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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Over the past month and a half, our crawl stats have been rising violently. A few weeks ago, our crawl stats rose, such that the pages crawled per day worked out to the entire site being crawled 6 times a day, with a corresponding rise in KB downloaded per day. Last week, the crawl rate jumped again, such that the site is being crawled roughly 30x a day. I'm not seeing any chatter at there about an algorithm change, and I've checked and double-checked the site for signs of duplicate content, changes in our backlink profile, or anything else. We haven't seen appreciable changes in our search volume, either impressions or clicks. Any ideas what could be going on?

    | Tyler-Brown

  • I recently asked another website to remove a page from their website (I have no control over this website) and they have now 301'd this old URL to another - this is just what I wanted. My only aim now is to see the Google cache removed for that page as quickly as possible.
    I'm not sure that asking the website to remove the url via WMT is the right way to go  and assume I should just be waiting for Google to pick up the 301 and naturally remove the cache. But are there any recommended methods I can use to speed this process up? The old URL was last cached on 3 Oct 2014 so not too long ago. I don't think the URL is linked from any other page on the Internet now, but I guess it would still be in Google's list of URLs to crawl. Should I sit back and wait (who knows how long that would take?) or would adding a link to the old URL from a website I manage speed things up? Or would it help to submit the old URL to Google's Submission tool? URL

    | Mark_Reynolds

  • Hi guys, I was playing with the new OSE when I found out a weird thing: if you Google "performing arts school london" you will see w w w . mountview . org. uk at  the 3rd position. The point is that page has "Meta Robots: NO INDEX, NO FOLLOW", why Google indexed it? Here you can see the robots.txt allows Google to index the URL but not the content, in article they also say the meta robots tag will properly avoid Google from indexing the URL either. Apparently, in my case that page is the only one has the tag "NO INDEX, NO FOLLOW", but it's the home page. so I said to myself: OK, perhaps they have just changed that tag therefore Google needs time to re-crawl that page and de-index following the no index tag. How long do you think it will take to don't see that page indexed? Do you think it will effect the whole website, as I suppose if you have that tag on your home page (the root domain) you will lose a lot of links' juice - it's totally unnatural a backlinks profile without links to a root domain? Cheers, Pierpaolo

    | madcow78

  • My client has a container page on their website, they are using SiteFinity, so it is called a "group page", in which individual pages appear and can be scrolled through. When link are followed, they first lead to the group page URL, in which the first content page is shown. However, when navigating through the content pages, the URL changes. When navigating BACK to the first content page, the URL is that for the content page, but it appears to indexers as a duplicate of the group page, that is, the URL that appeared when first linking to the group page. The client updates this on the regular, so I need to find a solution that will allow them to add more pages, the new one always becoming the top page, without requiring extra coding. For instance, I had considered integrating REL=NEXT and REL=PREV, but they aren't going to keep that up to date.

    | SpokeHQ

  • In google webmaster tool in Structured data it is showing me 396 items with errors i.e. Data Type - Product, Source -, Pages -351, Items -351, Items with Errors - 351 When i click on the 351 in that it is showing Missing:Price but when i click on that product i can see the price 2) Data Type - searchresultspage, Source -, Pages- 47, Items - 47 Items with errors -45 When i click on the 47 in that it is showing Missing:Price but when i click on that product i can see the price So i am not getting what is the actual error?

