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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hello - Wondered if I could get people's thoughts. We/I have started working on a client's website to improve everything - a general overhaul across SEO, on-page optimisation etc. I'm relatively new to this although picking things up and learning on the job which is great, and Moz is so helpful! So far we have conducted a review of the website, created a large list of keywords and analysed these, started overhauling the copy and adding the new keywords within this, have plans to overhaul the other elements of the site (headings, tags etc) and improve the design, functionality and customer journey through the website. My question is: where do I go from here in terms of keywords and SEO? Is it a case of plugging in the keywords we've researched, watch how they perform, and then switch things up with different keywords if they aren't performing as well as we expected? Is it really a lot of trial and error or is there an exact science behind it that I'm missing? I just feel a little as though we've pulled these keywords out of thin-air to a degree, and are adding them into our copy because the numbers on Moz show they should perform well, and they are what we are trying to promote on the website. But I don't know if this is right?! Perhaps I'm over-thinking it...

    | WhitewallGlasgow

  • Hello 🙂 I'm trying to figure out the category/taxonomy structure for my website which will be selling "Colored Contact Lenses" I'm a bit confused because, there are several search queries which sort of mean the same thing, for example "Halloween Contacts" are sort of the same thing as "Colored Contacts" people searching for Colored Contacts may potentially be looking for "Natural" styles, however many are looking for crazy styles, aka "Halloween Contacts" or "Crazy Contacts" Crazy contacts and halloween contacts, being the exact same thing just different choice of words from the searcher. So I'm trying to think of what to do for categories/link structure... I believe i should start with a primary category .com/colored-contacts/ then .com/colored-contacts/halloween-contacts/ But what about crazy contacts? Should I keep going, .com/colored-contacts/crazy-contacts/ which will have the exact same products listed? I'm kind if going crazy thinking about this lol, any thoughts and advice would be highly appreciated. Thank you!

    | abuntlysupport

  • When someone searches for our brand in US, instead of only US links, users are served with canadian or iranian sitelinks. Despite we have properly implemented xml sitemaps with hreflangs, even we have implemented lang attribute in the head section of source code for every country. I'd be thankful for any advice.

    | eset

  • Hello there ! Let's say my client has 2 webshops  (that exists since long time, so many backlinks & good authority on both) : : for individuals  (has 200 backlinks, let's say) : exact same products, exact same content, but with a different branding intended to professionnals  (has 100 backlinks, let's say) So, both websites are 99% identical and it has to remain like that !!! Obviously, this creates duplicate content issues. Goal :  I want "" to get all ranking value (while "" should remain accessible through direct access & appear on it's own brand queries). Solution ? Implement canonical tags on "pros**.nl**" that goes to "". That way, "" will get all ranking value, while "" will still be reachable through direct access. However, "" will then replace "" from SERP in the long-term. The only thing I want is to keep "" visible for its own brand queries   ->  it won't be possible through organic search result, so, I'm just gonna buy those "pros" queries through paid search ! Put links on all pages of  to  (but not the other way around),  so that "" will pass some ranking value to "" (but only a small part of the ranking value  ->  ideally, I would like to pass all link value to this domain). Could someone advise me ???  (I know it sound a bit complicated... but I don't have much choice ^^)

    | Netsociety

  • I have my website (HTTP:// marked on Google Webmaster Tools as being the primary domain, as opposed to https. But should all of my on page links be http? For instance, if I click the Home button on my home page it will take the user to http, but if you type in the domain name in the address bar it will take you to https. Could this be causing me problems for SEO?

    | moon-boots

  • I have a site with 12 colour variants of 1 style. How do I ensure that these are not flagged as duplicate content as they currently have been?

    | Ashcastle

  • Hi everyone, Could you please help me with picking out the right URL for my company's website? We are MoonCreate and we make beautiful clothes. Unfortunately, the domain is not available and I have to choose between or Which one is better, in your opinion? Look forward to receive your suggestions! Thank you! 🙂

    | kirupa

  • I just searched Google for the phrase that is original to my website (😞 "LG actually has a very large and well respected home appliances business", and Google didn't bring my website at all. Does this mean that my website is penalized?

