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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi, I'd appreciate some advice ont he below. I have a website, say that has just been redesigned using a new CMS. Previously it had URLs in the format /article.php?id=123, the new site has more friendly urls in the format /articles/article-slug. I have been able to import the old articles into my CMS using the same article IDs and I have created a unique slug for each post. So now in my database, I have the article id (from the querystring) and a slug. However, I have hundreds of old URLs indexed by Google in the format /article.php?id=123 and need to redirect these. My plan was to do the following. 301 Redirect /article.php?id=123 to an intermediate page, in this case /redirect/123. On this intermediate page I would do a database lookup for the article slug, based on the ID from the querystring, create a new URL and perform a second 301 redirect to my new URL E.g. /articles/article-slug-from-database. Whilst this works and keeps the site usable for visitors the two 301 redirects do worry me, as I don;t want Google indexing lots of /redirect/[article id] urls. The other solution is to generate hundreds of htaccess redirect rules that map old url to the new url. The first solution is much cleaner, but the two 301's worry me. Will Google work this out on it's own, is there a better way? Any advice is much appreciated. Cheers Rob

    | AmyCrompton

  • Recently fallen from 2nd to 5th with Manitou Boats website for the term pontoon boats - this is our money term. I can see eBay jumping us since they're a huge brand, but Avalon and Crest aren't even close by any metrics I can find. Really would like someone else's perspective on this...Anyone?

    | NetvantageMarketing

  • Here is the question, illustrated with an example: A law client focuses on personal injury. Their domain is nondescript. The question comes into the URL structure for an article section of the site (I think I know what most people here will say, but want to raise this anyway). This section will have several hundred 'personal injury' articles at launch, with 100+ added each month by writers. Most articles do not mention 'personal injury' in the titles or in the content, but focus on the many areas in which people can hurt themselves :-). Spreading a single keyword emphasis across many pages/posts is considered poor form by many, but the counter-argument is that hundreds of articles, all with 'personal injury' in the URL, could increase the overall authority of the site for that term (and may compete more strongly with EMD competitors). For instance, let's say Competitor A has this article: And we had the following options: Option A: Option B: Of course, for the term "car accident", Option A seems on equal footing with the ACME competitor. But, what about the overall performance of the "personal injury" keyword (a HOT keyword in this space)? Would ACME always have an advantage (however slight) due to its domain? Would Option B help in this regard? The downside of course is that this pushes "car accident" further down in the URL string, making all articles perhaps less competitive on their individual keywords.

    | warpsmith

  • We have a client that had an existing site with existing rankings.  We rebuilt the site using DNN 7 and created/tested 301 redirects from all the Original URLs to the new DNN URLs which are nasty and have /tabid/1234 and will not allow for dashes (-)'s We have found a DNN module that will make the DNN 7 URLs search friendly.  However, that will cause us to 301 the current DNN urls to the new URLs so in fact the original will redirect to the DNN and the DNN will redirect to the rewritten SEO friendly URLs. What should we know here before proceeding?

    | tjkirgin

  • How can I find competitor back links ?

    | constructionhelpline

  • Hi, How would you go about finding a connection between words in the eyes of Google? So for example if I enter ~shoes -shoes I get a few things turn up in bold. Boots is one which makes sense and I would assume Google makes a connection between the words so using both in content would help semantically. BUT the other word it bolds is Store - this is where I get lost why would it make this connection unless Google is taking actual query data from users and making a different type of connection between words. How do you find a solid connection between words?

    | Bondara

  • Hi there, I have a website that has hundreds of links with a "question mark" at the end of URLs. For example: I'm want to place a wildcard redirect on the .htaccess file but don't know what exactly to add. Ideally I want the URLs above to be: Any help is most appreciated. Thanks

    | iQandil

  • I've discovered that when google crawled my home page my ranking for all keywords dropped. I've submitted a reconsideration request as I was sure I wasn't breaking the rules. The response was that no manual penalty had been applied to my site. Therefore it must be an on site algorithim penalty? I thought it could be duplicate content as I have many posts that are in multiple categories so maybe that was it. Since then I've made efforts to ensure the posts in the categories are varied. I also thought it might be too many on page links so I removed categories that weren't needed as I have categories in my navigation and sidebar. So far though no improvement. I wonder if anyone here can take a look at the site and offer any suggestions as to what might be causing this algorithmic penalty? The site is (some adult content!) I'm really struggling to figure this out so any help much appreciated!

