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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • We have been trying everything we can with anchor text. We have read here that we should try naturalistic language.  Our competitors who are above us in Google search results don't do any of this.  They only use their names or a single term like "austin web design".  Is what we are doing hurting our listings?  We don't have any black hat links.  Here's what we are doing now.  We are going crazy trying to figure this out. We are afraid to do anything in fear it will damage our position. Bob | pallasart web design | 31 | 1,730 |
    | website by pallasart a texas web design company in austin | 15 | 1,526 |
    | website by the austin design company pallasart | 14 | 1,525 |
    | created by pallasart a web design company in austin texas | 13 | 1,528 |
    | created by an austin web design company pallasart | 12 | 1,499 |
    | website by pallasart web design an austin web design company | 12 | 1,389 |
    | website by pallasart an austin web design company | 11 | 1,463 |
    | pallasart austin web design | 9 | 2,717 |
    | website created by pallasart a web design company in austin texas | 9 | 1,369 |
    | website by pallasart | 8 | 910 |
    | austin web design | 5 | 63 |
    | pallasart website design austin |

    | pallasart

  • Hi, Hope you are all well. On our website we have a 'blog' and a 'news' section. The blog is located on "/blog" - but when you click on a post the url structure changes to /name-of-article and the blog subdomain isn't included. Would it be better to have "blog/name-of-article as this would then make the blog perform better in search results? Also, if our news page is under /news - but when you click on an article it changes to /news-article/name-of-article Wouldn't it be better to have /news/name-of-article Thanks a lot!! 🙂

    | National-Homebuyers

  • I wonder if anyone has used any tools where you can trace the redirects pointing to a site? I know there are a number of tools out there that can be used to check where a URL redirects to, but I was wondering if anyone has used a tool where I could trace all redirects with the final URL? I am using this for competitor research so I don't have access to Analytics or Webmaster Tools.

    | BeattieGroup

  • Hi everyone, I've had my site for a while now and have changed the structure a number of times. I'm confident my 301's work well and am not concerned about dead ends on my site. My question is, is there a way to find 301 redirect chains? i.e. can I export my link data from webmaster tools and run it through some software that tells me how many steps my 301's are taking to get to the final page? I don't know for sure that there are long 301 chains in my link structure, but I have a suspicion and it's very hard to check by going through them manually. Thanks in advance Will

    | madegood

  • I am a bit recent site crawl told me I had 1 4XX Client error, (high priority).  This is the page... This link below is listed as the "linking page"....I guess that the link comes from? I'm just not getting this...where did the page of the first link above come from...and what is the deal with the catagory/dive-travel/  page? And how do I fix?  Any guidance would be greatly appreciated...

    | sdwellers

  • Just started at a company recently, and there is a preexisting problem that I could use some help with. Somebody please tell me there is a low impact fix for this: My company's website is structured so all of the main links used on the nav are listed as .asp pages.  All the canonical stuff. However, for "SEO Purposes," we have a number of similar (not exact) pages in .html on the same topic on our site. So, for example, let's say we're a bakery.  The main URL, as linked in the nav, for our Chocolate Cakes, would be  This differentiates the page from our other cake varieties, such as and Alas, fully indexed in Google with links existing only in our sitemap, we also have: This seems CRAZY to me, because wouldn't this split our search results 4 ways? Am I right in assuming this is destroying the rankings of our canonical pages? I want to change this, but problem is, none of the content is the same on any of the variants, and some of these pages rank really well - albeit mostly for long tail keywords instead of the good, solid keywords we're after. So, what I'm asking you guys is: How do I burn these .html pages to the ground without completely destroying our rankings for the other keywords?  I want to 301 those pages to our canonical nav URLs but, because of the wildly different content, I'm afraid that we could see a heavy drop in search traffic.  Am I just being overly cautious? Thanks in advance!