    | kirupa

  • I'm having some trouble with my titles of a new site, it has been online for around two months now and i'm getting weird titles from most indexed pages. Since my site is focused on finding courses, the course title format is the following: URL: 
    My Title: Course - Institute | Mybrand
    Google Search Title: Course - Institute | Mybrand - Educativa Half of my results have that word at the end, don't know where it comes from, that word is only included in two links. Any idea on how to fix it?

    | JoaoCJ

  • I am managing a Timekeeping/Payroll company. My question is about the customer login page. Would this typically be nofollow for robots?

    | donsilvernail

  • Hi, Just started working with a site that has the occasional url with a capital, but then the url in the canonical as lower case. Neither, when entered in a browser, resolves to the other. It's a Shopify site. What do you think I should do?

    | 94501

  • I am trying to understand why a website would use # instead of a ? for its parameters? I have put an example of the URL below: Any help would be much appreciated.

    | CaitlinDW

  • Hello, you know when you search for your brand on google for example . It shows usually the pages that are importan. Our brand however shows totally random URLs under the brand. There should be however our category pages. How can i add those? Some html code i presume?

    | advertisingcloud

  • Where do I put the rel=canonical when the search.cfm (using URL re-write) page is the one and only page, just using url parameters to control sort, filter, view, etc. Do I just put the rel=canonical at the top of the search.cfm page?  The duplicate content issues I am getting are: Just want to be clear since Moz Pro is picking up both URL's but it's only really one file, search.cfm Thanks in advance for your help.

    | ErnieB

  • If I add the exact same schema markup to every page on my website - is it considered duplicate content? Our CMS is telling me that if I want schema mark-up on our site that it has to be the same on every page on the website.  This limitation is frustrating but I am trying to figure out the best way to work within their boundaries. Your help is appreciated.

    | Annette_Wetzel

  • Hi Moz community, As for now we have two different versions of a client's homepage that’s dividing our traffic. One of the urls is the index.html version of the other url. We are using Adobe Business Catalyst for one of our clients and they told us they can’t 301 redirect. Adobe Business Catalyst does 301 redirects, but not to itself like an .htaccess rewrite. Doing a 301 redirect using BC from index.html to / creates an infinite loop and break the page. Are there alternatives to a 301 or any suggestions how to solve this? Thanks for all your answers and thoughts in advance,

    | Anna_Hoesl

  • This concerns, a large website with navigation menus that drop down when hovered over. The sub nav items (example: “DDoS Protection”) are not cached by Google and therefore do not distribute internal links properly to help those sub-pages rank well. Best option naturally is to change the nav menus from JS to CSS but barring that, is there another option? Will Schema SiteNavigationElement work as an alternate?

    | CarlLarson

  • Hi, I have a website where all the original URL's have a rel canonical back to themselves. This is kinda like a fail safe mode. It is because if a parameter occurs, then the URL with the parameter will have a canonical back to the original URL. For example this url: has this canonical: which is the same since it's an original URL This url has this canonical like i said before, parameters have a rel canonical back to their original url's. SO: and this both have the same canonical which is this Im telling you all that because when roger bot tried to crawl my website, it gave back duplicates. This happened because it was reading the canonical ( of the original url ( and the canonical ( of the url with the parameter ( and saw that both were point to the same canonical ( So, i would like to know if google bot treats canonicals the same way. Because if it does then im full of duplicates 😄 thanks.

    | dos0659

  • Hi We need a bit of help from someone to fix the following issues causing speed issues on our website.Does anyone know of someone that can help? Reduce server response time Optimize images Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content Avoid landing page redirects Leverage browser caching Minify CSS Minify JavaScript Minify HTML

    | Bev.Aquaspresso

  • Hi guys, i'm wondering if I can get some best practice advice in preparation for launching our new e-commerce website. For the new website we are creating location pages with a description and things to do which will lead the user to hotels in the location. For each hotel page which relates to the location we will have the same 'Things to do' content. This is what the content will look like on each page: Location page Location title (1-3 words) Location description (150-200 words) Things to do (200-250 words) Reasons to visit location (15 words) Hotel page Hotel name and address (10 words) Short description (25 words) Reasons to book hotel (15 words) Hotel description (100-200 words) Friendly message why to visit (15 words) Hotel reviews feed from trust pilot Types of break and information (100-200 words) Things to do (200-250 words) My question is how much will we penalised for having the same 'Things to do' content on say up to 10 hotels + 1 location page? In an ideal world we want to develop a piece of code which tells search engines that the original content lies on the location page but this will not be possible before we go live. I'm unsure whether we should just go and take the potential loss in traffic or remove the 'Things to do' section on hotel pages until we develop the piece of code?

