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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • I've been using the Google tool and going page by page, everything seems great. But I'd really like something that will crawl the entire subdomain and give me a report. Any suggestions?

    | absoauto

  • Since *** -sljktf stopped working to find pages in the supplemental index several years ago has anyone found another way to identify content that has been regulated to the supplemental index?

    | SEMPassion

  • Can anyone recommend an SEO agency that leverages Moz results?

    | Sailthru

  • I would classify our site as large (, with our primary target being traffic within the US (about 70%) but I have a feeling we are limited by our IP being located within Canada. I have changed all the targeting to the US in WMT, but could undertake a project to virtually 'move' the site to a US IP, if there would be benefit. I have found articles coming down on both sides of the issue. Thoughts?

    | evansluke

  • Hi Guys, We started a new website (far from complete) and i'm fixing some SEO problems. I have a SEO 404 monitor plugin and he gives me strange 404's that i can't find: The 404 error code comes due to a double domain URL, and it happens only on the /feestkleding subdomain. When i check my original page, for example there is only 1 internal link to /feestkleding but when i click on it, it works fine. Does anyone know how to fix this problem or where to look to see why this is happening?  (it happens on every page, not the 4 above > starting to come through in webmastertools also) 2. This 404's are completely new for me and i don't know where to find this 😞 Thanks!

    | Happy-SEO

  • We are about to go live with a mobile version of our webshop, mobile users will be shown an alternative version of the desktop page. At the moment we have little to no content on the mobile pages; how will this effect our ranking? (desktop and mobile page have the same URL and meta, only the "body" is different)

    | G.School

  • For example if we have a domain and we setup a subdomain and then and used those in ad campaigns. Each subdomain being redirected back to a single page such as  etc. Is there a benefit ? Cheers

    | techdesign

  • Hello, Our mobile site redirects to desktop in a desktop browser and vice versa; however, they are different sites. This said, shouldn't the backlinks for our mobile site be the same as for our desktop site since one redirects to the other. We show no backlinks in my analysis? Any help or insight would be extremely appreciated! Thank you!

    | lfrazer

  • Anyone please I am looking for some help!! My website used to get around 40 to 50 visitors a day, as soon as I created the new website and put it live, traffic has dropped by 25%, page authority for the new and some of the old URL's are only 1, but my keywords are still doing well? I have made sure that I have redirected all the old URL's to the new ones, the tracking code in at the end section of the head section. Any ideas anyone?

    | One2OneDigital

  • I have a page that I optimized for a valuable keyword (at least it is to me!) and it gets very good traffic. Problem is that the page needs to constantly updated with new "news" related to the topic area. I have developed a page-type that will have the same static content as the original page, but it will now automtaically index related content from the rest of the site so the "news" section stay fresh and up-to-date. I am now okay to do something like permanently redirect that page to the newly built one? I have also run the newly designed page through tests on Moz and it receives on receives an A-grade from the on-page optimization tool. I am just wanting to ensure I cover all bases, because I do not want to risk losing the top search result and all that valuable traffic.

    | kevgrand

  • I'm working with an ecommerce site that has many product descriptions for various brands that are important to have but are all straight duplicates.  I'm looking for some type of tag tht can be implemented to prevent Google from seeing these as duplicates while still allowing the page to rank in the index.  I thought I had found it with Googleoff, googleon tag but it appears that this is only used with the google appliance hardware.

    | bradwayland

  • We updated our website from http to https and I wanted to know how backlinks were affected by this.  The new site redirects all old http links to the https home page. How does this affect more specific backlinks like ?  The old is now being directed to  . Do I need to set up redirects to pass value to my new pages?

    | nat88han

  • Hi, We've installed SSL certificate (Symantec Safe Site).
    Now our site shows with https, but when someone types www before site name it leads to http and shows strikethrough https unsafe icon in the browser. As it appears, our SSL was purchased without www domain name license. Should we buy www license or just add redirect from www to without www site? If so how to set up this redirect properly. Thanks.

    | Ryan_V

  • I have submitted an image sitemap with over 2,000 images yet only about 35 have been indexed. Could you please help me understand why Google is not indexing my images?