    | jackinmathis1

  • Hello I think i have a serious problem. Most of my products are not getting internal links.
    I discoverd this when i was running a Crawl Test Tool Report | Moz Here an example of one product.
    This product can be navigate to a normal way true the navigation structure on my website. The navigation is 
    On this page is the product URL:
    Time Crawled 2014
    Title tag: Aesculap Econom Equipe GT674 |
    Meta Description: Bekijk en bestel een Aesculap Econom Equipe GT674 paardenscheermachine voor de scherpste prijs 
    HTTP Status Code: 200
    Link Count: 550
    Content-Type Header: text/html; charset=UTF-8
    4XX (Client Error): NO
    5XX (Server Error): NO
    Title Missing or Empty: No
    Duplicate Page Content: NO
    URLs with Duplicate Page Content (up to 5)
    Duplicate Page Title:No
    Long URL NO
    Overly-Dynamic URL NO
    301 (Permanent Redirect) NO
    302 (Temporary Redirect) NO
    301/302 Target
    Meta Refresh NO
    Meta Refresh Target
    Title Element Too Short NO
    Title Element Too Long No
    Too Many On-Page Links YES
    Missing Meta Description Tag No
    Search Engine blocked by robots.txt No
    Meta-robots Nofollow No
    Meta Robots Tag INDEX,FOLLOW
    Rel Canonical Yes
    Rel-Canonical Target
    Blocking All User Agents No
    Blocking Google No
    Internal Links 0
    Linking Root Domains 0
    External Links 0
    Page Authority 1 Domain Autority 30 Do you have an answer what is wrong, thanks for your answers Regards,

    | macrovet

  • A Screaming Frog report indicates that Google is indexing a client's site for both: www and non-www URLs. To me this means that Google is seeing both URLs as different even though the page content is identical. The client has not set up a preferred URL in GWMTs.  Google says to do a 301 redirect from the non-preferred domain to the preferred version but I believe there is a way to do this in HTTP Access and an easier solution than canonical. GWMTs also shows that over the past few months this client has lost more than half of their backlinks. (But there are no penalties and the client swears they haven't done anything to be blacklisted in this regard. I'm curious as to whether Google figured out that the entire site was in their index under both "www" and "non-www" and therefore discounted half of the links. Has anyone seen evidence of Google discounting links (both external and internal) due to duplicate content? Thanks for your feedback. Rosemary

    | RosemaryB

  • I've heard that Google is now indexing links and stuff available in javascript and jquery. My webmastertools is showing that some links are blocked in robots.txt of jquery. Sorry I'm not a developer or designer. I want to know is there any impact of this on my SEO? and also how can I unblock it for the robots? Check this screenshot:

    | hammadrafique

  • Hi, my client use the NJOYN framework to insert all of the new job post on his website. The problem is that this framework is not hosted at the same place that his website is hosted. This create 2 domain name. First: second: How can I tell google that link with the site Can I do this by simply 301 redirect the domain from to I know that this is a framework, is there a way to have access to their htaccess file? Finally, is there a way to rewrite to Thanks alot

    | bigrat95

  • I have a webmaster working on the site and I don't really remember how it got this way but it now appears that the non www have more PA than the www. I am redirecting it so I guess it's a good thing?  should I move the site so that it's the root and www is the redirect?  any help is greatly appreciated!

    | ecb09

  • Hello, Some time ago, something like a month and a half) I have removed all 404 errors from the google index and the webmaster tools have removed them already, however yesterday moz found the same 404 errors that i have removed from indexing (tose pages are deleted or redirected by the site developer). What could be an issue here and why webmaster tools are not registering those 404 errors but moz analytics does. And the other question is if those pages do not exist can i track where the placed? I tried dowloading moz crawl test, but the refering source was not provided. I would highly appreciate anyones help. Thank you

    | rikomuttik

  • We recently migrated one of our websites to a new domain. Obviously we were expecting a decrease in traffic initially, but it has actually gone down by 70% week-over-week since we made the switch. We set up a 301 redirect from the old domain to the new domain, changed all internal links to the new domain and changed all inbound links that we owned to the new domain. Our research suggested the best way to approach a domain change was by keeping it simple and not making too many changes at once. So my questions are: 1. Are these the kinds of results we should expect initially after a domain change? And if not, 2. What are the steps we should take from here? Thanks!

    | gouldtr

  • I am looking to use a different sitemap generator that can do 5 thousand or more pages at once. Any recommendations? Thanks guys.

