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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • I have a client site with thousands of old very low quality links purchased from directories etc over several years - I am certain these are doing nothing for the current rankings and I advised them to stop buying these links 18 months ago when I first started working with them, but do you think pro-actively getting old poor quality backlinks removed will potentially improve the site's rankings?

    | simoncmason

  • Does this link pass link juice:

    | conradh

  • Google dosent care that much about links lately or crawl started beeing more intelegent about it? Do you feel any changes?

    | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • Anyone here run an agency? Do you outsource your link building to another company overseas so it's cheap, or what is everyone else doing nowadays?

    | DavidKauzlaric

  • If you create a list of links to top blogs in your industry but no-follow all the links, and they link to your list, will that count as a reciprical link or a one-way link by search engines?

    | SparkplugDigital

  • What is the best way to evaluate external links coming in to my site?  I have been working on trying to build links by commenting on blogs/forums and adding to directories, etc. I've run link reports through Open Site Explorer and Yahoo and they never seem to show the same links coming in. For example, i run link eport on Open Site Explorer and it will show links coming into my site that Yahoo doesn't show, and vice versa. I guess I'm trying to figure best way to monitor each week new links coming into my site to determine if my efforts are fruitful.  Also, is there a certain period of time that should pass from time I put my link on another site (ie, a blog) until it will show up in OPen Site Explorer? Thanks!  Oh, and I use the NoDoFollow Add-on for Firefox to only comment on those sites that do follow.  Not sure if that's really effective or not.

    | leonenobleseate

  • Hello fellow SEOMozzers, For a long time I've been wondering what would give the most SEO benefits for a keyword based query between these : 1. A sitewide footer link on SiteA with keyword anchor text to SiteB homepage 2. A sitewide footer link on SiteA with brand name to SiteB homepage 3. A single link on SiteA homepage to SiteB homepage 4. An editorial page on SiteA about SiteB with links to homepage and deep pages Did someone ever did that kind of experiments?  Is anyone having better results with one kind of link strategy? Best regards,
    Guillaume Voyer.

    | G-Force

  • Hi, I got a question, a main domain from one site that link to me is PR 6 and deeper pages has no PR, i know this occur because the deeper pages are new. I just want to know if this deeper pages give to me a good backlink quality even it has no PR like main domain?

    | Ex2

  • The fee does not even guarantee inclusion - and if you are accepted, does that link really add enough value to justify paying an annual $300 fee?

    | mjmorse

  • So I am working for a Multi-Level Marketing Company.  The members each get their own website which is a wilcard subdomain.  So we have (Main site) (Replicated) They both are literally the same content and I have chosen to noindex, nofollow the subdomains, but as a SEO that presents a problem with linkbuilding.  However, the member only gets credit (think affiliates) if the click comes from their subdomain. I don't want duplicate content penalties and I don't want the members to possibly lose out on a sale that would otherwise just be credited to the company if the link was redirected to the main site instead. Did I make the right decision?

    | floppy

  • Internal linking channels juice being accumulated through inbound links and the two work as a team. I am interested to hear from those who have either tested or have a fairly good gut feeling about the impact of internal links on rankings (as an additional signal). Also in your opinion how does internal linking compare to external links pointing to the same page (e.g. impact of benefit/ranking gained through internal linking + inbound links as opposed to scenario where there is no relevant internal links at all). Conditions: Relevant anchor text used (or close contextual variation) Measuring impact on a single phrase (or relevant phrase variation) Internal links can be from unlimited pages on the same site (even site-wide) External inbound links can be only to the target page (disregarding inbound links to other pages). Disregarding layout based navigation as internal links and focusing on content based links only (contextual, editorial links). For example: Internal link ranking impact: 10% External link ranking impact: 90% Since this is a simplified model feel free to provide necessary clarifications below your estimate. Looking forward to your answers!

    | Dan-Petrovic

  • I notice one of my competitors who ranks prominantly has very odd looking backlinks.  They come from MANY sites which all contain directories that look identical.  Each site contains the exact same directory - only the design of the page is different.  There is no theme or focus to the directories - they list everything from pencils to fencing.  This competitor has very few links from outside of this directory but again it has MANY links from this directory. So my question is, does this qualify as a "link farm".  And then, how do search engines treat "link farms?

    | DGSEO

  • Hi, I got a bunch of backlinks and im starting to get boring of waiting to SERPS see them. Im looking for some kind of "thing" that can boost my backlink, some like ping the website that links to me. I see a website that promise to do that, it find my backlink and boost the page that links to me. It really works?

    | Ex2

  • One of my sites has the nofollow backlink listed for Facebook and Twitter while 2 other sites do not.  All 3 sites have had accounts for over a year. Does the amount of interactivity with the social media profiles have to do with it? I know it is a nofollow link but I was just curious as those profiles might help with the brand signal etc.

    | 4wheelparts

  • Anyone know of any good sites to post an infographic? These guys want $50.00 to review and MAYBE they will post: infographicsshowcase(dot)com. They have a PR4 , 70k alexa. PropertyAuction2010Survey_infographic-180x300.png

    | Orikleinnyc

  • Is the age of a link a ranking signal?