    | CHGLTD

  • Hi, Recently i removed some disallowed parameters from my robots.txt and added the setting No Url in my search console URL parameters tab (as can be seen in the image Today i saw the orderby parameter indexed even if the setting is to not crawl those urls. Anyone any idea why is this happening? Thank god that all those urls with parameters are canonicalised to their original url's.

    | dos0659

  • Hello, I'm trying to rank my page for this keyword: "Rehab Royal Oak Michigan" But when you use that in a sentence, it just doesn't work. To make it grammatically correct I need to use "Rehab in Royal Oak Michigan" But now i'm using a stop word and i'm not sure if this counts it as a synonym or not - can someone help? Thanks!!

    | Michael_Myles_Himself

  • I asked the person who manages my server to take a look into my 803 errors. But he does not find anything in the logs. Is there a way to find out what causes these errors. And what is meant with  803 error in Search Engine blocked by robots.txt column?

    | koendezutter

  • Morning all, I have a client who is planning to expand their product range (online dictionary sites) to new markets and are considering the acquisition of data sets from low ranked competitors to supplement their own original data. They are quite large content sets and would mean a very high percentage of the site (hosted on a new sub domain) would be made up of duplicate content. Just to clarify, the competitor's content would stay online as well. I need to lay out the pros and cons of taking this approach so that they can move forward knowing the full facts. As I see it, this approach would mean forgoing ranking for most of the site and would need a heavy dose of original content as well as supplementing the data on page to build around the data. My main concern would be that launching with this level of duplicate data would end up damaging the authority of the site and subsequently the overall domain. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

    | BackPack85

  • Hey, Folks! I Have Used 301 Redirection Method to Increase My Rankings but When i applied this Method My Website Ranked Down To 55 Numbers. Can anyone Suggest me How to Recover it?

    | SumitJiGupta

  • Hi Moz Community, I have a 301 redirect question... I just acquired an old domain: Totally in my niche Domain is 14 years old Website exists of 1000 pages Great amount of backlinks Website is offline since about 2 weeks Will place a new website online asap with new url structure For the 50 best scoring pages I wrote a new, but fully comparable/related article. I will put a 301 redirect from those old to the new pages. My question: What to do with the 950 other url's? Should I put a 301 redirect to the homepage? Should I forward those pages to the 404 page? Should I divide the 950 url's with a 301 redirect to the 50 new ones? Another solution maybe? Any idea what would be the best solution so we can save as much Google juice as possible? Thanks in advance!

    | snorkel

  • Is it a bad idea to include a £sign in my meta title? It currently has a price incentive in it. Does Google not like this from organic traffic titles/ meta descriptions? Thanks,

    | EdLongley

  • I have a client who rents out vacation beach rentals. They currently have thousands of homes under management. Each property has its own internal reviewing platform. Reviews are not really intended to be viewed on their own, as in a stand alone page with just the review on it.  The problem is that Drupal makes just about every type of node viewable on its own dedicated URL.  I was just thinking about taking request to view stand alone reviews and 301’ing them to their respective property page, the context in which they are intended to be viewed. The website has about 2500 review nodes currently crawlable via Drupal that sit on their own URLs.  Would there be a material impact to 301 them to their respective property page when any attempt to view them on their own is made to the site?

    | conversionpipeline2

  • (There was a similar older question on the forum, but it wasn't really answered so please forgive me if this looks like a repeated question) Looks like keyword stuffing, but it isn't We have a massive web store with 80k "commodity products" (and this amount will only increase) which aren't sold the same way normal products are sold (i.e. by brand and model). Commodity products are sold by specification, therefore their product names are actually descriptions of the product. In our case, industrial fasteners (nuts, bolts, washers, screws, etc) sold in bulk. If you click on the link below, you will see that our catalog involves a tremendous amount of repetition, where the products all appear the same, but are varying by dimensions and/or package quantities. The solutions the web store software offers to solve this problem cause issues for us (i.e. displaying the dimensions and quantities ONLY under a common header) but more importantly, we are concerned that search engines are seeing this as keyword stuffing and penalizing the pages. If we can't change the presentation of the page, should we be concerned and if so, how do we let a search engine know that the repetition is legitimate?

