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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi everyone, I'm curious, are there best practices for introducing unique meta descriptions on blog tag pages (I'm using wordpress)? For instance, using platinum seo, on an original post, the meta description is either the excerpt or a specified custom sentence. It doesn't appear that platinum seo allows for custom descriptions on tag pages. Love to hear your thoughts. Thanks! Peter

    | peterdbaron

  • Hi everyone, I recently began working on a site with some peculiar things going on in the source code. Namely, the <title>attribute is beneath the <meta description> and <meta keywords> attributes. </p> <p>I checked a number of the client's competitors and found that none of them have the page attributes in the source data ordered like this. Instead, they have the attributes organized more traditionally (as I've usually seen them) in the following order <title>, <meta description>, <meta keywords>.</p> <p>I'm just wondering  whether or not this may have any effect on their ability to rank for the desired keyword terms. </p> <p> </p></title>

    | maxcarnage

  • Hi, Everyone, My company is currently working with a client that has multiple websites and is interested in merging them into one. One is a primary corporate site, the other is a site for a single line of products. They obviously want to merge the product site into the corporate site. The interesting thing is that the product site outperforms the corporate site. It has the highest traffic, and it has far more links/linking domains, a higher domain authority (although only by two points), and much more social activity. However, their reasons for wanting to merge the two are completely valid - less management, URL would match print collateral, etc. They're asking our opinion on whether or not to move forward with the merger. I'm leaning toward no simply because of the fact that the site they want to merge is outperforming the other. I'm curious, though, to get some other opinions on this. Would a merger be worth the work in this case? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

    | PapercutInteractive

  • I've discovered a ton of 404s from Google's WMT crawler looking for There are tons of these monthly archive xmls. I've used a plugin that for some reason created individual monthly archive xml sitemaps and now I get 404s. Creating rules for each archive seems a bad solution. My current sitemap plugin creates a single clean one How can I create a redirect rule in the Redirection WP plugin that will redirect any URL that has the 'sitemap' and 'xml' string in it to my current xml sitemap? I've tried using a wildcard like so:*.*, .,, (.) but none of the wildcard uses got the general redirect to work. Is there a way to make this happen with the WP Redirection plugin? If not, is there a htaccess rule, and what would the code be for it? Im not very fluent with using general redirects in htaccess unfortunately. Thanks!

    | IgorMateski

  • Hello everyone, I have a situation here and I’d like to have your opinion about it. I am working on a site which has been recently redesigned from scratch: in a nutshell, as soon as the new site went live their rankings dropped and, of course, so did their visitors and so on.. The guys who redesigned the site didn’t do any 301 redirect whatsoever, so now the old pages are just 404s and blocked by robots. My question is: if they 301 redirect now, do you think it would be possible they could get their rankings back? One more thing: when they launched the new site, the indexed pages basically doubled overnight; there were 700 and now there are 1400. Do you think this could affect their ranking as well? Thank you for you insights 🙂 Elio

    | Eyah

  • I'm getting an incredible number of 4xx errors and long titles from a small website (; over 13k 4xx errors and almost 20k "title element is too long".  The number keeps climbing, but the site shouldn't have more than a couple hundred pages.  When I look at the 4xx errors they are clearly being generated by some program since they have multiple and repeating keywords. Here's an example: | | I looked at the ftp files and plugins and couldn't see anything that could cause it, but I'm a beginner so no surprise there.  Any suggestions where to look or how to fix this?

    | dwerkema

  • We acquired a .clinic domain for a client, they are right now running under a .ca and I was just wondering if there were any cons to making the switch. On the flip side are there any pros? I've tried to search for the answer but couldn't seem to come across anything, thank you if you have any knowledge or could point me to a resource.

    | webignite

  • I'm a bit confused as to why my site just isn't indexing on Google. Even if I type in my brand name, my social channels rank and there's no evidence of my website. I've followed all of the advice I've read and gone into webmaster tools and got the Wordpress yoast plug-in but nothing seems to be making a difference!One thing I've noticed, in Google Webmaster Tools it says "Couldn’t communicate with the DNS server." in site errors. I've called GoDaddy and they said that everything is fine. A bit frustrating. Trying to work out what my next steps should be but feeling a bit lost to be honest! Any help GREATLY appreciated!

