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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Our latest SEOmoz crawl reports 1138 instances of "duplicate page content." I have long been aware that our duplicate page content is likely a major reason Google has de-valued our Web store. Our duplicate page content is the result of the following: 1. We sell audio books and use the publisher's description (narrative) of the title. Google is likely recognizing the publisher as the owner / author of the description and our description as duplicate content. 2. Many audio book titles are published in more than one format (abridged, unabridged CD, and/or unabridged MP3) by the same publisher so the basic description on our site would be the same at our Web store for each format = more duplicate content at our Web store. Here's are two examples (one abridged, one unabridged) of one title at our Web store. Kill Shot - abridged Kill Shot - unabridged How much would the body content of one of the above pages have to change so that a SEOmoz crawl does NOT say the content is duplicate?

    | lbohen

  • Last year we incurred a Google penalty and after months of trying the clean up the link profile with no joy we relaunched the site with a .org rather than Now the issue is that 2 weeks after the launch GWMT is showing all the old links pointing to the new url. We didn't do a redirect of any kind, just changed the url Why is this????

    | jj3434

  • Right now, I am working on one E-Commerce website. I have found same content on that E-Commerce website from manufacturer website. You can visit following pages to know more about it. I don't want to go with Robots.txt, Meta Robots NOINDEX & Canonical tag. Because, There are 5000+ products available on website with duplicate content. So, I am thinking to add Source URL on each product page with Do follow attribute. Do you think? That will help me to save my website from duplicate content penalty? OR How do I Syndicating Content for SEO Benefit?

    | CommercePundit

  • Hi Guys, Do backlinks from a bunch of new sites pass any value to our site?  I've heard a lot from some "SEO experts" say that it is an effective link building strategy to build a bunch of new sites and link them to our main site.  I highly doubt that... To me, a new site is a new site, which means it won't have any backlinks in the beginning (most likely), so a backlink from this site won't pass too much link juice. Right? In my humble opinion  this is not a good strategy any more...if you build new sites for the sake of getting links. This is just wrong. But, if you do have some unique content and you want to share with others on that particular topic, then you can definitely create a blog and write content and start getting links. And over time, the domain authority will increase,  then a backlink from this site will become more valuable? I am not a SEO expert myself, so I am eager to hear your thoughts. Thanks.

    | witmartmarketing

  • We're currently about to make the switch from one commerce platform to another (volusion to magento,) and wondering if anyone here, at all, has any experience with having a site for a few years and then switching platforms. How did the engines react? What did you do? Time frame for things that happened, etc...would love some feedback and input on your story if you've migrated platforms. Thanks

    | PaulDylan

  • Hey all! We're having a couple of issues with a certain section of our page that we don't want to index. Basically, our cross sells change really quickly, and big G is ranking them and linking to them even when they've long gone. Is it possible to put some kind of no index tag for a specific section of the page? See below 🙂 Thanks!

    | elbeno

  • Have you guys seen this yet: Works with GA to show traffic superimposed with Panda/Penguin/other
    updates to help discover what hit the ranks. Looks interesting, requests access to your GA account.

    | irvingw

  • Hi all, I have around 400 links in the navigation menu (site-wide) and when I use webmaster tools to check for internal links to each page; some have as many as 250K and some as little as 200. Shouldn't the number of internal links for pages found in the navigation menu be relatively the same? Or is Google registering more internal links for pages linked closer to the top of the code Thanks!

    | Carlos-R

  • Hello here, today SEOmoz bot found and marked as "duplicate content" the following pages on my website: And I am wondering why considering the fact I am using on both those pages a canonical tag pointing to the main product page below: Shouldn't SEOmoz bot follow the canonical directive and not report those two pages as duplicate? Thank you for any insights I am probably missing here!

    | fablau

  • Hello,
    I have question. We have hundreds of affiliates that have implemented our datafeed on their websites, and to avoid duplicate content issues we are requiring them to put a canonical tag on their own product pages pointing to our own original product page. So, for example, if an affiliate has a page about our Product 101, they will have to add a canonical tag pointing to the corresponding product page on our own website: Now, since many of our product pages have defined a "noindex" tag (due to Panda issues), may that be a problem? In other words: what kind of problems could cause having our  affiliates defining a canonical tag on their own product pages pointing to the original product page on our website which have a "noindex" met tag defined? Maybe it is a stupid question we shouldn't worry about, but any thoughts about this scenario are very welcome! Thank you in advance.

