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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi, Finally I decide to renovate my site structure, but I have a question, if I have an old post and I change its category there is some SEO problem? The post permalink is "". Last question, it's better to have one category for post or more than one category for post? Thank You

    | Marco396

  • Hi there, I have a question regarding the canonical tag. The current setup is like so... 302 redirects to.. I want to add canonical tags on every page to avoid duplicate content but I'm not sure about the homepage. Should the canonical URL be or ? I'm concerned that I could be about to hurt my ranking. Thanks,

    | zuriwolf

  • Hi Guys, My question is: Is it still necessary to redirect www. to non www. version of your website or other way around?
    I ask because I feel that Google should be able to read these as the same by now. Thank you in advance.

    | gaben

  • We recently noticed that our primary page was de-indexed in Google. When looking in google search console there are no manual actions taken. We did add a few new banners to the site but I have no idea why this would have negatively affected that site. I did add a new page called that had some duplicate testimonials that were also on the home page but have since removed that. Not sure where to go from here.

    | AChronister

  • Hello, I started to doubt myself. We have a classified advertisements website. On the main page, almost all the advertisements are shown. Now we take those advertisements and also split them into categorys Category 1 / category 2 / category 3 / category 4 Now all those categories almost always have the same content as except a bit less (because X amount of content is now divided also to 4-5 groups) For raking should i actually tell google that those categories are a copy of or they should still be as they are?

    | advertisingcloud

  • Hello, we found recently quite a big error  our index.php file had no canonical tag nor was a 301 redirect. So we put a canonical tag to it that it's the main duplicate . Now is there any difference in regards to link juice or Google 301 vs canonical tag ? I read that moz did a 301 from their index php.  I understand one difference is that user then can Type in the URL if no 301, but I'm interested about ranking effect of it.

    | advertisingcloud

  • Hi... Please tell me how to remove web cache link given below. I have changed my SEO title but it can't be changed...Any other methods for without using webmaster tools. Kw3arat

    | Thilak_geo04

  • I have a site with a handful of links that are ranked. One of those links was ranking for "pantsuits for sale". The slug was  I decided to rename the slug to and used the term "pantsuits for sale" twice in the page which it had not been appearing before. I did a 301 redirect old page to new. I then organized 5 pages below Pantsuits-for-sale in a silo. Before they were all at the same level. I ran 301s for those also. I suddenly lost 40 spaces in rank a few days later! Clearly Google did not like these changes. So do you think I can regain my position by reversing the silo and changing back to the old slugs? Other thoughts/ recommendations?

    | dk5

  • Good Afternoon We've been having problems with a site for a little while now. It had a penalty (partial link) a few years ago and never really recovered back to it's full potential despite the fact that the penalty was eventually removed and we've since changed the domain completely as well as moving over to https and left behind / disavowed bad links. In the Moz ranking stats now, I'm seeing that some of our lower level pages are ranking for core terms and the erratic nature of the ranking graph seems to indicate that Google is confused and not knowing what page to pull. For example, the top level page would be Hotel in Spain but the page that is ranking for that term is one of the individual hotel information (lower level) pages lets say the Holiday Inn . The lower level page has info on the individual property but also makes reference to it being a "Cheap Hotel In Spain" My suggestion to resolve the problem is to scale back the references to the top level terms on the hotel pages and reintroduce breadcrumb links to help Google follow the structure of the site again Does this sound reasonable or would anyone be able to suggest anything else to try?

    | Ham1979

  • Hi, I work for an e-commerce company in the fashion sector. As you probably know/can guess it is very popular for bloggers and other influencers to link to our products. But the problem is that our products often have a lifespan of only 2-3 months before they expire. Is the best solution to do a 301-redirect to the closest category page for expiring product pages? To make sure we don't lose these links to 404-pages. Or are there any other good solutions popular among e-commerce companys? Thanks for taking your time!