    | nicole2014

  • So I am redirecting mobile users to mobile version of the page and also have alternate attrubute set up for that: What about the opposite case? When user from desktop computer visits mobile version of the page. Should I redirect him back to desktop version?

    | poiseo

  • Hi Moz Community, I am reviewing our website via MOZ and found the following issues: 1. No Contact (please refer to the attached image). However, we have an up to date contact info on our website. We have social buttons at the footer, our telephone number is at the top and we have a contact us page. Any idea, why we are being rated as such and how to resolve it? Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance. 327M9Fc

    | Shop-Sq

  • Hi Moz community! I have an ongoing duplicate mystery going on here and I'm hoping someone here can answer my question. We have an Ecommerce site that has a variety of product pages and category pages. There are Rel canonicals in place, along with parameters in GWT, and there are also URL rewrites. Here are some scenarios, maybe you can give insight as to what’s exactly going on and how to fix it. All the duplicates look to be coming from category pages specifically. For example:
    This link re-writes: To: The rel canonical tag looks like this:" /> The CONTENT is different, but the URLs are the same. It thinks that the product category view is the same as the all products view, even though there is a canonical in there telling it which one is the original. Some of them don’t have anything to do with each other. Take a look: Link identified as duplicate: Link this is a duplicate of: Any idea as to what could be happening here?

    | Ecom-Team-Access

  • I’m building a WordPress site with Visual Composer and I’ve hit a point where I need to show a totally different section on a mobile compared to a desktop/tablet. My issue/question comes from the fact that both mobile and desktop rows will have the same content as well as H1/H2/H3 tags. From inspecting the elements I see the mobile only rows are hidden until the page size shrinks through being set to 'display: none' in the CSS (standard visual composer way of handling width & responsiveness) How will Google see this in terms of SEO? I don’t want to come across as if I’m cloaking text and H1 tags on the page (I have emailed the visual composer support but wanted to get an external opinion)

    | shloy23-294584

  • the main issue is that it's now indexing both www and http://  - anyone else got this issue or had any changes suddenly on their crawl results?

    | beckyhy

  • Hello a client has launched a website with both the .com and The content is identical. I understand that you should add rel="alternate" hreflang="x" to the code. However, will there be a problem with the identical content? It would be hard to localise the content to one country. I understand why the client has got both domains, particularly the UK one but the actual content is not specific to one country. It is written for English speaking customers really. Also what about links? In this case do you need to build two sets of links to make them both rank? Thanks for any help.

    | AL123al

  • Hi, We are running directory sites on different domains of different countries (we have the country name in the domain name of each site) and we have the same static page on each one, well, we have more of them but I would like to exemplify one static page for the sake of simplicity. So we have, and so on for 6-7 sites, faq.html from one country and the other have 94% similarity when checked against duplicate content. We would like an alternative approach to canonical cause the content couldn´t belong to only one of this sites, it belongs to all. Second option would be unindex all but one country. It´s syndicated content but we cannot link back to the source cause there is none. Thanks for taking the time in reading this.

    | seosogood

  • Hi guys, I have a new Volusion website. the template we are using has its own product review page for EVERY product i sell (1500+) When a customer purchases a product a week later they receive a link back to review the product. This link sends them to my site, but its own individual page strictly for reviewing the product. (As oppose to a page like amazon, where you review the product on the same page as the actual listing.) **This is creating countless "duplicate content" and missing "title" errors. What is the most effective way to block a bot from crawling all these pages? Via robots txt.? a meta tag? ** Here's the catch, i do not have access to every individual review page, so i think it will need to be blocked by a robot txt file? What code will i need to implement? i need to do this on my admin side for the site? Do i also have to do something on the Google analytics side to tell google about the crawl block? Note: the individual URLs for these pages end with: *****.com/ReviewNew.asp?ProductCode=458VB Can i create a block for all url's that end with /ReviewNew.asp etc. etc.? Thanks! Pardon my ignorance. Learning slowly, loving MOZ community 😃 1354bdae458d2cfe44e0a705c4ec38dd

