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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • does it still help to pay for inclusion in Yahoo's link directory ?

    | sanomagames

  • My client is in the clothing, apparel tshirt industry geared toward a specific music icon. They have a few competitors, my spider senses tell me I will be able to get them great SERP standing, and place them in a very competitive position. Their company has been around for a while but has never written a press release. I had them craft a PR on the subject of cotton prices and how it has affected their business. A local paper will pick this up no prob. Where is the best place to go? It is not like it is breaking news, I dont want duplicate content, and I need an experts advice. I will provide more details if needed. Thank Mozzers!

    | Giggy

  • I run a boating site and its been live since early February. Most of my traffic comes from direct traffic or google, keyword "trawler blogs". However, I am trying to rank highly for the generic keyword "trawler" or "trawlers" and I've had very little success.  My homepage just got an A from the on-page analysis for keyword trawler. I've also reached out to several other trawler sites to try to get a link from them, or a reciprocal link. Haven't had much traction. However, our site is listed on a bunch (10-12) trawler related blogs (mostly blogspot) in their blogrolls, although these don't show up in backlinks. Any advice would be great. Thank you!

    | jacobr217

  • I got some backlinks in quality sites, and google crawled this sites something like couple days ago, but until now i did not see any results, im stuck in second page, i got backlinks with the exact keyword. Do i have to wait a little more? Do i have to worry bout it? Thanks

    | Ex2

  • Hi Mozzers! So the dilemma I am facing right now is getting links to deep pages on our site. One possible idea is guest posting on blogs with good domain and page authority. However, what if the blogs have good domain and page authority but they are off-topic or not really related to your site's main topic. How much will these links be devalued and could this hurt you by appearing manipulative? Thanks!

    | SparkplugDigital

  • I have a eCommerce site, what if we open a Amazon account or eBay account to sell over those store and link our eBay&Amazon about us page to our eCommerce site, will it help? Thank you Jean Nichols Furnace Filters Canada

    | BigBlaze205

  • Hi, I like to ask the mozers. Write here, the link building methods, the most natural way, with 0% spam. Tell us, i make an example, on a small competition on the internet, i see competitors with 100 - 120 backlinks from root domains. Tell us, the best tips, to use and to build 50 - 80 backlinks for a month, on the most natural way, nothing is too much, so write here, demonstrate!

    | leadsprofi

  • I just hired an agency to build quality backlinks and articles....should I worry about the new webhost? Should I wait? Ill assume if the page names are the same, all will be good. What if they change? Newbie Help! Thanks Mozzers.

    | Giggy

  • I'm looking for a reputable firm that builds high quality links to a high quality site. These links should be located on a page with high Page Rank/Page Authority and should also have high quality links pointing to the page. I am not looking for forum posts/blog comments or directory listings. Can anyone recommend a firm that they use personally who specializes in this? I've had a look through the SEOMoz directory, which is great, but if anyone could provide some recommendations to go along with that, it would be appreciated! Thanks.

    | torontojon

  • Hi, Do you think an alt image tag on an image as a link is going to impart the same juice or targeting as a link with a text anchor? So, for example, if one made a clickable image link with the alt image tag of "bowling balls" would that do as much for you as the text "bowling balls" as the anchor link? Thanks! Best...Michael

    | 94501

  • Hi There, Just wondering what has happened to my rankings as I cant seem to understand it. In the past week we've dropped from page 1 to page 10 for a certain keyword. The URL is also different that google displays - instead of displaying the individual page it now just links to the main domain. All the other keywords have remained consistent and some have improved. The page is still in the Google Index if I manually search for it. There hasn't been any dramatic change to the page except I've created a few links to it. Have we been penalized by Google and is there anything I can do?

    | danielmckay7

  • Over the last 2 months, my company has had almost 10 articles placed on very established websites. When I search for my company's backlinks on Google Advance Search, its not picking them up. Why?