    | j1066s

  • Hi all, We have recently removed 200+ articles from our blog. However, those links are still being shown on Google weeks after their removal. In there a way to speed up the process? What effect will this have on our SEO ranking?

    | businessowner

  • Following up on this post, I did a pretty deep dive on our log files using Web Log Explorer.  Several things have come to light, but one of the issues I've spotted is the vast difference between the number of pages crawled by the Googlebot according to our log files versus the number of pages indexed in GWT.  Consider: Number of pages crawled per log files: 2993 Crawl frequency (i.e. number of times those pages were crawled): 61438 Number of pages indexed by GWT: 17,182,818 (yes, that's right - more than 17 million pages) We have a bunch of XML sitemaps (around 350) that are linked on the main sitemap.xml page; these pages have been crawled fairly frequently, and I think this is where a lot of links have been indexed.  Even so, would that explain why we have relatively few pages crawled according to the logs but so many more indexed by Google?

    | ufmedia

  • Hello, I have been away from SEO for a while and boy, how things changed... I have a question/concern about implementing nofollows... Should I nofollow repeated internal links?
    Should I nofollow internal links at all?
    What if a page has too many internal links between top navigation with drop down menus, left column and footer links? OR Should I only use nofollows for outbound links? I am pretty confused and would love some clarification... Thank you very much, Koki

    | WIDE16

  • Hi Everyone, I'm wondering if some of you could help me out a bit here as I'm a bit consfused. If you please take a quick look at my site: the way it's setup is that you can get to the same page via 3 or 4 different routes as below: These 3 are the exact same page and we've done it this way to make sure there is no break in the breadcrumb. Is this ok SEO wise or anyone have any recommendation. Thanks in advance

    | VIVO

  • I understand there is a subjective, human factor when deciding to link to/from a site. Nonetheless, what are the lowest Moz or Majestic metrics that are acceptable when building links. At what point do you say this site doesn't have the profile I would want? I am looking to clean up the backlink profile of a site. Also, I would like to set a criteria for building links in the future. I appreciate your thoughts on metrics when it comes to link building.

    | inhouseseo

  • Hi. Im doing a backlinks audit to two sites, one with 48k and the other with 2M backlinks. Both are very old sites and both have tons of backlinks from old pages and websites that don't exist any more, but these backlinks still exist in the Majestic Historic index. I cleaned up the obvious useless links and passed the rest through Screaming Frog to check if those old pages/sites even exist. There are tons of link sending pages that return a 0, 301, 302, 307, 404 etc errors. Should I consider all of these pages as being bad backlinks and add them to the disavow file? Just a clarification, Im not talking about l301-ing a backlink to a new target page. Im talking about the origin page generating an error at ping eg: sends me a link to Screamingfrog pings, and returns a Status error. Do I add the in the disavow file or not? Hope Im making sense 🙂

    | IgorMateski

  • Hi There, I have a client with a very interesting dilemma out there. If you do an image search his images appear quite high in the rankings. However the way he achieved this isn't exactly within Google's guidelines. He is basically hiding the images within CSS. The reason behind this is that the pages have changed over the years and the images didn't fit in with the new existing text but he still wanted to maintain the high image search rankings. He is now changing to a brand new site and so this page he has been able to tweak successfully before, will no longer exist. He want's to know what is the best way to maintain his image search rankings. will a 301 redirect be enough? I know the morality issues of hiding images, but I want to know if he did what would be the best way to preserve his current image rankings. Kind Regards Neil

    | nezona

  • I recently installed an SSL certificate on the site: Moz is now reading thousands of duplicate content pages because it is reading both http and https. I set up the configuration in Magento to auto-redirect the base URL, created a permanent redirect for the URL in the SEO settings, and adjusted the canonical settings. What am I missing??

    | adamxj2

  • By selecting a country in the Country Targeting section of GWT what effect does this have? For example if I select UK will this boost rankings on and decrease them on etc? If we are based in the UK but our customer base is worldwide should we not select anything?