    | fablau

  • We have very popular pages that have many backlinks. have so many backlinks and it's very popular. Now If i'm moving this page to a new path like :éfouloir/Game33/details.html with a 301. Your SEOmoz toolbar is now giving a very low PA:1 and mR:0.00 for this new page. My question is after you crawl my site again would you change the values to what /jeux/game33.htm got before ? We used to have and moved to
    Same here PA:1 and mR:0.00 for this page. Also Matt Cutts say that Google does transfer the juice from the old page to the new one. I already saw one url changed in a search for puzzle, it's at the same position it was before, but it say's 6 days ago beside. So I wonder if this is temporary and it will move with time? Thanks

    | SocialGeekMedia

  • I recently my rankings for (some adult content) drop off a cliff. Google tells me there's no manual penalty therefore it might be algorithmic. I don't know why my rankings went but I think it could be that I added A LOT of category pages pulling the same content from posts and this could have caused both duplicate content issues and too many on page links causing an algo penalty. Ive deleted the categories and therefore fixed duplicate content issue (perhaps you guys could check out the site and see that you agree with me) but rankings have not improved even thougo most of the pages have been recrawled. I read somewhere its extremely hard to recover from such a penalty so should I move my site to a and domain and redirect all urls? I can't think of another solution. Any help appreciated!

    | SamCUK

  • One of my new clients is hell bent on changing the content of their homepage. They are one of the world's largest resort companies. The site is graphics-heavy (with embedded text), and barely contains any content. I haven't started any of the on-page optimization yet, but when I do, it will be a major overhaul. Despite the poor on-page of the site, they are getting great rankings and a ton of traffic due to number and quality of their backlinks and domain authority. My concern is this: they want to change the homepage and make it into a "vacation sweepstakes" type of page. Their logic seems to be that they will generate a lot of interest on the site and get people excited about winning an expensive dream vacation, which is all fine and dandy, however, my feeling is that this will change the relevance of the page. So, instead of pitching their ownership-based program, now, they will be promoting vacation contests. So here's the stupid question: would this have the potential to negatively affect their search engine results or the Domain Authority? I'm thinking of suggesting to them a less drastic approach. Perhaps something like the lightbox sweepstakes overlay on At least, this way, we can keep the current homepage and improve on it, rather than going into another niche. Any feedback or suggestions on this is greatly appreciated!

    | ollan

  • I have a quick question that I think I know the answer to but I wanted to get some feedback to make sure or see if there's additional feedback. The long and short of it is that I'm working with a site that currently has a .net domain that they've been running for 6 years. They've recently bought a .com of the same name as well. So the question is: I think it's obviously preferable to keep the .net and just direct the .com to it. However, if they would prefer to have the .com domain, is 301'ing the .net to the .com going to lose a lot of the equity they've built up in the site over the past  years? And are there any steps that would make such a move easier? Also, if you have any tips or insight just into a general transition of this nature it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    | BrandLabs

  • Google Webmaster Tools says we have 17K out of 34K URLs that are blocked by our Robots.txt file. How can I see the URLs that are being blocked? Here's our Robots.txt file. User-agent: * Disallow: /swish.cgi Disallow: /demo Disallow: /reviews/review.php/new/ Disallow: /cgi-audiobooksonline/sb/order.cgi Disallow: /cgi-audiobooksonline/sb/productsearch.cgi Disallow: /cgi-audiobooksonline/sb/billing.cgi Disallow: /cgi-audiobooksonline/sb/inv.cgi Disallow: /cgi-audiobooksonline/sb/new_options.cgi Disallow: /cgi-audiobooksonline/sb/registration.cgi Disallow: /cgi-audiobooksonline/sb/tellfriend.cgi Disallow: /*?gdftrk Sitemap:

    | lbohen

  • I'm reviewing my campaign, and spotted the overly-dynamic URL box showing a few links. Reviewing it, they are my Google Tagged URLs (utm_source, utm_medium_utm_campaign etc) I've turned  some internal links to Google Tagged URLs but should these cause concern?

