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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi Guys, My company has a franchise of a foreign company that uses an accent/foreign letter in its brand name. We have to refer to this franchise with this symbol on our website to meet their standards. I've done some research on this but its not conclusive, so i was wondering whether anyone here can confirm this for me; Will using the letter with this symbol impair our rankings for this franchise name? Obviously as a UK business people search for this franchise with a regular letter and not the accented one. I would have thought that Google is clever enough to recognise the meaning of the accented letter by now and therefore it wouldn't affect rankings (much). Furthermore, do you think that it would make any difference to use the HTML element to represent the accent rather than copy and pasting the symbol onto our website? I would've thought this would help Google pick it up, but it might not make a difference anyway! Any help is appreciated. Thanks Sam

    | Sandicliffe

  • Hi i was wondering how can we redirect all subfolder under language repertory from a domain name to another domain name. The thing is that these 2 domain are on the same IP. Exemple to to I already redirected my domain with this code RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.olddomain\.com$ RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^olddomain\.com$ RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L] Should i apply this code in my .htacces in the subfolder fr and en?

    | bigrat95

  • The Website on the subdomain runs on a different server (host) than the site on the main domain.

    | Christian_Campusjaeger

  • We noticed today that 4 of the top referring sites are actually porn sites. Does anyone know what that is all about? Thanks!

    | thinkcreativegroup

  • Moz's Crawler has thrown up a bunch of crawl issue for my site.The site is a magento based site and I recently updated the themes so some routes may have have become redundant.  Moz has identified 289 pages with Temporary Redirect. I thought magento managed the redirects if I set the "Auto-redirect to Base URL" to Yes(301 Moved permanently). But this is enabled on my store and I still get the errors. The only thing I could think of was to add a Robots.txt and handle the redirection of these links from here. But handling redirection for 289 links is no mean task. I was looking for any ideas that could fix this without me manually doing this .

    | abhishek1986

  • Hi All, I am using chrome browser and in my category page when i search my keyword like example Acer Laptop it is showing me 40 searches for that keyword in front end while in view source it is showing 100. Now for same category of my competitor page when i search Acer Laptop it shows 20 searches in front end and 300 in view source. So my question is - Is it a good practice I have seen my competitor page he is using tab button where lot of geunine content is there that is the reason hiss view source keyword search is more. So will it impact on seo?

    | miteshseo

  • Ok, I'm trying to establish some business rules of syntax for SEO friendly URLS. I'm doing this for an OpenCart online store which uses a SEO-url field to construct the "friendly URL's".  The good news of that is I have total control over the urls' the bad news is I had to do some tricky Excel work to populate them. That all said, I have a problem with items that have sizes. This is a crafts store so many of the items are differentiated by size. Examples: Sleigh Bells, come in 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1 1/2" etc. So far Ive tried to stay away from inch mark "  by spelling it out.  Right now its inch but could be in. The numbers, fractions, sizes etc. create some ghastly friendly URL's.  Is there any wisdom or syntax standards out there that would help me. I'm trying to avoid this: I realize that the category (sleigh-bells) is repeated in the product name but there are several 1 1/2" items in the store. Any thoughts would be useful, even if it's links to good SEO sites that have mastered the myriad of issues with dimensions in the urls. thanks

    | jbcul

  • In order to eliminate duplicate/missing title tag errors for a directory (and sub-directories) under www that contain our third-party chat scripts, I added the parent directory to the robots disallow list. We are now receiving a blocked resource error (in Webmaster Tools) on all of the pages that have a link to a javascript (for live chat) in the parent directory. My host is suggesting that the warning is only a notice and we can leave things as is without worrying about the page being de-ranked/penalized. I am wondering if this is true or if we should remove the one directory that contains the js from the robots file and find another way to resolve the duplicate title tags?

    | miamiman100

  • One of our clients has a separate mobile site, and we've setup the rel="alternate" on the main site homepage, but still fails the site (it checks the main site, instead of the mobile site) when we put in the main site URL. Is there any way to check that we've got everything setup correctly? (We have a lot of experience with mobile responsive sites, but not so much with separate URLs.)

