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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi i am wondering why page title is display differently on google search. The combination of words that are being displayed on google are not on the page and the page title is simply "Camera Filters", however the page is showing as "our range of Camera Filters" (with the same capitalisation). I have optimised the age as best i can so it removes the OUR RANGE OF preface, however no luck. Any info would be appreciated. Cheers

    | andrewlos

  • Someone set up both our sites on the one webmaster tools account is this the best way to do it or should we have 2 different accounts. We are having problems with our site verification not working and our google shopping feeds not working could this be the cause.

    | CostumeD

  • Hi All, In regards to W3C Compliance, is this still an important ranking factor? Has anyone become compliant and seen a noticeable difference in rankings? Cheers,

    | SanjidaKazi

  • Hi Due to us having a very large site and not enough time to implement changes for the google update on the 21st April I wanted to know if anyone has any understanding of Is this a way of being ready for the update? And if so what are the limitations/disadvantages? thanks E

    | Direct_Ram

  • Our products have about 4 PDFs a piece, which really inflates our indexed pages. I was wondering if I could add REL=No Index to the PDF's URL? All of the files are on a file server, so they are embedded with links on our product pages. I know I could add a No Follow attribute, but I was wondering if any one knew if the No Index would work the same or if that is even possible. Thanks!

    | MonicaOConnor

  • I have a link directory called Liberty Resource Directory. It's the main site on my dedicated IP, all my other sites are Addon domains on top of it. While exploring the new MOZ spam ranking I saw that LRD (Liberty Resource Directory) has a spam score of 9/17 and that Google penalizes 71% of sites with a similar score. Fair enough, thin content, bunch of follow links (there's over 2,000 links by now), no problem. That site isn't for Google, it's for me. Question, does that site (and linking to my own sites on it) negatively affect my other sites on the same IP? If so, by how much? Does a simple noindex fix that potential issues? Bonus: How does one go about going through hundreds of pages with thousands of links, built with raw, plain text HTML to change things to nofollow? =/

    | eglove

  • Hi All, I have been using some scanning tools as usual and I keep getting notified about presentational HTML. I'm not involved in the web design but if this is actually having a negative effect then we need to get it changed. Can anyone advise? "pages of this website were found to use presentational HTML elements and/or attributes. It is widely regarded that use of presentational HTML like and should be avoided."

    | SanjidaKazi

  • If i visit, and - i get one website BUT if I visit  I get a different website - I also get a untrusted website warning The logo in the bottom right of the https: website is the name of the webdesigner  where the website is hosted. Is this a normal practice?

    | GardenBeet

  • I have built a new website and have redirected all my old URL's to their new ones but for some reason Google is still indexing the old URL's. Also, the page authority for all of my pages has dropped to 1 (apart from the homepage) but before they were between 12 to 15. Can anyone help me with this?

    | One2OneDigital

  • My site was running perfectly from last one year... I don't know what happened now google is showing error while I am trying to use fetch option in webmasters.

    | Srinu

  • I work for a travel site and we have pages for properties in destinations and am trying to decide how best to organize the URLs basically we have our main domain, resort pages and we'll also have articles about each resort so the URL structure will actually get longer:
    _ _    _
    _ B. Another way to structure would be to remove the location and keyword folders and combine. Note that some of the resort names are long and spaces are being replaced dynamically with dashes. 
    _ _
    _ Question: is that too many folders or should i combine or break up? What would you do with this? Trying to avoid too many dashes.

    | Vacatia_SEO

  • I want to figure out why a lot of my pages for my website are not getting indexed by google.  I have installed the SEO plugin by Yoast to my wordpress website.  Under the titles and meta section of the plugin options I have set categories and tags to noindex.  In WMT, google is saying that all my category pages and most of my tag pages are not being indexed. I want to make sure that the reason these pages are not being indexed are because of the SEO plugin.  I want to prevent duplicate content so that is the reason I have set my categories and tags to noindex.  Please respond if you know the absolute answer, its very important that I have my website indexed the proper way I want it to.

    | Dino64

  • Hello Moz community, I am re-structuring information architecture on a website. The homepage targets keyword A 
    There is a page /page-on-B/ that targets keyword B 
    There is also an older page /page-on-kinda-B/ that targets a keyword which is really close to B ( i think they should have been worked on the same page...) I want to re-optimise the homepage on keyword B because i know it is worth the effort. If i re-write the homepage to talk about B and do a 301 redirect of : /page-on-B/ 
    /page-on-kinda-B/ to the homepage is it going to add page authority to the homepage ? is it the right way to proceed ? 
    Thanks for your support !