    | twitime

  • Hello, I just watched this video from the Google Webmasters channel at YouTube: My question: If a site is built up on subdomains, will linking the different subdomains with exact anchor text hurt the site's ranking? Thanks

    | arnoldwender

  • Hello, I have a website that was started in 1999. On the website I have map pages for each of the offices listed on my site, for which there are about 120. Each of the 120 maps is in a whole separate html page. There is no content in the page other than the map. I know all of the offices love having the map pages so I don't want to remove the pages. So, my question is would these pages with no real content be hurting the rankings of the other pages on our site? Therefore, should I block the pages with my robots.txt? Would I also have to remove these pages (in webmaster tools?) from Google for blocking by robots.txt to really work? I appreciate your feedback, thanks!

    | imaginex

  • So I had a client that recently decided to change their URL to make it more "searchable"/shorter. Since doing so, I have noticed a significant drop in rankings for a number of the keyword terms we were previously ranking for. Is there a way to push the links to the new URL or is the only solution to revert back to the old URL?

    | maxcarnage

  • I've a technical question , For example site A was penalized by google updates, panda and penguin both and site b is in the same niche and it's running good and never been penalized by updates. If I redirect site A to Site B with 301 status code(permanent redirect), will Google penalize the site B too? because penalties travel from old domain to new one as per google's algorithms. And If yes then how can I stop my competitor from removing redirection of penalized domain to mine?

    | hammadrafique

  • Hi Guys Our site gets an A for on page optimisation and has much more backlinks and content than our competitors yet we rank no where for majority of keywords Please Help! Mike

    | MikeAquaspresso

  • A hosting company's server was hacked and one of our customer's sites was injected with 7,000+ pages of fake, bogus, promotional content. Server was patched and spammy content removed from the server. Reviewing Google Webmaster's Tools we have all the hacked pages showing up as 404's and have a severe drop in impressions, rank and traffic. GWT also has 'Some manual actions apply to specific pages, sections, or links'... What do you recommend for: Cleaning up 404's to spammy pages? (I am not sure redirect to home page is a right thing to do - is it?) Cleaning up links that were created off site to the spam pages Getting rank bank // what would you do in addition to the above?

    | GreenStone

  • I am thinking of moving my html website to weebly. They offer a 301 redirect for my domain name. Is that ok for SEO?

    | bhsiao

  • Hi Everyone, My company is currently doing a redesign for a website and in the process of planning their 301 redirect strategy, I ran across several subdomains that aren't set up and are pointing to content on another website. The site is on a server that has a dedicated IP address that is shared with the other site. What should we do with these subdomains? Is it okay to 301 them to the homepage of the new site, even though the content is from another site? Should we try to set them up to go to the 404 page on the new site?

    | PapercutInteractive

  • Hi everybody, I got a question concerning my website URLs. It's a large WordPress website and we've got a lot of categorised pages ('parent' / 'child'). Now when I search for a specific page I only get to see the 'parent' name in the URL. The page which I am looking for isn't visible. Only a small arrow which shows me 2 options (in cache and compare). The URLs are not too long. Does anybody know why this happens, and how I can solve it? I added a image for reference. (Where /partners/ is the parent page and /partners/aruba/ isn't visible) Thank you very much. LSsT1Ua

    | SecureLink

  • From today morning my site rank down in Google search engine             Most of the pages are on the top rank of google but now it gone how can i fix that issue

    | watchwrestling

  • I know most people typically use Yoast, we use it on our sites, but we have one site where Yoast is causing a conflict.  I wanted to investigate some other options and see what the best solution may be. Anyone else have an effective plugin they like?

    | AdamWormann

  • We have changed our site architecture pretty significantly and now have many fewer pages (albeit with more robust content and focused linking). My question is, what should I do about all the 404 errors (keep in mind, I am only finding these in Bing Webmaster tools, not Moz or GWT)? Is it worse to have all those 404 errors (hundreds), or to have a massive htaccess file for pages that are only getting hits by the Bing crawlbot. Any insight would be great. Thanks

    | CleanEdisonInc

  • When looking for crawlability issues, what is the difference between using webmaster tools Fetch as google, looking at the cached pages in google index, or using spider simulator tools.