    | SamCUK

  • In my list of 404 errors from Google webmaster I have one with the "linked from" section showing an external link.  This seems like a broken link (which obviously I will try and fix to get the link juice) but why would Google recognize it as a 404? From Google: | URL: | www.broken URL | | | Error details | In Sitemaps | Linked from | | <colgroup><col></colgroup>
    | |
    |   | |

    | theLotter

  • Has anyone ever come across information about a website appearing strongly in SERP's in one region, but poorly in another? (ie: great in Europe, not so great in N. America) If so, perhaps it is a Panda or Penguin issue?

    | Prospector-Plastics

  • In the last week, my website's rankings dropped for a number of keywords. This is the first time I have seen a net drop (and it's significant) in my SEOMoz rankings report (been climbing consistently since January), and I haven't changed my strategy at all. Can anyone shed some light on this? I noticed that my two major competitors have both lost domain rank as well.

    | HeatherBakerTopLine

  • My client has a site already listed on Google+Local under "5208 N 1st St". He has some other NAPs, e.g., YellowPages, under "5208 N First Street". The USPS finds neither of these, nor any variation that I can possibly think of! Which is better? Do I just take the one that Google has accepted and make all the others like it as best I can? And doesn't it matter that the USPS doesn't even recognize the thing? Or no? Local SEO wizards, thanks in advance for your guidance!

    | rayvensoft

  • I have my categories pages set to noindex, follow. I deactivated the author and date based archives, and all the /page/2 /page/3 are noindex. Is this the right approach? I had thought about adding some text to the topic of each category page and then changing them to index. I'm using showing recent post excerpts on the homepage. Another other suggestions? I think two of my sites are in panda for no good reason. It seems like non-wordpress blogs in my industry do better than comparable wordpress sites.

    | KateV

  • Hi, Our products are listed in multiple categories, and as the URLs are path dependent (, and so forth) we canonicalise to the 'default' URL (in this case For mainly crawling bandwidth issues I'm looking to change all product URL's to path neutral so there is only ever one URL per product (, but still list the product in multiple categories. If a user comes directly to then the breadcrumbs will use the default path "Fruit > Apples", however if the user navigated to the product via another category then I'd like the breadcrumbs to reflect this. I'm not worried about cloaking as it's not based on user-agent and it's very logical why it's being done so I don't expect a penalty. My question is - how do you recommend this is achieved from a technical standpoint? Many sites use path neutral product URL's (Ikea, PCWorld etc) but none alter the breadcrumbs depending upon path. Our site is mostly behind a CDN so it has to be a client side solution. I currently view the options as: Store Path to product in a cookie and/or browsers local-cache Attach the Path details after a # in the URL and use Javascript to alter breadcrumbs onload with JQuery When a user clicks to a product from a listing page, use AJAX to pull in the product info but leave the rest of the page (including the breadcrumbs) as-is, updating the URL accordingly Do you think any of these wouldn't work? Do you have a preference on which one is best? Is there another method you'd recommend? We also have "Next/Previous" functionality (links to the previous and next product URLs) on the page so I suspect we'd need to attach the path after a # and make another round trip to the server onload to update the previous and next links. Finally, does anyone know of any sites that do update the breadcrumbs depending upon path? Thanks in advance for your time FashionLux

    | FashionLux

  • And as a follow-up, is that point far enough out to justify making a site's folder structure different from its navigation structure? I'll give an example. Say I was to do SEO for a hypothetical (I hope), and the the menus/submenus were laid out as About Us ---- Our company ---- Our staff ---- Locations -------- Albany (default path would be .com/about-us/locations/albany-ny.html) -------- Miami -------- Liverpool Services ---- Kitchen remodeling (default path would be .com/services/kitchen-remodeling.html) ---- Above ground pools ---- Green building Photo galleries ---- Kitchen photos (default path would be .com/photo-gallery/kitchen-photos.html) ---- Pool photos ---- Green building photos Would there be any benefit (and if so, enough of a benefit to outweigh the additional overhead of keeping track of a separate structure) to having the menus set that way, but the actual files siloed as stuff like Would that separation of navigation structure and file structure be beneficial or would that time/effort setting it up be better spent elsewhere? Thanks!