    | Jerrion

  • Lately my organic traffic has dropped significantly as well as my adsense revenue.  The moz report says, for example, my traffic is down 40%, but I a still #1 for that keyword. Also, in the last week, suddenly my number of indexed pages doubled.  We had done some page rewriting and maybe messed that up.  We've fixed that though.  Webmaster tools is still picking up all of our old pages and the new ones. Background: We recently launched our new responsive website in March. March income was about the same as February. April dropped off suddenly (maybe late march - no sure) When we changed site, we did do 301's for all the old pages to the new ones Any ideas or advice as to why my traffic and revenue has dropped off so sharply? Never submitted questions before - not sure if I am supposed to put urls here so if you just google Home Spelling Words - that's my website.  Thanks everyone!!!

    | kimtastic

  • I have applied a sitelink demotion in webmaster tools, though this same sitelink is still appearing under my Google listing. How long does it usually take to take effect? Or is there anything I can do about this? Also, is there a way in which I can select or channel Google to show the sitelinks I want?

    | Gavo

  • Hi, One of our websites, which is actually a price comparison engine, facing indexing problem at Google. When we check “ “, there are lots of pages indexed which are not from but from merchants websites. The index result page also shows merchant’s page title. In some cases the title is from merchant’s site but when the given link is accessed it points to Also the cache displays the merchant’s product page as the last indexed version rather than showing ours. The has quite few Merchants that send us their product feed. Those products are listed on comparison page with prices. The merchant’s links on comparison page are all no-follow links but some of the (not all) merchant’s product pages are indexed against as mentioned above instead of product comparison page of How can we fix the issue? Thanks!

    | digitalMSB

  • hi guys, new to MOZ and SEO. Basic question here. is <title>different from <h1> and "meta tag title"?</p> <p>I have lots of "title missing or blank" errors as reported by a recent Moz crawl. What do i need to add into the pages to clear these? an <h1>? an <title>? or <meta tag title>? </p> <p>Im running a volusion site, and from what ive read (negative & positive) Volusion can be a pain to optimize my SEO as i dont have full access to all my pages.?</p></title>

    | Jerrion

  • We are about to launch a mobile site that pulls content from the same CMS, including metadata. They both have different top-level domains, however ( and How will this affect us in terms of search engine ranking?

    | ovenbird

  • Hey guys, I've got kind of a strange situation going on and I can't seem to find it addressed anywhere.  I have a site that at one point had several development sites set up at subdomains.  Those sites have since launched on their own domains, but the subdomain sites are still showing up in the Google index.  However, if you look at the cached version of pages on these non-existent subdomains, it lists the NEW url, not the dev one in the little blurb that says "This is Google's cached version of"  Clearly Google recognizes that the content resides at the new location, so how come the old pages are still in the index?  Attempting to visit one of them gives a "Server Not Found" error, so they are definitely gone. This is happening to a couple of sites, one that was launched over a year ago so it doesn't appear to be a "wait and see" solution. Any suggestions would be a huge help.  Thanks!!

    | SarahLK

  • Hi, We're currently using a third party blog platform (Blog Engine) on our site and we have a trailing slash issue. I can add as many trailing slashes as I want to the blog's homepage URL, but they don't redirect and our dev guys say this cannot be done with Blog Engine. We're in the process of building our own blog but, in the meantime, I just wanted to know if this will cause an issue? Individual blog posts with trailing slashes are redirected, it's just the homepage where it can't be done. I haven't noticed any traffic going to a blog URL with trailing slashes, and I don't believe any URLs with trailing slashes are being indexed, so should this be OK? Cheers, Lewis

    | PeaSoupDigital

  • One of our web pages seems to have completely dropped out of Google after featuring on page 1 for a number of years.  It can't be a site wide issue as all other web pages are performing as normal.  The page is and the key phrase it was performing well for was 'contractor income protection'.  Any ideas??

