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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • I have a site based on downloadable images which tend to slow a site. In order to increase speed I divided certain pages up so that there will be less images on each page such as here: The problem is that I now have potential duplicate content and thin content. Should I consolidate them and put all of the content from the 3 pages on one page? or maybe keep them as they are but add a rel previous / next tag? or any other suggestion to prevent a duplicate/thin content penalty while not slowing down the site too much?

    | JillB2013

  • Hi there! the SEOMOZ software has shown some warnings related to two pages that I can't locate in my WP plattform Any ideas? Many Thanks

    | juanmiguelcr

  • I have a client with bar, most of their content is menus that are displayed in a flip book format. Is this content indexed by search engines, and if so, are they of any value for ranking?

    | SteveK64

  • Some of my report cards say I have too many canonical URL tags. However, there is no information no how to delete one. Can someone give me a link or explain? Thanks.

    | dealblogger

  • What do people think about abusing rich snippets? I have a competitor who has started using the author tag on product pages. I guess this will be giving them an unfair advantage in the SERP.   I had considered doing the same but was a bit worried about getting banned in the future. Should we go down the same path and is it likely that Google will eventually hit us with a ban?

    | DavidLenehan

  • Hi all, It has been a while since I have been in this forum, but that's normally a great sign 🙂 Anyway these days I'm work on a "face-lift" on a couple of my sites (, and, but also this face-lift should be more than just that. Hopefully it will help the usability to be better, and as a result of that - I hope it will make it easier for my visitors to easily find what they are looking for. The question is: I would like to ad, say, 25 words of description (mouse-over) in my top menu buttons. Why? Because, I believe that it's a possible problem that the menu just says "krydsord" (crosswords) in stead of a describing text saying something about "Push this button and you will see a complete list of all the cross words on This way, I get the chance to add more text (for the Search Engines) and to guide my visitors in a way that I'm not capable of with the limitations my top menus give me as they are at this moment. Naturally, my visitors should be able to easily decline this "extra information", once they have got it once. Is this completely way off, or do you like the idea? More specifically: Will this be annoying for the visitors, will it have any positive effect on SEO matters? Actually I got partly inspired during a SEOmoz webinar (, even though it's not exactly what they are talking about in thwe webinar. For anybody who are curious (or just need to kill some time), you can have a look from 19:00 and watch it for about two minutes. Thanks a lot! Nicolai

    | MPO

  • Before I start, dont expect this to be too easy. This really has me puzzled and am surprised I am still yet to find a solution for it. Get ready. We have a wordpress website, launched over 6 months ago and have never had an issue getting content such as pages and post pages and categories indexed. However, I some what recently (about 2 months ago) installed a directory plugin (Business Directory Plugin) which lists businesses via unique urls that are accesible from a sub folder. Its these business listings that I absolutely cannot get indexed. The index page to the directory which links to the business pages is indexed, however for some reason google is not indexing all the listing pages which are linked to from this page. Its not an issue of the content being uncrawlable or at least dont think so as when I run crawlers on my site such as xml sitemap crawlers it finds all the pages including the directory pages so I am sure its not an issue of the search engines not finding the content. I have created xml sitemaps and uploaded to webmaster tools, tools recongises that there are many pages in the xml sitemap but google continues to only index a small percentage (everything but my business listings). The directory has been there for about 8 weeks now so I know there is a issue as it should of been indexed by now. See our main website at and the business directory index page at To throw in a curve ball, in looking into this issue and setting up tools we noticed a lot of 404 error pages (nearly 4,000). We were very confused where these were coming from as they were only being generated from search engines - humans could not access the 404s and so we are guessing se's were firing some javascript code to generate them or something else weird. We could see the 404s in the logs so we know they were legit but again feel it was only search engines, this was validated when we added some rules to robots.txt and we saw the errors in the logs stop. We put the rules in robots txt file to try and stop google from indexing the 404 pages as we could not find anyway to fix the site / code (no idea what is causing them). If you do a site search in google you will see all the pages that are omitted in the results. Since adding the rules to robots, our impressions shown through tools have jumped right up (increased by 5 times) so thought this was a good indication of improvement but still not getting the results we want. Does anyone have any clue whats going on or why google and other se's are not indexing this content? Any help would be greatly appreciated and if you need any other information to assist just ask me. Really appreciate anyone who can spare their time to help me, I sure do need it. Thanks.