    | Mattiasj89

  • Hi there I'm wondering what is the best strategy to work with multi-stores on magento: to use or not to use subdomains? Suppose we have the and we configure it to use multistore. The url base will not have the store id on it so it will not be like and It will simply rely on the user session so if we have two categories for each store it will acces using: (for store 1) (for store 2) The homepage will allways be set on so we should have a single page for several "home pages" (depending on the user session / store he is accessing). I guess this is not a good option if we want to rank for different keywords (for each store). So I was wondering if it is a good solution to set: This way we have 2 "home pages" each one able to rank. Does it make sense? Is it good or bad for seo? Another option I was considering was: (for store 1) (for store 2) (for store 3) (for blog) Can this work? Good or bad for seo? best regards

    | qgairsoft

  • For my Ecommerce site suddenly following errors occurred while I test my homepage in structured data testing tools - Error - image- A value for the image field is required. Name - A value for the image field is required. On right side of tool it's show me - Warning - address - The address field is recommended. Please provide a value if available. pricerange - The priceRange field is recommended. Please provide a value if available. telephone - The telephone field is recommended. Please provide a value if available. On right side of tool it's show me - Please let me know how to solve this errors and warnings? I have implemented schema via micro data. Thanks!

    | adamjack

  • Hi all, I'm currently looking after a collection of old newspaper sites that have had various developments during their time. The problem is there are so many 404 pages all over the place and the sites are bleeding link juice everywhere so I'm looking for a tool where I can check a lot of URLs at once. For example from an OSE report I have done a random sampling of the target URLs and some of them 404 (eek!) but there are too many to check manually to know which ones are still live and which ones have 404'd or are redirecting. Is there a tool anyone uses for this or a way one of the SEOMoz tools can do this? Also I've asked a few people personally how to check this and they've suggested Xenu, Xenu won't work as it only checks current site navigation. Thanks in advance!

    | thisisOllie
  • This question is deleted!


  • On Google Search console we see that  many of our submitted pages weren't indexed. What could be the reasons? | Web pages |
    |  130,030  Submitted |
    |  87,462  Indexed |

    | Leagoldberger

  • We have a WordPress instance on an Apache subdomain (let's say it's alongside our main website, which is built in Angular.  The tech team is using Akamai to do URL rewrites so that the blog posts appear under the main domain (  However, due to the way they configured the WordPress install, they can't do a wildcard redirect under htaccess to force all the subdomain URLs to appear as subdirectories, so as you might have guessed, we're dealing with duplicate content issues. They could in theory do manual 301s for each blog post, but that's laborious and a real hassle given our IT structure (we're a financial services firm, so lots of bureaucracy and regulation).  In addition, due to internal limitations (they seem mostly political in nature), a robots.txt file is out of the question. I'm thinking the next best alternative is the combined use of the robots meta tag (no index, follow) alongside the canonical tag to try to point the bot to the subdirectory URLs.  I don't think this would be unethical use of either feature, but I'm trying to figure out if the two would conflict in some way?  Or maybe there's a better approach with which we're unfamiliar or that we haven't considered?

    | prasadpathapati

  • Any experience or advice you can share of having a mix set of pages/urls in one site/domain https and http e.g. mobile in https and desktop in http , (desktop version) http://mydomain/product1 (mobile version) att the same time some mobile pages still in thanks

    | arnoldcr

  • I would like my product urls to be /category/manufacturer/name/part#. This would be the only url the item uses and how the product is accessed. It would also be used for product feeds. My first attempt was to use This creates a single url but I can not customize it. Sometimes it selects the manufacturer and sometimes the category. My second attempt was with I have it installed but it doesn't change the urls. Has anyone been able to do this successfully?

    | Tylerj

  • Dear Moz Community. I'm looking at moving from in-line Microdata in the HTML to JSON-LD on the web pages that I manage.  Seems a far simpler solution having all the meta data in one place - especially for trouble shooting! With this in mind I've started to change the page templates on my personal site before I tackle the ones for my eCommerce site.  I've made a start, and I'm still working on the templates producing some default values (like if a page doesn't have an associated image) but have been wondering if any of you have any rules/recommendations for using BlogPosting vs Article? I'd call this type of page an Article: Whereas this page is from the /blog so that should probably be a BlogPosting: I've used the following resources but it would be great to get a discussion on here. I'm keen to get this 100% right as once this is done I'm going to drive through some further changes to get some progress on things like this: Kind Regards andy moz-screenshot.jpg

    | andystorey

  • I have a question for the links in a sitemap. Wordpress works with a sitemap that first link to the different kind of pages: pagesitemap.xml categorysitemap.xml productsitemap.xml etc. etc. These links on the first page are clickable. We have a website that also links to the different pages but it's not clickable, just a flat link. Is this an issue?

    | Happy-SEO

  • We currently rank #12 for a competitive term. Every now and again we'll drop below rank #50 for a day and then we'll be back at #12 the next day (as was the case yesterday and today). We also dropped in the same fashion for two other terms that are arguably a little less competitive. There were no alerts or messages on Search Console and no major site changes. What could be the cause of this? Is it a suspicious flux and if so, what could be the root of it?