    | AdamThompson

  • In GWT I am seeing my mobile site's soft 404 count slowly rise from 5 two weeks ago to over 100 as of today.  If I do nothing I expect it will continue to rise into the thousands.  This is due to there being followed links on external sites to thousands of discontinued products we used to offer.  The landing page for these links simply says the product is no longer available and gives links to related areas of our site. I know I can address this by returning a 404 for these pages, but doing so will cause these pages to be de-indexed.  Since these pages still have utility in redirecting people to related, available products, I want these pages to stay in the index and so I don't want to return a 404. Another way of addressing this is to add more useful content to these pages so that Google no longer classifies them as soft 404.  I have images and written content for these pages that I'm not showing right now, but I could show if necessary. But before investing any time in addressing these soft 404s, does anyone know the real consequences of not addressing them?  Right now I'm getting 275k pages indexed and historically crawl budget has not been an issue on my site, nor have I seen any anomalous crawl activity since the climb in soft 404s began.  Unchecked, the soft 404s could climb to 20,000ish.  I'm wondering if I should start expecting effects on the crawl, and also if domain authority takes a hit when there are that many soft 404s being reported. Any information is appreciated.

    | merch_zzounds

  • Using Joomla, every time I create an article a subsequent duplicate page is create, such as: /latest-news/218-image-stabilization-task-used-to-develop-robot-brain-interface and /component/content/article?id=218:image-stabilization-task-used-to-develop-robot-brain-interface The latter being the duplicate. This wouldn't be too much of a problem, but the canonical tag on the duplicate is pointing to itself.. creating mayhem in Moz and Webmaster tools. We have hundreds of duplicates across our website and I'm very concerned with the impact this is having on our SEO! I've tried plugins such as sh404SEF and Styleware extensions, however to no avail. Can anyone help or know of any plugins to fix the canonicals?

    | JamesPearce

  • Hi all Why my full content is not appearing in Text only version(cached version): Original website link: How can I resolve this issue?

    | Obbserv

  • In 2012, we got hit with something... I have always assumed Panda... We have hundreds of thousands of products on our site.  Prior to the traffic drop, our old site design listed a small number of keywords tags on the product pages. About 10 or so... After the site re-design, we allowed all of the keyword tags to appear on these product pages and also linked them to our search results pages. I know that one thing this did is cause a lot of these Search Results pages to be indexed. But our traffic has been constantly declining since then...  I wonder what would happen if I just went back to the old with a smaller number of keywords listed and not linked? Any thoughts? Thanks! Craig

    | TheCraig

  • Do those of you using Bing Webmaster tools find your sitemap last crawl date gets updated? I noticed mine never updates, just shows the date of the last time I submitted it. It seems like it would update daily as it looks like bing crawls my site daily. See attached image. bing-screen-shot.png

    | Kyle Eaves

  • Hi I'm having big issues! Any help would be greatly appreciated This is the 3rd time this happened. Every time I switch my old site to the new design of traffic goes almost completely down (I even tried out the new design on greatcleanjokes [to see if it was a 301 issue] and traffic also went down.) What can possibly be wrong with this new site that google just doesn't like it ?! I was ranking high up for many big phrase like joke of the day, corny jokes, clean jokes, short jokes. Now It's all gone. I also think it's strange that when I search for the post pages show up before the category pages!? Here is the old site Here is the new one If you can't figure out anything do you know of anyone I can hire who may be able to figure it out?

    | Nickys2211

  • Hi guys, I'm just testing a personalization software in our website, basically changing the "location" text depending on the user's IP. I can see in my software that when the Google bot comes to our site the personalization software  triggers an action changing the location based text to "California". Can this make Google understand that our website targets only users in California and thereof  hurt our rankings in other locations nationwide? I'll appreciate your opinions.

    | anagentile

  • We're looking to build some serious content and capitalise on long-tail keyword traffic for our sub-category pages, example for targeted keyword "designer dining tables". Example of current link: Would removing the category paths help? Example result - More user friendly URLs and better for SEO would you suggest? The only problem is, if we removed the paths would this have a hit on our traffic? Any advice would be much appreciated. We are using Magento platform.

    | Jseddon92

  • We recently moved our whole site over from HTTP to HTTPS and we went from having 106 keywords in the top 3 positions to 80 in just one week. The only thing that I can think of that caused the drop is the HTTPS changes to our site. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

    | SimonWorsfold

  • Hi all. I have a question regarding http vs https.  I have an https site and was wondering how to tell google in Webmaster tools to combine and use https.  I have setup all sites in Webmaster tools. Both www and non www for both http and https.  I see where to set up the www vs the non www but don't quite understand how to do the https part. I want all traffic to: https://www-creative Thanks

    | twoacejr

  • Trying to 301 old legacy files like using this htaccess code: Redirect 301 /green/red.cgi/blue/
    Instead it's redirecting to: FYI's htaccess file does not have any global 301 rules that would conflict Does anyone know if cgi files require a different 301 syntax? Thanks!

