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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi all, I have run on page keyword optimizations with exact terminology used to find our company service or our competition on google. We have ranked A, with almost all points complete. I did the same for our main competitor and they ranked F. Then i did page positioning on Google and they get on page 1 fifth line and we get page 7.  We have plenty of unique content and extensive website.
    Could there be any other reason than reason for this other than backlinks? Many thanks for your help.

    | EMGCSR

  • I work at a large church and we have an unique problem we're trying to solve. We have a lot of media on our site. We have messages from every Sunday, plus mid-week services, and other events all on our website. We have the messages organized into series, but would like to somehow organize these messages into topics as well, or some other way to organize them better. We have over 5000 pieces of media! Here's a link to our current media page....does anyone have any experience working with this much content, and how we can do better? By the way, SEO / organic traffic is secondary to helping users on our site find content better. We are also in the process of changing over our site search to google search to help give users better search results. But our end game is to help user find our content better. Thanks for your help!

    | NoahsDad

  • One of our staff thought it was a good idea to comment in 30 blogs in our niche using "keyword" as username in blog post linked to our website and additionally adding links to our website in the posts. We now got caught by panda or penguin (google confirmed no manual penalty was taken) and not ranking anymore for this keyword. No notification in webmaster tools neither. We have links from around 90 root domains of which 30 are from these blog posts. What would you suggest to do? Just building more legitimate links so that share of bad links goes down?
    Using google disvow tool? We would then loose potential to get later legitimate links from these sites? Any ideas/suggestions?

    | lcourse

  • I've created Google Places entries for the business' 25 locations in 8 countries. It's been 7 weeks and Google hasn't validated my bulk upload yet. Which of the following would you say might do the trick? URL: I have pointed to for every location. Should I point to http://site? I've created categories in English, but being this about local I guess I should do it in the local language of each country... Should I cancel the bulk upload and do one country per country? My list of countries include Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia so I don't know if manual verification is done by google centrally and that might be a problem. Otherwise the entries are (IMHO) well written, detailed and all. But I'm kind of desperate now because it's 7 weeks already... thanks for you help

    | TIBA

  • Hello everyone, this is my first post and as so let me first say, Thank you! The SEO Moz community and SeoMozPro have been giving a great help in making my workflow simpler and richer. Lately I've been reading and learning a lot about indexation, in the process I have been making several improvements to some websites, but there is one particular that I am not able to understand. I am writing this post to ask for your help on an issue related to this website: We are a Web Agency based in Portugal and most our clients are from Portugal. We have an English version and a Portuguese version of the website.  It is setup like this: When the user hits it redirects to /en or /pt acording to the browser language. The HTTP status code is 302, i was reading in SEOMoz that this is bad because it's not passing rank to the other pages. Will a 301 redirecting to /en and /pt according to the browsers language? What is the best solution? Thanks.

    | PedroSaiote

  • Hi All, I would guess that a great number of us new to SEO (or not) share some simple beliefs in relation to Google indexing and Sitemaps, and as such get confused by what Web master tools shows us. It would be great if somone with experience/knowledge could clear this up for once and all 🙂 Common beliefs: Google will crawl your site from the top down, following each link and recursively repeating the process until it bottoms out/becomes cyclic. A Sitemap can be provided that outlines the definitive structure of the site, and is especially useful for links that may not be easily discovered via crawling. In Google’s webmaster tools in the sitemap section the number of pages indexed shows the number of pages in your sitemap that Google considers to be worthwhile indexing. If you place a rel="canonical" tag on every page pointing to the definitive version you will avoid duplicate content and aid Google in its indexing endeavour. These preconceptions seem fair, but must be flawed. Our site has 1,417 pages as listed in our Sitemap.  Google’s tools tell us there are no issues with this sitemap but a mere 44 are indexed!  We submit 2,716 images (because we create all our own images for products) and a disappointing zero are indexed. Under Health->Index status in WM tools, we apparently have 4,169 pages indexed.  I tend to assume these are old pages that now yield a 404 if they are visited. It could be that Google’s Indexed quotient of 44 could mean “Pages indexed by virtue of your sitemap, i.e. we didn’t find them by crawling – so thanks for that”, but despite trawling through Google’s help, I don’t really get that feeling. This is basic stuff, but I suspect a great number of us struggle to understand the disparity between our expectations and what WM Tools yields, and we go on to either ignore an important problem, or waste time on non-issues. Can anyone shine a light on this for once and all? If you are interested, our map looks like this : Many thanks Paul