    | BrianAlpert78

  • Hi all I had a phpprobid site which was heavily indexed but got hacked. I have deleted the old site and installed wordpress and a holding page. I can't work out how to 301 redirect all the old indexed pages to the home page without the existing wordpress redirect. Anyone care to help?

    | RaceMedia

  • Currently working on a sitespeed issue, and was wondering if not having width and height for images actually do cause a problem.  We simply Photoshop the resolution we require for the image and add it to the page as is.  I though this would actually speed it up, but I am getting from that we should have them. What's your experience?  Thanks!

    | cyberlicious

  • Hi, I `m redirecting some pages in  htaccess The first 15 pages that i redirected it worked. But the last 3 dont work, and i cant  figure it out why it is not working. Redirect 301 /analyseverktoy/ /webanalyse
    Redirect 301 /index.php/ledige-stillinger/ /
    Redirect 301 /?page_id=352/ / Anu suggestions?

    | SGacic

  • If you have a site with responsive design, is Google likely to look upon you more favourably and dramatically change rankings?

    | BlueLinkERP

  • I am linking manually to blog posts in my site from my Home page. Our site isn't set up with an auto "Recent Posts" that shows on Home. Should I use the exact blog post title as the anchor text or do I need to create something that is not an exact match to the title of the post?

    | gfiedel

  • This is a bit of a rant, to be fair, but I'd appreiciate peoples opinions all the same... If you search google in the US for long hairstyles at around position 4 and 5 there are a couple of pinterest pages that are just doorway pages for the sites they link (or mostly link) to. The first one is said to have 6k pinterest followers, I can't fathom why a doorway page to such a low pagerank site would get that many but it doesn't look like they've bought them. And the second one is so blatent. 20 or so pictures all from the same site. Google seems intent on penalising "wrong doers" while everyone else gets caught in the crossfire and yet someone throws a pinterest doorway page together in 1/2 an hour and it gets near the top for a relatively large search term. Panda/penguin etc were sold to us as a fix for low quality and spam but instead it seems to have given a free meal ticket to people like this and yet established sites get kicked in the teeth by arbitrary penalties and negative seo.

    | jwdl

  • Hi guys, A quick question.  I have a client who has an old business website that had some great links (,, etc).  The problem is that he knew nothing about SEO and let the hosting expire.  He still owns the domain, but the site is no longer listed in Google.  He did no SEO, so I am not worried about being hit by any artificial anchor text penalties, since the links are as natural as it gets. So my questions is, would there be any benefit from 301 redirecting that site to his new business? The new business is in almost exactly the same niche as the old site.  I am thinking of 301'ing to a sub-page which will refer to his past venture with the old business, not to the homepage of the new site. Thanks in advance for your help.

    | rayvensoft

  • Somehow certain newspapers' webpages show up in the index but require login. My client has a whole section of the site that requires a login (registration is free), and we'd love to get that content indexed. The developer offered to remove the login requirement for specific user agents (eg Googlebot, et al.). I am afraid this might get us penalized. Any insight?

    | TheEspresseo

  • One question I have recently been pondering is that the use of apostrophes in ALT attributes and anchor text seems to cause some erratic results from the 'Fetch as BingBot' tool...  GWT doesn't color code the results so i only notice it with BingBot, although i can't necessarily tell that it causes any negative effects.  My rankings on Bing are erratic though so who knows... Should I encode apostrophes as ' when i use them in html?  Or will it not really matter?