    | SoulSurfer8

  • Hey Guys, I just recognized, that of about 20% of my submitted URL's within the sitemap don't get indexed, at least when I check in the webmaster tools. There is of about 20% difference between the submitted and indexed URLs. However, as far as I can see I don't get within webmaster tools the information, which specific URLs are not indexed from the sitemap, right? Therefore I checked every single page in the sitemap manually by putting site:"URL" into google and every single page of the sitemap shows up. So in reality every page should be indexed, but why does webmaster tools shows something different? Thanks for your help on this 😉 Cheers

    | _Heiko_

  • Hi, I have a question regarding job boards. Many job advertisers will upload the same job description to multiple websites e.g. monster, gumtree, etc. This would therefore be viewed as duplicate content. What is the best way to handle this if we want to ensure our particular site ranks well? Thanks in advance for the help. H

    | HiteshP

  • Hello All, In my google merchant suddenly lots of warning appeared i.e. 1) Automatic item updates: Missing microdata price information 2) Missing microdata for condition Can you please tell me how to solve this errors? Thanks!

    | varo

  • Hi All, A quick question that may even have a quick answer: Why would Google display a different meta description for the same URL for a different keyword? For example I enter 2 of our similar keywords into Google: KEYWORD A | META DESCRIPTION A DISPLAYED | URL A KEYWORD B | META DESCRIPTION B DISPLAYED | URL A Thanks in advance

    | SO_UK

  • Hi All, Since last two days I am seeing a very strange keyword appearing in Google Analytics. Why such keyword appearing in GA? any idea? Please see keyword in attachment. Thanks ay6hH6z

    | Alick300

  • Our website is ( and we have a mobile website on a sub-domain ( We are currently only redirecting Googlebot Type "Mobile: Smartphone" to our domain. We are not redirecting Googlebot Mobile: cHTML & Mobile: XHTML/WML Using this URL as an example:, I fetched the URL via Google webmaster tools: As you can see only the 3rd Googlebot mobile was redirected, while the first 2 Google bot mobile spiders resolved 200 for the desktop page. QUESTION: could this be hurting our domain / any page that is not redirecting properly post mobilegeddon?

    | Jay-T

  • I thought this one was carved into stone, max number of results from the same domain in SERP is... two. Or... three?! I was searching for some familiar keywords and found three results from the same domain, isn't that... unusual?

    | max.favilli

  • Hi! I'm looking to include rich snippets on some of my product sites, such as price etc. In addition, it would be nice to include our overall ratings (from Trustpilot) on the different pages. 
    However, I've been looking all over, and haven't really found a clear answer, as to if this is even in adherence with the Google guidelines. As it is our company overall, and not the specific products that are being rated, I have done it likes this (on product pages): name of organization
    10. other product-specific information Would this be against guidelines?

    | eyephone

  • My client has a website here: The site ranked really well for searches for the term "savannah chiroprtactor". Sometime last week (April 21 mobilegeddon?) the site slipped in rankings, but reappeared under the domain name: "" Both URLs go to the exact same site.  and I don't even think that the site is a redirect.  I'm not sure how it's setup, but it's definitely not a duplicate site.  The ranking is still lower than the site, but now appears. Anyone have any insights on this?

    | aj613

  • A client currently has two domains with the same content on each. When I pull up a Cached version of the site, I noticed that it has a Cache of the correct page on it. However, when I do a site: in Google, I am seeing the domain that we don't want Google indexing. Is this a problem? There is no canonical tag and I'm not sure how Google knows to cache the correct website but it does. I'm assuming they have this set in webmaster tools? Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!

    | jeff_46mile

  • I have a sitemap-index.xml file in the root. I then have several sitemaps linked to from the index in,, etc. I have seen on other sites that for example a sitemap containing blogs where the blogs are located at would be located at Is it necessary to have the sitemap located in the same folder like this? I would like to have all sitemaps in a single sitemap folder for convenience but not if it will confuse search engines. My index count for URLs in some sitemaps has dropped dramatically in Google Webmaster Tools over the past month or so and I'm not sure if this is having an effect. If it matters, I have all sitemap files, including the index, listed in the robots.txt file.

    | Giovatto

  • Hi All, Hope I could get some help. Moz has just finished crawling 1 of our 4 business sites and one of our keywords has dropped 24 places (21st to 45th). Is this the new algorithm at play? (our site is responsive) Cheers

    | CFCU

  • As of right now we are using yahoo small business, when creating a product you have to declare an id, when we created the site we were not aware that you will not be able to change the id but also the ID is being used as the URL. we have a couple thousand products in which we will need to update the URLs.  What would the best way to be to fix this without losing much juice from our current pages. Also I was thinking that if we did them all in a couple weeks it would hurt us a lot, and the best course of action would be to do a slow roll out of the URL changes. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!