    | Sindicic_Alexis

  • Does anyone know how to test publisher markup with the new Google structured data testing tool?

    | AMSI

  • Our new site will have a 'learning center' which contains educational videos as well as articles for prospects who are considering purchase. We were thinking linking to the "Learning center" page from main menu then having multiple videos and articles on this page. (thumbnails, & brief descriptions). Then when the user clicks on the video or article this will take them to a page with that video or article. My thoughts are that would allow us to optimize each page for that question or video topic. Is this a good idea? or should we just have video thumbnails on one page and have the video play on that same page?  What about articles, should they also expand on that page or should they open on separate page?  We are using WP as CMS. If the videos open on separate pages then how does the user easily get the other videos? will they have to go back to the /learning page or something else? It would seem like a lot of work to have them keep going back to watch one video, then go back and watch the next. What is the best practice - if there is one?  Examples of websites that do this well?

    | PhotographerSteve

  • Hey Everyone: We are currently implementing hreflang tags on our site, and we have many parameter pages with hreflang tags; however, I am afraid these may be counted as duplicate content without canonical tags. href='" hreflang="de" rel="alternate" href='" hreflang="nl" rel="alternate" href='" hreflang="fr" rel="alternate" href='" hreflang="it" rel="alternate" I have two questions 1. On the parameter pages (which have hreflang tags like above) do we also need a canonical tag on pointing to ? 2. On the homepage (page without the parameter), should I add a self referencing hreflang tag? (href="" hreflang="es") Thanks so much for your help! -K

    | TeespringMoz

  • Apologies if this question has already been answered. I was unable to find it. For desktop organic rankings: Will Google take into consideration mobile-readiness as a ranking factor? Thanks in advance for any reply, Kind regards,
    Eric Darby

    | Eric_Lifescript

  • what will happen with the old permalink when we change the title name to a new title name? would the old permalink disappear after a while or i have to manually delete them? thank you

    | gergi

  • We will be changing our domain name soon and I want to make sure I'm not painting myself into a corner.  Of course, I want to transfer as much link equity as possible. Question #1: Do I need to define a canonical from the old domain to the new domain? Question #2: Do I also need to put 301s in place on the pages with link equity, or is there a way to apply 301s across the entire site on all pages? Any input would be appreciated greatly! Thanks!

    | BVREID

  • If I search on Google UK for the keyword phrase personalised mugs, my website appears twice on the 2nd page one after the other. One result is for the home page and the other is for the category personalised mugs Weirdly enough another site i have does the same thing for the keyword phrase personalised candles but only intermittently. Should I be concerned & if so how do i resolve it? Cheers mug-shop-duplicate-ranking.jpg

    | Brinley

  • How can I create XML as well as HTML sitemaps for my website (both eCommerce and non - eCommerce )Is there any script or tool that helps me making perfect sitemapPlease suggest

    | Obbserv

  • Hi Could i get a second opinion on the following please. ON a client site we seem to have had a massive drop off in google crawling in the past few weeks, this is linked with a drop in search impressions and a slight reduction in penalty. There are no warning messages in WMT to say the site is in trouble, and it shouldn't be, however cannot get to the bottom of what is going on. In Feb the Kilobytes downloaded per day was between 2200 and about 3800, all good there. However in the past couple of weeks it has peaked at 62 and most days are not even over 3! Something odd has taken place. For the same period, the Pages crawled per day has gone from 50 - 100 down to under 3. At the same time the site speed hasn't changed - it is slow and has always been slow (have advised the client to change this but you know how it is....) Unfortunately I am unable to give the site url out so i understand that may impact on any advice people could offer. Ive attached some screen shots from WMT below. Many thanks for any assistance. stats.png

    | daedriccarl

  • We have a 100 page website, but Google is only indexing a handful of pages for organic rankings.  Is there a way to submit to have more pages considered?  I have optimized meta data and get good Moz "on-page graders" or the pages & terms that I am trying to connect....but Google doesn't seem to pick them up for ranking.  Any insight would be appreciated!