  • Using our crawl diagnostics report I am seeing a 302 redirect (temporary) from to It is on an installation of magento with no modifications to the htaccess. This seems problematic, should I change to a 301 in .htaccess?

    | Punkaj

  • For 5 years I have used the permalink custom structure: /%postname% without the end backslash. I didn't think the difference was that big of a deal, yet last month I was curious of what benefits would happen if I made the change. To my surprise my rankings took a slight dive, but recovered stronger than before. As the URL itself doesn't require a redirect the posts and pages loaded the same with or wothout the "/" But now in Open Site Explorer, all my URL's have no page Authority. All the links i built were pointing to links without the backslash: Questions: Did Google figure out the change, hence the dip in rankings and strong return? Will keeping /%postname%/ even though many links are pointing to a non backslash URL comeback to haunt me? Is there anything I can do to help lead Google to better see the changes I've made? thx

    | MikePatch

  • What do you think about our site Accendo Markets?

    | Syedr1

  • I ran the SEOMoz onpage diagnostic, and i got an alert for keyword cannibalization. My taxonomy is:  (category page) (supporting page) Links will be exact match in the primary navigation.  anchor text "category" => anchor text "category keyword" => anchor text "category keyword" => and example would be /IT-support linking with anchor text "IT Support Servers" => /IT-Support/IT-Support-Servers I'm not going to have a cannibalization problem, am I?

    | CsmBill

  • A site I'm involved with,, was at one stage (long ago) performing reasonably well in the search engines. It was ranking highly for several keywords. The site has been neglected for some considerable period of time. A new group of people are interested in revamping the site, updating content, removing some of the existing content, and generally refreshing the site entirely. In order to go forward with the site, significant changes need to be made. This will likely involve moving the entire site across to wordpress. The directory software ( currently being used has not been designed with SEO in mind and as a result numerous similar pages of directory listings (all with similar titles and descriptions) are in google's results, albeit with very weak PA. After reading many of the articles/blog posts here I realize that a significant revamp and some serious SEO work is needed. So, I've joined this community to learn from those more experienced. Apart from doing 301 redirects for pages that we need to retain, is there any optimal way of removing/repairing the current URL structure as the site gets updated? Also, is it better to make changes all at once or is an iterative approach preferred? Many thanks in advance for any responses/advice offered. Cheers MacRobbo

    | macrobbo

  • Hey folks, Figured I would try to get an experts insight on this. On google search result for BLACK TITANIUM RINGS + TITANIUM-JEWELRY.COM the page that I "think" should show up is this one: However, it does not.  Imho, this page is highly relevant.  I used Rank Tracker here on and the page is not even in top 50 of search engine results for google. Our 'About Black Titanium Rings' page ranks #2 ( but the /black-titanium-rings.html page doesn't even rank. Any suggestions on what I could look at to figure out why this page is being penalized? We are not under a manual penalty (anymore!). Thanks! Ron

    | yatesandcojewelers

  • We read today's rand(om) question on responsive design. This is a topic we have been thinking about and ultimately landing on a different solution. Our opinion is the best user experience is two version (desktop and mobile) that live on one URL. For example, a non-mobile visitor that visits will see the desktop (non-responsive) version. However, if a mobile visitor (i.e. iOS) visits the same URL they will see a mobile version of the site, but it is still on the same URL  There is not a separate subdomain or URL - instead the page dynamically changes based on the end user's user agent. It looks like they are accomplishing this by using javascript to change the physical layout of the page to match the user's device. This is what we are considering doing for our site. It seems this would simultaneously solve the problems mentioned in the rand(om) question and provide an even better user experience. By using this method, we can create a truly mobile version of the website that is similar to an app. Unfortunately, mobile versions and desktop users have very different expectations and behaviors while interacting with a webpage. I'm interested to hear the negative side of developing two versions of the site and using javascript to serve the "right" version on the same URL. Thanks for your time!

    | davidangotti

  • I know what most people say that it is best to only have the 1 website for focus but if we can put this to the back of our minds, if we create 2 different websites that are totally different designs (one upmarket one and one targeting the cheaper market) but in the same fields (printing) and go after 80% of the same keywords is this ok (could we be penalized). Please note we will not be interlinking the websites, the website .will be on different servers and the names will be registered under different people (2 partners in the business). We will however be accessing webmaster tools from the same location.