  • Morning all! We've just been approached by IT. They've been asked to develop an online 'portal' where clients can upload and download materials. IT will be developing a portal that sits on the company network perimeter (hosted on our internal servers). The concept is that 3<sup>rd</sup> parties can get and update information in regards to progressing cases, the first use will be for agencies who will retrieve records via the portal and then post reports after a consultation. however I would like to have an automatic link to forward to the portal from the web address: We will look to create robot.txt and anything else to prevent from listings/indexes. Does any of the above mess with your SEO? The Directors have asked if they can have this on a sub-domain of our site. Is this wise? And, are there any major SEO considerations for my team to worry about? Better still, have any of you had to deal with this before? If so, what happened? All the best, John

    | Muhammad-Isap

  • Hi All, Im sure this has been answered somewhere but I couldn't find it.  SEOQuake etc suggest you should define meta keywords.  However I was under the impression that this was not best practice Can anyone confirm what I should do/ is best practice? Cheers Bowey

    | CFCU

  • I just recently signed and joined the system. During the initial report for our web site it shows we have lots of duplicate content. The web site is real estate based and we are loading IDX listings from other brokerages into our site. If though these listings look alike, they are not. Each has their own photos, description and addresses. So why are they appear as duplicates – I would assume that they are all too closely related. Lots for Sale primarily – and it looks like lazy agents have 4 or 5 lots and input the description the same. Unfortunately for us, part of the IDX agreement is that you cannot pick and choose which listings to load and you cannot change the content. You are either all in or you cannot use the system. How should one manage duplicate content like this? Or should we ignore it? Out of 1500+ listings on our web site it shows 40 of them are duplicates.


  • I have an ecommerce site for the clothes drying racks my family business makes, and it sells a few other laundry items also. It's about 5 years old. We used to rank on the first page for basic phrases like "clothes drying rack" and "umbrella clothesline". About 1.5 years ago we fell hard in the rankings. Since then "umbrella clothesline" has moved back to the first page, but "clothes drying rack" is stuck on the 3rd page and always with the result being the generic homepage instead of the good sub-page (which used to rank on the first page) that really shows-n-tells about our drying rack. Here are the three pages I am talking about. Home page =   Drying rack page =  and umbrella clothesline page = Any ideas on how to get the drying rack page to start ranking well again? (hopefully better than the generic homepage ranks) A little technical background: the Moz campaign on this site says that the home page has a PA = 42 with 190 LRD's and 344 external links. Both the umbrella clothesline page and the clothes drying rack page have almost equal statistics of PA = 35 with 20 LRD's and 23 external links. My anchor text distribution is maybe unbalanced. The drying rack page has 15 external links with the anchor of "Clothes Drying Rack". But the umbrella clothesline page has 14 external links with the anchor of "outdoor umbrella clothesline" and it ranks on the first page for that search. I can't figure out how to get OSE to tell me anchor text stats for just the homepage and not the whole site since 301's to the plain  (if you know how, please share) What's wrong with my poor neglected clothes drying rack page? The only way I can get it to show up on the first page is to do a real specific search like "round wooden clothes drying rack" Your help could save a faltering family business. Thank you!

    | GregB123

  • Hey Mozzers, I work for a startup releasing several apps all within their own niches: hiking, mountain biking, skiing, running etc.. We've decided to go for the Wordpress Multisite route and I was wondering what the best site structure was. For example: Would or be more beneficial to our growth plans? My thinking follows that of geotargeting strategies for franchises ( etc) and to go for the subdomain option in order to build each individual 'sites' authority because each sport has niche audiences. Or am I talking nonsense? I've read varying advice and thought I'd ask you guys. Cheers, A

    | AdamRob01

  • Hi , over the years a website we took over was hit by an algorithm penalty (a combination of penguin and panda). We managed to bring rankings back (after 6 months) from page 5/6 to page 2 after we used the google disavow tool. now for the past 9 months we have been stuck on page 2.. is there anything you think can be done to bring it back to page 1? we are building quality links now and moved away from low quality links other link builders were making. We are managing the process much closer and ensuring we maintain good standards of links. also making the pages flatter and merging short page content to larger content pages now we are looking at site structure and creating structured internal link flow is there anything we should be aware of and any recommendations to get back on page 1.. this is a tailor-made travel related website with a small selection of destinations

    | Direct_Ram

  • We see our pages coming up in Google with the category page/product numbers in front of our descriptions. For example: Items 1 - 24 of 86 (and than the descriptions follows). Our website is magento based. Is there a fix for this that anyone knows of? Is there method of stopping Google from adding this on to the front of our Meta Description?

