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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • I was running a rapport with Sreaming Frog SEO Spider and i saw: (Tab) Directives > NOindex :  is set on X-Robots-Tag 1 > noindex,follow Does this mean my sitemap isn't indexed? If anyone has some more tips for our website, feel free to give some suggestions 🙂 (Website is far from complete)

    | Happy-SEO

  • Hello Mozers! 🙂 I have a question for you: I am working on a site and while doing an audit I disabled JavaScript via the Web Developer plugin for Chrome. The result is that instead of seeing the page content, I see the typical “loading circle” but nothing else. I imagine this not a good thing but what does this implies technically from crawler perspective? Thanks

    | Pipistrella

  • Hi, I'm receiving a duplicate content error.  It says that this url: is a duplicate of this: I'm using wordpress, woocommerce, and not really sure how to even address this.  I tried adding this to .htaccess but it didn't redirect the url: 301 Redirects Redirect 301 Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!

    | a_toohill

  • I just launched a new website, and I see that the 404s shot up hugely in Google Webmaster Tools right during the launch. We went from Drupal to WordPress, but I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on whether these 404s represent a crisis, or potentially something harmless?  There has been no noticeable SEO downtick in terms of keywords or queries during the same period... Thanks for any thoughts. Screenshot-2015-05-19-13.58.55.png

    | yoursearchteam

  • I'm working on a site, it's just a few html pages and I've added a WP blog.  I've just noticed that moz is giving me the following error with reference to (webmaster tools is set to show the www subdomain, so it appears OK). Error Code 605: Page Banned by robots.txt, X-Robots-Tag HTTP Header, or Meta Robots Tag Here's the code from my htaccess, is this causing the problem? RewriteEngine on
    Options +FollowSymLinks
    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^./index.html
    RewriteRule ^(.)index.html$$1 [R=301,L]
    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^./index.php
    RewriteRule ^(.)index.php$$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPress Thanks for any advice you can offer!

    | Stevie-G

  • I have a website that is getting great long tail search positions in Google for a website.The site is not getting any Bing or Yahoo positions for these long tail terms. I'm trying to find someone has experience or can give advice on Bing rankings. Is their anything specific I should watch out for when trying to rank in Bing?

    | EngNet

  • Hi, Our team has recently acquired several newsletter titles from a competitor. We are currently deciding how to handle the archive content on their website which now belongs to us. We are thinking of leaving the content on their site (so as not to suddenly remove a chunk of their website and harm them) but also replicating it on ours with a canoncial link to say our website is the original source. The articles on their site go back as far as 2010. Do you think it would help or hinder our site to have a lot of old archive content added to it? I'm thinking of content freshness issues.Even though the content is old some of it will still be interesting or relevant. Or do you think the authority and extra traffic this content could bring in makes it worth migrating. Any help gratefully received on the old content issue or the idea of using canonical links in this way. Many Thanks

    | frantan

  • Recently, I did a couple of major SEO mods on our e-commerce site. Here's what I did: A.  No-indexed hundreds of thousands of Search Results pages. B.  Changed the URL structure for the better of our product pages. I literally made these changes about 3 weeks ago and I am seeing some very interesting results in such a short period of time. Here is one example.  My product pages increased impressions by about 20% or so, but the real crazy thing is the increase in click through rate on my product pages.  All of a sudden I am getting about a 95% clickthrough rate!??!?!  Previously I was getting around 58%. Any ideas on this?  Is it a normal fluctuation that goes away?  Or can I expect it to stay or even improve? Thanks! Craig

    | TheCraig

  • Kindly check my website loading time for the home page and deep pages. Do I need to make it fast or it is Okey? Website -

    | Green.landon

  • We are being pitched by GrowTeam to improve our keyword rankings. They tell us they work with an SEO Technology company that does A/B testing of title tags on an engine that mimics Google's algorithms. Is this possible? I am not familiar with any platform where someone could do A/B testing on meta titles.