    | BYSM

  • I am looking to justify to a pubilsher the cost outlay to hire an agency to do white hat link building for me as we do not have time.  (the site is fully optimised but we lack the inbound links our competitors have) - is there a way I can explain in terms of numbers ie page impressions that if we build for eg 10k high quality anchor text links into our site we will get x thousand more page impressions as our rankings in the search engines will increase?  Just need a justification before the budget is allocated.

    | Pday

  • A key competitor of mine has just purchased a link on, my question is should I follow them in? We’re close in terms of Domain Authority and little things can make the difference in our case. Also does the farmer update (which is yet to hit the UK) influenced your answer? As we’re yet to see the effect of this update should I exercise caution?

    | RodneyRiley

  • I'm trying to get a page ranked for a niche phrase. There are a few established players in the industry but no competition for this phrase beyond that. Open site explorer reports that main competitor for the phrase this page points to has 538 links but they are all internal with no extermal links. DA is 45 and PA is 25 My client has25 links for the phrase this page points to from 10 unique external domains in addition to internal links. Domain is only 3 months old. DA is 20 and PA is 30. Right now I'm buried in back pages and feel I should be higher. Should my strategy be to build trust and authority or concentrate on more keyword specific links?

    | waynekolenchuk

  • My client has a small site with about 340 links pointing to it. About 60 of them stem from one domain, a directory listing that posts new entries on almost every single site of their domain. My question now is: This obviously isn't a really clever link profile. But I can live with that as long as it doesn't HURT rankings or attracts some kind of penalty. Is there a rule of thumb how many (maybe percentage) links can safely stem from one domain without getting penalized?

    | jfkorn

  • Hey all, I recently found an issue on the website of one of my clients, so I want to hear what could be the reason for it. We are working with that client since September last year and we had created around 300 links to it. However, I recently found out using Majestic SEO and Open Site Explorer that for every page there are like 3-4 links passing value... I checked the whole report immediately, but the thing is that all links are in place and they have relevant URLs and anchortext as wel. I am thinking about an onsite issue, which can be blocking the links  (I checked the robots.txt and the http header to see if they return any errors, but no luck). Any suggestions.... Any help is greatly appreciated 🙂 Best Regards

    | GroupM

  • I have written nofollow, follow links, issued a press release, and submitted to the Universal Business Listing.  None of these links are showing in the Yahoo index.  I did a nofollow bookmark with delicious and it disappeared the next day.  The people that built the website will not grant FTP access and modded the HTACCESS file incorrectly to point to a WWW. version of the site.   I had them remove the index.html duplicate content problem. What is going on?  Why are no links showing in the index for this site?

    | eddie404ATL

  • Hi Mozzers! I was wondering if there is a way to determine if a specific directory is passing Page Rank or if the links have been devalued by Google. Thanks!

    | SparkplugDigital

  • If you use the link LAA to do a google search for directories to submit to, is there any correlation to how high they show up on google and how much they will help your site? Peter

    | PeterM22

  • Out of morbid curiosity, are "Content Farms" still a good source to use for backlinking within articles that you share? I have yet to see some results to base an answer off of for myself. Some co-workers are wanting to utilize sites like Suite101, ArticlesBase, etc for sharing articles and gaining the benefit of getting some backlinks from these sites. Is this still a good tactic to utilize? My research is telling me no since the Panda Update... Anyone have any insight on this? Thanks!

    | TKIGWebTeam

  • Using SEOmoz tools what is the best way understand what are the new link only acquired from month to month?  For example if I had 450 links in February and then grew to 500 in March?  I would specifically like to know what those 50 are that grew.  How can i do that?

    | inetteam

  • whats would be some crucial numbers for mr. Google to chose Landing page over other pages? Your thoughts? Your experience?

    | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • i am working on french site and i don't have a tone of budjet. would you truste this link building buissness ?