    | AspenFasteners

  • For some reason the robots file on this site: Is giving this in Google: <cite class="_Rm"></cite>A description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txtLearn moreCan anyone tell me why please?thanks.

    | SuitsAdmin

  • Hi everyone, I'm running a Real Estate site, and I'm wondering how to deal with H1 for a responsive version for my search results. My first idea is to have a dynamic H1 that changes according to the filters that are being used, for instance: 140 Apartments on Sale at Miami Beach with 2 bedrooms, so I just used 4 filters Now the problem arrives if a mobile user comes around, I can't show him the same H1 since I don't have enough room for it. Do you guys think it might be a problem if I just show that H1 just in html and not on the user sight?, or perhaps there is a way to switch the H1 whenever the responsive version is active or not. Any help would be much appreciated it.

    | JoaoCJ

  • Hey Moz Community! I am about to switch my website from http to https. I am wondering if I need to create a 301 redirect of every single page on my site, from the http address to the https url? Or if setting one master that redirects all traffic to the https version. Obviously I am concerned about losing rankings by switching. Code for https redirect of all RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
    RewriteRule (.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,L]

    | SeanConroy

  • Hello everyone, All of a sudden a 2 year old redirected domain is replacing my current domain for 2 weeks now, my site is and my old domain is (the redirect is still working), however this only happens on my country google results (, if you check my site on, everything looks ok even with a sitelink, which I no longer have on my country search results. Back to the issue, the first thing I thought was go to Search Console and take it out from the index, so I asked for access by uploading a file but since everything on that old site redirects to my current site I can't make such action. While still waiting for such access, is there anything else I could do?. Thanks in advance. PD: I'm adding the images of my SERPs CmzN8kY G3zZwwj

    | JoaoCJ

  • I'm using the Yoast plugin with wordpress and have noticed in my HTML I have duplicate meta data. For example my header starts with 
    <title>(title) </title<span><<br /><meta </span><span class="html-attribute-name">property</span><span>="</span><span class="html-attribute-value">og:site_name</span><span>" </span><span class="html-attribute-name">content</span><span>=<br /><span><meta </span><span class="html-attribute-name">property</span><span>="</span><span class="html-attribute-value">og:description</span><span>" </span><span class="html-attribute-name">content</span><span>=<br /><br /></span></span>Then I have the 'This site is optimised by Yoast" tagline followed by the same meta -<br /> <span><meta </span><span class="html-attribute-name">name</span><span>="</span><span class="html-attribute-value">description</span><span>" </span><span class="html-attribute-name">content=<br /><span> <meta </span><span class="html-attribute-name">property</span><span>="</span><span class="html-attribute-value">og:title</span><span>" content=<br /><span> <meta </span><span class="html-attribute-name">property</span><span>="</span><span class="html-attribute-value">og:description</span><span>" </span><span class="html-attribute-name">content=<br /><span> <meta </span><span class="html-attribute-name">property</span><span>="</span><span class="html-attribute-value">og:site_name</span><span>" </span><span class="html-attribute-name">content</span><span>=<br /><br /></span></span></span></span>Is this likely to cause problems with Google and is there a way to stop both wordpress and Yoast adding meta to the header. </p></title>

    | simonatkinsphoto

  • Howdy, Here's a situation I got myself into. For the past few months, I've been planning to start up an e-commerce business. I've got my homework done - created product design, wrote value-adding product descriptions and a few regular blog posts in order to start providing content right away. Recently, I've got some news that the product I was about to sell won't be arriving for at least a month longer. Here's what I am considering: In order to make the start of the business smoother and gain attention quicker, it would make sense to start building a presence in advance. What I am considering now is instead of using the product descriptions I have for their original purpose, I could make them into a handful of blog posts with WordPress. I am relatively sure that with proper promotion, people would find them interesting, as they answer common industry questions in a unique, entertaining way. However, I am not sure what implications would such move have for my business in the longer term, especially when it actually starts selling products. I would switch to the Shopify platform, which would probably mean I would have to transfer my blog posts onto another platform? Maybe I should just wait till I have all my products ready and stick with the plan, instead of using the content I have for the blog right now? If I should indeed go through with the blog first, what content would I later put in the product descriptions and what are the possible SEO consequences? I hope it is at least somewhat clear what my situation is. Thank you in advance for the help.

