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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi, I am currently building content for a customer's website. There are approximately 50 new content pages I am building about the business, products they serve, how-tos and tips and advice. The website is built on Wordpress so my question is would it be best to post this content as a different blog posts or as separate pages in Wordpress and link them up to a 'hub page' as mentioned on this post about How to rank (point 16) Thanks for any advice.

    | btiffin

  • What's the best way to set up a url structure? When a user goes through the funnel should it show it in the url? Like this: (1 mil plastic bags is a subcategory - when the user is at this page they will see many products. When they select one - it brings them to a product detail page which I think should be done like this: regardless of the funnel that brought them there. Does this make sense?) or ** ** Also, is there a limit of how many "/" could be used?

    | EcomLkwd

  • This is our idea on how to create pages. Please give us your opinion on this way of targeting keywords. Meta Title Tickets [destination] | | Flights [destination] Meta description Book your ticket to [destination] online and find the cheapest tickets in just a few clicks… H1: Tickets [destination] H2: Cheap ticket to [destination] – city of … Image                             Tekst with focus on tickets +  destination and ticket + destination City guides general information,                              More information city guide
    introduction                                                             Short  snippets of content. More information city guide
                                Short  snippets of content. Additional tekst on flights +  destination.

    | vliegticketsnl

  • If I was to put 2 blog posts on my site a month, does it matter if I post them on the site at the same time, or is their benefits in posting them a week apart? Thanks!

    | ClickIt

  • Since July'12, i have seen our Google Maps listings drop. They just don't seem to be showing in searches anymore. Can anyone shed any light as to why ths may be?

    | RobSchofield

  • Hello, My website have been running over five years. I have just reviewed and seen some URLs had not good. It is, containing characters "---1". Should I remove unnecessary characters "---"?. Thanks for any advice!

    | JohnHuynh

  • Hi!  I could post our question here, but I think we will need an hour or so of questions and answers.  Anyone consider themselves an on-page guru or redirection strategy guru? Here is the breakdown: 1.  We sell digital media. 2.  Most of the pages that return for us in the serps are indexed Search Results pages.  From the research we have done, these are our highest trafficked results, but also our lowest converters.  We have hundreds of thousands of indexed and dynamic Search Result pages we need to deal with. 3.  We are concerned about Panda eventually giving us issues with these indexed Search Pages. 4.  We would like to 301 re-direct these indexed Search Results pages to applicable product pages. 5.  Looking for advice on a strategy to do so which would include the best way to locate the pages we need to 301 in the SERPS, being careful that the 301 will help and not harm us, etc. Note, we are just looking for a couple of hours of discussion and guidance.  We don't need a massive SEO analysis or anything.  Just looking for input and guidance on this one particular issue. If you just want to answer here for free, hey, we won't complain, but are happy to pay for quality advice.  PM if interested. Thanks! Craig

    | TheCraig

  • hello, I have added google custome search to my website, and then check with W3C HTML, it report many error. 
    eg: there is no attribute "enableHistory" <gcse:searchbox-only enablehistory="true" autocompletemaxcompletions="5" au…<br="">or  there is no attribute "resultsUrl"  and so on ...</gcse:searchbox-only> Has anyone face with this problem, I don't know how to fix it. Please help!

    | JohnHuynh

  • I've been running a large real estate rental website for the past few years and on May 8, 2013 my Google traffic dropped by about 50%. I'm concerned that my current url structure might be causing thin content pages for certain rental type + location searches. My current directory structure is:
    etc.. I was thinking of changing it to the following: ** Note: I'd provide users the ability to filter their results by rental type - by default all types would be displayed. Another question - my listing pages are currently displayed as: And I've been thinking of changing it to: Should I proceed with both changes - one or the one - neither - or something else I'm not thinking of? Thank you in advance!!

    | Amped

  • I have a photo Gallery that is coming up as a lot of Duplicate Titles and Page Content and fixing each photo just isn't possible right now. Should I just block the search engines from indexing them to resolve the errors?