    | martinLachapelle

  • Fellow SEOs, I’m looking for a new way to reach out to bloggers and site owners for links. There are quite a few link bait techniques to lure bloggers thanks to = amazing content, infographics,...but there are not so many articles on ways to contact bloggers/webmasters and ask for links... We all know that contacting site owners directly and politely asking then to place a link on their home page is as useful as a comb in Bruce willis’s hand. Link exchange is as dead as the Dodo and business partner links are usefull and easier to get but opportunities are often limited. I have been organizing contests for bloggers recently and it has been quite successful up to now, but I always like to have a spare trick up my sleeve. So if any of you have a decent method to reach out to  bloggers/webmaster and get decent links please let me know, I will be forever thankful ; ) Cheers

    | ref.price

  • That's it. I'm thinking of making a Tumblre blog (s) for inbound links. Is it worthwhile?

    | Spreader7376

  • Hi, I work for Perfectly Engraved. A lot of our links point to However that address forwards to - Should we ensure our links point to or does it not make difference? I've put our forwarding code below. <%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Option explicit Response.Buffer = true Response.Redirect "" %> Also, would it help if we did a 301 redirect from to As both addresses for every page on our site return the page with or without www Thanks

    | Aardvark

  • Hi Everyone, About 2 months ago i launched a website called, i did some linkbuilding for this website in the meantime with other roulette/gaming related websites and the website got a bit up in Google. But when i was checking my rankings today the frontpage of this website doesn't show up on the first 80 pages? Only some subpages are still on the same positions. Could this be for a rank-update like these happens all the time and your site dissapears from Google for several days, or could this be because of wrong/too many backlinks or something completely different? Regards, Yannick

    | iwebdevnl

  • Hiya! I've got a relatively new domain, and one of my goals is to be 100% white hat, squeaky clean as I really would love to see my site succeed in the long term. So far my linkbuilding efforts are going pretty well. I'm beginning to buy some ads, and some of the bloggers I'm buying ads from don't use advertising networks, they just host your jpeg from their own blog... For the little picture that will show up in the side column of their blog should this be no-followed? And if it's not do we know if google assigns a penalty? I'm ok with asking the blogger to do that, but I notice my competition is not (and I know they know better) so I feel like it puts me at a bit of a disadvantage. Secondly - I'm 100% avoiding sites that sell text links (even ones with high pagerank, like pagerank 6), is this the right path to go? I read this article from Matt Cutts and was wondering if this is still true, reputable sites that sell links maintain their pagerank but aren't able to pass pagerank? "Reputable sites that sell links won’t have their search engine rankings or PageRank penalized–a search for [daily cal] would still return However, link-selling sites can lose their ability to give reputation (e.g. PageRank and anchortext)."

    | super99

  • Newbie here: My client is Zion rootswear. They need links, bad. They have friends in high rank places, this is good. Ziggy Marley has a link to them on his homepage: Gear: Zion Rootswear   this takes the user to the website when clicked QUESTION Should I have the ziggy team change it to Ill assume this is obvious, yes they should....more juice...right? I need an expert opinion. Thanks Mozzers.

    | Giggy

  • Is there a better day for link baiting than April 1st? The time has come for everyone to share their April Fool's Day link building campaigns! This is our second attempt at capitalizing on April Fools with the first attempt (2010) falling flat.

    | RyanOD

  • At the linklove conference, many of the speakers emphasized the importance of not having too high a percentage of anchor text for your incoming links, because it looks unnatural.  I was wondering whether this applies to your keyword being in the anchor text along with other things, or just exact anchor text matches? For example, if my keyword is widgets, is it bad to have too many of these: Please buy widgets from Acme Corp. or Please buy Acme Corp widgets.

    | stevenmusumeche

  • I may be missing the obvious here, but is there any way (a programme or site) of seeing what new links come into your site? Obviously as anyone who works in SEO, I like to see which links we have got with the work we put in contacting webmasters, etc. But is there a better way than just manually looking through ALL the links? Any help will appreciated.