    | shashivzw

  • Hello Moz Community, At first I wanted to say that I really like the Q&A section and that I read and learned a lot - and today it is time for my first own question 😉 I checked our backlink-profile these days and I found in my opinion a few bad/spammy links, most of them are auto-generated by pickung up some (meta) information from our webpage. Now my question is if I should dasavow these links over webmasters or if these links shouldn't matter as I guess basically every webpage will be picked up from them. Especially from the perspective that our rankings dropped significantly last weeks, but I am not sure if this can be the real reason. Examples are pages like: -Auto-Generates for example meta descriptions with links -find similar websites -no idea about this, really crazy Or we are at, which makes sense for me and we get some referral traffic as well, but they auto-generated links from all their TLDs like .gr / .it / .cn etc. -just disavow all other TLDs than .com? Another example would be links from OM services like: Moreover we have a lot of links from different HR portals (including really many outdated job postings). Can these links “hurt” as well? Thanks a lot for your help! Greez Heiko

    | _Heiko_

  • Hi, I have switched my website from http to https  but now I my facing a problem when I type URL with www ( e.g in browser that is working fine but when I type URL without www like "This connection is untrusted" error is showing . All I want to is redirect to Please let me know how can I redirect? Thanks

    | Alick300

  • Hey Moz Community! Looking for some input on a site migration. When redirecting some old pages that aren't going to be moved over to the new site, do you prefer to redirect to a homepage (or similar page) or to throw up a 404/410 on the new site? What have you found works best?

    | iSTORM-New-Media

  • Hi all Wondering if anyone could help out with this one.   Roger Bot crawler has just performed it's weekly error crawl on my site and I appear to have 18,613 temp redirect problems!! Rather, the same 1 problem 18,613 times. My site is a magento store and the errors it is giving me is due to the wishlist feature on the site. For example, it is trying to crawl links such as index.php/wishlist/index/add/product/29416/form_key/DBDSNAJOfP2YGgfW (which would normally add the item to one's wishlist). However, because Roger isn't logged into the website it means that all these requests are being sent to the login url with the page title of Please Enable Cookies. Would the best way to fix this be to enable wishlists for guests? I would rather not do that but cannot think of another way of fixing it. Any other Magento people come across this issue? Thanks, Carl

    | daedriccarl

  • Hi Moz Fans! - Please help. We had a while a site was in development, when it went live it redirected (302) to (real names redacted!!) no known external links to staging site although staging site url has been emailed from Google Apps(!!!) now found that staging site is in the index even though it redirects to the proper public site. and some (but not all) of the pages are in the index too. They all redirect to the proper public site when visited. It is convenient to have a redirect from the staging site to the new one for the team, Chrome etc. remember frequently visited sites. Be a shame to lose that. Yes, these pages can be removed using webmaster tools.
    But how did they get in the index to start with? And if we're building a new site, and a customer has an existing site is there a danger of duplicate content etc. penalties caused by the staging site? We had a similar incident recently when a PDF that was not linked anywhere on the site appeared in the index. The link had been emailed through Google Apps, and visited in Chrome, but that was it. So 3 questions. Why is the staging site still in the index despite the redirects? How did they get in the index in the first place? Will the new staging site affect the rank of the existing site, eg. duplicate content penalties?

    | mozroadjan

  • Hello, all my keywords are dropped on Google from 1. st page to  page 5+. Is these Penguin 3.0 problem? What to do now? Register new domain and move website? I loose 1 year:( Details: PA: 53 DA:46 (backlinks from 110 domains), domain old: 3 years I didnt recived any message in Google webmaster. Sorry for my english. Please help me! Thank you!

    | cerar

  • I use SEMRush, and the issue they are finding is I have 30 duplicate content issues. All seem to be caused by the tags I add in my portfolio pieces. I have looked at my SEO settings (taxonomies, etc) in the Wordpress site, and don't know what I am doing wrong....any advice how to fix? I have attached a screen shot VsYv2wY

    | cschwartzel

  • We sell steel plates. They come in a number of different grades and then in a variety of sizes. Generally we have a page for each unique grade. What I want to do is to use schema to enhance the rich snippet in SERPS to say something like width: 2 - 3.5m length 6 - 14m thickness 6 - 300mm Phosphorous: 0.005% Sulphur 0.005% is this possible using schema? would I use thing/product or another theme? i'm trying to scope out the possibilities here to determine whether it is worth spending time on. The the other more interesting question is whether it is possible to respond differently to informational and purchasing searches. So if someone is looking for informations physical and chemical properties would be best used in the schema markup. If they are looking to purchase then product characteristics. Can these be shown differentially?