    | Pete4

  • Discovered some really odd words ranking for us in WMT. Looked further and found  pages like this When you click it it redirects to the home page. The developers can't find /wll anywhere on the site. The pages are indexed and cached. Looked at the back links in moz and found many backlinks to our site from other sites using URLs like this.  The host says there is nothing on the server, but where else could it be. We've run virus scans, nothing, looked through source code, nothing. Anyone with some idea? is the URL

    | Britewave

  • I have been using the Firefox duster app to clean up my css so only the page rendering css is loaded when my page is loaded. But it doesn't seem to be working now. Does anyone know of another tool that will do this for me?

    | RoxBrock

  • From recent marketing, I have checked the backlinks droped down a lot, and some main keywords ranking also drop. How can fix this issue?

    | SINOBALER_Baler

  • Hi all! We have a platform which includes a housing area which is created by ajax and angular. You can see a sample here: It has a static version under which shows the first 18 rooms, the rest are generated by angular.
    Also this static version has a dynamic text with around 400 characters. Is this the right procedure?
    How would you suggest to do it?


  • I'm trying to increase the domain authority of my main site, so decided to consolidate other sites. One of the other sites has a much higher domain authority, but I don't know why after a 301 redirect, the new site's domain authority hasn't changed on over a month. Does MOZ take account of thes types of things?

    | bytecgroup

  • I have this site as my primary domain: I don't want to give spiders access to the site at all so I tried to do a simple Disallow: / in the robots.txt. As a test I tried to crawl it with Screaming Frog afterwards and it didn't do anything. (Excellent.) However, there's a problem. In GWT, I got an alert that Google couldn't crawl ANY of my sites because of robots.txt issues. Changing the robots.txt on my primary domain, changed it for ALL my addon domains. (Ex. ) From a directory point of view, this makes sense, from a spider point of view, it doesn't. As a solution, I changed the robots.txt file back and added a robots meta tag to the primary domain. (noindex, nofollow). But this doesn't seem to be having any effect. As I understand it, the robots.txt takes priority. How can I separate all this out to allow domains to have different rules? I've tried uploading a separate robots.txt to the addon domain folders, but it's completely ignored. Even going to gave me the primary domain version of the file. (SERIOUSLY! I've tested this 100 times in many ways.) Has anyone experienced this? Am I in the twilight zone? Any known fixes? Thanks. Proof I'm not crazy in attached video. robotstxt_addon_domain.mp4

    | eglove

  • Hello, and pages have same content and their canonical refers to the page itself. Yet, they rank in search engines. Is it because they have been targeted to different geographical locations? If so, still the content is same. Please help me clear this confusion. Regards

    | IM_Learner

  • Hi there, We have a company website based on Wordpress. I just noticed that under Settings > Permalinks I can configure the look of the URLs and even remove the trailing slash. We have about 2-300 pages online. If I remove the trailing slash now, will that negatively impact our SEO in anyway for existing pages? Thanks!

    | Amr-Haffar

  • So I work with a Video Editing Plugin company and we have hit a bit of a conundrum with our mobile site plan.  At first we were going to a stripped down version of our current site since the customer base has yet to purchase off mobile and almost all of the web traffic comes from a full computer. ( As video editing on tablets still leaves a bit to be desired). I was thinking a mobile site, but at the same point, I don't want to have issues when it comes to URLs and what not. Given that a majority of our traffic is non mobile. Would it be better to design a separate stripped down mobile site, or would responsive still be the better choice?  Are mobile specific sites becoming old fashion?

    | TodorF.

  • I am working the SEO from my website and I don't know how many Tiers I need. I have read a lot but people always says different things. What do you think? Thanks for your help friends! Regards, Carlos Zambrana

    | CarlosZambrana

  • Hello! Today we have some issues when Google is indexing our instead of our seo-title. Our headline appears in the <title>tag while our seo-headline appears in the <meta name="title"> tag. And Google seems to index the <title> tag in most cases. </p> <p><strong>Here is from our source code: </strong><br /><title>Duellen: Apple Iphone 6 vs Samsung Galaxy S6 - XX</title> Should we stick with both of these and put the same content in both <title>and <meta name="title"> tags or should we go with just one of them?</p> <p>Best regards,<br />Danne</p> <p> </p></title>