    | qlkasdjfw

  • Hi, We do have a consistent url structure like
    etc. Now marketing wants to include each URL in our yearly printed catalogue.
    Out of marketing reasons (I agree with that), they think the URLs are too long and should be for example:
    etc. Our brochure is very important for direct customers and we have a target group that actively uses the internet and social media and therefore will pick up these links. Even if we do correct redirects in the background - couldn't we have the problem
    that we have a double set of urls? What do you think about that?

    | ecnic

  • I've never considered this as a good practice, but is there any benefit to submitting a press release to one PR source, then going to other PR sources and submitting the same content? My main goal, currently on one project, is the soul purpose of link building and backlinking. I see this as duplicate content, although I am seeing competitors submitting the same press release multiple times trying to reap some sort of benefit from it. In my honest opinion, I would rather submit 1 different press release each week throughout the course of a month to a quality site like PRLog or PRweb. Comments? Opinions? I would really like to hear them.

    | TKIGWebTeam

  • Hello We have an opportunity to get a link from a very large traffic site.  It comes with a price tag, and Im wondering if it is worth it.  Is it ok to mention the page and cost? It is the 5th largest internet site. Would be on their benefactors page. There are many other sites linking from the page, and its obvious they are on there for the link value. I know sometimes one link can do wonders for rankings, where thousands of others can not. But wondering if there is any way to quanitfy this. Is it worth it for the value of the backlink? If we link to the home page, the link juice (alot I hope) would pass through to the deeper pages, and increase their rankings for their target keywords? Thanks for your advise. Sam

    | Impact-201555

  • Hello, My question is regarding networks of websites. Right now I have over 150 websites that I bought of the auction houses. They are all sitting on the same GoDaddy account. Most of them have different C-Class IP's. I think I have around 55 different ones. So my question is, does it matter if they are all under one GoDaddy account? Does this have any negative impact on my rankings. And also, how can I upload content to all of the websites quickly, instead of having to login constantly to every single on of them. I use these websites of course to rank a few main websites, I have a client, and I began first using blogrolls to send links to him, and recently I started using actualy content links since I've read here that is a lot more powerful.

    | grommeman

  • I am building a couple of brand new websites for myself and a client. I'm operating on a fairly limited budget ~$1000.00 for 3 sites.  All 3 are in the life sciences and chemistry field. If you were me what are the first sites you try to get links from? Or should I just hire a link building service like Paul and Angela's? I guess Im looking for specific domains that are a must to get links from.

    | RedFunnel

  • Suppose an old established site's root has High PA, High DA & High MR scores but the TBPR is significantly low. Can it be taken as a pointer that Google has algorithmically capped that site's  ability to pass link equity when the home page metrics look suspect? Example case: pegasusdirectory*com PA = 88, DA = 86, MR = 6.61, but TBPR = 3 ( aged site ) (p.s: I'm aware that on inner pages of sites, it's quite normal to see high PA, Page level MR but no TBPR; my question is specically about guaging quality of the link for the DOMAIN in question Should I spend time on getting links from such domains ? ) TIA

    | seo-wanna-bs

  • For those of you who have been doing white hat SEO for many years, I'm curious what % of your time (and/or how many hours/week) you spend on 2 activities: -- creating new, original content for your site -- work on getting links to your existing content I find that working at getting links via article marketing, guest blogging, forum posting, etc, is an open ended time suck that never ends. But maybe a necessary investment for sites that have fewer external links than their competitors (?). Adding unique original content to my site is also time consuming, and I'm not sure about the short-term vs long-term benefit of it. I'm curious if you guys who rank in top 3 positions of the SERPs split your time evenly between link building and content building, or if you spend more time on one than the other? And does the answer change for a site that's been around for a while and already has several hundred external links and several hundred pages of original content? Where should I spend my time on a site that is 8 months old, has about 90 pages of original content (all with good on-page SEO), and several hundred external links (with mostly relevant anchor texts)? My goal is to rank higher for the key terms people search on to find a service like mine. Currently I'm on page 1 in SERPs but not in top 3.

    | scanlin

  • The grunt work of linkbuildign can take a long time. Especially when doing it right. Can Mechanical Turk help me here?

    | VistageSEO

  • Hi, I got bunch of nice links in high pr sites. But some links was a 2 month ago and i cant find it in webmastertools, opensitexplorer and yahoo, because of that i dont know if my links are working good for my site.

    | Ex2

  • As I am going through and redeveloping a website, I am trying to add some external links to resourceful information regarding this page. Should I put a nofollow or follow attribute on these? I am only putting 1-5 links per page to associations and other organizations that would be beneficial to the visitor. I am worried about the number of outbound links causing me to get penalized. Ideas?

    | TKIGWebTeam

  • In the last week and a half at a couple of shows in London, and including today on SEOmoz Q&A, I've heard polarised opinions on this topic, so thought I'd throw it out there to see what other people think, and what evidence/experience people have with this. Basically - some people are saying older links are worth less than new links, and others are saying old link are worth don't devalue and are possibly worth more. I have to admit, I don't have a strong opinion on this, as it is really hard to judge on live projects, and I think it is a case by case thing. Any thoughts?