    | JulieALS

  • Hello I have a store which was developed in Magento. I have about 8300 errors like this: URL:,,/ 1 Warning 302 (Temporary Redirect) Found 3 days ago <dl> <dt>Redirects to</dt> <dt></dt> <dd>Description</dd> <dd>Using a 302 redirect will cause search engine crawlers to treat the redirect as temporary and not pass any link juice (ranking power). We highly recommend that you replace 302 redirects with 301 redirects.</dd> </dl> <a class="more expanded">Minimize</a> These URLs, are generated by magento by the COMPARE feature. In my store we bought an extension called SEO Enterprise Suite and I asked the developers(www.mageworx) about this error.  Their answer is: Sorry for the late reply. Our extension adds NOINDEX,FOLLOW tag to compare and cookies pages so that they won't be indexed. I do not think that these redirects can hurt your SEO because these pages won't be indexed at all. The question is: What should I do? Is there anyway that SEOMOZ ignores these URLs?  What should I do next, I just dont like to have that HIGH number of errors and warnings. Thank you

    | levalencia1

  • Hi Folks, I would appreciate some help on this. My ecommerce website is built on magento and we currently have 1675 302 Redirects on it as pointed out by the SEOMOZ crawler. Has anyone any idea on how to fix this or ave you  being on the same boat as me. Im pretty sure this is why it coming up that I have a lot of dup content on the website also. Help appreciated as always. Thank you!

    | dean1986

  • Background:
    I have a number of sites built using the open eCommerce software zen cart. One of these sites was penalised by the original Penguin algorithm back in April 24, 2012. The reason for the panalty was that two ecommerce sites in Hong kong had a link to the above site in the footer of their 2000 & 4000 product website. I have no idea why the site had these links and even though I did contact them a few months before the Penguin massacre asking them to remove the footer link I was technically unaware of the ticking time bomb that they presented. The result, as is now engrained in SEO history, was that the site was moved to sit alongside Googles equivalent of the restaurant at the end of the universe and stayed there for 2 years until April 2014.
    As I had never indulged in link building for the simple reason that I found it laborious I was obviously infuriated with the resulting loss of revenue but that was balanced with an understanding that I had not kept pace with the changing landscape of SEO according to Google. The quest I am now on is to increase my 3 sites profile on the web without getting another spanking from Google in the near future.  The problem I have is that white hat today may well be black hat tomorrow. (I can recall the days when Google said links are good and everyone went out and asked other websites to link with them and look where that led.) So do I ignore actively cultivating links as some suggest and look to produce good content (which is quite difficult when you make mugs and candles by the way.) or do you go out and look to intentionally build links by studying competitors links, reviewing  link opportunity or get bloggers to review products. For a small lifestyle entrepreneur like myself, the ever changing seo landscape and the amount of time & effort it requires is slowly and inevitably pushing us back out to that restaurant mentioned earlier. If only Google had a little brother that was designed purely for small businesses - like it was in the good old days before the dinosaur that is big business grunt and thought hmmm! whats that?
    And if there were such a thing I would add a caveat that it would be illegal to generate pointless amount of cyber content because the web is becoming something akin to a landfill. Which leaves me nowhere really - but I think I am okay with that. Waiter !!

    | Brinley

  • Hello Guys, On by website i have replaced old GTM code with new GTM code that's it! Nothing i did with GTM account. Now my referral sale is showing very high for such sites,, I think google not understanding that visitors are coming from organic or adwords  but considering it as refferal sale what should i do now? very confuse? Thanks! dev

    | devdan

  • Occasionally I see the our 'listings' on Google where the Title line shows up with dashes... like sony-professional-hard-drive - It appears to be the URL shortened and rehashed.  This example was after I searched for "Sony PSZ-HA1T"  without the quotes.  The title for this page is <title></span><span class="html-tag">Sony 1TB Professional Portable External Hard Disk Drive (PSZ-HA1T)</span><span class="html-tag"></title> and the url is Link to image: Other searches (like "Sony 1tb PSZ-HA1T") yield normal looking SERP Titles Does anyone know why this happens and what I can do to avoid this? FmvAn6c.jpg

    | BWallacejr

  • I'm going to have to post the page in question which i'd rather not do but I have permission from the client to do so. Question: A recruitment client of mine had their website build on a proprietary platform by a so-called recruitment specialist agency.  Unfortunately the site is not performing well in the organic listings. I believe the culprit is this page and others like it: Search_Site1&pagesize=50000&page=1&o1=255&sortby=CreationDate&o2=260&ij=0 Basically as soon as you deviate from the top level pages you land on pages that have database-query URLs like this one.  My take on it is that Google cannot crawl these pages and is therefore having trouble picking up all of the job listings.  I have taken some measures to combat this and obviously we have an xml sitemap in place but it seems the pages that Google finds via the XML feed are not performing because there is no obvious flow of 'link juice' to them. There are a number of latest jobs listed on top level pages like this one: and when they are picked up they perform Ok in the SERPs, which is the biggest clue to the problem outlined above. The agency in question have an SEO department who dispute the problem and their proposed solution is to create more content and build more links (genius!). Just looking for some clarification from you guys if you don't mind?