    | Zippy-Bungle

  • We are managing a website that has seen consistently dropping rankings over the last 2 years ( Our long term strategy has been purely content-based and is of high quality, but isn’t seeing the desired results. It is an ecommerce site that has a lot of pages, most of which are category or product pages. Many of the product pages have duplicate or thin content, which we currently see as one of the primary reasons for the ranking drops.The website has many individual products which have the same fabric and size options, but have different designs. So it is difficult to write valuable content that differs between several products that have similar designs. Right now each of the different designs has its own product page. We have a dilemma, because our options are:A.Combine similar designs of the product into one product page where the customer must choose a design, a fabric, and a size before checking out. This way we can have valuable content and don’t have to duplicate that content on other pages or try to find more to say about something that there really isn’t anything else to say about. However, this process will remove between 50% and 70% of the pages on the website. We know number of indexed pages is important to search engines and if they suddenly see that half of our pages are gone, we may cause more negative effects despite the fact that we are in fact aiming to provide more value to the user, rather than less.B.Leave the product pages alone and try to write more valuable content for each product page, which will be difficult because there really isn’t that much more to say, or more valuable ways to say it. This is the “safe” option as it means that our negative potential impact is reduced but we won’t necessarily see much positive trending either. C.Test solution A on a small percentage of the product categories to see any impact over the next several months before making sitewide updates to the product pages if we see positive impact, or revert to the old way if we see negative impact.Any sound advice would be of incredible value at this point, as the work we are doing isn’t having the desired effects and we are seeing consistent dropping rankings at this point.Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,

    | Ed-iOVA

  • ok we have one main domain about our company which is about renting luxury and exotic cars. ( We own other domains with similar keywords,meta,etc on the URL and SEO For example, we own domains like exoticcarrentalorlando/exoticcarrentaltampa, with same background and design as main site but, we have different content than main site to avoid duplicate. Keep in mind, all the other domain we own, all have same template with our companies name on it but, it doesnt have any content or link that pertains to main site. is this a problem?


  • Hi Mozers, My client is just about to launch a print magazine for her watch business. There is so much valuable content in the magazine and we want to feature it on the website both for SEO purposes and also for those who prefer to read articles online instead of reading a physical magazine. My question is: what is the best method of displaying the magazine to get the most from search rankings and also to capitalise on the beautiful imagery from the magazine. The best option that I can think of is to upload the magazine as a flipbook and create a separate page on the website to display each article so that search engine crawlers can index the content. I do understand that this could be problematic if users are only spending time reading the flipbook and not so much time on the article pages. Do you guys have any suggestions about how to get the most out of this opportunity for my client? THANK YOU IN ADVANCE. Meaghan

    | StoryScout

  • Since 1995 we had one website which combined our wedding and portrait photography business.(website A) Three years ago we created a new website and new domain name for the portrait photography side. (website B) We did not delete the portrait information from website A. Both sites were ranking well on page one. After Penguin 3 website B is no longer ranking at all. Website A is still ranking well and one of the original portrait pages on the website A is now ranking on page one also. I am wondering what to do and considering the below options: 1. Should I go back to a combined wedding and portrait site? (and delete website B) 2. Should I create a "301" from the original portrait page on website A that is now ranking, to website B that is no longer ranking, and delete all portrait content from website A? 3. Will having a combined wedding and portrait site be harder to rank as they are competing against each other, or will they help each other rank? Any comments or advice greatly appreciated. Thanks

    | annaberg

  • Dear Moz-community, In our company, we are torn about the influence of having a ton of javascript on the top of our source code - while our Tech guys are downplaying it's influence, us marketeers aren't quite sure. The link is here: view-source: It is the javascript that is loaded right after the Would this be a problem with Google? Thank you very much,