    | jdsnyc2

  • One of our pages has been significantly changing positions over the past few weeks. I know that some daily fluctuation is normal, but this seems a bit extreme. Any insight as to why this might be happening? 9QyOs9a.png

    | jmorehouse

  • We are considering to remove our sitemap because it doesn't display the right structure. Will it affect current rankings if we remove the sitemap en continuing without a sitemap? Thanks

    | rijwielcashencarry040

  • Hi Do you think Google looks at WhoIs details as a contributing factor to establishing an adminsitrative relationship between two domains (in addition to being hosted on similar hosts/IP blocks etc), and in regard to linkbuilding would having teh same whois details on both sites have a negative effect or be perfectly ok (if the sites are on different hosts/ip blocks) ? Also do you think whois privacy turned on has a negative effect on trust and subsequent seo ? Considering the answer to the above two questions: Do you think its a good or bad idea to have domain reg/whois ‘privacy’ turned on for a site of curated content relating to the project/primary sites niche, and linking to this site for contextual link benefit ? Im building out a site of curated content that i want to perform well in-itself as well as providing backlink benefit to the primary site but worried if they both have same whois details will cause seo problems or would that only be if also had same host/ip footprint ? Should i enable whois privacy, use a different address for reg, or actually make a point of using the same whois details for transparency ? All Best

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi Guys, I would love some recommendations from you all.  A potential client of mine is currently hosting all their website image galleries (of which there are many) on a flickr account and realise that they could gain more leverage in Google images (currently none of their images cover off any of the basics for optimisation eg filename, alt text etc), I did say that these basics would at least need to be covered off and that Image hosting is supposedly an important factor especially when it comes to driving traffic from Google Image Search. (potentially images hosted on the same domain as the text are given more value than the images hosted at another domain like websites such as Flickr). The client has now come back saying they have done some 'reading' and that this suggests a sub-domain could be the way to go, e.g. - would love feedback on this before I go back to them as it would be a huge undertaking for them. Cheers

    | musthavemarketing

  • Hello, We recently migrated our site to a new shopping cart, https, and from www to non-www, and it's been a rough transition. We've lost a lost of traffic particularly in Bing. All the versions of our site  are verified Google WMT, sitemaps are submitted correctly, etc. Unfortunately, this was not done for Bing. Currently only the new version of our site (https, non-www) is verified in Bing WMT. Do we have to verify all versions of our site in Bing, the way they are in Google WMT? Also, now that it's been a few months since the switch, should we still submit a site move to Bing WMT or is it too late? Thanks in advance!

    | whiteonlySEO

  • Hello everyone, When you search "ProtonMail", our Login page always ranks #1 while our homepage ranks #2. We're unsure why this is happening. The PA for our homepage is higher than the login page, and the login page itself basically has zero content except for a login form. We don't want to put the login page on robots.txt, we want to do our best to preserve it so that people can login. However it still does not make sense to us how the login page ranks higher, even though it has a lesser PA. I'd appreciate any help or advice you might have. Thank you.

    | kevinzh

  • Due to some questions over direct traffic and Googlebot behavior, I want to do some log file analysis.  The catch is this is a Mac shop, so all our systems are on OS X.  I have Windows 8 running in an emulator, but for the sake of simplicity I'd rather run all my software in OS X. This post by Tim Resnik recommended Web Log Explorer, but it's for Windows only.  I did discover Sawmill, which claims to run on any platform. Any other suggestions?  Bear in mind our site is load balanced over three servers, so please take that into consideration.

    | ufmedia

  • In Google WMT/Search Console, I've marked the non-www. version of my site as the preferred. But I haven't run into a choice between http:// and non-http:// before. Should I choose the one listed at the top, which is the non-http (AND the non-www) version? Thanks! Unknown.png

    | christyrobinson

  • We are using SEO Ultimate’s and Yoast together on a Wordpress website, does anyone have negative experience by using this to plugins together? The main result to use this, is because we could remove the /product/ from the slug. We want clean URL’s and not URL’s that have: or (standard Wordpress) But we want: or In Yoast is possible to remove the URL /category/, but not the /product/. With SEO Ultimate’s it is possible. So we use them both. SEO Ultimate’s for the removal of the URL, and Yoast for it’s great functions: Sitemap, no index /page2/, no index media etc. etc. But Yoast gives the following note: ‘’WordPress SEO (Yoast) is known to cause conflicts with SEO Ultimate. Please deactivate WordPress SEO if you wish to continue using SEO Ultimate.’’ I was wondering what this could mean for overal SEO performance. And maybe there is a way to remove the URL’s by using other methods > and remove the SEO Ultimate’s plugin.