    | BobAnderson

  • Hi there, Hope someone can give some advice. We are doing some magazine advertising, the main purpose of the advert is to promote one of our new products, however the URL goes something like this: which is just too long for anyone to remember, I think it should be simply which redirects to the product page, however how can I track this in Google Analytics? if using a 301 that's impossible? Any advice would be grateful.

    | Paul78

  • I have numerous instances of this same issue in our Crawl Report.  We have pages showing up on the report as duplicate content - they are product search result pages for completely different cruise products showing up as duplicate content.  Here's an example of 2 pages that appear as duplicate : We've used Html 5 semantic markup to properly identify our Navigation <nav>, our search widget as an <aside>(it has a large amount of page code associated with it). We're using different meta descriptions, different title tags, even microformatting is done on these pages so our rich data shows up in google search.  (rich snippet example  -,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44442042,d.eWU&fp=a03ba540ff93b9f5&biw=1680&bih=925 ) How is this distinctly different content showing as duplicate?  Is SeoMoz's site crawl flawed (or just limited) and it's not understanding that my pages are not dupe? Copyscape does not identify these pages as dupe.  Should we take these crawl results more seriously than copyscape? What action do you suggest we take? </aside> </nav>

    | JMFieldMarketing

  • I do own a domain for my business right now, and would have a few questions, regarding the increase or traffic for my website and getting new business 1. Is it worth to purchase multiple domains, keyword search relevant, to my business? 2. If so how is the best way to use it? : have them redirect to my own website? a specific type of redirect? do I make a separate website for each of them? 3. for ex if the keyword is " tile and grout". I figured would be best to own "". How about ""? thank you in advance

    | DavidIRC

  • Hello! I have a wired issue. Some categories blog post rank well on the Google, but some of them not in the Google's first 10 page. For an instance if my windows computer related post rank well, but Linux computer related posts not rank well on the Google. After published all the posts, I bookmark them 5-8 bookmarking sites (80% of them do-follow). All of these bookmarking sites have PR 3-6. What could be the reason? And how do I improve their ranking? Thanks!

    | Godad

  • Hi! I'm experiencing something that's kind of strange for me. I have my main domain let's say: Then I have my mobile version in a subdomain: and I also have a german version of the website When I Google my domain I have the main result linking to: but then Google mixes all the domains in the sites links. For example a Sing in may be linking, a How it works link may be pointing to, etc What's the solution? I think this is hurting a lot my position cause google sees that all are the same domain when clearly is not. thanks!!

    | fabrizzio

  • Hi Wondering if someone can advise. We have two websites with a .ie domian and domain  (e-commerce stores) The websites are identical so we need to address duplicate content issue. The issue we have is we are targeting both local Google to rank, and Obviously to handle duplicate content we are going to have to "rel can" the one of the websites, which will probably be the .ie domain. Question is, will this effect the ranking within the .ie domian on And any advice on how anyone else handles this situation would be greatly appreciated, we have had no issue ranking before with one domain on a local search engine, but this is the first time we have come across needing to rank two domains with identical content on each local search engine Thanks in advance John

    | Johnny4B

  • Hello, I'm running a Wordpress multisite. When I create a new site for a client, we do the preparation using the multisite domain address (ex: To keep the site protected we use the "multisite privacy" plugin which allows us to restrict the site to admin only. When site is ready we a domain mapping plugin to redirect the client domain to the multisite (ex: Unfortunately, recently we switched our domain mappin plugin by another one and 2 sites got crawled by Google on their multsite address as well. So now when you type "cameleor" in Google you get the 2 domains in SERPS (see here It's been 2 weeks or so that we fixed the plugin issue and now is redirected to the correct address My question: how can I get rid of those wrong urls ? I can't remove it in Google Webmaster Tools as they belong to another domain (cf. for which I can't get authenticated) and I wonder if will ever get removed from index as they still redirect to something (no error to the eyes of Google)..? Does anybody has an idea or a solution for me please ? Thank you very much for your help Regards Jean-Louis

    | JeanlouisSEO

  • Hello, The question is how to get SEO traffic to [staff warning: this is a lingerie site and may be not safe for some viewing situations] The only editable info we have on the pages is in the Meta Keywords and Meta Description on each page. Goal to get search engine traffic to the site.  Any suggestions? Thank you!