    | fretts

  • My site is WordPress Solution Please expert give me some guideline how can i improve my Website's SEO

    | shakiel

  • We are integrating Google Maps into a search feature on a website. Would you use the standard dynamic generated long url that appears after a search or find a way of reducing this to a shorter url. Taking into account hundreds of results. Question asked for seo purposes.

    | jazavide

  • Would this technique work well for ranking? Get a relevant guestpost on a relevant site. Then send high PR links to that page to create pr3-5 relevant links to your main site.

    | court12

  • Hi guys, I'm working on the website to improve the internal linking structure. We have thousand of pages, and on every single page we have the same footer with the same links. For this reason I would like to change the footer in only relevant links for the user, but also for the robots. So for the user I leave in the general main links Home / Contact / Promotions and customise a part of the links to specific links about the section they are looking at. Now my idea was to add to the General Main links a Nofollow, so I direct the robots in a better structure about how to read the website. I have been reading a lot about internal linkbuilding- like  and and a lot more, too much to display all. but my question would be, is it smart to internally start using NOFOLLOW's on links. because I do found also some negative comments on this approach I hope to get some feedback from the community to make up my mind.

    | Letty

  • I have a ton of websites on Bluehosts servers... are my sites slow because I have so many sites on there? Or is Bluehost slow for everyone?

    | jhinchcliffe

  • Does Google recognize HTML5 sites using responsive design as mobile sites? I know that for mobile searches, Google promotes results on mobile sites. I'm trying to determine if my site, created in HTML5 with responsive design falls into that category. Any insights on the topic would be very helpful.

    | BostonWright

  • For duplicate pages created by the "print" function, seomoz says its better to use noindex ( and JohnMu says its better to use canonical What do you think?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hi, I have a client that has several external blogs and he also has the the main domain of course is the They are doing some thing wrong, because instead of generating contents inside the main domain, the create contents in the blogsites and send links to the blogsites to see those contents. So they are inviting their users to EXIT the website... So, I told him, If you want to generate contents, please keep a blog INSIDE your domain, but keep the other ones, cause they are generating links (they are .info domains, that is not good, but they are nice keyword match domains) Now, he told me he was thinking on copy and paste the contents from the external blogsites to the internal website. I warned him about generating duplicate content. But.... is it really a problem? They are not in the same domain... Could google give a penalty because of that to the main domain? Thanks!

    | teconsite

  • I was hoping anyone could give me some advice on my situation Our blog is a huge traffic source for us, we frequently release fresh blog articles on our English language website bringing lots of relevant traffic for a variety of different relevant topics Some of these articles would be very useful and relevant for visitors to our German website so i would like to get them translated and posted on our separate German language blog on our separate German website. The article text will not change much as the information is the same for Germany also How should i go about this without running into duplicate content issues with Google I looked into rel=alternate and realized  that i cannot use this over two separate websites, i also thought about rel=canonical but it doesn't look like this would be suitable either Can anybody please give me any advice or thoughts on this ?

    | Antony_Towle

  • I've been working on removing canonical issues. My host is Apache. Is this the correct code for my htaccess? RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] SECOND!!! I have two websites under Google's Webmaster Central; which gets NO 404 soft errors... AND which has 247 soft 404 errors... I think I should DELETE the site from Webmaster Central--the 301 redirect handles the"www" thing. Is this correct? I hate to hose things (even worse?) Help! Kathleen

    | spkcp111

  • I am in the process of migrating from Drupal to Wordpress and my developer is of the opinion that it is not necessary to implement silos to achieve favorable ranking for competitive keywords. I know a lot has changed in the last two years with Panda and Penguin. Is it SEO best practices to implement silos in the course of the redesign? Will this make a significant difference for SEO? Thanks, Alan Rosinsky