    | MikeAA

  • Moved URL's from to because I wanted to rank better for UK where I'm located and thought also the for my competitors may have been giving them the advantage. Use Squarespace 7 (transferred over from SS5)----they told me to set primary domain to and I've done it.  I've also done a 301 redirect and done a change of address in webmaster tools although I'm not sure if all of this is needed?  Squarespace seem to think just setting the primary domain is enough. My question is its been a couple of weeks, I've resubmited to Google webmaster to try to speed things up, the new URL is appearing in Google but none of my Page Juice seems to be transferring yet?  How long will it take?  I know not all the juice will move over but my PA/DA is non existent now and I have no idea if I'm just being impatient or I've done something wrong here.  Not a Pro, Just a small biz owner here so forgive me if this has been asked before.

    | ldnwickless

  • Hi there, I have several versions of my domain setup in Webmaster tools. Should I upload my disavow file against all of these domains? For example.....
    If I find a link pointing to: from: do I need to add a disavow file in Webmaster tools for all my domain versions or only the version the offending links points towards? So... Only

    | niallfred

  • Hi all, I got a big problem with my website. I have a lot of page, duplicate page made from various combinations of selects, and for all this duplicate content we've be hit by a panda update 2 years ago. I don't want to bring new content an all of these pages, about 3.000.000, because most of them are unnecessary. Google indexed all of them (3.000.000), and I want to redirect the pages that I don't need anymore to the most important ones. My question, is there any problem in how google will see this change, because after this it will remain only 5000-6000 relevant pages?

    | Silviu

  • Dear Mozzers, I have been looking at my news section on my eCommerce site and I think I may have a duplicate content issue and wanted some advice on whether I do and if so , how best I handle this. (This is show all) I also have the ability of showing articles by month : (April) (March) (Feb) (Jan) I am wondering if there's a duplicate issue here or not given that I also articles by month as well and if so how best I handle this.? I already do pagination on my news pages (page 1 , page 2) by using rel=next and rel=Prev but I don't have an canconical or anything as yet. I enclose a couple of links if this would help and would appreciate if someone could take a browse. I have a View All link on my homepage for for all news items - I which have a different urls - March 2015 Articles - and April 2015 articles - On another note, These articles are also linked to from the relevant category landing pages on my website to help with SEO. I have not used H tags on the article links in my landing pages , just displaying the weblink back to the news article.I've done this to try and improve the PR and rankings of my landing pages. Just wondered if anyone has any comments as to whether thats a good or bad idea and whether I could improve it in any way - An example is here (scroll down the page to the pressure washing guides) - Thanks Pete

    | PeteC12

  • Does 404 hurts my website.?  My website reporting 404 crawl errors on pages that have never been part of the website. Site showing lot of 404 errors and all errors from Blog.We didn't create any pages .Automatically pages are created and showing 404 (Not Found) error response..Please any one help me to identify those issues.?

    | nlogix

  • When checking my blog posts I noticed that they don't contain any H1 tags. This confused me as I'd heard that wordpress automatically puts H1 tags on your blog post titles. Is this something that might negatively affect my rankings? If an H1 tag is absent, does the H2 tag take center stage so to speak? Is this something my wordpress theme does and how can I fix it? Cheers! Anton

    | antonshakr

  • We're currently re-designing a website for our client, which includes an infinite scroll blog. When driving traffic to individual blog posts, is there a particular way to provide them with a unique URL to view the desired blog post? Thanks.

    | SymbiontGroup

  • Im working on a site that has some press coverage due in the next couple of days from quite a big site in the niche. The press outlet has requested that we link back to the content they post about us, they said the link can be rel="nofollow" if we'd prefer. Id really like to get the full benefit of the link back to our website, obviously if i did a straight link back to the 3rd party press site the links would be reciprocal and cancel each other out in terms of "link juice", but i was wandering if we make our link back to the 3rd party rel="nofollow" will we still get the full benefit of their link to us in terms of link juice ? ie. having the link back to them, but nofollow wouldn't been seen as a reciprocal link. ? (Obviously either way there is still benefit of having the link even if it reciprocal as it will send traffic to our site, but just no "link juice") Note - Ive used the phrase"Link Juice" for lack of a better term, any ideas on how else to refer to this ?