    | Chenzo

  • If I use a CSS overflow scroll for copy, will my SEO rankings be affected? Will Google still be able to index my copy accurately and will keywords used in the copy that are covered by the scroll be recognized by Google?

    | moliver1022

  • I'm confused about PageRank flow inside a domain.. Please provide me with an well explained guide about flow of Pagerank as I know, i think it flows from homapage to internal pages and then internal pages to homepage. I think I'm wrong. Also, every page has its own PR, if I give backlinks to external website from my internal pages, is it going to impact the homepage's pr and authority? Highly confused.. 😕

    | hammadrafique

  • Background: I recently launched a new site and it's performing much better than the old site in terms of bounce rate, page view, pages per session, session duration, and conversions. As suspected, sessions, users, and % new sessions are all down. Which I'm okay with because the the old site had a lot of low quality traffic going to it. The traffic we have now is much more engaged and targeted. Lastly, the site was built using Squarespace and was launched the middle of August. **Question: **When reviewing Google Webmaster Tools' Sitemaps section, I noticed it says 57 web pages Submitted, but only 5 Indexed! The sitemap that's submitted seems to be all there. I'm not sure if this is a Squarespace thing or what. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!!

    | Nate_D

  • Hi Moz Community, I know that hiding h1 tags isn't a good practice for SEO and google, but we have banners that look much nicer than the stock text Magento uses for its titles. The banners have the same text and the h1 is in the source code, just not visible on front end. The option Magento gives is "hide title on the page." So I'm not sure if this is actually the bad way to hide it or if it's fine for search engines. Thanks,

    | IceIcebaby

  • hey guys, I know there is always someone here asking this questions, but I have done my fair share of investigation and have not come up with a cause. my ranking dropped from page one to page 2  or 3 last sunday in time span of 4 hours. After that I read that google was updating panda with 4.1, but don't know why I got hit exactly. my competition is all clear and some have even gained rankings, and mine dropped even though my domain and page authority increased as well. any ideas would help. I already checked all the obvious ones (such as spam, links, content, etc)

    | s-s

  • Hello, I can't find the answer anywhere so I wonder if someone here could help? The ecommerce site I have has Yoast  and Woocommerce installed. The Post Types tab under Titles and Metas has various options: Posts, pages, media, products, gift cards. There is also custom post type archives for products and gift cards. Should i noindex the media and also the custom post type archives for product and gift cards and if so why? What about the taxonomies for ecommerce? What's best practise? Noindex? I  understand the settings for Yoast when its not an ecommerce site but this has kind of thrown me. Thanks

    | AL123al

  • We are currently cleaning up bad links that were purchased by a previous SEO agency. We have found links on pages that redirect traffic to our site automatically. How should this be handled? Should we remove these links?

    | Lorne_Marr

  • Hi there, Is it a good idea to no index tag, category, and author pages on blogs? The tag pages sometimes have duplicate content.  And the category and author pages aren't really optimized for any search term. Just curious what others think. Thanks!

    | Rignite

  • Hey guyz I have a client who got a very interesting structure that I've ever seen. He has got a navigation down link, and with that he links every page on his site , with his every each page.
    I mean each page link each page with dropdown navigational menu. ( Menu can be crawled .)
    And the other interesting thing is in the image . He has a level 1 page that has a huge content in it. 
    But he links every topic of the content with another link which is anchor text link I mean this (
    How Google treats this ?
    Is there anything wrong with it ? I mean amount of it .
    Thank you! 3q7zp6

    | atakala

  • This is a follow up question derived from a previous question I posted - There have been several reputable crawl tools used on our (including Moz) site that state we are missing title tags on may pages. One such page is I can see the title tag on line 238 of the page source. I find it unlikely that there is an issue with the crawl tools. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Nick

    | Istoresinc

  • Hi, Across the categories/product pages on out site there are archives/shipping info section and the texts are always the same. Would this be treated as duplicated content and harmful for seo? How can I alter robots.txt to tell google not to crawl those particular text Thanks for any advice!