    | shr109

  • Hi there, I'm not massively experienced with creating mod rewrite rules and I'm worried I've got this wrong as its slightly different to what I'm used to. The web dev and content creators were working on to create content. I want to redirect all URL's to This is what I've written //Rewrite to www
    Options +FollowSymLinks
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^[nc]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [r=301,nc] Can anyone tell me if this is correct?

    | BlueTree_Sean

  • I have around 100 brands on my website (with 100 different pages.) Please suggest me best way to create meta tags for all brand pages.

    | Obbserv

  • My guess is that in time Google will realize that my duplicate content is not actually duplicate content, but in the meantime I'd like to get your guys feedback. The reporting in Webmaster Tools looks something like this. Duplicates /url1.html /url2.html /url3.html /category/product/url.html /category2/product/url.html url3.html is the true canonical page in the list above._ url1.html,_ and url2.html are old URLs that 301 to url3.html. So, it seems my bases are covered there. _/category/product/url.html _and _/category2/product/url.html _ do not redirect. They are the same page as url3.html. Each of the category URLs has a canonical URL of url3.html in the header. So, it seems my bases are covered there as well. Can I expect Google to pick up on this? Why wouldn't it understand this already?

    | bearpaw

  • Hi there, someone I know is going to put their site to a mobile version with a mobile sub domain (m.). I have recommended responsive but for now this is their only way forward to cope with the 21st April update by Google. My question is what is the best practice for content, as its a different url will there need to be a canonical tag in to stop duplication and thus being penalised from the Google panda update? Any advice much appreciated.

    | tdigital

  • Hi all, About 10 months ago we changed all of our urls to redirect to a non-www vs. the www because it was creating both iterations and therefore duplicate content. We didn't change anything in Webmaster Tools and it looks like our indexing went down significantly. Is this a problem? How can I fix it? *It looks like GWT also went through an update at that time? klxJ7gl

    | Becky_Converge

  • Lets say you've got a website and it had quite a few pages that for lack of a better term were like an infomercial, 6-8 pages of slightly different topics all essentially saying the same thing.  You could all but call it spam. Now you decided to consolidate all of that information into one well written page, and while the previous pages may have been a bit spammy they did indeed have SOME juice to pass through. Your new page is: You then 301 redirect the previous 'spammy' pages to the new page.  Now the question, do I immediately re-submit an updated xml sitemap to Google, which would NOT contain all of the old URL's, thus making me assume Google would miss the 301 redirect/seo juice.  Or do I wait a week or two, allow Google to re-crawl the site and see the existing 301's and once they've taken notice of the changes submit an updated sitemap? Probably a stupid question I understand, but I want to ensure I'm following the best practices given the situation, thanks guys and girls!

    | Emory_Peterson

  • I have just taken over admin of my company website and I have been confronted with crawl error 902 on the existing campaign that has been running for years in Moz. This seems like an intermittent problem. I have searched and tried to go over many of the other solutions and non of them seem to help. The campaign is currently set-up with the url when I tried to do a Moz manual crawl using this URL I got an error message. I changed the link to crawl to and the crawl went off without a hitch and im currently waiting on the results. From testing I now know that if i go to the non-www version of my companies website then nothing happens it never loads. But if I go to the www version then it loads right away. I know for SEO you only want 1 of these URLS so you dont have duplicate content. But i thought the non-www should redirect to the www version. Not just be completely missing. I tried to set-up a new campaign with the defaults URL being the www version but Moz automatically changed it to the non-www version. It seems a cannot set up a new campaign with it automatically crawling the www version. Does it sound like im out the right path to finding this cause? Or can somebody else offer up a solution? Many thanks,
    Ben .

    | ATP

  • Google has been sending emails out about usability errors. Do they have an effect on the rankings for desktop search results?

    | navidash

  • I need to switch a site from http to https.  We gonna add 301 redirect all over the board.  I also use rel="canonical" to strip some queries parameter from the index (parameter uses to identify which navigation elements were use.) rel="canonical" can be used with relative or absolute links, but Google recommend using absolute links to minimize potential confusion or difficulties.  So here my question, did you see any issue using relative protocol in rel="canonical"? Instead of:

    | EquipeWeb

  • I've tried to do a search on a few key words that I knew was on my landing page and I couldn't get Google to find it.  So I thought maybe I needed to change my url to reflect a few the terms.