    | Algenic

  • Hi, I'm currently covering a maternity marketing role at i-escape and one our main objectives is to increase organic traffic to the website. i-escape has a selection of hand-picked boutique hotels, villas, lodges, guesthouses and apartments for people to discover and book. At the moment each hotel page URL follows this structure: We'd like to change this to include some searchable words in the URL dependent on the type of hotel. For example: or If we do go ahead, we know we need to make sure all old style URLs canonically redirect to the new style. Is having the keyword in the URL important enough for us to change over 1500 URLs on the website? We have quite a high quality links pointing to these hotel pages URLs. Also, will this help us with navigation/user journeys/crawls as there will be a /boutique-hotels/hotelname rather than just /hotelname? Thanks so much all! Clair

    | iescape

  • A client set up a website that has multilingual functionality (WPML) and the back end is a bit of a mess. The site has around 6 translated versions of the 30 or so existing English blog posts in French, Italian and Spanish - all with their own URLs. The problem is that on the remaining 24 English blog posts, the language changer in the header is still there - even though the majority of posts have not been translated - so when you go to change the language to French, it adds **?lang=fr **onto the existing english URL, and is a page not found (4xx client error). I can't redirect anything because the page does not exist. Is there a way to stop this from happening? I have noticed it's also creating italian/french/spanish translation of the english Categories too. Thanks in advance.

    | skehoe

  • Hi there, I am quite a novice when it comes to SEO. So you'll have to forgive me if the questions has already been asked by someone before me. The question is about site links in google. Google does generate som sitelinks, but some of the are seemingly generated on the basis of the old homepage. All the sitelinks corresponds to menu items, but two of those items exist only in the homepage on the domain. The fact that the SERP entry is not exactly as we wanted it to be is not strange at alle. We have yet to write in a propper metadescription, and optimize for the right keywords. Because that, I gather from my research, has a great role to play for googles decisions about which lins to use as sitelinks. But I do not understand why google decides to use link names on a page that is no longer there as sitelinks on a new page without those link names. I would like to understand this before experimenting with keywords and metadescriptions. I will appreciate an explanation as well as any advice on the relation been keywords and metadescritions. Happy day, Plovsky First, some context: 1. We just changed the homepage on our domain, pointen the domain name to the IP the new webhost and the new website.

    | plovsky

  • Dear moz community I have been analyzing the websites that rank in top 20 for our target keywords. All of the top 20 sites except us have their websites re directing to keyword. This is due to probably because they have multiple city's and one of the target keywords term is cityname + word. My question is and idea -  make a 301 to our to /city-keyword and start linking to that page with new links. Would that bring any benefit? Seems that it's a very strong ranking signal. Any threats that I must take into account? We currently rank as #9

    | advertisingcloud

  • Hi Peeps I'm working a web build project and having some debates going on with our UX and SEO department regards hidden content in click-to-expand tabs.  The UX team is suggesting using these tabs is a legitimate method of making large amounts of copy more easily digestible to readers.  The tabs are for FAQs ( hopefully, you can view the wireframe URL ) and the SEO team are concerned that the content in these tabs contains some core keyword phrases which may not be indexed.  I am the project lead on this and honestly can't claim to be an expert on either discipline so any advice would be very welcome.  Can search engines index content hidden in these tabs? Thank you in advance for any advice shared. Nicky 213985904

    | nickspiteri

  • The website in question is a very high traffic website with substantial  credibility in it's subject matter (sorry, can't share more details) that delivers an overwhelming majority of traffic from SEO, much of which is new visitors. A legal dispute has resulted in both parties agreeing to forward a percentage of the total URLs to alternative websites (only 1 website for each party). All URLs for the domain will be forwarded elsewhere. It does not make sense to me that the "sum of the parts" will be as strong once the redirects are implemented but I am looking for feedback. It is fair to say that the alternative domains of each party are no where near as strong as the domain being "parted out." Will the SEO juice be distributed to each domain in full? Will both parties lose out substantially? Feel free to ask for clarifications and I'll do the best I can given the legal parameters. Thanks.