    | NeilBelliveau

  • Hello, I guest that my website may be duplicate contents with other websites. Is this a important factor on SEO? and how to check and fix them? Thanks,

    | JohnHuynh

  • Hi! Quick question regarding UGC... On our site - - we have a /news section (which contains about 40 000 news items) - shown in the right sidebar at the bottom I recently changed the /news (and all subpages) section to noindex and asked a removal on Google Webmaster Tools...  was this a good idea? Those pages are low content pages and the bounce rate is really high since all articles are external sites.

    | designrfix

  • We're preparing a report for a potential client, and are trying to figure out a way to estimate rankings gains. One of the major issues is a lack of a 301 redirect for non-www. domains to www. domains. We checked and there's no canonicalization, so it's a clear issue. According to Google, the non-www. links from 8 different domains. The www. version of the website has links from 248 different domains. Nearly all anchor text is branded, as they've never had any SEO work done before. Does anyone have a suggestion for approximating benefits of setting up their .htaccess file correctly? Would the benefits even be that great? We're of course advising additional things, but we just want to be more certain about this step's SEO-boost.

    | FlynnZaiger

  • Hi, how you doing? I have a set of very specific questions or concerns about anchor text and linking on an e-commerce category page. I was wondering if you could give your opinions and counsel. I own an e-commerce store about steel construction products. I have several category and product pages. One example of my categories is this. URL My concerns or questions: I have several technical specs or sheets. Which i include the link on the right part in "Informacion Adicional". How should i link those? I am bit worried on the anchor text. Should i use something like [download "product" technical sheet] or just [technical sheet of product] . I dont want to cannibalize, but i also want to appear as descriptive as possible. what would you recommend? The same thing happens on my videos. How should i link my videos? Is there a best practice? **what would you recommend. ** Thanks in advance for your opinions!

    | JesusD

  • This may be an easy questions, but I can't seem to find the answer  anywhere and I never really looked into it before.  In google webmaster tools, in the dashboard there is the section that says "How Your Data Is Linked".  What does that refer to?  Is that just using internal link anchor text, external link anchor text or a combination of both? I am pretty sure that it is a combination of both, but I just want to make sure before making some internal link changes so that the most common anchor text is no longer "Prices" and "Sign up". Thanks.

    | rayvensoft

  • I have a website that need be very up-to-date, I mean, pages can be published just for 30 days, after that it should be unpublished. Everyday more than 300 pages is "removed", For theses pages I am returning http code "410" (Gone), also I remove from the sitemap. Now, I am checking Google WebMasterTools and I am getting thousands of pages not found. So... My questions Does it have SEO impact? How is the best approach to treat it?

    | thobryan

  • Delete thank you screen.png

    | 7liberty

  • This is my site,  example of a product : [Link removed] Would I lose rank in Google for changing all to friendly SEO urls? Thank you

    | 7liberty

  • We have a website with a searchable database of recipes. You can search the database using an online form with dropdown options for: Course (starter, main, salad, etc)
    Cooking Method (fry, bake, boil, steam, etc)
    Preparation Time (Under 30 min, 30min to 1 hour, Over 1 hour) Here are some examples of how URLs may look when searching for a recipe: find-a-recipe.php?course=starter
    find-a-recipe.php?cooking-method=fry&preperation-time=over+1+hour There is also pagination of search results, so the URL could also have the variable "start", e.g. find-a-recipe.php?course=salad&start=30 There can be any combination of these variables, meaning there are hundreds of possible search results URL variations. This all works well on the site, however it gives multiple "Duplicate Page Title" and "Duplicate Page Content" errors when crawled by SEOmoz. I've seached online and found several possible solutions for this, such as: Setting canonical tag Adding these URL variables to Google Webmasters to tell Google to ignore them Change the Title tag in the head dynamically based on what URL variables are present However I am not sure which of these would be best. As far as I can tell the canonical tag should be used when you have the same page available at two seperate URLs, but this isn't the case here as the search results are always different. Adding these URL variables to Google webmasters won't fix the problem in other search engines, and will presumably continue to get these errors in our SEOmoz crawl reports. Changing the title tag each time can lead to very long title tags, and it doesn't address the problem of duplicate page content. I had hoped there would be a standard solution for problems like this, as I imagine others will have come across this before, but I cannot find the ideal solution. Any help would be much appreciated. Kind Regards

