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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • I'm having one issue with my SEO rankings. If I target let's say four cities in the same state for one keyword in a title, it ranks well. let's say one of those cities ends up being outside of the state though for another landing page, then it usually ends up on page two. Does anyone have a solution to this issue? Thanks!

    | OOMDODigital

  • Hello! We are new to SEO and have a problem we have caused ourselves. We own two domains (old domain) and (new domain that we want to SEO). The content was updated on both domains at about the same time. Both are identical with a few exceptions. Now that we are getting into SEO we now understand this to be a big issue. Is this a resolvable matter? At this point what is the best approach to handle this? So far we have considered a couple of options. 1. Change the copy, but on which site? Is one flagged as the original and the other duplicate? 2. Robots.txt noindex, nofollow on the old one. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!

    | CallRingTalk

  • My client (online recruitment) has over 1.5 million pages indexed, the majority of which are old job posts and listings since they began. I wanted to know if it would be better to keep all of the pages, or advise my client to delete some of the archive as these pages will no longer be attracting traffic.

    | AxonnMedia

  • Does anybody know when you have the word "in" between two keywords has this a negative influence in Google? For example: "Holiday Home Germany" is the search term in Google
    "Holiday Home in Germany"  as h1 on our website or do we have to use "Holiday Home Germany" on our website?

    | Bram76

  • I'm planing to built a multilanguage website using a website builder. After reading reviews I came to the conclusion, should be the website builder I need. My first reason are the templates and there multilanguage options. But there is one thing, ready the review they mention: ''This is a bit technical; you can find the short version below. Wix is using the “single page pattern” meaning that the complete website code is essentially on one page. This works well for website visitors but not necessarily for Google as contents will be shown dynamically using Javascript and DOM manipulation. To solve this, Google supports something called ‘escaped fragments’ (or ugly URLs). With regards to Wix, it means that URLs will end like this: “#!wixseo|cqh1”. Google replaces the “#!” by “?escaped_fragment=” and receives only a minimal text-only page without Javascript. And this works well for Google. Try it here: The official page ID is “cqh1” and not “wixseo”. But as the URL contains both IDs, the visitor can even see a description that’s readable by humans (and that’s important for SEO). You may have seen URLs containing “#!” already if you are a Twitter user.'' Should I worry about Google indexing all the pages? Is this website builder SEO frendly? Thank you for your help and time, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • I have a client that sells services. Each service offered currently has a URL structure like this:$view-id-page3022-item-24 These pages are pretty old, and I would love to have a more user-friendly URL like this: If I rename the URL and do a 301 redirect, what impact will that have on search? Ideally, this page will be optimized for "purple swatch watch", but the current URL structure is so... well, you know. My apologies if this has been answered before. I tried looking through archived of 301 issues, but lost hope after my first 10 or so attempts at answered didn't help this specific issue.

    | ericav

  • Hi all, I have a problem with my website. When writing there're no pages indexed although the webmaster tools tells me that the sitemap file has been processed in 13 May and the number of indexed paged are 21. ¿What could be happening? I have to mention that there are two domains "" and "" addressing the same website and there's a redirection from to but it doesn't work properly. Thanks

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi, I have a question around best practise on duplicate home pages. The /index.aspx page is showing up as a top referrer in my analytics. I have the rel=canonical tag implemented for the on both pages. Do I need to 301 the /index.aspx to the I have a lot of links pointing to the /index.aspx (half of those are coming from the Many thanks Jon

    | JonRaubenheimer

  • We have worked as closely as possible to the guidelines and advice on this forum, if we compare our on page Analsis with other companies in the same field as ours we have a far better site as far as SEO is concerned, our DA authority is higher and most of our page authority is higher but we just cannot seem to get up to their level in the search engines, one site that is in competiton with us do not use Facebook and also they do not use Twitter very much, I looked at some of their backlinks and their top one which was a blog had not been updated since 2011, over the years we have amassed far more what I would call worthless links as this was the done thing then, how can I get on the right track, are there any companies who could assess our site for a reasonable cost to point us in the right direction, we are doing our own blog, Facebook, Twitter, Onlywire?

    | Palmbourne

  • Hi all, I have two doamins actived which content is the same. Regarding Google some of you guys told me that I wouldn't be penalized but If I wanted to do a redirection 301 it should be done from one domain to the domain which is my main market. And I just did it. But the problem is that although I have made the corresponding modifications in the htaccess file it doesn' work. When I write goes to (as I configured the WMT) and not to, in which my market is mainly present. Heres the code for the HTACCESS file: Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^ [NC]
    RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]
    <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On # uncomment the following line, if you are having trouble
      # getting no_script_name to work
      #RewriteBase / # we skip all files with .something
      #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ..+$
      #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.html$
      #RewriteRule .* - [L] # we check if the .html version is here (caching)
      RewriteRule ^$ index.html [QSA]
      RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.html [QSA]
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f # no, so we redirect to our front web controller
      RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]</ifmodule> Thanks in advanced.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi Friends, I am having some doubts in author image in the social media websites. For example: I am having account in twitter, facebook and Google+ should I use the same image for all these 3 websites. Your Feedback on this is important for me. Thanks for your time.

