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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi, I would like to know if appending site name at the end of page title ( page title -_ Site Name/Site URL_ ) is a good/bad practice in reference to SEO? If a good practice which is better ( Site Name or Site URL )? Example: 20 Things you didn't know about zombies - Thanks in advance

    | COEDMediaGroup

  • Hello everybody, As I need to improve the title tags of the site I manage, I was wondering which one between the hyphen (-) and the the vertical bar (|) when writing title tags?

    | PremioOscar

  • Hi all, I'm having a little difficulty deciding the best approach for selecting my product titles as I've encountered a few issues. I understand how important it is to try and use the keyword in your product titles, but about the category page that lists all of these products? One of category pages, for example, has 16 products on it. Each has the product title followed by the keyword. I have also used the keyword in the category title, URL, breadcrumbs and two or 3 times (because it was natural) in a paragraph that describes the category etc. Due to the little amount of text on the page, and the sheer amount of times that the keyword is being used, it looks like I am keyword stuffing (By Moz On Page Report Card). I think it came to 23 uses of the same keyword altogether. This is the pretty much teh same throughout every category page on my site, and think I was penalised by Google for this reason. I'm a relatively new site and have done everything by the book as far as I know, so everything is pointing at this to be the cause of the drop/disappearance in ranking. How do I rectify this problem? It's important for the products to have the keyword in, right? As this is one of the SEO practices that is given more weight when considering rankings. I have thought a potential way around this, which is to split the keyword between an exact match, and a variant of the keyword in the titles - only very slightly though. So my product titles would look like 'Product A Exact Match Keyword', 'Product B Variant on Keyword' etc. Could this work? Can anybody advise on the best thing I could try? I have attached an image to give you an idea of the layout of my category pages - Apologies in advance about my embarrassingly rubbish photoshop skills! I wasn't able to upload directly, so I have attached a link. Thanks for reading, John 4iIkmSx

    | John_Francis

  • I noticed that google is not showing the proper title in the search results. If you search for PhraseExpander, the title that google reports is: PhraseExpander: Text Expander for Windows but in the title of the page I've set Text Expander for Windows - PhraseExpander Why is that? How can I make google report the proper title? Thanks. Andrea

    | nagar

  • Hi, I have changed my tags to noindex,nofollow with Yoast. But still, seomoz software showing me warnings and errors for those pages. Also did the same for archive pages and facing the same problems. I need to clear as much errors as I can in the software so I can see the real remaining errors in the website. Help will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

    | Xasir

  • I was wondering about the best practices of ALT tags in images. Say if you have an eCommerce site and you're on a product page. This product page has 5 images of the same product (different images), should you give every image an Alt tag with the keyword for that page? Or, is that keyword stuffing, and it would actually be best practice be to provide alt tags on just one image?

    | John_Francis

  • Hi, I work for a site that allows people to book a variety of different services in different locations (mainly hair and beauty related). The site is still in development so I can't link to it I'm afraid. My colleague is about to start writing these descriptions for each of the beauty salons we have signed up and I thought I'd take the opportunity to check what everyone else thought about these descriptions. As far as I'm concerned, a near perfect example can be found at We have about 100 words at the most, so I was thinking that as long as we get in the name of the salon, the location (being more descriptive than the general area our services search function allows for) and the USP of each salon -  their specialty services. Is there anything else you'd include? Foremost, I want this to be as descriptive as possible to offer more detailed information about the salon. Thanks!

    | LeahHutcheon

  • Hey Mozzers, Can you help me with something please. I have some important content going live next week for a client. We work on there blog optimisation and this piece of content is going live on both the blog and parent site. The parent site has huge DA in comparions to the blog. I want to get the traffic directed to the blog and get the blog ranking - bare in mind the content is exactly the same so it is dupe. If I want to get the blog ranking above the parent site and to direct the traffic here is a cross domain Rel=Canonical the answer? Has anyone else had this issue? Thanks Bush

    | Bush_JSM

  • One  of our most popular landing page is starting to be a little bit out dated, should I keep the old content and update with newer text or is it safe to completely replace the old content with the new content without losing our organic traffic on this page?

    | rusted88

  • I have been trying to find an answer to this question for awhile now but I am having trouble. I have a clients site that I need to redirect and Canonical the pages to correct duplicate content issues and title tags however, the issue with this client is that some of the www. pages have a higher PA than non-www and the reverse is true. I am wondering if there is an issue with chasing the PA to get the highest PA per page (even if this means the site is going to be a mix of www. and non-www. pages)? I am extremely new to SEO so I apologize ahead of time if I missed this in the forum.

