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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • I have a team of inexperienced SEO developers and the argument we continually have is that its a marketing role - however most of it is technical, no view state, no js, page load time, csssprite, metatags, frequency of updates to server, duplicate content via coding methodology, lioading content prior to ads, not spidering ads (IT says impossible yet google says required) etc. I looked at your referrals for developers and couldnt find any that recognized SEO as part of their skill set - do you believe tehre aer developers that specialize in this? Thanks, Michelle

    | Silly888

  • I would like to 301 redirect all the variations of my site to a single url but would like some clarification on some issues. I have always been confused about how to handle cannonicalization and hopefully this can clear it up for me and others. This particular site is about 1 year old and gets approximately 15k uniques a month in a great niche. I want to make sure I do this correctly as to not hurt my existing rankings which are quite good. Here is is what I am unsure about. Basically I should pick the best url structure to redirect all the others to correct? What determines what url is best to redirect all the rest to? is it, or Is the best one to redirect to always standard and something I should set up at the beginning of my site? Or is picking the best url to redirect to based on what url starts to rank in google and you then use that one? Should I be going through each of my rankings and seeing what url is ranking in google for each page? On this particular site ALL of my urls in google  have no www. or http but instead show up in the SE as or In that case what do I do? I know the slow way to do redirects. I use my hostgator account and do it in cpanel and do it one by one. Is there a faster way where I can go and make lots of changes at once? Maybe I can choose all the variations and put in the one I want them all to redirect to? After I figure the above out is fixing all of this as simple as redirecting ALL variations to the one I will use moving forward for each page on my site? Then I am done? Thanks again for the help! Jake

    | PEnterprises

  • So I know that a 301 will pass the majority of link juice to the new site, but if that 301 is taken away what happens?

    | kylesuss

  • I worked on a website since 2 years now (mainly link building). Now, I need to change the CMS and the hosting company of this website. In order to improve the SEO of this website, I decided to change the URL structure as well, see example here below: Actual situation: Future situation: Since the hosting, the CMS and the URL’s will change, what you recommend me to do in order to keep a maximum of “link juice” to the pages!? How / Where to setup the 301 redirects?

    | Tit

  • Is it better to 301 or to closely duplicate each page URL when switching  over to a new website from an established site with good ranking and a different CMS ( Drupal switching to Wordpress)?

    | OhYeahSteve

  • Hi All, How would you identify how succesful you have been to date when link building and trying to improve rank? I have been running a campaign for a client that I think has been going pretty well.  However, I would now like to show this but I am finding it hard to explain in my first report. Its only been around two months and the client is use to looking at google analytics for their information but I wondered if someone might be able to give me an idea of what I should include in my report intially.  I dont want to swamp with information so really want to be specific if possible. Domain Authority: 29 now 28 Domain Moz Rank: 3.30 now 3.98 Domain Moz Trust: 3.47 now 3.76 Total Links: 3,053 now 6,123 Ext. Followed Links: 2,995 now 378   (hoping someone might be able to explain this also!) Linking Root Domains: 21 now 28 Followed Linking Root Domains: 18 now 26 Linking C Blocks: 16 now 22 Are these poor results or are they clear signs of progress? I guess I want to end up with a report saying some key point and giving some information on the above results, why the changes have happend etc.  Obviously I would like to continue and up the link building but would appreciate some feedback from others as to whether the time has been wasted 🙂  (i dont think it has incidentally but proving it might be another issue) Thanks all

    | wedmonds

  • This could include republishing several articles from another site with permission.

    | Charlessipe

  • i am giving it a try here since seomoz support couldnt help me. Anyone had similar problems ? Earlier i was using W Vista (norwegian version) - did a clean reinstall of windows 7 (english version). After that i couldnt open anything related to the pro version of seomoz. When i am on the dashboard and try to open my campaign nothing happens and I just time out after a while(internet explorer). Tried with google chrome. Google chrome says after a while that this site has a redirection loop that is causing multiple redirections. Its advicing me to try to delete cookies (didnt help) also set security to minimum(didnt help). I then also realized that my google analytics didnt update last 2 days (after install). I am writing this now on my wifes mac. Seomoz and google analytics work just fine. What is wrong? anyone know ?

    | danlae

  • I just noticed two back links to a couple of sites around pharmaceuticals/attorneys. The one link is to a chinese site with url:, and the other is to a site called Adroo: Both appear to be some type of link farm sites, one has come in as a nofollow (surprise, you can buy "ads" on their site, both have decent DA. There is no reason for them to link to theses sites, should I find a way to stop the link? Also, on one of the sites we had a dmoz link and it is not showing in OSE? Link is still open in dmoz though. Thanks for any input.

