the exact match domain will continue to hold its weight in the algorithm at all, but taking that as a given for now - and we are planning on putting decent quality original content on it). Thanks in advance for the input! Aviva

    | debi_zyx

  • Hi, We have a homepage where we are targeting three main keywords. 'Cheap books', 'buy books' and 'used books'. We are ranking well for cheap books and making progress on the more competitive buy and used. My question is how many keywords can you reasonably rank for on one page. We are targeting other keywords on other pages and having some success - but is three the maximum or is that too many?

    | Benj25

  • Can you have ANY duplicate content on a page or will the page get penalized by Google? For example if you used a paragraph of Wikipedia content for a definition/description of a medical term, but wrapped it in unique content is that OK or will that land you in the Google / Panda doghouse? If some level of duplicate content is allowable, is there a general rule of thumb ratio unique-to-duplicate content? thanks!

    | sportstvjobs

  • I'm building a product category browsing page for a high-falutin' jewelry retailer where we display only product photos linking to individual product pages, without any text in the links. From an SEO and link-juice-passing perspective, is it most effective to embed the product titles as the alt attribute in each image, or to leave alt="" and use text substitutions (i.e. an inner which is css'd to display: none) within the <a>to help search engines accept my product titles as the link text with the most credibility?</a>

    | cadenzajon

  • I have an online store with 10 catagories, many of those have subcategories. I have a tree style navigation menu on the page. This helps people quickly find what they need. However, I end up with about 125 links on the page that way. Does google really penalize me for this? Is there anyway around this? Advice much appreciated!

    | bhsiao

  • We have already a site and we want to make business in another country. We don't want to make a copy of our site because it requires more resources, but we want to use a different domain because the business will be run by a partner in that country. The idea is to make a folder in our site, and associate a new domain, so when users go to the new domain they see the content under Since de will use DNS redirection, the current domain won't be seen. Is this correct from a SEO perspective? Thanks!

    | Xopie

  • Consider a situation where we are getting 5000 impressions for a term in Adwords and Bing/Yahoo and the same term with the same landing page is ranked within top 5 positions of Google and Bing search. If we get 2.00% CTR in Paid - Adwords and MSN average,  What will be the acceptable Organic CTR - which is available in webmaster tool? Apart from Title and Description, what are the other areas need improvement to increase Organic CTR?

    | gmk1567

  • The index page for a site I manage has dropped significantly - internal pages rank above it. It's a new site, 2 months old but was ranking at 1st. Any suggestions as to how I can debug this?

    | OptioPublishing

  • Hi there, I have a page on our website with an Interview with the author Tess Gerritsen. There has been a reasonable amount of Social Media buzz related to the page and lots of links. According to SEOMoz we are an A grade for the keyword Tess Gerritsen, we currently rank 29th on for a 'tess gerritsen' search. My question is - how long would it take for any new changes to have an effect? I presume the answer would be whenever the page is crawled again. But is it wise to change one thing, then get crawled and see what the effect is, then the next day change something else and see what the effect is. Or is it wise to change one thing and then leave it a week or so to see the full effect of the change? Apologies for the vague question, if you need any more clarification just let me know. Thanks. Benj

    | Benj25

  • Google Page rank of my website has been dropped after Panda Update. Can anyone help me out to tell me the possible reasons about the same. We have tried to make our website more lively and user friendly. We have indulged some graphics to make it more attractive. But it seems it backfired us. my site is as well as Google page ranking of my Quickbooks hosting page has been dropped as well. It would be great if someone can help me out with expert suggestions.

    | SangeetaC

  • I am working on a very large directory site which is undergoing a complete redesign. I am considering the internal link structure from first principles. When a site has over 100,000 pages, how do you ensure that each page is linked to from somewhere so that there are no orphans? Trying to get my head around the structure makes my brain hurt. Any tips?

    | mascotmike

  • Our client needs a content disclaimer on their site.  This is a simple "If you agree to these rules then click YES if not click NO" and you're pushed back to the home page. I have this gut feeling that this may cause an upset with the search robots. Any advice? R/ John

    | TheNorthernOffice79

  • Does the information go in the header of a page or in the body?

    | totalvac

  • Hi We have 25 pages with a download form on it. People arrive at the page through a ink with optimised anchor text which sits on the information pages. As there is no information on these pages we do not need them to be optimised so the developer has given all the download pages exactly the same page title. Although the pages in themselves are not significant would this effect the way Google viewed the whole site, and would it pay to make each one unique or doesn't it really matter. Alternatively, is there a better way to handle this?  and if so would that ligate the benefit of the anchor text. Thanks

    | PH292

  • Which is better for search engines: external or inline menus? And which language: CSS, Javascript, or both?

    | teatable

  • I am currently working on a site with 100+ recipes that all have image file names that are relevant, but not optimized for keyword purposes. I'm wondering - from an SEO perspective - would it be worth my time to go back through all of the images and rename them with keywords in mind? On my own site I have always done this as a "best practice" but I'm curious - does it make a difference to search engines? Does anyone have any recent research/experiences that they would like to share? Thanks!

    | EssEEmily

  • Hello Mozers- I am targeting the keywords "liposuction scottsdale", "liposuction phoenix", "liposuction mesa", "liposuction arizona".  Out of the following two Titles below, one would you consider the better one? And Why? I am leaning towards the second example.  If you have any more ideas that would be great. 1). Tummy Tuck Scottsdale, Phoenix, Mesa, Arizona 2).Tummy Tuck Scottsdale | Tummy Tuck Phoenix, Mesa, Arizona. Thanks!!

    | Red_Spot_Interactive

  • I have noticed recently on open site explorer that pages are listed that contact the ending / and that dont. so for example- and They also have slightly different page authority. Is it worth setting up a redirect or does google not need this ? The page ranks well of course.

    | onlinemediadirect

  • I create a lot of landing pages for individual keywords on my site. An issue that I've run into is I unknowingly use some common phrases repeatedly on different pages and therefore sometimes get dinged by Google. I'm basically looking for a tool that would check the content of a new page against all the other pages on my site and check it phrase by phrase.  Most of the tools I've found make you put in two URLs to check against - I need it to check against hundreds.

    | davegr

  • These are the numbers of words I have heard mentioned as being "good enough" for the categories of ecommerce pages. Even at a stretch 50 words maximum. What are peoples opinions on the volume of words required ?

    | onlinemediadirect

  • Sorry for the silly Shakespearean introduction but what are peoples opinions on leaving tag clouds to be indexed or no indexable by the search engines. I tend to leave them non indexable at the moment. I use wordpress for blogging as do most others.

    | onlinemediadirect

  • I am using the same anchor text on my homepage to go to two different pages. Is this bad? Thanks

    | tylerfraser

  • I'm converting for static to dynamic web pages.  It appears that the page name is used for page ranking in the search engines. Will adding a Page Name variable help to increase our SEO. For example  Does the page name variable make a difference?

    | NCBob

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