    | zco_seo

  • I was wondering if there was a certain number of times you had to repeat a location to help your page rank well. Thanks

    | OOMDODigital

  • Hi, We've had a debate around the office where some people believe that Google only crawls the first 150-200 words on a page and some people believe that they priority content that is above the fold and other people believe that all content has the same priority. Can you help us? Thanks,

    | mdorville

  • On my site I have a dropdown menu going across the page at the top to all of my categories on each page, I also have a similar structure going down the side going to the same categories, is this acceptable or would Google count this as double the internal links?

    | Palmbourne

  • Hi guys i'm just going trough some pages with the seomoz one page optimization tool. As one of the "easy fix" suggestions it says: "Avoid Multiple Page Title Elements" "Explanation: Web pages are meant to have a single title, and for both accessibility and search engine optimization reasons, we strongly recommend following this practice.Recommendation: Remove all but a single page title element." By single element does it mean 1 single word? Is that realistic?

    | Immanuel

  • Dear Community, the google AdWords Keyword Tool shows e.g.: monthly global search for: "Satéré-Mawê Tribe" = 0
    but for "Satere-Mawe Tribe" = 320 (at least) But doing a search with or without using special characters,seems not to make a difference? as Google shows "the right" results even when people are making mistakes in spelling. On an english website I wantto use in the Title "Hunting, fishing and living with the Satéré-Mawê Tribe" using the correct Portuguese spelling. As Google Keyword tool tells me english speaking persons don't like using special characters... should I also leave them out in general or just don't mind? Thanks for any response

    | inlinear

  • It is generally believed that the closer the content is to the top of the page, the better it is for SEO.  If that's incorrect, please let me know. I have a 2 column site where the left menu is navigation and right side is content.  Obviously, the left menu appears in the code before the content does, but I can flip them around via css float.  If I do that, the content will appear on the left visually, even though in the code it still comes after the left side navigation. Do either positions affect seo?

    | cmp101

  • Hi Everybody, I am working on travel-pages and there are 4 tours that all start their itinerary in "Manaus", so I have 4 pages containing all a passage of the same text about Manaus. How will Google interpret this? Just pick one of the four pages in relation to Manaus Keywords and index, or index none of them? What should I do, because there is no canonical tag for parts of pages? I'm curious about what you think 🙂 Best regards,

    | inlinear

  • Hey all, I'm handling a website for a youth telecom brand. We're migrating our website from droople to joomla with a completely new design. The entire revamp has been outsourced and I'm responsible for overseeing it. As it stands, our URL structure is something like I want to change to category/child-category format: In terms of SEO, how would this change impact results, pros and cons? Cheers.

    | HasanPK

  • I am completely perplexed here guys.  I have accomplished all of the the things that the On- Page Analysis tool says that we need to perform as far as( Keyword laden page titles and webpages) yet the report comes back and gives the webpage a C and says that we still need to correct these issues. Can anyone explain this? The keywords are: " real estate augusta ga" " property management augusta ga" the address is: Thanks in advance, C

    | AubbiefromAubenRealty

  • Hello.  So, my SEO team has worked very hard to finally resolve RogerBot/GoogleBot specific Crawl Errors either manually or programmatically can be fixed for our Budget Blinds USA Pro Campaign.  We've done a good job even if a lot of it came from Robots.txt file entries as this was the most efficient way our client chose to do it.  Good news is most of it is CMS configuration and not bad site architecture. That being said our next big volume of Crawl Errors is "Too Many On-Page Links". Our Moz DomainRank is 61.  Our client, on this new version of the website, added a large nav-based footer which has duplicate links from the Header Main Navigation. I believe our solution is to put in No-Follow Metatags at the Footer Link Level, so we don't zap Page Authority by over-dividing as you recommend. Is this the best way to resolve this?  Is there any risk in this?  Or is a 61 DomainRank high enough for RogerBot and GoogleBot to crawl these anyway? Please advise,

    | Aviatech

  • <title> </span>Home to home moving 4356 <span></title>  page A <title> </span>Home to home moving 3723 <span></title>  page B These two titles are the same?

    | iskq

  • I am looking for a way to split up and assign my 400 Wordpress posts to my business' four separate office locations. The four offices are in four separate areas with distinct city names. What way makes the most sense from an SEO perspective - assigning the city names as categories? adding the location as a tag, or some other way that I haven't considered? Currently, all posts are categorized by content and have no mention of location. Happy to answer any questions you might need in order to answer. Thank you!