    | Bio-RadAbs

  • Hi, From the screenshot below I have signed up to "Plan 1".  I am not happy with the company and think I can do this better myself using SEOMoz.  My questions are.  Ignoring the one off tasks listed. Which of the Monthly tasks is the most important, which is the second most important etc? Is there any that can be ignored or are any now detrimental to SEO? Is there anything that is not on the list that maybe there should be? In summary I am trying to workout how hard and how much time and effort it will take to go it alone using SEOMoz for guidance? Inline images 1 In case the screenshot doesn't show, below is the Monthly tasks I get on my Plan. 5 x Themed Link Building (min PR2) 10 x Directory Submissions 4 x Blogs 250 words Content Copywriting 1 x Article syndicated 50 times Thanks Andrew

    | Studio33

  • Hi! I've been working on a campaign for, which has seen a 35% in drop in traffic since changing ecommerce platforms. It's now been two months, but there is no sign of recovery. We are in the middle of cleaning up the link profile as part of a resubmission request, but that has been ongoing since before the migration. A lot of redirects were needed after 10k 404s appeared in Webmaster Tools after the new launch, but these have been reduced to around 500. We've been pretty thorough here, but I thought it would be worth checking in case there's something we've missed.

    | neooptic

  • I'm trying to figure out why a drop in ranking occurred and think it may be related to an increase in on site links. I've attached images of the SEO moz report showing a jump in links from a few hundred to around 15,000 within the space of a week. I think this may be due to some on site work I did when I created categories (I use wordpress) for a large number of cities and towns in the UK. I soon realised I'd run into duplicate content issues and removed all these categories within a few days. As I added categories I also ran into 'too many on page links' warnings as each category I added created a new link and I ended up with hundreds on each page. If you look at the analytics reports I suffered a huge drop in rankings on the 10th March and think this could be due to an on site anchor text problem that was caused by adding the categories and in turn creating many on site links. SEO moz found these links on the 11th and 25th Feb but my guess is that Google found them around at the same time but if these links are the problem then why didn't my rankings drop until the 10th March? Surely they would have dropped sooner? Would this cause a drop in rankings? I've recieved an email from google saying that no manual penalty was applied to the site after I submitted a reconsideration request. Therefore it must be some kind of algorithmic penalty. Could this be the problem and if not what else should I look at. My baclink profile appears to be okay and I've been careful to vary my anchor text with inbound link building. I'm at a loss as to what to do next. Any help will be much appreciated! UXsMLYS.png Ov9AOs8.png

    | SamCUK

  • So we all know that duplicate content is bad for SEO. I was just thinking... Whenever I post new content to a blog, website page etc...there should be something I should be able to do to tell Google (in fact all search engines) that I just created and posted this content to the web... that I am the original source .... so if anyone else copies it they get penalised and not me... Would appreciate your answers... 🙂 regards,

    | TopGearMedia

  • Hi There, I have a website which is dedicated to selling ONE product (in different forms) or my main brand site.  It is branded similarly, targets similar keywords, and gets some traffic which convert to leads.  Additionally, the auxiliary site has a Google Rank 2 in its own right. I am thinking of consolidating this "auxillary" site to the specific product page on my main site. The reason I am considering doing this is to give a "boost" to the main product page on our main site which has many core keywords sitting with SERP ranking of between 11-20 (so not in first 10) Because this auxiliary site it gets traffic and leads in its own right,  I don't want this to be to the detriment of my leads overall. Question is -  if I 301 redirect the entire domain from my auxillary site to the equivalent product on my main site am I likely to see a large "boost" to that product page? (i.e. will I likely see my ranking rise from 11 - 20 significantly)

    | love-seo-goodness

  • Just discovered my client has been copying all her blog posts over to her blog account. So she has duplicate content to what is on her site. She has roughly 700 posts on her main site but doesn't look like that many on the wordpress site. There are no inbound links coming off the wordpress site that I could find. Here's an example: What are you recommendations for what should be done? Thanks!

    | katandmouse

  • I have a site with faceted search but sometimes when someone drills down too far it ends up with no results. The page and outlined and faceted navigation are still there. The site uses dynamic URLs for the faceted navigation but Google is reporting these no results pages as Soft 404s. How should we handle these? Should we redirect these? Can we return 404 in the status code but still show the no results page they are looking for? Thanks for your responses

    | MarloSchneider

  • Hello, We've got a piece of useful content we're doing outreach for. No sites we have found are in our exact niche, but there are generally relevant sites we're targeting. What's a good rule of thumb for the minimum PR or DA we should go after to make sure our link building is squeaky clean for the future?