    | Sam-P

  • We are a law firm and have another law firm merging into ours.  Our branding will remain the same, but I am trying to figure out how to best handle their website transition.  Should we link it to ours (although their PR & page authority are not significant) or should I map each page to ours with similar content with a redirect?  MY main concerns are not damaging our website's SEO by doing something search engine's would frown on and also to try to take advantage of any organic traffic or referral traffic.  Or maybe some combination - link homepage with added verbage that attorney is now with our firm and a link and redirect the sub-pages?  I look forward to thoughts from anyone who might have experience with this type to issue.  Thanks in advance! JulieHow t

    | JulieALS

  • Hi Guys, This is a follow up on this thread: I would like to know how I can set a canonical link in Wordpress/Woocommerce which points to "View All" on category pages on our webshop.
    The categories on my website can be viewed as 24/48 or All products but because the quanity constantly changes viewing 24 or 48 products isn't always possible. To point Google in the right direction I want to let them know that "View All" is the best way to go.
    I've read that Google's crawler tries to do this automatically but not sure if this is the case on on my website. Here is some more info on the issue:
    Thanks for the help! Joost

    | jeeyer

  • Hi, My company domain is We recently also acquired domain What's the best way to get value out of that additional domain? Wire is a messaging platform so "chat" is relevant but "wire chat" is not really a high volume term We don't have a whole lot of content, certainly no resources to build out additional valuable website Is simply redirecting traffic the only sensible to thing given the above restriction? Any technical issues to be mindful of? Thanks, Siim

    | Siim-at-Wire

  • Hello Again, Looking for a little help to help me understand what exactly is going on here. Ive taken over maintenance of a website and have so far fixed a lot of issues. ahrefs has shown me that a second version of my companies website exists that exists at a second url. This second website is linked to the actual company website like I haven't seen before. www(dot)#(dot)co(dot)uk  is the main company website. But a second accessible version exists and is accessible at www(dot)#(dot)co(dot)uk The instruments version is a direct copy and all of the links point directly to my main site. Any changes I make on the main version are automatically applied to the other version. It shows up as a SPAM back link on moz as all of the link points to my website etc Ideally in my mind, the instruments version homepage should simply re-direct to the main homepage to solve this "duplicate content and spammy backlink" issue however, the instruments version is the same suffix that all our company emails work with. Basically, HELP lol. I have no understanding of how this is set up, and the best way in which to deal and if it could affect anything such as company emails.

    | ATP

  • Hello guys, i have a question about duplicate content. Recently I noticed that MOZ's system reports a lot of duplicate content on one of my sites. I'm a little confused what i should do with that because this content is created automatically. All the duplicate content comes from subdomain of my site where we actually share cool images with people. This subdomain is actually pointing to our Tumblr blog where people re-blog our posts and images a lot. I'm really confused how all this duplicate content is created and what i should do to prevent it. Please tell me whether i need to "noindex", "nofollow" that subdomain or you can suggest something better to resolve that issue. Thank you!

    | odmsoft

  • I get strange :443 errors in my 404 monitor on Wordpress I have no idea where these come from :S

    | Happy-SEO

  • There have been a couple other threads concerning this topic so I apologize, but I have an iteration on the main question that has not been answered. Crawl Diagnostics is giving me a bunch of 302 temporary redirect notices. For example, here is a page title URL: and here is the redirect: The first link is actually a child product of: Volusion tech support told me they believe most of them are meta redirects but could not find any documentation on them. All the other threads concerning this have said to either change the 302s to 301s, which I don't think is possible, or to add a nofollow tag. My question is do I need to do anything if both those pages are canonical to the parent product? Should I be passing on the linkjuice if neither of those pages are of high value?

    | anneoaks

  • Hello Again, I have taken over managing a website for about 2 months and have fixed a whole heap of problems. Im now turning my attention to the URL rewrites as there are ALOT of them. I have fixed the most problematic offenders that were blocking products and all sorts of mischief but I now want to clean them up. The website is on Magento, and there are 240 custom URL rewrites. Question 1: Am i correct that I should edit the links on my website so that they link directly to the new page instead of utilising the re-direct for best SEO results. Question 2: If my website doesn't utilise the URL rewrite (fixed in question 1) its only purpose is to transfer link juice from any external link the page had before. If this page didnt have any external inbound links then I can delete the URL rewrite as it serves no purpose. Question 3: If Q1 and Q2 are correct, what is the quickest way to check the inbound links to a page quickly so I can make a quick decision on if i should remove the re-write. Many Thanks in advance!