    | ziller

  • I ran a crawl error and found that I have many pages with "tag" i.e. What's the best way to deal with this problems? Is it worth to visit all of them and fix?  Delete? Could you give me some suggestions?

    | BistosAmerica

  • I want to use the brand logo of my products as a H2 tag and use ALT attribute for the image. Please refer for example to: CODE Clarins Online Is this ok for my SEO or do you advice me to no use the H2 tag for this?

    | parfumerienl

  • Are images considered duplicate content too? Example:
    I've got a size chart on each my lingerie pages. All written content is unique but I'm using the same chart for all those pages.

    | BridalHotspot

  • Mike Arneson has an excellent Mozinar where he shares some helpful Author Rank tactics. What specific tactics are you doing to boost the Author Rank of your site?

    | ProjectLabs

  • Hi guys, On this page,, I require my users to sign up to be able to view the content. I would like to make this available to search engine crawlers. Also, are there any general guidelines regarding making this type of optimization? Is this considered acceptable within Google's guidelines? From my research, there seems to be 3 ways to go about doing this: Creating an account for the bots such that they are considered 'logged in users' Adding checks to my html to see the http user agent Google click first free (havent dont much research into this yet)

    | adminjob
  • This question is deleted!

    | I3SEO

  • Is it OK to split a key phrase into a slug and file name, or should the entire key phrase be in the file name.  For example, consider the following articles: How to wash your car.
    How to change a tire.How to replace a windshield wiper. Will search engines recognize the "how to" in the following taxonomy: Or, should the "how-to" be included in the file name? Best,Christopher

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Hi there! Is it true that the most relevant keyword should it be located in the home page of a website since it has the most link-juice or this statement is a "myth"? Thanks

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi, I seem to be having a few problems with getting google authors set up on Wordpress. I've set up my G+ account, put the link to my blog and then registered it on the yoast plugin. However, I'm not sure it's set up correctly and I can't seem to be able to get it to work. I'm hoping a fine someone here has experience in this as I'm a little flustered. thanks.

    | LeahHutcheon

  • Hi all,  having a worpress site with 10 DIFFERENT pages (each with its own different content) and consequently 10 DIFFERENT keywords to optimize......Can somehow Google penalize me for having such a number of different  keyowrds? I guess sometimes there no way to avoid it. It depends on the content of each page. You'll need a keyword to optimize them (if you consider they are relevant enough). Thanks.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi there, my question: is there a limit of keywords we can optimize for? I mean my site has 12-15 different pages I can optimize for different keywords. I just heard that it's convinient not to optimize for many keywords o criteria. Is that right? Thanks in advanced.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi all! my site deals with a concept called "motivation" in two different categories: motivation for teachers (related to kids) and motivation for parents (related to kids all well). These two categories (in different pages and in different menus) deals with the concept through different perspectives. BUT the keyword to optimize the pages is the same. Due to the structure of the web I've been given I am in this position. I can't redesign the web (I'm not allowed to do it). Any solution related to the keyword? Should I maybe optimize one page with the keyword and in this page have a link to the other not-optimzed page?Any ideas? Thanks in advanced.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi there, my question is:  If I select and optimize in the page a keyword like "english courses in Boston" if someone type in Google only english courses, would my site be shown up in first places in the SERPs (if I had done a good onpage and offpage optimization)? or someone who has optimize the page with the keyword "english courses" would be in a preference place? Thanks