    | smaavie

  • Hi Mozzers, Just wondering what your thoughts are on repeating Shipping Info on each product page? Example: I guess I could simply link to the Shipping Page, but it takes the user away from the product page, not good user experience. Other big brand sites seem to do this, but it just struck me this could be looked as duplication. Any thoughts on anything I'm doing wrong, always appreciated. Cheers, Kevin

    | well-its-1-louder

  • Hi. A client of mine is being outranked by a competitor whose landing page does not include the keyword within their page content AT ALL.  Nor does their URL.  Nor do any image alts. And their page title features the keyword in the middle of it, not at the start.  Their link profile is not great with directories and the like.  They are not socially active.. I am confused!  I thought content on a page absolutely had to include the keyword to get ranked for it. Here's the page:, keyword is "water softeners" Any thoughts I would appreciate. Many thanks.Christoffa

    | Christoffa

  • I'm wanting to prioritize my on-page optimization efforts by doing the work that will have the most impact first. Let's say, hypothetically, that this was my on-page report card: Grade A - 60 reports
    Grade B - 20 reports
    Grade C - 70 reports
    Grade D - 70 reports
    Grade F - 300 reports Where is the biggest opportunity for increasing good traffic? Doing more work on Grade A pages to ensure I continue to rank Moving mid-grade pages up to high-grade pages (e.g., raising a B to A, or a C to B) Moving low-grade pages up to mid-grade pages (e.g., raising a D to C, or a F to D)

    | justin-brock

  • Hi Mozzers, I've just read this great article: I'm working with my wife on a small (hopefully, growing) fashion website One of the points was not to directly sell on the homepage, rather draw customers into different areas of the site. Seems good advice and it's followed by many big brands online. As a small company, doing fairly well for some targeted keywords, do you think it would be a good or bad idea for me to remove most, or all of the text on my homepage. The main emphasis of our site is vintage Chanel and using the tool nTopic I score 99% relevancy for 'Vintage Chanel'. Removing would certainly affect this. Obviously I could amend my Vintage Chanel shopping category to include all this. I'd be grateful if you have any thoughts / similar experience. Thanks ! Kevin

    | well-its-1-louder

  • Hello, Currently, I paginated a content to 5 pages eg: Is it right? and how to check it is correct or not?

    | JohnHuynh

  • We launched a site where key landing pages were not showing up in google. After running the seomoz crawl it returned a lot of duplicate pages which may expalin this. The actual url of the page is /design and it was telling me the following were dupes: /design/family-garden-design
    /Design All of these URL's were in fact pointing to the /design landing page. I 301 redirected all of the pages so they all now resolve to /design After running another crawl the day after doing this it's still showing up as duplicate content on seomoz. Does seomoz evaluate the new changes right away?

    | iterate

  • Hello, Is there anyone use goolge custom search? and will it improve my website ranking?

    | JohnHuynh

  • Is making tabs with general product information on similar products considered duplicate content?

    | BridalHotspot

  • Is anyone here familiar with the concept of data clustering, and how it is significant to practicing SEO?  I've heard the term used a bit recently and would love to hear from anyone else who has run into it...Thanks! Will

    | williammarlow

  • Hello there.  I would like to ask for your opinions. I have and want to move /blog to its own domain.  As of now, the blog section has the exact same UI as the rest of the site, its just a section on our site. Will it have any negative impact with respect to SEO if and have the exact same UI and are interlinking each other? Thanks in advanced.