    | Happy-SEO

  • Hi, I have consolidated my website's many sub-domains into sub-folders.  We had ~20 sub-domains.  The sub-domains and the root domain shared the same code-base and sub-domain specific features were controlled using Apache's SetEnv directive in the httpd.conf includes. Now they are consolidated.  I have redirected all of the sub-domains to the relevant sub-folder; so now 301 redirects to redirects happen in the htaccess file and all sub-domains and the root are still pointing to the same code-base. However, the Moz campaign tracker still occasionally tells me that i have optimisation opportunities at and in both Bing and Google webmaster tools traffic to those sub-domains is mentioned. Should i delete the subdomains? Cheers

    | McCaldin

  • I'm working with a non-profit, and their donation form software forces them to host their donation pages on a different domain. I want to attempt to get their donation page to appear in their sitelinks in Google (under the main website's entry), but it seems like the organization's donation forms are at a disadvantage because they're not actually hosted on that site. I know that no matter what I do, there's no way to "force" a sitelink to appear the way I want it, but... I was trying to think if there's a way I can work around this. Do you think 1) creating a url like and having that be a 301 redirect to the donation form, and 2) using the /donate redirect all over the site (instead of linking directly to the form) would help? Are there alternatives other folks recommend?

    | clefevre

  • One of my client bought licensed content from top vendor of Health Industry. This same content is on the vendor's website & my client's site also but on my site there is a link back to vendor is placed which clearly tells to anyone that this is a licensed content & we bought from this vendor. My client bought paid top quality content for best source of industry but at this same this is placed on vendor's website also. Will Google penalize my client's website for this ? Niche is HEALTH

    | sourabhrana

  • our blog is currently setup as is this OK for seo benefits for the main domain is there any benefit specifically for the domain level by having the blog set-up as would it be worth the effort to do this on a large blog? thanks

    | Direct_Ram

  • We have a blog currently powered by the free website. We have set it up as we wish to seti it up as how can we do this using .htaccess file? we understand how to update htacess, but we don't know what code we should enter to achieve what we want our website is hosted on Apache servers with plesk control panel

    | Direct_Ram

  • I'm currently designing a new website for my wife, who just started her own wedding/engagement photography business. I'm trying to build it as SEO friendly as possible, but she brought up an idea that she likes that I've never tried before. Typically on all the websites I've ever built, I've had a dedicated contact page that has the typical contact form. Because that contact form on a wedding photographers website is almost as important as selling a product on an e-commerce site, she brought up the possibility of putting the contact form in the footer site-wide (minus maybe the homepage) rather than having a dedicated contact page. And in the navigation, where you have links such as "Home", "Portfolio", "About", "Prices", "Contact", etc. the "Contact" navigation item would transfer the user to the bottom of the page they are on rather than a new page. Any thoughts on which way would be better for a case like this, and any positives/negatives for doing it each way? One thought I had is that if it's in the footer rather than it's own page, it would lose it's search-ability as it's technically duplicate content on each page. But then again, that's what a footer is. Thanks, Mickey

    | shannmg1

  • I currently own an exact match domain for my keyword.  I have it set up with multiple pages and also a blog.   The home page essentially serves as a hub and contains links to all the pages and the blog. My targeted keyword is on its own page and I made the title tag the same as my keyword. As an example the URL for my targeted post looks like this: I have solid, non-spammy content and clean whitehat earned backlinks directing to that specific page. My concern right now is that the URL looks kinda spammy.  The website has been live for about a week and the home page ranks well enough but my targeted page is no where to be found.  (it does show up if I manually search via search command ""). I'm wondering if it is acceptable to use the exact keyword in title tag / page url if it is also in the domain as an EMD? Should I change the title tag and leave the URL in?  Or should I completely change the title tag and URL and 301 redirect to the new page?  I appreciate any help!