    | juanmiguelcr

  • This post mainly pertains to soft 404's but I recently dropped a few ranks in my main keyword which I have maintained prior to this my better rank for well over 2 years. I participate in NO BLACKHAT and obtain links naturally. I want to describe a few issues that happened prior to my ranking dropping and see what you guys think. I started to receive about a week prior to my ranks dropping DNS issues with GWT. It was weird because when I would use Goole Fetch on those pages they would return just fine so I was not sure what was happening there. I use Google page speed server which did in fact decrease my load time (YEAH!!) so that was cool. About 1 week prior to my rankings dropping I enabled godaddy's Website Accelerator as well thinking that could help even more. Because of this I thought maybe this had something to do with my DNS issues with Google so I decided to turn off my website accelerator with Godaddy and just leave my Google pagespeed service on. I figure I don't need 2 of them anyways IMO. Also at the same time I started to receive a ton (31,000+) html errors with duplicate metadescriptions and titles. I discovered I had an error with my code which was displaying 2 different sets of descriptions and titles for each of these pages. I since then have fixed the issue and waiting for Google to index those pages. Here is were I think I might have been hurting from the drop in rankings. Some months ago (maybe 2) I decided to redirect my 404's to my homepage. Yes I know this is not good now and I have created a proper 404 page which returns the 404 code. I recently started getting a ton of Soft 404 errors in GWT which is what brought my attention to this issue. My question is, could my action of redirecting my users to my homepage as a 404 which obviously was returning a 200 on a page that did not exist be possibly the culprit to my ranks dropping?

    | cbielich

  • I've a client with a jobs page.  I've found that a high traffic, low competition keyword phrase 'OH jobs' and wish to optimize appropriately.  The trouble is that there is hardly any body text and any number of job entry listing.  As the listing which all go to individual job description pages, naturally fit the description (part description) OH Job - would it be good to use this description within the anchor text of the links?  If so is there a maximum?  I've been trawling around SEOmoz and Google Search and have got more and more bogged down! ta

    | catherine-279388

  • In the menu there's  an item with a submenu with 4 items (pages) and another item with a submenu with almost the same pages with a litle bit different content. The problem is that one keyword can be applied and must be applied to the similar pages (the topic is very similar). I guess the number of keywords that we optimize is also important too. Optimizing minimun 8 keywords seems to me very hard. I' was told to optimize for a very low number of keywords but then we have the problem of redundancy. What should I do? Thanks!

    | juanmiguelcr

  • I'm receiving 4 duplicate content warnings from Roger.They are all "www.mysite/tag/tag-name". I'm using WordPress and have Yoast WordPress SEO installed. Should I set the tags  to "noindex" in the plugin settings?

    | brandzz

  • Hi again, my SEOMOZ software has found some "notices" related to certain pages regarding canonical tag. Here are some examples: El primer campamento de kitesurf en tarifa, somos tks!
    1 0
    El primer campamento de kitesurf en tarifa, somos tks!
    1 0
    Aviso Legal y Política de Privacidad
    1 0
    campamento de kitesurf tarifa en un complejo natural con tks!
    1 0
    campamentos bilingues para niños y jóvenes en tarifa, tsk!
    1 0
    Condiciones Generales
    1 0
    1 0 Can anyone tell me what does mean? I guess it has to do with the impact of some kind of plugin since I haven't done anything. Thanks in advanced.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi all, after crawling my website the SEOMOZ software has warned me about temporary redirections like these: What should I do? What consequences could it have in the SERPSs? Thanks.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • I have 39 targetted keywords, yet only 10 on-page reports are generated. My site has about 100 pages. Why don't I see reports for all of my pages?

    | mynton

  • Hello All, I have one client and he want to develop his website but the he want the URL structure for his website page like below: But I have suggest him below URL Structure So Can you people please suggest me that from above which URL structure is better from SEO side as well as from Visual side..? Is using - is better to separate the words in URL?

    | jemindesai

  • Hi there! Some pages of my site like "contact" or "registration": Should they have a title and a description tag? They are pages that I don't want them to be shown in the SERPs....Could I be penalized by google If I don't do so? The SEOMOZ crawling tool warms me about this issue (to short titles, no meta-description tags....) Many thanks

    | juanmiguelcr

  • I just installed a plugin called SEO content control and it is telling me I need to write descriptions for my tags. I haven't been using tags although I did create a list of them. I don't have an endless amount of time on my hands so is this a worthwhile task?

    | dealblogger

  • Hi, I am a big fan of seomoz and read a lot of articles! I have a new site for services in London. I have 5 main keyphrases on 5 different pages. Would it be better to make new pages with variations of those 5 keyphrases? As an example: one of the main keyphrases is "Service London" and I want to create new pages -- "Services West Ruislip", "Services Poplar", "Services Brixton" and etc. Should it be better to do it as described or to keep the 5 main keywords and focus on them? Thank you.