    | SDSLaw

  • Hello, Yesterday I created my PRO account, I have several urls in top 50 instead of a have no report in On Page Reports, how low take the system for generating this? Thank you, Carlos

    | cahams

  • Hey Mozzers I'm certain of the answer to this question, however I wanted to get some input from the experts in Moz-land to hopefully provide some additional perspective.  I recently disagree with a client's assertion that there is some penalty Google levels for changing the title tags of your home page.  Now, I understand changing the title tags can influence serp rankings, however, is anyone aware of some penalty Google levels for simply changing the title tags?  Most of what I've read and experienced has people changing them all the time without some phantom penalty.  It seems to me a problem of correlation = causality, in that people often attribute a drop to an action that may not have actually been the cause. Anyway, if you have any particular insight on this top I would appreciate it greatly. thanks!

    | BrandLabs

  • I have an ecommerce site and SEOmoz "Crawl Diagnostics Summary"  points out that I have too many hyperlinks on most of my pages. The most recent thing I've done that could  the culprit is the creation of number product filters.  Each filter I put on the page is creating a hyperlink off that page.  As an example, there's a filter available for manufacturers.  Under that, there are 8 new filter links, thus new hyperlinks.  On one category there are 60 new links created because of filters. I feel like these filters have made the user experience on the site better BUT has dramatically increased the number of outbound links off the page.  I know keeping it to under 100 is a rule-of-thumb but at the same time there must be some validity to trying to limit them. Do you have any recommendation on how I can "have my cake and eat it too?" Thanks for any help!

    | jake372

  • Hi All, Quick question - is it illegal, against any rule etc  to use phrases such as 'The No 1 rest of the title tag | Brand Name' on a site?

    | Webrevolve

  • II'm a newbie. I have a website using the default home page filename: index.htm. I have total control over the web server. I was wondering whether I can get any SEO improvements for my main keyword if I change the default filename with a filename that contains the main keyword, like our-main-product.htm (doing the 301 redirect and changing the server search order, of course)?

    | Grafimart

  • Hello, I just like to ask for best practice when it comes to reduce number of internal links on a site with a mega menu. Since the mega menu lists all categories and all their subcategories it creates a problem when all categories are linking to all categories directly.. Would the method below reduce the number of links and preventing the link juice flowing directly from category to category? [(link built with JavaScript and the html5 "data-" attribute) Thinking of using these links to categories in the menu not directly below the parent category.](#)

    | AJPro

  • I have a YouTube video I want to show my B2B and B2C customers. But I have a different websites for each. If I embed the video will I get duplicate content strike against me?

    | RoxBrock

  • As my site has definitely got hit by Panda, I am in the process of cleaning my website of low quality content. Needless to say, shitty articles are completed being removed but I think lots of this content is now of low quality because it is obsolete and dated. So what should I do with this content? Should I rewrite those articles as completely new posts and link from the old posts to the new ones? Or should I delete the old posts and do a 301 redirect to the new post? Or should I rewrite the content of these articles in place so I can keep the old URL and backlinks? One thing is that I've got a lot more followers than I used to so publishing a new post gets a lot more views, like and shares and whatnot from social networks.

    | sbrault74

  • If your competitor has a page that is optimized for a keyword (title tag, URL, content) and you target the keyword halfway down a page with an H2 and a short paragraph about the keyword, are you at a strong disadvantage?

    | ProjectLabs

  • Hello, I own a Opencart site with a lot of products , I am getting this error in the campaign report, how can I fix it? Read other members replys but I dont understand how .. I would appreacite if you could explain it easy because my native language is spanish and my english is really poor I am really happy of find this site, incredible quality, thank you very much!

    | matiw

  • Hi, Quick question really, I can see how a Google+ profile picture showing up in the results can increase CTR and even trust but would this be a no no for a normal website? I mean if you had a website which offered personal training, so a brand rather than an individual would you not use this snippet? I've seen some website, even ecommerce sites using this tag to just increase their CTR.

    | Bondara

  • Hi all! What would it be a good strategy of linkbuilding? I mean, I have found several pages related to my topic but I don't really know how to face it up. Should I write directly to the webmaster? What's the best way to do it without being penalized? Thanks!