    | Weerdboil

  • I have acquired a very  good number of high PR rank backlinks from quality websites to my site over the last several months.  However, when I check my LInkscape Analysis they do not show up and my number of incoming links seems to remain the same.  How long does it take for these to show up with the SEOMoz tools? Thanks

    | LJB

  • I have been doing a little bit of testing in regards to blog commenting on high authority blogs that no follow comments. The comments have all been manual and added value to the blog. I have noticed quite a big jump in rankings for some keywords. I was wondering if anyone else has a view on the effectiveness of these links when combined with other link building methods?

    | PeterM22

  • I am looking to get more variety in my link building strategy and I wanted to try, because there are a lot of people sharing great stuff about it. However, when I tried to register I got note that I need to get invited to be able to participate, but I do not know any existing members. Any suggestions how to get an invite?

    | GroupM

  • Hi guys! You must get many questions about external links... This is mine. If I get an external link with good authority ranking in google, but it is not relevant to the site (for example, my site is about marquees, but we could get links from schools, which are our main clients, or any type of client) Does that affect negatively somehow to the rankings? or there is good value on it even is not related? Thanks! Adriana

    | extrememarquees

  • Hi Mozers. WHat do you think, after panda-update, which is the best strategy to build links on Content, or blogspots, and it to website with a minimum PA40 and DA30  . . in which place is better to place, at the begining of article, or at the end of article, tell us some tips, if you are experiences on this section! Thanks,

    | leadsprofi

  • Hello , readers. I have been making a website and trying to promote it now. I have  these questions: Are Linkwheels still a good thing to do? Are they good to do for a new domain site? Thanks in advance

    | voitenkos

  • I'm trying to set concrete goals around link building and I'm wondering if anyone has any insight on what is reasonable to expect. If we are reaching out to 10 sites a day in a non-spammy, relevant way, is it reasonable to think that we'll get 5 links back, 2 links? I just don't know. Tips and tricks are welcome too!!

    | ehorndahl

  • I use commentluv and all the links to my site when I leave a comment go through feedburner so that my URL's look like I used HttpFox in Firefox to see what was happening and it looks like a 301. I wanted to make sure that this is indeed passing link juice. Thanks!

    | gregalam

  • I've noticed the sites that rank above me for certain phrases are much larger than I am. Here are the results of the 'site:' command for the top 6 results for a phrase I want to rank for (yes, I know that 'site' is not exact): 32,600 pages 8,760,000 pages (wikipedia) 684 pages 148 pages (domain name equal to search phrase) 1400 pages 120 pages (my site) Now, I appreciate that larger sites have more stuff to link to, and therefore have more juice flowing to them from external links. BUT, is it also true that they are generating lots of internal juice by having so many pages? I've looked at the PageRank algorithm and understand that the max page rank for a site (with no external links) is based on the number of pages of that site and how well linked they are). My question is: based on all the experts here, is number of pages in the site an important factor (assuming good on-page SEO), or does it really come down to number of external links (from relevant sites with appropriate anchor text, of course)? Can a small site with tons of external links rank above much larger sites? Has anyone beaten Wikipedia for a phrase they were targeting? How did you do it? Thanks!

    | scanlin

  • I didn't know where to look, maybe someone can point me in the right direction. Are there any resources on for finding seo firms that will handle outsource work?

    | yougotmymoney1

  • Dear folks, I will start link building for my all new site and would greatly appreciate your opinion about some questions: 1.) How many links would you in my place seed per day? I plan to start with directory links and sincere, useful contributions in blogs and forums, with my URL in the signiture. 2.) Natural anchor text distribution:
    My brand ist the same as my main targeted keywords "Buy Hosting". However, I also want to have a natural looking link profile, so I would seed links like "Click here" or "Windows Hosting" or "Webhosting" as well. How would you distribute die Anchor Text Precentage ?
    E.g. (60% Buy Hosting - 10% Windows Hosting - 10% Click here - 10% Joomla Hosting - 10% Hosting Reviews)? Does that make sense or is that already spammy? 3.) How many No-Follow links would you seed (in %)?
    4.) How many links (in %) would you seed to subpages, instead of the main page? Are there larger margins for Keywords, that eqal the Domain/Brand Name, without being conted as spam? Is there a good article about the natural distribution of anchor texts? Your input is greatly appreciated and thoroughly considered.
    Thank you and kind regards