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi Everyone, Just a few questions on rich snippets please: We have now integrated microdata ( on all our product pages like  which I have tested on the rich snippets testing tool which Google provides and all is working fine and is rendering properly in the tool but it is not coming in search results in google. Are we doing everything right or is there any issue in our implementation? How long does it take usually for rich snippets to appear in google organic search results?

    | h1seo

  • Hey! I am having a tough time figuring this out, and I have already signed up for my RegEx course.  So in the mean time, could you please help me? I have two old URLs: /faq /faq.php The new one is /faqs How can I write a 301 redirect to include faq & faq.php in the same line?  I basically want to capture /faq and anything beyond the q including the .php. I thought this would work: Redirect 301 /faq. Using the period to catch everything after the q and redirect it to the /faqs page. Extra credit: And why Redirect 301 vs. RedirectMatch 301?  It is an Apache server and mod_ rewrite is on. Thanks in advance!

    | cyberlicious

  • Client decided to keep restaurant and catering businesses completely separate, so he's gotten a suite number and a separate landline. He already set up and claimed the restaurant G+Local/Places page using his personal gmail address. I need to set up the catering G+Local page, but of course he's not crazy about giving me the login to his personal gmail account. But maybe, since they're completely separate businesses, I really should go set up and start fresh with the catering page? I also have an email address,, but it seems like Google never likes these. How do you recommend that I set up the catering G+Local pages? (This would also presumably be for Analytics and Webmaster Tools for the domain too.) Should I just start fresh? Can I even do it with a non-gmail account? Or will Google slap him for two unmerged accounts, even though they're for separate businesses? (I've looked all over the place and it looks like that it's still true that he can't just change the email associated with the restaurant G+ page... no?) Thank you!

    | rayvensoft

  • Hello, We have never bought links or done manipulative linbuilding. Meanwhile, someone has recently (15th of March) pointed at the top 5 websites on my main keyword with lots of bad quality links. So far it has not affected my rankings at all. Actually, I think it will not affect them because I think it was not a massive enough attack. The particular page that has been attacked had about 100 root domains pointing it and now it went up to something like 400. All those were in one day. All of those links use the same anchor text: the keyword we're ranking for. With those extra 300 root domains pointing at us, we went from 600 rootdomain to 900 pointing at our domain as a whole. The page that was targetted by the attack is not the homepage. What I wanted to do was to basically do nothing since I think it won't affect our rankings in any ways but I wanted you guys' opinion. Thanks.

    | EndeR-

  • Hi, Even after building links through white hat, publishing fresh content and infographics every week and links from more than 1700 domains our site’s domain authority is 49 and page authority is 57. Any idea what we are doing wrong? Thank you Chris Adams

    | INN

  • My client is a chiropractic office that will be moving to the next town over in about 3 months.  What are people's best practices on how to best accomplish this SEO-wise so as to not lose too much in terms of rankings, current organic traffic and citation listings?

    | easystreetint

  • I work on an e-commerce site and for many of the products we sell, we rank #1 for "product name + item number" related searches. We decided to add product videos to some of our products in the hopes of getting an additional listing in the SERP's (regular listing + video listing in universal video results) Instead.. What we've noticed is that sometimes we are not getting 2 listings but just a regular listing with a video thumbnail that ranks somewhere on the middle of the first page. The video thumbnail is great.. but I'd rather the #1 position. I don't think Google likes to show video results as the #1 position for obvious product searches. What do you think? Did we lose our #1 position because of adding the videos to our product pages? Any advice or similar experiences? ~~ Additional information: On some of those queries, Google had decided to ignore our video and we have maintained our #1 ranking. Thanks!