    | ATP

  • Hi, we've had a page which was ranking top 1-12 on the google rankings but has complete dropped out. We don't have any duplicate errors from that page on here. Do you have any suggestions? We do rank highly on Bing and Yahoo (1-2 pages). We can't figure whats going on.

    | SavATree

  • Hello All, We have one site named & have some categories along with filter option on left side like filter by price & by brand, ect. We have already set rel canonical tags on all filtered pages, but still those all pages showing duplicate page titles and description warning in HTML Improvements section in Google Webmaster Tool. For Example: We've set rel canonical tag on below pages.,100.html,100.html Kindly request if anybody has any solutions for the same, please share with us. Thanks, Akshay

    | akshaydesai

  • I work for a design firm who has been updating a website for a client. In addition to a new look, we've consolidated redundant pages for a more streamlined site. My question is this: when I have replaced 3 somewhat redundant pages on the old site with 1 page on the new site, should I 301 redirect all the former pages to the one new page. I know this question is beyond basic but I'm pretty new to SEO, so be gentle.

    | TheKatzMeow

  • I started working with about 800+ 404 errors in September after we migrated our site to Volusion 13. There is a recurring 404 error that I can't trace inside of our source code or in our Sitemap. I don't know what is causing this error so I have no way of knowing how to fix it. Tech support at Volusion has been less than helpful so any feed back would be appreciated. |{1} | The error is seemingly starting with the product code. The addendum at the end of the URL "p/" should be followed by the product code. In this example, 6438. Instead, the code is being automatically populated with %7B1%7D Has anyone else this issue with Volusion or does this look familiar across any other platform?

    | MonicaOConnor

  • Hello! We were ranked on page 1 in Google for the past 10 years for a specific key phase until this February when we were pushed to page 2. When analyzing backlinks via we found that our backlinks haven't been consistent, we typically have around 1,000 or less, but in February they dropped, then began spiking inconsistently (from 3000+ to a few hundred, then back up). Not sure how accurate Majestic's reporting is but we've also noticed some sites which are spamming our site with links on their low-quality and porn content websites. Is this type of backlink inconsistency normal, or is this something that could be negatively impacting our rankings? UttesqA

    | EileenCleary

  • One website I manage wants to redirect users to state specific pages based on their location. What is the best way to accomplish this? For example a user enters the through but they are in Colorado so we want to direct them to

    | Firestarter-SEO

  • We just removed an entire product category on our website, (product pages still exist, but will be removed soon as well) Should we be setting up re-directs, or can we simply delete this category and product 
    pages and do nothing? We just received this in Google Webmasters tools: Google detected a significant increase in the number of URLs that return a 404 (Page Not Found) error. We have not updated the sitemap yet...Would this be enough to do or should we do more? You can view our website here: We removed the entire "Spring Planted Category"

    | DutchG

  • On my website I am in the process of creating expat city guides for different cities in Cambodia. I've already gotten three up, but I am worried that my URL structure is not the best, so I am wondering if I should fix it before I put the rest up. Right now the city guides are housed here: There's a section for each city, this one is for Battambang: And then there are sections for hotels, restaurants, etc. So once you finally get to a review for an individual hotel or activity, the URL is really long, like this: Should I just par the section names down so the URL would be something like this: ? I was hoping by having the long URLs slugs for my section pages, such as "battambang-hotels-and-accommodation" they would be more likely to show on search terms like "Battambang hotels" than if the section was just "accommodation." However, this whole section is getting much less search traffic than anything else on my site, so I am wondering if it is because of these ridiculously long URLs. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    | Lina500

  • I'm considering implementing the following: My concern is that it doesn't seem to align with Making AJAX Application Crawlable. However, the pagination, Grid/List toggle, etc.. appear to have their full HREF links intact and when accessed at that URL the appropriate, matching data is displayed. So, it seems that if Google can see the full URL path then it should be crawlable, correct? I'm not very concerned about the filters being SEO friendly. Hoping the Moz community will offer some helpful insight. Thank you!