    | EdLongley

  • I have created a new website and need to redirect all of the previous pages to the new one. The old website was built in coldfusion and the new site is built in wordpress. One of the pages I'm trying to redirect is to This is what I have in my .htaccess file <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">Options +FollowSymlinks
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    Redirect 301 /products.cfm</ifmodule> The result of this redirect is How do I prevent the .cfm from appending to the destination URL?

    | MarketHubb

  • Dear Communtiy, I am trying to improve the SEO ratings for my website (magento). My next step will be implementing robots txt to exclude some crawling pages.
    Does anybody have a good magento robots txt for me? And what need i copy exactly? Thanks everybody! Greetings, Bob

    | rijwielcashencarry040

  • Hi everyone, I'm currently doing some audit on an Seeking Job Ads site, and having some problems on what to do with ads that are imported from a "news paper" that have so little information to add. A regular ad has enough information to difference itself from another with the following data: Summary
    Qualifications On the other hand, an imported ad from a news paper since it has little room for content, it may look like this: "Company N" looking for an engineer with 2 years of experience call us at: 923xxxxxx Since there is little information, i'm getting some trouble on moz crawling - duplicated content due to the lack of content which makes this kind of ads look way too similar. So I'm wondering what can I do with this kind of ads. Option 1: Adding No follow | No index
    Option 2: Making a random mix of other related job ads Any help would be much appreaciated it. Joao.

    | JoaoCJ

  • I have a client that is redeveloping their website in Magento and is interested to know what their target page load time should be. I've read some stuff on this that's over a year old and curious if anyone has a census on what the averages are or what we should aim for. I know the simple answer is "as fast as it can be", but wondering if anyone has additional insight. Thanks!

    | aedesignco

  • We're planning a full migrate to HTTPS for our website which is accessible today by both **www.**, **http://** as well as **https://** After the migrate the website will only be accessible by https requests and every other request (Ex. www or http) will be redirected to the same page but in HTTPS by 301 redirects. We've taken a lot of precautions like fixing all the internal links to HTTPS instead of HTTP etc. My questions is: What happened to your rankings for HTTP after making a full migrate to HTTPS?

    | OliviaStokholm

  • Hello, I am new in SEO and I am trying to understand the basics in URL parameters. Let’s assume that I have an ecommerce site with Categories (Category1, Category2) Views (listview=1, listview=2) Orders (OrderBy=1, OrderBy=2) Pages (pg=1, pg=2) Why should I add google to index pages with different views and Listing orders? What is the benefit for the site to have the same content with different order? I am not sure but maybe only need pages in order to google to “travel” between the pages? For example: =1 The products in pages (pg) will always include products in order and listview? Why should google index again the content? Furthermore, from the last time that google index the pg=1 the products has changed. Thank you in advanced

    | ArisGast

  • I see lots of suggestions on the web for forwarding http to https.  I've got several existing sites that want to take advantage of the SSL boost for SEO (however slight) and I don't want to lose SEO placements in the process.  I can force all pages to be viewed through the SSL - that's no problem.  But for SEO reasons, do I need to do a 301 redirect line of code for every page in the site to the new "https" version?  Or is there a way to catch all with one line of code that Google, etc. will recognize & honor?

    | wcksmith1

  • I was wondering if a good url, with a keyword in it, can help you improve the position of that certain keyword by redirecting that url to your website. To make it clear: We run the website, and have the possibility to let the url (translation: iphonerepair) redirect to our website. Would this help us to rank for the keyword 'iPhone reparatie'? I hope that I made myself clear this way:) Otherwise i'm more than happy to clearify myself!

    | Jan-Peter

  • Hi All, Following are parameter configuration in search console - Parameters - fl
    Does this parameter change page content seen by the user? - Yes, Changes, reorders, or narrows page content.
    How does this parameter affect page content? - Narrow
    Which URLs with this parameter should Googlebot crawl? - Let Googlebot decide (Default) Query - Actually it is filter parameter. I have already set canonical on filter page. Now I am doing tracking of filter pages via data layer and tag manager so in google analytic I am not able to see filter url's because of this parameter. So I want to delete this parameter. Can anyone please help me? Thanks!