    | mike_sif

  • I am having a hard time figuring out what the best META title tag is for my site. I have a deal blog that focuses on Amazon deals but I also write articles, top ten lists, etc. It is baby and mom related. Is there a tutorial for this? Should I just experiment and watch my organic search results? TIA!

    | dealblogger

  • Hi all I have these domains active: which redirects to via webmastertools which redirects to via webmastertools.
    I want the last three items to redirect to Here is part of the code of the htaccess file that I have until now:
    Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^ [NC]
    RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L] Thanks in advanced.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi all We're soon going to begin our international SEO efforts, and I wanted to get some opinions on laying the foundation first. I'm aware of the best, most ideal practices (getting a proper translator, ccTLDs vs subdomains vs folders, etc.) and wanted to know if this would be a good first step: Creating folders by language/country code (does it matter which?) that will have unique copy on the respective page, and targeting those pages to the corresponding country via Google WMT. The nature of our website would require a massive, coordinated effort to translate all of the content, so I was thinking about starting with the homepage for each country and going from there. Is the risk of duplicate content for every new folder too high to chance not translating EVERY bit of content? Thanks for any help or advice!

    | brandonRT

  • We own 9 fashion blogs that focus on different niches. We have Your Next Shoes focusing on shoes, Your Next Dress focusing on dresses, Your Next Handbag focusing on handbags, and so on. Previously we had links in the blog header to the other sister sites. Your Next Shoes had text links to its 8 sister sites, and so on. However, we were told that this could cause a cross-linking penalty, so we removed these links. My understanding now is that the advice we were given is not necessarily correct. We think it is useful for our visitors to see that we also operate other blogs, so we are thinking of adding back the links - this time to our footer. Basically I am looking for advise on the best way to go about this.

    | Jantaro

  • Hi, on my new theme there are a bunch of links from subfolders to pages that aren't in a sub folder, these pages also don't have links on the home page. Is there an seo issue when linking from subfolders to pages that aren't. I don't know if I'm wording this properly but what I mean is, mysite/project/project1 linking to mysite/post.

    | FPK

  • I am getting to many on page links ( for all my pages). Here is my website: I think it is to do with the the navigation bar down the right hand side. I don't really want to get ride of this as it offers users a way of getting where they want without lots of clicking. I was wondering if adding a "NoFollow" tag to each of they links would stop the link juice getting diluted by the navigation bar. Many Thanks

    | WebsterPowerTools

  • Is anyone else seeing a big shift in local results since Penguin 2.0. I am logged out of Google, all personalisation switched off but my results are being personalised to my location for all results, not just Google+ Local results? I'm pretty sure penguin is bigger than 2.3% of queries or whatever was reported..

    | Karen_Dauncey

  • Hi, It is my understanding that it is good practice to add relevant out going links to my content pages. I do not intend to over do it and the out going links I intend to add would be useful for the reader. My question is do I need to add noindex/nofollow tags to these links? Does it make any difference either way or can I just leave them as index/follow links? Thanks

    | UnderMe

  • Hello everyone! The company I work for has an e-commerce site that needs to be optimized. I am starting from the title tags which are too long and need optimized for specific keywords. Thing is that each title tag contains the specific keywords for the page  and the company name. My question is should I keep the company name within the title tags or should I just keep the keywords I target for those pages? How will it affect my rank? Cheers Oscar

    | PremioOscar

  • hello, I have just modified URL, do I need to re-submit sitemap or something else to search engines?

    | JohnHuynh

  • the SEOMOZ onpage analysis tool is not not showing title or keyword for any page in one of my sites. It says there are no title elements on my page and there are, i checked the source code myself and they are there and correct.  my title and keywords are in there and show up fine in firefox and internet explorer even after i refresh them.  why would this tool show them as missing in one of my sites but not others?  I'm worried that google's spider might not see them if the on page analyzer doesn't see them and my rankings might drop.  they showed up the other day in the seomoz on page analyzer  just fine and i haven't changed anything. Thanks mozzers!