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Looking for suggestions - one of my targeted keywords is "IT Support NY". I can't for the life of me figure out a way to use it in a sentence. Any ideas?

    | CsmBill

  • For years, my website was in top 3 organic positions for out most popular keyword; now after the latest google algorithm update we are 17th 😞  This is severely affecting our sales and I need ideas on how to improve our position. What areas do I need to look at to help correct this drop in organic ranking? My website is **r a d i a n t g u a r d . c o m ** Thanks, Rhonda

    | rhondafranklin

  • Suppose that Google made a change and all of a sudden a certain type of keyword phrase doesn't show any commercial sites on the first page of SERPs. Have you ever had this experience? What would you do in this scenario? Would you give up on those keyword phrases and target a different keyword phrase?

    | ProjectLabs

  • Hi, I'm building a tabbed navigation menu in which lots of sub-menu items are hidden with css until I mouse over a top level item. Is there any way this could be considered cloaking by google? Cheers

    | madegood

  • How can I find out which filter my site has fallen under? there only 22 pages (out of 380) that are not under Google filters Thank you in advance.

    | andreysmiling1987

  • Hi Everyone, After a body of unique content of say 50 words, will Google then penalise you for adding bullet points which will then be duplicated across all those products (say 100 products)? Look forward to your comments, good or bad, Thanks Jonathan

    | JonnytheB

  • I have a site that gets most of it's traffic from one keyword combination, but I've noticed lately that instead of sending people to the homepage, it's sending people to an internal page. This isn't a problem, except for the fact that all the best link juice and domain authority has been directed at the homepage. There's not a lot of content on the homepage, so is it worth setting up a canonical tag on the homepage for this internal page to ensure that the page authority/link juice helps to boost this page that is already being indexed for the keyword?

    | Bigheadigital

  • Hi SEO folks, Please help! I've changed my home page title 30 days ago, but my Google search results is still showing the old one! Why is that happening? can I've a brief explanation please so i can learn. thanks a million cRnPa6d

    | aptustelecom

  • I've got a site about a specific topic, which we'll call "themes" for the sake of this discussion. I personally like to keep the url structure short and clean (for usability purposes, but mainly because I'm a perfectionist and a minimalist). I feel that adding "themes" to the url structure is a bit redundant. However, nearly every keyword phrase that my site should rank for includes the word "themes." So I'm wondering how much I'm handicapping myself by not including the keyword "themes" in the url? The domain name itself sort of includes the keyword . . . although it's in Italian (I chose the domain for it's brand-ability, not for the keyword). A quick example: My Url Structure: My Competitor's Url Structure: For many of the keywords, the competitors with the keyword in the url rank highest. But, I'm not sure how much emphasis to place on this, because from my understanding Google doesn't pay as much attention to url keywords anymore . . . and those sites might just be ranking high because they've been around for so long (which also happens to be the reason why they coincidentally also include the keyword in the url, because they started the site when that was a high ranking factor). Thoughts? Should I just trash my perfectionism and add the keyword to the url structure? (By the way, the site is only a couple months old and doesn't have any significant backlinks to inner pages yet, so changing the url structure wouldn't be a big deal if I decided to do that).

    | JABacchetta

  • Hi all, after my website is crawled SEMOZ has alerted me about some errors (28 exactly) with the same problem:                         404 : Error At the end of the URL you can see "Piensa_Piensa" which I haven't added at all. It's present in all URLs that have reported as error by SEOMOZ. The CMS that has been used to create the website is wordpress. what does it mean? Many thanks

    | juanmiguelcr

  • I have an e-commerce site currently selling in Canada and am now looking to branch it into the USA. We have both the .ca and .us domain names, but I am not sure what the best approach to this would be. If we put up a website on the .us domain name it would be virtually the same.. So I would assume we would have a duplicate content issue. What would be the best way to approach this type of situation?

    | wishmedia

  • Hi there! I have two domains with the same content. Some guys in this forum posted that It would be convinient to do a 301 redirect from one ".com" domain to ".es" domain (my potential market). I just tried to set it up in the htaccess file but it dind't worked at all. Something like: redirect 301 I just configure in the webmaster tools the domain as preferred domain insted of http://domain.comThe same with the other domain. Any help? many thanks

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi there, I have access to my sebsite writeing or What domain should I add to the webmasters tools? Should I have to do some kind of 301 direction from to as the main market is in Spain? Thanks.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi there! I have a site which can be accessed with two different domains: one ccTLD for Spain: one TLD Should I take care of something regarding SEO? I have also a redirection from to I have set up them in webmasters tools individually, with the same sitemap obviously. Thanks in advanced.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • I've just run an on page audit of my website and it seems in reasonable shape. However, I wonder whether I'm missing a trick with the Image Alt for my company logo. The logo appears on every page and links back to the home page. Currently the Alt tag is just the Company name "Octopus". We develop HR Software and we would love to rank better for the term "HR Software". Is it legitimate to change the alt tag to "Octopus HR Software" for my logo or is considered spam and likely to get us hit with a penalty? Thanks in advance David

    | davidoff574444

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