    | Kusanagi17

  • Now that we can search by image on Google and see every site that is using the same photo, I assume that Google is going to use this as a signal for ranking as well. Is that already happening? I ask because I have sold many photos over the years with first-use only rights, where I retain the copyright. So I have photos on my site that I own the copyright for that are on other sites (and were there first). I am not sure if I should make an effort to remove these photos from my site or if I can wait another couple years.

    | Lina500

  • In Google our main website page url is <cite class="_Rm"></cite> it has 25 root domain links & PA 34. When you go to our website from there, the homepage url is it only has 3 root domain links & PA 27. Do I need to add a 301 Redirect here? What kind of redirect is on it now? Thanks, - Mike Bean

    | Mike.Bean

  • Hi hope your're all well. I sell Red, Blue, Green Widgets within each color I have many sub types, the subtypes change all the time,and a sub type has many variations in itself. I'd like to set up links that direct customers to popular searches of sub types say: string... Will Google crawl these search links and see that there is good content behind it?  How does Google handle links that are also a site search?  Can it be bad and should I "no follow" them? Hope someone can give me some direction on these, many thanks in advance!

    | Thea88

  • I would like to use the website logo on our site as the H1 for the homepage (see top 'Covers' logo ). I have found one of our sister sites with code like this Gracenote with CSS that sets the text to 'transparent' and the background image to the logo. My question is would the text be consumed or ignored by the robot? Unfortunately, wedging an H1 in anywhere else is not possible at this time, so this is my best option. Is this change worthwhile? THanks in advance.

    | evansluke

  • Hi all! We have our site where we are implementing the multilingual.
    We have already available english and spanish and we use basically href lang to control different areas. First question: When a page is not translated but still is visible in both langauges under /en and /es is it enough with the hreflang or should we 
    add a canonical as well? Nowadays we are apply href lang and only canonicals to the one which are duplicated 
    in the same language. Second question: When some pages are not translated, like and,
    we are setting up the href lang but still moz detects title and meta duplicated (not duplicate page content). 
    What do you suggest we should do? Let me know and thank you before hand for your help!


  • Hi Everyone! So my client has a blogger that she has developed a good amount of link equity for. It is a (she doesn't own her own domain yet). She is moving to the Wordpress platform though and the only way we can do a redirect is through a meta refresh redirect (since she doesn't have access to the servers on blogger). I went to Google Webmasters to do a change of address and found that the 301 checker said it couldn't find any 301 redirect, which is disappointing. What we're planning is telling all the places that link to the blog to change their links to the new blog but other than that what does anyone recommend to keep this link strength? Thanks!

    | mattdinbrooklyn

  • Is it nice to place all commercial landing pages ( product pages) just below the root domain though their number would be around 50k ? Many eCommerce sites does this so that the root domain link juice flow directly to the product page. What's your say on this ?

    | priyabharat

  • Good afternoon Mozzers! I've got a weird problem with one of the sites I'm dealing with. For some reason, one of the developers changed the robots.txt file to disavow every site on the page - not a wise move! To rectify this, we uploaded the new robots.txt file to the domain's root as per Webmaster Tool's instructions. The live file is: User-agent: * ( I've submitted the new file in Webmaster Tools and it's pulling it through correctly in the editor. However, Webmaster Tools is not happy with it, for some reason. I've attached an image of the error. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm managing another site with the exact same robots.txt file and there are no issues. Cheers, Lewis FNcK2YQ

    | PeaSoupDigital

  • Hi we run a large e-commerce site and while doing some checking through GWT we came across these URL parameters and are now wondering if we have a duplicate content issue. If so, we are wodnering what is the best way to fix them, is this a task with GWT or a Rel:Canonical task? Many of the urls are driven from the filters in our category pages and are coming up like this: page04%3Fpage04%3Fpage04%3Fpage04%3F (See the image for more). Does anyone know if these links are duplicate content and if so how should we handle them? Richard I7SKvHS

    | Richard-Kitmondo

  • Hello, I noticed earlier an issue on my site. and both had canonical links pointing to themselves so in effect creating duplicate content. I have now taken steps to ensure the https version has a canonical that points to the http version but I was wondering what other steps would people recommend? Is it safe to NOINDEX the https pages? Or block them via robots.txt or both? We are not quite ready to go fully HTTPS with our site yet (I know Google now prefers this) Any thoughts would be very much appreciated.