  • Hi Everyone, We use Magento CMS for our site and we are having a frustrating time resolving our SEO issues. The site was very poorly managed in years past and in the past year I have redesigned and cleaned up many things. However we are recently having trouble with indexing and keyword ranking. Issue #1: Our main keyword ranking has dropped quite a bit while our other less important keywords have steadily risen. I suspect a very strict robots.txt implemented back in early January may have been the culprit. We have since been modifying it with out much luck. Many of our pages are still blocked. 12/05/12 : ranked 12th 1/09/13: ranked 19th 1/16/13: ranked 35th Now: out of top 50 (52nd) Issue #2: Not a single image is being indexed. We are 0 for 582 according to Webmaster tools. Not sure why... Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated as I have great determination and interest in learning the correct way to fix/do this. Site: Thanks

    | t_parrish

  • I have been told that is all that you need however yesterday I went to a conference and others were recommending to have a good list of pinging services to cover all your bases Here are 4 that have been recommended: pingomatic technorati feedburner Any others that should be included on this list?  My goal is not to spam these ping lists however want to make sure my content is getting indexed quickly

    | webestate

  • Could you please review our robots.txt file and let me know if this is correct. Thank you!

    | BMPIRE

  • I have been running an eCommerce site since 2008 and have a PR3 with mostly have an authority link from reputed sites, how can I transfer my existing eCommerce site to the new domain so in the new domain i get SEO value from the old domain. Please advice.

    | chandubaba

  • My client has a product on Amazon that has more reviews and better rankings. However, their competitor with less reviews and lower ratings are ranking #1 for our primary keyword in Google. Our product page doesn't even rank on Google, but I'm assuming Google doesn't want to display two results from Amazon. The only difference is they have 1 link pointed to the product page that has a small PA of 10 and DA of 15. Do you think this link could be the only thing making a difference? Should we start building more links to this product page in addition to their website? Any other tips to help our Amazon page rank?

    | Stryde

  • Hi, I'm working on a Google reconsideration request for a site with a longstanding penalty. Here's what I did: Round 1 Downloaded a CSV of all the domains and all the pages linking to the site. Went through the lot manually and sorted them into three types: Disavow Domain, Disavow Page, Keep - All low-quality domains were disavowed, all pages from places like blogspot with low-quality links on certain blogs were disavowed. Submitted disavow file, then sent a detailed reconsideration request including a link to the disavow file. Reconsideration request was not successful. Google gave two examples of links I should remove, bizarrely the examples they gave were already disavowed, which seemd a bit odd. So I took this to mean Google Webmaster Tools and disavow files were in themselves not enough. The links I kept were largely from PRWeb syndication which seems legit. Round 2
    Here's what I'm doing now. Any ideas for how the below process can be improved to get the maximum chance of a successful request, please let me know. Get all linking pages from Webmaster Tools as before and also MajesticSEO's Historic Index. This gave me around three times more domains to remove. The additionnal domains from Majestic that weren't in Webmaster tools I just put them all in the disavow file. Conduct a manual link removal email campaign. I've got around 2500 domains to go through, so how can I best do this. My process at the moment is:
       - Use software to get email addresses from whois records
       - send them an email
       - make a spreadsheet of responses
       - include link to spreadsheet in Google Docs as well as link to new disavow file Should I research each site manually to get email addresses? It does seem rather a waste of an offshorer's time, from what I've seen some people use offshorers and others have used software tools successfully. The other thing is sending the emails, how can I do this? Any smtp email campaign site won't let me use their service because the emails are not opt-in, they classify it as spam. Does anyone know a solution to send 2500 emails legitimately from a webmail account for example? I'm having to send bulk emails to get rid of spam links. Finally most of the offending links have keyword anchor text from spun articles, I've deleted all the sites except EzineArticles. Would you delete this too, it's an awful site but client is hung up on it. ExineArticle links may have some value, on the other hand it's more of the same keyword-rich anchor text articles. Keep or disavow the individual pages? Finally, anything else I've missed? Anything to add? Thanks for all your help 🙂

    | jeremymgp

  • Hello guys, We are in doubts about changing URLs on our store The site was hit by Google in January and has dropped from top 3 to top 20 for most of its keywords. Now we're working on some redesign, including removing of over optimized content from it. It looks like our categories and content pages URLs are overstuffed with keywords. Here is a dilemma. Should we rewrite them and set up 301 redirect or just leave as is? I look trough the seomoz Q&A and find out that a lot of guys got in troubles after redirecting PLEASE, Suggest!