    | ie4mac

  • Bit of an unusual one for me - appreciate your thoughts... I did an SEO audit for a potential client last week and discovered that 3 of their top 10 strongest inbound links (reported from OSE) are blatantly paid links from those "Link Bid Directories". The links were created mid-last year, so reasonably recent. Strange thing is that they have been using a highly reputable SEO agency for several years who do NOT engage in link buying - so I'm pretty sure it is not their SEO agency buying these links. Also - the link anchor texts are the company name - not a target keyword - so I suspect they either: a) have someone internally in the company who thinks they are "helping" by buying links - or, b) in my most paranoid fantasies, a competitor is setting them up for a Google smack (very long bow, I know!) Anyway my questions are: If I decide to take on this client, should I DO anything about these links? These link are almost certainly currently "working" to pass link juice and I don't believe the site has been penalised (yet!) for them. I suspect when these links are switched off, the site will drop in rankings so my thoughts are to just ignore them and proceed with a normal link building campaign in the hope that if (when) the links are killed we will be OK. Is there a "safe" way to report them to Google? By which I mean, let Google know to ignore these links and NOT penalise US for them being there. Is there a way to get the links removed given that we don't control the accounts that created them? Oh - and feel free to comment on my paranoid fantasies 🙂 Have you ever seen paid links appear that you KNOW didn't come from you? Thanks! Steve

    | steveovens

  • I have a health insurance lead gen domain. One of the keywords I want to rank for are "student health insurance". If I have a related keyword like "aetna student health insurance", is it better to include that keyword and backlinks with that anchor text to my "student health insurance" page or do a separate page for that keyword?

    | yougotmymoney1

  • I have a competitor who always ranks very on alot keywords relevant to our business and using Open Site Explorer I note they have a tremendous amount of links.  I also noticed that it appears their web company has gone out and set up numerous websites with relevant content, and then have linked back to the competitors main site.  Is this kosher?  I ask because before I settled on my current domain name, I purchased several keyword rich domain names; should I be thinking of setting up websites with relevant (and original) content and link back to my main site?

    | leonenobleseate

  • What do you think about a nofollow link from page rank 7? will I see any results? how much is it worth?

    | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • If someone formats a link like so: Would you still get a similar anchor text benefit to this link as if it was formated like so: somedomain keyword1 keyword2 keyword3 what i mean is, does google extract out keywords from links that use the url as the anchortext?

    | adriandg

  • Much of the work I do tends to be on a lot of small to medium sized company websites, the kind of businesses that do not have thousands of pounds to spend or the budgets to create reems of quality content. That said, neither do the competition so one approach that has worked well in the past has been article marketing. The approach would usually be to develop some relevant content for the site itself, even if that is just a range of service type landing pages or answers to relevant customer problems and then build links from the article marketing sites (primarily An average approach would be to write articles that are relevant to the individual services, for instance, problems that can be solved by the service and then to link these articles back to the service pages with the desired keywords in the anchor text. Another approach has been to develop an article with the client that solves a common customer problem for their own site and then to write a few summarised versions of the article for the article marketing sites. Again, with the intention of gathering traffic, giving a basic answer and linking back to the main article with the main keywords we wish to rank this page for. For smaller sites serving a fairly tight geographic area this approach, combined with submission to some quality directories (local and niche) has been a strong combo historically. I know there is a lot of junk on the article marketing sites and there could be negative affects from posting loads of pointless articles but using them properly, to broaden the net, provide answers (albeit summarised) and generate links - is this still a valid approach post the Google Farmers update? It may be interesting to see how the article sites like ezine have to tighten up the editorial process now and if the content becomes better across the board, it may possibly strengthen this approach over time. Do any of you still use article marketing as part of your SEO campaigns? If so, what are your strategies and where do you use? Would love to hear your thoughts folks. Marcus

    | Marcus_Miller

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