    | RobertFisher

  • I've got a client that wants a site with all content in iFrames. They saw another site they liked & asked if we could do it.  Of course we can technically.  How big a negative hit would they take with SEO?  Is there anything we can do to mitigate it, such as redirects, etc? Thanks for the help!

    | wcksmith

  • Hi, I am working with an account and the previous SEO used a Rel Canonical link that just uses the end of the url. Instead of the full url When I look it up on the web I see most people are using the full url. Is that the proper way to do it or does is suffice to just use the end of the url? Wanted to check before I take the time to change them all. -Kent

    | KentH

  • Does anyone know if urls on the 'Websites' part of a LinkedIn public profile create any SEO value (meaning, does page rank flow)? The links looks like this: <a href="/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Espeechpad%2Ecom%2Fpage%2Fspeech-to-text&urlhash=Xk3F" target="_blank" title="New window will open" name="overviewsite">speech to texta>

    | scanlin

  • Hi All, I have a question about a fashion related webshop. Every month about 100 articles are removed and about the some amouth is added to the site. Most of the products are indexed on brandname and type (e.g. MyBrand t-shirt blue) My question is what to do with the URL / page after the product is removed. I'm thinking about a couple of solutions: 301 the page to the brand categorie page build a script which shows related articles on the old URL (and try to keep it indexed) 404 page optimized for search term with links to brand category any other suggestons? Thanks in advance, Sam

    | U-Digital

  • Hi, I'm having a techinical problem and I would like advise on the effects this is having on my SEO efforts. My old site (live for about 8 years) Directs to my new site which is fine BUT When I type me new website into the tool bar both sides are found & do not direct to one domain; & (both the same site) What is the best practice here? Direct my new non www to my new www site considering my old website directs to the www. Advise & the SEO affects this is having my website would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

    | Socialdude

  • I am working with someone that is about to launch a new site, and one of the sites was affected by the Panda update. Does it matter if the two sites are connected? Share the same hosting provider and same Google Webmaster's account?

    | nicole.healthline

  • I have a dilemma. We have over 500 out of stock items that are still listed on our ecommerce website. I'm thinking it would be a good idea to leave them up because they are all considered content by google, and the keywords might drive traffic. On the other hand, the customers might be disappointed if the items are out of stock (we don't restock our sold out items), and many times, they will not lead to a conversion if the customer is looking for something very specific. Considering all these factors (and some unmentioned ones), my main question is: If I remove content, does that make all of the other content on our website stronger by having more pagerank and link juice flow to them, or do I hurt our rankings?

    | 13375auc3

  • I was doing some research today and kept coming across this site I checked OSE and found that it only has a DA of 37 PA of 35, and only 79 linking domains (966 links total). I got to looking and there are a few links like this Anyway, accroding to SEMRush, this site ranks for over 6,000 keywords. I ran content on a couple of their high ranking pages and the content is not unique, at least not very unique on the pages I checked. What is so special about that site that google is giving it so much love? I am not trying to call them out, I just want to know what this site is doing to garner the favor of google when I have a site in the same niche with a higher DA, PA, linking domains, and social signals.

    | CharlesMontgomery

  • Hello all, I am fairly new to the SEOmoz community. But i am working for a company which organizes exhibitons, events and training in Holland. A lot of these events are only given ones ore twice and then we do not organise them any more because they are no longer relevant. Every event has its own few webpages which provide information about the event and are being indexed by Google. In the past we did not remove any of these events. I was looking in the CMS and saw a lot of events of 2008 and older which are being indexed. To clean the website and the CMS i am thinking of removing these pages of old events. The risk is that these pages have some links to them and are getting some traffic, so if i remove them there is a risk of losing traffic and rankings. What would be the wise thing to do? Make a folder with archive or something? Regards, Ruud

    | RuudHeijnen

  • Suppose I had 2 domains, & with exactly the same links profiles, and content (not duplicate but you know what I mean). Would Google favour the .com domain? In my experience, yes. But I might be wrong?
    Same with other not so standard domains like .biz etc. Am I right to believe that Google can prefer the more common domain extensions?

    | Tom-R

  • I’ve built a slideshow and each slide contains an image, h1 and text contained within a div. The slideshow grabs the whole div and slides it. My question is should I remove the h1 and style it with css e.g. my slide header or leave in the multiple h1 headers. All thoughts and comments welcome.