    | LauraHT

  • Hello seomoz! The problem My issue is that from around 28-7-2014 when i search on google "" it doesn`t return any webpages of my website. What is working as it should I get results for the homepage if i search any other keywords. For example if i search "" i get many results including the homepage. Other helpful information On Google webmaster tools i didn`t receive any message regarding this, or a penalty.
    Also at manual actions there is nothing. The traffic coming from google didn`t dropped. Actually the last weeks i have an increase on visits Any idea what could be wrong ? Any solution for this? Thanks a lot for your time!

    | vatraxos

  • Hello Moz Community, I have a question regarding 301 redirecting a new domain that contains keywords relevant to my website. However, I do NOT want to change my current domain. My main question is, by just redirecting this new domain to my current website, will those keywords in the new domain help with ranking in anyway? Thanks in advance for any help!

    | WyzeOwl

  • Consider the following: A client of ours has a Job boards website. They then have 80 domains all in different job sectors. They pull in the jobs based on the sectors they were tagged in on the back end. Everything is identical across these websites apart from the brand name and some content. whats the best way to deal with this?

    | jasondexter

  • Hi Mozzers. I'm working on a dev brief for a site with no search visibility at all. You have to log in (well, sign up) to the site (via Facebook) to get any content.  Usability issues of this aside, I am wondering what are the possible solutions there are to getting content indexed. I feel that there are two options: 1. Pinterest-style: this gives the user some visibility of the content on the site before presenting you with a log in overlay.  I assume this also allows search engines to cache the content and follow the links. 2. Duplicate HTTP and HTTPS sites. I'm not sure if this is possible in terms of falling foul of the "showing one thing to search engines and another thing to users" guidelines.  In my mind, you would block robots from the HTTPS site (and show it to the users where log in etc is required) but URLs would canonicalise to the HTTP version of the page, which you wouldn't present to the users, but would show to the search engines.  The actual content on the pages would be the same. I wonder if anyone knows any example of large(ish) websites which does this well, or any options I haven't considered here. Many thanks.

    | Pascale

  • Hi, I have a client who registered many different variations of their domain name, that are pointing to the website. Now I see that many high value links are not linking to the main domain, but a hyphen variation. So when the main domain is something like The links go to I suppose they should change all those links (if possible), but does it really make a difference? Thank you!

    | alism
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hello, I have recently read that a should provide the same number of pages as the non-mobile site. Is this so? Is this why my mobile site won't rank? Our competitors have their standard websites showing up before our version... Also, do I have to get a whole new set of mobile links for my mobile site? In WT, I am seeing absolutely no inbound links, which seems odd? Any help would be greatly appreciated. 🙂 Thanks in advance

    | lfrazer

  • We are doing a 2-phase site redesign (in order to meet a deadline).  An entire section of the site will not be available in the first phase, but will come back in 6 months.   The question is, do we use 301s or 302s for those pages that will be coming back in 6 months?  Is there a time limit on what is considered "temporary"? thanks in advance!

    | Max_B

  • Hello All, We are working with a client who had manual penalty from Google. We worked on that and now penalty has been removed. Client had already started working on the new domain and now the big dilemma is- Which domain should we continue with? Old or New? We are suggesting them to continue with the old one as that domain had good PR, good backlinks, better visibility on their social profiles etc. What do you suggest? any inputs are highly appreciated. Thanks

    | sachin-sv

  • Hi guys, Having a bit of trouble getting a htaccess redirect working. It's very easy but I am making a small typo somewhere! I want to redirect about 400 product pages located at; to ..basically just dropping /product/ Any help would be appreciated as my errors in Moz are all over the place!

    | MrPenguin

  • We have a site which has a number of Url's pointing at one site.  As the url's have been in use for many years there are links from many sources include good old fashioned hard copy advertising.  We have now decided that it would be better to try to start porting all sources to the version and get that listing as the prime/master site. A couple of days ago I went through and used canonical tags on all the pages thinking that would set the priority and that would also strengthen the page in terms of trust due to the reduced duplication.  However when I went to scan the site in MOZ the warning that the page redirects came up and I am beginning to think that I need to remove all these canonical tags so that search engines do not get into a confused spiral where we loose the little page rank we have. Is there a way that I can redirect everything except the target URL without setting up a separate master site just for all the other pages to point at.