    | Tom-Anthony

  • Have you conducted or know of any research/studies that examines when the inherited value of a backlink is actually attributed to the detination url?  Meaning if links to today with a unique long-tailed anchor tag, at what point would Google actually recognize the value of that link to (ie increasing in the SERPs for that anchor).  My first inclination would be at the point of indexation of the link but from my own casual analysis, I havent proved this to be true.  Obviously we dont know exactly how google does this, but have you drawn any conclusions based upon your own findings?  Perhaps there's a period of link evaluation post indexation before passing value in terms of ranking relevance? thanks!

    | lexnex

  • Are there any risks of getting penalized by Google if one was to publish a blogger competition on a corporate blog, in which participating bloggers have to include a link* on their blogs to enter? Bloggers also receive a small prize (CD, book,..) to thank them for participating. After what happened with do you think this kind of link-bait is risky? *each blogger has to write an original article and the links are organic. Thanks for your help. o1rRl.png

    | ref.price

  • Hello SEOmoz, I have a question to you guys. How typically SEO should be done to fortune 500 comnpanies who are very much famous offline. The problem I see is any links built gets attention and media can make a big deal out of it. For eg: The recent JCPenney SEO issue. Though their paid links got them penalized, other traditional methods can also not fit their stratgy. Here are the traditional methods and how it can not be applied to them. Commenting on blogs - Well, it is reputation here. If some one sees a link on blog comments, it might be fishy and can be named as blog spammers. Forum marketing - Same here. The reputation of clients can go down. Paid post / Paid links - Again risky Please suggest how to build link for type of famous clients. Please do not give stratgic level of advice, but be more specific in your answer. For eg: Do this kind of link building and don't do y. etc., Looking forward for ur answers. Thanks

    | SamuelDarwin

  • I know that link building is one of the more important tools for great ranking and know that "paid links" may hurt a sites ranking. How do I know if a company offering link building will be classified as "paid links"

    | stevecounsell

  • Can you recommend any reputable SEO companies for someone with a smaller budget? Mainly just looking for link building.

    | bigboy725

  • Hello If I am trying to rank for the term blue widgets as a primary, and also the term shiny blue widgets , and big shiny blue widgets as secondary - would the url /blue-widgets or /shiny-blue-widgets or /big-shiny-blue-widgets be better (all else equal) Would the word shiny / big dilute or affect of KW in the domain for  the rankings for blue widgets (all esle equal) Regarding anchor text of inbound links, if the anchor text is shiny blue widgets, is that going to help me rank for both queries "blue widgets" and "shiny blue widgets" equally? (all else equal), or would including shiny, affect my ranking for "bliue widgets" Or is it better to keep the anchor text as just blue widgets (of course we could vary it) but Im trying to get a feel for how that would work as we are builfing some links I can control the anchor text. I hope this was clear enough Thanks Sam

    | Impact-201555

  • Hi, We regularly write articles on our website and then submit them to different websites with link backs or sometimes without link backs. If google crawls these websites and our website, will it penalise us for duplicate content? Does it make a difference if we put link back to our site or not? If Google sees it as duplicate content, what should we do as a solution? Thanks

    | Essentia

  • Hi, After the last week Google algotithm update, my web site index appears on 4th position when I search for If I make a simple search for domain or it ranks on first position. Is this a sign of a penalty ? What would be the cause ? Thanks

    | tranquilito

  • I know and use very often SEOmoz OSE. My question is about non-SEOmoz tools wich can detect a specific domain backlinks and all kind of parameters especially the IP of the backlinks. So: what do you use/recommend?

    | AndrewStarlike

  • Hi all, Someone just tweeted how succssful this site has been for them.  Interesting model, but what happens after you stop paying?  Goobye rank?  I was wondering if the group has had any experience with this site. Thanks, Doug

    | DougKirk

  • The website of the travel platform is well designed and looks serious - without any adsense or suspicious links on it. So does the email newsletter of them. But I checked the domain in OSE and saw not less links which came from more or less linkfarms with very often the same anchor text. Would you suggest your customer to submit on the platform?

    | petrakraft

  • A few pages get a lot of external links and rank well (when but i do not want that those pages rank well (these are blog pages and we are in E-commerce) Can i redirect these pages to other pages which are more important to me and customers because google see only the link or is google so smart that they see a realtion between the page from which i get the links and to the page in my webste In that case i rename the old pages.

    | turnon

  • Now, there are a number of do's and dont's when it comes to internal linking, but do those rules apply to news websites that have to interlink relevant news stories, primarily based on their relevancy to the user and the value that they have to provide rather than keeping the idea of page rank sculpting in mind? What's your take on this?

    | RishadShaikh59

  • I'm trying to get to the bottom of something. If you are trying to optimise for a phrase e.g. "Keyword 1 Keyword 2" And your anchor text is something like "Keyword 1 keyword 2 Another word" Does this still provide as much weight for "keyword 1 keyword 2" or does the additional word come into play and dilute the effect? If it does come into play does it have much of an effect?

    | RodneyRiley

  • What is the best procedure for link building? Does blogposts help?

    | Jvalops

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