    | RodneyRiley

  • Hi, All! If site was already 301 redirected to site, and now the site owner wants to redirect to - is there any concern that it's not going to work, and some of the original linkjuice, rank, trust, etc. is going to vanish?  Or as long as the 301s are set up right, should you be able to 301 indefinitely? Does anyone have any experience with actually doing this and seeing good/bad/neutral results? Thanks in advance! -Aviva B

    | debi_zyx

  • I believe Google doesn't want to index and show other search result pages in there SERP.
    So instead of adding "noindex, follow" tag i have changed the url  in my search result page  like this: Original To And the search result page contains the title of the articles, a short descriptions (300 chars.) and a link to the articles. Does it help? Or should i add noindex, follow tag? Helps Please?

    | DigitalJungle

  • Google recently said they updated their parameter handling, but I was wondering what is the best way to know all of the parameters that need "handling"? Will Google Webmaster find them? Should the company know based on what is on their site? Thanks!

    | nicole.healthline

  • Howdy mozzers, I have a citation on a .govt domain with 2 links pointing to my site. The page is not indexed by Google, bing or yahoo. URL; I have tried getting the paged indexed by building bookmark links to it. I have tweeted the url and gotten a few re-tweets for it. But no luck. The page has got no nofollow meta tag. Other listings have been indexed by google. Could someone please advise on means to help me get the page indexed? A strategy that I have not yet tried is submitting a sitemap that includes the external url as I am not sure if it is possible to include url's not part of my domain. Any advice, help would be greatly appreciated. viva le SEOmoz Thanks

    | ihms

  • Hello, What is the point of getting a large amount of backlinks to internal pages of an ecommerce site? Although it would be great to make your articles (for example) strong, isn't it more important to build up the strength of the home page. All of My SEO has had a long term goal of strengthening the home page, with just enough backlinks to internal pages to have balance, which is happening naturally. The home page of our main site is what comes up on tons of our keyword searches since it is so strong. Please let me know why so much effort is put into getting backlinks to internal pages. Thank you,

    | BobGW

  • I am having pagination problem with one of my clients site , So I am deciding to use noindex, follow tag for the Page 2,3,4 etc  for not to have duplicated content issue, Because obviously SEOMoz Crawl Diagnostics showing me lot of duplicate page contents. And past 2 days i was in constant battle whether  to use noindex, follow tag or rel=canonical tag for the Page 2,3,4 and after going through all the Q&A,None of them gives me crystal clear answer. So i thought "Why can't i use 2 of them together in one page"? Because I think (correct me if i am wrong) 1.noindex, follow is old and traditional way to battle with dup contents
    2.rel=canonical is new way to battle with dup contents Reason to use 2 of them together is: Bot finds to the non-canonical page first and looks at the tag nofollow,index and he knows not to index that page,meantime he finds out that canonical url is something something according to the url given in the tag,NO? Help Please???

    | DigitalJungle

  • Greetings! I have inherited a problem that I am not sure how to fix. The website I am working on had a 302 redirect from its original home url (with all the link juice) to a newly designed page (with no real link juice). When the 302 redirect was removed, a duplicate content problem remained, since the new page had already been indexed by google. What is the best way to handle duplicate content? Thanks!

    | shedontdiet

  • If a website content management system includes built-in feeds of different categories that the client can choose from, does that endanger them of having duplicate content if their categories are the same as another client's feed?  These feeds appear on templated home page designs by default. Just trying to figure out how big of an issue these feeds are in terms of duplicate content across clients' sites.  Should I be concerned?  Obviously, there's other content on the home page besides the feed and have not really seen negative effects, but could it be impacting results?

    | KyleNeuberger

  • If we utilize javascript to pull information from a database to display on a site, is that bad for SEO? Can search engines still see the data?

    | nicole.healthline

  • On one of my sites, I've been trying to get the word out by contacting blogs and asking them to share my site with their readers.  This has resulted in some free publicity for my site, as well as quite a few paid reviews/sponsored posts.  Note, however, that I've never paid for links, just reviews of my site... When I started this about 2 months ago, my site was a PR3 and getting fairly lowsy organic search traffic (i.e. 30-40 visits a day from Google).  Then a few days ago, my PR dropped to 1.  I didn't worry too much though, because my organic traffic was still around 30-40 visits a day. Now today, I checked and I only had 1 visitor the entire day from Google.  Obviously I've been penalized. My most important question is, what can I do?  Do I have an recourse, or do I need to just shut the domain down and move elsewhere? Second, wtf is Google penalizing this?  I understand the argument against paid links, but should I not be allowed to advertise my site?  Apparently I can buy links all day long through Google and they'll happily take my money, but the minute I pay some poor blogger to write an article about my site to their audience, I get penalized? Please help, I can't believe I just destroyed one of my sites like this!