    | Toal

  • Hi, I was wondering what is the best practice to redirect all the links juice by redirecting all the pages of your website to a coming soon page. The coming soon page will point to the, not to a subfolder. Should I move the entire website to a subfolder and redirect this folder to the coming soon page? Thanks

    | bigrat95

  • Reading over Rands latest Post about URL structure I had a quick question about the best way to convert URL's that don't have perfect URL structure... Current the Structure of our E-commerce store has a structure that is not friendly with what is the easiest way to convert these to read URL's without causing any disruptions with the SERP.   Are we talking about a MOD-Rewrite in the CMS.......

    | CMcMullen

  • hi guys, just an idea- in our product- we have couple of authoritative websites linking directly to our Sign-up page. Does it make sense to use rel=canonical on Sign-up page with pointing to the homepage so we will pass some link juice to homepage ? I understand that it is not a use how was canonical designed (it is not duplicated content) and don't want to screw anything. Thanks


  • Hi, I am currently working on this project. Sometime between March 7th & 8th homepage was de-indexed. The rest of the pages are there. Found it out through decreased traffic on GA. No notifications of any kind of penalty/errors recieved. Tried to manually re-index through "Fetch as Google" in WMT to no avail. Site is redirected to https. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    | gpapatheodorou

  • Hi Last week i got my fifth email saying 'Google can't access your site'. The first one i got in early November. Since then my site has gone from almost 80k pages indexed to less than 45k pages and the number is lowering even though we post daily about 100 new articles (it's a online newspaper). The site i'm talking about is We have to deal with DDoS attacks most of the time, so our server guy has implemented a firewall to protect the site from these attacks. We suspect that it's the firewall that is blocking google bots to crawl and index our site. But then things get more interesting, some parts of the site are being crawled regularly and some others not at all. If the firewall was to stop google bots from crawling the site, why some parts of the site are being crawled with no problems and others aren't? In the screenshot attached to this post you will see how Google Webmasters is reporting these errors. In this link, it says that if 'Error' status happens again you should contact Google Webmaster support because something is preventing Google to fetch the site. I used the Feedback form in Google Webmasters to report this error about two months ago but haven't heard from them. Did i use the wrong form to contact them, if yes how can i reach them and tell about my problem? If you need more details feel free to ask. I will appreciate any help. Thank you in advance C43svbv.png?1

    | Bajram.Kurtishaj

  • I received an error from Webmasters this morning "touch elements too close" relating to the mobile version of a page. I cannot see what they are referring to: As far as I can see all the elements are perfectly positioned? Maybe I am blind and hopefully fellow MOZ guru's can assist 🙂

    | dynamyt100

  • I have a page that "should" be top 3 on Google - it's optimised (A on the Moz Pro page grader), it's the most relevant result (it's for an e-book, and the page is the publisher's page for the e-book). Other pages on the site for other books are top of the Google SERPs, and this page itself is top in Bing for the search phrase. The page is and the keyphrase I want to rank for is "formosan odyssey" (with or without the quotes). Does anyone have any insight as to why it's not ranking in Google? Over-optimised? Duplicate content? Many thanks.

    | C-Tech

  • With Google now saying they're putting a lot more emphasis on mobile sites, we recently got notifications from Google Webmaster Tools saying that some of our pages are not built for mobile. Some of these pages, however have an adaptive page that when you visit from a mobile phone (, you're taken to instead of the desktop version. My question is, how do I let Google know that I have an adaptive site and not get penalized for poor mobile usability? I already have Google Analytics on the mobile site, I just need to somehow let Webmaster tools / Google's web crawlers know that they should be looking to my mobile site for usability, not the desktop site. Any advice is appreciated!

    | Ditigal_Taylor

  • We have a coupons and deal website. Coupons are added and removed from the website on a daily basis. But crawler isn't crawling it that often. Lately we started fetching and rendering the page, but that is a time taking task as we have more than 500 stores with coupons. So, I was looking for some API or some method using which the crawler would crawl the website as defined. Suppose "x" store page should be crawled every alternate day as we daily update the coupons there, whereas "y"  store coupons are update fortnightly so , they can be crawled weekly. Can somebody suggest me something..

    | jaintechnosoft

  • Hi All, I know this is a long while back but I think we started to lose our organic traffic after the Phantom update back in May 2013. We have two websites, one offering serviced apartments in London only and one website offering serviced apartments across the world. The apartments we feature in London are the same on both sites - although they have different product descriptions, meta data etc. I read that the Phantom update hit websites which were owned by the same company. Do you think we are still being penalised for this? Any thoughts at all would be greatly appreciated ! Thanks, Laura

    | Citybase

  • Hi Im looking in GWT account for a client of mine and see that in the index status area 400+ pages are indexed so all seems ok there! But then in the sitemap area 111 pages have been submitted but only 1 indexed ! Any ideas whats going on here ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

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