  • We are building a very big ecommerce site. The site has 1000 products and has many categories/levels. The site is still in construccion so you cannot see it online. My objective is to get Google to rank the products (level 5) Here is an example level 1 - Homepage - Level 2 - Level 3 - Level 4 - Level 5 - Product is on this level - Thanks

    | Carla_Dawson

  • Hi there, I have a problem with a website and I am desperate to find a solution because I have tried many things and nothing works! My website its: Google does not find my main URL (main countro spain) and I dont see this page its indexed in google. See link Also, google its showing some meta titles that are not in my page! For example my subfolder for the country Chile shows this title: Chile - Adtriboo but this its my real title Diseño logo, logotipos, video corporativo - adtriboo In webmaster tools everything looks good, and if I explore the webpage like google in webmaster tools the code its ok and everything lookd okay. If you see for example the URL from Chile ( the meta title is not the right one! Also i have a problem indexatión because i am not visible for any of my keywords even in the page 10! Please, somebody knows what happen?

    | Comunicare

  • Hi, any help with this one would be great.... sells widgets online. They are also promoted on a 3rd party website Currently links to a page on that is completely branded with the 'partners' design, style and unique copy (you would think you were still on 'partner' website). I saw this interesting article from 2011: (in particular idea 1) Do you think adding a rel=canonical on's partner page is still safe? All the best & thank you, Richard

    | Richard555

  • A client has most of his links from sitewide partnership links with non-branded anchor text. One we changed to nofollow and one partnership we're ending next month, but the rest he wants to change to branded anchor text There's 7 sitewides and a bunch more single links. Should we change the anchor text all at once or space it out to one major change per month?

    | BobGW

  • A lot of pressure on me for this one...
    I have a national client with excellent naturals, and a huge PPC budget. Getting killed locally, forcing use below the 7box. I need to find either a definitive way to get into the 7 box in dozens of metro areas, or HIRE a consultant who knows this landscape better.
    Any thoughts?
    The client serves all 50 states, by phone and online, in a very competitive market. I've killed it for 12 years, and volume has slipped so we need to grab more local.
    Complimenting matters, we are currently migrating their main site to CMS (Umbraco).. a little busy!

    | jayt

  • I currently dominate on my site for a very high traffic keyword. My url contains this keyword in it along with the word "Free" in the beginning. Lets say my keyword is "This Keyword" then my url would be I rank 3rd for this keyword and generates me about 8k on a low month. I was just able to obtain my main keyword as my sole URL through an auction for a measly 2,000.00. (Very Excited about this). So now I have the URL What I want to know is what kind of influence can I expect with my new URL have in CTR. Since it is a high traffic keyword is there a automatic "Trust" factor that is involved and will users tend to click on as apposed to My Second Question I am torn as to what I should do with this new URL. Should I redirect my old URL to my new URL and keep both pointing to the same site? or should I try and dominate my niche and build a new site entirely. Since I currently make about 8k a month for third, if I were to build a separate site and be able to obtain 1st place for my new keyword that would generate me 2 amounts in income based on stats. CTR based on = 8k/m for 3rd based on 10% of clicks (currently) = 24k/m for 1st based on 36% of clicks (in theory) If I keep each site separate and be able to have one site at 3rd and the other at 1st then I would be making about 32k a month. If I redirect my old url to my new url then I would only have 1st place (if I make it to first of course) and that would only make me 24k a month. It seems to me I should keep these sites separate to generate more income. I am torn what I should do. Also with the EMD penalty I am afraid to 301 my site to my new URL since it is my exact keyword as apposed to my current one. I am defiantly branded as "Free This Keyword" so moving it to could hurt me more than help (at least I think so) What you think?