    | BetterCollective

  • Hello, A new client came to me with their ecommerce kids clothes website 6 weeks ago. I installed Yoast SEO plugin and set to work changing all their products to proper words rather than codes and optimising titles and descriptions. I did no link building. The domain is new- about 2- 3 months only so has very few links. I added it to webmaster tools and submitted the sitemap. Traffic was good during this time and infact the impressions in webmaster tools and clicks were increasing. It seemed to be punching beyond its weight actually with some keywords on page 1 which I thought odd for such a new domain in such a competitive arena. Then on the 4th October the impressions and clicks fell drastically. The traffic is about a third of what it was. Now I don't think this was anything Penguin-ish as the domain is so new with no links yet. I know there was a Panda update on the 25th September. Could it be that? All I have done is changed the titles to something more human and I thought Google appeared to like that as traffic was increasing. Could it be that now everything is indexed that it has settled down to its proper position in the rankings which is currently low? We added another way of categorising the products by brand as on the site their USP is their designer brands. I have checked for duplication but as far as I can see this isn't an issue. Anyone seens this before?

    | AL123al

  • Hi Moz Community ! I am a student and I started working for a startup. I'm really new to SEO and I've been reading tones of ressources and spent days and days learning the basics. I am currently in charge of the SEO (blog and homepage), and tried hard to optimize it. However, I don't see results. What am I doing wrong? And it's really frustrating because I am really passionate about SEO. I find it really challenging ! I have a few concerns: I try to provide high quality content but why don't I rank better for few keywords? (I don't see any improvement) I optimize the content, images etc so it's as SEO friendly as possible (keyword density, alt tags, titles, etc). But seems something is wrong. I did a log of blog commenting with High quality and genuine comments (useful to users of course). And now trying to get some articles out as guest posts for backlinks. Fyi, I am using Moz and Yoast, the blog is in Wordpress. And we are moving to subfolder instead of subdomain for the blog. I would appreciate your help and any tip. Thanks !

    | CarolineLee

  • Hi all, For reference: The SaaS guide to leveraging the "Powered By" tactic. My product is an embeddable widget that customers place on their websites (see example referenced in link above). A lot of my customers have great domain authority (big brands, .gov's etc). I would like to use a "Powered By" link on my widgets to create high quality backlinks. My question is: if I have identical link text (on potentially hundreds) of widgets, will this look like link spam to Google? If so, would setting the link text randomly on each widget to one of a few different phrases (to create some variation) avoid this? Hope this makes sense, thanks in advance.

    | NoorHammad

  • Hey Mozzers, So, this isn't the first time that I've come to the community with questions regarding my new site. Although running a site using static HTML-generated pages has been fantastic in the first few weeks as far as load times, it's been a nightmare in terms of a few other SEO-related concerns, namely redirects. In the Q&A post above, Mat Shepherd pointed out a solution for adding 301s to an Amazon Webservices site using their "Redirection Rules" field on the "Configure Bucket for Website Hosting" page. However, I discovered soon after that I was limited to only 50 redirects using this method. Obviously, all things considered, this will not be enough. At this point, I'm basically out of ideas. If anyone else out there has a website with a similar setup, (Jekyll platform hosted on Amazon S3,) that has overcome this problem with redirects, I'd really appreciate hearing from you. Thanks in advance, everyone

    | danny.wood

  • Hi, I´m running a sitemap using pro-sitemaps and I find several pages that shouldn´t be listed. How do I find how are these pages being generated? Can´t find the links the robot is following to get to those pages..

    | ceci2710

  • can it the penalty if so how do i find out if i was hit with a penalty i keep checking my webmasters but there is no alert for penalty. this is very sad but once i make sure it was a penalty i can move on for a safer seo. Sites are indexed i checked. there is no other indexing issue or robots issue either. Please help

    | samafaq

  • Hi, How do I resolve a duplicate title error in GWT over spelling in URL? Ttile of Post: Minneapolis Median Home Sales Price Up 16 Percent Not sure how this happened, but I have two URL versions show up. Even with a 301 redirect, the both remain an error in GWT. /re​al-​est​ate​-bl​og/​Min​nea​pol​is-​med​ian​-ho​me-​sal​es-​pri​ce-​up-​16-​per​cen​t and /re​al-​est​ate​-bl​og/​min​nea​pol​is-​med​ian​-ho​me-​sal​es-​pri​ce-​up-​16-​per​cen​t

    | jessential

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