    | dustin999

  • I've added the Yoast SEO Plug In for my word press blog.  When I add a new category, there is a listing called "Edit Category".  On this page there is a listing "Yoast WordPress SEO Settings." In this section, there are two fields in which I need guidance on what is supposed to be included. One: There is a field called "Canonical".  What info is supposed to be entered in this field and how does it need to be formatted? Is it a URL.  If so, what URL is supposed to go there? Two: Breadcrumbs title.  What is the purpose of this field? (Isn't it OK to just use the category name as the breadcrumb title?)

    | EricVallee34

  • Hello, I'm new to this resource and SEO. I have taken the time to read other posts but am not entirely sure about the best way to resolve the issues I am experiencing and so am hoping for a helpful hand. My site diagnostics advise me that most of my errors relate to duplicate content and duplicate page titles. Most of these errors seem to relate to our ecommerce product pages. A little about us first, we manufacture and retail over the internet our own line of unique products which can only be purchased through our website. So it’s not so important to make our product pages stand out from competitors. An example of one of our product pages can be found here: In terms of SEO we are focusing on improving the rankings of our category pages which compete much more with our competitors, but would also like our product pages to be found via a google search for those potential customers that are at the late stage of a buying cycle. So my question: Whilst it would be good to add more content to the product pages, user reviews, individual product descriptions etc (and have good intentions to do this over time, which unfortunately is limited) is there an easy way to fix the duplicate content issues, ensure our products can be found and ensure that the main focus is on our category pages? Many thanks.

    | jannkuzel

  • Hi there, My question relates to the robots.txt file. This statement: /*/trackback Would this block and ? Peter

    | PeterM22

  • Hi I have a website what has parameter URL. For example I want that search engine see my page URL as; But this URL is not exist in my website. And when i externally enter this page it goes to 404 page. If i add canonical url as to the page, what happened ? Is the url at the serp change as ?

    | SEMTurkey

  • Why are my search results missing  the google preview magnifying glass icon next to them? My site is an adult toys e-commerce/portfolio site. but doesn't have any sexual explicit content especially on the homepage. I used to have Goole preview working  a few month ago but have changed the skin a couple of month ago and Preview is not avalable for my site since then. Google's preview testing tool shows a perfect image for my site. url: Thanks, Asaf

    | AsafY

  • Several leading experts say that keyword density isn't all that important. What do you think of keyword density? Do you incorporate it into your day to day activities?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hi i am building a site at the moment which i am working on. please ignore the state of the site as we are just playing with designs at the moment but please do take notice of the top part. The site is a travel magazine but i am a bit concerned. The keywords that we will be looking at to drive travel will be as follows, cheap flights gatwick, holiday magazine and travel magazine. Now i do not want the site to look untidy with loads of content describing the site but at the same time i want google to know what the site is and for people to pick the site up with the search terms that we are aiming for. the site is Can anyone please show me some examples of how i should structure the site to attract the keywords and give me some advice. It seems hard when you are designing a magazine site where the content changes all the time to try and attract the search engines with your keywords. any advice would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I am changing ecommerce platforms. For my internal linking on the old site there was a lot of old links written like this: But now i am writing links mostly like this: /page-name Will that make a difference to search engines? Is one easier than the other for them to interpret?

    | Hyrule

  • Hey Everyone! Perhaps someone can help me. I came across this command in the robots.txt file of our Canadian corporate domain. I looked around online but can't seem to find a definitive answer (slightly relevant). the command line is as follows: Disallow: /*?* I'm guessing this might have something to do with blocking php string searches on the site?. It might also have something to do with blocking sub-domains, but the "?" mark puzzles me 😞 Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Rob

    | RobMay

  • I am working on an e-commerce site and on the category pages each of the product listings link to the product page twice. The first is an image link and then the second is the product name. I want to get the anchor text of the second link to count. If I no-follow the image link will that help at all? If not is there a way to do this?