    | Eff-Commerce

  • Just curious if people are still using WordPress Tags. I wonder if with the direction Google is going the last couple years, having sites that get bloated with extraneous Tag archives just decreases the quality of the site.

    | WilliamBay

  • Hi, I am responsible for the blinds and curtains brand Kaaten and the its online store that operates in the Spanish market, during the last 6 months we have increasing substantially the traffic and improving the positioning of our main keywords (in most of the cases we postion right under Ikea and Leroy Merlin). However, there is a keyword that I cannot get to position, not even in the top 50 positions - that is the word "cortinas". I do not understand why is that happening as in a word like "estores"  with similar monthly searches and competition  we rank 3rd. Looking at the Home site and analysing both keywords the density is similar, so I do not see many differences there. I also cleaned up a bit the content to remove some "cortinas" keywords and thus avoid the keyword stuffing, but no results so far. Does any of you have any suggestion that what I can do to position better in that particular keyword? Look forward for your response and thanks for your help.

    | oriolbandalux

  • Hi Everyone! We just launched a new version of our research site and the main CTA on the page sends users to a subdomain that's blocked by robots.txt. The subdomain link is one of our PPC landing pages and they would be duplicate content for every model (cars). We're also looking at a new content stream of deals pages, on the main domain. The thought process was that we could rank these pages for things like "Volkswagen golf deals" and also use them as canonical URLs from the PPC pages so that Panda doesn't get mad at us for sending hundreds of links to a subdomain that's blocked. It's going to take us a lot of time to write the copy for the deals pages, so if we auto-generate it by pulling a paragraph of copy from the car review, and numerical stats about that model, will it be classes as duplicate and/or is there any downside to doing it? Review Page: Deals Page: PPC Landing Page: I can't help but feel that this may all be a bit overkill and perhaps it makes more sense to build 1 central deals page per model with unique content that we can also send the PPC traffic to, then life any block from the quotes. subdomain. But that will take time and we'd also like a quick solution. I'd also question if it's even an issue to link to a blocked subdomain, Google adds the quote URL into the index but can't crawl it, which I've been told is bad - but is it bad enough to do something about? Thanks, JP

    | Matt.Carwow

  • Hi mozzers, We are a internet firm building several sites and webshops every month. On almost every site we build we put a link in the footer as some kind of signature of our work. (similar to artists on their painting). Those are often dofollow links to our main page. We do get several new clients of those links each year. but in seo perspective, is this a really bad thing, or do you think because its not solely for SEO purposes its ok, but its not adding any extra weight because of some domains got 10 pages with our link on it, some ecommerce stores like 7.000. I can imagen google to give the same amount of importance to the 10 or 7k site. Whats your idea on it?
    Our website is:

    | kayintveen_MD

  • Hi - I'm working for a client with a manual penalty. In their WMT account they have 2 pages indexed.If I search for "" I get 175 results which is about right. I'm not sure what to make of the 2 indexed pages - any thoughts would be very appreciated. google-1.png google-2.png

    | JohnBolyard

  • Hi everyone, I think one of my sites got hit with Panda. On Sept 18th the site dipped to "not in top 50" for almost all keywords. I checked GWT for the manual action email but my inbox is empty!!!!!!!!!! The lesser of 2 evils I guess. They had major server issues that week as well so it is hard to identify what caused the site to dip. My client has original content on the website but almost all content on the blog is copied. Do you recommend me deleting the non original content? Can the problem be elsewhere? Thanks

    | Carla_Dawson

  • Hi, how to do seo with angular ? is there an easy way to make google crawl your website healthy?