    | BobGW

  • Hi Mozzers, I am working on a site with a very useful room booking engine.  Helpful as it may be, all the variations (2 bedrooms, 3 bedrooms, room with a view, etc, etc,) are indexed by Google.  Section 13 on Search Pagination in Dr. Pete's great post on Panda speaks to our issue, but I was wondering since 2 (!) years have gone by, if there are any additional solutions y'all might recommend.  We want to cut down on the duplicate titles and content and get the useful but not useful for SERPs online booking pages out of the index.  Any thoughts? Thanks for your help.

    | Leverage_Marketing

  • Hi all, Once of my clients has a keyword as part of their company name, and it seems like the website is being given a penalty in the keyword SERP because of the amount of websites linking back using the company name? Is there anything i can do to prevent/balance this out? Thanks, Anthony

    | AnthonyHall

  • Hello here, here is an interesting question for you. The following 2 webpages from our website have been ranking well on Google (usually on the 1st or 2nd page) for the past 12 years. They are among our oldest, highly relevant product pages on our site: And we could always find them with the keyword "moonlight sonata sheet music" or "fur elise sheet music". Now, since the last November these pages don't show up anymore despite they are still present in the index. It is pretty hard to understand why those pages don't show up in the search results for those keywords as they used to, above all if you consider that those are among our best, most popular and unique product pages! But instead to struggle to understand why we lost presence (Panda? Some unknown sort of penalization?), has anyone any suggestions to help us to have those pages back in the top results? What do you suggest to do in such kind of cases? Any ideas and thoughts are very welcome! Thank you in advance.

    | fablau

  • I'm pretty sure this site is not doing any SEO but i think what made them no. 1 is the location. I already tried adding a google publisher tag to my site that points to my google page which contains my address but i still can't have the location appear.. here's a screenshot of the search result that i want to achieve: Shot 2013-04-15 at 9.39.30 AM.png Screen%20Shot%202013-04-15%20at%209.39.30%20AM.png

    | optimind

  • Hello here. I own a music publishing company: And we have several similar items which only difference is the instrument they have been written for. For example, look at the two item pages below: They are the exact same piece of music, but written in a different way to target 2 different instrumental combinations. If it wasn't for the user reviews that can make those two similar pages different, Google could see that as duplicate content. Am I correct? And if so, how do you suggest to tackle such a possible problem? Via canonical tags? How? To have a better idea of the magnitude of the problem, have a look at these search results on our site which give you product variations of basically the same piece of music, the only difference is in the targeted instruments: And, similarly, we have collections of pieces targeting different instruments: Any thoughts and suggestions to tackle this potential page duplication issue are very welcome! Thank you to anyone in advance.

    | fablau

  • When I ask this, I am not under the illusion that links do nothing.  I am more curious if from an SEO strategy perspective is executing a link building campaign a really unwise use of time and resources?  Currently my company literally has every single one of our SEO clients ranked on page 1 rank 1 for their most high value keyword and in the top 5 results for another 5 to 10 high value keywords.  we have almost done no link building for these clients. I mean we have established a handful of really good links, but thats it. I look at some competitors link profiles and they have hundreds yet our clients sites are outranking them. I am almost at the point of not implementing link building initiatives. I mean we will still establish high quality links as they naturally present themselves, but as far as investing time and resources building links i am leaning towards not even doing that anymore or atleast for a while to see what the effect will be. We seem to find better results when we spend our time building great additional pages and following all web best practices. Just curious as to what other think? Thanks SEOmoz Community!