    | cbielich

  • My plan: 3 sites with identical content, yet--wait for it--for every article whose topic is A, the pages on all three sites posting that article will have a rel=canonical tag pointing to Site A. For every article whose topic is B, the pages on all three sites posting that article will have a rel=canonical tag pointing to Site B. So Site A will have some articles about topics A, B, and C. And for pages with articles about A, the rel=canonical will point to the page it's on. Yet for pages with articles about B, the rel=canonical will point to the version of that article on site B. Etc. I have my reasons for planning this, but you can see more or less that I want each site to rank for its niche, yet I want the users at each site to have access to the full spectrum of articles in the shared articles database without having to leave a given site. These would be distinct brands with distinct Whois, directory listings, etc. etc. The content is quality and unique to our company.

    | TheEspresseo

  • I recently changed the url of my main blog and now have about 100 404 errors.  I did a redirect from the old url to the new one however still have errors. 1.  Should I do a 301 redirect from each old blog post url to the new blog post url? 2.  Should I just delete the old blog post (url) and rewrite the blog post? I"m not concerned about links to the old posts as a lot of them do not have many links.

    | webestate

  • Greetings Mozzers, When ever I check my home page on OSE it says I have a total of 5 internal links. Obviously this is WAY off. I've used all relative links, if I were to removed all relative and make them absolute, would there be a better chance of OSE identifying them instead of losing that juice? I think this is huge to resolve as when I compare my site to competitors, almost all factors are in our favor except this huge gap of only 5 internal links. I'm using Drupal CMS. For example, Drupal normally outputs internal links as "/about" and "/about/team" in the menus. If we changed it to "", and "", would that make a difference? Thanks for all the advice and clarification on this matter.

    | MonsterWeb28

  • I am working with a site that has sitemaps broken down very specifically. By page type: article, page etc and also broken down by Category. Unfortunately, this is not done hierarchically. Category and page type are separate maps, they are not nested. My question here is: Is is detrimental to have two separate sitemaps that point to the same pages? Should we eliminate one of these taxonomies, or maybe just try to make them hierarchical? IE item type -> category -> pagetitle Is there an issue with having a sitemap index that points to a nested sitemap index? (I dont think so, but might as well be sure. Thanks Moz Community! Can't delete my question, but turns out that isn't how they are structured. Food for thought anyway I suppose.

    | MarloSchneider

  •,Any help with the below will be most appreciated.We received an unnatural links warning in Webmaster Tools and noticed a large drop in our rankings. We downloaded and carried out a full link audit (3639 links) and logged in an excel spreadsheet with the following status: OK, Have Contacted, Can't Contact, Not SureWe have had some success but the majority of the ones we identified are not contactable.We use the dis-avow tool to tell Google of these. We then submitted a reconsideration request where we explained to Google our efforts and that we can supply them with our audit if necessary by email as you can't upload any evidence.A few days later we received a response suggesting that we still have unnatural links. We are a little stuck as we don't know what they can be:1. Is Google actually looking at our dis-avowed links before making this judgement?2. We have missed something that Google is considering bad but we can't see in our audit?Again we need a little help as we are trying to sort this out but can't see what we are falling down on.I can provide our spreadsheet if necessary.Many ThanksLee

    | LeeFella

  • Very soon, our website will go a rapid change which would result in us removing 95% or more old pages (Right now, our site has around 18000 pages indexed). It's changing into something different (B2B from B2C) and hence our site design, content etc would change. Even our blog section would have more than 90% of the content removed. What would be the ideal scenario be? Remove all pages and let those links be 404 pages Remove all pages and 301 redirect them to the home page Remove all unwanted pages and 301 redirect them to a separate page explaining the change (Although it wouldn't be that relevant since our audience has completely changed)- I doubt it would be ideal since at some point, we'd need ot remove this page as well and again do another redirection