    | idg-sweden

  • I am working on scraping title tags from websites with 1-5 million pages. Xenu's Link Sleuth seems to be the best option for this, at this point. Sitemap Generator from seems to be working too, but it starts handing up, when a sitemap file, the tools is working on,becomes too large. So basically, the second one looks like it wont be good for websites of this size. I know that Scrapebox can scrape title tags from list of url, but this is not needed, since this comes with both of the above mentioned tools. I know about also, but this one is paid, and it would be very expensive with this amount of pages and websites too (5 million ulrs is $1750 per month, I could get a better deal on multiple websites, but this obvioulsy does not make sense to me, it needs to be free, more or less). Seo Spider from Screaming Frog is not good for large websites. So, in general, what is the best way to work on something like this, also time efficient. Are there any other options for this? Thanks.

    | blrs12

  • I have solved my issue.

    | johntrader23

  • Our web development team have changed our domain prefix from www to non www due to a server change. Our SSL certificate would not be recognised under www and would produce a substantial error message when visiting the secure parts of our website. To prevent issues with old links they have added a permanent 301 redirect from www. to non www. urls until our sitemap catches up. Would this impact our SEO efforts or would it have no impact as a redirect has been placed? Thanks

    | Jseddon92

  • I have recently come across the Schema markup and have researched what it's all about. Basically in short it helps search engines identify all the elements of the page. Our competitors have this implementated, so is this important for SEO? We have an e commerce store.

    | Jseddon92

  • What/who would you recommend for those looking for a strategy around realizing the benefits of high quality back links?  We have tons of earned links from DA 90+ sites, but don't think we are realizing the full benefit due to onsite issues.  We have scraper sites outranking us. Would it be a technical on page audit? Any guidance appreciated.

    | loveit

  • We have a simple WordPress website for our law firm, with an English version and a Spanish version. I have created a sitemap (with appropriate language markup in the XML file) and submitted it to Webmaster Tools. Google crawled the site and accepted the sitemap last week, 24/24 pages indexed, 12 English and 12 Spanish. This week, Google decided to remove one of the pages from the index, showing 23/24 pages indexed. So, my questions are as follows: How can I find out which page was dropped from the index? If the pages are the same content, but different language, why did only one version of the page get dropped, while the other version remains? Why did the Big G drop one of my pages from the index? How can I reindex the dropped page? I know this is a fairly basic issue, and I'm embarrassed for asking, but I sure do appreciate the help.

    | RLG

  • Hi, I think the part of this question has been already discussed, but not exactly the same, I think. My site requires authentication for member page. When a user try to go to member area, we redirect to 3rd party to do the authentication. 1. user clicks a link to
    2. (enters id/pass)
    3. login success => redirect back to We are doing it 302, temporary redirect. But moz crawler error seems to suggest we should do it 301.
    So my question is:
    A. Should we do it 301???
    B. If we do 301, what happens to since it has hashtag, I am afraid it could create a lot of duplicate contents on side... Thank you so much for your help in advance...

    | HypermediaSystems

  • Hi there, A little while ago I posted a question about the upcoming mobile update. I am convinced about the fact that I must work on a solution before the update rolls out since a substancial part of our traffic has come from mobile devices. My current issue: our webshop host is not willing to cooperate with the best possible solution our mobile webshop partner proposes. This was the plan: This is the only possible solution now: The element 'request.url' will contain the full desktop URL which 301 redirects to the mobile URL. My question is: will google have problems with the 301 redirect which refers to the right mobile URL? Thanks in advance.

    | MarcelMoz

  • Hi, I was looking in my one of my moz accounts and under analyz page under notices is a message that says: Rel Canonical Using rel=canonical suggests to search engines which URL should be seen as canonical. I checked an notice that I do have a rel='canonical' href='' /> from the home page of I guess my question is. Does having a Rel Canonical going to the same page hurt my SEO? I'm not sure why it is there but wanted to make sure I address this correctly. I was under the impression you use Rel Canonical for duplicate or similar pages and you want to let Google know what page to show. But since I've made this mistake to where I am saying to show the home page if you find a similar home page, should I just delete the Rel Canonical. Thanks,

    | ErrickG

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