    | DutchG

  • Ok, so I understand Google doesn't use stopwords (like "a" or "the"). Therefore if I am optimize for a keyword phrase, and say find an opportunity for say: "how to create stuff something" But it actually reads better as (although doesn't sound completely out of place as above) "how to create stuff in something" Which is better for SEO? (ignore usability \ readability in your replies please and assume it reads reasonably either way as that was just an example)

    | TheWebMastercom

  • Hi guys, I need an advice from you, a recommendation. I have some old LPs from old campaigns, around 70 pages indexed on Google, campaigns that are not available anymore. I have removed them from my DB, but they still remained on server so Google still sees them as URLs on my site, witch I totally agree. What should I do with this pages? Should I remove them completely? (url removal tool) or use rel=canonical? How will this affect my domain authority and rankings? This pages doesn't bring traffic any more, maybe a view now and then, but overall this pages don't bring traffic.

    | catalinmoraru

  • Hello Moz Communtiy! i am also having error of Duplicate Tag Content Mystery like: Pages are same. I have 100+ Error on website so how can i remove this error? DO you have any tutorial based on this?  Can i change canonical url at once or i need to set it one by one? If you have any video basis on it, i will recommend.

    | navneetkumar786

  • Hello Friends, I have a question regarding demotion of sitelinks in Google webmaster tool. Scenario: I have demoted one of the sitelink for my website two months back; still the demoted sitelink has not been removed from the Google search results.May I know any reason, why this page is not getting removed even after demoting from GWT? If we resubmit the same link in demotion tool one more time, will it work? Can anybody help me out with this? Note: Since the validly of demotion exists only for 3 months (90 days), I am concerned about the same.

    | zco_seo

  • I run a travel photography business where I sell fine art prints. I've been toying with the idea of creating a few new websites about some of the places I've traveled to. This is for a few reasons. First, because I love talking about my travels. But second, because I feel like it might be a good way to bring in more print sales from those places. The question I have, if I were to use the images from my main photography sales domain on a different domain, how does this affect SEO? These images filenames for the photographs are already optimized well for searching. Thanks!

    | shannmg1

  • Hey all, Quick question on 301 redirects and the timing of creating them when transitioning from an old site to a new site. Does the timing matter? Can redirects interfere with DNS propigation (which seemed to happen to us when we did redirects minutes after redirecting someone's DNS A record to now point to the new site) And lastly, how long AFTER a new site launch can one still submit redirects and not lose the google juice? All the best,

    | WorldWideWebLabs

  • Love the community here. I just had a quick question about the using noindex, nofollow. We are a car dealership group that uses a website provider (cobalt). Since they provide the website they are the only ones with access to remove pages etc. We can add pages but only they can remove them. There are some pages we need to have removed but according to them they are unable to remove them, (I think the manufacture might mandate having some pages), anyway some of these pages literally have nothing on them, and there isn't really any useful content we could add to them. So we are using noindex on them to ensure that they stay out of search indices, but I am wondering if we should also use nofollow on them. If I understand nofollow correctly it just means search engines won't follow the links on the page, well for most of these pages the only links on them are the navigation, and since we don't plan on adding any content to these pages and we can't remove them should we use noindex and nofollow as a way to "remove" them from the site as much as we can?

    | Murdock_Auto_Group

  • Hi All Experts, I have implemented google adwords with tag manager, so now query is still it is required to place the google adwords scripts at thank you page?

    | varo

  • Hello, I am new to link wheel over web 2.0 sites and then linking your website or website article really helps in SEO and link building. Do you think its still works? Since i have also heard that many says that its too ok if we do spin content submitted to our web 2.0 properties small sites which are created for linking back to our main website. Will wait for reply...

    | anand2010

  • Hi all, As part of our content marketing efforts we have run a number of initiatives in the past and created pages on the website to go along with them (also where the links for these particular projects point to). However, the URL structure isn't actually a reflection of where the pages sit on the site. Unfortunately I'm unable to provide a URL for reasons I won't bore you with, but here's an example: We recently ran a competition that was very successful in generating links. The URL for this is However, the page actually sits within the About Us section - which is where all of our news and content marketing pages go - and uses a URL override. How much of an issue is this in regards to A) Our SEO in general?; and B) Ensuring we receive as much equity from the links we earn as possible? A brief explanation of what URL overrides actually are would also be useful! (We have a digital marketing agency who handle most of our SEO) Thanks in advance guys! John

    | NAHL-1430

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