    | adamjack

  • Hi, We just launched our new theme for Magento and my developer stated the pagination uses Ajax. Previously I had the developers set up rel prev/next for all our pages (categories/ecommerce site) that had multiples. He said it's not required with Ajax. Is this correct? Example: and when you go to Page 2, the URL shows: I want to make sure these pages are set up correctly.

    | vetofunk

  • Hi Everyone, I really don't see anything wrong with our robots.txt file after our https move that just happened, but Google says all URLs are blocked. The only change I know we need to make is changing the sitemap url to https. Anything you all see wrong with this robots.txt file? robots.txt This file is to prevent the crawling and indexing of certain parts of your site by web crawlers and spiders run by sites like Yahoo! and Google. By telling these "robots" where not to go on your site, you save bandwidth and server resources. This file will be ignored unless it is at the root of your host: Used: Ignored: For more information about the robots.txt standard, see: For syntax checking, see: Website Sitemap Sitemap: Crawlers Setup User-agent: * Allowable Index Allow: /*?p=
    Allow: /index.php/blog/
    Allow: /catalog/seo_sitemap/category/ Directories Disallow: /404/
    Disallow: /app/
    Disallow: /cgi-bin/
    Disallow: /downloader/
    Disallow: /includes/
    Disallow: /lib/
    Disallow: /magento/
    Disallow: /pkginfo/
    Disallow: /report/
    Disallow: /stats/
    Disallow: /var/ Paths (clean URLs) Disallow: /index.php/
    Disallow: /catalog/product_compare/
    Disallow: /catalog/category/view/
    Disallow: /catalog/product/view/
    Disallow: /catalogsearch/
    Disallow: /checkout/
    Disallow: /control/
    Disallow: /contacts/
    Disallow: /customer/
    Disallow: /customize/
    Disallow: /newsletter/
    Disallow: /poll/
    Disallow: /review/
    Disallow: /sendfriend/
    Disallow: /tag/
    Disallow: /wishlist/
    Disallow: /aitmanufacturers/index/view/
    Disallow: /blog/tag/
    Disallow: /advancedreviews/abuse/reportajax/
    Disallow: /advancedreviews/ajaxproduct/
    Disallow: /advancedreviews/proscons/checkbyproscons/
    Disallow: /catalog/product/gallery/
    Disallow: /productquestions/index/ajaxform/ Files Disallow: /cron.php
    Disallow: /
    Disallow: /error_log
    Disallow: /install.php
    Disallow: /LICENSE.html
    Disallow: /LICENSE.txt
    Disallow: /LICENSE_AFL.txt
    Disallow: /STATUS.txt Paths (no clean URLs) Disallow: /.php$
    Disallow: /?SID=
    disallow: /?cat=
    disallow: /?price=
    disallow: /?flavor=
    disallow: /?dir=
    disallow: /?mode=
    disallow: /?list=
    disallow: /?limit=5
    disallow: /?limit=10
    disallow: /?limit=15
    disallow: /?limit=20
    disallow: /*?limit=25

    | vetofunk

  • In the beginning of SEO days, it was going around that .com is the best for SEO and that .net is not as good. Is there any truth to this, and what about .org or .edu? I always hear that .edu sites have high PR. Is there any rhyme or reason to this, or all they all equal? Thank you, Afshin

    | applesofgold

  • I just relaunched my website and changed a permalink structure for several pages where only a subdirectory name changed. What 301 Redirect code do I use to redirect the following? I have dozens of these where I need to change just the directory name from "urban-living" to "urban", and want it to catch the following all in one redirect command. Here is an example of the structure that needs to change. Old (single page w/ content) (single page w/ content) (single page w/ content) New

    | shawnbeaird

  • Google PageSpeed Insights  showing this "An error occurred while fetching or analyzing the page.Dismiss" URL: What should I do to fix this? Thanks in Advance

    | Beachflower

  • Looking to migrate a subdomain Wordpress site onto the main domain, but the payment system breaks based on one or more of the plugins used on the blog having been linked with spammy activity in the past. Need to isolate the plugin and remove before migrating or it'll break the site! Has anyone had any similar issues with some of the following plugins? Akismet Wordfence Security Subscribe2 Timber Backup Buddy

    | Amelia.Coleby

  • Our website is receiving 15 links that I believe are negatively impacting us. The problem is, this website linking to us no longer exists. The domain is not even hosted. The website linking to us is: thepurpleelephantboutique . com/ How do we fix/resolve this issue?