    | Highline_Ideas

  • Hey guys, i was told few hours ago about a system that can take few of your keywords and automatically will create new links and pages (in the map file)  for your website, so a website that was build with 20 pages( for example) will be shown to SE as a site with hundreds of pages, thing that should help the SEO IS anyone heard about such a software? is it legal? any advice that you can give on this mater? Thanks i.

    | iivgi

  • It looks like this... The person that created it has put the term "Hand painted ceramics from spain - inspired ceramica" on every page title and i cant find where it is to delete it. If anyone can help that will be a real help. Many Thanks, Robbie oOU4YDY

    | allenr12

  • Hello, Do we need optimize on-page for mobile version, such as: How about title tag, description tag? Should mobile have another sitemap or not? Does google penalty my webpages mobi vs desktop are duplicated content? Thanks for any your advice!

    | JohnHuynh

  • I have a client that I would like to do a Meta Geotag for. They have two locations. Am I able to do two meta geotags on their website? Thanks!

    | OOMDODigital

  • Hiya fellow SEO's I have been working on a site -  and I must say it has become difficult due to flaws with the content management system . We are speaking with the web site makers to be able to add a unique title, description to all pages. I know what is wrong but I would also like some 2nd opinions on this and welcome any suggestions for the site. A burnt out seo 🙂 thanks

    | onlinemediadirect

  • If Google still shows my old title in the search results then there is no way my title change could have changed my ranking yet right? In other words if I changed from TItleA to TitleB but search results and cache still show TitleA then any SERP drops or increases would still be entirely based on titleA right? Thanks.

    | Rezo

  • Hi, I use On-Page Report Card for this url (the web is in Bulgarian) : My keyword is in Bulgarian - "уеб дизайн" (which means "web design". It shows me that my keywords is: " Total Keyword Usage for this Page = 5875 "I cannot find so many instances of this keyword. Only 13 uses for "уеб" and 10 for "дизайн" in the whole page code. Is there an error in the report?When I search the English version - is almost the same but translated in English of the page for the key phrase "web design" it shows only "Total Keyword Usage for this Page = 8"

    | vladokan

  • Hello, Anyone could tell me the benefit SEO of link title attribute. Is **Link Title **ranking factor? Thanks

    | JohnHuynh

  • Hi Everyone, Im speaking to someone about doing decent SEO, follwing the basics and not doing dodgy stuff for the short term. He is a driving instructor trying to rank for driving lessons peterborough (this is in the uk) and one of the websites coming out towards the top of serps is Its got no links, no social signs, has a page labelled  SEO Stuff with a whole list of keywords and internal links back to his home page. It has a Domain authority of 11 and page authority of 1 !!! Is it because no one is following the basics and uncompetitive that its ranking or is he doing something other than a few keywords in the content, meta title and description, and a internal links that im missing?

    | Ant71

  • We have a Career Section on our website. For each job post, there is a separate link of "Apply Job". Now Moz's Crawl Diagnostic is showing Duplicate page content for such URLs. Here are two such URLs: Can any one please suggest on this? Thanks

    | chandman

  • Hi Everyone,
    Quite a few pages on this site have dropped since the penguin 2.0 update.  Unfortunately the backlinks seo has been done by a third party and I think the pages in question are sufferering from anchor text over optimisation but could really do with some opinions on this. I had quite a few backlinks from my own site to this site so i have removed them and I have also had a look at a directory site that was showing up and have requested removal. Is there anything else that is affecting this page - I have tweaked the content today and I get a ranking of A on the on page optimiser. Any help would be so much appreciated! Tracy

    | dashesndots

  • What's the proper way to have google display a video near the search result for my webpage (I'm using LeadPlayer to play videos). I think that the information regarding the video is there (I also submitted a video sitemap) but when I do a search the author picture is displayed instead of the video. Have I set anything wrong? How can I display the video if my post contains a video? You can try searching "phraseexpander create customizable templates" There's my youtube video and then the result from my webpage I would like to display the video as a result. Thanks a lot. Andrea

    | nagar

  • Our finance information site want to publish daily rates each day of the main currency / share etc prices. We've created a template with the main headers e.g. Eurozone. GBP v EUR 1.1762. Australia. GBP v AUD 1.1494....  and list top 20 currencies. We want to roll this out daily Mon - Friday. The only content that will change would be the rates on a daily basis. It's v useful info to users but we're a little cautious about it being seen as duplicate content. What advice would you give re title tags too in this new product rollout.