    | jombay

  • Hi there, Firstly our website is - Basically we were unintentionally using a rogue seo company for about 5 months who charged a lot of money and built absolute rubbish quality links. When i saw the type of links being built i immediately stopped them as i knew they were bad news but the damage had been done. I have since moved to a completely ethical seo company who for the past 6 months have tried with me to remove this penalty without success. Here are the steps we have taken. Unnatural links warning. Submitted a file with all the links we know are bad and resubmitted. Not good enough We then used disavow tool as there were so many links we had no control of. Along with a detailed write up of what has happened and who had done it. Not good enough Now the problem my seo guy thinks is because there are more and more links appearing almost daily that are still left over rubbish from the old seo company. I think there might also be other problems - maybe my anchor test distribution is spammy etc, i dont know and i am hoping someone can maybe help with a couple more pointers. I have asked a similar question before where there was a discussion about even just leaving it and concentrating on building more ethical links with brand anchor text but that was not working so we used the disavow tool. We have been stuck in this rut for over a year now and could really do with some extra help/guidance from anyone who has experience or knowledge of what we should do. I saw the post yesterday about this very subject and hope someone could help drill done specifically what could be the problem in our case. We would also look at hiring someone if they could help. Thank you Jon

    | imrubbish

  • Hello, SEO Gurus. A client of mine appears to have been hit on a non-manual/algorithm penalty. The penalty appears to be Penguin-like, and the client never received any message (not that that means it wasn't manual). Prior to my working with her, she engaged in all kinds of SEO fornication: spammy links on link farms, shoddy article marketing, blog comment spam -- you name it. There are simply too many tens of thousands of these links to have removed. I've done some disavowal, but again, so much of the link work is spam. She is about to launch a new site, and I am tempted to simply encourage her to buy a new domain and start over. She competes in a niche B2B sector, so it is not terribly competitive, and with solid content and link earning, I think she'd be ok. Here's my question: If we were to 301 the old website to the new one, would the flow of page rank outperform any penalty associated with the site? (The old domain only has a PR of 2). Anyone like my idea of starting over, rather than trying to "recover?" I thank you all in advance for your time and attention. I don't take it for granted.

    | RCNOnlineMarketing

  • One of my competitors has something implemented on his website where if you click a link thats internal, it tries to load the page and then directs you to the affiliate website. I think its to help his bounce rate because it loads a secondary page, waits a few seconds, then redirects.  Is this allowed? If it is, I think I should implement it. Any information would be helpful.  He is running wordpress

    | PrivatePartners

  • Does anyone have experience of using rich snippets for non-physical products? Our website offers credit cards comparison service. Do you think that tagging each card's page with rich snippets such as credit card image, name, description and category makes sense? The idea is to make it stand out in the search results.

    | imoney

  • Hello here, here are my questions for you related to the canonical tag: 1. If I put online a new webpage with a canonical tag pointing to a different page, will this new page be indexed by Google and will I be able to find it in the index? 2. If instead I apply the canonical tag to a page already in the index, will this page be removed from the index? Thank you in advance for any insights! Fabrizio

    | fablau

  • I am launching a new website and when I search for "list of do-follow websites" I find lots of people posting their list. Rather than individually sign up for hundreds of sites for one link at a time, is there a tool that can automate this?

    | StreetwiseReports

  • We have identified about 150 bloggers in our niche worldwide and want to send them a free product sample for a review on their blog. From former similar promotion we know that actually the vast majority will accept. Would you send the proposal at once to all bloggers or just contact lets say 5 per week over 6 months? Do you think it is better to vary the products to be reviewed instead of sending all the exact same product model? Not sure how bloggers will like it if they notice that we made the same proposal to every blogger and that on all blogs in our niche about the same time suddenly reviews of same products appear? Any thoughts?

    | lcourse

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