    | niallfred

  • Hi There, A quick query, If few stats digits or numbers are taken in Meta description  and they change daily that's why meta description changed regularly. example : current stats: 2859594 hosted sites, 99.57% uptime last week, 59.52% positive social media user sentiment, and 43 user reviews. changes in digits effect SEO Ranking? Rajiv

    | gamesecure

  • I just ran the link opportunity option within site explorer and it shows that 31 pages are currently in a 302 status.  Should I try to convert the 302's to 301's?  And what is the easiest way to do this? I see several wordpress plugins that claim to do 301 redirects but I don't know which to choose. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    | vmsolu

  • Hey guys! Need your many awesome brains. 🙂 This may be a very basic question but am hoping you can help me out with some insights beyond "because Google says it's better". 🙂 I only recently started working with SEO, and I work for a SaaS website builder company that has millions of open/active user sites, and all our user sites URLs, instead of or, we use numbers, so or The Sales manager has asked me to figure out if it will pay off for us in terms of traffic (other benefits?) to change it from the number system to the "proper" and right way of setting up these URLs. He's looking for rather concrete answers, as he usually sits with paid search and is therefore used to the mindset of "if we do x it will yield us y in z months". I'm finding it quite difficult to find case studies/other concrete examples beyond the generic, vague implication that it will simply be "better" (when for example looking at SEO checklists and search engine guidelines). Will it make a difference? How so? I have to convince our developers of the importance and priority of this adjustment, or it will just drown in the many projects they already have. So truly, any insights would be so very welcome. Thank you!

    | michelledemaree

  • Hi all, When I looked in Google Webmaster Tools today I found under the menu Google Index, Content Keywords, that the list is full of spammy keywords (E.g. Viagra (no. 1) and stuff like that) Around april we built a whole new website, uploaded a new xml-sitemap, and did all the other things Google Webmaster Tools suggest when one is creating a Google Webmaster Account. Under the menu "Security Issues" nothing is mentioned. All together I find it har d to believe that the site is hacked - so WHY is Google finding these content keywords on our site?? Should I fear that this will harm my SEO efforts? Best regards, Christian

    | Henrik_Kruse

  • I'm seeing a competitor be able to make their URL/Breadcrumb stucture appear different in Google than on the site. Google shows a 3-4 category silo for the page but once clicked the page is off root. How could you do this?

    | TicketCity

  • Hi Mozzers, We have recently taken the #2 spot for our main keyword in Google UK serp. I just checked again and we have dropped to #4 and our meta description is no longer there as it has been replaced with some homepage content... 315 characters of homepage content right up to the full stop. I'm a little confused. A couple of our competitors meta descriptions are showing the same, extra long homepage text instead. Is there something totally normal and harmless causing this or do I need to be monitoring/changing something? Has Google made an update to allow for longer meta decs? Any advice appreciated! sWrBcuB.png

    | SanjidaKazi

  • Hi, our website has 7 languages, but only one English version ( When I add a hreflang tag below, is it enough to just target English search queries no matter where they come from by using only the language code, or should I specify all countries (UK, USA, Ireland, Australia, NZ, ...) by using separate hreflangs? Same for Portuguese, Dutch & French... Should I just add the language tags or specify all countries? Like I said, we don't have localized versions for those countries, with specific content targeting those countries.

    | jorisbrabants

  • Screaming frog spider does index pages on our website like: wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/frontend/jquery-ui-touch-punch.min.js?ver=2.3.9 wp-content/plugins/mailchimp-for-wp/assets/css/checkbox.min.css?ver=2.3.2 Is it a bad/good idea to set my parameters in Webmastertools and tell Google not to crawl pages that begin with wp/content? Thanks!