    | JordanJudson

  • Hi My website is fairly new and i wasnt aware of the difference btw '' and '' when i started up. It doesnt matter which one i use as long as i am consistent right ? Most of my ingoing links are to mainpage on ''. I have som ingoing links to '' but also some to ''. is it enough to 301-redir '' to '' or does it need to be done on several levels ? I need to have someone do the redirect for me - how can i check its working when its done ? Dan Lærum

    | danlae

  • My site currently ranks #1 or #2 for 2 separate pages on web design & SEO for my geographic location. The URLs are currently and I'm redesigning my site and I'm taking out the "Services" page as I'm focusing on web design and SEO and lumping everything else into my "Internet Marketing" page. Because my pages for web design and SEO rank so well, should I keep the URL structure even though I don't have a "Services" page or should I just remove services and 301 redirect so I have and I know doing a 301 redirect could hurt me in the short term but I'm wondering if I should just bite the bullet now and change it in favor of a better URL structure. What do you think?

    | JaredDetroit

  • Good day, We are in the process of starting a website redesign/development. We will likely be employing a tabbing structure on our home page and would like to be able to capitalize on the keyword content found across the various tabs. The tab structure will be similar to how this site achieves tabs: I've uploaded a screen grab of this page as the Googlebot user agent. The text "Soil Intelligence for professional Turf Managers" clicks through to this page: So I'm thinking there could be some keyword dilution there. That said Google is very much aware of the text on the quicktabs-1 page being related to the home page content: Is this the best search optimal way to add keyword density on a home page with a tab structure? Or is there a better means of achieving this? {61bfcca1-5f32-435e-a311-7ef4f9b592dd}_tabs_as_Googlebot.png

    | Hershel.Miller

  • Hi, I was wondering whether it's still important for SEO to host a website in the same country as you're targetting. We host a fair few Australian sites and we're looking for a new webhost at the moment. Should we only consider hosting on Australian servers or is it worth looking at servers elsewhere? One of the main reasons we're thinking about US hosting is that we can get a machine that is 3x more powerful than we can get in Australia for the price. This performance increase should go some way to minimizing the effect of the latency increase. Thanks, Nick

    | MarketingResults

  • Notice on the YouTube sidebar, each video has a thumbnail and a title. But, for the ALT tag, YouTube simply uses the word "thumbnail". In the past, i was using a keyword phrase for my thumbnail ALT tag. I thought I was being clever. But is this superflous? We note that the A tag on the YouTube items, encompasses the SPAN that is the video + title. Does Google associate the text of the title as valid "anchor text" despite the existance of other info in that span --- e.g. like View Count and the User Name of the video creator? Thanks!

    | anthony-305442

  • Hi... We're doing some reciprocal link building and a gentleman has been kind enough to offer me sever additional links for the exchange. All of them (5) are on the same IP address as one of his links to which we have already linked. They are in a related field of endeavor, legal websites. If I make the swap with him, is Google going to disregard, penalize or otherwise marginalize my efforts? Thanks!

    | hornsbylaw

  • I am asking this question after reading similar post. My question is does the first link count rule - Only the first link is counted, if we point to same page with two different anchor texts - applies to anchor text only. Does the PR is passed to the second link ?

    | seoug_2005

  • We have an ecommerce client transitioning to a new platform. Due to the nature of the platform, all the pages will have different URLs. There are between 7000-8000 total pages on the website. We wrote 301 redirects for all URLs which are showing inbound links. Unfortunately, automating this process is pretty difficult and hand writing URLs for 8000 links is unfeasible. Is it worth investing the time to 301 redirect all 8000 URLs, or are we safe with only doing those with inbound links? One other option would be to implement a generic redirect for all the rest of the old URLs that sends them to the homepage. Would this be a good compromise?

    | outofboundsdigital

  • Every 2-3 days, presumably each time we are crawled we go from 2nd for a chosen keyword - to 4th for a chosen keyword. Then 2-3 days later - back to 2nd. It's always the same two listings that come above us, and go back underneath - why would this be?

    | Benj25

  • Hi Guys, Am I write in saying google will take / create many variable from your title tag? Graphic, Web Design and Online Marketing in Ireland | Company Name results: Graphic Design, Web design, Web design in Ireland, Online Marketing in Ireland, Online Marketing, Graphic and Web Design, etc etc. (plus lots of long tail there as well). Would this be considered the optimal way as 'Design' is the common denominator for Graphic & Web. Then Ireland can be common to every other keyword such as Graphic design, Web design, Online Marketing. (in ireland) The reason why I ask is: lately I've notice title tags being stuffed with keywords and don't actually read correctly in the SERP My suggested way could have more benefits plus it reads well. Your thoughts, thanks.

    | Socialdude

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