    | yanko84

  • Hi, I do most of the current copy for our blog which you can find here I believe having a regular blog structure with a mix of irregular ad hoc posts to go in around these. So, for this blog, I write an article on "Beauty Industry News" every week. Now, I don't want to use the same title for each post, so I've peen butting in the date after each one i.e. "Beauty Industry News - 24/04/13". Is this best practice or is there a better way of naming regular posts? Thanks in advance!

    | LeahHutcheon

  • My homepage has a normal title tag, but when I look in the code I find the developer also added title tags for pop ups within the homepage code.  Is this causing an issue with the search engines?

    | Furious-D

  • Hi there! Due to the business model of my company I have to optimize two keywords in one page. I just asked about this question before and someone told me thant as long as they refer to the same concept and have almost the same "meaning", it is possible. The problem is how to face it up. I mean, there's one H1 label, one title, etc....and what's the "policy" of key distribution in the content in order to priorice these keywords? What you guys recommend? many thanks

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi I hope you can help me A Website I manage has been hit hard by the Panda Update. I am really struggling to understand what is seen as a Spammy link. The Website use to be on page 1 for "fancy dress" now it isnt visable for that term at all and most other terms the site has dropped for. I have looked into what might have gone wrong and have removed several links , used the disavow tool 2-3 times and submitted re-consideration requests, but each time google informs me that they are still detecting unnatural links. Could somebody please take a look at our link profile for "fancy dress" as an example and show examples of links you would consider that google might not like. It would also be good if anybody had any contacts in the UK that could help thanks Adam

    | AMG100

  • I keep hearing this term "over optimization" and people assuming they have received an over optimization penalty.  I also hear people say, "You need to optimize every page on your site." So at what point does a site become "over optimized?"  Are there any good reads around here that explain this better?

    | kadesmith

  • I have a site with a large image carousel on the top of the homepage. it rotates about 5 images. Most of the images have copy on the left and the image on the right. Right now the designer has kept it one large image. If convert the copy to HTML and keep only the image on the right the actual image. This copy on the left will now get crawled? Is there any downside to this? I am thinking this is a better option than keeping it one large image.

    | aspenchicago

  • My domain is If I search for phraseexpander in google, I'm in the first position (as it should be) but google is not giving extra space to my result as it happens, for example, if you search for "fogbugz". Is there any way I can hep google index my contents (I currently have a site index that is created by Yoast SEO). Thanks a lot. Andrea

    | nagar

  • I'm using Wordpress plugin Collapse-O-Matic as a collapse/reveal function for my product video transcripts. Is this ok from an SEO standpoint? Will Google and other search engines see it as hidden content? Are there better options?

    | Livet

  • Hi there, the crawler of SEOMOZ has detected that some pages have no title or a short metadescription. The problem is that I can't see these pages in wordpress (in the backend). These pages are irrelevant and must be deleted but I can't find them. How could they be indexed by the Googlebot? Where can I find them? Any hint? Thanks all.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi there, the SEOMOZ crawler has detected some warinings related to the 302 temporary redirections. Example: redirects to I have made some 301 redirections, located at the end of the final (inicially) and later I just moved them to the top of the file. The htaccess file content is: redirect 301
    redirect 301
    redirect 301
    redirect 301
    redirect 301
    redirect 301 BEGIN ASIGNACIÓN DE TIEMPO DE CACHÉ A IMÁGNES, ARCHIVOS JSS, CSS <ifmodule mod_expires.c="">#activa la generacion de cabecera Expires
    ExpiresActive On
    #establece el tiempo de cache por defecto
    ExpiresDefault A604800
    <filesmatch ".(jpg|gif|png|css|ico|js)$"="">#suma 1 dia a la hora de acceso del usuario ExpiresDefault "access plus 7 day"</filesmatch></ifmodule> END ASIGNACIÓN DE TIEMPO DE CACHÉ A IMÁGNES, ARCHIVOS JSS, CSS BEGIN W3TC Browser Cache <ifmodule mod_deflate.c=""><ifmodule mod_headers.c="">Header append Vary User-Agent env=!dont-vary</ifmodule>
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css text/x-component application/x-javascript application/javascript text/javascript text/x-js text/html text/richtext image/svg+xml text/plain text/xsd text/xsl text/xml image/x-icon application/json
    <ifmodule mod_mime.c=""># DEFLATE by extension
    AddOutputFilter DEFLATE js css htm html xml</ifmodule></ifmodule> END W3TC Browser Cache BEGIN W3TC Page Cache core <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-Encoding} gzip
    RewriteRule .* - [E=W3TC_ENC:_gzip]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} !=POST
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} =""
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /$
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !(comment_author|wp-postpass|w3tc_logged_out|wordpress_logged_in|wptouch_switch_toggle) [NC]
    RewriteCond "%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/wp-content/cache/page_enhanced/%{HTTP_HOST}/%{REQUEST_URI}/_index.html%{ENV:W3TC_ENC}" -f
    RewriteRule .* "/wp-content/cache/page_enhanced/%{HTTP_HOST}/%{REQUEST_URI}/_index.html%{ENV:W3TC_ENC}" [L]</ifmodule> END W3TC Page Cache core BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPress What's wrong? What could happen is I maintain these 302 redirections? Thanks!