    | stevanl

  • Hi Guys, I really need your advice for my website (bmgapt dot com). I'm loosing ranking on (Buffalo Apartments) keyword. Two months ago my ranking number is 3 but now loosing to 15 number. What can I do for get again top ranking. Thanks in advance. John Smith

    | KLLC

  • Hello, I see that google, facebook and moz... have robots.txt include sitemap at the footer.
    Eg: Sitemap:
    Sitemap: Should I include my sitemap file (sitemap.xml) at the footer of robots.txt and why should do this? Thanks,

    | JohnHuynh

  • Hi, I have a problem here, I used instead of Hence, will be caused 404 page. My question is should I change from faqs.html to faqs (no .html)? Thanks in advance any advice?

    | JohnHuynh

  • Hi, I have a problem with the category urls in Opencart. I have duplicate page content because of this: and are with same content. There is also a very new problem, there are new urls - autogenerated like this. These three urls are with same content and title. I tried with 301 redirect like this: RewriteRule ^category/category?page1$ [L,R=301] but it doesnt work. Pls help me.

    | ankali

  • I have three web pages I'm trying to increase traffic to (and thus conversions).  I've carefully researched and selected 15 keywords.   There's about 3-5 keyword groupings that are similar enough so I can optimize each page with all of them (for example - autobody, dent repair, scratch repair).  I see a couple ways to approach optimizing the pages: select one main keyword to put in the header and support it with the other 2-4 keywords in the content body select 3-5 keywords and evenly optimize the page for each (several headers and sections about each) pick one keyword per page I'm constrained to three web pages since it's a clients website.  Otherwise I'm guessing the best method would be to create content for each keyword in something like a blog. I basically see the pros and cons as this: including multiple closely related keywords on a page will bring more traffic and thus overal conversions; however it will take longer to rank for those keywords.   Focusing the content on one keyword will increase conversion rate and take a shorter time to rank that page since it's more focused, but less overall traffic and conversions. With the page number constraint and increasing conversions being the goal of optimization, what are your thoughts on the pros and cons of each choice?

    | reidsteven75

  • Delete

    | 7liberty

  • SEOMoz Community, -I currently use SEMRush, SEOMoz Open Site Explorer and for the other Benefit and Opposition factors. -I’ve had to manually search pages for keyword use in the title, footer & body for on-page optimization. -I’ve also manually searched Google for Domain Exact Matches. Thanks! -Andrew

    | Todd_Kendrick

  • Greetings fellow Mozzers, So the product pages pick up the product name and convert it into the page title by default. The development company says this is an Amazon limitation and we can't set custom page titles for product pages. Is this the case? The official documentation from Amazon does not seem to suggest so. Would greatly appreciate any feedback from the community. Thanks, Rishad.

    | RishadShaikh

  • If a homepage lists several items, changing frequently, is it advisable to add microdata and therefore tell Google as much as possible about the items there, or should microdata be added only to an item/news/video/post detail page?

    | RichardKay

  • Hi, I am currently revamping my website with a new look. Some questions i have with regards to the images found on a page. I know that we need an alt tag for each image. This should not be keyword spammed. However, what about the title tag for the image? What is the best practice for image title tags? Should it be the same as the alt tag? Should it be different? Should I leave it blank? If I am running a wordpress platform for my website. The defaulted settings for wordpress is that all images inside a post are clickable. When clicked, the page loads from to This seems to be generating alot of internal links but I don't see the value of loading an image when my visitors click on that. Should I let the image be clickable or remove the link on the image for best SEO practices? Thanks for your advice. paul

    | paulgian

  • What is the best thing to do with category pages? Should I deindex them or use SEO on them? I use the Thesis theme and the Wordpress SEO plugin. I am just not sure what to do with category pages. Also will they create duplicate content?

    | dealblogger

  • My apologies in that I have searched for this, have seen discussions on it and haven't seen a definitive answer on the question of hosting & displaying on-domain images v. using a source like flickr to host all of your images. I have a client that is mostly a local search play in a very tourism heavy area. I'm investigating this option for a few reasons. 1. Ease of use. The new flickr app is brilliant. So if he's out giving a tour, takes a picture, it can be seamlessly integrated to his account & then shot off to all of his portals (website, facebook, twitter, etc.). It's a small client & he's not tech savvy, so this option suits him very well. 2. SEO. With all of the tagging, geo components, and it playing nice with Google Images search, I thought this was a viable option in hosting the majority of his on-site images. I've seen opinions on this before. But I was wondering if there any further opinions on the subject. Not sure if there's anything 'definitive', but any help or insight would be appreciated.

    | BrianWhitaker

  • For example if a page title contained the company name is it advisable to have the page title as: Blue Cups | Company Name Ltd or Blue Cups | Company Name We have a feeling that searchers are not likely add the Ltd whilst performing searches.