    | WebbyNabler

  • Question: Do 410 show in the 404 not found section in Google Webmaster Tools? Specific situation: We got rid of an entire subdomain except for a few pages that we 301'd to relevant content on our main domain. The rest return a 404 not found. These show up in our google webmaster tools as crawl errors. I was wondering since 410 is a content gone error and we intentionally want this content gone, if we switch it to 410, does Google still report it as a 404 error? Thanks

    | MarloSchneider

  • My URL is: I have tried my very best to cover all the usual SEO items.... But nothing... We are a legitimate company offering a legitimate service. Ideally we would come up in the results for: "Drupal Developers"
    "Drupal Development" and
    "Drupal Designers" Yet, we cannot break the top 50 for any of these.... We have:
    Optimized Meta Tags
    Written Quality Content
    Maintained a Social Presence in Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube, and Google Plus
    Blogged with some consistency
    Guest Blogged
    And dozens of other things And we are all around nice people and a good company....... Why oh why? Can anyone take a look and see if there is something blatantly obvious I am missing? Are we using "drupal" too much?? Thank you in advanced for any assistance. Candice

    | candylotus

  • Hi, So I have a page which is steady for months, sits at say position 15 then every few weeks it will jump to position 7 for maybe 24 hours then back to position 15 again. I assume it's trying to work out if we should be higher up the results by putting us in a higher position and monitoring the CTR and other metrics. Anyone got any other ideas? And when it does this can you do anything to signal this position is better? Maybe when it moves, ramp up social activity, shares etc. Thanks.

    | Bondara

  • Why do about half of the business directories on want a personal profile when creating/claiming a business listing? Why would a medium to large business need personal profile content on the listing?

    | AWCthreads

  • I'd like to move the popular company blog from /ecommerce-blog to application is currently living inside the application that runs the .com and is adding a large amount of files to the parent app, which results in longer deployment times than we'd like. We would use HTTP redirection to handle future requests (e.g. HTTP status code 301). How can this be handled from a WP point of view? What is the impact of SEO, rankings, links, authority? Thanks.


  • I am currently working on an eComm site for a company that sells art prints. On each print's page, there is a bio about the artist followed by a couple of paragraphs about the print. My concern is that some artists have hundreds of prints on this site, and the bio is reprinted on every page,which makes sense from a usability standpoint, but I am concerned that it will trigger a duplicate content penalty from Google. Some people are trying to convince me that Google won't penalize for this content, since the intent is not to game the SERPs. However, I'm not confident that this isn't being penalized already, or that it won't be in the near future. Because it is just a section of text that is duplicated, but the rest of the text on each page is original, I can't use the rel=canonical tag. I've thought about putting each artist bio into a graphic, but that is a huge undertaking, and not the most elegant solution. Could I put the bio on a separate page with only the artist's info and then place that data on each print page using an <iframe>and then put a noindex,nofollow in the robots.txt file?</p> <p>Is there a better solution?  Is this effort even necessary?</p> <p>Thoughts?</p></iframe>

    | sbaylor

  • Greetings Mozzers, I am wanting to get the most "bang for my buck" in regards to region based keyword pages.  If I am going after the keyword "Plumber" and the region "San Antonio", would it be best to: 1- Create a San Antonio Plumber page where we can target all critical factors for the region based keyword "San Antonio Plumber"
    2- Link every instance of the term "San Antonio" and "San Antonio Plumber" throughout the site to the newly created "San Antonio Plumber" page. Thank you for any advice/clarification on this matter.

    | MonsterWeb28

  • I have a client who insists on using KW1 @ a 3% rate in a 600-word piece, aka 18 references to KW1 in a two page piece. I upped the KW1 count to 18, but in doing so, added 100 words of text, getting the piece to 700 words. Now the client wants 21 KW1 appearances to maintain that 3% density. If I add 3 more KW1's, I'll up the word count again, requiring more KW1's to hit the 3% mark. Any suggestions for solving the never-ending problem of KW density and idiot clients? Thanks in advance. Paul

    | webwordslinger

  • Hi SEOmoz community! I'm hoping somebody with a little Magento and Reg Ex knowledge will be able to help me out here. I need to 301 some old categories along with their old query strings. Below is an example. Old URL /bed-linen/pillowcases-html.html Users can then filter by price or range which then creates a query string such as... /bed-linen/pillowcases-html.html?price=1%2C10 New URL: /bed-linen/pillowcases.html So the new query string will be /bed-linen/pillowcases.html?price=1%2C10 Does anybody know the Reg Ex to 301 this? Can this be done in Magento re-write module or by htaccess only? Thanks in advance 🙂 Anthony @Anthony_Mac85