    | bearpaw

  • Hi all. I looked back and saw that there was an update shown in 'Search Analytics' in Webmaster Tools a few weeks before the Mobile algorithm update. Not been able to find any mention of it and what it did so thought I'd check in here. ps. Also, this is a 90 day stretch and shows that our rankings have taken a hit since the mobile algorithm update. Interesting stuff (see image below) 4rJMU9e.jpg?1

    | RobFD

  • Hi all, We have two websites. One of the website's no longer sells product range A. However, on the second website, we would like to sell range A. We paid a copywriter to write some really good content for these ranges and we were wondering if we would get stung for duplicate content if we took these descriptions from website 1 and placed them on website 2. The products / descriptions are live anymore and haven't been for about 6 weeks. We're ranking for some great keywords at the moment and we don't want to spoil that. Thanks in advance! D

    | 10dales

  • The Moz crawl diagnostic is showing that I have some duplicate content issues on my site. For the most part, these are variations of the same product that are listed individually (i.e size/color). What would be the best way to deal with this? Choose one variation of the product and add a canonical tag? Thanks

    | inhouseseo

  • Hi all, We launched a new website for a customer on April 29th. That same day we resubmitted the new sitemap & asked Google to fetch the new website. Screenshot is attached of this (GWT Indexed). However, when I look at Google Index (see attachment - Google Index), Automated Production's old website URL's still appear. It's been two weeks. Is it normal for Google's index to take this long to update? Thanks for your help. Cole VoLPjhy vfxVUsO

    | ColeLusby

  • Hello all!
    I did a rebranding, [Domain A] -> [Domain B]. what to do with all the 404 pages? 1. [Domain A (404)] -> [Domain B (homepage)]?
    2. [Domain A (404)] -> [Domain B (404 page + same url) - for example: What do you think ?

    | JohnPalmer

  • Good Morning Everyone, I have 2 e-commerce websites that are similar and sell the same products. The content (text/descriptions/titles) is different so the content is not duplicate. SITE A has a ton of blog posts with highly relevant information and we frequently update the blog with posts about the types of products we carry and how it can help people in their daily lives... SITE B has no blog posts, but the content on the blog from SITE A is extremely relevant and helpful to anyone using SITE B. My question is, do you think it is frowned upon if i were to add links on SITE B that point to specific posts on SITE A... For example, if you are browsing a category page on SITE B, i was thinking of adding links on the bottom that would say "For More Information, Please Check Out These Posts on our Blog" I think this would seriously help our browsers and potential customers get all of the information that they need, but what do you think Google would think about this cross-linking and if it violates their guidelines? Thanks for any opinions and advice.

    | Prime85

  • Hi there, I am aware that it is not good practice to have a redirect chain but I am not really sure hoe to do it (on Apache). I have multiple redirects in a chain because on the one hand I had to redirect because the content of the site got a new URL and because on the other hand I changed from http to https. Thus I have a chain like via 301 to via 301 to via 301 to Obviously I want to clean this up without loosing any link juice or visitors who had bookmarked my site. So, I could make three separate redirects: via 301 to via 301 to via 301 to But is there a way to combine it? Can I use an "OR" operator to link the 3 conditions to this one rule? Any other suggestions? Thanks a lot!!!

    | netzkern_AG

  • Hi There! The problem I'm having is that certain pages are waiting already three months to be indexed. They even have several backlinks. Is it normal to have to wait more than three months before these pages get an indexation? Is there anything i can do to make sure these page will get an indexation soon? Greetings Bob

    | rijwielcashencarry040

  • Hi, Upon checking the text cache view of our home page, I noticed the mobile menu links are also coming in text format which looks weird. Please see: Our coder told us that he has created separate menu i.e. one version for the desktop and one for the mobile version. Anyway, the reason the coder created a different menu for mobile in order to support the design requirements. Does the duplicating the menu good for on page SEO? Give the best solution for handling it.