    | Ron10

  • We got the weekly seomoz reports and see that most of our pages and posts contain too many onpage links. I checked our website and all of our pages have a header, footer and left side menu. I did the math and there are 13 links in the header, 26 links in the footer and 76 links in the left side menu. This means that all of our post and pages have 115 links at the start. So what do I do? Do I remove the left side menu from the posts' layout and use only the footer and header? Or do I add nofollow links? Thanks!

    | Romaine

  • Hello everyone! I am just checking the on-page optimization for the website I look after and I am getting some ratings related to the keywords I target for those pages. How should I consider the numeric score I get? (10 on average) Also what is a good score for those pages? Cheers Oscar

    | PremioOscar

  • If I'm using a subdomain on my website, for instance, and it gets penalized by Panda (or whatever animal update), would that affect the main domain and/or other subdomains?

    | sbrault74

  • I have a website on which I publish lots of news (sometimes up to 10 posts per day). I have a feeling that somewhat it is diluting the density of some keywords I am targeting. By using subdomains, would I avoid diluting keyword density too much? Of course, I am talking about a reasonable use of subdomains (maybe 1 or 2). What's your opinion?

    | sbrault74

  • Hello guys, I have a stupid problem, i guess you solved long time ago. After i crawl my website, i found out that i have 8k temporary redirect (302 redirect). All of them came from, there are 8 k of this type. I guess i am not first one with magento having this problem. Could you explain what happen in fact? And more than that could you explain how to fix it? I bet people will find this thread important i will not be the last one with this problem Thank you in advance. With Respect, Andrei

    | Shanaki

  • Quick question with a hopefully easy answer (and to get away from all this Penguin 2.0 talk). Does anyone have any tips for activating Sitelinks for landing pages other than your homepage? I've attached a screenshot to better illustrate what I'm hoping to achieve, but basically I would like our SERP to have the same extra links under our meta description as the #2 result. I haven't been able to find any direct information as to how to achieve this. Is their markup code involved? Another one of those things that Google just randomly does? The keyword in questions is, "teaching jobs abroad" FYI Any factors that would point me in the right direction would be very helpful! Andrew qmK77hq

    | dunklea

  • I noticed by chance that the competitor of an ecommerce client has completely copied one of their product overviews, which is around 500 words in total. The site does not outrank my client, but could the scraped content be harmful in any other way? There are no links included within the text so there's no advantage in that sense. Is Google's algorithm intuitive enough to figure out where the original content came from and attribute it to my client, or is there still the possibility that it could have a negative affect as duplicate content? Any insights and suggestions much appreciated.

    | pugh

  • 2 Questions any help appreciated: I have had a spam url in my Disavow file with Google since last September but it still shows up as linked to my site, is this correct? If a url has say 100 pages all with your anchor text and it is a spam website do you Disavow the domain url or do you have enter all the pages in the Disavow spreadsheet?

    | Palmbourne

  • Page titles"GamesChannal – Video Games Review" and "gmaeschannal"ExplanationWeb pages are meant to have a single title, and for both accessibility and search engine optimization reasons, we strongly recommend following this practice.RecommendationRemove all but a single page title element. what  and gmaeschannal  ???? Site Title  "GameChannel - Video Games Review and Latest News Video Review Game" Homepage Help Me !!! 😞

    | GamesChannal

  • Over the last size eight weeks we have been doing all of our own SEO with the help of reading this forum and asking questions, prior to this we had an SEO company from India who were only doing articles and promoting them. We have been using various keywords by writing them into our own blogs, to check how we have been doing I have monitored two main keywords, when we started, our choice keyword was on page three, on Monday it had moved up to number one on page two, today it is now back on page three, have we been hit by the Penquin update, if so would I have received a warning in WMT, a lot of my other keywords across the site have moved down although some have moved up, we are retailers not SEO experts so it is a big blow to move down when everyone has worked hard, looking at some pages I do have some pages that look as though they have been keyword stuffed, I have altered some of them to see if anything changes, I have also look at some of the links but how do I know if I am doing the right thing?

    | Palmbourne

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