    | Liveleigh

  • Hi, I'm just trying to understand the right way to optimise my blog posts and this is likely a dumb question... but to what extent should the text in my meta description differ from the text in my post excerpts? cheers, Andrew

    | seowhiskey

  • Our company has a website and a blog, each on a separate domain.  On our website's home page, we include snippets from some of our blog posts and links to such posts.  The snippets include the same photo, title, and first line or so of text.  We have been told and am concerned that search engines will categorize this as duplicate content. Any recommendation as to how we can get around this issue aside from not including the blog posts on our site?  I imagine we are not the first company to want to do this. Thanks,

    | BrazilLaw

  • I have a an all html site that I can only work on through the ftp. The previous marketing company ran a script that built thousands of location landing pages, but all they did was change the tags and headers and the keywords in the pages, other than that they are all duplicate pages. I removed them, but Google is reading them as 404 pages. How do I tell Google those pages don't exist? or do I just need to let the bots crawl it a few times and it will see that eventually?

    | SwanJob

  • Howdy!  I have an analysis question related to internal links/link juice. Here is the general link set up of our site: 1.  All Site Pages (Including Home Page): We have drop down "mega" menus in the header of everypage linking to various sub-categories on the site.  So, because of this, in our header, we have a few hundred links to various pages on our site and these show up on every page of the site. 2. Product Pages: Header pages as mentioned above, but on top of that, we list out the keywords for that particular product and each keyword is linked back to our search results pages for that particular keyword.  In General Moz is telling us we are having between 200-300 links on each product page. Currently, our Search Results pages are ranking higher and showing up in search more than our actual product pages. So, based on the above info, here are some thoughts: 1.  Should we ajax in the Header links so that they aren't showing up for the search engines?  Or, should we ajax them in only on all pages that are not the Home Page? 2.  Should we get rid of the keyword links back to the Search Results pages that are on the product pages? What effect would these changes "actually" have?  Does this just improve crawling?  Or are there other positive results that would come of changes like these? We have hundreds of thousands of products, so if we were to make changes like these, could we experience negative results? Thanks for your help! Craig

    | TheCraig

  • Hi There! So we operate a small offset postcard printing company in Houston. While we are based out of Houston, we market and work with a lot the larger cities around us. So for example Austin, Dallas, and San Antonio are nice sized markets for us. So my question is if i whats the most effective way to structure the title data to market to those areas. Lets take 4 X 6 Postcards at the moment the website loos like Austin 4 X 6 Postcard Printing, Full Color Postcard Prints - Each page will have unique content for lets say from the  Dallas 4 X 6 Postcard page

    | ChopperCharlie

  • Hi, 
    I had a HTTP protocol file which indexed. Now I want to change this file to HTTPS protocol. I wonder that is there any effects?
    I don't know HTTPS would be indexed by google or not? Thanks,

    | JohnHuynh

  • Hello, 
    My site have problems with duplicate title, they were reported from google webmaster. For example:
    /extra-services/car-pick-up-service-146.html (1) /extra-services/transportation--car-rails--146.html (2) According to my sitemap the first URL is right (1). But the second URL is wrong, I don't know it occur here.

    | JohnHuynh

  • Hi, what is a reasonable measure of an .htacces? i have a lot of 301 redirects and wonder when will this turn against me because there are to much 301 redirects?

    | JoostBruining

  • Hello everyone, How long should I wait to see if page rank for optimized pages have improved? cheers

    | PremioOscar

  • Hi guys Now that the full crawl is complete I've found the following: The first 2 duplicate content is easily fixed by writing better product descriptions for each product (a lot of hours needed) but still an easy fix. The last 2 are review pages for each product which are all the same except for the main h1 text. My thinking is to add no index and no follow to all of these review pages? The site will be changing to magento very soon and theres still a lot of work to do. If anyone has any other suggestions or can spot any other issues, its appreciated. Kind regards Robert

    | yournetbiz

  • This link is for the Ebay Google cache - I wanted to do the same for my homepage so I switched out the urls and it worked. When I try to get a different link in there such as it wont work. I know my pages are indexed. Any ideas why it wont work for other pages?

    | EcommerceSite

  • Using some rules to block all pages which start with "copy-of" on my website because people have a bad habit of duplicating new product listings to create our refurbished, surplus etc. listings for those products. To avoid Google seeing these as duplicate pages I've blocked them in the robot file, but of course they are still automatically generated in our sitemap. How bad is this?

    | absoauto

  • Hello guys, Should the URL reflect the structure of the title of a webpage? This is the old title with the Url: 20mm O/D Black Polypropylene LSZH Flexible Conduit 100m Coil /Product/20mm-o-d-black-polypropylene-lszh-conduit-100m-coil/1352 I changed the keyword position and it looks like this: 20mm Flexible Conduit |  O/D Black Polypropylene LSZH | 100m I kept the same Url for now, should I change that too? Thanks

    | PremioOscar

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