    | Obbserv

  • I am not quite sure I totally understand the concept of keyword cannibalization.  I have seen the SEO Moz Snowboard example... I tried to apply the concept but the on-page ranking sees a category page of mine with KW cannibalization.  By the way, I still get an A for the targeted KW. I have an e-commerce site,  one category page targets 'wool sweaters' and a product page for example is : 'chunky-knit wool turtleneck sweater' (there are 8 products total in this category all are flagged Cannibalizers).  I didn't think KWC would be an issue...ranking seems to be effected judging ranking for other category pages w/o KW cannibalization issues. So, my question I guess is KW cannibalization really a big deal?  What is taken  into account when judging KW cannibalization.  Title Tags? URLs? Thanks in advance

    | IOSC

  • Massive changes to our stock media site and structure here. While we have an extensive category system previously our category pages have only been our search pages with ID numbers for sorting categories.  Now we have individual category pages. We have about 600 categories with about 4 max tiers. We have about 1,000,000 total products and issues with products appearing to be duplicate. Our current URL structure for producta looks like this: Here is how I was planning on doing the new structure: Cat tier 1: Cat tier 2: Cat tier 3: Cat tier 4: Product: Thoughts? Thanks! Craig

    | TheCraig

  • I manage a large site over 200K indexed pages. We recently added a new vertical to the site that was 20K pages. We initially blocked the pages using Robots.txt while we were developing/testing. We unblocked the pages 1 month ago. The pages are still not indexed at this point. 1 page will show up in the index with an omitted results link. Upon clicking the link you can see the remaining un-indexed pages. Looking for some suggestions. Thanks.

    | Tyler123

  • Our website,, has what I believe is a systemic issue that stems from the heavy reliance upon the Revolution Slider for Wordpress. I am not an SEO expert and our site has vexed many SEOs in the past. We get feedback regularly from customers (especially those that are not tech savvy) that express gratitude for the ease of use via following an image to image sequence to get to their respective booking. This was our goal when creating the site. Incidentally, in many cases, the only linking from page to page is within the slider itself (clickable image) and there is little to no content. That said, we seems to stumble in SERPS against seemingly inferior competition. For example, we should be ranked in spot 1, 2, or 3 ish for "iPhone repair Minneapolis" but rather we are stuck near spot 15. Any thoughts on whether this is a strategy that may be harming us? If so, would simply creating content on these empty (slider only) pages help? Should we create "static links" that connect to the same places as the slider? Also, is our particular use of the slider creating H1 issues? Thank you all! B.

    | BenjaminH

  • So, I have finally decided to remove our Search Results pages from Google.  This is a big dealio, but our traffic has consistently been declining since 2012 and it's the only thing I can think of. So, the reason they got indexed is back in 2012, we put linked tags on our product pages, but they linked to our search results pages.  So, over time we had hundreds of thousands of search results pages indexed. By tag pages I mean: Keywords: Kittens, Doggies, Monkeys, Dog-Monkeys, Kitten-Doggies Each of these would be linked to our search results pages, i.e. So, I really think these pages being indexed are causing much of our traffic problems as there are many more Search Pages indexed than actual product pages.  So, my question is... Should I go ahead and remove the links/tags on the product pages first?  OR... If I remove those, will Google then not be able to re-crawl all of the search results pages that it has indexed?  Or, if those links are gone will it notice that they are gone, and therefore remove the search results pages they were previously pointing to? So, Should I remove the links/tags from the product page (or at least decrease them down to the top 8 or so) as well as add the no-follow no-index to all the Search Results pages at the same time? OR, should I first no-index, no-follow ALL the search results pages and leave those tags on the product pages there to give Google a chance to go back and follow those tags to all of the Search Results pages so that it can get to all of those Search Results pages in order to noindex,. no follow them?  Otherwise will Google not be able find these pages? Can someone comment on what might be the best, safest, or fastest route? Thanks so much for any help you might offer me!! Craig So, I wanted to see if you have a suggestion on the best way to handle it?  Should I remove the links/tags from the product page (or at least decrease them down to the top 8 or so) as well as add the no-follow no-index to all the Search Results pages at the same time? OR, should I first no-index, no-follow ALL the search results pages and leave those tags on the product pages there to give Google a chance to go back and follow those tags to all of the Search Results pages so that it can get to all of those Search Results pages in order to noindex,. no follow them?  Otherwise will Google not be able find these pages? Can you tell me which would be the best, fastest and safest routes?

    | TheCraig

  • Google indexed a bunch of our URL  parameters. I'm worried about duplicate content. I used the URL parameter tool in webmaster to set it so future parameters don't get indexed. What can I do to remove the ones that have already been indexed? For example, and have both been indexed as separate pages even though they are the same page. If I use a no index I'm worried about de indexing the product page. What can I do to just deindexed the URL parameter version? Thank you!

    | BT2009

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