    | Happy-SEO

  • My employer is shifting to a new domain and i am in the midst of doing URL mapping. I realize that many of the meta descriptions and H1 tags are different on the new pages - is this a problem ? Thank you.

    | ptapley

  • This client has a brand new site: Her previous site was really bad for SEO, yet at one time she actually ranked on the first page for "LDS poems." She came to me because she lost rank. I checked things out and found some shoddy SEO work by a very popular Wordpress webhoste that I will leave unnamed. If you do a backlink analysis you can see the articles and backlinks they created. But there are so few, so I'm not sure if that was it, or it just was because of the fact that her site was so poorly optimized and Google made a change, and down she fell. Here's the only page she had on the LDS poems topic in her old site: Even the links in the nav were bad as they were all images. And that ranked in position 2 I think she said. Even with her new site, she continues to decline. In fact she is nowhere to be found for main keywords making me think there is a penalty. To try and build rank for categories, I'm allowing google to index the category landing pages and had her write category descriptions that included keywords. We are also listing the categories on the left and linking to those category pages.   Maybe those pages are watered down by the poem excerpts?? Here's an example of a page we want to rank: Any help from the peanut gallery?

    | katandmouse

  • My Wordpress blog RSS feed is not working correctly and I can't figure why. This is the error I am getting in my sidebar where the RSS feed used to work properly.  My Blog is RSS Error: This XML document is invalid, likely due to invalid characters. XML error: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 274, column 32 Any insight would be appreciated greatly! Rob

    | sdwellers

  • I have a page and it is indexed by Google but will not show up for any keywords I try. Any ideas?

    | S_Curtis

  • We have a Magento website parked at HostGator.  The site is comprised of both a PC and a mobile version. We changed the URL to a new one ... We made the domain changes in the ‘core_config_data’ (phpMyAdmin) ... We flushed the cache in the ‘File Manager’ part of cPanel (regular and mobile version) Currently we can access the (on a desktop) with no problem ... We can also access BUT… only from a desktop PC. When we try from a MOBILE device, it routes to:  (it keeps going to the old URL) Need some help please.  Thanks in advance!

    | Prime85

  • So, with our 600 or so category pages, I was curious... on each of these category pages we show the top 12 products for that category. In trying to increase click through rate, I wonder if it would be prudent to use some of the strategies I see used for Blog posts with thee category pages. i.e. Instead of Category Name - Website Name How about: Top 12 Kitty Litters We Carry - View the Best and the Rest! Or something like that. And then in the description, I could put, "Number 8 made my jaw drop!!!" (Ok, kidding about that one...) But serious about the initial question... Thanks! Craig

    | TheCraig

  • Hello, I just have installed on YAOST WP SEO plugin on my blog to optimize and get better results, as I was using All in one seo Plugin before. On Tuesday SEOMOZ crawler has been updated my site report and I found several errors with my site related to duplicate meta title / description. Home Page Pagination, Categories/archive pagination and tags pagination bring the same meta title and description. I tried several methods to get the required result but unfortunately nothing helped. I used %%pagenumber%% and %%page%% etc. Any help will be highly appreciated.

    | KLLC

  • We have several large eCommerce websites built on Cold Fusion. It is running on IIS, not Apache. We are looking for a blogging package (CMS) that we can bolt on to the website. We don't want the blog residing in a sub-domain. The blog needs to reside in a folder. NO => YES => Has anyone ever adapted Wordpress for this type of situation? Can WordPress reside in a folder? Are there any other suggestions?

    | AMHC

  • I received a mail from google webmasters, that my website is having low quality content. Website -

    | Green.landon

  • Hi everyone, I have a question - I have a client who has told me they had a problem with duplicate mobile pages showing on desktop results in place of their main URL pages They have a mobile domain My understanding is that Google can differentiate mobile and nonmobile pages and hence you cannot see mobile results on desktop and duplication of pages is not a problem. Has anyone had this problem before?  Is this possible? Thanks

    | CayenneRed89

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