    | juanmiguelcr

  • I have noindexed my category pages. Do I still need to write a description for my categories? I am using the plugin SEO Content Control to see what I can spiff up but I don't want to waste my time. Thank you!

    | dealblogger

  • I know I should have all my affiliate links as nofollow but when should I dofollow a link? When will it HELP me to have a dofollow link? Right now - all my links are nofollow because I haven't figured out how to have nofollow and dofollow in the same blog post. Any info appreciated!

    | dealblogger

  • My latest crawl diagnostic is telling me that my homepage is missing a meta description. I am using wordpress and thesis. How do I add a meta description to my main page? ex Mahalo!

    | dealblogger

  • Hi! Do you think it better to: a) have all archives crawled (date, time, category etc.) even though they create duplicate content,. or; b) disable crawling of all archives? Ideally, I'd like to set up just excerpts in the archives and have a unique intro for each, but I'm having trouble doing this just now so was wondering which is the smarter option in the meantime? Thanks very much!

    | LeahHutcheon

  • Hey, Mozzers I have a question about optimizing a web-page. I was just having a conversation with our web developer about optimizing our website and which changes would make the most difference in affecting the SERPs as far as on-page optimization goes. I was explaining to her we wanted to optimize our pages in the following levels (ranked most important to least important): <title>: key word laden </p> <p>2)  <H1> : key word in <strong>bold</strong></p> <p>3) page content: keyword laden as well</p> <p>The idea was to have three or four layers of keywords on the page. I work for a real estate brokerage and the context was the actual page of the property listing. So in this case, the keywords would be the address of the property. She explained to me that the the H1 tag is more important than the title tag.</p> <p>Does this ring true with you guys?</p></title>

    | AubbiefromAubenRealty

  • We are working with a client who will have multiple locations––same company, same services [for the most part], different location. They want each location to get picked up locally in the search engines. What is the best way to handle the website and URLs? One overarching website with a page for each location?
    Separate Company Name with the town in each - "XYZ Company - Orlando"?
    Have a separate URL with the town name for each location that points each location's page?
    All addresses on each page in the footer? Thanks.

    | thinkcreativegroup

  • I have an e-commerce website and the query strings of the URL's are causing duplicate content/titles. I'm thinking of adding a site-wide canonical tag which should fix them all. Any other ideas of making it neater or better?

    | KarlBantleman

  • Just for kicks, I decided to pay 5 bucks for an SEO Report on a website I was working on for a client. Yea FIVERR. The report was actually not too bad and I was able to clean up a bunch of stuff. Here is a link to other sites on the internet who use this tool. I would like to use it for myself so I'm trying to figure out the source of the report. Here are a few urls to the reports. Remove the two stars in the URL. I don't want to give them a backlink. http://rapid**
    http://www.doc** Has anybody used these or know the source? -Bob

    | Czubmeister

  • Dear SEOMoz Community, By means of this message I hope you can clear something up for me. Let's say you have optimized the content of a specific page (You are an E-Commerce company) on +-2 key words. And on that page you add eight related/similar products. How do you coop with the increase of the key word density? Thanks in advance, Martin

    | Onlinedesignmeubel

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