    | bigrat95

  • Hi, I am setting up a new sitemap for our website. the website contains about 8000 - 10.000 pages. Of wich are 6000 productpages. I have 10 categories, about 80 sub-catagories and about 400 sub-sub categories ( these ar my most important landingpages) At this moment our sitemap is only 1 MB. From that point of view 1 sitemap will be enough. But can i take SEO advantage by splitting this sitemap in 10 categories? Or are there other ways to set it up for a better SEO? Thanks!

    | Leonie-Kramer

  • We made a change to our site where we all of a sudden we are creating a large number of 404 pages.  Is this effecting the crawl/indexing rate? Currently we've submitted 3.4 million pages, have over 834K indexed but have over and 330K pages not found.  Since the large increase in 404s we've noticed a decrease in pages crawled per day.  I found this Q & A in Webmasters ( but it seems like the 404s should not have an effect.  Is this article out of date? What do you think fellow Moz-ers? Is this a problem?

    | JoshKimber

  • Hey Everyone, I'm looking for some help regarding my website. I have multiple pages on my site that are password protected (we only give the password to potential clients).... Somehow, when doing a google search, i found a directory that has successfully scraped and pulled all of the information from the password protected pages and is displaying this info on their site... This is very bad for us as obviously this information is critical and not intended to be shared with the rest of the world Does anyone have any advice on how to prevent my password protected pages from being scraped/crawled? Thanks!

    | Prime85

  • Granted, a strange question here... My client lost her cpanel login credentials, or never bothered to get them (she didn't even know she had a hosting account). Apparently she has a friend who is hosting her website for her, free of charge. I need to get into the cpanel, but they are being extremely difficult. The client asked them and they didn't want to give it to her either. Still trying, but is there any reason why they would be so difficult? How does it benefit them? It can't be because they're afraid of losing her account because she isn't paying them anything. Totally confused by this. Any ideas?

    | Masbro

  • Large ecommerce site that has been around for a long time (15+ years.) During that time technology has changed a lot and we are running into issues maintaining 301 redirects for very old urls. For example we have a good amount of links to product and category pages. Some of the old links are to products that still exist and will exist for many years to come.(of note little to no traffic comes via these links. Most of them are close to 9 years old so they are buried deep within articles, forums, or websites) However as we make changes to the site and URL structure these old urls are taking up more resources to continue to maintain 301 redirects. I am Leary of no longer supporting them because I do not want it to impact rankings however there is concern on how much development time and technology resources it takes to continue to support as time goes on. Does anyone have experience handling redirects 3 or 4 url structures old? Looking for insight from someone who has crossed this bridge before.


  • Hi. Our second highest performing page on Google is messed up in the SERPS. This is our login page. It always ranks high. It still does, but the URL is incorrect. Google is referencing an old redirect that was for a one off campaign from January 2014. This page has long been redirected. But now the vanity url for this page is what is displayed in Google. The link goes to our login page but once you log in it redirects you to a page saying the offer has expired instead of your account details. This is a huge issue for us. Can anyone shed some light? I'm having a rel canonical added since this page is used for a lot of vanity deeplinks.

    | PollyKane

  • Hello, I have a version of my original site. It is about 1/10 the size, and no matter what I do-I can't get the site to rank. I've added more pages and specified canonical etc etc. Should I add as many pages as my larger site has? Are there specific places I should be submitting this version beyond the typical? I am at a loss, so any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! L

    | lfrazer

  • Hi, We use Magento for our eCommerce platform and I'm getting a number of duplicate page content results. It mainly concerns the duplicate page content errors for our category pages. Firstly It seems like the product type and filter options highlighted in the picture are causing duplicate page content Also one particularity category is getting a lot from duplicate page content errors , I understand that this category page is using duplicate pages of other category pages so I set this to exclude them from the site map but it looks likes its till being picked up? I've attached the csv file showing these errors as well. - > Any help would be massively appreciated Thanks filter.png moz-tidy-books-uk-crawl_issues-01-OCT-2014.csv

    | tidybooks

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