    | Tone_Agency

  • Hello All, A few weeks ago I posted in the Q and A believing I had received a google penalty due to a sudden and considerable drop in referrals... ... so I dug right to the bottom of my site and did a complete review of all my links. After clearing all the potentially problematic links, I wrote a very descriptive reconsideration request to google. 10 days or so later I received a 'no manual spam action found' response, which I guess is a good thing but now begs the question- what has gone wrong!? Over the past 4 or 5 months I've been doing some heavy work on the SEO of my site, This has all been white hat stuff (as far as I'm aware), and have been using my seomoz pro account to monitor progress. I've done lots of reading on the subject so think I'm up to scratch on most general good advice, in terms of link building and site structure. I've always tried to create very high quality content and have been building some great links from very authoritative sites including The Guardian newspaper and Sheffield University. My pro dashboard is telling me that my link analysis history is improving, despite my keyword performance declining. Is there anyone that can do a deep review of my site? I'm happy to share my analytics/webmaster tools etc info with you if that is helpful? I'm totally lost here and am becoming disheartened with all the hard work I've been putting into the SEO for my site. Thanks so much in advance, any help is gratefully received. Of course I can provide more info should you need it. Will

    | madegood

  • How would I redirect this URL: to this URL: ? I cant figure it out

    | JohnPeters

  • I've just check Majestic and have seen around 50 links coming from one of my other sites. The links all look like this: The site these links are coming from is a html site. Any ideas whats going on or a way to get rid of these urls? When I visit the strange URLs such as, it shows the home page of Is there a way to redirect anything like this back to the home page?

    | JohnPeters

  • I read this article on SEJ: And, I'm a bit confused as to  how a scraper site can be successful post Panda? Didn't panda specifically target sites that have duplicate content & shouldn't scraper sites actually be suffering?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Currently working with a client that has seen his rankings diminish after the penguin update. I've manually analyzed all his 600 backlinks and identified approximately 85 external links from websites that have been banned by Google. How do these sites affect his current rankings? Should i just disavow all these links using the Google disavow tool? Any comments would be highly appreciated!

    | Nick_Johansson

  • Hey All, I have been working on an eCommerce site for a while that to no avail, continues to make me want to hang myself. To make things worth the developers just do not understand SEO and it seems every change they make just messes up work we've already done. Job security I guess. Anywho,most recently we realized they had some major sitemap issues as almost 3000 pages were submitted by only 20 or so were indexed. Well, they updated the sitemap and although all the pages are properly indexing, I now have 5000+ "not found" crawl errors in the non-www version of WMT and almost none in the www version of the WMT account. Anyone have insight as to why this would be?

    | RossFruin

  • Hey Guys, We recently launched a new website in late February. Since then, we have seen a drop in organic traffic from most of our top organic keywords. My major concern is the drop that we've seen from our branded keywords. Since the new site launch, our #1 organic traffic and revenue-driving keyword (brand name) dropped over 31%! It should be noted that all of our URLs changed, however, I've updated the sitemap in GWT and we have utilized 301 redirects on all old URLs. Any insights or recommendations on where I should be looking or what I should be doing? Thanks!

    | Shorething

  • Friends, Any thoughts on what Daily Drip feed means in our SEO world? Please advise

    | INN

  • Here's something I noticed. We have a rank A page and it's ranking 10 on Google search results. When I hover my mouse over our search result, Google gives us a preview, but Google also highlights in red where the search keyword is present on the page. Reviewing our page, even though we have it as the h1 header and intro paragraph, Google is highlighting it half way down the page.  Any ideas why? I review rank 1 - 5 and Google highlights the keyword on the intro paragraph and h1 header Have you guys experienced anything like this? It makes me think..Google could be crawling my site and thinking I haven't got it in the h1 or intro paragraph etc.. Thoughts?

    | Bio-RadAbs

  • Dear Mozzers, Does anyone know a solution to make an AJAX site crawlable if: 1. You can't make use of #! (with HTML snapshots) due to tracking in Analytics 2. PushState can't be implemented Could it be a solution to create two versions of each page (one without #!, so campaigns can be tracked in Analytics & one with #! which will be presented to Google)? Or is there another magical solution that works as well? Any input or advice is highly appreciated! Kind regards, Peter

    | ConversionMob

  • Our website is built by an amateur (me).  Traffic has been on the decline, slipping from enviable rankings, higher bounce rates.  Of course I have a modest budget but can't seem to sift through those that say, "Pay us a bundle and cross your fingers that we're any good."

    | Kurtyj

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