    | onlinemktg1

  • to I have mistakenly created 5 databases for one wordpress installation.In order to get rid of them I mistakenly even deleted the right one.Now created the new one but the URL is showing with www Even now if It type in it sends me to I also check in URL D.A and P.A in OSE it shows like I have redirected it fine.Can anyone Check in and guide me either I have done it right and It pass on my previous work effort or it was total loss for me?

    | csfarnsworth

  • I'm looking to find a high quality writer who understands SEO and the art of Guest Blogging/Posting on really good quality sites. Sites like Life Hacker etc... My Question is... Where would you advertise this job? I have tried People Per Hour in the past and never really found anyone and I find My Blog Guest (Guest Blog - Whatever it's called) to only really have low quality sites on there. What would you do? Cheers

    | JohnW-UK

  • I'm better ranked in Google for that link ( and not in (, you know you explain why? In all keywords, except that (luxury escorts in Rio de Janeiro) Sorry my english, I'm from Brazil and I'm using Google translator.

    | WebMaster021

  • I have been analysing my companies website against our competitors and we beat them hands down on everything apart from the total links in the subdomain metrics. Our competitor jumped above us a couple of months ago to grab the number one spot for our industries most valuable keyword. They have had a new website designed and after looking at the source code and running it through SEO MOZ in comparison to our site I can't see how they have manged to do it. We beat them hands down on all factors apart from subdomain metrics > Total links where they have twice as many. When it comes to Page Specific Metrics and Root Domain Metrics we easily beat them on all factors. Does anyone have any ideas what I need to do to improve the subdomain metrics? Thanks

    | Detectamet

  • Hi! I'm doing some SEO work for a new client. I've been tasked with boosting some of their products, such as It's currently #48 for the term Honda Izy HRG465SD, while is #2, behind Amazon. Regarding links, there's no great shakes between the pages or even the domains. However, there's major difference in content. I'm happy to completely revamp it, I just wanted to check I'm not missing anything out before starting to rewrite it altogether! Thanks

    | neooptic

  • I run two websites that sell basically the same product which we make ourselves but to two separate audiences.  I've made my living off them for the past 6 years or so.  I used emd's in both cases to rank for my main search terms.  We dropped a few places last October but not too bad.  I was thinking of combining the sites under one brand name hoping that they would rank better combined.  Both sites have similar link profiles but with some links unique to each.  For instance, I buy a yahoo directory listing  for each site but each site has some unique product reviews on blogs.  Is this a good idea or am I better off leaving them separate?

    | JDP

  • Hi everyone! After reading about pagination practices, a few days ago we introduced the <meta name="robots" content="FOLLOW,NOINDEX" /> tag, to prevent duplicate content. You can find an example below: I have been checking yahoo site explorer and result pages still get indexed. My question is: Am I doing something wrong? Is the code incorrect (follow,noindex - noindex,follow)? Or does it just take some time to have effect? Thanks in advance.

    | inmonova

  • Hi Mozers, I am trying to find what subdomains are currently active on a particular domain. Is there a way to get a list of this information? The only way I could think of doing it is to run a google search on; The only issues with this approach is that a majority of the indexed pages exist on the non-www domain and I still have thousands of pages in the results (mainly from the non-www). Is there another way to do it in Google? OR is there a server admin online tool that will tell me this information? Cheers, Dan

    | djlaidler

  • I need a better understanding of how links in different parts of the page pass juice. Much has been written about how footer links pass less juice than other parts of the page. The question I have is that if a page has a hypothetical 1000 points of Link Juice and can pass on +/-800 points via links, and I have 1 and only 1 link in the footer to another page, does it pass the full 800 points? Or... since  footers only pass a small fraction of link juice, it passes lets say 80 points, and the other 720 points stays locked up on the page. This question is a hypothetical - I'm just trying to understand relationships. I don't know if I've explained the question too well, but if someone could answer i it, or point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.

    | CsmBill

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