    | ReachMaineAgency

  • Hi everyone currently developing an amp version of my website it validates with no errors, however my <a name="blah"></a>some blah does not work for amp any ideas

    | livingphilosophy

  • Hi, A website on server A is no longer required. The owner has redirected some URLS of this website (via plugin) to his new website on server B  -but not all URLS. So when I use COMMAND site:website A , I see a mixture of redirected URLS and not redirected URLS.Therefore two websites are still being indexed in some form and causing duplication. However, weirdly when I crawl with Screaming Frog I only see one URL which is 301 redirected to the new website.  I would have thought I'd see lots of URLs which hadn't been redirected. How come it is different to using the site:command? Anyway, how do I move to the new website completely without the old one being indexed anymore. I thought I knew this but have read so many blogs I've confused myself! Should I: Redirect all URLS via the HTACESS file on old website on server A? There are lots of pages indexed so a lot of URLs. What if I miss some? or Point the old domain via DNS to server B and do the redirects in website B HTaccess file? This seems more sensible but does this method still retain the website rankings? Thanks for any help

    | AL123al

  • Hi People, We are going to Relaunch the website( Url remains the same; the website has good SEO (Ranking, Leads, Traffic...). Website skin (layout, content) is going to change.Hence, would like to know the precautions to secure SEO. Please provide us necessary SEO Checklist for the above request.

    | Anshul.S

  • I have been receiving this error for a while: "Moz encountered an error on one or more pages on your site" It's a Multi-Lingual Wordpress website, the robots.txt is set to allow crawlers on all links and I have followed the same process for other website I've done yet I'm receiving this error for this site.

    | JustinZimri

  • Hi all, Over the last 6 months our small forum has be getting a tiny bit of traffic. We would like to make the forum a larger part of what we are offering (content wise). Regardless, I am wondering if anyone had any recommendations for optimizing a phpbb3 forum as Moz seems to keep telling me that I have 70,000 pieces of duplicate content, duplicate pages, etc. While the site crawl by moz outputs varying results week to week, it appears to be tagging posts and responses to posts as duplicate content. I am concerned that Google may be doing the same. Additionally, are there any recommendations for best practices related to forum meta descriptions and page titling as well? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Jared P.

    | wallacep

  • We're setting up a medical Q/A on our website. I anticipate a lot of questions being asked, which we have already answered before through other questions in the Q/A. For example "How do I plan my pregnancy if I am Diabetic?" , "I have been Diabetic for the past 5 years, and am planning to start a family. What should be my approach regarding this? Should I: Write two different answers for each question, but which will eventually have the same meaning. Some answers could end up looking almost identical. Redirect new questions to the old question by posting a link of the answer. Merging the two questions, or deleting on of the two. What is the best solution for maximising SEO Benefits, and minimizing the chances of a penalty?

    | Fmann

  • Hello, I launched few months ago   and i started to use moz to improve my SEO. I discovered that i have a hight spam score.  9/17   .   What should i do to be not penalized on Google ? Where should i start ? The service is new so we only have DA : 10  PA : 19   and i'm not an expert in SEO

    | Minutedrone

  • Hello, Im a bit confused. If i use a tool like majestic to look at my website links, and**/ have huge difference in their authority.** Do i need to make a 301 redirect to the site with the splash or not? Will google itself understand that they are my main site? Is this the ""/> correct canonical? Meaning it has trailing splash and also RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]  - this one has trailing splash, correct?

    | advertisingcloud

  • Hello Community, One of my clients runs a job board website. They are having some new framework installed which will lead to them having to delete all their jobs and re-add them. The same jobs will be re-posted but with a different reference number which in turn with change each URL. I believe this will cause significant duplicate content issues, I just thought I would get a second opinion on best practice for approaching a situation like this. Would a possible solution be to delete jobs gradually and 301 re-direct old URLs to new URLs? Many thanks in advance, Adam

    | SO_UK

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