    | spadedesign

  • So here's a weird one... Client comes to me for some simple changes, turns out there are some major issues with the site, one of which is that none of the correct content pages are showing up in Google, just ancillary (outdated) ones. Looks like an issue because even the main homepage isn't showing up with a "" So, I add to Webmaster Tools and, after an hour or so, I get the red bar of doom, "robots.txt is blocking important pages." I check it out in Webmasters and, sure enough, it's a "User agent: * Disallow /" ACK! But wait... there's no robots.txt to be found on the server. I can go to and see it but nothing via FTP. I upload a new one and, thankfully, that is now showing but I've never seen that before. Question is: can a robots.txt file be stored in a way that can't be seen? Thanks!

    | joshcanhelp

  • Hello, Will an Ecommerce site still move up in a niche if it only accepts PayPal and doesn't have a merchant's account on it? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Quick question: if you using a parantheses around a keyword, do search bots still recognize the keyword?  Fox ex: Welcome to a website about the National Basketball Association (NBA). Will the bots recognize that I'm trying to optimize to NBA and not (NBA)?  Is this different for tags vs. actual body copy?

    | BPIAnalytics

  • I have a question regarding some keywords in my site. For some reason, I am ranking for the wrong keyword in some SERPs or my top page is ranking instead. Example: graphic design is ranking for web design Is there any tool or way to figure out how, why or who is eating each other up so to speak? Would you have any advice or links to good sources on how to resolve this issue so that the correct page shows in search for it's particular keyword? Thanks in advance!

    | Kuruto

  • Hi all, Many blog posts used to be showing 404s when doing crawl tests and in search console (despite being there when visited.) I realized it was an issue with URL structure. It used to be I've fixed the issue by changing the URL structure in Wordpress so that they now follow the structure of According to sitemaps, Google has now indexed all posts in /post-type/post-name. My question is what to do with crawl errors in Search Console that are still there for When I fetch, I get a redirect status (which is accurate).  At this point should I request to index or mark as fixed? Thank you!

    | MouthyPR

  • I have 4300 pages that the tool claims are missing the H1 value but they are there. Here is an example: Has anyone seen this before?

    | Banknotes

  • Our website has just had a relaunch after a change of direction.
    A lot of the pages were redirected. When I checked the indexing of the website on Google, I put and only two pages come up, but when I put they all show up.
    Is this correct or are we doing something wrong?

    | LaurenGT

  • Hi all, Working on implementing hreflangs on a site, but the client has presence in over 200 countries. Does it mean we have to implement over 200 Hrelfangs? Thanks, Asad

    | TTLO

  • Hello! Just a couple days back, realised that under the Google Webmaster Tool > Sitemap, my website has a sudden drop in indexed pages and images. Previously, it was almost fully indexed. However, I checked and the Google Index > Index Status, it is still fully indexed Any reason why and how do I resolve? Any help is very much appreciated! Thanks in advance!

    | Bibliotek123

  • Hi everyone, We just made a switch to a new domain based on a rebrand, and we are currently directing users who navigate to the homepage of the old site to an interim page on our new site that reads, that then redirects to the actual homepage of the new site, The redirect page's purpose is to tell users about the brand name change before showing them the new site. The challenge is that in the second step of the verification process for the address change, it reads that our domain name request does not correspond because the homepage is directing to this interim page. Is there a way for us to continue to direct people to and have GSC verify that the 301 redirects work properly? Ideally we would not want to direct people from the homepage of the old site to the homepage of the new site. Thank you in advance for your help. Sincerely, Chase VHSpF

    | commcreative

  • Hi Guys, Just need some clarification if it's okay. I have a client who has the dudamobile software installed for a mobile friendly version of the site.Now I know that it put's on some JS to check if the user is visiting from a desktop or a mobile and then redirects. ?no_redirect=true This is creating duplicate page issues when I run a deepcrawl of the site. I understand I can just exclude the URL's in Google's Search Console but I just wanted to double check though that this won't stop Google from indexing the mobile site? Sorry if it's a stupid question Kind Regards Neil

    | nezona

  • Hi there I am working on a website and we would like to change the permalinks from product-category (replacing with Shop) and product to buy.   Currently there are nearly 400 products and multiple categories. Although the website has just been indexed wondering if we need to do 301's? if we did would like to use regex to manage so redirect would be as example: redirecting to to (I know you do not need to put in the domain but as an example) - could anyone give me the regex for this? Same for products: redirect to thanks in anticipation

    | musthavemarketing

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